Asocial person. Who is an asocial person and what is an asocial lifestyle

landscaping 24.09.2019

The concept of asociality in the sense in which we all know it, was formed relatively recently. In the twentieth century, an asocial personality began to be called those whose behavior and life arrangement did not correspond to generally accepted norms of ethics and morality.
Asocial elements are:

  • persons without a fixed place of residence,
  • beggars,
  • dependent on alcohol and drugs,
  • people with different social behavior due to mental health problems.

Historically, the word "asociality" ("a" from the ancient Greek - a particle meaning negation) meant the same thing, but was not purely negative.
They were called monks and in many religions this way of life was positive trait, since it meant remoteness from society for closer service to God.
Now, in society, the concept has taken on a purely negative connotation.

What does antisocial lifestyle mean?

The social way of life familiar to everyone is a certain set of actions that a person performs all his life:

  • gets an education
  • works,
  • talking to friends,
  • creates a family
  • brings up children.

The opposite way of life is behavior that is contrary to social norms. Those who lead such a way of life consciously or unconsciously oppose themselves to society, live contrary to established norms and canons.

Often such a way of life is destructive in relation to others, and because of this, a negative attitude has been formed in society towards asocial personalities. The opinion was formed that:

  • those who do not work provide themselves illegally;
  • who does not communicate with others, does it because of mental reasons;
  • those who do not start a family and raise children do so because of problems with violence on their part.

This is true, but not always. Such manifestations are more often characteristic of misanthropes - those who have developed hatred of others. They also have an asocial lifestyle, but it develops against the backdrop of a different worldview.

The reasons for the opposite of a social way of life often do not depend on the will of a person. Its development can be facilitated by:

  • lack of livelihood,
  • home absence,
  • relationship problems with family
  • development of addictions to gambling, alcohol or drugs.

In any of these cases, a person needs support. But because of the negative attitude from society, he does not receive it, more and more immersed in problems without the ability to overcome them.

A person has little chance of returning to a normal life, a stable lifestyle is being formed, which is increasingly contrary to established norms.

What is antisocial human behavior?

What distinguishes an antisocial person? What behavior is typical for him? If you ask anyone about this, then the characteristics will turn out to be purely negative. But this issue needs to be approached more broadly. This behavior can be characterized by two simple theses:

  • partial or complete self-isolation from society, which provokes the isolation of an asocial personality from society as well;
  • the negative attitude of such a person towards society, which turns into a reverse negative.

These characteristics have a boomerang effect. The development of asociality comes from a person, but then there is a response from society.
If we analyze this type of behavior for more small particles, then we will see that it is characteristic:

  • lack of desire to legally work for the benefit of themselves, their relatives and society;
  • lack of desire to create a family or live with it;
  • lack of desire to participate in the life of society.

These three points cause:

  • attempts to find means of subsistence on the edge or beyond the law;
  • communication with similar asocial personalities with whom there are at least some common interests;
  • the development of a way of life that is alien to society, and which provokes the development of problems and inconveniences for those citizens who do not perceive asociality in its essence.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that asociality is one of the types of mental disorder. Its distinguishing feature is behavior that harms society or does not bring any benefit.

There is a fine line between antisocial and antisocial behavior. The anti-social personality purposefully acts against the generally accepted social statutes.

Can antisocial behavior be a positive trait?

In some cases, alienation from society is not an evil, but a blessing. Such a trait is considered positive in religious world where distance from society is a step towards rapprochement with God. And such examples are not isolated.

There are also cases of conscious manifestation of an asocial nature. They are called crises of a certain age. A person consciously withdraws "into himself", limits his communication with the outside world in order to resolve internal problems.

Such behavior does not bring any harm to society, and after a certain period the person returns to normal life.
Therefore, asociality cannot be considered purely negative trait. It must be evaluated in relation to each case.

What is an asocial person?

Summing up what has been said above about such a way of life and behavior, one can come to the only correct conclusion:

Note that there is no negativity in this definition, since it is impossible to generalize all cases.
Asociality can be a positive, neutral, or negative trait.
This type of behavior can also manifest itself due to health problems. It is characteristic of schizophrenia, in which an extreme degree of opposition to society is manifested - the patient's absolute inability to build relationships with others. A negative attitude towards patients does not meet the norms of morality.
Another fairly common example is teenage subcultures. At the age of 13-17, young people often hide from external problems in themselves, not wanting to seek help from their parents.

