What is the best way to plant gladioli? When is the right time to plant gladioli in open ground in the spring? Planting gladioli in open ground

landscaping 25.08.2023

It doesn’t matter how you got the bulbs—whether they were a gift from a neighbor or bought at an upscale store—their preparation is the same, regardless of origin. Two to three weeks before the planned planting date, the planting material should be cleared of scales covering the bulbs and inspected for pests, overwintering under them or diseases.

Healthy corms have a shiny surface, a dense structure, thick buds-tubercles from which the root system will develop, and thick buds that have hatched.

Soft and covered with mold or ulcers should be burned immediately so as not to breed pathogens of various diseases on your territory. If the planting material is generally healthy, but in some places you notice signs of scab or fusarium, it can still be cured! Using a sharp knife, the dark brown spots on the surface of the bulbs are carefully cut off, and the sections are smeared with brilliant green. The wounds will have time to heal, but we won’t see any diseases! Corms must be germinated before planting.. To do this, they are laid out with their buds facing up in a warm, well-lit place, protected from direct sunlight.

In order not to cause increased and premature root growth, moisture should be avoided on the planting material. The roots of gladioli are very fragile, and when planting, no matter how hard you try, you will still break them off, which will lead to stunted plant growth. A properly prepared corm will have time to grow sprouts up to 10 cm and small root tubercles that have not yet developed into real roots. Material that has not shown any signs of life during the entire germination period is simply discarded.

Surely, you are already tired of waiting for suitable weather, and you want to see the sprouts of your favorite flowers as soon as possible. Well, as soon as the soil has warmed up to +10 °C (mid-April - early May), it’s time to start planting. Immediately before starting, the planting material should be etched in a solution Fitosporina or Oxychoma about half an hour, which helps get rid of invisible pests and pathogens.

For gladioli you need to choose a place that is well lit and protected from northern winds. Waterlogged lowlands on the north side and - the worst choice! Loose, moisture-absorbing soil should not be too heavy. The garden bed has been dug up since the fall along with rotted compost. Under no circumstances should you fertilize the soil with fresh manure! Plants are planted in groups in trenches of different depths, which depends on the size of the planting material. For large cormsthis is 15 cm, for mediumup to 9 cm, and even smaller trenches for “babies”.

They are planted at the same distance. The bottom of the hole is sprinkled with sand, then the bulbs are laid out, lightly pressing them into the soil, sprinkled with wood ash and sand again, watered with a heated solution of potassium permanganate and only then covered with the top layer of soil. Sand is far from necessary, but it well optimizes the composition of heavy soil and helps in the fall to easily remove planting material along with the formed corms. from only gladioli of different varieties - a very impressive decoration for your site!

So, you already know how to properly plant gladioli in the spring. The most difficult thing is ahead - waiting for the first shoots! You can speed up this process by building a greenhouse over the garden bed. In this case, you will not need to worry about return frosts and cover or mound the planting site with earth. When the gladioli sprout, the surface of the bed is mulched with a layer of humus or dry forest foliage. Mulch performs several tasks at once - it protects the soil from drying out, overheating and hypothermia, and also suppresses weeds and serves as fertilizing for subsequent years.

Gladioli, like dahlias, cannot overwinter in open ground. To enjoy the flowering of these plants, choose varieties with early flowering periods for your plot, since as the weather worsens, the plants may not only not bloom, but also not produce offspring the next year - they simply will not have time to ripen. In the fall, when the foliage turns yellow, you can dig up the bulbs for storage and repeat the steps again, which will invariably lead you to a positive result.

To grow gladioli you do not need to be a gardener with extensive experience; you just need to follow some recommendations from experts.

If you want gladioli to delight you with their beautiful flowering, you need to choose the right planting time and take into account all the nuances when processing the bulbs. How to understand that gladiolus bulbs are healthy, how and when to plant them correctly, and what to consider when planting?

How to prepare tubers for planting

Gladioli bulbs should be prepared for planting 15-20 days before the planned date. The tubers need to be thoroughly cleaned of dry scales, and then carefully checked to see if the bulbs are healthy, if they have pests or mechanical damage.

A healthy flower tuber has a dense and uniform surface. Shrunken or soft, moldy bulbs should be discarded. Scab or fusarium also spoil the tuber - small shiny brownish spots appear on it. Such bulbs can be treated: carefully cut off the spots with a knife, then smear this cut with green paint. By planting the cut will be tightened.

