Drilling wells - promising business. We do business drilling wells for water: useful chips

Gardening 12.10.2019

Seasonal is a business for providing services for drilling wells for water. The main customers are owners of country houses, dachables, host cottages in the private sector. The advantages that the customer receives after drilling the well is the ability to independently get water on its land plot.

The acute needy of drilling wells for water is felt in places where the central water supply is not provided. However, this business has seasonality in orders.

As can be seen on the statistics of drilling peak falls on May month. Significantly demand for the service starts to increase since the beginning of March of the month, and a sharp decline is felt at the end of August. According to such data, it can be understood for what time of year it is best to plan drilling. Without unnecessary research, it is clear that planning the organization of the opening of this kind of business is necessary for autumn or January-February months, at another time of time you can not have time for the peak of demand. Preliminary orders are starting to be intensified and reported in March (it is necessary to take into account the geographical position of your residence).

Video about drilling technology:

It is worth paying attention to the number of requests for this topic. Here you can see that many potential customers begin to look for the artist long before the work season. You, in turn, you need to master as much free online tools as possible.

Revenues and costs of business drilling

Consider the financial part of this entrepreneurship.

We initially take such data:

  • 1 meter of well on water on average costs 1,800 rubles;
  • Long well on average 21 meters;
  • 37 000 rub. Commercial price of well.

Suppose that we have a drilling equipment of RB 50/220 (220 volts, weight 150 kg, a drilling depth of 50 m.). With a necessary set for work (two borants, motor-pump, rod, rugova) Such an installation costs about 180,000 rubles. These will have capital costs. Now we estimate the cost of consumables:

  • Pipe casing - 7 500 rubles. at 21 meters;
  • Borehole filter 4 000 rub.;
  • Salary for 2 jobs 2 000 rub.;
  • Transport costs will be 1,000 rubles.

The final calculations of the cost of one well is 14,500 rubles, income is 37,000 rubles. Clean profit from one well is obtained by 22,500 rubles.

By this calculation it is necessary to carry out drilling of 8 orders. You can drill 2 wells per week. Attachments will pay off within one month, subject to two customers per week.

According to estimates, everything turns out very tempting. But do not forget that this is all the model of calculations. If you still decide on the organization of such a business, then you should not forget the features of the region where drilling services for water will be provided. Well study the equipment for drilling and familiarize yourself with the nuances of various models in the work. A lot depends on the cost of the well for 1 meter and from your abilities to offer and sell this service.

Drinking water has always been one of the most valuable resources. Now the demand for it is growing both due to the increase in consumption, environmental changes and for other reasons. Under these conditions, the drilling of wells is a very promising direction for private entrepreneurship. With the right organization and account for all nuances, the business is able to quickly pay off and start making profit to the owner.

This article provides a business plan for drilling wells to water, describes important features of the case and related costs.

Application of offer

Drilling services in Russia began to be provided relatively recently. Previously, the problem of access to water was solved by the traditional way - the roar of the wells. And so far this method is used in the construction of private houses in rural areas, where the drilling companies simply do not.

In the construction of individual housing, the issue of access to water resources is one of the paramounts - many people prefer to get their own, unlimited source of water, drumming the well: in the future it is much more profitable than to constantly buy bidones in stores. Natural artesian water is more useful than analogue cleaned in factory conditions. In addition, it is suitable for watering plants, planting in the yard.

There are companies on the market now on the market, but they are a bit. Given the size of Russia, the niche can be called open, promising for new participants.

Causes of high demand

The demand for clean drinking water is growing for the following reasons:

  • Adverse ecological situation. The higher the aquifer layer, the greater the concentration of pesticides, chemicals and other harmful impurities in the water structure. Clean water should be made an order of an order of an ordinary well level.
  • The use of artesian water will help to prevent the appearance of health problems, which leads to the beings of ordinary tap water. As is well known, the water supply systems laid back in Soviet times were made, and the disinfection method with chlorine is dangerous to health.
  • To produce water, you need to dig more deeper - the mindless exploitation of nature leads to the brand of water bodies, the care of water to depth.
  • For the normal functioning of irrigation systems, a powerful water layer is needed, which gives a sufficient amount of fluid. A deep well is needed.

Well opening

The described business plan for drilling wells for water involves the following costs.

Table 1. Basic items of the costs of opening a well-drilling business on water.

When organizing wells, a depth of 50 m, the initial amount of costs will be about 375 thousand rubles.

