Primary production. What types of production are there? Serial production type

Decor elements 14.09.2023
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Primary production

part of production process of an enterprise during which basic materials are converted into finished products. Carried out in the main workshops. The nature and structure of industrial production depend on the characteristics of the product being manufactured, the type of production, and the technology used. In mechanical engineering, for example, production facilities include procurement (foundry, forging, pressing), processing (mechanical, stamping-mechanical) and assembly shops; in metallurgy - smelting cast iron in blast furnaces, steel in steel-smelting units, production of finished products in rolling mills; in textile production - spinning and weaving-finishing departments.

O.P. can be synthetic, where one or several types of products are created from many types of raw materials (cars, shoes, etc.); analytical - obtaining various types of products from one type of raw material (in coke chemistry, meat processing plants, etc.); in the form of direct processes characteristic of extractive industries and some one-stage industries, where one finished product is created from one type of material (brick, cement, etc.). O. production can be continuous (chemistry, metallurgy) or discontinuous (mechanical engineering, woodworking, light industry), aggregate or highly specialized.

An industrial production plant can be built on a technological basis, when individual units are distinguished according to the technological homogeneity of operations (foundry, mechanical, and assembly shops), or by subject matter, when each part of an industrial production plant performs all or most of the operations for the manufacture of a certain type of product (workshop micrometers, gearboxes). Features of the organization of industrial production depend on the type of production, the scale of production of the same product, and the repeatability of technological routes and operations.

In modern conditions, the level of mechanization of industrial operations is continuously increasing. Manual and machine-manual processes are being replaced by mechanical and automated ones. The concentration of operations and the introduction of multi-position methods of processing products in combination with automation create the prerequisites for increasing labor productivity, intensifying and increasing production efficiency. The introduction of rotary lines leads to the combination in time and space of the main and displacement processes. The use of program-controlled units allows you to take advantage of production automation and creates the ability to quickly switch from one type of work to another. Management is mechanized and automated.

Improvement of industrial production is also carried out in the direction of its specialization, that is, strict consolidation of an increasingly limited range of various works performed at each production site. This is due to the standardization and unification of products and their parts and the typification of technological processes. A promising direction for the development of industrial production is its further concentration, bringing production to an optimal scale, which ensures the introduction and effective use of advanced technology. Production processes in many industries are increasingly approaching continuous production, which leads to a reduction in production time. Based on the improvement of production organization methods and the introduction of operational management and regulation using computers, the rhythm of production is improved.

Opportunity production occupies a predominant place in total production costs. For the normal functioning of an equipment, it is necessary to rationally maintain it with repairs, tools, energy, etc.; in some industries, complex technology is being developed that covers all processes associated with the manufacture of products.

S. E. Kamenitser, M. V. Melnik.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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From an economic point of view, the production process represents human influence on natural substances in order to create any goods and services required for the future development of society. Studying history, one can understand that production has gone through a rather long and difficult path of development, starting from the manufacture of the simplest products and ending with some complex technical systems, flexible complexes and computing devices. All types of production are quite complex processes, without which the functioning of the economy would be simply unrealistic.

General definition

The production process can also be described as a purposeful activity during which all raw materials and material products are made ready for consumption through labor. Any type of production is the basis for the development of all countries.

Without the production process, the economy simply cannot develop. Investors who invest their money in the production of certain products and services receive good benefits after their sale. From this profit they make tax and other deductions, thanks to which state institutions operate.

Market and non-market production

Speaking about existing types of production, it should be understood that they are all divided into market and non-market. The first type involves the manufacture of products for further sale at the existing market value. In such cases, all types of market production will be aimed at extracting the maximum amount of profit.

Sometimes a product can be distributed free of charge, or at a very reduced cost. In this case, this type of production is already non-market. This type mainly includes government funds or various types of non-profit companies. In addition, sometimes profitable companies can make large discounts or sales in order to sell their products, which for a long time are no longer in great demand in the market.

