The real way to become a fairy. How to become real fairies of water, fire and all the forces of nature in real life at home

Landscaping and planning 20.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Many people (both small and adults) dream that all their wishes come true. Only it turns out that in life there are always obstacles. How to overcome them? To do this, you need to learn magic. You need to study long and hard, to know all the laws of magic.

There is another way: to become a real fairy. After the ritual, you can find real magical opportunities. Below are some of the most real rituals. Only the result depends on the accuracy of their implementation. If the magic doesn't appear, then you didn't remember well and did something wrong.

The ritual, which is described below, came from a distant past. With its help, girls or young girls could turn into a real winged fairy. The ritual is carried out only in a small clearing dotted with colorful flowers. You need to stand on its edge, ask the magical powers to accept you. (For example: I want to become a fairy with wings, magic powers, help me.)

Now, with a dancing step, walk around the clearing three times. At the same time, you need to imagine that you are already a fairy. It is very important to feel love and kindness. Fairies rejoice in the beauty of each flower, the strength and diversity of life. Need like real sorceress, to notice every nuance of the surrounding world, to experience bliss from the fact that there is such extraordinary beauty around.

Now you need to go to the red flower and sing:

“Scarlet petals, weave into my wings! I fill the red thread with magic, I collect the wings!

Then, to blue, yellow, cyan and purple! Everyone needs to be asked for strength (as described, only change the color in the plot).

When all the flowers have bypassed, you need to go to the center of the meadow. If there is a magic wand there, then there are already wings behind your back. Explore the space well. You may not immediately find out that a knot or a match that is lying in a clearing is your personal magic wand! It may even be a blade of grass or a stalk. Many girls never gain magical powers because they cannot believe what is in front of them! Wings will really appear when you recognize it and pick it up. Unfortunately, this may not work the first time. Do not despair! Try again.

How to become a fairy in 1 second right now?

Every person has magical powers. They can be opened for a while, used, and then abandoned (closed). It is not easy to do this, but it is possible. The ritual is performed only in nature. The world is so arranged that fairies live among herbs and flowers. So you gotta get under open sky. Lift your face up. Shout out loud and clear:

“Ami dubi yu chickens will ahn!”

If the Sun went behind a cloud, thunder struck or lightning flashed, then you can continue on. This is the most difficult moment. You called on the forces that should endow you with magic, connect with the egregor. If there is no answer, it means that for now you are not allowed to access magical powers.

For those who heard the answer. You need to squat down. Lower your head down. Sit for a few minutes and count to one hundred. Then again rise to your full height, face up! You need to shout out loud:

It is at this moment that you think about what you want. If the magic was revealed to you, then everything will be fulfilled instantly.

How to become a Winx fairy?

To gain the light magic of the Winx fairy, you need to perform the following ritual. He himself is not complicated, it is difficult to prepare him. The fact is that the Winx fairy is an egregore, energy. To be filled with it (this is what it means to become a Winx fairy), you need to prove to the egregor that you are worthy of such trust. Do you remember that the girl in the cartoon was very kind? Before the ritual itself, you need to lead a week and feel the way she does.

That is, to do good deeds, to be polite, friendly. Always be in high spirits. Notice only good and beautiful things, the actions of other people. Say nice, kind words to everyone, and so on.

If you have prepared enough, then put on white clothes. In addition, you need to find a red decoration: a ribbon, a bow, a hairpin, a stone, beads, and so on. At noon (exactly), go to the mirror and say:

“I’m a fairy, I’m leaving through the looking glass! I am a fairy, I bring magic, I give happiness, I fulfill desires, I have power!

Your reflection will reach out to you magic wand. If it didn’t work out, then you didn’t prepare well. The forces have decided that your mood or thoughts are not good enough.

How to become a fairy of all powers?

There are wizards who can control the elements. That is, they are subject to air and earth, water and fire. Among the fairies, these are the strongest and most skillful. Only courageous people with a strong and kind heart can achieve to join their number. It is done like this.

Take a candle, a stone, a glass of water. Turn on the fan (it's wind). You need to take a burning candle in one hand, a stone in the other. Put a glass of water on your head. Turn to face the wind and cast the spell:

“With my heart and soul I swear to be faithful to the good! Strength to subjugate! Use for good! To bring happiness, destroy misfortune, obey the elements!

other methods

The next way is the most correct. The fact is that magical rituals are designed to connect a person with magical powers. That is, you call them, and they look at whether it is worth contacting you. But, the point is that they are eyeing not only those who call them, but everyone!

If a person is kind, diligent, if his thoughts are filled with happiness and wishes of all the best to those around him, if he cannot offend anyone, only protects and supports everything, then the forces themselves come to him! Even more! The most powerful forces are attracted to a person who is in itself affectionate, kind, knows no evil, capable of turning the whole world upside down, making it magical.