Business involves the use of a spacious car. This plan does not take into account the costs of its purchase, service and fuel.

The prices indicated in the table are based on the study of the offer on the Internet and exemplary wages in the Russian regions.

check in

It is advisable to conduct business as an individual entrepreneur. Of course, you can organize a legal entity, but this option is more complicated in terms of reporting, taxation. OKVED code - 45.25.2.

A businessman receives standard documentation and opens a bill account in a bank, puts his company to accounting to government agencies, draws up a license. It will also be necessary to receive a number of permits for the development and conduct of geological exploration (activities), to use subsoil (for which it is necessary to evaluate groundwater reserves in the region).

Despite the need to obtain a variety of documents, the process can be organized fairly quickly, acting in several directions.


The main expenditure article is to purchase a drilling rig - automated equipment that creates a well. A businessman should choose a small-sized installation of one of the 2 types: Hydraulic or electric drive.

  1. The hydraulic drive machine is more powerful, equipped with fuel engines providing deep drilling (up to 250 m). It is not as easy to operate - it takes more space, heavy and less maneuverable. The cost is high.
  2. Electric machines provide drilling up to 50-70 m. This technique is not so powerful, but lighter, convenient for carrying and editing.

Depending on the model and the manufacturer, the technician can be equipped with wheels to move it as a trailer.

During permanent operation, it will be necessary to purchase consumables.

Brief technology brief

Business on water from the well can be built only with the knowledge of the correct drilling technology.

Before starting work, it is necessary to get and examine the geological exploration cards, determine whether underground sources are available in the right place.

Upon arrival at the operating point to conduct an acceptance (water intake), to make sure that the presence of water. After gathering, installing equipment.

Drink a well, insert casing drill rods (pipes). They are connected by welding or coupling, protect the well from collapse, allow you to take water only from the desired depth (without mixing with the upper layers) and get rid of the soil impurities. Dirty water rolls out with a motor-pump.

For several days, water should be outlined from the equipped well. It is necessary to normalize the constant water flow, get rid of soil residues, drilling products.


A lot of employees will not need to organize work: 2-3 people are enough, one of which will perform the functions of the chauffeur.

The drilling rig is heavy, so for its installation, carrying (especially if the wheels are missing the model) will require an effort 3 people. The task of employees is the right organization of all the case, the preparation of equipment for work, tracking the drilling process and other working moments.

To search for a clientele, it is best to hire sales manager; He will work with potential consumers, individuals and companies. He can delegate all the work on promotion: creating ads on the Internet, media, making business cards and other POS materials.


Drilling wells as a business can become a stable source of income - the case in the presence of regular orders will quickly pay off.

When calculating profitability, the sum of the initial investments will be rounded up to 400 thousand rubles. With 1 project per week, the amount of monthly expenses will be about 110 thousand rubles.

The cost of drilling one well (50 m depth) is approximately 70 thousand rubles. (1500 rub. / M). In this case, revenue a month will be 280 thousand rubles. Net profit - 170 thousand rubles.

In accordance with this, the business will pay off in about 2.5 months. But it is necessary to emphasize that this calculation is suitable if there is already a car (suitable passenger). If it is not, then in the calculation you need to take into account the cost of cars and costs of fuel.

Calculation of 1 drilling per week is minimal. The number of projects can be increased (in the warm season).

Step-by-step business opening plan

  1. Start from registration of an enterprise as an IP or YUR. Persons, get the necessary permissions.
  2. Purchase equipment, prepare a car.
  3. Hire workers, prepare them for labor, maintenance of technology.
  4. To organize a permanent job search for new customers and promotional activity: crawl leaflets, advertise.
  5. Operatively respond to orders, quality to maintain customers, raise their loyalty, satisfaction ("Sarafan Radio" is an important way to attract new consumers).

An entrepreneur eventually can expand the activities by organizing business water bottling from a well. This production area opens up new features, allows you to go to retail chains.

Well drilling is a promising idea that is not yet common among Russian entrepreneurs. This area of \u200b\u200bactivity is open to new participants, allows you to get high income. Having studied a business plan in this article, the reader will be able to appreciate the prospects for this business and decide whether he is suitable for him.

Drilling wells is a seasonal business, which is the main clientele of which owners of houses in the private sector, summer houses and owners of cottages. For them, the value of the service is to be able to remove water from the ground within their legitimate territory.

