Methods for designing a vegetable garden in kindergarten. Organization of work with children in the garden in summer

Reservoirs 29.08.2023

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 10 “Ivushka”, Essentuki

Project "Our Garden"

joint work of teachers, parents and children of the preparatory group with a compensatory focus

No. 7 "Rainbow" MBDOU kindergarten No. 10 "Ivushka"


Prepared by:

Pomazanova I.A.


compensating group

direction No. 7 “Rainbow”

Project for children

senior preschool age:

“Our garden” in kindergarten

Objective of the project: developing children's interest in experimental and research activities in growing cultivated plants indoors.
Project objectives:
1.Expand children’s knowledge about cultivated and wild plants.
2. Continue to introduce children to the features of growing cultivated plants (onions, peas, cucumbers, flowers);
3.Summarize children’s ideas about the need for light, heat, and soil moisture for plant growth.
4.Continue to develop children’s ability to care for plants indoors.
5.Promote the development of creative abilities in children; encourage variety of children's work, variability.
6.Develop a sense of responsibility for the healthy condition of plants (watering, loosening, weeding)
7. Continue to develop observation skills - the ability to notice changes in the growth of plants, associate them with the conditions in which they are located, and correctly reflect observations in the drawing.
8. Cultivate respect for work and careful attitude towards its results.
9.Develop cognitive and creative abilities.
Project type: short,
Implementation period: 3 weeks.
Availability of interdisciplinary connections: integration of educational areas - cognitive development, speech development, social - communicative development, artistic - aesthetic development, physical development.
Project type: research-creative.
Project participants: teachers, preparatory group children, parents.
Material and technical resources necessary to complete the project:
selection of methodological and fiction literature;
selection of visual material (illustrations, posters, photographs);
didactic games;
selection of cartoons;
exhibition of books, drawings, exhibition of creative works of parents and children.
The necessary conditions to implement the project:
interest of parents and children;
methodological developments.
Relevance of the project: A vegetable garden on the windowsill in a kindergarten promotes the development of curiosity and observation in children, this helps to better understand plant life. He is able to expand children’s ideas about plants as living organisms, about the conditions necessary for growth and development, develop an ethical sense, the ability to enjoy the beauty of the plants grown and the result of their work.
Project methods:
gaming: didactic games, outdoor games, fun games, dramatizations;
verbal: reading and telling poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales; conversation, conversation, looking at pictures, dramatizations;
practical: observation, caring for plants, joint actions of the teacher and the child, carrying out work assignments;
visual: showing objects, toys, observing natural phenomena, the work of adults, examining living objects, examining an object for observation, using illustrations, paintings, photographs, using puppet theater (shadow, tabletop, theater)

Three question method:
What do we know? We know that indoor flowers grow on the windowsill all year round. We know that if you plant a seed, it will grow.
What do we want to know? Will vegetable and onion seeds grow if grown on a windowsill?
What needs to be done to make the seeds grow.
Where and how do we find answers to questions? Let's conduct an experiment. Let's ask the adults. Let's sit down and watch.

Tasks for working with parents:
Increase the competence of parents on the topic of the project week;
Involve families to participate in the educational process based on pedagogical cooperation.
Expected result:
1.Children will get acquainted with cultivated and wild plants.
2.With the help of experimental work, children will receive the necessary conditions for plant growth.
3.Through research work, children will have to identify the variety and diversity of seed material.
4.Children will develop a caring attitude towards the plant world.
5.Formation in children of a respectful attitude towards work.
6.Create a vegetable garden on a windowsill in a group.
7.Creating an observation diary to record observations of plants in the garden on the windowsill.
8. Active participation of parents in the implementation of the project.

