Pancakes on milk thin with holes - recipes of delicious openwork pancakes. Cooking the most delicious pancakes on milk

Reservoirs 18.10.2019

Each hostess pancakes are obtained individually and special. But, many tend to prepare exactly pancakes in the hole. They look beautiful and have a unique pleasant taste.

The easiest answer to the question is that adding the pancakes to be in the hole is boiling water. It is necessary to gradually pour the glass of boiling water into the dough. However, it is also important from what a specific dough will consist, then the pancakes will be in a neat attractive hole.

What to add to pancakes to be holes. Recipes


You can prepare the dough based on the liter of milk and five eggs, add four tablespoons of sunflower oil, half a teaspoon of soda (pre-reproduce vinegar) and salts. Then add fifty grams of sugar and 400 grams of flour to the test. It is very important only at the very end of the preparation of the test add soda, haired by vinegar. It is this secret to what to add to the pancakes to be in the hole.


It is necessary to take three eggs and beat them a little for a fork. Then add half a teaspoon of soda and salt, three tablespoons of sugar. All this is pretty mixed, then start adding milk (50 ml). Now the flour is taken and added until the dough is obtained by consistency of oily sour cream. It remains to pour boiling water in such a quantity so that the dough becomes a liquid state. Before the start of frying add a spoonful of vegetable oil. And have a wonderful hole.


For the preparation of pancakes in the hole on this recipe you need to take 250 ml of water and milk, four eggs, two glasses of flour, 70 grams of sugar and a half of a teaspoon of salt. In one cup, mix sugar and salt, pour into a large bowl and pour water. Then gradually add milk and stirred constantly. Now pour flour. The dough should turn out to consistency with liquid sour cream. In it to drive one egg, stirring the wedge. Give the test to strengthen about an hour, and then bake pancakes in a frying pan, lubricated with butter.


Preparation of pancakes with holes on this recipe requires the presence of such ingredients as: five eggs, five teaspoons of sugar, chipping salts. These ingredients mix a couple of minutes, then add a liter of milk room temperature and 500 grams of flour. Pour in the dough a spoonful of vegetable oil in front of the hottest. In this recipe, there is no specific ingredient that you need to add to pancakes so that they are in the hole, but the mixture of ingredients in such a sequence will help get thin, delicious pancakes. And they will surely be in the hole. Only frying pancakes should be on a very well-hot frying pan.


Pancakes for this recipe are not just in the hole. If you follow all the steps you can get - culinary masterpieces. It is necessary to take one hundred grams of flour, a tablespoon of sugar powder, four eggs, 300 ml of milk, 75 grams of melted butter. Flour in a big bowl mix with sugar. In the center make a deepening and knock the eggs there. Gradually mix with flour and add milk. The dough must have a consistency of whipped cream. Now mix well with melted cream oil and remaining milk. The test must be put to half an hour, and then prepare pancakes according to the traditional recipe.

Boiling water with any recipe for preparing pancakes is what you need to add to the pancakes to be in the hole on the recommendation of most hostesses. Also in some sources you can find information that pancakes in the hole are the most beautiful and appetizing, can be obtained if you cook the dough on kefir.

Sometimes it is not so important that adding the pancakes to be in the hole is much more important than the good mood of the hostess and positive emotions when cooking. With this approach, it is always beautiful and aesthetic.

Make at home delicious pancakes - with holes or no, every hostess will be able if she will have a good recipe.

Only at first glance may have the impression that it is a difficult task, and to cope with it, you need to be a professional.

Recipes are very diverse and the degree of their complexity is different. My article will help you bake home sweet delicious pancakes holes with ruddy and appetizing barrels.

You will be great to navigate how much the components need for the test, how many frying pancakes and how to bake them thin.

All this information clarify recipes. It will only be left to choose one recipe and try it in practice.

Secrets of holes pancakes

First you need to designate that holes appear on the pancakes in the event that there are sodes in the dough. It must be redeemed with vinegar or to do the kefir.

During baking, those bubbles so that there are in the dough, they begin to burst, and the surface pancake is covered with cute holes.

But these are not all secrets, because in the dough you can pour the gas area to achieve this effect. The more it is gas, the chains will be more in the hole. Look at the photos to which the recipes presented in the article are supplemented.

Those. To bake holey pancakes at home, you need to create as many bubbles in the test. In this case, without a mixer will be difficult to do.

With this process, we figured out, and therefore it was time to learn useful recipes for home cooking holes.

Openwork pancakes with a mass of holes on milk

This milk test recipe will provide for the addition of soda. Components are designed for 6-7 portions of lush pancakes with holes on milk.

Components: 2.5 tbsp. milk; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 1 tsp. Sahara; 1.5 tbsp. flour; 0.5 ppm salts and soda; 2 tsp Rast. Oil.

Step by step algorithm with photo:

  1. Heat milk, but I do not do it so that it boils. Let the mass on milk be about 40 grams.
  2. I add to the composition of salt, chickens. Eggs, sugar. I whipping a mixer to be a foam. Watch in the photo, what dough on milk will work with you.
  3. I add flour and soda. Introduces the components in the mixture very carefully so that there are no lumps that will help reduce the quality of the dish.
  4. I pour rap. butter. Well interfere.

That's all, you just need to give time the test to stand, and then make pancakes on milk with holes in a pan.

When you bake, bubbles in the dough will start to burst, in their place you will see how the desired holes on the lush pancakes turned out.

Bake pancakes on milk with holes exclusively on a well-hot frying pan. The dough must be distributed over the entire surface evenly. Plus, a frying pan needs to lubricate rabby. Oil.

