Antifreeze for the heating system of a country house. Antifreeze for heating: an alternative to water and features of its use Boiler for heating a dacha with antifreeze

landscaping 31.08.2023

The comfort of living in a country house largely depends on job stability. Proper installation and correct selection of coolant will help maintain the air temperature in living rooms at the optimal level. You can choose water or antifreeze for the heating system of a country house. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the existing types and features of “anti-freeze” that can be used in residential buildings.

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Why water is not the best choice of coolant for heating

Despite its good heat capacity and wide distribution, water cannot be called the best option for a country house heating system. It always contains dissolved substances that can have a negative impact on pipeline elements. Salts and impurities, falling out in the form of sediment, reduce the transverse dimensions of the circuit and impair heat transfer. As a result, more energy has to be spent to maintain each room at the optimal temperature.

For those who permanently live in a country house, they can choose distilled water as their quality, and from an economic point of view, such a choice will be completely justified. Provided that this is a closed system and there is no risk of the coolant freezing.

If the system is not stable, the heating periodically turns off - it is worth purchasing a different composition. The elements included in it will prevent the circuit from freezing when the temperature drops below zero.

Advice! By designing a heating system with antifreeze for your dacha, you will be able to use your dacha house all year round, coming here only on weekends.

What to put into the heating system of a private house: coolant requirements?

Living in the house permanently, it is easy to monitor the condition of the heating system. For those who will only visit their suburban home from time to time in the winter, it can be difficult to decide what to fill in to prevent the circuit from freezing in the winter.

This task is handled well by special coolants - antifreeze, which remain in a liquid state even at a fairly low temperature. The following requirements apply to such compositions:

  • safety for human health. In case of accidental contact with the coolant, for example, in the event of a leak, the composition should not harm the health of family members;
  • security for system elements;
  • efficiency. The composition must have sufficient heat capacity to quickly warm the air in the room;
  • long service life.

Despite the fact that distilled water fully meets the listed criteria, often due to its freezing at subzero temperatures, most people opt for antifreeze. Such substances may have different compositions, which determine their possible area of ​​use.

Attention! When overheated, the “Warm House” loses its performance characteristics.

How to properly fill a closed heating system with antifreeze

If it is necessary to fill the system with coolant, many turn to specialists for help. However, knowing how to fill a closed-type heating system with antifreeze, all the work can be done on your own. You should prepare:

  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • adjustable wrench.

In addition to the antifreeze itself, the following materials should be available:

  • coolant supply hoses;
  • clamps for fixing hoses in certain places;
  • tow or fum tape to protect threaded connections.

Filling the heating system is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Drain the old coolant.
  2. Antifreeze is poured into the system. The work is carried out using hoses and.
  3. Having fixed one end of the hose at the outlet of the pump, and the other on the drain pipe using clamps, turn on the pump - and antifreeze begins to flow into the system.
  4. Remove air from the system.

Attention! You should monitor the moment when the antifreeze in the canister runs out. Otherwise, air will get inside the circuit.

Which radiators are best used with antifreeze?

The material of the heating system elements is closely related to the composition of the coolant used. Before purchasing a specific brand of antifreeze, you should make sure that its composition allows filling batteries made of a certain material. It is important to understand which coolant to choose for and which one is worth purchasing for.

Different types will react differently to the same antifreeze:

  • Aluminum radiator will form an electrolytic pair with brass shut-off valves or copper pipes;

  • Cast iron heating radiators for antifreeze they will be an ideal choice if instead of rubber seals between sections you put polymer ones;

  • Steel elements suitable for low pressure systems. However, the number of sections will have to be increased;
  • may contain electrolytic vapors, and therefore it is better not to install them.

How much does it cost and where can you buy antifreeze for the heating system of a country house?

In order to purchase a sufficient amount of coolant for a country house system on favorable terms, you should immediately study the offers of various online stores. Here the price of antifreeze for heating is always slightly lower than in ordinary ones. Considering that manufacturers offer containers of various sizes, you can always purchase a sufficient quantity. The average cost of canisters of various capacities can be found in the table below:

Photo Brand Volume, liters Average price, rub.

20 2700

Antifreeze for heating systems

Most of us are sincerely surprised to hear that antifreeze is quite often used as a coolant in heating systems. Today there are quite a few types of antifreeze - they differ in the main component. In particular, there is antifreeze for heating systems, which is based on a saline or alcohol solution, as well as propylene glycol or ethylene glycol. At the same time, to correct individual physicochemical parameters of antifreeze for the heating system, a special substance – an additive – is used as an additional component.

