Wood bleaching: means and methods. White wood: protection and bleaching of wood

landscaping 17.06.2019

Consequence of long-term use wooden house is the blueing of wood. The reason for the appearance of blue is certain types of fungus, which forms over time on the surface of an old wooden house, especially in cases where the wooden structure has not been subjected to periodic treatment protective equipment. However healthy tree may have multi-colored spots if the natural pigment is unevenly distributed. Darkened and unevenly colored wood greatly damages appearance at home, in addition, mushrooms can cause rot and destruction of the wood structure. Effective way The fight against blue staining is to bleach wood. What means and how to whiten the walls of a wooden house will be discussed in the article.

Fungus and mold can develop on any wooden surface, regardless of lumber; even imitation timber and laminated veneer lumber are not immune to damage by microorganisms. The type of wood also does not matter in this case; fungus can appear on both inexpensive pine and elite oak.

Very common cause The appearance of blue is caused by improper transportation and violation of storage conditions of logs and timber. Lumber should be stored in a well-ventilated, dry place. It is advisable that the area is in the shade and that the tree is not exposed to precipitation.

Fungi that contribute to the formation of blue and gray plaque on wood develop very quickly, especially in suitable conditions. Therefore, you need to get rid of mold and mildew as soon as traces of their presence are discovered, especially in the bathhouse. In this room the most favorable conditions for the proliferation of microorganisms - high temperature and high humidity, which significantly speed up the process.

Whitening products

Bleaching of logs is carried out using special bleaching agents, which are divided into two large groups:

  1. Chlorine-containing products. These include products containing: sodium or potassium hypochlorite, bleach, chlorine dioxide.
  2. Compositions without chlorine, in which the active substances are ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, oxalic acid and alkalis.

Any wood bleaching composition operates on the same principle: it causes an oxidative process, as a result of which the coloring pigment becomes discolored and the fungal molecules are destroyed.

Before treating wood with bleaching agents, the surface must be sanded well. As a result of sanding, up to 20% of the blue stain is removed. In addition, bleach penetrates and is absorbed into the wood structure better if it is applied to sanded boards.

So, the main recommendations:

  • after bleaching, any composition must be washed off with water;
  • acid-based bleach is washed off with an aqueous solution of soda;
  • You cannot combine different compositions; the surface can only be treated with one product.
  • if the wood is severely affected by fungus, it is necessary to treat it with a more concentrated composition.
  • bleaching is most effective if it is carried out at a temperature of 18-20 degrees Celsius and at a humidity of about 60%;
  • When processing wood inside the house, it is necessary to ensure ventilation of the room, because Almost all formulations contain components that are unsafe for health. If the treatment was carried out in a bathhouse, it is necessary to dry-heat the room twice before taking bath procedures to remove chlorine fumes.

Below you will learn how to whiten a log house after sanding.

Wood can be bleached with bleach. Before applying the product, it is necessary to remove the resin from the tree; to do this, the surface is treated with soda ash. Next, you need to dilute bleach with water in the following proportion: 2 kg of dry matter per bucket of liquid. Add 250 g of soda to the diluted solution, mix everything and let stand for a while.

The product is applied with a brush or roller, and 5 minutes after treatment the surface is wiped acetic acid. After about fifteen minutes, the wood should lighten. If the wood is not lightened enough, the procedure can be repeated.

Another chlorine-based bleach is bleach. It is especially effective for outdoor use. The wood is generously moistened with the liquid and then rubbed well into the surface. When using white, you must protect your eyes and hands from contact with the product.

Whitening with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective wood lightening agent. However, it may not be suitable for everyone. tree species. For example, when applying the solution to oak, the tree acquires a green tint, but perhydrol is excellent for treating birch and beech.

Bleaching is carried out with a 30% solution; it is in this concentration that the composition is most effective. Before applying the product, the wood is moistened with water and treated with 10% ammonia.

