Plumbing in the apartment. Proper water distribution in the apartment - protection against leaks

Encyclopedia of Plants 31.08.2023
Encyclopedia of Plants

What might make you think about installing a new water supply? Morally and physically outdated rotten rusty pipes, an upcoming major renovation in the apartment - it would be stupid not to take advantage of the situation and ignore such an important point as communications. Well, and also the entrance to a new building, where in the bathroom there are only pipes and nothing else: no water distribution pipes, no sewer pipes, i.e. everything is left to your personal discretion as to where and what to place. Distributing water in an apartment is a difficult task, but it is quite feasible for a person who has at least a modicum of engineering thought and straight hands. If you decide to do all the work yourself, you will have to solve more than one issue and make more than one choice before you begin the installation. Therefore, in this article we will discuss which is the best water distribution scheme to choose, what material to choose pipes from, what installation rules are for certain types of pipes and how it is done.

How to route water: open or hidden

Probably the very first question that arises among apartment owners is whether to bury pipes in the walls or do the wiring in an open way. For small rooms, this issue is critical, since pipes laid in an open way will not make it possible to place all the equipment that one would like in the bathroom. There just isn't enough space. In large rooms you can do it the way you like, but it is important to know a number of limitations.

Important! You cannot embed any detachable connections on any pipes into the walls. For example, metal-plastic pipes with compression fittings, transition couplings from propylene to threads, any American pipes, nipples, barrels, threaded couplings and more must be laid openly in order to be able to service and repair them.

Can be built into walls: copper pipes, polypropylene pipes And metal-plastic with press connections. As you can see, the wiring method already imposes certain restrictions on the ability to use certain materials. So when choosing how to properly route water, you can start from what pipes you plan to use and take into account the pros and cons of both route methods.

Advantages of walled water pipes:

  1. All pipes are hidden from view, nothing is visible anywhere - the result is a beautiful, neat appearance of the room.
  2. You can arrange furniture and appliances without losing useful space. Otherwise, the pipes are “taken” approximately 10 cm along the walls.
  3. In the event of a fire, plastic water pipes will not be damaged.

Disadvantages of laying water pipes in grooves:

  1. Restrictions on the choice of pipe material and method of their connection and installation, since any dismountable connections cannot be hidden.
  2. Labor intensity of preparatory work. Chasing walls is not only time-consuming and difficult, but also dusty.
  3. The complexity and complexity of pipe installation. They must be assembled with exceptional precision, strictly according to the groove, otherwise at the most inopportune moment it will become clear that it is necessary to finish the groove.
  4. It is impossible to carry out repair work without destroying the wall decoration and dismantling plaster and pipes.
  5. If a leak appears in a pipe, it will become clear only when the neighbors below come with angry threats and reproaches.
  6. If repairs are needed, you will have to make new cosmetic repairs to the room, since the walls will be “ripped apart.” This is not only additional labor costs, but also financial losses.
  7. It is impossible to inspect the pipes, check their condition or suspect a leak.
  8. You can accidentally damage the water supply if you forget exactly where the pipe goes when you have to drill a hole to secure a boiler, mirror or other device.

Obviously, the hidden installation method has a significant number of disadvantages. So before choosing it, you need to weigh everything carefully. Do not forget that water communications are classified as dangerous and require constant monitoring.

Advantages of the open method of laying water pipes:

  1. ANY pipes can be installed using the open method. There are no restrictions.
  2. You don’t have to scratch the walls, which means installation is less labor-intensive.
  3. Easier installation of pipes, since without being tied to the groove, it is easier to assemble everything.
  4. Easy, simple and inexpensive dismantling of the entire water supply system. In this case, the finishing of the walls and floor will not be affected.
  5. The condition of the pipes can be monitored at any time.
  6. When a leak appears, it is immediately visible, and it is also easy to notice by the presence of a puddle on the floor.
  7. The water supply can be improved at any time, a line can be added, without spending time and money on complete dismantling and renovation of the premises.

Disadvantages of open water supply:

  1. Unsightly appearance. Although the pipes can be hidden in boxes and neatly sewn up, this design is not suitable for all rooms. In some, such boxes can be beautifully decorated or even create entire niches and mini-pantries for storing all sorts of “bathroom” items.
  2. Reducing usable area. For example, you can no longer move a washing machine or laundry basket close to the walls.
  3. In the event of a severe fire, the plastic pipes will burn and you will lose your water supply. True, water will extinguish part of the fire, but it will not solve the problem.

To make the right choice, measure the room and calculate everything down to the centimeter, what will go where and what will not fit. It may be better to sacrifice free space and perform an open installation.

Water distribution diagram

An important issue is the wiring diagram. Probably everyone has encountered this situation at least once: you are washing in the shower, enjoying a wonderful warm stream of water, and at that moment someone flushes the toilet or turns on the faucet in the kitchen and just boiling water starts flowing from the shower. Unpleasant and dangerous. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to choose the correct wiring diagram and pipe diameters. By the way, if you want to buy acrylic bathtubs, you can go to the store and buy a high-quality bathtub at a reasonable price.

In total, there are two schemes for routing water pipes, but a third is also possible, which is essentially a combination of these two.