Project stages:
Stage 1 – preparatory. Determining the goals and objectives of the project, collecting information material, creating conditions for organizing work in the “garden on the window”, drawing up an action plan for organizing children's activities
Determine children’s current knowledge about plants that can be grown on the windowsill;
Arouse interest in solving the problem.
Forms of organization of work at stage 1:
collection of information and materials on the topic;
organization of subject-development environment
development of a cycle of observations and classes;
Stage 2 – practical: Finding answers to the questions posed in different ways, through the practical activities of children.
consolidate children's knowledge about plants that can be grown on the windowsill;
develop expressive speech and hand motor skills;
develop an understanding of how plants change depending on weather conditions and care;
replenish the developmental environment of the group room with materials and equipment on the topic of the project.
cultivate a desire to care for plants;
learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
Forms of organization of work at stage 2:
Working with children (organizing educational activities, organizing motor activities)
Forms of working with children
implementation of long-term thematic planning activities (direct educational activities on the topic, a series of observations, experiments, creative activities).
Thematic conversations:“Why do plants need seeds?”, “When vegetables can help and when they can harm our health”, “Vegetables”, “Water and soil are vegetables’ best friends”;
Reading and learning with children poems, riddles, sayings, songs about peas and cucumbers and onions;
Reading fiction: Gianni Rodari “Cippolino”
Song "Vitamins" by Filippenko.
Didactic games“Vegetables and fruits”, “Whose seed”, “The fourth odd one”, “Wonderful bag”, “What comes first, what comes next?”, “Test the taste”
Outdoor games“Collect all the items”, “Collecting the harvest”, “Garden and vegetable garden”
Artistic and productive activity: Drawing on the topic: “Vegetable soup.”
Modeling on the theme: “Onion”
Role-playing games:“Shop”, “Kindergarten”, “Family”, “Vegetable garden”, “We are helpers”.
Experimentation: examining dry seeds and sprouted seeds through a magnifying glass, daily observations of seedlings: onions, peas, cucumbers, flowers.
Theatrical activities:"Turnip", "The Tale of How Vegetables Quarreled"
Construction: “Greenhouse for vegetables.”
Forms of work with parents:
1. Conversation with parents “Our garden.”
2.Assistance to parents in purchasing equipment and seed for a vegetable garden on the window.
3. Selection of poems, riddles, proverbs, nursery rhymes about cucumbers, peas and onions for album design.
4.Consultation for parents “Research activities of children in kindergarten.”

Stage 3 – generalizing(final). Summarizing the results of work in a game form, analyzing them, consolidating the acquired knowledge, formulating conclusions. The best works of children, photographic materials and the final event for the project week will be included in the work experience.
develop creative abilities;
develop independence in various activities;
consolidate knowledge about cultivated plants, the ability to distinguish them.

During the project implementation"Our Garden" the expected results were achieved:
we have enriched children's experience in the field of social education by using different methods and techniques;
collected a wealth of material on the topics “Cultivated Plants”, made didactic games “Collect a Picture”, “The Third Wheel”, summarized the experience of working on this project;
expanded children's vocabulary;
throughout the project, the children developed a desire for knowledge, learned to draw simple conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships;
children began to distinguish and confidently name vegetables and fruits, their features and differences; Educating parents gave great results in the social education of the children of the group.
Broadcast of the project: Making an observation log together with the children, which is available for viewing by teachers, children and parents.
Project prospects: In the future we plan to develop the project “Merry Flowerbed” and “Vegetable Garden on the Site”

For a garden to grow, you need to take care of it, which is what we do.

Methods of working with children in a corner of nature in different age groups of a preschool education institution.

A corner of wildlife in kindergarten is one of the necessary conditions for visually and effectively introducing preschoolers to nature. In the corner of wildlife, preschoolers can approach animals and plants throughout the day, examine them, and conduct long-term observations of them. Children's specific knowledge about nature expands.

Requirements for selecting inhabitants of a corner of nature:

1.Plant or animal must be typical for a particular systematic or ecological group. 2. Care for the inhabitants of the corner in terms of quality, nature of work, effort and time expended must be accessible to children 3. Plants and animals in a corner of nature should be visually attractive 4. Plants and animals must be absolutely safe.5. Necessary take into account the possibility of normal life of animals and plants. 6. A corner of nature should please the eye, decorate the interior.7. so that the children can approach them freely, observe and work in a corner of nature.

All inhabitants of the corner of nature in kindergarten can be divided into permanent and temporary.

2nd junior group Plants with large leathery leaves (for care), Plants with clearly defined parts (ficus, geranium).