Each pancake with holes need to be baked on both sides so that the dough becomes ruddy. Watch that the holes are beautiful and appetizing, and the pellet itself acquired golden color, not allowing the burning.

And remember that the bake pancakes need only with a good mood. In the opposite case, it will be difficult to achieve the desired result, even despite the fact that the test of the test is perfect.

Milk pancakes are always delicious, especially they will like sweet tooths.

Kefir pancakes with appetizing holes

The recipe provides for the use of kefir. You will be satisfied with the result, you should not doubt it. See visually on my photos, which pancakes are obtained. You need to add soda to this recipe.

It does not require quenching with vinegar or lemon juice, since, entering into action with a mass of kefir, the components allocate gas. This is our goal.

Components: 1 tbsp. flour and kefir (better low-fat), boiling water; 1 tsp. soda; 3 tbsp. Sugar and Rast. oils; 2 pcs. chickens Eggs.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Salt and chickens. Eggs whipping together. It is better to use a mixer for this purpose. I pour boiling water, after introducing kefir.
  2. Following this I put salt, sugar, soda, rash. butter. I enter the flour very carefully, the portions should be small.
  3. Bake pancakes in a pan. I put them in a stack.

If there is a desire, I feed pancakes to the table with honey or a glass of milk.

Homemade pancakes in the hole on mineral water

The recipe will allow you to bake a very tasty treat. Such pancakes children fly for both cheeks.

Components: 1 tbsp. flour; 3 pcs. chickens eggs; 2 tsp Sahara; 0.5 liters; 3 tbsp. Rast. oils; salt.

You most likely noticed that this time even soda will not be used. Why? It is determined by the fact that the soda is capable of launching the formation of bubbles.

  1. First you need to take mineral water and mix it with sugar and salt.
  2. After entering chickens. Eggs, Rast. butter. Now it is worth adding flour to ground. I make a smooth dough.
  3. Start frying. I add pancakes into one stack, but I definitely lubricate each of them. Oil.

I apply to the table, it is possible that the pancakes are warm, so they will be more tastier. But in a cold form, the baking is just fingers losing. You can add honey to them or condensed milk.

Lightweight, thin hole-opening pancakes without adding soda or yeast

The recipe for milk dough is very simple, and you will have surprisingly thin pancakes with a delicate texture, delicious and beautiful on the table. Shoot ready-made pancakes on milk from the frying pan is not difficult.

Components: 4 tbsp. flour; 4 tbsp. starch; 1 tbsp. Sahara; 4 things. chickens eggs; ¼ ChL salts; 3 tbsp. Rast. oils; 500 ml of warm milk.

Algorithm cooking step by step:

  1. Starch and flour sow. We add sugar to the ground. I make a slide from flour and on top of a forming deepening where the chickens enter. eggs.
  2. I pour there warm milk. I whip the mass on the milk by a whisk. The dough should not be with lumps.
  3. I pour rap. butter. Stirring. Leave aside half an hour. Why? - you ask. In this case, the gluten will start working, and the ingredients will become one mass. If the dough seems to be too liquid, you should not add more flour. Pancakes on milk will be thin and openwork, it is important that the dough is not thick.
  4. After 30 minutes. Missing dough. Start frying.
  5. The first pancake with holes on the milk of his bake. Oil. Then lubricate the frying pan does not need.
  6. Scratching the dough, interfere with the staff of the midst. Starch has a property to settle on the bottom, which in this case it is definitely not required.
  7. Fry each pancake for 1 min. Thin pellets are frying as quickly as possible, make the fire is not big, the chance is that the dough starts to burn.

On the specified amount of ingredients, you can bake about 20 pcs. pancakes. I would advise you to put them with stuffing. It can be like a savory and sweet composition. Look for recipes stuffed in my blog.

It is very convenient, because thin home pancakes can be put in the freezer and defrost when you want to eat them. It is not at all difficult if at home in the kitchen there is a microwave.

A similar result can be achieved using a simple frying pan. It is only possible to lubricate it with vegetable oil and fry pancakes for a few minutes.

In fact, the recipe pancakes are harvested, my loved ones are delighted with them. Distinguish which of the pancakes on kefir, and which milk is very difficult. But this is not all recipes.

Pancakes with custard dough on water

Components: 500 ml of water (take only boiling water); 3 pcs. chickens eggs; 2 tbsp. Sahara; 1/3 tsp. soda; pinch salts; 1.5 tbsp. flour; 3 tbsp. Rast. Oil.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Whipping chickens. Eggs with salt and sugar. I fill 250 ml of hot water and whipping a mass of a mixer.
  2. Sucking chickens. Eggs, I enter the flour so that there are no lumps.
  3. Now it is worth adding boiling water and put there soda. I pour into the dough, prevent.
  4. It remains to add ras. Oil, brewing dough for 20 minutes. It is necessary that the mass is fill. In the thickness of the dough there will be liquid, but the pancakes will not spoil from it, the baking is fine and tasty.
  5. Frying a lot of frying pan with ras. Oil, as well as perfectly split her surface. With each side there should be a rosy crust.

It is necessary to lay pancakes on a plate, covering the lid, so they will disappear, and they will remain fresh longer. Why exactly such a way? Everything is simple - that the pastries do not lose its softness.

It turns out good pancakes. No one would understand that the dish entered the minimum set of ingredients, which indicate the recipe: chickens. Eggs, water and flour. Pancakes are soft, thin and openwork.

They can be stuffed with any stuffing. Always everything will be very tasty. Recipes Sturines you will find on my site.

As a conclusion, I would like to add a few words about how to bake pancakes in the hole. It doesn't matter at all, whether damn it will be in kefir, water, or milk, which recipe you liked more.

