DIY heating system in a wooden house. Do-it-yourself heating in a wooden house: structural components, diagrams, videos and descriptions of technologies

Decor elements 27.08.2023
Decor elements

Recently, living in wooden houses has become fashionable and popular. This is due to their environmental friendliness, attractive appearance, durability, etc. If previously life in such a house was associated with many inconveniences, now everything has changed for the better.

Thanks to the use of the latest technologies, living in a wooden house can be comfortable and cozy. But one of the conditions for this is the presence of good heating. You can do it yourself, without involving specialists. Options for heating a home can be different and it’s up to you to decide which one to choose.

Choosing the right system

For high-quality heating of a wooden house, much depends on the correct choice of fuel for the heating system. The following can be used as an energy carrier:

  • liquid fuel;
  • coal, firewood, briquettes;
  • electricity.

When choosing fuel, you should consider:

  • compatibility with the installed heating system;
  • its availability in your area of ​​residence;
  • availability of space for its storage;
  • possibility of installing automatic control;
  • ease of use.

Much depends on the cost of energy. The cheapest is gas.

Attention: Using diesel or electricity for heating will cost much more. If you intend to use solid or diesel fuel, you should pay attention not only to their price, but also to the delivery cost.

Heat generation equipment plays a major role in the quality heating of a home. It could be a stove, convector, boiler, fireplace or anything else.

Installing heating in a wooden house requires drawing up a diagram for the placement of heating system devices, since the distribution of heat throughout the building depends on this. At the same time, the complexity of the design of the heating system can be any. You can, for example, install a complex system consisting of a boiler or furnace, pipelines, radiators and various additional equipment. Or you can use, for example, ordinary infrared heaters, which are excellent for local heating.

When choosing a heating system, you should definitely draw up a project and calculate the cost of all the necessary devices and the price of their installation. When making calculations, you need to take into account what material is used for radiators and pipes, and take into account the area of ​​the building. You should decide in advance which brand of equipment is best to use.

The cost of equipment manufactured in Russia is always lower than their foreign counterparts. The quality of domestic brands is quite good. If you decide to choose foreign equipment, then the highest cost will be from German and Finnish manufacturers, but their reliability and quality are always at their best.

We must not forget about a thorough analysis of the regular heating costs of a wooden house. You should take into account monthly fuel costs and the costs of possible repairs or replacement of failed system elements. Please note that if the heating system used is Russian-made, troubleshooting it will cost much less than if the system is foreign. We must not forget about the costs of its maintenance.

Attention: Only after careful calculations should you decide on the heating system that will be the most efficient, high-quality and at the same time least expensive.

Gas heating

One of the most effective and affordable is heating a wooden house with gas. Despite the fact that the cost of this energy carrier is constantly increasing, its use is much cheaper than the use of solid, liquid fuel or electricity. In addition, thanks to gas, you can heat your home well even in severe frosts. Of course, if you want to use this energy source, you should not only provide heating in the building itself, but also connect to the gas main. Of course, if this has not been done before.

When heating a country house with gas, it should be borne in mind that this event is quite complex, costly and takes a lot of time. A project must be drawn up and the necessary calculations carried out. But by connecting gas to the building, you can fully enjoy the warmth. In addition, the house can be heated using reduced gas by installing a gas holder on your site. This heating method is in no way inferior in efficiency to the presence of a gas main, but is also quite expensive.

If you intend to heat your country house with this energy source, you will need to install a gas boiler, radiator, or a heated water floor system. The cost of such heating will be reasonable and will allow you to quickly recoup all costs.

As practice shows, it is most rational to install a wall-mounted double-circuit boiler, which can not only effectively heat the building, but also serve as a source of hot water at any time of the year. Among the advantages of this boiler are its safety, high efficiency and ease of maintenance.

If the area of ​​a wooden house is small, you can consider installing gas convectors. Their cost is objective and reasonable, and their heating efficiency is excellent. But they are quite “gluttonous” and consume much more fuel than a boiler.