Series circuit or as it is also called “tee”, where all consumers are connected in series. Those. one pipe runs from the main line along all consumers and a tee is placed next to each, diverting the pipe to a given consumer, and the main pipe goes further, and a tee is again installed at the next consumer, etc. This scheme is fraught with the fact that if several consumers are used at once, the last one in the system will have the lowest pressure. The result may also be the situation described above.

Collector circuit It's done a little differently. The pipe connected to the main goes into a collector, from which a separate pipe goes to each individual consumer. A ball valve is installed at the inlet to the manifold and at the outlet of each pipe. This allows you to repair one pipe and one consumer without damaging others, i.e. You can repair the toilet and use the sink in the kitchen or bathroom at the same time. Also, the pressure will be distributed more evenly and there will not be a situation where boiling water suddenly pours or the pressure drops sharply.

But for all its advantages, the collector circuit also has a drawback - it will require more materials (pipes, fittings and taps) and more space to accommodate it all. So installation according to this scheme is somewhat more expensive.

When choosing a pipe layout for an apartment, you should also take into account the water distribution pattern in the house. For example, in a layout where the main line goes into the bathroom, and the return line goes into the kitchen (i.e. the water passes through all the apartments on the upper floors, and then goes down and passes through the kitchens), you don’t have to think too much and just connect it in the kitchen Serial connection between sink and dishwasher. But the wiring in the bathroom will depend on the number of consumers.

In principle, if everything is done correctly, with knowledge of the matter, then the tee system can ensure correct pressure distribution so that there are no accidental losses of cold water pressure.

Cold water distribution should look something like this: the first tee should have an outlet to the shower in the bathroom, the second - to the shower in the toilet (if there is one), the second - to the sink in the kitchen, and then the outlet to the toilet, washing machine and boiler. Since the last three points do not depend on hot water, they do not suffer from temperature changes, but are connected only to cold water supply. There are such apartment layouts that the first tee simply has to lead to the toilet. In this case, you can cheat. For example, if the wiring was done with a 25 mm pipe, make a tee towards the toilet with a transition to a 20 mm pipe, then install a ball shut-off valve, and after that make a branch with a narrow 10 mm pipe. This way, water will flow into the toilet tank more slowly, and the pressure drop in the hot water system will not be felt.

You can organize something like a collector using pipes of different diameters. For example, after introducing a 25 mm pipe and all the required fittings (ball valve, coarse filter, meter, check valve), we install a pipe with a diameter of 32 mm, and from it we lead branches to consumers with a 20 mm pipe.

Hot water distribution may look something like this: a tee with an outlet to the shower in the bathroom, then to the shower in the toilet, and then to the sink in the kitchen. Usually this is not a problem. The main thing is to install a check valve on the cold water main so that hot water does not flow into the cold riser. Up to a couple, you can install OK on DHW, but this is not necessary.

When choosing a water supply wiring diagram for an apartment, also keep in mind that it will be almost impossible to bury the collector circuit in the walls (it can be in the floor), and the collector itself must be open for maintenance and access to the ball valves.

Which water pipes to choose

Until relatively recently, such a question did not arise at all, since there was simply no choice. Today, the choice is dizzying, since the market has been able to offer not only pipes made of various metals, but also plastic ones with different characteristics. So, what kind of water pipes can you buy?

Galvanized steel pipes- the good old proven option. They are resistant, strong, durable (up to 25 years), but over time they rust, growths appear inside, which affects the quality of the water. In addition, the installation of such pipes involves some difficulties: you will have to cut threads and twist the pipes together. In this case, everything must be calculated with an accuracy of a millimeter.

Stainless steel pipes- durable (up to 50 years) and are not afraid of rust. But their price is high, and the cost of fittings for them is even higher, although the installation itself is not so complicated. Very simple repair. A universal option, most often used for heated towel rails.

Copper pipes- one of the best universal options, but very expensive. Durable, smooth, do not corrode, are not afraid of high pressure and harmful impurities in water, do not harbor microorganisms, and are also indifferent to ultraviolet radiation. The most durable (up to 70 years). The installation is not very difficult, the only drawback is the price.

Metal-plastic pipes- the cheapest, but fittings for them are of average cost. They serve for 25 - 30 years. They are easy to install, bend, are not afraid of rust, and deposits do not accumulate on the walls. But at the same time, metal-plastic pipes are afraid of too high temperatures (more than 95 ° C), and pipes with fittings cannot be bent.

Polyethylene pipes Quite durable, elastic, average in price, fittings for them too, last more than 30 years. Installation is quite simple - they are welded together. Such pipes do not bend and cannot withstand high temperatures, so they can only be used for cold water supply. There are also pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene, they are a little more expensive, but can also be used for hot water supply.

Polypropylene pipes Recently they have enjoyed enviable popularity for several reasons: they can be hidden in plaster, there is no need to check them often, they are universal (cold water supply, hot water supply, heating, heated floors), strong and durable (about 50 years). They are connected by welding, which requires a special welding machine and scissors. For hot water supply, reinforced pipes (aluminum or fiberglass) are used.

The choice depends entirely on the wishes of the owner and on the scheme and method that were chosen.

Do-it-yourself water distribution

Anyone who is confident in their abilities and has minimal engineer skills can replace or make a new water supply with their own hands. But at the same time, it is better to coordinate the wiring diagram with a professional. Perhaps he will notice shortcomings or give practical advice on materials and pipe diameters.