Middle group Several specimens and varieties of the same species, Plants with varied leaves (Common geranium and Zonal geranium, Uzumbar violet)

Senior group Plants with diverse stems (Cisus, cactus, Chinese rose), Plants that reproduce differently (Tradescantia, Chlorophytum, Viola uzumbara), Plants that require varied care (Cisus, Ficus, Impatiens)

Caring for indoor plants

Removing dust (starting with the younger group, first observation and repetition together with the teacher; middle - under the supervision of the teacher, senior - independently): Large leathery leaves - With a damp cloth; Small leathery leaves - shower; small ones - spraying.

Loosening (dry watering) (the youngest - observed, the middle - under the supervision of a teacher, the eldest - independently) If there is a crust on the soil, use a shelf for loosening.

In the fall, plants transplanted from the flower garden into pots are transferred to the corner. Animals that hibernate, on the contrary, are taken to a cool, unheated room.

In winter, planting is done in the corner, starting with the younger group ( supervision, middle and senior – under guidance) onions for feathers, oats, lettuce, carrots and beets for greens... By the end of winter, vessels with cut branches of trees and bushes are placed in a corner of nature. In spring, boxes with seedlings and rooted cuttings are placed in a corner ( senior group).

In summer, a corner of nature is placed on the veranda or in a gazebo and is significantly replenished with plants and animals that children bring from excursions and walks.

Creating conditions for environmental education of preschool children on the site of a preschool education institution.

The land plot of the kindergarten is place for games, walks and activities. In autumn, winter and spring, children spend most of the day on the site, and in the summer - all day.

Working in the flower garden, in the vegetable garden, in the garden, children learn to work collectively, acquire some work skills, they develop love and respect for work, responsibility for the assigned work.

At the children's site introduces seasonal phenomena in nature, organize long-term observations of plant growth and animal habits. All this significantly broadens the horizons of children, enriches them with knowledge about the world around them, instills in them a caring attitude towards nature and the ability to see beauty in it.

A properly organized and well-greened area is a necessary basis for the implementation of the educational tasks of a kindergarten.

Requirements for landscaping of a kindergarten site.

When drawing up a landscaping plan for a site, the manager must take into account the following requirements:

1. No more than 50% of the total area is allocated for plantings(if there is a forest, park, or garden next to the site, then this area can be reduced to 30%).

2. Green spaces should not interfere with the access of sunlight to the building, therefore, shrubs are planted no closer than 5, and trees no closer than 10 m from the walls of a building that has windows on the sunny side (in hot climatic regions these distances are reduced).

3. Along the perimeter of the land plot there should be provide a single-row protective strip of trees or shrubs.

4. For landscaping it is forbidden use trees and shrubs with poisonous fruits, thorns, etc.

5. When selecting plants you need take into account the height and nature of the children's building garden In some cases, it is advisable not to plant trees, but to limit the planting to tall shrubs.

6. Necessary provide water for watering green spaces and grounds.

Flower beds in the kindergarten area. Planning, selection of flower crops.

The most common forms of flower plantings are flower beds, ridges and lawns. In floral design, it is important to correctly select ornamental plants (by height, shape and color of flowers, by flowering time). It is also necessary to take into account the plants’ requirements for light, soil and moisture. Plants are selected in such a way that have continuously blooming flower beds from early spring to late autumn. Flowerbeds should not be complex in form. Round, oval and quadrangular flower beds look best. There is no need to make them big. When laying out flower beds, you need the most high plant plants in the center, as you move towards the edges - plants of medium height, on the edge- Very low borders.

Discounts- these are long, narrow flower beds, arranged on the sides of paths, against the walls of buildings, along terraces and fences. Plants on ridges are planted low-growing, in rows.

Green lawns are required on walking areas, because... trap dust and serve as a good background for flower beds.

Fruit plantings (trees and shrubs) on the kindergarten site are possible if space is available. Can be planted in groups or individually. Necessary for acquaintance and observation in all groups of children, as well as for attracting birds to the site.

Children's garden on the site of the kindergarten.

The area for a vegetable garden for younger groups is allocated at the rate of 1 sq.m for each child (including paths). do beds width 60 cm and row spacing 60 cm wide. In addition, a central path up to 1.5 m wide is laid. The garden is bordered by a border of low-growing plants.

Vegetable garden for younger groups are located next to the playground or right on it. In children middle and senior groups shared garden.