Each option contributes to baking holes pancakes. It is only necessary to mix the dough well before pouring it to the surface of the frying pan. The pancake should be evenly involved.

To do not stick the dough, it is worth adding the dishes of the rattles. butter. If necessary, then repeat this operation every time after cooking ready-made pancake.

I really hope that my tips will facilitate your task, and you can cook at home a holey treat from those ingredients that you will have at hand. You certainly surprise your loved ones with a pleasant taste, do not doubt this whit.

Pancakes will become an excellent addition to fragrant tea. Prepare pancakes not only for breakfast, but also as a snack for a festive table. The mass of the stuff options will allow you to prepare an original snack, from which guests will be delighted.

My video recipe

Pancakes on milk - a recipe for classic pancakes one of the most common. Such pancakes on milk from a simple recipe are fine with holes, lungs and very tasty. Many use wheat flour, you can also take buckwheat or oatmeal. The thickness of the pancakes depends precisely from the flour used. The thinnest pancakes on milk are obtained from wheat flour. Much depends on the quality of flour - it is desirable to take the products of the highest grade and fine grinding.

Of the flour of the second grade or flour with bran, thicker and lush pancakes will turn out. Oatmeal or buckwheat flour pancakes are obtained by the loose. You can also experiment and try to prepare pancakes on milk - a recipe from a mixture of different varieties of flour. Pancakes on milk can be prepared with yeast or without them.

Best recipes pancakes on milk

In the latter case, add soda or baking powder into the dough. After the dough has reached the desired consistency, it is time to bake the pancakes themselves. Perhaps the first time will not be able to bake the perfect damn. However, smooth and neat pancakes will come out on the third or fourth time.

When pouring the dough, the frying pan should be kept under the tilt and make circular movements so that the dough is evenly distributed on the surface. After grabbing the bottom side, the pancake is fitted with a spatula and turn over the other side.

Fry pancakes on each side to golden color. Baked pancakes only on a preheated pan, lubricated with butter or vegetable oil. It is necessary to put a piece of butter to the finished pancake - after that the pancakes will become more elastic and gentle. Feed pancakes on milk with sour cream, sugar, honey or jam.

You can also wrap in pancakes any stuffing:

  • Meat;
  • Cabbage with rice and egg;
  • Cottage cheese with raisins or kuragoy;
  • Smoked chicken or salmon;
  • Chicken with mushrooms;
  • Any sweet fillings.

Pancakes are a Russian national dish, famous for popular, admiration and offerings in ancient Russia. In the modern world, pancakes have not lost their popularity, with the exception of only versatile variations. So, stuffed pancakes were born, openwork, with an admixture of various products and croup (curd or buckwheat).

Of course, the most delicious pancakes on milk are obtained at mom or grandmother, but thanks to numerous recipes you can prepare the presented dish independently. Thin pancakes on milk - recipe - one of the favorite dishes. Moreover, they can be eating both with all sorts of fillings, and simply with sour cream or with jam.

Recipes of thin pancakes on milk

There are many options for pancakes: pancakes with meat, with liver, with cottage cheese, with chicken and cheese, with red caviar. You can list for a very long time, this is not speaking of sweet fillings and topping. But at the heart of all these recipes - ordinary thin pancakes on milk. Here we will start with them today. By the way, if there are no milk, but there is kefir, you can cook pancakes on kefir.

Pancakes on milk - preparation of products and dishes

The success of cooking pancakes on milk largely depends on the type of dishes used. It is best to take to baking a cast-iron frying pan. If there is no such frying pan with a thick bottom and non-stick coating suitable. The size of the frying pan should coincide with the desired pancake diameter.

From the dishes will also need a basin, in which the dough, scoop, a blade, fork or a whisk, a knife and a brush for lubricating the frying pan will be missed. From additional devices, you will need a mixer - you can easily stir the dough and split all the lumps.

There are several ways to get rid of lumps:

  1. You can mix eggs, salt, sugar, a little milk, flour and mix everything thoroughly to a homogeneous mass. And then gradually add milk, constantly stirring the dough, whatever it is homogeneous. And at the very end add vegetable oil;
  2. You can separate some milk and add flour to it. Then mix everything thoroughly and already, then connect with the other ingredients;
  3. Or simply you can use a mixer when kneading the test.

Product preparation lies in the sifting of flour, measuring the desired amount of sugar, salt and other bulk products. Milk usually heated. If yeast is used, they are bred in a small amount of warm milk or water. It is also necessary to melt the creamy oil in advance. In the dough, it is necessary to add vegetable oil, then your pancakes will not stick to the skillet.

And, in turn, you need much less oil when you fry pancakes. Instead of vegetable oil in the dough, you can add several tablespoons of melted cream oil, from this pancakes will have more holes and a pleasant golden color.

Thin pancakes on milk

Recipe for thin pancakes on milk


  • 2 cups of top grade flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 1/5 teaspoon soda;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking method:

The total time of the process of preparing thin pancakes, taking into account the above ingredients, takes about 40 minutes.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to beat the specified amount of eggs with sugar in a two-liter tank;
  2. At the next stage, the mixture is solid and flour into the dishes;
  3. Further, milk is poured into the capacity, thoroughly mixing the ingredients, preventing the formation of flour lumps, resulting in the total mixture to a homogeneous state;
  4. The dishes with the dough are left for 15 minutes, thereby giving the possibility of wake-contained gluten;
  5. The dough is added to the finished dough, the measured amount of vegetable oil is added, the mixture is stirred again, after which they begin to fry pancakes on a pretensely preheated pan. Bon Appetit!

Pancakes on milk - a recipe with a prostope

Recipe for thin pancakes with holes on Prostokvash

Another simple, but delicious prescription pancakes on milk. The difference between such pancakes from the rest of the recipes is to use Prostokvashi.