We draw up a water distribution diagram in the apartment

It is necessary to begin work on replacing the water supply by drawing up a diagram. First of all, we decide on the installation method: open or closed. Then we make a diagram. It can be drawn on paper by hand, but absolutely everything must be indicated: the dimensions of the room, the installation location and dimensions of appliances and plumbing in the bathroom, the location of pipes, their diameter and the exact length to each node, it is necessary to indicate all fittings, their type and size , installation locations where the pipe bends and turns. Well, that's all. Before you begin installation, you should show this diagram to a professional. It makes no sense to begin work on dismantling the old pipeline before the final design is ready and all materials have been purchased.

We select and purchase the required materials: pipes, fittings, tools

After drawing up the diagram, it is necessary to calculate how many and what kind of pipes, fittings and other fittings will be needed. It is advisable to buy everything with a margin of 5 - 10%, since anything can happen during the installation process. Of course, the price for water distribution in an apartment will depend on the chosen pipe material and installation method. The collector circuit immediately increases the cost of laying the pipeline several times. Pipelines made of metal-plastic pipes and polypropylene can be considered average in cost and optimal in characteristics. Copper and stainless steel pipelines will be more expensive.

Only after all materials and tools for installation have been purchased can you begin to dismantle the old water supply system. If you plan to change not only the internal pipes, but also the supply lines, then it is necessary to shut off the water supply to the riser. You cannot do this yourself, only a plumber from the management company.

We install water pipes from metal-plastic pipes

Metal-plastic pipes can be connected in two ways: compression fittings or press connections.

Metal-plastic pipes connected by compression fittings Can only be used for open pipe laying. The connection is made like this:

  • We measure and cut the pipe to the required size.
  • Using a chamfer calibrator, we remove the chamfer from the pipe.
  • We put the nut from the fitting kit on the pipe.
  • Then we insert the ring.
  • We insert the fitting and crimp it with two open-end wrenches.

This connection is considered a threaded connection, which means it is susceptible to leaks; the pipes must be checked and the connection tightened at least once a year.

Connection with press fittings can be laid using both open and closed methods. It's done like this:

  • We measure and cut the required section of pipe.
  • Let's calibrate.
  • We insert the pipe into the fitting and press it using a hand press.

The resulting connection is durable, able to withstand sudden changes in pressure, but non-separable.

Metal-plastic pipes bend, the maximum bending radius is 3 - 5 pipe diameters. The section of the pipe to the fitting must be level at least 5 - 7 cm.

We install water pipes from polypropylene pipes

For cold water we use pipes with a diameter of 25 mm with a wall thickness of 2.8 mm, and for hot water we use reinforced pipes with the same diameter, but with a wall thickness of 3.2 mm.

  • We cut the pipes into the required lengths with special scissors, holding them strictly perpendicular.
  • On the pipes we mark the welding depth (it depends on the depth of the fitting), for example, 1.6 mm.
  • Using a trimmer, we remove the middle layer of the pipe to a depth of 1 - 2 mm.
  • We install nozzles of the required diameter on the welding machine and turn it on, setting the temperature to 240 - 260 °C.
  • We begin welding when the lights on the welding machine go out. We push both pipes or a pipe and a fitting onto the nozzles of the welding machine, evenly, without twisting, to the mark on the pipe.
  • After 7 seconds, remove the pipes. We start counting the seconds from the moment we put the pipes on the nozzles and started moving along them. When removing pipes from the welding machine, it is necessary for a second person to hold it, since it is very light.
  • Carefully connect the pipes to each other (or a pipe and a fitting), placing one on top of the other. Under no circumstances do we make rotational movements. Everything needs to be done smoothly and quickly.

We wait a few seconds until the connection cools down, then the pipes can be used. You should get a beautiful perpendicular connection, if you are not happy with the result, then the connection should be cut and the whole procedure should be repeated, cutting off the damaged piece.

Do-it-yourself water distribution in an apartment is completed by checking the assembled pipeline, i.e. crimping with a special device. Only after good results have been obtained from testing the connections and pipes for strength under high pressure, can the water be connected. All pipes and connections should be inspected for leaks.

And other plumbing amenities. We offer favorable prices for laying engineering systems in an apartment or private house.

We answer important questions that customers have:

Do I need technical documentation and admission to the SRO to carry out plumbing work in new buildings?

In apartments, sanitary and technical work involves comprehensive installation of all interconnected utilities. Without a radical redevelopment, no special design documentation is required. For the smooth delivery of plumbing or electrical work in apartments to the operating organization, ADMISSION TO SRO IS NOT REQUIRED by order of the Ministry of Regional Development No. 624 of December 30, 2009.

Typical works include:

  • Design of water supply communications
  • Design of sewerage systems
  • Design of heating communications
  • Installation (replacement) of water supply systems
  • Installation (replacement) of sewerage systems
  • Installation (replacement) of heating systems
  • Installation of fine and coarse filters

Choosing our company as a contractor for carrying out and installing communications and plumbing equipment will save you from the need to design and coordinate upcoming plumbing work.

Possible free


How much does it cost to install plumbing in new buildings?

The project and all types of work are agreed upon with the customer in advance and an estimate is drawn up for the installation of plumbing networks. The method of pipe installation is also specified: open access or hidden (invisible, under the finish). For hidden installation, we use solid REHAU pipes without a seam and install a hidden hatch for accessibility.