Lightening wood with oxalic acid

Oxalic acid should be used with caution as it is very poisonous. Before applying the acid, the surface is treated with sodium hydrosulfite, and then almost immediately the wood is coated with a 10% solution of oxalic acid. After five minutes, both compositions are washed off with water.

Oxalic acid is well suited for bleaching light wood: maple, poplar, birch, linden. To achieve the desired effect, 6 ml of oxalic acid is diluted with 0.1 liter of water. The acid remaining on the wood is neutralized with the following composition: 15 g of bleach, 3 g of soda ash and 0.1 l of water. Then the wooden surface is washed with water.

Domestic and foreign industry today produces many effective and available funds, which can be used to whiten a log or timber house.

According to experts, one of best bleaches is the Russian drug “Sagus”, which is used to prevent the formation of corrosion, and also effectively treats wood from fungus and whitens the surface.

Sagus not only lightens the wood, wood bleached with the product acquires an even shade, and black spots and spots disappear from it. The composition is resistant to weather conditions and humidity, so it can be used both inside and outside the house.

Another domestic product that is used to bleach wood is Neomid 500. It rids wood of fungus and mold, evens out the color, and also protects it from insects. For deep lesions, a concentrated composition is used. If there are only small pockets of fungus on the tree, the composition is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

What are the dangers of self-processing wood?

Home craftsmen, doing bleaching with their own hands, have very little idea of ​​how complicated and dangerous this process is. All bleaching compounds are based on toxic and toxic substances, which, if used incorrectly, can damage the surface and cause irreparable harm to health.

Non-professionals often incorrectly calculate the concentration of the product, violate the proportions, and do not include necessary components, which negatively affects the wood.

It is necessary to strictly follow the technology of applying and rinsing off the product. The slightest violation technological process can lead to very sad consequences.

To avoid mistakes and prevent Negative consequences, it is necessary to entrust bleaching of the wooden surface to specialists.

The company "Master Srubov" employs professional craftsmen who know exactly the technology of wood bleaching and have successfully carried out this operation more than once.

If the walls of your wooden house are corroded by fungus, darkened and acquired a blue tint, contact our company. We will efficiently and quickly carry out all the necessary measures to whiten and renovate your home, which will again regain its lost beauty.

On the page you will find all our coordinates where you can contact us in a way convenient for you.

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Wood natural material, is a natural breeding ground for various fungi and molds. They are the ones that cause changes in the color of the surface, cause destruction of the structure of the material, and increase its moisture absorption. UV radiation also has a significant influence, when exposed to it the wood acquires a gray or yellow tint.

To avoid such undesirable consequences, timely use of antiseptic solutions is recommended. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to correctly process the material on initial stages construction, as a result, after some time, you have to look for ways to restore the damaged surface. Let's look at several options for bleaching wood using special solutions that you can prepare yourself.

  1. Bleach based solution

When treating the surface with bleach, it is necessary to first remove tannins and resins from the material using soda ash or potassium carbonate.

Cooking method:

  • For a bucket of water you need 2 kg of bleach and 0.25 kg of soda.
  • Everything needs to be mixed thoroughly and allowed to settle.
  • The solution is drained and used to treat the surface using a roller, brush or spray.
  • After 5 minutes, wipe the surface with acetic acid.
  • Lightening of the wood occurs in 15 minutes.
  • If the surface is very dark, repeat the procedure.
  • It is also possible to soak the material in the prepared solution for 40 minutes.

If you plan to paint wood in the future, after using bleach, it is recommended to wash off the remaining solution with hydrochloric acid diluted in water (1 g per 30 ml). Finally, the surface is washed with water and soap solution.

  1. Whitening with hydrogen peroxide

Perhydrol, a concentrated solution of hydrogen peroxide, is used in finished form for bleaching wood, applied to the surface using a sponge. The effect of the drug can be neutralized with a 4% solution of acetic acid.

Oak cannot be bleached with peroxide; with prolonged exposure, the surface acquires a green tint. It is best to use this product for species such as beech, birch and Walnut. Before applying it, the solid wood or veneer is moistened with water and slightly dried, after which it is additionally treated with a 10% ammonia solution. For bleaching ash and birch, a mixture of 20% solutions of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia is suitable.