Activities related to production

It is also important to identify other types of production activities that are included in the definition of this concept.

  • Activities for the production of products that are permitted by law.
  • Illegal certain types of production.
  • Movement of raw materials, semi-finished products and materials between individual branches of the company.
  • The so-called shadow production processes, which include types of economic production that are hidden from paying taxes.
  • An unfinished production process that includes materials that have already been processed but have not yet been converted into finished products.
  • Types of production of products that come to markets from households.
  • Paid hired labor of service personnel.
  • Construction and repair work.
  • The use of buildings to create material goods and services.

Types of activities not related to production

In economics, it is also customary to distinguish those types of activities that have nothing to do with the production process. These include:

  • all activities and services occurring at home, which are carried out independently to satisfy one’s own needs;
  • by-products, such as waste and garbage, that are generated during the main type of production and are not considered its final purpose.

Thus, if, for example, a person cooks food at home and cleans the room only for his own purposes, then this type of activity does not belong to production. But if such services are provided in accordance with the rental agreement and for the purpose of obtaining benefits, then this falls into the above mentioned category.

Types of production

Speaking about what types of production exist, first of all we should highlight material ones. They include the direct production of those products that have a real material form. This includes food, household appliances, architectural structures, clothing and much more.

If we talk about intangible types of organization of production, then this includes services in a wide variety of areas, for example, education, healthcare and others. Despite the fact that there is no material form, these services still have a specific value and bring a certain result.

Production activities

Organization is usually carried out on the basis of several types of relevant activities:

  1. Custom production, which is a type of production that meets a specific request. First of all, such activity is considered the most effective, since companies producing a particular product protect themselves from the risk of a decline in demand.
  2. Flexible or mass production, which involves producing products on a large scale. In parallel, such activities may include several modifications at once or undergo changes in connection with existing demand.
  3. Inflexible or mass production, which differs from the previous category in that products are manufactured only in a standardized form. Most often this applies to equipment, tools and other goods that require a certain level of precision during production. It is also worth noting that this option will be relevant in cases where large-scale production of products is required.
  4. Flow production, which is organized as a continuous cycle. Materials are constantly used, and the product is manufactured. Quite often, for the sake of better efficiency, such a process is carried out continuously. Thus, the company's employees work in shifts.

Types of production factors

The production process cannot be carried out without some factors:

  1. Natural resources, which are an objective necessity for absolutely any enterprise, no matter whether it is industrial or otherwise. This should include not only water, solar energy, soil, but also other resources, including even climatic conditions, which to a large extent determine the suitability of a particular region for the development of a certain type of production.
  2. being one of the main factors, without which it is simply impossible to carry out this or that activity. This includes financial support for production, with the help of which it becomes possible to acquire the resources necessary for the entire process.
  3. Labor resources, which are people who have a certain level of qualifications and education. Without such employees it is simply impossible to carry out the production process. This includes management personnel, ordinary workers, as well as those persons who service the entire process of manufacturing products or services.
  4. implying the individual qualities of the people who are at the head of the plant for the production of any intangible or material goods. This factor is one of the main ones for successful activities, since the management personnel will determine how well the time to start the working day is chosen, how modern the technology will become, and also how correctly the finished product will be sold.

Economic efficiency

The organization of the production process is aimed at obtaining at the end some specific result of the work, reflected in the planning documentation. Basically, we are talking about economic efficiency, which is the ratio of net profit and costs. Thus, each company is moving towards getting the maximum return per unit of investment in the production process. However, this performance includes more than just the goal of monetary reward.

Technological efficiency

In addition to economic efficiency, there is also technological efficiency - when it is calculated how many units of product were produced using a specific method, technology and other factors. They talk about technological efficiency when the actual volume of the production process tends to be as high as possible, based on the resources invested and the techniques used. It is also important that there should not be a more profitable option through which more products could be produced at the same cost.