  • Milk - 0.5 cups;
  • Vegetable oil - 45 ml;
  • Salt - a quarter of Ch.L.;
  • Prostokvash - 1.5 glasses;
  • Flour - 2 glasses;
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Eggs are whipped with sugar and salt, then we pour prostrochu;
  2. Flour sifted and gradually suck together with soda;
  3. We hit the dough with a mixer, then pour milk and mix all again;
  4. Cover the tank with a dough with a napkin and leave for 30 minutes;
  5. The dough after that thickened a little, so you can add a small amount of boiled water. By consistency, the dough should resemble liquid sour cream;
  6. Add vegetable oil and everything as it should be mixed;
  7. We bake pancakes on a heated pan with a pan from two sides. Bon Appetit!

Pancakes on milk with holes

Thin pancakes with holes on milk


First preparing graceful pancakes on milk, whose surface acquires a porous structure, it makes sense to figure out how the pancake holes on them are obtained in the process of frying pancakes. It should be noted that the formation of holes on the pancakes are obliged to be added to the dough gaughted vinegar soda. In the process of frying, bubbles burst in the process of soda and vinegar reaction are bursting, as a result of which holes remain in their place.

  • Flour of the highest grade - 1.5 glasses;
  • Milk - 2.5 glasses;
  • Refined vegetable oil - 2 bl.;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - 0.5 ch. L.;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Soda - 0.5 hl.

Cooking method:

  1. Following the proposed recipe, it is necessary primarily in a saucepan of aluminum or stainless steel to heat up to 40 degrees of milk;
  2. The milk, salt and eggs brought to the desired temperature, the milk, salt and eggs and thoroughly whip the data ingredients with a mixer to a state of stable foam;
  3. Portions in the container are sprinkled pre-sifted, that is, oxygen-enriched flour, add soda, diligently breaking the whisk of lumps of lumps;
  4. The last in the pan is poured the claimed amount of vegetable oil and stirring the test for pancakes;
  5. To implement the direct process of education in the test of bubbles, it is customary to leave for a while. Only then can be started to the last stage;
  6. The dough of future pancakes is distributed in a thin layer on a heated over a few minutes, lubricated in a frying pan and fry on both sides. Bon Appetit!

Classic Pancakes on Milk

Classic prescription pancakes on milk

Pancakes on milk are obtained very thin and light, they can be eaten with sour cream, honey or wrapping any fill in them. The recipe uses flour, sugar, eggs, salt and milk.


  • Salt - Paul teaspoon;
  • Milk - 0.5 liters;
  • Flour - 1.5 glasses;
  • Vegetable oil - 15-30 ml;
  • Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 0.5-1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Eggs are broken into a deep bowl and whipped with a fork;
  2. We pour half milk;
  3. Add sugar and salt into the mixture. All thoroughly mix. The amount of sugar depends on which stuffing will be pancakes. For sweet sugar pancakes, you can add a little more, and for meat and salty stuffing sugar, respectively, should be less;
  4. The flour is sifted and gradually sprinkled to the milky egg mixture. Flour all immediately better not to pour out - you need to look at the consistency;
  5. Then we pour the remaining milk and mix everything thoroughly. So that there were no lumps, it is better to use a mixer. If necessary, add some more flour. The dough must have a consistency of liquid sour cream. The dough must be moderately liquid, but not watery. In too thick the dough, you can add more milk, and in liquid - flour;
  6. Add vegetable oil into the finished dough. If add creamy oil, pancakes will turn out the rumor and porous;
  7. The frying pan is greased with cream oil and begin to fry pancakes on milk. When pouring the dough, the frying pan needs to be kept under the tilt and circular movements evenly distribute the dough. Make it all quickly;
  8. Fry a pancake to a golden crust and turn over. If pancakes are torn, it means there are not enough flour. Bon Appetit!

American Pancakes with Panket Milk

American Pankety Milk

Not only in Russia baked pancakes. In the US, for example, there is also a similar dish, and it is called "Pankety". American pancakes resemble Russian pancakes - they are the same lush, but they are called pancakes because Russian pancakes are "catching up" in the diameter.

So, pankequets are preparing in the US for breakfast and served with jam, syrup or butter. Although their appearance is similar to a Russian dish, these pancakes are not at all similar to the usual Russian people pancakes.


  • Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Salt - pinch;
  • Flour - half a cup;
  • Fatty milk (at least 4%) - 1 cup;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • Vanillin - 1 bag;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.;
  • Basin - 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. To begin with, the eggs should be separated from yolks;
  2. Then add salt and milk to yolks, mix everything thoroughly;
  3. In a separate bowl, flour and baking powder neatly stirred. Now you can intervene this rash mix in a mass with yolks and milk;
  4. Use the mixer and mix squirrels with sugar. With the help of the mixer, a dense foam should be turned out - so, the pankeepers will be tastier and lifestyle;
  5. The protein mixture is added to the workpiece and mix everything carefully and gently with a conventional wedge;
  6. At the final stage, vegetable oil should be interrupted;
  7. After completion of the cooking, the test can be accepted for the most interesting process - baking. Pancakes are baked as well as pancakes, only a little longer in time;
  8. Use a frying pan with teflon coating and pour a little dough on a well-hot-warm surface. Do not think that pankequets require a lot of cooking dough - it is enough to adhere to the principle of preparing ordinary Russian pancakes. As you cook, turn the pancakes;
  9. Serve hot in dry, if you prefer a combination of jungle or syrup. If you wish to just enjoy pankeepers, they can be immediately lubricated with butter. Bon Appetit!