Proven gladioli bulbs are carefully laid out in several layers. Tubers need to be germinated in a warm place and protected from direct sunlight. Not all flower growers know that with this procedure, the flower bulbs do not need to be moistened; this can cause intensive root growth, which is not desirable, because when you plant them in the soil, they will break off.

Before planting, the bulb should have root tubercles 3 mm high, as well as sprouts from 1 to 10 centimeters. If sprouts or root tubercles do not appear on the bulb, then it is unsuitable for planting.

Before planting, the gladiolus bulb must be soaked in a solution with foundation or in a strong solution of potassium permanganate (for about 30 minutes). The same is done with flower sprouts: they are carefully cleaned of dense husks and pickled in a fungicide liquid (20 minutes), but the dose of this solution should be half as much. This procedure will protect your flowers from diseases, as well as small pests.

Preparing the soil for planting gladioli

Gladioli love sunny, cozy places, reliably protected from northern winds. Low-lying areas, where there is a lot of moisture, are unsuitable for growing these flowers. Before planting, the soil must be well loosened, it must have time to be well saturated with moisture.

Plant the prepared bulbs in well-heated soil (+8/10 °C) approximately 10 centimeters deep. The optimal time for planting gladioli is the end of April. Before planting gladioli, you need to prepare the bed. The soil is well dug up and filled with rotted compost; fresh manure is not used to fertilize these flowers. Gladioli should be fed using mineral fertilizers. This can be done throughout the season.

Let's start planting gladioli

Now that the preparations are complete, you can start planting. To do this, it is necessary to determine the depth of the trench. For large bulbs it is 7-9 centimeters, and for small ones 5 centimeters is enough. If the soil on your site is airy, be aware that it settles after watering, therefore, when planting large tubers, you need to bury them deeper - up to 20 centimeters.

First, a small layer of coarse sand is poured onto the bottom of the trench - about 2 centimeters, they are carefully laid out, and then the bulbs are lightly pressed into the ground. Sprinkle everything with wood ash and cover it with sand again. Now water it with a warm solution of potassium permanganate and fill it with prepared soil, carefully leveling the surface.

Sand helps optimize the composition of heavy soils. It protects the bulb from diseases, and in the fall, when you dig up the plants, they can be easily removed from the soil. The distance between plants in a row depends on their size. If you are planting large tubers, place a distance of approximately 10 -15 centimeters between them, and 10 centimeters between small ones. The row spacing is 30-35 centimeters.

Preparing gladioli for winter

To protect gladioli in winter and during the cold off-season, you need to cover the bed with film or build a special canopy using wire. If frost suddenly occurs, cover the emerging sprouts or hill them up with soil. Immediately after planting or after germination of the plant, the surface of the bed must be mulched with manure in a layer of 5-7 centimeters. This mulch will protect the surface of the bed from hypothermia, drying out, and overheating. Mulching also prevents weeds from growing.

Gladiolus is a perennial flower, but it cannot overwinter in open soil. For our climate zone, it is better to choose varieties with an early or medium flowering period, since late varieties in bad weather may be late in flowering and ripening of bulb tubers.

As you can see, gladiolus is an excellent choice for our climate; it does not require extremely complex care and watering, but it has a variety of colors and configurations and, with proper care, will delight you for a long time.

Many people associate the gladiolus flower with the beginning of the school year - September 1st. Probably everyone stood with a huge bouquet of bright gladioli on a line. But in order for the plant to please us with its bright colors by the beginning of autumn, it is best to plant gladioli in the spring.

By following certain rules for planting and caring for gladioli, you can achieve longer flowering and effective reproduction.

How to choose the right landing site

Gladioli are heat-loving plants, so it is best to plant them in sunny areas. In the shade, flowers develop poorly, their flowering is delayed, and excess moisture can cause the development of various diseases.

Preparing the soil for planting gladioli

Proper planting of gladioli should be done in soil with a slightly acidic reaction (pH 5.5-6.5). If acidity is high, it is recommended to add quicklime or chalk to the soil.

It is best to dig up the soil in the fall and add phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to it, and before spring planting it must be loosened and all weeds must be selected.

Some gardeners, before growing gladioli, plant legumes on the plot the previous year. They improve the soil structure and prevent the appearance of wireworms.