A gas-based heating system in a wooden house will save you from the need to participate in the heating process. It will only be necessary to occasionally monitor the correct operation of the system. Using gas, you can efficiently heat a house of any size, even in severe frosts. At the same time, the costs of paying for gas consumption will not be too high.

Liquid fuel

If the house is not gasified, a good alternative to gas is liquid fuel. Heating in a wooden house using this method will require the installation of a diesel boiler. Despite the fact that the cost of installing such a heating system is quite decent, there are also many advantages to its operation. First of all, this is autonomy. Also, the efficiency of diesel boilers is practically in no way inferior in efficiency to their gas counterparts. There will be no problems with the energy carrier. After all, diesel fuel is affordable for almost everyone, and it can be delivered in the required volume to almost any locality.

Attention: To install heating in a wooden house using liquid fuel, it is necessary to equip a special room in which the boiler will be installed. Such a room must have a good ventilation system and be resistant to fire. The only difficulty is that if the house is small, you will have to allocate several square meters of free space to install the boiler.


The simplest and fastest way to heat a wooden house is to use electricity. This method is environmentally friendly and has a good level of automation. There are many ways to heat a wooden building using electricity. In particular, you can consider such options as installing convectors, an electric boiler, warm baseboards, infrared heaters, etc. The cost of electric heating devices is significantly lower than similar ones running on gas or liquid fuel.

But despite the advantages, the electric heating system also has some disadvantages that should definitely be taken into account. If you decide to heat a wooden house with your own hands using electricity, without involving specialists, be sure to pay attention to the existing wiring. It must be new, of high quality and able to withstand heavy loads.

If you have old wiring and for some reason you cannot change it, you should refuse electric heating, since you, at a minimum, risk being left without light for some time, and you may have to put out a fire.

This heating system is not very effective if the area of ​​the house is large enough. It also consumes a large amount of electricity, and its cost is quite significant. Especially in the cold winter, you will have to turn it on at full power. But if your house is large, then even in this case, you will not be able to heat it efficiently.

Electric heating systems are best used if you do not live in the house permanently, but will spend a little time in it, for example, on vacation, during vacation or on weekends. Electrical heating is also suitable as a “safety net” for the main heating system.

Solid fuel

One of the most accessible energy sources for heating a wooden house is solid fuel. By installing a solid fuel heating boiler that can operate on coal, wood or briquettes, you can achieve high-quality heating without spending much money.

Disadvantages include the need for regular monitoring of system operation and a high risk of fire. After all, wood catches fire quickly. If you decide to use a solid fuel heating system, you should fully follow the operating instructions.

Attention: In general, this method is quite effective and affordable for a wooden house. You just need to use the system correctly and adhere to safety rules.

What we pay attention to

Remember, no matter what type of heating for a wooden house you choose, safety should always come first. This is due to the fact that the heating system, which is based on fuel combustion, is always more or less dangerous. Possible risks include:

  • energy leakage;
  • open fire;
  • strong heating of the chimney and equipment;
  • gas explosion;
  • occurrence of a fire.

All this is dangerous not only for the house, but also for the people living in it. Therefore, no matter what equipment you use to heat your home, you should always follow the instructions for its use.

Heating a private home is impossible without stable ventilation. After all, combustion products can negatively affect the air in the house. This is primarily typical for fireplaces, stoves and gas convectors. The ventilation scheme must be included in the design of the heating system.

Attention: When choosing a heating system, you should definitely pay attention to its efficiency. After all, most of the costs are associated with it. Try to choose systems with an efficiency of 90% or more. If it is lower, it turns out that you will be throwing away some of your money. For example, if the efficiency is 75%, then out of every 100 rubles you will waste 25.

The cheapest options for heating a house with your own hands is to install gas and solid fuel boilers, wood stoves, and gas convectors. The most expensive are boilers running on liquid fuel and electric heating systems.

Much depends on the rate of heating of the building. Here the first place comes to systems that heat not the coolant, but the air itself. For example, infrared heaters.