The main front of work in the drilling business accounts for the drilling of traditional artesian wells. Actually this service is more than two thirds of the total number of orders. The remaining 30% of the volume of work falls on digging wells and drilling sandy wells. Due to the fact that there is enough in the market of drilling services a large number of One-non-professionals, most people prefer to order services from firms.

A noticeable increase in the demand for well drilling begins with March, his peak falls on May, and a significant decline hits in August-September. Therefore, to open the drilling company is best either in the fall, or at the beginning of the year, otherwise the likelios of the offseason is great. The bulk of preliminary orders falls on the spring months. Despite pronounced seasonality, technology and technique allow you to drill wells and in winter.

Specificity of drilling business

To date, the drilling of wells and digging wells is the most profitable business in those areas where the cottage building basically prevails.

When performing standard requirements, the final result will not wait to wait - there will be high-quality water at the exit without any contamination by sedimentary rocks.

Immediately before drilling the well you need:

  1. To carry out geological surveys in order to establish the place, strength and depth of the source;
  2. Explore the soil at the drilling site, since the choice of equipment depends on the physical characteristics of the soil;
  3. Create a technical task to establish the final well parameters. The technical task in this case is the drawing, which shows the structure of the well, as well as the equipment that will be required;
  4. On the basis of the drawing, make a estimate that will give a specific idea of \u200b\u200bthe amount that the customer will have to pay.

If you ignore this algorithm, then you can not find water at all or do not meet the deadlines, which will entail an additional time of time, equipment wear. It is worth noting that water located near the ground surface is suitable for production needs only. The use of such water in everyday life is strictly prohibited.
For the provision of drilling services for water to water must be purchased:

  • Drilling rigs;
  • Pumps;
  • Casing;
  • Caissons;
  • Iron;
  • Filters.

Under the drilling installation is understood as a mobile complex for drilling various types of wells. The most popular drilling rig is URB 2A2. The main part of the cost of purchasing equipment will have to purchase the drilling rig. The cost of URB 2A2 will be approximately 2.2 million rubles.
The cost of drilling is currently 2.5-6 thousand rubles. For one drilled meter. This price includes workers' wages, and equipment wear, and company profits. The depth of the well, as a rule, is up to 100 m, while setting the cost less than 2 thousand rubles. For meter, only non-professionals who do not value time and equipment can or provide low-quality services.

The cost of consumables look like this:

  1. Filter - 4 thousand rubles;
  2. Casual tube - about 500 rubles. per raman meter;
  3. GSM - 2 thousand rubles;
  4. Salary 2 workers - 4 thousand rubles.

The cost of drilling a well depth 100 m. It is about 60 thousand rubles. Thus, profit excluding taxes and depreciation of equipment from a well drilling 100 m. Is 140 thousand rubles, when drilling a well 30 m. Profit will be approximately 35 thousand rubles.

Given the rather large initial investments that make up about 2.5 million rubles, the estimated payback period of the drilling business is about 1.5 years.

In this material:

Drilling rig as a business is considered one of the most promising directions. The need for drinking water will always be present. Drilling wells on the water has always been and remains profitable. Without water, no man can do one. The wealth of the inhabitants of our country is constantly increasing, together with the number of private houses under construction. It means that drinking wells for water production will be used by increasing demand. This can be checked by applying the ad in the newspaper and receiving a large number of calls. Demand achieves as high values \u200b\u200bthat this business direction will take a long time of leading position.

The discovery of such an enterprise is under power to any person. In recent years, many enterprises offering mini-drilling. You can buy such equipment for 100-150 000 rubles. Your starting attachments will decrease significantly if you decide to collect drilling rigs with your own hands. If you open your own drilling enterprise to water and do not be afraid of difficulties arising in your way, you can earn more than 150,000 rubles. per month. Of course, such a profit you will begin to receive not immediately - in any case you need to gain experience, acquire new skills. It should be understood that this business, like any other, has its difficulties and subtleties. Sellers of drilling plants will not devote you to such details.

How to start your business in the field of drilling?

Most firms offering for little money to purchase a mini-drilling plant turn out to be fraudsters. This business is attractive enough, so novice businessmen want to start work immediately. Is it really a small-sized drilling rig allows you to drill a few wells per day? This remark refers only to shallow wells. Having worked for several months, you will get enough experience and be able to master one well per day. However, most often the work lasts at least 2 days.

In the process of work, unforeseen circumstances often occur, since the process depends on a variety of factors. Ideal conditions for work are extremely rare. Often the owners of the plots slow down the workflow. For example, there may be a construction garbage on the territory, or it turns out to be overgrown with bunign.

