Plan-summary of the lesson on application, modeling (middle group) on the topic: wintering birds. Plan-summary of the lesson on application, modeling (middle group) on the topic: Summary of the lesson on non-traditional application technique "Birds on branches" (middle group)

Landscaping and planning 29.09.2019

Municipal state-financed organization additional educationHouse of Creativity

additional education teacher

Abstract of the lesson on the application "Fairytale bird"

Lesson topic: "Fairy bird".
Target : Making a fabulous bird, by applique according to the model.

Tasks :

Educational: to teach to convey the image of a fabulous bird, conveying its unusualness and brightness, to decorate individual parts and details of the image, to consolidate the ability of children to cut out parts of an object different shapes and make an image out of them.

Educational: develop fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movement in children, develop imagination, activity, creativity, attention, promote the development of a creative, harmoniously developed personality of the child.

Educational: to cultivate accuracy, perseverance, respect and interest in the culture of the Russian people and the peoples of the world, the desire to learn how to create products that delight others.

Material and equipment : sample of the "Fairytale Bird", illustrations of birds, illustrations for fairy tales "Humpbacked Horse" » , "Heat- bird and Vasilisa the princess » and “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, torso and wings templates, colored paper background, strips and circles of colored paper, glue, scissors, napkin, pencil, oilcloth, brush and cup for glue, computer for video physical minutes and music playback, firebird feather.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment. Greeting, getting ready for work


Hush, kids, don't make noise

Don't scare our story.

There are miracles here...

The story is hidden for now!

The topic of our lesson "Fairy Bird".

2. Theoretical part.

Beyond the seas, beyond the forests

Miracle - fairyland

Birds live in plumage

Unprecedented beauty.

How to spread their wings

Above the expanse they

Are crumbling to the ground

Fairy tales, happiness and dreams.

Guys, do you like fairy tales? How much you love, I guess. But how do you know them?

And today let's remember the fairy tales in which the Firebird lives. Children name fairy tales: "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf", The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess, "The Little Humpbacked Horse".(Attachment 1)

Teacher: Guys, I want you to draw your fairy bird today, but first I suggest you look at my fairy meadow, where the most different birds (children look at the birds on the board). (Annex 2).

Since ancient times in fairy tales different peoples The world often contains the image of a bird, it brings people happiness, light, good luck.

The image of a bird came to us from the distant past. Our ancestors were very fond of depicting birds and endowing them with fabulous abilities, they embroidered them on all kinds of amulets, towels and clothing details. Decorated with household items.

But did you know that our ancestors believed in the magical power of this unusual bird. It was believed that the feather of the Firebird fulfills the most cherished desires, and the Firebird itself brings good luck, happiness, luck.

In past classes, we studied and recalled different birds, made and sculpted them, studied which birds are domestic and which are wild.

What is the difference between fairy birds and ordinary ones? ? (children's answers).

Yes, these birds are colorful, with patterns, they have unusual wings, tails, crests. And what do they have in common? (children's answers)

You guys correctly noticed that with all the variety of birds, they have a lot general: body, head, tail, feathers. All birds, both fabulous and real, have the same body parts.

Guys, would you like to turn into a fabulous bird of unusual beauty? To do this, we need a feather of a fire bird. ( video - physical minute)

The birds are flying

(Walking in place with arms raised up and down through the sides.)

Wings make noise.

(Tilts in different sides waving hands)

Bent over the ground

They shake their heads.

(Head tilts.)

Straight and proudly know how to hold on.

(Straighten up, hands behind your back - check your posture, pause 3-4 s.)

And very silent

(Hands down - stretch up.)

They sit down in place.

(Sit down, stay straight.)

3. Practical part.

Teacher: - I suggest you go to the "Fairytale Workshop" to make your own beautiful and unique "Fairytale Bird".

For this we need:

Background, blanks of the torso and wings (in the form of a droplet 2 pcs.), Which we need to circle and cut with you, a crest and feathers to decorate the tail.