By contacting us, you receive qualified plumbing and other work of any complexity in a short time. We have the perfect balance of cost and quality!

Cost of plumbing work for 2019

Price list for installation of plumbing in secondary apartments and new buildings
Services list units change price in rubles
Bathtub dismantling (steel, acrylic) without removal PC. 800
Dismantling a bathtub (cast iron) without removal PC. 1 000
Dismantling the water meter PC. 400
Removing the shower tray PC. 700
Removing the shower cabin PC. from 1500
Dismantling the moydodyr PC. 450
Dismantling the sink, sink PC. 500
Dismantling the plastic bathtub trim PC. 350
Dismantling cast iron trim PC. 650
Dismantling the podium sq.m. 650
Removing the heated towel rail PC. 400-700
Dismantling a radiator, water heater PC. 550
Dismantling the siphon PC. 200
Dismantling the mixer PC. 450
Dismantling a washing machine, dishwasher PC. 350
Dismantling hot and cold water pipes p.m. 200
Removing the toilet, bidet PC. 600
Removing the coarse and fine filter PC. 350
Dismantling the ball valve PC. 100
Dismantling the ball valve (on the riser) PC. 200
Removing the shower rod PC. 350
Removing the screen under the bathtub sq.m. 650
Carry out and install the water supply, heating and sewerage systems in the apartment:
Assembling a sewer point dot 450
Assembling the heating point dot from 2000
Installation of distribution manifold over Ø 25 mm. exit 550
Installation of pipe distribution manifold up to Ø 25 mm. exit 250
Installation of a hidden plumbing installation for a built-in faucet PC. 1 850
Installation of a hidden plumbing installation system for wall-mounted plumbing PC. 1 850
Laying copper pipes for water supply and heating up to Ø 25 mm. m.p. 150
Laying copper water supply and heating pipes over Ø 25 mm. m.p. 220
Laying metal-plastic pipes for water supply and heating up to Ø 25 mm. m.p. 220
Laying metal-plastic pipes for water supply and heating over Ø 25 mm. m.p. 350
Soldering of polypropylene water supply and heating pipes up to Ø 25 mm. m.p. 220
Soldering of polypropylene water supply and heating pipes over Ø 25 mm. m.p. 350
Soldering of polypropylene pipe element PC. 200
Laying steel pipes for water supply and heating up to Ø 25 mm. m.p. 320
Laying steel pipes for water supply and heating over Ø 25 mm. m.p. 420
Assembling the coarse filter PC. 550
Installation of a fine filter PC. 750
Installation of ball valves up to Ø 25 mm. PC. 250
Installation of a ball valve on a riser up to Ø 25 mm. PC. 600
Installation of a ball valve on a riser over Ø 25 mm. PC. 1 400
Installation of ball valves over Ø 25 mm. PC. 400
Installation of a plug for the pipeline PC. 100
Installation of a sewer drain PC. 550
Installation of a check valve for plumbing and heating systems PC. 450
Installation of a check valve (sewer) Ø 50 mm. PC. 1 150
Installation of a check valve (sewer) Ø 110 mm. PC. 1 800
Temperature sensor device PC. 1 100
Installation of showers, bathtubs, jacuzzi and sanitary ware
Installation of acrylic tray PC. 1 700
Installation of an acrylic bathtub (non-standard) without hydromassage including piping PC. 3 400
Installation of an acrylic bathtub (standard) including piping PC. 2 800
Installation of a whirlpool bath including fittings PC. 4 300
Installation of a steel bathtub including piping PC. 2 500
Installation of a cast iron bath including piping PC. 3 300
Installation of a shower box with a bathtub (from 115 cm) PC. 6 500
Installation of a shower box with a bathtub and a steam generator (from 115 cm) PC. 7 000
Installation of a shower cabin (up to 110 cm) PC. 4 000
Installation of a shower cabin with hydromassage (up to 110 cm) PC. 5 500
Installation of a shower cabin with hydromassage and steam generator (up to 110 cm) PC. 6 500
Installation of a steam generator with connection PC. 3 100
Installation of sinks, sinks in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen
Mounting a mini sink PC. 1 300
Installing a sink into a countertop PC. 500-800
Installation of an artificial stone sink PC. 1100-2000
Installation of a stainless steel sink PC. 800-1400
Mounting the sink on brackets PC. 1 500
Mounting a sink with a “moidodyr” without an upper cabinet or mirror PC. 2 400
Mounting a sink with a “moidodyr” with an upper cabinet and/or a mirror PC. 3 200
Mounting a tulip sink PC. 1 600
Installation of a built-in mixer (embedded part) PC. 1 100
Installation of a built-in mixer (front part) PC. 650
Bracket installation PC. 200
Installation of a wall-mounted thermostatic mixer PC. 1 300
Installation of drain siphon (metal, plastic) PC. 400-800
Installation of herringbone mixer PC. 600
Electronic faucet assembly PC. 1 700
Drilling holes for the faucet PC. from 450
Installation of a bidet and toilet in a bathroom
Installation of installation system, bidet, wall-mounted toilet PC. 3400-4000
Installation of a floor-mounted toilet kit with a cistern (with assembly) PC. 1300-2000
Installation of a floor bidet PC. 1000-1500
Urinal installation PC. 1 400
Installation of radiators, heated towel rails
Installation of a heated towel rail on a finished connection PC. 1 200
Installation of a heated towel rail with liner PC. 3 600
Installation of a heating radiator on a ready-made supply line PC. 1 300
Installation of a heating radiator with liner PC. 3 800
Installation of taps for heated towel rails PC. 500
Installation of taps for heating radiators PC. 600
Installation of a circulation pump PC. 1 500
Installation and connection of household appliances in the apartment
Installation of a waste shredder PC. 1 300
Connecting the washing machine to water supplies PC. 2 100
Connecting the dishwasher to the water supply PC. 2 100
Installation with connection to the water supply system of a storage water heater up to 80 liters PC. 1 600
Installation with connection to the water supply system of a storage water heater of more than 80 liters PC. 2 200
Installation with connection to the water supply system of an instantaneous water heater PC. 1 300