  1. Bleaching with calcium hypochlorite

The substance is dissolved in water in a ratio of 8:100, then applied to the surface using a sponge. After 5 minutes, the wood must be wiped with a solution of 2% acetic acid.

  1. Oxalic acid solution

Best suited for bleaching light woods such as maple, linden, birch and poplar. A small amount (1.5-6 ml) of oxalic acid is diluted in 100 ml boiled water. To neutralize the solution, apply the following composition: 3 g of soda ash, 15 g of bleach per 100 ml of water. Soda is dissolved in hot water, after cooling, bleach is added. Finally, the surface should be thoroughly rinsed with water and dried.

Oxalic acid is excellent for bleaching oak veneer. Also, for such a surface, vinegar or lemon acid. Accelerated whitening can be done using aqueous solution, to which 2% sulfuric acid, 1.5% oxalic acid and 2.5% sodium peroxide will be added.

  1. Reliable proven tool

Using solutions prepared independently may cause undesirable changes. As we have already noted, when bleached with certain means, oak acquires a greenish tint. But a walnut may show a grayish-blue or pink color. To avoid unwanted changes, it is recommended to use high-quality, proven products from the best manufacturers.

One of these is a solution for restoring and bleaching wood. A professional product suitable for restoration and renovation of various wooden surfaces. The composition does not include chlorine, effectively and quickly removes dirt, mold, mildew, and helps improve the value and quality of wood. Can be used indoors and outdoors, suitable for almost all types of wood.

Wood bleach effectively restores damaged surfaces, preventing the development of fungus, mold, and blue stains. This product effectively brightens wood that has lost its attractive appearance as a result of atmospheric influences, including UV radiation.

How to bleach wood. How can you bleach wood? Choosing a wood bleach.

Wood bleaching is widely used when it is necessary to soften the natural tone of wood, remove unwanted stains, and give wood an attractive appearance. There are several methods of whitening.

Whitening wood with Neomid 500 impregnation.

What to do? Trouble! The frame of my wooden house has turned black. Everything was covered in blue—blue, stained with fungus, and there was terrible mold inside the log house! What to do? Help!

This is often the beginning of a conversation with an inexperienced builder of a log house or a wooden bathhouse.

They also ask: how to bleach and remove mold and wood-staining fungus? I heard that there is a means of impregnation for these purposes - wood bleach, but I don’t know where to buy it and what is the price of this wood bleach?
The question is answered by the honored builder of log houses, builder of country houses wooden houses and ban Yudin V.Yu.

In my experience, wood bleaching is required if it is infected with wood staining fungus and blue (white) mold. Wood bleach also helps in the fight against the most dangerous pest wood - house fungus and blue mold. In my practice of making log cabins and building wooden houses from timber, very often the wood suffers from this scourge. Moreover, it would be nice if the wood turned black, turned blue and became stained and retained its physical qualities. But this is not the case here. Wood from harmful fungus and mold very quickly begins to deteriorate and lose its physical properties. Chemical properties, in short, if you do not apply intensive bleaching of the wood, intensive rotting and destruction of the wood begins. All this can happen very quickly. Therefore, if you find signs of fungus - dark (or blue) spots on the wood, then you must immediately buy the most effective wood bleach Neomid 500 and immediately use it for its intended purpose - bleaching the wood (wood) of logs - a wooden house made of timber. Wood bleach Neomid 500, in addition to bleaching, will help you disinfect logs and timber from fungus and with a guarantee destroy fungal spores and mold spores.

Many people ask the question whether there are others, besides Neomid 500 wood bleach, with a stronger spectrum of action. I can say with confidence that there is no other such effective remedy in Russia. Wood bleach Neomid 500 is the most effective and radical chlorine-based composition. Not one type of wood-decaying fungi (mushrooms) can resist its action. Neomid 500 bleach destroys everything known species wood pests.