For growing with children in the plant kindergarten area, you should take such crops that unpretentious to the soil and easy to care for. For children's garden junior groups choose fast-growing, early-ripening vegetables that can be eaten throughout the spring and summer. These are onions, peas, beans, radishes.

IN middle group The guys grow the same garden crops, just different varieties. In your garden elder preschoolers grow the following vegetable crops: green, spicy, onion, cabbage, fruit, root and tuber crops, legumes and corn. Older preschoolers should know that plants can be grown from seeds and bulbs.

A children's garden significantly expands the range of children's ideas about the plant world, accustoms children to work, and develops their initiative.

Konovalenko Svetlana Borisovna
Job title: senior teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU DS No. 257
Locality: Chelyabinsk
Name of material: methodological development
Subject:"Organization of a vegetable garden on a preschool plot"
Publication date: 18.03.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Organizing a vegetable garden on a preschool site

Konovalenko Svetlana Borisovna, senior teacher.

Why do you need a vegetable garden in kindergarten?
A vegetable garden in a kindergarten is needed to introduce preschoolers to nature and its seasonal changes. In addition, a vegetable garden in a kindergarten and the feasible work of children on its territory influence the formation of elementary environmental concepts in preschoolers. A vegetable garden in a kindergarten is also an opportunity to see the results of your work. Joint work in the garden provides an opportunity to learn responsibility, contributes to the formation of work skills and the unification of the children's team. And, of course, a vegetable garden in a kindergarten and work in the fresh air help preserve and strengthen the children’s health.
Vegetable garden in kindergarten: rules of organization
In order to create a vegetable garden in a kindergarten, it is necessary to determine a place on the territory of the kindergarten that would be located in a lighted space. A vegetable garden in a kindergarten has its own design features. The size of the garden in a kindergarten is influenced by the local conditions of the kindergarten's location. But, it is desirable that each child has at least 0.5 m² of garden space. To make it more convenient for children to reach the middle of the bed with their hands, the width of the bed should not be more than sixty centimeters. The length of one bed is approximately three meters. To prevent water from draining from the garden bed when watering, you can make a wooden frame. A distance of fifty centimeters is left between the beds so that children can freely pass between them without damaging the plantings. A garden in a kindergarten must also have a main path at least one meter wide, thanks to which children can walk to the beds, and the teacher can conduct organized educational activities and observations. A table and bench are required. There, children will be able to relax after completing work assignments, observe plants and engage in joint activities with the teacher.
What to plant in the garden in kindergarten
In the garden, it is recommended to plant those plants that are grown in a given area or region and that will be interesting to observe and easy to care for:
In the younger group, for planting, we select seeds of fast-growing and early-ripening crops that can be eaten in the spring and summer seasons. The main requirement for planting material: seeds and bulbs must be large in size. In their garden, children independently plant onions, peas, beans, beans, and zucchini. Small seeds of radishes, carrots, dill, turnips, and lettuce for children can be sown by older children or a teacher. In the middle group, we grow already known garden crops, but we sow seeds of different varieties (for example, zucchini with different colored fruits) to show children the diversity of plants, their common characteristics and differences. In the senior and preparatory groups, we take such vegetable crops for growing in the garden as green (dill, lettuce, sorrel and others), onions (spring onions, garlic, onions), cabbages (white and red cabbage), fruits (cucumber, tomato, pepper), root vegetables (carrots, radishes, beets) and tubers (potatoes), legumes (peas, beans), cereals. A vegetable garden in a kindergarten requires the presence of gardening equipment. The equipment must be safe to use, real, but appropriate for the age and height of the children. To work in the garden we use shovels, scoops, buckets, watering cans, and rakes. After finishing the work, we clean the garden tools from the soil and dry them.
Classes in kindergarten in the garden
The content of work in the garden will also depend on the age of the children: In the younger group, we involve children in planting bulbs and large seeds, watering the beds, and harvesting the crops. In the middle group, in addition to the above, we teach how to use a rake and loosen the soil between the rows. In the senior and preparatory groups, children independently dig up the beds and weed the weeds. We organize children's work in the garden in the following forms: individual assignments - mainly in younger groups, collective work and duty. We introduce duty in the garden to care for plants in the preparatory group. The attendants carry out daily care of plants in the garden: watering, weeding, collecting pests. If there is a lot of work, then the whole group is involved. Fresh greens grown in their garden are taken by the attendants to the kitchen for preparing children's food. Thus, with competent guidance from the teacher, a vegetable garden in a kindergarten has a huge impact on the harmonious development of children. And, the most important achievement of child labor is harvesting. As a rule, summing up the work in the garden, the kindergarten hosts such events as the “Harvest Festival” entertainment, the exhibition “What Autumn Brought to Us” and more.