This condition is very dangerous, as it can provoke mental disorders and suicidal moods. Having noticed antisocial behavior in a teenager, it is important to help him solve problems through the efforts of parents and a psychologist.

Asociality in the negative sense is a serious problem that requires integrated approach in her permission:

  • treatment, often forced, of individuals with mental illness;
  • helping people for whom such a lifestyle is a necessary measure;
  • social adaptation of those who led antisocial life because of problems with the law.

Many countries have effective national programs on the socialization of such people, and they show results. This confirms that asociality is not a sentence. But to return to society, such people need help.

There is a well-recognized type of people - the so-called Asocial type. Its main feature, the axis that permeates the entire personality, behavior, actions of the Asocial, is the satisfaction of one's instinctive needs.

But this is a special satisfaction, "without brakes." Without an internal struggle of motives, without doubts ... Not accepting obstacles in anything. Neither in the demands of society developed over the centuries, nor in the generally accepted norms of morality, nor in the condemnation of friends or relatives, nor in possible punishment, nor in anticipation of "retribution", remorse ....

Asocial personality manifests itself at an early age. This may be aggressive behavior, early promiscuity (promiscuity), a special mechanical view of sex (“pleasant, good for health”), a tendency to abuse alcohol, drugs.

Depending on time, place of residence, environment, either some of the listed signs appear, or all in a complex.

A person with an asocial core does not have a sufficiently developed part of self-consciousness that would allow him to evaluate, take into account and reckon with the convenience and safety of others. Surroundings for Asocial are considered only in two positions: a source of danger, a source of pleasure.

Own motives, born from simple instinctive needs, are felt, felt by the Asocial, as urgent, the delay in the implementation of which is unthinkable. And if the delay still happens for some reason, then the Asocial gives out a reaction of aggression, in which cruelty is sometimes manifested.

There may be a kind of gender determinism here. An asocial man, especially when not burdened with high intelligence, can express his aggression directly, in the form of physical violence, inflicting bodily harm on someone who interferes in some way, or by crushing and breaking the surrounding inanimate objects. A woman of an asocial type can show her aggression in cruel slander, a special sophisticated deceit in relation to the "ill-wisher".

Asocial, tying close interpersonal relationships, focuses solely on himself, on getting attention, warm feelings, care and love. Giving little or nothing in return.

As a result - the impossibility, the inability of a person of an asocial type to maintain close and meaningful interpersonal relationships. Relationships that suggest the presence of qualities that are absent from the Asocial.

Communicating with the Asocial, those around, over time, usually "read" its main characteristics. By increasing experiencing sensations: misunderstanding - dissatisfaction - tension - irritation and, as a result, break off relations.

Only the closest relatives (parents, brothers, sisters, children of the Asocial) can for a long time be captivated by habitual illusions, imperceptibly, smoothly arising as a result of a long cohabitation, a skewed system of intra-family relations. Also, for a long time, the object of manipulation of the Asocial can be a person of the Dependent type of personality (for a description, see Characters. DEPENDENT PERSONALITY TYPE.).

Asocial types are prone to deceit, to manipulation of the interlocutor, close people, and, using their "charm", imaginary "goodwill", they sincerely do not see, are not able to feel the consequences, that human pain that arises for someone as a result of their actions. Such is the nature of the Asocial.

In modern psychiatry, "personality" does not mean the same thing as in sociology, but a way of thinking, perceiving and behaving that characterizes a person in his usual way of life. It follows that a personality disorder is some kind of disturbance in behavior, intellect or emotional sphere.

Personality disorders

Antisocial personality disorder is just one type of many. In general, all personality disorders have a lot of options. These are also congenital psychopathy, which lead a person to all sorts of breakdowns, pathological reactions to ordinary situations, etc. Weaker in severity disorders are called character accentuation - these are breakdowns that manifest themselves in certain areas life and, as a rule, do not lead to too detrimental results, and therefore are not considered as a pathology.

The main symptom of this type of personality disorder is neglect and sometimes violence towards other people. Previously, such a disorder was called differently: both congenital criminality, and moral insanity, and constitutional psychopathic inferiority. Today, this disorder is usually referred to as an immoral or deviant disorder, and in one word - sociopathy.