You should pay attention to the simplicity and ease of operation of heating systems. It is desirable that the management be automated and minimal human participation is required. Electric, gas and liquid fuel heating systems come first here.

There are many systems for heating a wooden house, and it’s up to you to decide which heating is best. The main thing is that it is safe, efficient and quickly heats the building, and that the energy resources used are affordable. Before installing the selected system, a project must be drawn up and all calculations made. Do not forget that when operating any system, you must follow all recommendations for its use and adhere to safety rules.

In this section, we propose to consider such an important point as heating in a wooden house - options for its organization, turnkey installation, as well as various nuances that are associated with this.

The main goal of this section is to protect you from typical mistakes that can be made both in the process of selecting engineering schemes and equipment, and during the execution of work.

Today, the highest priority is to choose water-electric or gas heating for a wooden house as an option. And eIf you intend to install it, then you need to focus on some nuances.

Organization of heating in a wooden house - main nuances

Impact of building shrinkage

It is no secret that wooden buildings shrink after construction. On average, after construction a cottage needs time to settle - at least 1 year.

If a situation arises in which there is no possibility for the building to become stable, and heating must be organized immediately, then it is important to take this fact into account during the installation of the system.

The main unpleasant moment that can be caused by shrinkage is the possible deformation of horizontal and vertical heating highways.

Over time, an unstable building settles, and with a rigid structure of the risers, this can lead to their deformation and fracture.To avoid distortions,fractures or displacements of pipes, they must be equipped with special compensatory loops. If the installation of water heating in your wooden house occurs after the building has been established, this problem is partially removed.

Influence of floor structure

As a rule, the flooring in wooden cottages consists of logs.

If the floor design involves laying boards (usually 50 mm high) on the joists, then in this case it is possible to conceal the installation of heating pipes without making cuts in the joists.

At some sites it is difficult to use hidden pipe routing without damaging the joists. If we are talking about small cuts in several joists, then this is not a big deal and it is possible to hide the pipes in the floor pie.

But if the floor joists are laid in such a way that a significant number of cuts are required, then it is better to give preference to open laying of main pipes.

When using open laying of water heating lines for a wooden house, copper pipes, which have greater aesthetics and reliability, can be considered as an alternative to polypropylene pipes. Open wiring on copper is slightly more expensive than on polypropylene. This is due to the cost of the material itself and the complexity of working with it.

Working with copper pipes requires the performer to have fairly high qualifications and experience in copper soldering. Only in this case can we expect that heating in a wooden house using copper will have a high level of aesthetics and reliability.

Restrictions on connecting heating lines to radiators

If you plan to use radiators, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it will be difficult to use a corner multiflex (connecting radiators from the wall) to connect them.

This is due to the fact that in buildings made from the material in question there is no possibility of making grooves. The ability to connect radiators with a corner multiflex can be provided, for example, by a false wall.The best option is to foresee how the wiring and connection of heating devices will be carried out already at the design or construction stage of the building.


The next important detail that needs to be taken into account when planning the installation of gas heating in a wooden house is the chimney. Increased attention to the chimney is caused by special requirements for fire safety in wooden buildings. And choosing a chimney requires a careful and responsible approach.

As a chimney, you must use at least a sandwich type chimney; the best option is a ceramic Schiedel. Under no circumstances should you fall for the tricks of unscrupulous contractors and install homemade chimneys, which are much cheaper than factory-made chimneys. The consequences of such savings can be very sad.

If you plan to use gas equipment, then you will be able to save on the chimney. As a source, you can choose a boiler with a closed combustion chamber. This will give you the opportunity to use a special coaxial chimney, the price of which is an order of magnitude lower than the cost of a classic chimney.

Remote control

Due to the nature of the material, wooden buildings require constant maintenance. One of the elements of this care is the continuous maintenance of above-zero temperatures in the winter. This prevents the appearance of fungal infections on structures, and also significantly extends the service life of the structure.