A small drilling rig allows you to get well depth no more than 50 m. This value depends on the set of factors, and it is not always possible to achieve it. Most customers require drilling wells of a small depth, so you will not stay without work. Large depths using small-sized equipment can be achieved by working in soft soils. More powerful equipment is required to work with stony soils.

Is it worth learning when buying a drilling rig? In fact, no special knowledge you will receive. Equipment sellers conduct training on the example of the easiest order, so you can study in detail only the process of drilling a shallow well in pliable soils. You should not succumb to advertising proposals for the sale of suspiciously cheap installation. Before you start work, you will have to acquire a large number of additional equipment, as a result, your costs will exceed 200,000 rubles.

Build a drilling hand - a great way to save

Independent assembly of drill equipment allows you to save a novice entrepreneur over 50,000 rubles. This will require a minimum set of tools: perforator, Bulgarian, welding. You can make a frame for the drill on your own summer cottage or in the garage. Ready drawings can be purchased in special firms, you will also explain the order of assembly. Some equipment details must be pulled out on the machine, if you wish, you can find a turner performing similar works for an acceptable price.

Horizontal drilling - the newest direction in this field of business, which in our country only begins to be implemented. To carry out such activities will have to acquire expensive equipment, which will cost you to 2 million rubles. An excellent alternative to him can become small-sized horizontal drilling rigs. They have a lot of advantages over the vertical drilling rig - more compact and lungs. With this installation, a novice entrepreneur may receive good profits - up to 100,000 rubles. With minimal starting attachments.

The most simple installation can be collected in just 30 thousand rubles. This requires minimal skills to work with a grinder and a drill. If you do not have knowledge in the field of welding, you can hire a welder. Even if all work will be performed under the order, you will spend no more than 40 thousand rubles. At the same time, at least 150,000 rubles will be available to the purchase of finished equipment of this type. In addition to the drilling rig, you will need some consumables: casing, installed in each well, filters for wells.

Thus, in order to start your business in this area, you will have to invest about 200,000 rubles.

Current expenditures include employee wages, there will be at least 2 people, transportation costs. The cost of production of a well depth of 50 m. It is about 15,000 rubles. (excluding starting attachments). The customer pays for the work of 100,000 rubles. Calculating the net profit, you will understand that your business will start paying over after a month of stable work.

When calculating the profitability of the enterprise, it is necessary to take into account the specificity of the soil, the average price per 1 m well, the cost of equipment. The greatest demand for these services is celebrated in the spring-summer period, there is practically no orders in winter. Opening such an enterprise, it is necessary to take into account its seasonality and begin preparation during the recession.

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Explore the demand in your region. Analysis should be analyzed by the number of private houses and cottages, building sites and plans for the development in the near future, whose owners may need your services. For an entrepreneur working in this area, deep knowledge and experience is not necessary - you can hire specialists to search for customers and organizational issues. But at least the basic knowledge of drilling is required. You can pass the express drilling course. It lasts 3 months and costs about 60,000 rubles.

Competition in this direction is not high. But there are nuances depending on the region. Planning profits and profitability, you should learn all about competitors - their merits and disadvantages.

Basic risks

Business on water drilling on water strongly depends on the season. Activation begins in April, on May-June there is a peak of demand, by October he fades at all. If desired, the availability of special equipment and deep knowledge of technology can also be worked in winter. But the newcomer is important to guess with the start time of the work - by April you have to have all permits and complete readiness for the execution of orders. Also, until this point, it is necessary to at least partially disperse your company.

There is a risk of client loss due to non-compliance with technology and low quality services. It is important to find qualified and experienced specialists and offer them a worthy wage.


All activities are carried out at the customer's facility. You will need only a spacious and inexpensive room for storing equipment and consumables. IMPORTANT AVAILABLE - ON PRECAUTION MEASURES Save it. Warehouses, autobaz buildings can be consistent, can be considered as an option and unused manufacturing enclosures. Convenient transport junction is important.

At the start, work with clients can be kept in the telephone mode. To assess the front of work, geological intelligence you will travel to the customer's site. If you have facilities, you can remove a small office in the center or business district. There will be an accountant, a customer service manager and a lawyer if you decide to immediately invite this specialist in the staff.


Initially, geological surveys are carried out for the presence and quality of groundwater. Based on the data obtained, a technical task is compiled to clarify the drilling parameters. Further is the estimate of the work. You must take on the design of all permits and licenses for the operation of the well or at least offer the candidacy of a specialist who will help the client to go through all the stages. This will be a powerful advantage over competitors.