How to decide on production process technology

The main process in production begins with the selection of technology that will meet the requirements of the products or services being manufactured. This decision must be made based on a number of factors:

  • first of all, it is necessary to decide what resources and equipment a particular company can afford relative to its financial situation;
  • Of all the equipment options that an organization can buy, it is recommended to select more efficient and modern models;
  • Having carried out certain economic calculations, the final choice of one or another option is made.

Innovative production technologies

As in most countries, in Russia new types of production cannot exist without innovative technologies. The structure of the development of the production process is carried out in a certain way:

  1. Initially, an innovation appears, which can be a specific invention or a new way of working.
  2. If this new invention is used successfully, it will transform into an innovation.
  3. When this innovation is used on a large scale, as well as when positive results are generated, it becomes an innovation.

Changes in the structure of the production process must attract the attention of users, as well as meet their requirements and, accordingly, be aimed at increasing profits. Unfortunately, most of these changes do not take into account the title of innovation. But this is observed in cases where the product is truly unique, unlike others, due to which turnover and profit become greater.

It is customary to talk about innovation if it would be quite problematic for competitors to produce such products. To achieve a specific result, you must acquire a patent for a new technology and quickly begin promoting your product on the market. Over time, if everything is done correctly, brands gain popularity and become in demand.

Quite often, domestic companies offer their products that do not meet certain criteria, which is why they fail. For this reason, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons before a technologically new product goes on sale, because if it fails, the company will suffer losses. The majority of innovations are not considered radical, but still help to achieve some certain success.

New technologies at the exhibition

The best method of promoting your products is to demonstrate them at various exhibitions. In addition, the product, by participating in such an event, directly communicates with visitors. Exhibition sites have recently been organized more vividly, dynamically and originally. Thanks to such exhibitions, it is possible to establish communication and understand what exactly is interesting to the audience. The exhibition is a visual presentation of the products, after which you can get acquainted in more detail with the latest developments directly at the enterprise itself.

A few words in conclusion

Production is a rather complex process, which is aimed primarily at the formation of intangible and tangible benefits. Manufacturing is fundamental to the functioning of the economy, both in a single country and throughout the world.

Means of production are a set of objects and means of labor with the help of which agricultural products are produced. The main means of production in agriculture - land - is both an object (when a person acts on the soil cover) and a means of labor (when its physical, chemical and biological properties are used). The means of production themselves are devoid of productive capacity, and only in conjunction with labor power is the production process carried out and products produced.
Means of production occupy an important place in the resource potential of enterprises in the agricultural sector. They include equipment, tools, industrial buildings and structures, communications and transport, as well as raw materials, fuel, and energy.
The means of production have a natural (material) and value (monetary) expression. Put on the balance sheet of the enterprise, accounted for and expressed in monetary form, they constitute the production assets of the enterprise. Agricultural means of production (funds) are divided into fixed and circulating depending on their economic role, service life, the nature of participation in the production process and the transfer of their value to manufactured products (Fig. 8).