In this regard, a pressing issue arises related to monitoring the correct operation of heat supply in the absence of owners. This problem is solved by additionally equipping boiler equipment with a GSM module.

GSM equipment allows you to remotely control and regulate the temperature in the cottage, notifies you of emergency situations, such as power outages, blowing out the gas burner, stopping pumps, etc.

Heating a wooden house - options

If you are planning to water heat your wooden house, then first you need to decide what it will work on, that is, the type of fuel.

Types of heating

Price from 1,600 rub./m2 Price from 1,800 rub./m2 Price from 2,200 rub./m2 Price from 1,600 rub./m2

Gas heating

In our country, mainline natural gas is considered the priority fuel option. This type of fuel is the most economical, and heating a house with gas is optimal for both permanent and periodic living in it.

The rather serious costs associated with connecting to gas will in the future be more than compensated by the low cost of the fuel itself and, as a result, lower operating costs than with any other fuel. Well, of course, provided that you do not have any “special conditions” for the purchase, for example, of diesel fuel or access to irregular electricity consumption at a large discount.

If your building is designed for permanent residence and is not gasified, then you can consider the option of liquefied gas rather than main gas. We are talking about installing a gas tank on the site.

It is necessary to understand that the cost of installing a gas tank is, as a rule, lower than the cost of connecting to the main gas, but the cost of the fuel itself (liquefied gas) is higher.

On average, in terms of operating costs, using a heating system for a wooden house using main gas is 3 times cheaper than using liquefied gas.

Electric heating

If your cottage is not supplied with main gas, the prospect of gasification is very vague, and you do not want to install a gas holder, then the option of choosing electricity as a fuel for organizing heating may be relevant for you.

In this case, it is necessary to clarify the electrical power allocated to you. It should be enough not only to supply the house with heat, but also for the normal functioning of other electricity consumers.

Thus, in this case, such branches of engineering as heat supply and electricity supply are closely related. And to obtain a guaranteed result, special close attention must be paid to the calculation of loads.

Electric heating of any wooden house can be of two types:

  • Vodyanoye
  • Convector

Water heating of a cottage with electricity involves the assembly of a conventional water heating system, the source of which is an electric boiler. As a rule, in this case, water supply is organized from an electric storage boiler.

For convector heating, electric convectors are used, which can be installed either permanently under windows (like radiators) or portable.Most often, convectors are used in small-sized cottages, which, as a rule, are not intended for permanent residence.

Living in a wooden house has a beneficial effect on human health. The walls breathe and do not contain any chemical additives that emit toxic fumes. The house is cool in summer and warm in winter. But on one condition, if the heating is installed. In the real estate market, wooden houses without heating are considered unfinished, so their prices are significantly lower. Having bought relatively cheap housing, you need to equip it.

Of course, installing a heating system will require certain investments and labor. Installing heating in a wooden house has its own characteristics. Natural wood is usually subject to seasonal shrinkage. In the spring, the walls can “move” to one side, and in the summer they can return back. This must be taken into account when intending to install a heating system, regardless of the source of thermal energy.

Heating with radiators in a wooden house

Gas heating

When designing gas heating, it is important to take into account possible deformations of the wooden structure of the house. If deformations occur, the pipe may be torn out of the fastening. Therefore, it is necessary to attach the risers to sliding joints so that the pipes move freely over a short distance, remaining in the same place.

Difficulties arise when laying hidden pipelines under the floor or above the ceiling. If you install an open system, the rooms will look like an army dryer. When laying a pipeline, you must remember that when setting up a heating system, you should not destroy the frame of the house. Supporting structures should be bypassed.

Having received permission to install gas heating, which requires compliance with safety requirements, you must purchase special equipment:

  1. · gas boiler, the best option is a wall-mounted one with automation and a built-in pump;
  2. · polypropylene pipes for the heating system,
  3. · pipes for supplying gas to the boiler;
  4. · shut-off valves.