At the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe site, drilling holes are carried out, the pipe is clogged. The joints are welded and processed by sealant. At the top of the pipe is installed pump.


The threshold of entry into this industry is quite high. To organize business should have at the disposal of 2,000,000 rubles. A significant part of the capital will go to the purchase of equipment. Manufacturers offer multiple drilling rigs with different parameters. About 70% of orders fall on the drilling of wells under water. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to purchase the installation for this type of work. Newcomers can be recommended RB-50/220 drilling installation. Its cost is 80,000 rubles. Specifications:

  • Depth of drilling - 50 m.
  • Weight - 150 kg.
  • Height in the assembly - 2.2 ... 3.0 m.
  • Power supply - 220 V.

Drilling rods can be length from 1 to 1.8 m.

For operation it is necessary for other equipment:

  1. DC generator. Its cost is about 20,000 rubles.
  2. High-quality picobur and high-performance pump - 25,000 rubles.
  3. Welding machine - 7,000 rubles.
  4. Cargo car ZIL - 150 000-200 000 rubles.

Also, it is necessary to provide funds for the purchase of consumables:

  • Drilling pipes. 1 m - 1 500 rubles.
  • Borehole filter - 4 000 rubles.

There will be other expenses. There are a lot of nuances in this direction. If you are not a drilling specialist, a business plan should be together with a qualified driller.


In addition to the lawyer in your staff there must be an experienced hydrogeologist. Manages the work on the object a qualified drill. Many novice entrepreneurs are limited to 2-3 workers. But the number of brigade depends on the number of orders and the timing of their execution.

To work on a cargo car you need a driver. If the form of registration of your business and the amount of financial documentation involves the ability to hire an accountant with partial employment, you can choose this option at the start. But on the wage manager for working with clients and advertising, it is impossible to save in no case. Your profits depend on the number of customers. If we consider that drilling wells is not a daily and notable idea, the search for customers should be very active.

Documents and licenses

Registration of an enterprise specializing in drilling wells requires a special approach. According to the legislation, only legal entities with all registration documents and coordination can work with subsoils. You will also need permission from municipal authorities. For unauthorized drilling, serious fines are provided.

This type of activity is subject to compulsory licensing. You will not be able to do without the help of an experienced lawyer. In addition, additional agreements have to receive for each project:

  • In RCSGSEN and Geocenter.
  • Permits to work on a specific site.
  • License for the exploitation of the well.

Many drilling companies have in a lawyer. The second option is to design a contract with a law firm and the transfer of all worries related to obtaining coordination to outsourcing. Both ways have their advantages, a decisive factor - financial feasibility.


The permanent presence of orders is a very important factor for success in this direction. Given that the drilling season is short, you should make a maximum effort to search for customers. Use any advertising methods available to you in terms of cost.

Perfect ads at stops in the private sector and in dacha arrays, at suburban train stations and bus station. For success, it can be quite literally one of the qualitative and fast orders. A satisfied customer will recommend your company to familiar and neighbors - the "Sarafan Radio" will start. Ads in local media also should not be discounted. This campaign should be launched in March.

It also makes sense to conclude contracts with building brigades. Offer them for recommendations to customers. Create a website a business card and do not spare funds for its promotion. Many customers are looking for services on the Internet.

Fighting competitors, reducing the price for drilling, is not worth it. In this direction, such things are perceived as non-professionalism. Perfectly works impeccable service and timely execution of orders.


The cost of drilling a standard well depth of 21 meters is about 15,000 rubles (with transportation costs, wages and materials). The commercial cost of 1 m well ranges from 2,500-6,000 rubles, depending on the characteristics of the soil and the complexity of work, the average rates in the region. The minimum revenue from the drilling of one well depth 21 m will be 52,500 rubles, after deducting the cost, your profits - 37 500 rubles.

If in pi demand you can drill at least 2 wells per week, your monthly income will be at least 300,000 rubles. After deducting taxes and other current income, net profit is at least 200,000 rubles. This is the most pessimistic forecast, since the wells for wells are possible at a depth of 100 m, and the price may be much higher. Many entrepreneurs pay off starting costs for 3-4 months of work during the period of increased demand.


Well drilling is a very promising and profitable direction. Comparatively small starting capital, rapid payback periods and the lack of tough competition make it very attractive.

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