Preparing the bulbs for planting

After cleaning, gladioli bulbs must be disinfected. Garlic is a good remedy for the prevention of various diseases.

Peeled garlic cloves can be stored along with gladioli planting material.

Before planting, you can water the ground with garlic infusion. You can prepare it as follows: take 50 g of chopped garlic for 10 liters of water, leave for a day, then strain. You can also protect your plants by planting garlic between rows of gladioli.

You can disinfect tubers with infusion of marigolds, nasturtium or calendula (take 2.5 liters of water and 250 g of dried flowers, leave for three days). Many gardeners use manganese solution (soaked for 1-2 hours before planting) or copper sulfate (5 g per 1 liter of hot water) to treat bulbs.

When and how to plant gladioli in open ground

Planting gladioli in the ground should be done when the soil warms up to +8-10 degrees. As a rule, this is the end of April. You should not delay planting, as the soil may dry out and lack of moisture will negatively affect the development of the gladiolus bulb.

It is initially better to plant corms and children in the sand. It will protect their young roots from contact with the soil. To do this, sand is poured into the hole in a layer of 1-2 cm, an onion is planted, sprinkled with sand, and only then with earth.

To make caring for gladioli easier, it is recommended to plant gladioli in rows. Moreover, the greater the distance between them, the more nutrients the plant will receive and the lower the likelihood of infection with various diseases from neighboring plants.

The depth of the hole also depends on the size of the planting material. The larger the bulb, the greater the planting depth.

Before planting, the hole or furrow is moistened with water and nitrophoska is applied 3-4 cm below the bottom of the corm.

To admire the beauty of plants for as long as possible, plant gladioli in the spring at different times.

How to care for gladioli

The health of plants and their flowering duration largely determines the quality of their care:

  • Gladioli need to be watered once every seven days, but try not to get water on the leaves. Once every ten days, loosen the soil around the plant and remove weeds so that they do not choke the flowers, especially young ones. Tie tall flowers so that they do not break, and remove dried flowers in a timely manner;
  • Gladioli flowers need regular fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers;
  • Minerals are applied three times per season. The first feeding is introduced when a pair of true leaves have formed. The second, when 6 true leaves appear, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are added to the nitrogen. The third time, gladioli are fertilized only with phosphorus and potassium (as soon as the peduncle appears);
  • As an organic fertilizer, you can use a liquid infusion of chicken manure. It is applied every 15-20 days. From mid-August, feeding is stopped;

Flowers are cut only in the early morning and evening. At other times, it is better not to prune.

  • Inspect gladioli regularly for pests. If you notice that their leaves turn yellow or dry out, then most likely one of the diseases has appeared: wireworm damage to the bulb, gray rot, scab.

As you can see, planting gladioli in the spring and caring for them is not at all difficult. By following our recommendations, you will definitely grow a healthy and strong flower.

The duration of their flowering, the size of the peduncle and the decorativeness of the plant itself largely depend on compliance with the rules for planting gladioli. Gladiolus owes its name to the ancient Roman patricians, who grew lush arrows in their gardens 300 years BC. And today these plants decorate dachas and flower beds, delighting parents and children with luxurious bouquets on Knowledge Day.

Before planting gladioli in open ground, you will need to carry out a series of preparatory work, which will ensure successful germination of young shoots. The choice of planting site, caring for the plant after germination and advice from experienced gardeners will also be important.

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    Storing and preparing bulbs

    The optimal place for storing corms is a moderately humid basement with a temperature of +5 – +9. Here they are placed in boxes with a lattice bottom so that the bulbs are ventilated. On average, once a month, planting material is inspected and spoiled tubers, soft and blackened, are discarded.

    It is better to store gladioli in your apartment in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator, wrapped in paper and placing the wrappers in sealed cellophane. Somewhere in the spring, the paper will get wet (the bulbs will begin to release moisture), then they need to be unwrapped, dried for several days, and then re-packed in paper and folded into cellophane. If you leave the bulbs at room temperature, they may germinate in 35-40 days and this will ruin all your storage efforts.

    About 20 days before planting, the corms are taken out of storage and taken to a bright place. However, they should not be placed in direct sunlight; the light should be diffused. During the same period, the tubers are peeled, the skin on them should be dense and shiny, spoiled, moldy, soft bulbs are thrown away.