Experienced people advise narrowing the chimney to reduce the loss of warm air. A disk with a small diameter hole is inserted under the base of the chimney. It is important to calculate the size of the hole so that the smoke exits unhindered and slag does not accumulate inside the pipe. An experienced stove maker can tell you about this. Experimenting with the chimney is not recommended.

When the amount of water circulating in the system is over one hundred liters, it is necessary to install an expansion tank. The expanded coolant will accumulate in it.

The boiler can be located in the hallway, in the kitchen, in a separate room, but not in the basement. If there is a gas leak, it will accumulate at the bottom because it has a higher specific gravity than air. This may result in the formation of an explosive mixture.

To save money, you can try installing a convector. This type of heating allows you to regulate the air temperature in each room separately.

Electric heating

Heating a wooden house using electric heating has its advantages:

· ease of installation - there is no need to equip a boiler room or install a chimney;

· Ease of Management;

· no release of harmful substances.

Electric heating has many varieties:

  • · classic water heating scheme with radiators, the main element of which is an electric boiler;
  • · installation of radiators with their own heating elements;
  • · built-in heaters – heated floors that provide circulation of heated air;
  • · electric heaters of various designs, from floor-standing units to wall-mounted panels.

Stove heating

Good old classic. Furnaces can run on solid fuel or be powered from the mains. These are forced draft heat generators.

The fireplace can be used to heat the room and prepare fried foods. Shashlik, for example.

Installing a classic stove will require a special foundation that is in no way related to the general foundation of the house. Deformations of the walls should not be reflected in the brickwork.

It is possible to install ceramic stoves, which are much lighter than brick ones. The quarter-brick walls of the oven must be reinforced with a metal frame.

Regardless of the type of stove, it is necessary to follow safety rules when installing it. Near the firebox, it is necessary to cover the wooden floor with an iron sheet on an asbestos sheet. Heating of the oven surface should not exceed 120 degrees Celsius.

The choice of heating system for a wooden house depends not only on the technical characteristics of the building, but also on the capabilities of the owner. Often the determining factor is the taste of the owner. One person likes a Russian stove, while another always likes something ultra-modern. The article will also definitely be useful to you, as well as.

Heating a wooden house with a stove

They are becoming increasingly popular due to their availability, speed of construction and ability to create a unique microclimate. Such housing will provide coolness in summer and warmth in winter, if the shrinkage of the house was correctly taken into account when designing the heating system.

Options and features for installing heating in a wooden house

When laying communications, it is necessary to avoid damage to elements of supporting structures so as not to disturb the uniform distribution of loads of walls, floors and roofs. It is also necessary to avoid direct contact of very hot and condensate-covered pipes with wooden surfaces. To do this, insulation is performed both , and . This simple action helps prevent drying or excessive moisture in the wood.

Coolant in the heating system of a private house

The most popular is the one, which is characterized by efficiency, ease of maintenance and long service life. The coolant fluid, circulating through the pipe circuit, brings heat to the heating devices and returns. Water is most often used as the working heating medium. But such a coolant is not suitable for houses that are used as temporary suburban housing for weekends or holidays. When leaving, the heat generator must be turned off. To prevent pipes and radiators from being destroyed in cold weather, you will have to regularly empty and fill the system. This is not only inconvenient and takes up a lot of time that could be spent heating cold rooms, but it is also harmful to the equipment. Fresh water is rich in salts and oxygen, which are the main sources of corrosion and solid deposits on the walls of pipes and heat exchanger.

The way out of the situation would be to use non-toxic antifreeze based on propylene glycol, which retains its properties under strong cooling. Such a working environment is designed to last up to 10 heating seasons, which fully justifies the initial costs. In this case, there is no need to fill the pipes with pure antifreeze; it is enough to use its mixture with water. The proportions of the composition are determined by the actual climatic conditions and maximum winter temperature:

  • down to -20C (65% water, 35% antifreeze);
  • up to -25C (60% water, 40% antifreeze);
  • down to -30C (55% water, 45% antifreeze);
  • up to -35C (50% water, 50% antifreeze).