Fixed assets - means of labor (buildings, structures, machines, equipment, etc.) do not change their original natural form during the production process. They transfer value to newly created products or completed work in parts, as they wear out physically, since they are located and used on the farm over many product production cycles.
One of the main features of the structure of the main production assets of agricultural enterprises is that in them, along with the means of labor, which are products of the previous industrial activity of many industries, there are specific means of labor - bioorganisms (various types of farm animals, perennial plantings), which also embody past work of people. These specific means of labor - bioorganisms - are either purchased in specialized farms (for example, breeding stock or planting material), or are reproduced in their own enterprise.
The share of bioorganisms in the structure of fixed agricultural production assets is especially large in specialized livestock enterprises, as well as in farms specializing in viticulture and fruit growing. Moreover, unlike means of labor of industrial origin, which in the production process only retain their consumer properties until a certain time, and their value is gradually lost during operation as they wear out, the value of specific fixed production assets (bioorganisms) up to a certain time, determined by physiological processes, not only does not decrease during use, but even increases.
This leaves a certain imprint on the reproduction of specific basic agricultural production assets (bioorganisms). If all other main production assets can be continuously used until worn out (physical wear), then bioorganisms have specific patterns of functioning. Productive livestock, for example, require certain breaks in operation to restore physiological functions. Perennial plantings actively function during the calendar year only within a certain period, determined by the boundaries of active temperatures and the physiological cycle. Taking into account the biological features of the functioning of this part of the main agricultural production assets is important for their effective use.
Fixed assets include a large number of various means of labor. In agriculture, the following classification is accepted:
- land plots and environmental management facilities;
- building; structures;
- cars and equipment;
- vehicles;
- production and household equipment;
- working and productive livestock;
- perennial plantings;
- other types of fixed assets.
According to their economic purpose, production and non-production fixed assets are distinguished.
Fixed production assets serve material production. Depending on the purpose and natural material characteristics, the main production assets are divided into the following groups:
- building;
- structures, including irrigation, reclamation and water supply;
- transfer devices, including conveyors, milk lines, wine lines, etc.;
- machines and equipment, including: power machines and equipment (internal combustion engines, electric motors, transformers, etc.), including tractors; working machines and equipment (agricultural machines, industrial equipment of processing, repair and construction departments, equipment for livestock farms, etc.), including combines and other agricultural machines, technological equipment;
- measuring and control instruments and devices, automatic control panels for technological processes, devices for measuring and regulating the quantity and consumption of feed, liquids, etc.;
- vehicles, including trucks;
- production and household equipment (work cabinets, tables, labor protection items and fire-fighting equipment, etc.);
- draft animals;
- productive livestock (stud bulls, cows, stud boars, main sows, ewes, stud rams, etc.);
- perennial plantings (fruit, berry, vineyard, etc.), of which fruit-bearing;
- capital costs for land improvement (without structures), including costs for land planning, uprooting areas, etc.
This relatively detailed grouping makes it possible to analyze the process of reproduction of production fixed assets, identify “bottlenecks” in the production potential of an agricultural enterprise, in the technical level of labor tools, and determine the need for their timely repair and replacement.
Non-productive fixed assets include buildings and equipment for housing and communal services, clubs, libraries, schools, children's and medical institutions, and other non-productive facilities. These funds do not take part in the production process, but serve to satisfy the cultural and everyday needs of employees of agricultural enterprises.
Since fixed production assets serve not only agricultural production, they are divided into two parts: fixed assets for agricultural purposes and fixed assets for non-agricultural purposes. The former include tractors, combines, other agricultural machines and implements, vehicles, equipment for livestock farms, mechanized farms, buildings and structures used in crop and livestock production, working and productive livestock, reclamation structures, measuring instruments and equipment, perennial plantings, etc. etc. The natural and material content of fixed assets for non-agricultural purposes consists of equipment and premises of repair shops, industrial production, construction shops, auxiliary production, trade, public catering, etc.
The structure of fixed assets in different farms may differ significantly. The structure of fixed assets is the percentage ratio of the cost of individual types and groups of fixed assets to their total value. The largest share in the structure of fixed assets of agricultural enterprises consists of buildings, a smaller share - structures, machinery and equipment. Their proportions vary significantly among individual enterprises, economic regions and zones, due to different conditions and the nature of agricultural production. It largely depends on the specialization and production direction, the level of production intensity and the state of the economy. Thus, in livestock farms there is a higher proportion of buildings, structures, productive livestock (more than 50%), in fruit - perennial plantings, in grain - power, working machines and equipment (more than 20%).
Working capital - objects of labor (petroleum products, feed, seeds, etc.) completely transfer their value to the products produced or work performed, are modified and consumed in one production cycle.
Working capital consists of production working capital (serve the production process) and circulation funds (serve the sphere of circulation).
The production working capital of an enterprise is divided into inventories, work in progress and deferred expenses.
Production supplies include feed, planting material, young animals and fattening cattle, spare parts for the repair of fixed assets, petroleum products and solid fuels, mineral fertilizers, medicines and disinfectants, building materials, containers and packaging materials, raw materials for processing at subsidiary enterprises, auxiliary materials, low-value and wearable items.
Work in progress includes costs for sowing winter crops, plowing, fallow treatment, fertilization, soil liming, snow retention, etc.
Future expenses represent the costs of construction and equipment of temporary summer camps on pastures, sheds and areas for cleaning and storing grain, summer kitchens, canteens at field camps, etc.
Circulation funds include finished products in warehouses, goods in company stores, funds in settlements, as well as funds in bank and cash register accounts.
All types of enterprise funds act in inextricable unity. Their composition and ratio are determined by many factors. The specifics of the agricultural industry, scientific and technological progress, the location of the enterprise, the scale and seasonality of production, the level of concentration and specialization of the economy play a role.