Oksana Kovalenko

Dear Colleagues! As you know, “the best discovery is the one the child makes himself.” Every spring, at home on the windowsill of mothers and grandmothers, a green carpet blooms, seedlings in boxes of various shapes and colors, but children are strictly instructed not to touch these. And the interest and curiosity grows stronger every year; the children themselves would be happy to plant a miracle plant, water it, and care for it. So we came up with the idea of ​​creating our own vegetable garden. We have been proud of our vegetable garden for 20 years now - it is a miracle - a vegetable garden that is designed to develop the ecological values ​​of nature.

Availability of a vegetable garden in kindergarten is one of the conditions necessary for the implementation of environmental and labor education of children. Why do you need a vegetable garden in kindergarten? A vegetable garden in a kindergarten is needed to introduce preschoolers to nature and its seasonal changes, to organize children’s work activities, which helps children learn the skills of caring for plants.

Joint work in the garden provides an opportunity to learn responsibility, contributes to the formation of work skills and the unification of the children's team. Our garden must have a bench. There, children will be able to relax after completing work assignments. A vegetable garden in a kindergarten requires the presence of gardening equipment. Our equipment is real, safe to use, but appropriate for the age and height of children. And, the most important achievement of child labor is harvesting. Every autumn, to see the delight of children when, while harvesting, they realized that they had grown it all themselves, it’s just a small miracle for them!

As a rule, summing up the work in the garden, activities such as entertainment are held in the kindergarten "Harvest Festival", exhibition “What autumn brought us” and other.

Target: Expand children’s understanding of the world around them and instill work skills through the joint creation of a vegetable garden on the kindergarten site.


To form ideas about the work carried out in the spring, summer, and autumn periods in the garden.

Expand children's understanding of plant life.

Learn to observe the planting and germination of seeds.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.

This is our watchman, he protects what grows in the garden.

In addition to vegetables, we grow raspberries, cherries and currants.

Having a garden where you can grow vegetables and fruits is a blessing. However, simply caring for the beds is boring and uninteresting. It’s much more original to do it, and then the family’s “6 acres” will delight you with an unusual view and give aesthetic pleasure. So, we will tell you how to beautifully design a vegetable garden. Well, some of the ideas may be useful to you.

How to beautifully design a vegetable garden?

It seems to us that it is quite logical to start improving the site with an unusual layout of the beds. The most ordinary rows of vegetables can look not only neat and well-groomed, but also beautiful. First of all, you need to turn on your imagination. The simplest option is to plant vegetables and herbs in a certain order, which will create a colorful pattern in the garden. We recommend taking into account the height of the plants, their bushiness and watering requirements.

An interesting design of the garden can be obtained in a certain composition. Modules of beds in various geometric shapes look advantageous - triangles, squares, rhombuses, circles, ovals, etc. For edging beds, you can use a variety of materials - border tape, tiles, bricks, stones, logs, even glass and plastic bottles etc. Thanks to the borders, paths will be formed between the segments of the beds. Beds can be tall, but creating them requires labor and money.

Interesting idea for beautiful design a small garden is the creation vertical beds in an unusual design. Tin cans, shelves, pipes with holes (for strawberries), etc. are used as beds.

How to decorate a vegetable garden with your own hands - decorative elements

Decorating your acres will be incomplete without various types decorative elements. There is room for your imagination to run wild! The main thing is to act without fanaticism so that everything on your site fits well and looks harmonious.

Speaking about how to decorate a vegetable garden with your own hands, you can continue the topic of paths. The paths between the beds can be decorated with pebbles, fine gravel, paved with slabs or cobblestones.