Complex plumbing work in a new building differ in price from similar work carried out in country houses. And this is logical! The design solution is the absence of installation of individual heating, and the water supply and sewerage systems (internal and external) have their own specifics. When choosing equipment, the water pressure in the system and other significant specific nuances that are simply not present in apartments are taken into account.

Plumbing services in an apartment are the first priority, be it the renovation of a new building or the improvement of a secondary home. Correct placement, installation and connection of plumbing fixtures will ensure long-term operation and comfort for your loved ones.

The primary importance of engineering systems is obvious. Minor plumbing problems will lead to your discomfort. Doing your own plumbing work does not always have the expected result. Any mistake made during the network wiring process creates inconvenience in operation and unexpected waste of money in case of emergency.


Wiring and installation of plumbing networks is only part of the engineering work. If you need services related to the renovation of apartments and cottages? Call! Let's agree...

Renovations are not limited to rooms or kitchens. To create a mood and a harmonious combination of interiors of various rooms, you need to think about the bathroom. If the location of plumbing fixtures or the configuration of the bathroom is affected, then the plumbing wiring will require changes.

Making wiring in an apartment is not an easy task

Before starting installation, you need to develop a water supply project, which indicates the dimensions of the room, the location of plumbing fixtures, the length of underwater pipes and the water supply diagram of the apartment.

Tee wiring method

This option is also called a serial connection. apartment from the riser is supplied to the devices in turn. In this case, the elements of the system become:

  • cold water pipe;
  • tees;
  • branches to devices.

Water supply in an apartment using a tee type provides the following advantages:

  • reducing the length of pipes and the required amount of material;
  • compact location;
  • speed of installation work;
  • installation cost.

The sequential plumbing layout in the apartment provides for an even distribution of pressure between the devices. Moreover, when several devices are turned on, only a proportional part of the main line pressure is created in each of them. This leads to inconvenience in operation.

Another disadvantage is that in most cases it is impossible to disconnect one device from the water supply main if it breaks down; you need to shut off the water supply to the apartment. This problem is solved by installing a separate tap to stop the flow of water to the device at each branch from the common distribution pipe.

Advice! Installation of water supply in an apartment according to the sequential type is not suitable for multi-room apartments or private houses. It is better to pay attention to such a scheme when renovating a compact apartment intended for one or two people.

Collector wiring method

If wiring is installed in the bathroom for an individual house or spacious apartment, a collector water supply scheme is used. It provides for the supply of water to each device in the apartment independently of the others.

When developing a water supply, you must not forget a single device, since each of them will require a longer length of pipeline and a number of fittings than with the tee version. If the water supply layout does not take into account one device at the drawing preparation stage, you will need to spend additional time and send it to the store for the necessary materials. Wiring is provided for:

  • shells;
  • bath;
  • kitchen sinks;
  • toilets;
  • bidet;
  • dishwashers;
  • hoses for watering the garden.

Wiring in an apartment using this type requires the installation of a collector. A collector is a device that has one input and the required number of outputs (the number is selected depending on the number of connected devices). The device distributes water in the pipeline so that when several devices are turned on simultaneously, pressure surges do not occur.

Good running water in the apartment will make your life easier

Collector water distribution is characterized by the following positive aspects:

  1. The ability to turn off each device individually without damaging the rest and causing inconvenience to the residents of the house or apartment.
  2. Consumers are managed from one point. Shut-off valves for water supply, which shut off the water supply to individual devices, and the collector are located in one cabinet. When designing a private house, the collector unit (collector, control taps) is located in a separate room. This piping scheme provides access to the water supply control point without problems and is convenient in case of breakdowns.
  3. Manifold wiring ensures stability of fluid pressure in the pipes.

Important! To understand what changes in water pressure in a pipeline lead to, you can imagine a situation that is possible with a serial connection method. A person washes in the shower, setting the water temperature to a comfortable temperature. At this time, another tenant is washing dishes and turning on the water in the kitchen sink. Depending on which faucet was opened in the kitchen, a person in the shower may receive a burn (if a cold water faucet is open in the kitchen) or a portion of ice water (if a hot faucet is open).