Therefore, my summary is this - if you find suspicious black, yellow, green or blue spots on the surface of a log house (on logs, beams or lumber), you should know that your wood has begun to become infected with a wood-staining fungus (fungus). There is only one remedy against this - Neomid 500 wood bleach!

People often ask: how many times should a log house be processed? wooden house for the final destruction of fungus or mold. My opinion is that in this case it is best to bleach the wood two to three times with an interval of 24 hours.

Helpful tips: when bleaching wood after its wood has been damaged by a fungus, you should keep in mind that the effect of bleaching wood from blue and black colors (wood-staining fungi) will be much stronger if the wood is treated twice with an intermediate drying interval of 24 hours. The wood-staining fungi and their spores that survived the initial treatment - bleaching the wood - will be completely destroyed by repeated bleaching!

With your own hands

What other wood can be bleached?

During the construction period, wood not treated with antiseptics darkens from exposure external factors and mushroom colors (mold, blue).

Darkened wood can still be bleached, but not in all cases. Only superficial damage to wood is bleached. The depth of wood bleaching is determined by the penetration depth of the bleach, which rarely exceeds 3 mm. If the lesion is too deep, then attempts to bleach the wood may be futile, because... “blue” may be visible through the translucent bleached layer of wood.

Wood must be bleached if the wood texture will decorate the interior or exterior of any building.

But the wood does not need to be bleached at all if there are no special requirements for the appearance of the wood, or if the wood is planned to be painted over with a covering coating or sheathed with another material.

It is important to understand that bleaching wood affected by mold and blue stains is a much more labor-intensive and very expensive process compared to antiseptic treatment.

To prevent wood from being damaged by mold and staining fungi, it is treated with a hard-to-wash antiseptic ZELEST STAGON. The antiseptic is manufactured in accordance with modern environmental requirements; it does not emit odor and does not change the color of the wood. The product is supplied in the form of a liquid concentrate. A working antiseptic solution is easy to prepare; for this, the concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:9.


Operating principle of wood bleaches

Wood bleaches work one at a time general principle: Essentially, wood bleaching is an oxidation process that leads to discoloration of lignin pigment colors, as well as destruction and discoloration of wood-staining fungal cells.

Conventionally, wood bleaching compositions can be divided into chlorine-containing bleaches and chlorine-free bleaches.

The first include bleaches containing sodium or potassium hypochlorite (NaClO or KClO), bleach Ca(OH)ClO, chlorine dioxide ClO2, etc.

The latter include bleaches based on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 2H2O.), in combination with ammonia NH4NO3 or alkalis and salts (NaOH, Ca(OH)2), oxalic acid (H2C2O4), etc.

For all of the above substances, the process of bleaching wood comes down to bleaching colors of different nature active oxygen radicals.

In bleaches based on hydrogen peroxide, the bleaching process occurs due to the oxidation of colors by the peroxy group –О-О- and partially due to the oxygen that is formed during the decomposition of peroxide compounds: 2H2O=2H2O+O2


How to bleach wood?

If you want the paint to lie evenly on the wood and not change its color after drying, then you need to bleach the wood. And any stains on the surface of the wood can be masked by bleaching. So let's figure out how to bleach wood.

First you need to decide on the most suitable whitening product. After all, you can bleach wood using hydrogen peroxide, titanium peroxide, bleach and oxalic acid. You might be interested in a vertical milling machine.

If you decide to bleach with oxalic acid, then first treat the surface of the wood with a solution of sodium hydrosulfite, and after a day, apply oxalic acid to the surface and after five minutes rinse it with water.

After bleaching, you can remove the resins with a bleach solution. To prepare it, you need to pour 30 g of soda ash into 100 g of warm water, then cool the water and add 15 g of bleach. Treat the wood with this solution and then rinse it off with water.

You can qualitatively discolor wood using a 30% solution of hydrogen peroxide. But be sure to blot the wood before applying peroxide. hot water, dry and treat with ammonia.

It is very good to bleach deciduous wood with lime milk. To prepare it, dilute 10 grams baking soda 350 grams of water, and then add 80 grams of bleach.