Antifreeze is known to everyone as an “anti-freeze agent”, which is actively used in cars. From the name it is clear that this liquid has an important advantage - it practically does not freeze. More precisely, it freezes at a very low temperature. Antifreeze for heating from certain manufacturers perfectly withstands temperatures of -55°, crystallizing only at -68, and freezing completely at an even lower temperature. Of course, the reason for such “frost resistance” is a fairly high concentration of the active substance. By adding water to the antifreeze, you can adjust the freezing point of the liquid. In particular, even if the antifreeze is diluted to such an extent that it begins to crystallize at -30°, this allows it to be used in the heating system without the risk of rupture. And it is this property that makes antifreeze one of the most suitable coolants.

Antifreeze properties

Depending on the type of additive used, antifreeze for heating acquires some other quite important properties. In particular:

  • the ability to protect metal elements of the system from corrosion;
  • promote the dissolution and removal of sediments arising in the system;
  • preventing the destruction of non-metallic elements of the system - silicone gaskets, rubber seals, sealants.

A simple conclusion can be drawn - the use of antifreeze as a coolant is quite beneficial, since it can extend the life of most elements of the heating system.

It would seem, given the fairly large number of advantages of antifreeze over ordinary water, heating a dacha with antifreeze or a private home is quite a rarity. The reason for this is the warning that most boiler manufacturing companies give users. They strongly discourage the use of this liquid. A video on how to properly use antifreeze can be seen below.

Warning from boiler manufacturers

“The use of antifreeze in wall-mounted boilers is unacceptable. The manufacturer does not bear any responsibility for the malfunction of the boiler of a system in which antifreeze was used for home heating. If antifreeze is used, the warranty for this technical equipment (heating boiler) is canceled” - perhaps this is just a small part of the wording with which the manufacturer warns that antifreeze should not be used as a coolant in the heating system.

It should be noted that some manufacturers, simply wanting to sell their products, hold back some details. For example, a number of system elements (certain types of gaskets) may actually be incompatible with antifreeze.

In this case, the description indicates only those parts that such liquid will not harm. Of course, it should be noted that often the passport of any heating boiler contains a list of coolants approved for use. Thus, in most cases it is indicated “to use only water as a coolant.” However, most buyers either do not pay attention to the technical passport at all (which they later regret very much), or, at best, look at it after purchase.

So what is the negative impact of antifreeze and why do honest manufacturers who value their reputation advise against using it? First of all, everyone is accustomed to paying attention exclusively to the fact that antifreeze in the heating system of a house simply freezes at a temperature that is significantly lower than the freezing point of water. But at the same time, few people pay attention to its other physical characteristics. And they differ significantly from the characteristics of water. In particular, the heat capacity of antifreeze (on any basis) is significantly lower than that of water - by 15-20%. In addition, antifreeze has a significantly greater volumetric expansion - at least 45-60%.

Another significant drawback is its viscosity - it is 2-3 times higher than that of water. All these characteristics show that antifreeze is actually not such an ideal coolant as it might seem at first. Indeed, in addition to the indicated characteristics, the boiling point and thermal conductivity of this type of coolant also differ significantly. But when planning any system, the physical properties of water are taken as a basis.

Therefore, if you nevertheless decide to use antifreeze for heating your country house, a number of significant changes should initially be made to the plan. In particular, the power of the boiler and circulation pump should be significantly higher. In addition, it is necessary to purchase a larger expansion tank. Another important requirement is the need to increase the power of heating radiators. All these changes make heating a country house with antifreeze very expensive.

Filling the heating system with antifreeze, which is based on ethylene glycol, can be detrimental to the system. The fact is that such a liquid is very susceptible to a fairly strong increase in temperature. And if at a certain moment the temperature of the coolant reaches a critical point, decomposition of not only ethylene glycol, but also anti-corrosion additives is observed. The result is several acids and solid precipitates. Acids that circulate freely in the system, after a significant increase in temperature, negatively affect its internal surface, causing corrosion. In addition, they significantly reduce the service life of rubber and paronite elements, which, in turn, can cause leakage.

No less harmful is the solid deposit that occurs when overheated. It settles on the heating element - this significantly reduces its heat transfer, and, of course, shortens its service life.

Another negative factor that occurs when the antifreeze coolant overheats is that the possibility of foaming in the system increases. This can lead to such an unpleasant consequence as airing the system. It is strictly forbidden to use antifreeze in systems whose internal walls are zinc coated.