If the mixture for the heating system contains 55-70% antifreeze, the liquid does not freeze at temperatures below -45-65C, which is more than enough even for northern regions.

The main disadvantages of antifreeze coolant include its reduced heat capacity compared to water (by 15%), expansion ability, increased viscosity, fluidity and aggressiveness towards rubber, which is why all detachable connections must be sealed with special stable gaskets. In addition, it is necessary to use boiler equipment that technically provides for the use of an antifreeze solution, more powerful batteries, and abandon some types of polymer and galvanized ones. At the stage of designing heating in a private house, all these issues can be easily resolved and make it possible to obtain a heating system ready for use.

Schemes and installation of heating a wooden house

Heating systems can be with natural (gravity) or forced circulation of the working environment. In the first case, the laws of gravity and the temperature difference between the heated and cooled coolant are taken into account. In the second, the liquid moves due to pressure pumped by a special circulation pump. To deliver heat to heating devices, single-pipe or two-pipe circuits are used.

Scheme of a single-pipe heating system

To better understand the efficiency and working principle single pipe heating system, let's consider its installation using the example of a wooden house with several floors. Let us immediately clarify that the presence of a single circuit provides for the rise of hot water to the highest point of the system due to its lower density and mass compared to the cooled liquid. This provides the initial impulse for gravity flow. Moving along the main line, the coolant sequentially passes through the heating devices, giving each part of the accumulated heat. The uneven distribution of thermal energy between the upper and lower floors is immediately noticeable. For a small one-story wooden house this difference is insignificant, but for spacious and tall buildings it is of key importance. The increased number of sections farthest from the boiler will allow the temperature levels to be equalized.

In order for the cooled working medium to be able to return by gravity to the heat exchanger for heating, the heat generator must be placed below the level of the radiators. The use of a circulation pump eliminates this requirement and makes heating in a private home much more efficient due to the accelerated movement of the working medium.

In a simplified form, the installation of a single-pipe heating system can be described as follows:

  • boiler installation;
  • installation of expansion tank and radiators;
  • laying a pipe line;
  • installation of a circulation pump (if necessary);
  • connecting communications to devices;
  • installation of radiator valves.

To improve the performance of single-pipe heating, special jumpers are used - bypasses, which allow redirecting and redistributing the coolant flow along the riser.

Bellows compensator for heating system

As already mentioned, the main features of installing a heating system are related to the use of wood as the main building material of the house. Even well-dried timber contains a certain amount of moisture and, over time, dries out and can be partially deformed. On the scale of an individual structural element, such changes can be considered insignificant. But given the large areas of wall, floor and ceiling surfaces, shifts become critical and can amount to tens of centimeters. The use of standard communications and rigid fastenings will lead to bends (ruptures) of pipes, destruction of interpipe connections and insulation, and damage to equipment. That is why special expansion joints are installed on main highways, which are equipped with a corrugated surface, are resistant to dynamic loads and have the ability to compress and stretch. Sliding fasteners ensure freedom of pipe movement. An open one often violates the overall aesthetic integrity of a wooden interior, so it is advisable to give preference to hidden installation of communications.

Pipes are laid under the floor, in interfloor ceilings, behind false walls. It is important to accurately determine the location of the pipework in advance. Experts strongly recommend using collectors and equipping communications in such a way that there is not a single joint in the interfloor ceilings and under the floor. This leads to a slight increase in the construction budget, but completely eliminates the risk of leaks in a place inaccessible for prompt repairs.
The material used for coolant lines is high-quality or, which are designed for trouble-free operation for up to 50 years.

For those that will decorate communications, you should not use soft

Heating in a wooden house can be created with your own hands in the form of a converter and water type system. The pipe piping technology discussed below is universal. It allows you to supply natural gas or use solid fuel.Among the main elements of the system are:

  1. Unit;
  2. Batteries;
  3. Pipeline;
  4. Expansion tank;
  5. Reinforcing elements.

Below are instructions on how to do heating in a wooden house with your own hands in the video:

For rational use of thermal energy, the boiler is installed closer to the living quarters. For this purpose, a separate room is allocated, located between the kitchen and the residential area.