How to cook custard pancakes on milk

This is the most successful pancake recipe! Custard pancakes are tremendous, and working with dough and frying is one pleasure! They do not rush, easily turn over and quickly fry. The recipe is almost no different from ordinary pancakes on milk, only with the difference that boiling water is in the end. The dough is obtained smooth, just silk. Fry as ordinary pancakes in a frying pan.


  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • Vanillin - 1 pinch;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Milk - 1 cup;
  • Boiling water - 1 cup;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Sugar - 2 or 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare products for pancakes. Squeeze the glass of water, and put the kettle to boil;
  2. Connect the egg with milk, salt, sugar and vanilla;
  3. Pour flour, pour vegetable oil. Having stirred everything so that the dough becomes homogeneous;
  4. Dough is ready for brewing. Make sure that there is no flour lumps;
  5. Pour the glass of boiling water in the dough - and quickly stir it up. Leave for 10-15 minutes;
  6. Preheat a non-stick frying pan. Before the first pancake you can lubricate it with a piece of unsalted sala. Pour under the dough, and roast pancake to ruddy color;
  7. Pretty the fork of the edge - and turn the damn with your hands. Finger it on the other side;
  8. Custard pancakes are ready. Bon Appetit!

Video "Recipe of pancakes on milk is simple and tasty - thin with holes"

Pancakes on milk is a recipe for old Russian cuisine. Our grandmothers know the most valuable recipes. And if there is an opportunity, let them share with you all the secrets of their preparation. After all, pancakes on milk are the most delicious! Light for digestion, they turn out thinner than in kefir, moreover, they are unlikely tasty!

Pancakes on milk bake is not at all difficult, there should be no difficulty. There are not enough test options, in this article I will offer you the best of them.

To prepare the dough for milk pancakes, a standard set of products will be required. This, of course, milk, eggs, without which damn is not formed in a pan, high-quality flour, preferably, top grade, refined vegetable oil, salt and sugar to taste. If pancakes are planned with a sweet filling or without it, you can add to the dough Vanillin on the tip of the knife.

Sugar should not be too much in the dough, otherwise the pancakes will simply burn in a frying pan!

Find your recipe for delicious pancakes on milk is not difficult. The main thing is to learn how to work with the dough in a pan, for this you need some experience and skill.

We can say that the preparation of pancakes is a little art. It does not matter what kind of prescription pancakes on milk you have chosen, you will surely need a good frying pan, because it is 50% of success!

And it is not necessary that it is cast-iron in the old manner. Modern variants of pancakes with non-stick coating are no worse. The main thing is that the frying pan has a smooth thick bottom and evenly warmed on fire.

For each frying pan, a certain amount of test is required, depending on its diameter. The dough for baking pancakes on milk to the center of the frying pan, giving it evenly spread over the entire plane of its surface.

The process of baking pancakes is not a quick thing, and therefore, be patient. There are hostesses that bake immediately on two frying pans at the same time, but in this case the case will go faster. But here you need experience, absolutely impossible to be distracted and move away from the stove.

In order for the dough to succeed without lumps, flour, adding it into the dough, it is necessary to sift. When kneading the dough pancakes on milk, boldly use a mixer for a thorough combination of test ingredients.

The dough for pancakes should end up before baking in a warm place of 30-40 minutes, this is a prerequisite for the success of a pancake event. Only custard dough does not require a time to break.

Classic prescription pancakes on milk

As a rule, in the classical execution, the pancakes on milk will obey the strict formulation, but each hostess with experience keeps its secrets. For example, milk is heated slightly, and cold eggs are whipped with salt to foam.

There are several ways to knead the test with one and the same set of products. There is an option when flour, milk and vegetable oil are added to whipped eggs with salt and sugar.

In another embodiment, whipped eggs, butter, sugar and salt are introduced into warm milk. In the third - eggs are whipped together with milk, sugar, butter, salt and flour. Each option is possible as a way, the main thing is the absence of lumps in the test.

And in each embodiment, pancakes have a little different appearance, but they are in invariable delicious.

You will need:

  • 500 ml of milk
  • 3 pcs. Egg selection
  • 250 g of flour
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sugar sand
  • 1 u salt
  • mixer

Cooking method:

Mixer whipping eggs, sugar and salt

Add milk and mix

When the mixer is enabled, add flour, mix until uniformity

We pour vegetable oil so that the pancakes do not burn when baking

Brush applied to the pan oil with a thin layer, well warmed it on fire

Cooking pour dough for the middle of the frying pan, circular motion stretching the dough over the entire surface, bake on medium heat

After shutting the pancake on one side, turn it over with a blade

We put pancakes with a stack, treat close and relatives!

Bon Appetit!

Thin pancakes recipe with holes

So I sometimes want thin pancakes on milk with a lot of holes, like wicker lace! There is nothing easier.

In this recipe, along with milk there are sour cream and kefir. The latter add softness and tenderness to pancakes.

And for a lot of holes, a breakdler is assigned. It is he who, entering into a reaction with fermented milk products, gives the beauty and ease of pancakes on this recipe. Try cooking!

You will need:

  • 400 ml of milk
  • 3 pcs. Egg selection
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 100 ml kefir
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sugar sand
  • 1 tsp. baking powder for the dough
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil in dough
  • vanillin on the knife tip
  • salt to taste

Cooking method:

  1. We whip the eggs with sugar and salt with the help of a whin (or a mixer) until the sugar is completely dissolved, then add sour cream, kefir and milk.
  2. We die in the dough flour, baking powder, mix everything to a homogeneous mass so that there are no lumps. If the lumps still have, give the test to stand a little, then mix intensely, repeat if necessary.
  3. Pour vegetable oil and a bit of vanillina for taste and aroma.
  4. Give the test to stand 30 minutes, it is ready - it is time to baking pancakes. The dough must be a consistency of a very liquid sour cream, while it should "reach" from the cheing.
  5. Prying with vegetable oil with vegetable oil and warm up well. Pour the dough with a cook, evenly distribute it along the plane to the edges. On the fire, we bring to pink color on the one hand, turn over to another.
  6. You will have thin pancakes with a hole, spread them with a stack when baking, cover with a towel and let it stand.