Safe techniques for working with scissors, glue.(Annex 3)

1. Outline the body and wings and cut out. Lay on the background, glue.

Fizminutka. Gymnastics for the eyes

The bird flew up (children look up)
The bird flew to the right (look to the right)
The bird flew to the left (look to the left)
And hid on the floor (look at the floor)

Finger gymnastics "little birds"

little birds
little birds,
They fly through the forest
The seeds are collected
Here comes the violent wind
Wanted to take the birds away
The birds hid in the hollow
It's dry and warm
(children perform actions in accordance with words)

2. Now it remains for us to complete the image. And the main decoration of any magical, fabulous bird is its tail.

We arrange the main details on the sheet and paste

(Showing work steps.)

Everyone will get their own, unique fairy-tale bird. The more unusual, more interesting the bird is, the more joy and happiness it will bring.

Independent creative activity of children. Individual work.

4. Summing up.

Teacher: - You did a good job today, and today we have a whole flock "fairy birds". Let's look at the birds and admire them. You have some amazing crafts.

What interesting things did you learn about the firebird?

What skills did you use today?

5. Reflection. Teacher: - And in order for the pen to bring happiness, we must strongly believe in it and say the magic words:

“The feather of the firebird shines brighter, Good, and bring happiness to the house.”

The authors: Bazaleeva Lyudmila Mikhailovna, Zaitseva Olga Alexandrovna
Job title: educator, educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "TsRR - D / S No. 73"
Locality: city ​​of Stavropol, Stavropol Territory
Publication date: 22.10.2017
Chapter: preschool education

MBDOU "TsRR-D / S No. 73"







Zaitseva O.A.

Bazaleeva L.M.

Stavropol, 2017

Educational tasks: To educate children's interest and love for living




structural features of birds, fix some names of birds in the dictionary.

Strengthen scissor skills.

Developmental tasks: Develop fine motor skills of hands, accuracy.




artistic and aesthetic

cognitive, social and communicative, physical development.




magnets. Background for appliqué with the contour of a cloud, blanks for a bird (wings,

torso, head), narrow strips of white and blue flowers, scissors, glue,

sockets for glue, glue brushes, napkins. Signboard with the name of the topic, magnets

to arrange an exhibition of finished works.

Preliminary work: Familiarity with safety at work

with scissors.

Introduction to the game situation:

Educators show the children the clouds placed on the board.

1. Communicative. Conversation. Do you guys remember what season it is?

(Suggested answers of children: autumn) Pointing to the blackboard. Imagine that

is this the sky that appeared on it? (Suggested answers of children: clouds, clouds)


clouds? Suggested responses of children: yes).

The teacher draws rain. What dripped from the clouds? (Suggested answer

children: rain) And when it rains, does anyone go for a walk? What do animals do in

rain time? (Suggested responses of children: they don’t walk, animals hide)

The sun is on the board. Look, the weather is getting better, the sun

out and the rain stops. Erases the streaks of rain. Who can be seen

in the sky on a fine sunny day? (Suggested answer: birds). On the desk

hang a bird. Let's remember how a bird differs from animals, what parts of the body

birds? (Suggested responses of children: the bird has a head, a beak,

eyes, tail, wings, torso, paws, feathers.)





poems by P. Barto "Cranes"

Flying high above the clouds

And the cranes are chirping above us.

In the distance, gliding in the wind with a light shadow,

The birds are melting in the blue of autumn.

We will go out on the path not near to accompany them, -

They see the expanse of the earth far away:

Ribbons of rivers, lakes spills ...

Fine. Application with ready-made forms. Birdie. Technique:

assembly of a bird from ready-made forms: head, torso, tail, wings. Look at

blanks lie on your tables, on the right lies a blue sheet with a drawn

a cloud and a silhouette of birds, now we will stick a bird. Glue first

body with tail, then head and wings. What are our birds missing?

(Suggested answers of children: beak, eyes) Let's draw them.

4. Motor. Finger gymnastics. Let's stretch our fingers a little, and

then we will make beautiful clouds and clouds.