    Those that have minor (pinpoint) damage can be treated: you need to remove the damage with a sharp knife, and then treat the cut area with brilliant green. Before planting, a crust will form on it, and the plant will sprout roots well.

    The bulbs are disinfected, for this you need a solution of potassium permanganate (2 g per 4 liters of water) or “Fundazol” (0.3% aqueous solution). Planting material is soaked in it immediately before planting for 1 hour. You can do it 2 days before, then you need to soak it for 8 hours, and then remove the tubers, rinse and dry. Before planting, the bulb must have a bud of at least 3 mm or a sprout from 1 to 10 cm.

    Type of bulb ready for planting in open ground

    Disembarkation dates

    For beginner gardeners, it is worth clarifying that the average time for planting gladioli is the end of April and until the beginning of June (for central Russia). But here it is very important to follow the following rules:

    1. 1. There should be no frost in the morning.
    2. 2. The soil at a depth of 10–15 cm should warm up to +10.

    Failure to follow these rules will cause late flowering or the plants will not bloom at all.

    If planting dates are observed, early varieties will shoot out flower stalks at the beginning of August, and late varieties at the end of September.

    If we consider in detail the timing for other regions, then for the Urals they will shift to mid-May; during the same period, early varieties should be planted in the Moscow region.

    In Siberia and the Leningrad region, it is advisable to plant plants as seedlings. This will allow you to get flower stalks before the onset of frost.

    To achieve earlier flowering, you can warm the soil with warm water, but then after planting you will have to mulch the area well with humus. If there is a threat of frost, it needs to be smoked; the seedlings may need to be covered with agrofibre for the first time. However, only those gardeners who have already grown these flowers on their site should plant gladioli in this way, and it is better for beginners to use the standard scheme.

    In order to continue the flowering period of plants, you can use the following recommendations:

    • Plant varieties with different flowering times.
    • Plant one variety at intervals of 10–15 days twice or thrice.
    • Plant bulbs of different sizes, but be sure to follow the planting sequence.

    Before winter

    It is possible to plant gladioli planting material before winter only if it is possible to provide it with a soil temperature of at least +2 in winter. When the soil cools below -2, gladioli bulbs die.

    If you really want to get flowers ahead of schedule, you can use a pot (3–5 liters), planting the bulbs in compliance with all the rules for planting in it and placing it on an insulated balcony for the first time. However, after germination, you will have to provide it with temperature and light conditions, and this is not easy. After the threat of frost has passed, the pot can be taken outside and the green skewer can be used to beautifully decorate the flowerbed.

    Growing gladioli seedlings

    This method is used if flower stalks are needed much ahead of time. It is also suitable for the northern regions, since summer is very short here, and frosts from spring last a long time. For this, first (a month and a half before planting in the ground), the bulbs are planted in sawdust. Sprout the planting material on the windowsill (by illuminating the plants artificially).

    After the skewer has risen 10–15 cm, it is transplanted into cups (0.5 l), for which special soil for planting flowers is used. Before planting seedlings, the soil in containers should be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then the roots are placed in the ground, but the neck of the peduncle is covered only with wet sawdust. Then they grow again on the windowsill.

    They are planted in a permanent place of growth in the country, cutting the cups, only after the soil warms up above +10.

    Site selection

    For growing gladioli, choosing the right site is very important. In the northern regions, this must be a well-lit bed without drafts. In the middle zone, you can plant gladioli in shaded areas, but if shaded from the south they will bloom 10–15 days later, and if shaded from the east at least a week.

    In hot southern regions, gladioli can be planted in light shade. This will save them from the midday heat.

    Optimal soil acidity is pH 6.5–6.8. Composition: black soil or well-fertilized loamy soil, sandy loam. Gladioli do not like a lot of moisture; water should not linger in the area.

    Plants are not planted after tuberous and asters.

    Soil preparation

    Soil preparation can be carried out in the fall, if the bed for gladioli has already been determined, or in the spring, immediately before planting the tubers. If the earth is dug up in the fall, then phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are applied. At this time, the soil is buried deeper in order to retain moisture.

    In the spring, the soil is cultivated to a depth of 18–20 cm. After which it is leveled with a rake, and then grooves or holes are made. Fertilizers are applied after germination.

