How to make a homemade piggy bank for money. Do-it-yourself piggy bank from a tin can with locks

reservoirs 30.08.2019

Many in childhood had a piggy bank in the form of some animal, more often a pig. It was customary to throw coins into it different merits and dream that after filling the fragile calf, wealth will be used to fulfill the most cherished desire. The abundance in stores of materials for all kinds of crafts makes it possible to make such a necessary thing in the household as a do-it-yourself piggy bank.

Cardboard paper chest

The product can also be used not for its intended purpose - to serve as an interior decoration, but to play the role of a jewelry box.

  • an unnecessary box of a suitable size;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • cardboard;
  • acrylic-based paints - blue and gold;
  • brush;
  • napkins;
  • fasteners for connecting the cover to the base;
  • paper base or fabric.

Manufacturing steps:

The basis of the bottom and walls of the future chest will be a box, but the lid must be made independently from cardboard, having made a hole for the money.

Attach fasteners to fix the lid on the box and paste over the chest with paper, cloth or wallpaper.

Decorate with napkins and glue, and do not smooth them, but specifically create bumps and roughness. When dry, paint blue.

Cut out stripes from the remaining cardboard, paint with gold paint and decorate the chest as shown in the photo, attaching it with glue.

It is not forbidden to make a lock and attach handles.

Now it’s clear how to make a piggy bank out of paper. The decor is used by anyone and is limited by the flight of the master's imagination.

It is better to paste over the wedding box with a white cloth, mask the joints with an openwork white ribbon and glue a thin ribbon of the same color as the color of the celebration over the entire surface.

Ribbon flowers are used as decoration.

Piggy bank from a jar

A do-it-yourself piggy bank from a jar does not require special skills and abilities. There is a glass quarter in every home, as well as a metal cap for rolling up, so that there is no temptation to stick your hand into the neck and take out the treasured bill.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • the bank itself
  • metal cover;
  • thick paper or cardboard;
  • scotch;
  • napkins;
  • dye;
  • scourging;
  • stapler;
  • glue.

Manufacturing steps:

How to make a piggy bank with your own hands? Roll up the jar with a seamer and make a slot in the lid for coins and banknotes.

Make a frame out of cardboard, securing it with a stapler and tape if necessary.

Crumple the napkins and stick on the container in several layers.

Wait for the design to dry and cover with paint.

Decorate the lid with a twine, gluing it to the glue.

Don't forget to leave a free slot.

Everything, easily and simply managed to make a beautiful stylish thing.

If desired, decorate with marine-themed accessories - shells, pebbles, glass elements, acorn caps, foliage, twigs, etc.

It is not forbidden to simply paste over with newspapers or hand-tied napkins.

Piggy bank for storing money from a plastic bottle

How to make a piggy bank from a water tank? It's simple.

You will need:

  • bottle and 4 caps;
  • spray paint of any color. When planning to make a pig, use pink;
  • toy eyes;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • cardboard.

Manufacturing steps:

Shorten the bottle so that the pig is not long, but well-fed.

Cut out the middle part of the container, and put the two halves on top of each other.

Color the future piggy bank, wait until it dries and attach the eyes.

From the remaining plastic or cardboard, cut out the ears and glue them, not forgetting to color them too.

Do the same with the tail, after twisting it, sharply drawing the edge of the scissors.

On the twisting “nose” cover, draw two stripes with a marker - these are the nostrils.

Make a hole in the back for money.

Paint four bottle caps with paint and glue to the body like legs.

Everything, the piggy bank is ready! It is easy to make a larger pig out of a five-liter bottle, and the legs are made not from lids, but from the top of one and a half liter containers.

For those who know how to knit, it is easy to make a case for a bottle or jar in the form of any animal and decorate it accordingly.

No restrictions on use plastic container from under any medicine and vitamins.

Paint with plain paint and apply superhero decor or apply the logo of your favorite series, cartoon character.

Some use own photos, the decoupage technique described above, etc.

Knowing how to make a birdhouse for birds, it is easy to build a piggy bank-house by pasting it with paper, painting it with paints and decorating it with flowers.

Another simple and unpretentious option can really be implemented instead of with a child. Take any soft toy, rip along the seam on the back. Remove the filler without affecting the paws and head, and insert some kind of rigid frame inside, for example, a toilet paper sleeve.

Gently sew up, leaving a slot for money and use it for its intended purpose, collecting the baby for a new bike and other desires.