The outlet pipes and registers are connected by welding into a single system. The upper device of the unit is complemented by an expansion tank. For uniform and efficient distribution of energy, the pipes must have an equal cross-section.

Operating principle

A DIY heating system for a wooden house requires heat exchanger equipment to heat the liquid in the unit. When expanding due to increased temperature, it ensures movement along a closed ring of pipes. Heat transfer is ensured by heating a large area of ​​radiators and pipes. Moving the coolant through the registers helps cool it. Return to the heating system (boiler) is provided through the second row.

Do-it-yourself water heating of a wooden house involves creating a difference in the volumetric weight of the liquid. The unit can be placed at the same level as the heating devices or slightly higher. This allows you to create water circulation due to cooling in the pipeline.

Basic Rules

  • Heating a private wooden house with your own hands requires creating an open wiring system. The minimum cross-section of pipes is 2-2½ inches (for risers). The remaining parts of the system should have a diameter of - ¾ - 1½ inches.
  • The expansion tank is created from 2-3 mm sheet steel and a piece of pipe with large parameters.
  • An air pipe without shut-off valves (valve) is provided on the side for fastening. To view the amount of water in the tank, a liquid level indicator is placed.
  • A line is laid to the riser to move the heated coolant. It has pipe branches for one or more devices.
  • The water supply located next to the boiler requires a line with a shut-off valve. This line ensures the replenishment and filling of the system with energy.
  • Forced water circulation is provided by a circulation pump (one or more). This helps increase efficiency by 20-30%. In this case, the boiler furnace is equipped with a closed structure with an excess pressure of 1.5 bar. This scheme is suitable for gas or electric heating.

Water heating circuit

To ensure the ability to drain water from the system, a pipe with shut-off valves is placed and connected to the sewer system. If there is no water supply, the system is pumped out using a pump through the gap in the expansion tank. After filling with liquid, the gap is closed with a plug. To prevent the expansion tank from freezing, it is insulated with insulation or equipped with a circulation line.

The return and supply lines are laid with a slight slope, ensuring direction in the direction of movement of the energy carrier.

Such a system ensures the unhindered passage of air masses through the pipe for moving liquid from the expansion tank and pipe located in the lower position of the system.

Attention! The use of various coils, registers and hollow built-in elements will allow you to create a combined type of heating (convector-water), characterized by high efficiency and ease of installation.

Due to the fact that water heating has a universal design, it is possible to install two or even three heat generators in parallel. This will ensure complete autonomy if one heat generator fails.

Types of water heating wiring

  1. Single-pipe. It ensures the connection of one pipe with all heaters as the liquid moves. This system eliminates uniform heating and temperature control in individual radiators. It is characterized by low cost and ease of installation.
  2. Two-pipe. Radiators are connected using two pipes that are laid parallel to the movement of the coolant in the system. They provide quick adjustment of liquid heating and uniform heating of the internal space.
  3. Collector. It has its own supply and return pipelines, forming a single system through distribution manifolds. This facilitates complete control of all radiators in the room from the control cabinet.

Electric heating

When installing an electric boiler, you can use a “warm floor” system or a single-circuit/double-circuit heating option. Installation of the first structure requires the installation of a concrete screed. However, to reduce the heating level, you can use an electric boiler.

To create the device, you will need metal-plastic pipes with a cross-section of 16–20 cm. Their laying is ensured on a heat-insulated layer. The placement pattern can be spiral, diagonal or parallel. From the base of the collector pipe connected to the heating device, a distance of 10 cm from the walls is measured. The second circuit provides a free space of 40 cm (relative to the first). This is provided for re-laying the pipe into the existing space. As a result, the laying step forms a segment of 20 cm.

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