That's why The best way to become a fairy is to live the life of a good wizard. Help everyone and wish you happiness. Don't get angry, don't pout, don't be offended. Then you will not even notice how all desires will begin to be fulfilled, as soon as you think about them. You will receive the most powerful support of universal kindness accumulated by all mankind!

How to become a fairy for real

First way. You need to write about your desire on a piece of paper. Write about what you want to become a fairy, but that's not all, you need to specifically indicate which fairy you want to become (for example, a fairy of nature, water or all forces ...). Then drink a glass of water, and throw this paper out the open window, the main thing is that it fly as far as possible. Then you should go to bed and sleep. When you wake up, you will already be a fairy.

How to become a fairy at home

Second, no less good way. You need to collect cool water in a bowl, take paper of a certain color (if it is a love fairy, then red; for a nature fairy - green, etc.) and prepare a mirror and a candle. Cut out a heart from red paper, a maple leaf from green, a wave from blue, it depends on what kind of fairy you want to become. Then you should set fire to the edge of the paper with a lit candle. Put the paper in water and reflect it in the mirror. Then, you need to look in the mirror and say: “I want to become a fairy!”, These words must be repeated three times, distinctly and clearly.

The third way to become a real fairy

Put ice in a large bowl, wait until it melts. Then put your hand in this ice water and do not take out a minute or two, close your eyes and imagine how you turn into a fairy who has a certain power (which one is up to you to choose).

Take your hand out of the water and shampoo it. Rinse it off immediately with the water you used to hold your hand in before. Then rub your hand against each other for two to three minutes. After that, in a few days you will become a fairy.

How to become a fairy in real life - the fourth way

You need to take a bottle that used to contain perfume or toilet water. Fill this vial with water to which you previously added 3 pinches of salt, 3 pinches of sugar and a tablespoon liquid soap. Then put this bottle on the windowsill for two weeks.

Then once a day you need to “breathe” yourself with this water from a bottle, while you mentally imagine how you turn into a cute fairy. After a certain number of days, your wish will come true!

How to turn into a fairy forever. Fifth way.

This should only be done on a full moon. Wait for it to be full moon. You need to have a glass of water and a piece of paper with you. On a piece of paper you need to write what kind of fairy you want to become. Then you need to go to open window and then the moon will be reflected in the glass, then release your paper with a desire into the glass and pour over yourself the water that is contained in the glass. And so, you become a fairy.

The sixth and surest way to become a fairy in life

To become a fairy without a full moon, you can ask the fairies themselves, let them give you this magical power. To do this, you will need to summon these beautiful creatures. If you want to become a fire fairy, then sit down and a fire, if you want to become a water fairy - by the lake, if you want to become a moon fairy - look at the full moon (this is a prerequisite).

Then quietly call the fairy you want to see (for example: “Water Fairy, come to me!”). When you feel a light breeze, or a chill, or the flutter of their wings, this means that the fairy has come to you, you can ask her for the desired strength. Just be sure to tell the fairy that you will use this power only for good purposes, if you do not say this, then she will not give you power, and your wish will not come true. After that, just go home and go to bed, the next day you will wake up as a fairy with wings and magical powers.

The seventh way to become a fairy of all powers

Take toothpaste and rub this paste on your index fingers. The paste should be held on the fingers for 45 minutes, then rinse it off with water. Say out loud: “I am a fairy,” and repeat this phrase at least five times. After half an hour, you will hear the voices of the fairies - ask them to give you miraculous powers, but you need to ask politely, only then they will agree. Go to bed, and if you wake up at night, you will see that your wish has come true - you have become a fairy with wings.


Eighth way to turn into a fairy

You need to be alone at home so that nothing distracts you from this important process. Close your eyes and repeat "I am a fairy" three times, then clap your hands as you raise your arms above your head. This should be done every day for a long time, and then, perhaps, after a while you will turn into a fairy.

Tenth, last, easiest way to become a fairy

You must convince yourself that you are a fairy. Believe it with all your heart. You need to learn to find magic in the most ordinary, everyday things. Give positivity to everyone around you. Smile, say kind words, support in difficult times - these are the things that people around you need. If you want to become a real fairy, you must first learn how to do it. To do this, you do not need to perform any magical rituals - it all depends on you, you can become a fairy without wings right now if you pleasantly surprise the people around you.

I think with the help of this article and our useful tips, you have learned how to become a real fairy right now and start bringing good and benefit to people. Good luck!

If you managed to easily become a fairy during the day or on a full moon, write to us about your proven method, it would be interesting to know about such a transformation.