Bon Appetit!

Lace pancakes on boiling water milk

What kind of lace and unusual pancakes on milk can be baked on this recipe! Gentle and amazingly delicious, they just melted in the mouth! The recipe is simple and in your power to embody it in life!

The pancakes frying pan should be well a fundamentherer and in the process the fire under it should be moderate, but not too weak - then the lace will not be, and not too strong - the pancakes will burn in a pan.

Shot, without removing from the fire, you need to be finely lubricated before each pancake. This can be done using a foam sponge or silicone brush. Some hostesses are lubricated to the pan with a slice of a salary with vegetable oil. If the pan does not lubricate at all, then the pancakes can pester, will have a different appearance, the taste will also change.

You will need:

  • 500 ml Milk 2.5-3% fat
  • 3 pcs. Chicken egg egg
  • 280 g Wheat flour
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sugar sand
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 150-200 ml of boiling water
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

Cooking method:

Whip eggs with salt and sugar

Add 250 g of milk

Sift flour by adding all the number gradually parts

Get dough, thicker than pancakes

This is done in order not to form lumps

Now add the remaining milk, wash the dough

We pour vegetable oil, mix

Add boiling water into dough, while intensively interfere with the mixture

The dough will become liquid, more elastic, and pancakes will be lace

We warmly warm the pan, lubricate the thin layer of vegetable oil

We recruit a small amount of dough into the midst, begin to pour it into the pan at about the middle, holding the pan behind the handle, at the same time we make smooth circular movement by hand, distributing the dough over the entire surface

Gently turn the pancake in a pan, driving it with a wooden blade

Every pancake we smear on the one hand butter as soon as we remove it from the frying pan

Lubricate at the end of pancakes with butter or not, of course, your desire. Remember that we have vegetable oil in the dough on the recipe, vegetable oil in a pan before each pancake, and the third time we apply oil until the damn is warm. We consider calories!

Bon Appetit!

Recipe for traditional custard pancakes

Custard pancakes on milk are very gentle, surprise softness and have a smooth texture. Excellent suitable for a variety of stuffings, have a neutral taste for salt and sugar.

You will need:

  • 600 ml of milk
  • 2 pcs. egg
  • 300 g of flour
  • 100 g of boiling water
  • 30 g Butter oil
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1/2 h. L. salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sugar sand

Cooking method:

Whipping the bunny eggs, sugar and salt

Sift in the egg mixture all flour

Mix, we have a mercury and very thick dough

Add a glass of milk and smear a creamy dough

This method eliminates the presence of lumps in the test

Put on the middle fire the pan brave well

Meanwhile, add to the mixture of steep boiling water and quickly knead the dough with a wedge, brewing it

Add vegetable oil, mix

Dough is liquid on consistency

Pour the mixture into the pan is less than a half, slightly tilting it, distributing the dough on the bottom

Turn the damn on the other side from one edge with hands or spatula

We continue to fry pancakes, constantly stirring the dough, distributing flour in the mixture

This damn lubricate cream oil

We put pancakes with a stack! Take care!

Bon Appetit!

Thin milk pancakes recipe with boiling water holes

The recipe for custard pancakes is a great option of beautiful pancakes on weekdays and on holidays. And the secret of many holes in the addition of soda or baking powder.

They are fine, gentle and very tasty! Preparing them is not difficult, any hostess will cope. If you like such wonderful pancakes, then this recipe for you!

You will need:

  • 250 g of flour
  • 200 g milk
  • 2 pcs. egg
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 100 ml boiling water
  • 1 tbsp. l. sugar
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 1 u salt

Cooking method:

  1. Eggs, salt and sugar mix the mixer to light foam
  2. To the resulting mixture, add a glass of milk and, hated boiling water in a spoon, soda, mix
  3. Next to the mixture wept through the sieve flour, mix
  4. We pour steep boiling water, intensely beat the dough so that all lumps dissolved.
  5. Add olive oil, give test to stand 10 minutes
  6. Meanwhile, we put the frying pan on the fire - we give her time to warm up well, then lubricate it with vegetable oil and begin to bake pancakes
  7. Evenly distribute the dough in a frying pan with circular motions, damn it fry from two sides to a golden color

It turns out very beautiful and appetizing pancakes! Bon Appetit!

Video recipe. Milk Lace Pancakes

You will need:

  • 300 g of milk
  • 6 tbsp. l. wheat flour
  • 3 pcs. Egg Co.
  • 0.5 h. L. Salt cook
  • 2 tbsp. Sugar sand

Magnificent yeast pancakes on milk

Please your favorite lush and light yeast pancakes! Such an appetizing miracle in holes is obtained using a baking powder and yeast.

Please, strictly follow the recipe and you will certainly succeed. Such pancakes require some patience, yeast dough should stand and show themselves in all its glory. Good luck!