Well, you can quickly discolor the surface of wood with a solution of acetic or citric acid.

How can you bleach wood?

Bleaching wood, boards, logs, houses

What is the wood bleaching process? How to restore natural, natural light color wood logs of a wooden house? What is the best wood bleach to use for bleaching boards, lumber, timber and logs?

Wood-staining fungi give wood a bluish-gray color called “blue” or “blackness,” but there are fungi that stain wood brown, yellow, green, or pink tones. You should know that blue stain damage is not only an optical defect, and at first glance does not seem to destroy the wood. However, we must not forget that it is the “blue” and “blackness” that creates a breeding ground for the growth of wood-destroying fungi, which directly affects the strength and durability wooden structure home or bathhouse.

If the original color of wood has changed as a result of improper storage, it can be bleached using a special wood bleaching composition. The quality of such bleaches on the market varies and depends on chemical composition. One of the real bleaches for wood - logs, boards and lumber, the quality of which has been time-tested for Russian market, is the composition of “Sagus”, “Meekout”, Neomid 500, Septol 50 and “League Bioshield”.

These bleaching compounds are designed to return wood that has wood stain and mold damage back to its original condition. decorative properties, to give wooden surfaces darkened over time the original color and texture of fresh wood.

To wooden product from pine, spruce, cedar. linden or poplar has become pure white without losing its texture, use a solution of a colorless one of these bleaches.

Processing and bleaching of wood, namely bleaching of lumber and boards, should be carried out in well-ventilated areas or outdoors at temperatures not below zero.

The consumption of preparations when bleaching wood depends on the nature of the lumber and is 150-300 grams per 1 square meter.

In some cases, when the depth of penetration of wood-staining fungi into the wood of a tree is more than 3 mm, it is necessary to treat the wood two or three times.

When bleaching wood - boards, beams, logs and lumber, it is extremely important to decide and purchase a high-quality wood bleach

Choosing a wood bleach.

SENEZH NEO - Product for soft bleaching of wood and removal of surface lesions

SENEZH NEO is intended for gentle surface lightening of wood darkened as a result of fungal staining, exposure to atmospheric and temporary factors, solar UV radiation, as well as the removal of surface biological damage of various natures.

SENEZH NEO is used on planed, sawn and chopped wooden surfaces, previously untreated paint and varnish materials, indoors and outdoors. The product is not used to remove blue stains in wood. It is allowed to use the product on concrete, tiles, stone, tiles, bricks and other materials to remove mold, moss, algae and lichens.

Gently bleaches wood due to a mild oxidizing agent
Doesn't have unpleasant odor, does not emit toxic compounds
Particularly convenient for interior work, does not require special precautions
Visibly improves the appearance of damaged wood
Does not destroy the structure of wood, does not damage the surface
Effectively removes superficial biological lesions
Preserves the natural smell and breath of wood
Increases the grade of affected lumber
Does not affect the strength, adhesion and paintability of wood
Fire- and explosion-proof material

The working solution of SENEZH NEO is prepared immediately before use by mixing Components A and B in a ratio of 1:4; Apply generously to the affected areas using a brush, brush or sponge in several doses with an interval of 20-40 minutes. Use the prepared working solution within 2-3 hours. Process vertical surfaces from bottom to top. Before painting, rinse treated surfaces with water, rinse vertical surfaces from top to bottom. Large surfaces are usually bleached completely over the entire area.

The actual consumption of the working solution depends on the degree of damage to the wood and is usually 200 - 400 g/m2.

A two-pack, on-site formulation based on active oxygen.

The bleaching mechanism of SENEZH NEO is based on the reaction of free radical activation of an oxidizing agent with the release of active oxygen, which, without damaging the wood, oxidizes darkened lignin fragments and fungal stains, brightening and disinfecting the surface.