Everything is in the hands of the master, let alone ideas for such original crafts weight!

Hello everyone, today I have prepared a very interesting and simple website for our website. homemade! This homemade product is a simple piggy bank for coins. Our piggy bank will be able to distribute coins by denominations, for example, you first threw 2 rubles into our piggy bank, then 5 rubles and 10 rubles, and each of these coins falls into its intended place! I think I've got you interested! So get down to business!

And so after watching the video, you will probably already want to read detailed description about how to make our piggy bank, but still, if someone has already gone to make a piggy bank, then our instructions will tell you in more detail how to make it!

To do this, we need to cut glass of a suitable size for you, a couple of flat boards that I left after the repair, barbecue skewers or small wooden blocks, a door hinge, a corner, and we also need to cut out such a thing and make 4 holes in it, small screws. From tools hot glue and epoxy resin.

Let's get started!
Next, we need to make these markups on our materials! We measure all sizes, as shown in the pictures, to get a rectangle)

We cut off all the details that interfere with us!

And we grind it well with a file!

We cut the back wall to the width of our glass!

Next we need to make the side walls, bottom and top cover!

We collect a test version of our piggy bank and if everything is done correctly, we will transfer it to the finished material!

Oh yes, I almost forgot! We now need to make a miracle mechanism that will distribute our coins at face value, for example, if you throw 10 rubles, they get to 10 rubles, 5 rubles to 5 rubles ... and so on.

For this mechanism, we need to take barbecue skewers or small wooden blocks and glue, put our piggy bank frame on the table and glue our block strictly at an angle of 20-30 degrees, and check how our coin rolls! It rolls wonderfully, now we need to make a dispenser for our coins, we all know each coin has its own height. To do this, we will put height limiters!

This is how we made our coin dispenser, now we can proceed to the design of our piggy bank so that it has at least some aesthetic appearance) and it was not a shame to put it somewhere or something else)!

Many have piggy banks in the house, but not everyone knows what they should be in order to really attract money.

The first piggy banks appeared a very long time ago. Pigs made of orange clay, made in medieval England, have survived to this day.

Piggy banks in the form of animals are very common to this day. If you like these products, then keep the following in mind:

  • the pig is a symbol of ever-growing wealth;
  • the dog not only keeps money, but also protects them from thieves;
  • an owl will help you manage your finances wisely;
  • protein symbolizes quick enrichment;
  • the cat will give cunning and influential friends who will help increase your income.

Do-it-yourself piggy bank

You can also make a piggy bank with your own hands, for example, make a money bag. Another role of a piggy bank can be played by a ready-made box or jar.

Most best color for piggy bank:

  • gold;
  • green;
  • violet.

For the ritual, take 7 coins of the same denomination and a small piece of paper. On it, write the amount you want to collect. Dip a piece of paper into the piggy bank and then throw one coin at a time, while reading the plot:

“Coins are ringing, they promise me profit.

My income will grow by leaps and bounds.

That will make it possible for all my dreams to come true!”

After that, close the piggy bank tightly and do not open it until it is full. Throw at least one coin of any denomination into it every day.

You need to buy or make a piggy bank on the new moon. Along with the moon, your wealth will also grow. It is important to believe that the piggy bank is actually magical and then everything will work out!

Before you start filling the piggy bank with money, read a plot from thieves on it:

"How merciful God does not let the sun go backwards. So the thief won't take mine. Now, ever and forever. Amen".

Then read the plot to raise money three times:

“Whenever I remember God, I will take out a ruble. Lord let me remember and my savings multiply . In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen ».

When the time comes to open the piggy bank, hold coins and banknotes in your hands for a few minutes, saying to yourself:

“Money is money, you are free, fly, run, and bring your friends to me

Coins for good luck

If you want good luck in all your undertakings, perform such a ceremony.

On the growing moon, at dawn, bury under a fruit-bearing tree, preferably under an apple tree, three equivalent coins with a coat of arms up at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other with the words:

"Money in the ground will hide the matter will be disputed.

You need to dig a hole for coins with a short branch found nearby. It is necessary to fall asleep with your hands, reading at this time the above conspiracy. Throwing the last handful of earth, say: "Paid!"

Turning over your left shoulder, go home, on the way back without talking to anyone or turning around. Wash your hands with soap running water and dry over the flame of a red candle, which you leave to burn out to the end in the central room of your dwelling.

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