  1. The same temperature of the liquid with the same opening of the taps in the devices.
  2. Manifold wiring involves a minimum number of connections and no connections along the length of the pipeline from the riser to the device. The fewer places where the integrity of the structure is damaged, the greater reliability it provides. collector-type water supply reduces the likelihood of breakdowns and simplifies repairs.
  3. Thanks to the independence of each device, installation of new or additional equipment is carried out without turning off the general water supply of the apartment or house. The work does not affect the work of other consumers in any way.

Advice! When installing a distribution unit, it is recommended to select a manifold with a larger number of outlets than is currently required. This will allow you to quickly connect additional equipment if necessary in the future without replacing the collector.

Collector-type wiring also has disadvantages. These include:

  • high consumption of materials to complete the work (with a sequential scheme, two pipes will be required - for hot water and for cold, and with a collector, the number of products is equal to the number of connected devices multiplied by 2);
  • increase in material costs due to the length of the pipeline;
  • strong dependence of cost on the number of fittings;
  • labor costs for installation;
  • placing the collector and pipeline will require a lot of space (this is problematic for modestly sized bathrooms);
  • the need to arrange a cabinet for the collector unit.

Problems with such a scheme arise at the installation stage, but during operation it is convenient. The situation is different with the tee circuit: it is easy to install, but causes problems during operation.


Material selection

The water supply scheme in the apartment affects the material from which the pipes are made. When installing a tee water supply system, it is recommended to use polypropylene or PVC pipes. Pipe connections along the length are made by welding. To seal joints, sealants, sanitary flax and tapes made of fluoroplastic sealing material (FUM tapes) are used. Additionally, consumption is taken into account. The diameter of the water pipe in an apartment with a tee circuit is larger than with a manifold circuit.

Important! When using plastic pipes for hot water supply, it is necessary to check whether they can withstand the high temperature of the filler. To increase the strength characteristics, additional reinforcement is provided in pipes for hot water supply. If you place an unreinforced product in an area with hot water supply, it will break.

For wiring according to the collector circuit, metal-plastic or copper pipes that can withstand high pressure are used.

Plumbing installation may be required when carrying out major repairs or in the event of a water supply breakdown. This process can be carried out independently, without the involvement of specialists, the main thing is to have the appropriate tool available and be able to handle it. The work is carried out according to a pre-drawn plan, divided into several main stages. It includes the arrangement of communication elements; the diagram can be drawn up independently, or found on the appropriate resources.

Plumbing installation: preparation for work

First of all, you need to make a list of necessary communications and plumbing fixtures. For example, a washing machine and toilet require a connection to sewerage and cold water supply, and hot water is additionally supplied to the washbasin and shower cabin (bathtub). Plumbing and heating require competent work, since failure to comply with the rules can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

You also need to decide on the number of shut-off valves; such elements must be installed on the supply to the washing machine, cold and hot water. If desired, they can be mounted on the water supply to the toilet; this is especially convenient in the event of a tank breakdown, since repairs do not require shutting off the general water supply system.

Plumbing work: prices

If all devices and pipes are completely replaced, it may take several days to complete. Many people are interested in the cost of this service; it depends on several factors:

  • the complexity of the work and the time allotted for its implementation;
  • number of installed devices, nodes and other basic elements;
  • type of plumbing.

For example, a shower complex with extensive functionality is more difficult to install than a standard cast-iron bathtub. Also, the cost increases when using additional services.

Prices for plumbing work may vary among different specialists and companies. On average it will cost 1,700 rubles, and installation of a standard mixer will cost 800 rubles. When choosing a company, you should focus not only on the prices of the services provided, but also on the professionalism of the employees; it would also be a good idea to study reviews on specialized resources.

Location rules

After choosing the type of plumbing fixtures and purchasing them, you need to decide on the placement of all devices. In this case, it is advisable to bring at least a few elements into the room and place them in the intended place to make sure that their location is convenient. Next, a plumbing wiring diagram is drawn up on a piece of paper, and some features and rules should be taken into account:

  • sewerage outlets can be made in the form of a “tee” without a vertical part;
  • the main pipeline is placed above the floor surface, with water outlets running from it through tees;
  • the location of the plumbing should provide easy access to the joints of flexible hoses and pipelines;
  • sewer and should be as close to each other as possible so that they can be hidden behind a special box;
  • crossing pipes is extremely undesirable; plumbing should also be connected as simply as possible;
  • Pipe routing should not be complicated, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of independent implementation.


There are many different materials; they are selected depending on the complexity of installation and type of installation.

Plumbing with polypropylene pipes is installed using a special device called a soldering iron. You can rent it from a store that sells the relevant products, or you can buy it. The first option is more rational if one-time use is necessary. Using the tool is not difficult, the main thing is to remember the strong heat and be careful when working. It is also worth reading the instructions. In some cases, an assistant may be required.

Installation of plumbing requires the use of PVC fittings to connect and rotate pipes at the required angle. They are selected according to the size of the latter. When purchasing, it is worth taking several spare elements; they may be needed in case of uneven soldering.


When using a soldering iron, the resulting connections become permanent, and if there are any defects, part of the pipeline must be cut off to eliminate them. To extend a pipe that is of insufficient length, couplings are used.

One of the stages of work is connecting special fittings to the end outlets; a flexible hose is connected to them on one side, and a pipe is fixed on the other.

Plumbing in a new building is installed in two main ways:

  • Soldering of pipes begins from the riser towards the plumbing fixtures.
  • The plumbing element furthest from the riser is connected first.