    The optimal depth will be calculated from the diameter of the bulbs. Experienced gardeners plant them to a depth of 4 plant diameters. For large bulbs, this is 10–15 cm. For medium-sized bulbs, the depth of the hole will be 8–10, and for children - up to 8. The wider the row spacing, the more nutrients the plants will receive. Between large bulbs in a row the distance should exceed 20 cm, and between rows from 25. For smaller planting material, the distance can be made smaller.

    There is no need to plant plants too deep; this will prevent you from getting strong plants and abundant flowering. If you plant the bulbs shallowly, the skewer will not be so strong, and so that the flower stalks do not fall, they will have to be tied up.

    It is worth planting large, medium bulbs and children separately. Large plants will take away nutrients from smaller ones - they may not bloom.


    Having made the holes, place 2 cm of river sand or sphagnum moss on their bottom. And the bulbs are already laid out on this pillow. Then the planting material is sprinkled with loose soil on top and watered generously with warm water.

    If groundwater comes close to the surface, it would be right to make beds, but they are absolutely not suitable in hot climates (the flower stalks will dry out).

    For watering, it is good to dig furrows (up to 5 cm) between the rows. It is carried out once a week, but generously (10 liters per m2). After shoots appear, the soil is mulched with humus.

Gladioli are flowers that are very popular. They not only decorate flower beds, but also plant them at home. But, nevertheless, most often they can be found in open ground. Using the advice of experienced flower growers, you will be able to grow beautiful flowers with a large number of peduncles.

Gladioli - description

Gladiolus has a fairly ancient history. The first mentions of it have existed since antiquity. In Greece at that time it was considered a weed. In addition, when times of famine came, the Greeks used the tubers for food.

The ancient ancestor of the gladiolus was so beautiful that over time it became increasingly used to decorate the garden in Rome and spread further. A beautiful perennial flower can reach a height of 150 cm, depending on the variety this figure may vary slightly. Inflorescences can be arranged spirally on one or both sides. The stem of gladioli is strong and straight, decorated with leaves that have a xiphoid or linear shape.

Preparatory procedures before landing

Patience will be required for those who want to grow healthy gladioli. To do this, it is not enough to simply plant the bulb in the soil; it is important to properly store the planting material in winter, water it, loosen it and carry out other procedures.

Selection of corms

The variety of gladiolus must be selected taking into account the climate in which it will grow. In addition, the type of soil and other features are also important. The best choice is a large bulb, as the survival rate is much better and more flower stalks will appear during flowering.

In addition, you need to choose bulbs taking into account the following parameters:

  • planting material should not have defects, painful lesions, ulcers and other nuances;
  • You definitely need to pay attention to the bottom, it must be clean, and if the roots are cut, their color must be white;
  • despite the fact that the scales must be removed before planting, at the time of selection they should be shiny or reddish; gray color indicates poor quality material that may not bloom;
  • when checking the bulbs, the scales should be easily removed, and the flesh underneath them should have a uniform color structure, without spots or stripes;
  • The stem also needs to be inspected; the cut area should have the same color as the scales; a blackened cut indicates deterioration of the material.

Choosing a landing site

Before planting gladioli in open ground, you need to choose the right place. At the same time, we must not forget that the soil should be light and drained, without drafts.

Gladioli, which are planted in the northern part, bloom quickly. In addition, an area with high groundwater levels is not suitable for these flowers. It is difficult to predict what the result will be. The best is considered to be a flat area with a slight slope to the south. At midday, darkening is allowed in the southern regions.

In addition, novice gardeners need to follow a detailed care plan.

Soil selection

An important component for the favorable cultivation of gladioli is the acidity of the soil. Such soil causes poor flower opening. In addition, they quickly darken and wither, and fusarium also appears. The optimal soil for gladioli is slightly acidic.

You can neutralize acidity using eggshells and dolomite flour. For one square meter you will need 200 grams of product.

Gladioli grow well in loam. In this case, you need to correct the soil; for this you need to add sand to the heavy loam. But if we are talking about sandy soil, then rotted compost and clay are added there. Gladioli should be planted at a time when the earth has warmed up well.

The best soil for this flower is considered to be the one where legumes or other vegetables were previously planted. But if root crops or asters grew in the garden plot, then it is not suitable for gladioli.

Planting in open ground

Planting gladioli has its own characteristics. First of all, preparation and processing of children and bulbs is required. The scales are cleaned off, the affected bulbs are removed or the affected parts are removed, followed by treating the cut with brilliant green. When the planting material germinates, it can be planted in the ground.