Work with protective glasses and gloves. Avoid contact with exposed parts of the body or ingestion. In case of contact with eyes and mouth, rinse with water. Hazard class IV (low hazard) according to GOST 12.1.007. Approved for use by Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation. Fire and explosion safe. Dispose of as household waste. Do not mix with other formulations! Avoid contact with metals!

Storage and transportation

Store and transport SENEZH NEO in a hermetically sealed container from the manufacturer in a cool place, out of reach of children, away from food products. Keep away from direct sunlight! Avoid heating! Shelf life – 12 months. It is allowed to use after the expiration date with an increase in the consumption rate.

Component A and Component B of SENEZH NEO are packaged in polyethylene canisters with a net weight of 4 kg + 20 kg, respectively.

Russian Certificates
Certificates of Belarus
Certificates of Ukraine


Wood is one of the most popular materials in construction. And there are a number of reasons for this demand. Wood is environmentally friendly pure material, which has high strength, relatively light weight and other characteristics.

But, unfortunately, there are no eternal materials. Wood is subject to various types of changes under the influence environment. Over time, wooden buildings, if they are not treated in a timely manner with special antiseptics, begin to lose their natural color, turn yellow and fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Another trouble that threatens everyone wooden buildings, is a fungus.

On the market building materials Today you can find many drugs that will help cope with these negative phenomena and prevent their occurrence. One of the most effective means considered a wood bleach. This drug not only allows you to “whiten” the wood and rid it of its gray or yellow tint, but, in addition, this product is very effective in the fight against fungus.

Composition of wood bleach

Many companies today offer products designed to whiten wood buildings, but not all of them are the same. Let's talk about what wood bleach consists of.

It should be immediately noted that wood bleaching itself is a process of wood oxidation, which discolors the pigment colors of lignin. In addition, this drug allows you to discolor and destroy fungal cells that have infected the wood.

Today there are two on the market conditional type bleaches:

  • bleaches containing chlorine - products that may contain potassium or sodium hypochlorites, chlorine dioxide, bleach;
  • preparations without chlorine - bleaches that are produced on the basis of hydrogen peroxide. Such products also contain ammonia or alkali, oxalic acid, etc.

To choose a bleach for your type of wood, it is best to consult a specialist. After all, an incorrectly chosen product can lead to many problems: poor discoloration of dark spots, rolling when applied to the surface of wood, etc.

It is also worth noting that not every tree can be given its original or similar appearance. The fact is that only those damages that are on the surface of the wood are bleached well. Experts say that today the penetration depth of any bleaching agent is no more than three millimeters. It is clear that such a remedy will not completely cope with damage that is deeper.

Caution when working with wood bleaches

Above we looked at standard set substances that are part of wood bleaches. It is clear that both chlorine and ammonia require special care when working with products that contain them. Therefore, we will name the basic safety rules when using wood bleaches:

  1. Bleach should only be kept in plastic containers.
  2. Bleach treatment can only be done with brushes made from synthetic materials.
  3. When working with bleach, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment such as gloves, glasses, protective clothing and a respirator.
  4. After the bleach has completely dried on the wood (about 24 hours), the surface must be rinsed with water.

Treating wood with bleach

There are many ways to treat wood with bleach and they depend on the product you use.

For example, the whitening preparation “Iney” includes two compositions. The first of them is applied to a dry, unpainted wood surface, previously cleaned of mold and fungi. After the composition has dried (about 12 hours), composition No. 2 is applied to the surface of the wooden structure.

Other drugs, for example, NEOMID, Zelest Blikta and others, have a simplified technology of use. To bleach wood, the products are simply applied with a synthetic brush to a dry surface that has been previously prepared (cleaned of dirt, mold, etc.). After the bleach has dried (about 24 hours), it is advisable to rinse the treated wood with water. If necessary, the bleaching procedure is repeated.

Which composition you choose depends on your capabilities and the condition of the wood. We only note that after using wood bleach, it is recommended to cover the building with special antiseptics, which will help prevent the reappearance of fungus and mold, fading of the wood, etc. Properly carried out bleaching and protection from further damage will extend the life of a wooden building by more than a dozen years.

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