Hidden installation

If it is necessary to carry out independent work, the scheme should be simplified as much as possible. For example, water supply runs along the floor, and a pipe is pulled to each device in wall structures in a perpendicular arrangement.

Propylene pipes are distinguished by their reliability, durability and ease of use; for their installation, as noted earlier, a heating tool is required; it will ensure a tight and high-quality connection.

The hidden type has become most widespread due to the convenience of repair work and preserving the appearance of the room. First, you need to make grooves in the floor and walls, and you need to make sure that the dimensions of the recesses correspond to the materials used. The next step is to install a valve and filter with a suitable cleaning level. Do not forget about the water flow meter and pressure sensor, the latter is of particular importance in the absence of stable pressure and frequent exceeding of established standards.

Connecting elements

The collector is a cylinder in which there are several outlet holes and one inlet; its main advantage is that it simplifies the connection to plumbing fixtures. After this, the required number of shut-off valves and adapters is installed. It also ensures an even distribution of fluid, which promotes equal pressure at each point. The formed holes are hidden behind the plaster, onto which the desired decorative coating is applied. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the cost of the system, since in addition to the collectors themselves with shut-off valves, a large number of fittings and pipes are required.

Free access must be provided to the connections; it is necessary for periodic and repair of the water supply system. Afterwards, fittings and flexible hoses, used as connections to consumers, are fixed to the elements connected to plumbing fixtures.


The need for a soldering iron does not arise when working with sewer pipes; to assemble, you just need to insert them into each other. Using fittings, you can simplify the task, and if any shortcomings are identified, you can easily eliminate them by disassembling the system.

Wiring plumbing does not cause any particular difficulties and is carried out taking into account several rules:

  • the pipes must be connected in such a way that elements with a smaller size are inserted into fittings or pipes with a larger diameter;
  • the outlet to the sewer from the toilet should be within 110 mm, while for pipes coming from the washbasin, washing machine and shower this parameter is 50 mm;
  • The pipes should go to the main riser with a slight slope.

It is undesirable for the wiring of plumbing in a new building to be complicated by various intersections, since they can lead to “congestion” when two devices are used simultaneously; it is also recommended to connect the devices in series.

In some cases, difficulties arise with clearing the blockage through the drain hole; this task can be simplified during the repair process by installing an additional tee fitting on the sewer pipe. Through its upper hole, which is closed with a special plug, you can quickly. It is worth remembering that if the plumbing installation project involves a hidden type of installation, it should always be possible to access the connections for inspection and repair.

Rubber seals must be present at all joints; they will prevent leakage of waste and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. During installation, it is important to connect all elements as tightly as possible. The organization of a constant slope is carried out using special clamps that fix the necessary sections of pipes on the walls. Among the main elements that must be installed are a shut-off valve and a coarse filter.

When it comes to renovations in the bathroom, there is no way to do without replacing the water supply lines. Moreover, we are not always talking about dismantling old pipes and laying new ones in their place. As a rule, if the owner undertakes a radical arrangement of the bathroom, it involves improving the ergonomics of the usable space, combining or, conversely, separating the bathroom and toilet, installing modern plumbing and household appliances, and improving the design. Naturally, such events are associated with the laying of both new water mains and drainage lines. In short, a new pipe layout in the bathroom will be required.

How to develop a wiring diagram?

A professionally developed plan for transforming a bathroom is a key point in creating comfort and coziness in the home, in principle, so that in the end you get a single system, which means that all its elements must be “linked” together in such a way that the operation of each of them separately is maximized functional and efficient.

As for the bathroom, the right system in the bathroom, even with minimal overall dimensions, will turn it into a corner of comfort and relaxation. To begin with, a clear layout of all plumbing products to which this or that pipeline will be connected is developed. Here it should be noted that if the toilet is a separate room, then the pipework in the toilet should be carried out in conjunction with the bathroom.

Before you get acquainted with all the nuances of proper installation, we suggest looking at a clear example of a job well done.

Video: how to properly install pipes in the bathroom and toilet

Choosing the appropriate installation method

After carefully working out the sketch, where all the markings and dimensions are applied and a well-thought-out wiring diagram, you will have to think about how all this will be implemented in practice. In principle, there should not be any particular difficulties with this, since pipes can be separated in one of two ways - open or hidden.

The open method is when the communication pipelines are located outside. It is characterized by simple installation work, but the aesthetic parameters leave much to be desired. Even if all communications will pass as close to the floor surface as possible.

There is no need to talk about aesthetics - it’s definitely ugly

The hidden method means that the pipes are hidden in wall structures. Here everything is in order with visual perception - the highways simply will not be visible. But performing installation in this way is an extremely difficult undertaking. For example, gating will take a lot of effort. It is important to note that gating of walls during hidden wiring cannot be performed in load-bearing walls.

Upon completion of the finishing work, the pipes will not be visible at all

Hidden placement of water pipes requires particularly careful installation, because if a leak appears, it will not be easy to eliminate. For this reason, the best option is a system built using copper or polypropylene pipes - they are completely resistant to corrosion, so they can last longer than metal ones. It is not recommended to construct a hidden water supply system from metal-plastic pipes. During operation, you will need to periodically check and tighten the threaded connections of the fittings, which will not be easy to do on the main line hidden behind the external trim.