You will need:

  • 350 g of flour
  • 450 g milk warm
  • 2 pcs. egg
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. Sugar sand
  • 1.5 h. L. dry yeast
  • 1.5 h. L. baking powder
  • 60 ml vegetable oil
  • 1/2 h. L. salt

Cooking method:

We mix the yeast, half of the sugar and a bit of milk, we assign to the side of the sugar dissolution

In deep with a reserve of a bowl, we whip off the absorption of sugar, eggs and salt

Add yeast to egg mixture, mix the mixer

Suck a part of the sifted in advance of flour and add a baking powder, mix

When in the test there will be more than half of the flour, swing vegetable oil

The dough is quite thick, cover the dishes with a towel and put it for 30 minutes in a warm place

Through time, the dough increases in the dishes 2 times, and it will be good to bubble, yeast makes their work

If it is very thick (it depends largely on flour), you can add 100 ml of steep boiling water into it and mix it intensively

We warm up a well-pancake frying pan on medium heat, put on its surface with a brush vegetable oil

We will oven small pancakes, pour a small amount of dough and give it a round shape with a cookie

We are waiting for the pancake to be twisted, turn the damper on the other side using the blade

Damn it turns out lush and lace, baked it on the other hand, remove with a scapula with frying pan

Continue to bake the remaining pancakes

We fold all pancakes with a stack, let them stand under a towel

Bon Appetit!

Recipe for delicious pancakes on sour milk

Pancakes on sour milk as an option for those who do not particularly like sweets. Such pancakes are very easy and gentle, moreover, they have a special sour taste. The most favorite pancakes of the author!

The structure of the pancake itself has a plasticity, and at the same time soft. Pancakes on sour milk are perfectly combined with the most different fillings. With them it is easy to work, stuffing them and giving them the right shape, they do not rush and are not closed.

How to make sour milk themselves? There is nothing easier! Natural milk overflow into the glass container, throw a piece of bread and put in a warm place, you can even on the sun. After a day (or faster) you will see how the transparent dairy serum will go down, and the acidic tops will become a cap upstairs. Gently remove bread from sour milk and put it in the cold. Oxych milk is ready!

You will need:

  • 300 ml milk sour
  • 1-2 art. l. Sugar sand (or sugar powder)
  • 1/2 h. L. Salt cook
  • 250 g Wheat flour in / s
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 300 ml boiling water steep
  • 2 pcs. Egg selection
  • 40-50 g Butter butter
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • at the tip of Vanillin knife (optional)

Cooking method:

To combine eggs with sugar, salt and vanilli with a mixer or wedge. For a neutral taste of pancakes 1 spoons of sugar, if you like a little sweeter - we throw all sugar. Instead of sugar it is better to use sugar powder. We whip up to dissolve gravy sugar.

Sour milk shake up to uniformity, warm to warm, pour into the egg mixture.

A sifted flour to connect with a baking powder and parts to add to the mixture, stirring with a mixer at a low speed, divide the lumps.

Pour into the dough with a thin flowing of steep boiling water, simultaneously stirring the mixture intensively, then pour vegetable oil.

Pancakes can be bakeed at once, the custard dough of extra time does not require, the pancake dough should turn out to be homogeneous, pull and drain with a thin ridge from the cooks.

The frying pan is well warmed, we bring a brush (or a piece of sludge, half potatoes) vegetable oil, which must be periodically updated in a pan.

Pancakes bake on medium heat, the stronger the trimming of the pan, the more holes.

Highway a small amount of dough, distribute it on the surface, shut down one side, turn the damn damask and shortly bake it on the other side.

Immediately after baking, we fold pancakes each other, missing the edges with butter. Pack of pancakes give a relaxed towel to warm.

Bon Appetit!

Video recipe for thin and gentle pancakes

Pancakes are the main reason for the carnival week. In addition, pancakes are also the main symbol of this wonderful holiday. And how much in the world there are different recipes for the preparation of pancakes, probably no one knows.

They are preparing and many more and much on what and with what. Some of the pancake cakes, there are so many as not to read. And all sort of probably even more.

Of course, in addition to pancakes, a wide variety of good delicacies are preparing for Maslenitsa, but still from huge number Recipes for a variety of dishes, we all first take exactly pancakes.

Because of the first or even second unsuccessful firefighted pancakes, do not be mistaken, as the following will certainly work better, especially if you adhere to all tips and recommendations that are given in this article.

So, that you have never had the first pancake, first of all I will give you a few tips, sticking to which you will always get very tasty, thin and openwork pancakes with holes.

How proper bake pancakes on milk - 9 secrets of cooking

This is the main points and principles in baking delicious pancakes, which will necessarily work very well both in experienced cooks and from any novice culinary.

Tasty recipe for preparing thin pancakes with holes

This is one of the easiest recipes for baking pancakes, according to which it is very often and in most cases, they are preparing at us at home. Pancakes are obtained very tasty. And what holes on them - just incredibly beautiful. Try to cook and see for yourself.


  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • salt - 1/3 tsp
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  • kefir - 0.5 tbsp.
  • milk - 2 tbsp.
  • flour - 1.5-2 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil (in the dough) - 3 tbsp.
  • baking powder
  • creamy oil for ready pancakes


1. In the bowl, we break the eggs and add sugar and salt to them. Well mix the wedge.

Before cooking, it is important to make sure that the eggs are fresh. For this, the raw egg is enough to immerse in the water. If it drowshes - it means fresh, if it pops up, then already unfit.

2. In the same bowl we pour sour cream and mix again until uniformity.

3. Pour kefir and milk, continuing to mix.

4. Loose flour mix with not large quantity Busty and sprinkle into the dairy-egg mixture.

In the ingredients there is an approximate number of flour necessary. It depends on the size of chicken eggs and kefir density, which you will use.

5. Stir the dough until the lumps remain. By consistency, the finished dough should resemble liquid sour cream. I hope that by photograph you will seek about what it should be.

6. Now you can add a bit of vanillin (this is to taste) and necessarily vegetable oil. Mix well and leave the finished dough to stand for 15-20 minutes.