When planning an unusual design for your garden with your own hands, don’t forget the cute little things. In the corners of the site or in the central part of the beds you can place decorative objects - statues, figurines, fountains, flowerpots. Ordinary containers (buckets, baskets, jugs, trays) filled with soil in which plants grow look quite nice. If there is a stump from a felled tree on your site, scrape out its core, fill it with soil and plant, for example, parsley. For example, old things in which they grow look original. garden plants. These could be car tires, old shoes or boots, a garden watering can or a used up old car.

Beautiful natural stones. They can be used alone or to create fancy patterns, as well as rock gardens when combined with flowers or decorative flowers. A gardener with a talent for drawing can beautifully paint a pebble in the shape of an animal, insect, berry or vegetable.

To ensure that your plot delights you with bright colors all summer, be sure to decorate your garden with flowers. Plants can be planted in combination with vegetables, or they can be placed in containers, hanging planters, flowerpots and decorate with them a gazebo or the front part of the house.

Consider a place in your garden where you can take a break from work and relax for a few minutes. You can use the same stumps, bench, bench, rocking chair, etc. as a seat.

Designing a vegetable garden at a summer cottage

1. Approach your vegetable garden as you would a flower garden.

How is a vegetable garden different from a flower garden? Only because the plants that are planted in it are edible. But edible plants can be used in the same way as ornamental ones. Many of them have a beautiful shape and leaf color, bloom expressively, and when the fruits ripen they delight us with bright and varied colors.

Moreover, many useful fruits originally appeared in our area as ornamental ones. For example, tomatoes and potatoes were previously grown as exotic plants, and their flowers were used for decoration. Jerusalem artichokes to this day can often be seen as decorative thickets with joyful yellow flowers along the edges of the plots - and at the same time, its tubers are very tasty and healthy. Many have long appreciated the decorative value of herbs and medicinal plants.

So why not approach the design of your vegetable garden the same way you would approach a flower garden, and use not only beneficial features vegetables and herbs, but also their "external data"? Make a statement from your vegetable garden!

Advice: To get a beautiful vegetable garden (in the photo - ideas for a garden with your own hands), select plants by color and, planting them, create patterns and ornaments. Use salads, cabbage and greens of different colors.

Plant more in the center and in the background tall plants: ground tomatoes, peppers, beans. During ripening they also diversify appearance vegetable garden with brightly colored fruits. Combine varieties with fruits of different colors - for example, red and yellow tomatoes or beans with green and purple fruits.

Climbing pumpkins and zucchini themselves will create a wonderful decorative flower garden in the country with their beautiful leaves and flowers and expressive fruits.

Advice: Use herbs and greens as borders and dividers.
Consider the scale and pattern of the leaves. Plant rows of vegetables and herbs with finely cut, fluffy tops (for example, carrots or dill) and plants with large rounded leaves - for example, beets or lettuce.


  • Flower garden on the site: Questions you need to know the answers to
  • Good to know: 8 main taboos when growing herbs

Calculate the size of your garden bed so that you can easily reach the plants for care and harvesting. If necessary, make mini-paths from mulch or decorative pebbles, dividing the flowerbed into segments. Arrange a garden flower bed in a spiral shape or in the form of ribbons. Use the same techniques in decorating your garden as you would for arranging a flower bed. Let it delight you with its design - beautiful shape and color combination.

Advice: For a flower garden, geometric beds, French bosquet beds, lawn beds and container plantings are suitable.

When creating beautiful vegetable gardens with your own hands, you can use the same places as for flower beds (in the photo the garden is arranged right in front of the entrance to the house) - except for the entrance area and places adjacent to roadways: still, do not forget about the benefits. Also avoid heavily shaded areas, as most fruit plants love good light. But an excellent choice would be areas near verandas, terraces, recreation areas, as well as on lawns and path intersections.

2. Hide
This approach to organizing a vegetable garden is perhaps the most common. It was also preferred by medieval monks who made their own apothecary gardens closed and surrounded by fences impenetrable to prying eyes. However, the use of this technique dates back to even more ancient times: the closed gardens of Ancient Egypt.

Nowadays, too, very often they try to somehow hide and camouflage the vegetable garden on the site (example - in the photo). So do it with style! Turn the vegetable garden into a separate closed part of the site, a separate backstage corner.