People's economic actions are determined by their needs and interests.
The ultimate goal of production is to satisfy needs.
Production is the basis of social life. In this sense, production is not a biological or physiological process, but a social process. It reveals social relations between man and nature, as well as relationships between people.
Production is the process of interaction between man and nature with the aim of creating material and intangible goods.
Production is the process of creating tangible and intangible goods.
Production is divided into natural and commercial.
Subsistence production is a form of social economy in which products are produced to meet the needs of the participants in production themselves.
Commodity production is a form of social economy in which products are produced for exchange on the market through purchase and sale.
Table 1. Differences between subsistence and commercial production
Production is divided into material and intangible (spiritual). In material production, material goods are created (food, clothing, etc.), in intangible production, spiritual goods and services are created.
Reproduction is a continuously repeating production process. Reproduction includes the following phases:
Production is the creation of goods;
Distribution - distribution of the results of social production and resources;
Exchange - exchange of labor products for other products or for money;
Consumption is the use of products to satisfy needs.
Types of reproduction:
Y Simple - repetition of the production process in an unchanged volume;
Extended - repeating the production process with increasing production volume.
Forms of reproduction:
U Individual - reproduction on the scale of one company;
Social - reproduction on the scale of the entire economy.
The production process requires resources.
Resources are natural, material and human forces that can be used in the production process.
Factors of production are the resources used in the production process.
In economic theory, there are several classifications of factors of production.
In Marxist theory, two groups of factors are distinguished:
  1. material - material - means of production;
  2. personal - labor force as the totality of a person’s physical and spiritual abilities.
The personal factor plays the main role.
French economist Jean-Baptiste Say put forward his classification of factors of production and resources.

Fig.4. Classification of production factors according to J.-B. Sayu
Let us consider the resources, factors of production and types of income from the use of various factors of production, which are defined in Economics, in more detail.
Table 2. Classification of resources, factors of production and income generated

Resources Factors
Natural - all the benefits of nature (land, water, air, flora and fauna, minerals, etc.) Earth Rent - payment for the use of someone else's land
Human - mental, physical abilities of a person Work Salary - remuneration for work
Capital - material and spiritual property created by man Capital Interest is a fee for using someone else's money
Entrepreneurial abilities - management and organizational abilities of a person - Profit is a payment to an entrepreneur for his activities, for new ideas, for taking risks, etc.

In the era of scientific and technological revolution, so-called specific factors of production arise: science, technology, information, ecology.
The constant need to satisfy needs requires the production process to be repeated again and again. Since products and services are produced in commodity form, in every economy two flows move towards each other: goods and money. In any economy there are three main actors: households, firms and the state. Businesses produce goods and services and send them to product markets, while purchasing economic resources for production from resource markets.