Of course, some users object - after filling the heating system with antifreeze, it is enough to simply control the operation of the system, preventing it from overheating. But is such continuous control possible? Hardly. This is why manufacturers warn against using antifreeze. After all, having taken into account the small list of positive features of this type of coolant, many do not take into account a number of its disadvantages - and subsequently pay dearly for their own negligence. If you really want to use antifreeze, you need to spend a lot of time and money to remake the system taking into account the physical and chemical characteristics of this coolant.

Another disadvantage of antifreeze, which few people know about, is its rather high fluidity.

Leaks occur especially often during periods when the system is turned off and is cold or is just cooling down. At such moments, the volume of the metal elements of the system increases slightly - and this gives antifreeze the opportunity to leak at the joints. For this reason, it is recommended to make a minimum number of bends (turns, insertions, connections) in the system, and also to design it in such a way that at any time you can easily reach a node that has suddenly begun to leak.

It should be remembered that antifreeze, which is based on ethylene glycol, is a toxic substance. This precludes its use for heating water, since in this case leakage is possible (rubber gaskets for hot water supply do not withstand contact with heated antifreeze). And the penetration of vapors of such a substance into a living space can cause serious health problems. Therefore, before filling the heating system with antifreeze, you should think twice.

Antifreeze based on proplengylcol

Propylene glycol antifreezes have physicochemical properties very similar to those of ethylene glycol antifreezes. However, food-grade propylene glycol used to create the substance is an absolutely harmless, environmentally friendly component. Its use in heating systems is quite acceptable, since it does not have such a destructive effect on the elements of the system. This is why most manufacturers omit the use of antifreeze with such a main component in their systems.

Propylene glycol antifreeze has shown itself to be excellent in the operation of both single-circuit and double-circuit heating systems. Of course, this liquid has only one drawback - this is how much antifreeze for heating of this type costs. But despite this, the popularity of antifreeze with polypropylene glycol is increasing every year. And there are more and more heating systems designed to use this particular type of coolant.

Alternative option

Of course, using antifreeze as a heating fluid and filling the heating system with antifreeze is not the only option. As before, the leader among coolants is ordinary water. In addition, there are a number of systems, the implementation of which will be partly more profitable than the use of antifreeze.

Perhaps the best solution is to use a non-volatile heating system. They have been known around the world for many years and are especially relevant in Russia.

The reason for their popularity is very simple - such a system can work regardless of how high-quality the power supply is at home.

In addition, today the issue of auxiliary power supplies is very relevant. These include electric generators and batteries. In particular, electric generators are small power plants that can constantly operate if they have fuel. Such a power plant can cope with the function of powering the heating system. However, its use is very irrational for several reasons. First of all, the cost of the station is quite high. In addition, it requires regular replenishment of the amount of fuel (that is, you must always have it in stock), as well as continuous monitoring of its operation and the fulfillment of a number of additional conditions.

A battery as a power source is a very simple and, at the same time, extremely useful device. Most often, a regular car battery is used, supplemented with a voltage converter and charger. If there is power, the battery must be connected to the network for charging. While there is no power, the battery is quite capable of supplying the heating system with electricity for an extended period.

Of course, the duration of operation of the heating system from the battery depends on the power of its components and on the capacity of the device itself. If necessary, you can use multiple batteries.

The use of one or another type of coolant largely depends on the power supply system. It is important to understand that in the event of prolonged (more than a day) and very regular power outages, water as a coolant can significantly harm the system. In this case, antifreeze is more beneficial as a coolant for heating a house - due to its anti-corrosion properties.

On the other hand, the interaction of antifreeze with galvanized elements of the system is strictly contraindicated - this can cause heavy precipitation and, as a result, a complete stop of the system. Therefore, when planning a heating system, it is necessary to assess the quality of the power supply as accurately as possible, and in connection with this parameter, choose one or another coolant.

Due to the fact that the heating system in a dacha often operates with long interruptions, situations may arise when the coolant freezes in the system. This can lead to destruction of radiators, pipes and connections. Such emergency situations can be prevented by using antifreeze as a heating fluid, rather than ordinary water. Antifreeze does not freeze even in severe frost. This allows you to turn off the heating while the owners are away from the dacha without fear of freezing the system.

However, the use of such a coolant also imposes its own requirements when choosing radiators. Batteries must be made of an alloy that can withstand the chemical attack of antifreeze. The permissible pH level for such devices can be in the range of 6.5-9.5. If this requirement is not met, the battery will very quickly become unusable due to corrosion, which will cause a leak. In addition, given the increased viscosity and chemical composition of antifreeze, high demands are placed on the quality of the sealing elements that are used in the connecting parts of radiator designs.

To complete heating systems in a country house, cast iron, aluminum and bimetallic radiators are most often used.