We continue to work with the wiring diagram, now we need to decide how the pipes will be physically laid: in series, manifold, with pass-through sockets. The latter is practically not used in everyday life, so we’ll leave it to the professionals. It’s better to take a closer look at the first two methods.


The advantages of this option are that everything is extremely simple and clear: the pipeline is laid in stages, connecting one device to another. From an installation point of view, this is an excellent option.

There is only one drawback - during operation, uneven distribution of water pressure if several devices are used simultaneously.

With collector

This method involves installing a tap on each pipe leading to the device. This will ensure that repairs can be made without shutting down the entire system. Manifold wiring is the creation of a separate section of pipeline for each device. Ensures uniform distribution of water across water intake points. For a “beginner plumber,” however, this method may be too much for a “newbie plumber” - it requires a lot of patience and labor. Well, plus everything else, there is an increased consumption of materials.

This wiring is quite difficult to install - think about whether it’s worth taking on it yourself

Whatever option is preferred, in any case the following conditions must be met: the minimum possible number of connecting nodes and bends in the highways, as well as maximum integrity. Overlaps of cold and hot water lines are allowed only in exceptional cases with a complex water supply, and in general, the layout of water supply and drainage pipes should have a finished, laconic appearance.

Dead-end and closed circuit: pros and cons

The sequential and collector-beam circuits discussed above belong to the so-called blind (dead-end) methods of water supply wiring. In them, each water supply branch ends at a discharge point (dead end). This network configuration is good in terms of saving materials and space, but it loses in comfort when it comes to hot water supply. The water in the main will constantly cool down, so before you can take advantage of all the benefits of the hot water supply, you will have to pour several liters of liquid down the drain each time. It would seem that not such a big expense over the year will result in several wasted cubic meters. In addition, delaying the supply of water at the appropriate temperature wastes time and causes discomfort.

A water supply system with constant circulation of hot liquid will save several cubic meters of water per year

A way out of this situation can be found in the installation of closed-type wiring. A characteristic feature of this scheme is the constant circulation of hot water in a circle. Since it has a constant temperature at each point in the main, the consumer will receive hot water as soon as the valve is opened. The obvious advantage of this method is complemented by another advantage - the absence of sudden temperature changes, which is important specifically for hot water supply systems. It has a closed circulation circuit and disadvantages. A more intricate design complicates installation and requires additional costs of materials and equipment. So, when arranging it, you will need almost twice as many pipes, and in addition, you will have to install a separate circulation pump, which will ensure forced movement of liquid through the system.

Algorithm for performing installation work

The very first step, regardless of whether it is a hidden or open system, is to install a control valve. Considering the fact that the quality of the supplied water from their central water pipeline is, to put it mildly, unsatisfactory, installation is a mandatory step. It is installed immediately after the valve. Then a water meter is installed (optional).

If the pressure of the supplied water in the main exceeds the permissible limits, then a pressure reducer is installed. It is important to note that the gearbox must be equipped with a pressure gauge, through which parameters are set that will be most optimal for the operation of specific plumbing fixtures, usually 3-4 atm.

At the very end, the collectors are installed. In the retail network they are offered with outputs ranging from 2 to 4. If there is a need, the products can be combined. Ideally, the manifold should be equipped with shut-off valves. When connected in series, a tee is used to transfer to the devices.

What materials should I use?

It is quite difficult to answer this question unequivocally - there are a lot of influencing factors. Let's just say that the most popular among the consumer audience when creating sewer pipelines and cold water systems are PVC pipes. Where it is intended to transport hot water, preference should be given. A stainless steel heated towel rail will last longer than a brass one.

Mistakes when designing water supply systems

Novice plumbers often make a number of mistakes that make the installation of a water supply system more difficult and reduce its reliability. And although mistakes made during the work process are not critical, the danger of leaks is associated with such unpleasant factors as the appearance of mold and destruction of the finish.

So, here are a few of the most common mistakes.

  1. The hot water supply system is installed using polypropylene pipes without internal reinforcement. If a hidden installation scheme is used, this is not a critical error. In the case where the wiring is visible, such an oversight can lead to a decrease in the aesthetics of the structure - pipes intended for cold water will “behave” when heated.
  2. The system has insufficient shut-off valves or no check valves. Shut-off valves must be installed at the inlet of each branch and in front of all flow points, and check valves must prevent the flow of heated water from the hot main to the cold one.
  3. There is no insulation of the hot water supply when it is hidden. Such “savings” lead to a drop in the temperature of the liquid along the way from the riser to the plumbing fixture. In addition, the appearance of condensation on the surface of pipes causes the spread of mold and damage to finishing materials.
  4. When drawing up a wiring diagram, it is necessary to consider the location of the pipes so that they do not overlap the joints. Subsequently, this will save a lot of time and nerves when leaks occur or the need to carry out preventive work.
  5. When designing a water supply system, the placement of sewer pipes is not taken into account, which can lead to difficult access during repairs.

In addition, it should be remembered that even the most ideally designed water supply system can cause a lot of trouble if its installation was carried out carelessly or in violation of technology.

You had the opportunity to get acquainted with what mistakes should not be made when installing pipes in the bathroom a little higher. Now we offer you to watch video material where complex collector wiring is done correctly.

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