7. You can proceed to baking. As it is done, I described in detail above and this method is suitable for almost all recipes. Therefore, I will not repeat, but just show you everything in the photo.

8. Ready pancake remove from the frying pan and lubricate the butter. With the remaining test, the procedure is repeated.

During baking, do not forget from time to time to lubricate the frying pan with vegetable oil.

See what beautiful and thin pancakes with holes turned out. They are so thin that they are shifted. You see, even the spatula can be seen through these pancakes.

How to cook thin pancakes on milk

Another recipe for pancakes with holes, but it is more simple and fast in preparation and composition. But still these pancakes are being trapped very quickly. And it is not surprising - because very tasty!


  • milk - 250 gr.
  • flour - 125 gr.
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.
  • creamy butter - 50 gr.
  • salt - 1/2 C.L.


1. The first thing we take out all the ingredients from the refrigerator and bring to room temperature.

Eggs split into a bowl and whipping a mixer to thick foam.

2. Sweet salt and sugar. And again interrupt the mixer to obtain a bit thick mass.

Sugar can be put smaller, but no more. And otherwise, pancakes will adhere to a pan in the process of baking.

3. Now they snatch the flour and mix (! Do not beat!) To homogeneous mass.

4. Milk, also room temperature, pour into our dough and mix thoroughly.

5. Pour vegetable oil into the finished dough and mix again.

6. How to check whether the dough is cooked correctly? We simply take the student, we recruit the dough and pour it into it, thereby checking the deliciousness. The dough on pancakes should be very liquid. Not like water, of course, but liquid enough.

In general, adhere to this recipe and everything will turn out.

7. Now we remove the "rest" dough for half an hour. After that, proceed to baking pancakes.

If you cook pancakes and plan them to do with filling, for example, meat, then the sugar advise putting smaller. But if, say, there will be a cottage cheese filling, then the sugar can be put a little more.

8. On preheated and lubricated oil (better than a creamy) frying pan, we proper pancake on both sides until readiness.

That which pancakes are obtained - thin, fragrant, very appetizing and incredibly tasty.

Recipe of pancakes on boiling water milk

Many cooks love to prepare a custard dough for making pancakes. And it is not surprising, because pancakes on such a dough are obtained very gentle and air.

Just below, I described another recipe for making a custard test, but a little different from what the author of this video offers. And which one is better - to choose to you. Happy viewing!

Thin yeast pancakes with holes

Pancakes on yeast is, in my opinion, the most correct pancakes. You can even say classic. Not always and not very often they are preparing at us at home, because it is a very long and a little complicated process.

In the old days, these pancakes were called red, which means beautiful. And this is a fairly fair name, because they get pancakes with plumps, high, holes with a ruddy tint and an unforgettable taste.


  • flour - 400 gr.
  • milk - 650 ml.
  • eggs - pcs.
  • creamy oil - 50 gr.
  • fresh yeast - 20 grams.
  • salt - 0.5 ppm
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.


1. Making opar. In half, from the total, warm but not hot milk, we enter trembling and leave for 5-7-7 minutes without stirring so that the yeast is soaked in moisture. Only after that you need to mix until complete dissolution.

In the yeast solution, we smear the pinch of sugar, thereby activating the fermentation process.

By the way, yeast dough can be started not only on milk, as well as on water or on a mixture of water with milk.

2. Then gradually introduce flour to the consistency of a rigous test. It must be in the thickness as the semolina porridge.

Now the plow sprinkle with a small amount of flour.

We close the food film and remove into a warm place until the mass is increased in volume by 2 times. By time, this process will take about 1-1.5 hours.

3. The approaches of the pole stir. It turns out very porous and air.

4. Now in the remaining milk, dissolve salt and sugar.

5. Proteins separate from yolks. Yolks send to the dough, and the proteins still set aside.

6. Also in the dough, the melted creamy oil is poured and mix the whole mixture.

7. Alternally add remaining milk and flour into the dough, without stopping mixing.

8. We stir the dough until no lump remains. Gustness Adjust based on your preferences. If you like thin pancakes, then make the dough a little alone, simply adding milk or water.

If you want on the contrary, thick pancakes, then add flour by making the dough a bit thick.

9. Over the dough with the food film and remove to heat for 1-1.5 hours before doubling in volume.

10. It came up with the dough stirring so that it stands up and cover and clean and clean it again.

11. Squirrels from eggs beat to stable peaks.

12. We enter and interfere in the dough approached the second time. We leave the dough on the table for another 20-25 minutes and only after that we can start baking yeast pancakes.

13. The principle is the same as in the rest of the recipes. Each pancake is done on both sides on a well-heated frying pan until readiness.

We make custard pancakes on milk

As promised above, here's a detailed recipe for the preparation of pancakes on boiling water. They are obtained very gentle and lace. Yes, and cook very simple and quickly, because we will be all mixed using a mixer. Are interested in? Then read on.


  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • flour - 2.5 tbsp.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 7 tbsp.
  • milk - 0.5 liters.
  • bustyer - 1 tsp.
  • salt - 0.5 ppm
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp. (200 ml.)


1. In a separate dishes I introduce eggs and pour milk to them. Whip up a mixer to homogeneity.

Do not forget that eggs and milk should be room temperature.

2. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting mixture. Sugar sand, baking powder and salt.

And again we mix the mixer.

3. In the resulting mass we sift the flour and mix well.

The dough should get nasty, like on pancakes.

4. Now the most important point in the preparation of custard test. Cool boiling water pour into the dough and quickly mix.

5. Pour vegetable oil, mix and remove to the side for 15 minutes.

6. After that, you can start frying pancakes.

That's the whole process of cooking. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. It's quite simple, and most importantly, that it turns out very tasty.

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