Cast iron radiators for cottages

Cast iron radiators are the most traditional type of heating devices, which are very often used in dachas. Their main advantages include:

  • high thermal conductivity of cast iron;
  • long service life;
  • high corrosion resistance;
  • low requirements for coolant quality;
  • relatively low price.

At the same time, the disadvantage is the significant weight, which makes it difficult to install batteries. Also, due to high thermal inertia, cast iron batteries heat up for a long time. This significantly impairs the ability to regulate heating.

The Ogint company produces reliable cast iron radiators, made in a modern design, which can be used with both ordinary water and antifreeze. The batteries have an optimized design that significantly improves their efficiency.

Aluminum radiators for cottages

Very often today aluminum radiators are used for summer cottages. Their main advantages are:

  • maximum heat transfer;
  • light weight;
  • small internal volume, reducing the amount of coolant in the system;
  • low inertia, which ensures quick warm-up and the ability to adjust the radiator temperature;
  • aesthetic design.

It must be taken into account that aluminum batteries are sensitive to the quality and chemical composition of the coolant.

In the Ogint catalog you can choose reliable and efficient aluminum radiators that can be used in countryside conditions. Including all battery models can work with antifreeze.

For a long time, water was the only coolant in heating systems, since its physicochemical properties made it the only liquid suitable for these purposes. However, relatively recently, automotive antifreeze has gained popularity, which has a number of undeniable advantages. Its use, of course, is not always advisable (in some boilers its use is unacceptable), but it is suitable for most heating systems.

Properties of antifreeze and advantages over water

Water freezes already at a temperature of 0C° - and this is bad

  1. It has a fairly high freezing point (it is known to be 0C°), at which it passes from one state of aggregation to another (from liquid to solid);
  2. When freezing, the volume of liquid (water) increases by approximately 10%-12%, which leads to breakdown of heating systems (pipes may crack, begin to leak, and not allow coolant to pass further through the system).

Household antifreeze does not possess the two qualities listed above - and this is its main advantage over water.

A good coolant must have the following properties:

Naturally, cost will be an important factor when choosing. If it is quite expensive, it should last for a long time without replacement. Water, one might say, is completely free, however, it must be changed regularly in the heating system.

Antifreeze itself can be dangerous for humans only if it gets into water used for drinking and washing.

The replacement process itself will require the participation of specialists. Antifreeze can be used for at least 8-10 years - it does not need any replacement. This will also be one of its advantages, especially if we are talking about the operation of a country house, and not an apartment or the same bathhouse. Of course, they also have disadvantages. For example, powerful circulation pumps are needed.

Boilers and antifreeze use

Many owners of country houses and private houses are wondering: is it possible to use antifreeze in boilers? It is impossible to answer unequivocally here, since everything depends on the type of boiler and its features. But if you weigh all the pros and cons, then the truth, unfortunately, will not be on the side of the latter.

  • electrical;
  • cast iron;
  • double-circuit.

If an electric boiler is installed, then using antifreeze will simply “kill” it

In cast iron, the exchanger itself consists of many sections through which the coolant passes. It might simply eat it away. In electric ones, the heating element may fail, which actually means its complete breakdown. If we consider double-circuit boilers, regardless of the fuel they use, the use of antifreeze is undesirable for the reason that there is a possibility of it getting into drinking water.

By the way, many experts also point out that if the radiators and pipes in the house are galvanized, the antifreeze-based coolant will destroy them literally in 6 months, as it will chemically interact with the galvanized coating. Naturally, this cannot be allowed. The best option for use is ordinary, non-galvanized boilers and pipes. That's all.

Standard diagram of the heating system of a private house

Types of antifreeze

Coolants for heating systems are classified into the following types, depending on their chemical basis:

  • propylene glycol;
  • ethylene glycol;
  • triethylene glycol.

Previously, you could also find glycerin ones, but today, if they are used, it is only in third world countries - they are simply explosive (although folk “craftsmen” can use one - well, if life is not nice to them, then nothing can be done) .

Chemical structure of ethylene glycol antifreeze

The most common and popular type of antifreeze used for heating systems is based on propylene glycol. Its main advantage is absolute safety for humans. By the way, this is the only type of antifreeze that can be used in double-circuit boilers. If it accidentally gets into drinking water, then nothing will happen to a person.

This can be used at ambient temperatures down to -35C°, and this is already an extreme temperature. In general, it is harmless, safe - an ideal non-freezing liquid, as evidenced by the reviews of people that can be read by going to any forum.

Ethylene glycol is the most popular. True, this popularity is due mainly to its cheapness. It is available in two versions, depending on the area of ​​use:

  • for use in temperatures up to -30C°;
  • for use in the temperature range up to -65C°.