The antisocial personality type is clearly different in a number of ways from the rest. First of all, in this case behavioral disturbances are social norms do not seem mandatory to a person, and the thoughts and feelings of other people are simply ignored.

Such people tend to manipulate others as much as possible in order to achieve some personal goals - power over someone gives them pleasure. Deception, intrigue and simulation - quite their usual means of achieving what they want. However, their actions, as a rule, are performed under the influence of impulse and rarely lead to the realization of a certain goal. An asocial person never thinks about the consequences of what they have done. Because of this, they often have to change jobs, environments, and even where they live.

When counseling antisocial individuals, their excessive irritability, high self-esteem, and impudence are usually noticeable. To relatives, they are generally inclined to use physical violence. They are not interested in either their own safety or the safety of the lives of their loved ones - all this is not a value.

In psychology, there is a large-scale concept of society. This is the society in which we all live and whose laws we must obey. Social personalities do “everything right”, follow laws and regulations, observe moral principles. Asocial individuals live according to their own ideas.

Who are antisocial people? These are the ones who follow their impulses and desires. They are not interested in the public and generally accepted rules. The main thing is the satisfaction of their needs, even contrary to the desires of others. Them character traits- unscrupulousness, deceit, impulsiveness, excitability, insensitivity, lack of conscience. Antisocial personalities are not affected by the assessment of close people and friends, if any.

Individuals with deviant (deviant) behavior perceive society as evil. This is an obstacle to achieving certain goals. Society is a threat. An asocial person wants to live according to his own principles, and if society does not accept his opinion, aggression arises. In antisocial men, this is expressed by violence, in women - by deceit and cunning. These people go to the deception without feeling guilty.

These comrades are not capable of love. They can only take without giving anything in return. They are prone to partner manipulation and blackmail.

Typically, these personality disorders come from a genetic predisposition. It is also possible the influence of a dysfunctional family. Indifference, hostile relations between parents leave their imprint on the mind of the child.

Now consider who can be attributed to asocial personality types?

1. Criminals, murderers, rapists, thieves. All those people who commit crimes against the person. They may not be aware of their criminal actions. Just at that moment they wanted to do just that: kill, rape, steal.

This also includes serial maniacs. They are also driven by a certain need. Desires can be different, in psychology there is a clear distinction between them. Someone is driven by the goal of making the world a better place. To rid him, for example, of females, visually reminiscent of the criminal's mother. Someone experiences sexual dissatisfaction. Others act ostensibly under the influence higher powers that "order" them to do something.

This type of well-known antisocial personalities include Andrei Chikatilo, Jack the Ripper and other less famous maniacs.

2. People with various mental disorders. One of the most striking examples is Billy Milligan. A person with many personalities. In total, 23 personalities lived in his head, 10 of which were the main ones. Depending on the life situations, one or another representative of Billy came to the fore.

3. Alcoholics, drug addicts. People who lead an unhealthy lifestyle deviant behavior due to drugs and doping. Uncle Petya from the next entrance can be attributed to this type, who has not been “drying out” for 10 years and at 40 looks 60.

4. Prostitutes. Women who are promiscuous. They produce unnecessary children, who are given to the upbringing of the state. According to the version of the ubiquitous grandmothers on the bench, Svetka from the 3rd entrance belongs to this type. Although Svetlana may not be a prostitute at all, but a young woman in search of her happiness.

The adjective "asocial" is used in relation to a wide range of concepts: an asocial lifestyle, antisocial personality, antisocial families ...

In all these cases, it means that a certain person (or maybe a group of people) to one degree or another does not comply with the norms accepted in society. After all, "asocial" is literally "anti-social", denying society, not taking into account the needs of its members.

Personality type

Psychologists distinguish the so-called asocial personality type (otherwise it is called a sociopathic type or simply a sociopath). A characteristic of this type usually consists of the following main features:

  • Inability to express your emotions.
  • Ignoring the public and unspoken rules that have developed in society.
  • Ease of manipulating others, convincing role-playing, lying in self-interest.
  • Aggression as a universal response to external stimuli.
  • Lack of shame and remorse, inability to understand that his actions bring suffering to people around.
  • Confidence in the correctness of their behavior.
  • Impulsivity, the desire to satisfy needs immediately, here and now.
  • Selfishness. Own needs always come first, above the needs and needs of others, above any social restrictions.