Before planting in the spring, you also need to treat the gladioli bulbs with a product to avoid future damage by fungus or thrips. A solution of potassium permanganate is suitable for this, in which the tubers are kept for about 30 minutes.

Gladioli love warmth and tolerate heat well, so they are planted in a well-lit area. Flowers need to be planted in April; as a result, after a few months they will begin to bloom, around June.

It is also recommended to leave the seedling in open ground, where there are no frequent gusts of wind. Under its pressure, due to its height, flowers can break. The soil should be well warmed up to 8-10 degrees Celsius. In this case, the bulbs are placed in the ground to a depth of approximately 10 centimeters. To begin with, trenches are dug, planting material is placed there and sprinkled with wood ash and sand on top. Additionally, you can water the gladioli with a solution of potassium permanganate, after which you need to level the soil.

Caring for flowers in the open ground

In order for gladioli to delight the eye with their beautiful blooms in summer, they need to be looked after. It is required to properly prepare for planting, store, and carry out other procedures while the bulbs are in the ground.


A special watering system for gladioli is required. You cannot pour water under each stem. To moisten the soil, it is better to make shallow grooves between the tubers and pour water into them. This way the leaves will not be damaged. You can use additional equipment that will perform this task. In this case, only an experienced agricultural technician can help you choose the right one, based on how the breeding and planting were carried out.

Top dressing

The seedlings need to be covered with humus. This should be done when the stems are at least 8 cm high. Fertilizer is added along the stem from a height of 5 cm. This will prevent the roots from rotting and the moisture will not evaporate.

Loosening and weeding

You need to carefully loosen the soil around the gladioli. This should be done approximately once every 2 weeks. It is important to go around the stems and bulbs so as not to damage them.

Tying up

When the buds appear in June, you need to tie up the flowers. It is recommended to use pegs for this. At the same time, during flowering the stems will not bend and remain straight. In addition, this procedure will prevent the gladiolus from breaking.


After the first lower flower opens, you need to cut it. But you need to do it before the tubers give up all the nutrients accumulated during the wintering period. In this case, the flowers will stand in the water for a long time and open all their buds, and the bulbs can be used next year.

Collecting tubers and storing them in winter

In the fall, around mid-September, but no less than a month later, you need to collect the bulbs. In this case, it is necessary to separate the children from the mother tuber and destroy all damaged and diseased ones. Some gardeners, with minor damage, prefer to cut off the affected areas and save the remaining parts.

After harvesting, planting material is cleaned of dirt, disinfected and dried before winter. Drying is carried out over several days, after which they are laid out in boxes. It is recommended to treat them with a manganese solution.

For the first few weeks, gladioli should be kept warm at temperatures up to 30 degrees Celsius. Next you need to lower it to 20 degrees Celsius. It is at this temperature that the bulbs will be stored until spring.

From time to time, the bulbs need to be inspected in order to identify affected materials in time and dispose of them. As for children, it is recommended to store them at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius. Boxes with tubers can be left in the cellar, if vegetables and fruits are not stored there, in the pantry at the dacha or in places where there is air circulation, placing them on a raised platform.

Gladioli diseases and control methods

Gladioli are not immune to disease, so it is important to monitor their health. As a result, they may be susceptible to the following ailments:

  1. Fusarium affects all parts of the gladiolus and is a fungal infection. In this case, yellowing is noted from the tips. Oval red-brown spots appear on the bulbs themselves.
  2. Gray, hard or dry rot are also fungal diseases. They develop in rainy weather conditions. At the same time, brown spots appear on the leaves, and then they die. In addition, the core is darker inside and subsequently dries out. As a result, a through hole appears in it, and the walls of the bulb become covered with a gray coating and the insides become carrion, which can harm healthy flowers. If dry rot develops, the bulb becomes covered with brown formations, and hard rot is characterized by dark brown round ulcers.
  3. It is possible to develop a bacterial disease - scab. It spreads on flowers that are planted in alkaline soil. It is characterized by the appearance of small red-brown spots at the base of the leaves. As a result, the leaves turn brown and dry, and the bulbs become covered with ulcerative, glossy formations.
  4. Gladioli can be susceptible to the spread of viral diseases that are carried by insects. The mosaic appears as spots on the leaves and yellow streaks.

The listed diseases cannot be treated, and as a result the plant dies, and very slowly. Therefore, to save it you need to prepare it before planting:

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