Antifreeze that works at temperatures down to -30C° is relevant only for the Far North.

In most of the territory of the Russian Federation, antifreeze operating at temperatures down to -30C° will be sufficient

Secondly, if we consider this option of antifreeze, which can be used at temperatures down to -65C°, then the attractiveness of the price will no longer be the same: the price will increase up to 10 times! In general, if there is no extreme need, then it is better not to use it out of harm’s way.

Coolants based on triethylene glycol are usually used in industrial heating systems. Their main advantage is chemical stability at high temperatures.

Such a coolant can be heated up to 180C°, and it will practically not change its physical or chemical properties, and will not react aggressively with foreign media (cast iron, steel, and so on). There is simply no point in using it at home, so it is better to choose some other option.

Injecting antifreeze, by the way, occurs in the same way as ordinary water. Whether the heating system is closed or open does not matter, since filling and pumping occur in the same way there (replacement, filling and refueling are carried out in the same way).

You can do this yourself (however, the heating system must be recharged regularly). It is very difficult to answer the question of how much antifreeze for a heating system costs: the price directly depends on the type of antifreeze, its quantity, and physical and chemical properties. However, manufacturers do not recommend filling up cars.

Examples of heating system designs for private houses

You can also tell a little secret: in fact, there is no difference between automobile and household antifreeze - this is just a reason for marketers to sell the latter at a higher price. Keep this in mind if you are planning to make a purchase - especially in specialized construction markets! It is better to buy everything in stores - the goods are certified there.


You can watch a video where experts give advice on how to choose the right antifreeze for a private home.

The climate control company Termomir offers a wide range of electric boilers of various capacities. Read the information or call our consultants to choose the right boiler model.

Electric boilers are designed for heating private house, dacha, apartment (including for apartment heating), various administrative, commercial and industrial facilities ranging from 30 to several thousand square meters. m. Electric heating is optimal where there is no main gas or where there are strict requirements for the environmental friendliness of heating devices. Also, an electric boiler is often used as a backup heating option in case problems arise with the main boiler, for example, a gas one.

An electric heating boiler consists of a heat exchanger, a block of heating elements, a control unit and control and safety devices. Some electric boilers are equipped with a circulation pump, expansion tank, safety valve and filter. The coolant heated by electricity circulates through a system of pipes and radiators, providing space heating, as well as heating water in the boiler. An electric double-circuit boiler is used for heating and hot water supply, a single-circuit boiler is used only for heating a house, as well as for heated floors.

Compared to boilers using other types of fuel, electric boilers are cheaper, more compact, safe and silent. Connecting electric boilers is much simpler and less expensive than other types of boilers. Due to their compact size and light weight, electric boilers are wall-mounted, do not require a separate boiler room, and installation is allowed in utility or utility rooms, storerooms, kitchens, basements, and even in living rooms.
Electric boilers are easy to operate and do not create harmful emissions or foreign odors, do not require constant maintenance, expensive cleaning or regular fuel purchases.

Dependence on the stable availability of electricity and high demands on the quality and reliability of electrical wiring. You should also take into account the fairly high cost of electricity. To make an informed decision about purchasing an electric boiler, it is recommended to make a preliminary calculation of electricity costs.

The boiler will be used in the Russian climate on average from September to April inclusive, i.e. only 8, not 12 months a year. In autumn and spring, the boiler will be used at a minimum, in winter - at full capacity. Thanks to the built-in automation, the boiler will not operate continuously, on average about 8 hours a day, so the approximate energy costs for the year can be calculated using the following formula:

240 days X 8 hours a day X boiler power X cost of 1 kW of electricity

Electric boilers with a power of up to 12 kW are available in single-phase (220 V power) and three-phase (380 V power), and boilers with a power of more than 12 kW are only three-phase. Most electric boilers with a power of more than 6 kW allow multi-stage power adjustment.

Various remote programmers that can maintain the room temperature according to a user-specified schedule help save energy without sacrificing comfort.

To select an electric boiler, you need to find out the power of the device. Basic calculation – 1 kW of boiler power is enough to heat 10 m2 of a well-insulated room with a ceiling height of up to 3 m.
To select a specific electric boiler model, you can contact the consultants of the Termomir company. Remember that in addition to the boiler itself, it is necessary to purchase other elements of a complete heating and water supply system (radiators, pipes, pumps, thermostats, boiler and much more), so it is better to entrust the selection of equipment and its complete set to professionals.

Currently, our company’s product range includes both the best electric boilers from European manufacturers and good inexpensive Russian electric boilers.

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