More on the topic The concept of production, reproduction Factors of production:

  1. 3.1. The concept of money turnover, main markets, subjects.
  2. The concept of production, reproduction Factors of production
  3. Concept and classification of state financial regulation of the economy
  4. 4.1. System of assessment indicators and sustainable reproduction of fixed capital

- Copyright - Advocacy - Administrative law - Administrative process - Antimonopoly and competition law - Arbitration (economic) process - Audit - Banking system - Banking law - Business - Accounting - Property law - State law and administration - Civil law and process - Monetary law circulation, finance and credit - Money - Diplomatic and consular law - Contract law - Housing law - Land law - Electoral law - Investment law - Information law - Enforcement proceedings - History of state and law - History of political and legal doctrines - Competition law - Constitutional law - Corporate law - Forensic science - Criminology -

Type of production- this is a comprehensive description of the technical, organizational and economic features of mechanical engineering production, due to its specialization, the type and consistency of the product range, as well as the form of movement of products to workplaces.

The type of production is determined by the following factors:

    range of manufactured products;

    volume of output;

    degree of constancy of the range of manufactured products;

    the nature of workloads.

Depending on the level of concentration and specialization, three types of production are distinguished:




Enterprises, sites and individual workplaces are classified by type of production.

The type of production of an enterprise is determined by the type of production of the leading workshop, and the type of production of the workshop is determined by the characteristics of the area where the most critical operations are performed and the bulk of the production assets are concentrated.

The classification of a plant as one or another type of production is conditional, since a combination of different types of production may take place at the enterprise and even in individual workshops.

5.Single production type

Single production- is a form of production organization in which various types of products are manufactured in one or several copies (piece production).

The main features of unit production are that the plant program usually consists of a large range of products for various purposes, the production of each product is planned in limited quantities. The range of products in the plant's program is unstable. The instability of the nomenclature, its diversity, and limited production lead to limited possibilities for using standardized design and technological solutions. In this case, the specific gravity of the original parts is large and the specific gravity of the standardized parts is very small.

Each unit of the final product is unique in design, tasks performed and other important features.

The production process of manufacturing products is continuous. It takes a relatively long time to produce each unit of production. The enterprises use universal equipment, assembly processes are characterized by a significant proportion of manual work, and the personnel have universal skills.

It is widespread in heavy engineering (production of large machines for ferrous metallurgy and energy), the chemical industry, and the service sector.

The workshops of single production factories usually consist of sections organized according to technological principles. The significant labor intensity of products, the high qualifications of workers involved in performing operations, and the increased costs of materials associated with large tolerances determine the high cost of manufactured products. Wages have a significant share in the cost of production, often amounting to 20 - 25% of the total cost.

6.Batch production type

Mass production- this is a form of production organization, which is characterized by the production of products in large quantities (series) with an established regularity of release.

Batch production is the most common type of production.

It is characterized by the constant production of a fairly large range of products. At the same time, the annual range of manufactured products is wider than the range of each month.

This allows you to organize production more or less rhythmically. The production of products in large or relatively large quantities allows for significant unification of manufactured products and technological processes, the production of standard or normalized parts included in the design series in large quantities, which reduces their cost.

The serial type of production is typical for machine tool building, production of rolled ferrous metals, etc.

The organization of labor in mass production is highly specialized. Each workplace is assigned to perform several specific detail operations. This allows the worker to become familiar with the tools, devices and the entire processing process, acquire skills and improve processing techniques. The features of mass production determine the economic feasibility of producing products according to a cyclically repeating schedule.

Subtypes of serial production:




Small-scale tends towards the individual, and large-scale production towards the mass. This division is conditional. For example, in accordance with the classification proposed by Woodward, single and small-scale production (Unit Production), mass production (Mass Production) and continuous production (Process Production) are distinguished.

Small-scale production is a transition from single to serial production. Products can be produced in small batches.

Currently, one of the competitive factors in mechanical engineering has become the ability of a company to produce unique, often highly complex equipment in small batches according to special orders from customers.

The introduction of computerization makes it possible to increase production flexibility and introduce features of flow production into small-scale production. For example, it became possible to produce several types of products on one production line with a minimum amount of time spent on equipment changeover.

Large-scaleproduction is a transitional form to mass production.

In large-scale production, products are produced in large batches over a long period. Typically, enterprises of this type specialize in the production of individual products or sets of subject type.

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