A. Fence it
You can surround your garden with a beautiful fence. Use materials, shapes and colors already present on the site: in the main fence and gates, in gazebos, benches, and house decoration. A fence made of untreated stone will look impressive, especially if the top is decorated with hanging plants or partially entwined with them. Mark the entrance with a beautiful gate or pergola.

B. Hedge
Another way is to arrange a vegetable garden around hedge. Moreover, to achieve the maximum beneficial effect, use fruit plants to create it. Plant shadberry, hawthorn (with partial pruning), viburnum, chokeberry (aronia) or hazel around the perimeter of the garden. This design looks very impressive: the listed plants form tall, lush clumps and create a “screen” around the garden. When planting, keep in mind that the width of such a hedge will be 2-2.5 m. However, these shrubs lend themselves well to pruning, and you can form trimmed hedge the shape, width and height you need. True, in this case you should not count on abundant harvests.

B. Trees on a trellis
Another option for constructing a useful hedge that will camouflage your garden and provide you with a harvest is to grow fruit trees on the trellis. Such a fence will not take up much space, but will require some effort to form. In addition, to obtain a harvest, it must be quite transparent. At the same time, trellis growing has quite a lot of advantages.

Any type of beds is suitable for an enclosed vegetable garden, but figured geometric beds and bosquet beds will look the most organic.

Make sure that the fence around the garden does not shade it entirely, that is, the area for the garden should be quite spacious. For this reason, a completely enclosed vegetable garden is suitable for large areas. Otherwise, cover the garden area locally by placing trellises at key visual points. To maximize the beneficial effect, grow climbing garden plants on such trellises: peas, beans and even cucumbers.

Idea: Complete the look of a medieval garden by placing a bench or swing under a trellis. Let your garden be a place not only for work, but also for relaxation.

3. Make an exhibition out of your vegetable garden
This approach is the opposite of the previous one. I propose not only not to hide, but, on the contrary, to show the garden in all its glory and even decorate it additionally. Carefully consider the layout of your garden: in this case, shaped beds will be simply ideal.

A. Sculpture
Use garden beds as a display area. Who said that only gardens and parks are worthy of sculptures? Flower beds will be an excellent exhibition area for them. Use sculptures made of concrete, metal (as in the photo) or wood, romantic, fantasy images or modern forms. Or you can go the traditional route and arrange an exhibition of garden scarecrows.

B. Collections
The vegetable garden is a great place for collections. Let it be a collection garden tools, or a collection of rare varieties of vegetables. Great collectibles are pots and plant containers. They can differ in a variety of shapes, colors, materials and coatings and can be very decorative.

Of course, identical flowerpots look stylish and seem to collect the area into a single composition. But this is not the only possible decorative technique. And the vegetable garden is just the place where a variety of garden containers will look organic.

Advice: Combine pots by one property - material or style. Otherwise, their design can be completely different.

B. Fountain or pond
Install a fountain in your garden. This will immediately make it more than just a utilitarian platform. Let it be a geyser fountain, echoing the shape of garden flowerpots, or a laconic flowing stream.

A small pond will also create a wonderful atmosphere. In addition to the decorative water bodies They will also perform quite functional roles in the garden. You can connect an irrigation system to them, and the pond will do an excellent job of drainage and maintaining moisture balance.

Let them form a lush border along the fence. Tomatoes, potatoes, and zucchini are suitable for this. When heated by the sun, the fence will give off heat, which will provide additional heating and faster ripening of the crop.

Beautiful borders of greens, salads and herbs will be created along the garden paths. Alternate colors and combine different leaf textures, and you will have a truly decorative composition that, among other things, also provides a navigation function.

Use garden plants for zoning. Use cucumbers, beans and peas to create pergolas. And the same cucumbers, zucchini and lush herbs in tall containers will become beautiful and useful borders that separate different areas or accentuate the entrance.

This approach perfectly suits the needs of a small area, as it allows you to use literally every centimeter of space.

Advice: Raised and container beds are ideal for “scattered gardening.” Use shaped containers, place them in tiers, take into account the logic of movement and zoning of the site. And then the “garden without a vegetable garden” will not only not take up precious space, but will also help to visually enlarge it!

What kind of DIY garden design do you like? Show photos of your plots in the comments section below the article!

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