How to become a fairy right now: video, watch for free

A real fairy: how to become one and what is needed for this?

In order to turn into a real fairy, you will need a white blank piece of paper, a pen or pencil and a glass of water. Take a piece of paper and a pen and write down exactly why you want to become a fairy, what you see beautiful and interesting in her work. In addition, you should definitely clarify what skills you would like to have, because a real fairy always has her own special, individual abilities. After you write the necessary text, you need to drink a glass of water, and throw the sheet of notes through the open window. It is advisable to throw it not down, but to the side so that it flies as far as possible. After that, you need to go to bed and fall asleep. The next day, when you wake up in the morning, you will feel that you are a real fairy, with the desired skills and features. Some legends say that in order to become a fairy, it is not enough to throw a leaf out the window, but you need to eat it with the same glass of water.

How to become a water fairy: what do you need?

Many girls dream of becoming a water fairy, so we offer you a proven way to turn into this beautiful creature. So, you and I will need: a bowl or a small basin filled with cold water, a piece of paper of a specific color, a candle, a mirror and a desire to become a fairy. Now about a piece of paper: it must be of a certain color, which is determined by what kind of fairy you want to become. If you are a future love fairy, you will have to find a red piece of paper, if a nature fairy is green, and if a water element fairy, the color of the leaf should be blue or light blue. Proven transformation methods also advise cutting out a certain leaf shape: for love - a heart, for nature - a maple leaf, but for the elements of water - a wave or drop shape. After everything is ready, along the edges of the leaf it needs to be set on fire with a candle, which we lit in advance. After that, we immediately lower the leaf into the water, raise it in front of the mirror, so that you and the leaf can be seen in the reflection and repeat the phrase aloud three times: now I am a fairy. After saying the spell, the paper must be burned to the end. According to popular beliefs, it is believed that if the leaf went out quickly, then you managed to become a water fairy.

What does it take to become a fairy at home?

Here are some more proven ways to help you become a fairy at home without putting too much effort. So, in the first case, we need a bowl or bowl of medium size and a small amount of ice. We put the frozen water in a bowl and wait until it melts. The ice must turn into ice water, for which we will need a certain time. When we see that the process is completed, and there is ice water in the bowl, you need to lower your hand into it for thirty seconds. At the same time, we close our eyes and imagine that you have already managed to become a fairy with wings and certain skills that you choose yourself, at your discretion. After thirty seconds, we take out the hand from the ice water and smear it with shampoo, gel or butter and immediately wash it off with the same water where the hand was before. For two minutes, after the oil has washed off, it is necessary to intensively rub your hands one against the other. After some time, you will be able to become a fairy at home and master the desired abilities.

Another way to how to become a fairy for real, will require an empty bottle of cologne or perfume, salt, sugar, water, liquid soap and a tablespoon. We take three pinches of salt and fall asleep in an empty bottle, three pinches of sugar - we send it there, fill it all with a tablespoon of liquid soap, and then plain water. We shake the bottle and send it to the window to infuse for two weeks. After the specified period is over, you should sprinkle yourself with a real potion every day, like perfume, while thinking about how to become a fairy for real. After a certain number of days, the desire will come true and you will receive the long-awaited skills.

How to become a fairy with wings?

Here is a proven method, which was consecrated in other articles and books on how to become a fairy with wings in reality. You can perform the described ritual only on a full moon, in order for it to really work. So, wait until the full moon appears in the sky. You will need: a glass of water, a blank piece of paper and a writing object. On a piece of paper, describe in detail what kind of fairy you would like to become and what abilities you have. After that, go to the open window, taking with you water and a sheet with a description of the fairy. Set the glass so that the full moon is reflected in it, then lower the paper with the wish into the water. After that, all the water that was in the glass must be poured onto yourself. By performing this ritual correctly, you can become a fairy in real life, which at night will become the owner of beautiful wings. If you can’t become a sorceress yourself, then you will certainly have a fairy friend, whom you can control the power of your own thoughts and control all her actions.

Let's try calling a fairy.

In order to become one of the little sorceresses, you can not only perform various rituals on your own, but also seek help directly from the fairies. To do this, we will first have to call them. So, what is needed for this. To begin with, as always, you need to decide which fairy element you would like to become the most, and depending on this, find the necessary object. For example, if you dream of becoming a water fairy, sit on the shore of a lake or river, if you are a music fairy, go to the source of musical sounds, and so on.

After you get close to the source, you need to call the fairy three times, for example, the water fairy, come! - and so three times. You can understand that the sorceress is in place by feeling a light breeze or hearing a quiet rustle. After that, you need to contact her with a request to endow you with magical powers. The request also needs to be structured correctly: to clarify that you want to get abilities only with good intentions and in no case will you use them to your detriment. If you do not specify this, the wish may not come true. Then go home and go to bed. Early in the morning you will wake up with the desired abilities.