In general, it is worth noting that asociality can take a wide variety of forms; accordingly, there is no clearly limited set of features inherent in the character of a sociopath. However, in an attempt to isolate the most bright features, allowing us to speak with great confidence about the antisocial personality type, a list of four points was compiled.

First, it is already noted impulsiveness. An asocial person lives for one second, is not able to think over decisions for a long time and weigh all the pros and cons, and most importantly, he longs for the lightning-fast fulfillment of his own desires.

Secondly, such a person cannot sincerely love, cannot show tenderness and sensitivity to a partner. Paradoxically, at the same time, antisocial people are often outwardly attractive and charismatic and, as a result, are surrounded by fans. However, the maximum that these fans will get is superficial relationships, short-term connections.

Thirdly, antisocials do not use past negative experience in any way. In other words, it is useless to hope that a sociopath will remember how much suffering and (or) inconvenience to others this or that act of his caused him, and will not repeat it.

Finally, and this trait has also been noted, an antisocial person will never feel guilty or tormented by remorse. He just doesn't understand why he's being blamed.

Sociopath child

The mentioned features, as a rule, become noticeable quite early. Asocial children are capricious, irritable, often hyperactive, tend to control adults and achieve what they want at any cost. They are cruel to their peers, often insulting or humiliating them.

The antisocial behavior of adolescents is manifested in an interest in a forbidden, socially condemned pastime. Use of alcohol, drugs, early and promiscuous sexual relations, membership in criminal groups and other typical types antisocial behavior become commonplace for these young people.

By the way, an interesting observation: for members of a criminal group, usually great importance have rules in place within it, including, for example, rules against ratting out other gang members, requiring respect for the leader, and so on. These rules require accepting and considering the needs of others, while asocial individuals will never do this.

It is important to understand that one-time antisocial acts do not mean that your son or daughter has antisocial personality disorder. But if all the described phenomena are observed regularly, and the conclusions of specialists are appropriate, then most likely the child really has a tendency to asociality.

From a child predisposed to sociopathy, a completely antisocial personality does not develop with absolute probability. How do antisocial tendencies arise, is it possible to fight them? In other words, is asociality congenital or acquired? Let's look at the causes of antisocial disorder.


There are three interrelated groups of factors under the influence of which a sociopath is formed.

The first group includes biological factors. Indeed, asociality can be inherited, mainly it concerns criminogenic inclinations. In addition, it can be caused by various chromosomal abnormalities in the development of the fetus, the use of alcohol or drugs by the mother during pregnancy, and complications during childbirth.

The list of social factors includes, for example, rough or aggressive treatment of the child in the family, indifference to him, lack of attention. So destructive for the psyche - even an adult, and not just a growing person! - the situation is often characteristic of families where the parents themselves have psychological problems, so we can say that social factors often superimposed on biological ones, and therefore, the likelihood of developing and strengthening sociopathic personality traits increases.

Such asocial families need supervision from the guardianship authorities. In extreme cases, it is necessary to separate children and parents so that the child sees other examples, values ​​and guidelines in front of him. Also, the prevention of antisocial behavior may include other measures, among which the following are most common:

  • Involving children with antisocial tendencies in sports, creative or other extracurricular activities (to provide the necessary burst of energy).
  • Propaganda healthy lifestyle life and socially acceptable behavior.
  • Psychological interviews with both parents and children.

Prevention of antisocial phenomena, of course, will give the proper result only if it is carried out both at school (or other institution attended by the child) and at home.

An antisocial child has a special type of thinking, and this is a personality factor that contributes to the development of sociopathic inclinations. The type of thinking in question implies an inadequate assessment of the social situation.

A person is pre-configured to the fact that all the actions of others that he does not like are done on purpose to cause inconvenience to him. He expects people around him to show anger and aggression towards him, and he himself intends to respond in kind.

And when peers or adults really get irritated, scream, or even use physical violence, a person predisposed to asociality only strengthens in the loyalty of his views. Vicious circle which is extremely difficult to break.

Thus, the causes of antisocial behavior can be explained by biological, social and personal factors, and most likely a combination of several of them. Author: Evgeniya Bessonova

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