Visiting our sister

Birds flew in spring

(raise both hands and wave your hands, depicting bird wings)

This bird is an owl

Well, this one is a bugger.

This bird is a sparrow

Well, this one is a nightingale.

This one is a woodpecker, this one is a swift,

This one is a singing siskin,

This bird is a corncrake

This bird is a waxwing

Well, it's from afar

Forty flew to us.

(naming birds, stroking, kneading or rubbing each

Fine. Application. Cloud. Technique: from paper strips

cut into









let's cut


it turns out for me. Glue smear the whole cloud, and glue the squares so that it

became colorful and a little fluffy.

Summing up


(Suggested responses

clouds). From

(Suggested answers of children: head, torso, tail, wings) Which paper

colors we used for clouds and clouds? (White and blue). We will place our

applications at the exhibition?

Result joint activities: the child is interested in others




use them. Strives to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in

movements and actions, has a developed imagination, which is realized

in various activities, can use speech to express their











interest in poetry elementary ideas from the realm of the living

Summary of the lesson on the application "Birds on branches" (middle group)
- teach children to make an application in the form of a bird;
-fix the idea of ​​their name, structural features, body shape, wings, tail, distinctive features different types birds;
- educate love and caring attitude towards birds;
-to consolidate the ability to accurately use glue;
- develop fine motor skills of the fingers, the ability to listen and hear birds singing;
- develop observation, attention;
- exercise in the correct pronunciation; develop a response to a verbal signal.
Equipment: colored paper template: body, wing, tail, beak; floor of the album sheet; oilcloths, brushes, glue, napkins. Image of birds: titmouse, sparrow, woodpecker, swallow; tree image. Audio recording of birds singing. Toy wheel.
Lesson progress:
We are going on a trip to the forest clearing. We will go by car. How does he signal? (Children enter the group room, in which images of birds are pre-attached)
-Listen, guys, who sings so beautifully? (Birds)
-Where did they hide? Let's find them and see what kind of birds flew to us. This is forty. She is also called magpie - white-sided, because she has white color sides. This is a sparrow. Nimble jumper. How does he chirp? Chick-chirp!
-What kind of bird is this? In a red cap, on a tree with his sharp beak, a knock - a knock. Woodpecker.
- And this is a titmouse - she has a yellow tummy. All these birds live next to us in winter and summer.
- But this bird flew to us from the south. This is a swallow. She flies very fast, catches midges, mosquitoes and other harmful insects.
-Look, guys, what an unusual bird? Where did she come from? I think I know: this bird was made by children from another kindergarten and sent her out to see the world. Is it really beautiful?
- Do you want me to teach you how to make such beautiful birds. And when you make them, we will let them fly to other kindergartens to visit the guys.
Let's first figure out what the bird will consist of. I will show and you will name the parts.
- Head.
- Which smoothly passes into the body.
- Wing. (why do you need a wing?)
-Tail. (why do you need a ponytail?)
-eye. (why do you need an eye?)
-Beak. (why do you need a beak?)
- And now show quietly how the birds fly (you studied movements in music class). Birds flew, flew and quietly sat down at the tables so as not to make noise in the forest clearing.
-Look what is on the table in front of you.
1. A branch depicted on a leaflet.
2. The body of your future bird.
3. Wing.
4. Tail.
5. Round little eye.
6. Small triangle eye.
- The first thing we do is put a branch in front of us. Then we smear the body with glue and “plant” the bird on a twig. The head of the bird is at the top, and the tail will be at the bottom. Glue the wing and glue the tail. Then glue the eye and beak.
-Our birds are ready, let's put them on common tree and they will sing ringing songs for us.
-Oh, how loudly the birds sang, what do they want? I seem to know. They offer us to play the game "Sparrows and the car." (Game)
- What did you learn to do in the forest clearing?
- Did you enjoy our trip?
- It's time for us to go home: wave goodbye to the birds and get into the little car.
How does he signal?
-Bee-bee, let's go!!

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