What does it take to become a fairy of all powers?

To do this, we need very little: toothpaste and water. The Fairy of All Powers is also considered to be the main fairy who wields various abilities. So, take the toothpaste and apply it on the index fingers of both hands. Leave the paste on your fingers for forty-five minutes, and after the time has elapsed, rinse with water. When cleaning hands from the paste, it is necessary to repeat the phrase five times: I am a fairy. After half an hour, the quiet voices of the fairies will be heard, which you must ask to become a fairy of all powers. After that, go to bed, but be sure to set the alarm for three in the morning and check if you succeeded and if you have new opportunities.

An easy way to become a fairy.

This is the simplest and most common option. Retire where no one will distract or hear you. Close your eyes tightly and repeat the phrase aloud three times: I am the most powerful and main fairy. In this case, you need to raise both hands above your head and at the moment when you pronounce the words, clap them into your hands. Do not think that everything will work out at once - you need to repeat this event for more than one day, but if you do everything right, then, in the end, you will get a long-awaited skill.

Another interesting way to become a fairy.

Try to believe that the dream has already come true and you are the same fairy that you have dreamed of becoming for a very long time. Feel it with all your heart, imbued with this thought. Try to understand that everything that surrounds you is already magic. The singing of birds, the bright sun or favorite toys - all this is endowed with particles of magical elements. Feel that you are also a sorceress, try to help people around you, treat a stray dog ​​with delicious food or help your parents at home - after all, this will be the magic that you do. The activity of each fairy, regardless of her element and abilities, is aimed at helping others, they strive to make the world better, brighter and more beautiful, and this does not always require wings or other abilities. Start with a smile, a positive attitude towards people and helping others, and everything else will come gradually. Well, we hope we have given you enough advice, how to become a fairy- proven ways will certainly help you realize your dream.

Like an article by a real fairy (video 1):

Like an article by a real fairy (video 2):

Like an article by a real fairy (video 3):

How to become a fairy - this question interests many young girls who want to adopt the supernatural abilities of magical creatures. We will figure out whether this is real and how to make the cherished dream come true.

How to become a fairy at home

It is difficult to deny the fact that there are various entities in our world: wizards, and, of course,. Such magical assistants are able to fulfill wishes, to transmit their supernatural gift.

Before proceeding with the rituals, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons. Below are several methods.

You can completely change your appearance and become a fairy with wings, or master only her magical gift. Most of these rites are simple, even young wizards can perform them. But first, decide if you would like to become a fairy of Water, Winx, Moon or another.

When you choose, you can summon the real one and make a transformation deal with it. If the method did not work, then prepare a piece of transparent fabric, a small ring, a wreath of flowers.

Sit in the middle of the room, put a transparent cloth in front of you, a wreath on it and a ring in the middle. Close your eyes, imagine that the creature will soon be in front of you. After say:

Fairy of Flowers, I call you to witness, see how I renounce ordinary human life and am ready to become your companion.

Crown yourself with a wreath, continue:

I promise you to be kind, sweet and wise, to protect people, to be in harmony with nature. Just give me the opportunity to join you and do good deeds.

Put the prepared ring on your finger and say:

Now this is my talisman, I undertake not to take it off, since all my magical power is in it.

Close your eyes again and listen to the inner sensations. If at this moment the room is flooded with light, you feel warmth, happiness, joy, as if positive emotions enveloped you - the fairies are ready to invite you into their ranks.

Take a prepared piece of fabric, wrap a wreath around it and leave it in a clearing in the park. This will be your gift to magical assistants.

It is impossible to become a fairy in one second. This takes at least 1 minute. This is a simple ritual that anyone can perform.

Important condition: you need to be energetically strong in order to have the strength to visualize everything you need. The ritual is performed outdoors.

It is desirable that it be a park, another picturesque place. You should feel good, comfortable and calm there. Pre-prepare an ornament that symbolizes initiation, in which your magical power will be stored.

It can be a bracelet, a ring, a pendant. Magic is possible in good weather, during the day. It is important that it turned out to be sunny and warm - the fairies will bask in the sun, and not hide in secluded corners. This makes it easier to reach them.

Stand in the middle of the chosen place, take the prepared decoration, close your eyes. It is necessary that the sun warms, illuminates everything around. Imagine that fairies are descending through small rays. Tell:

Fairy sisters, come to my call, weave fairy wings for me from sunlight. Mother nature, bestow magical power, give strength to work miracles. You see, sisters, from now on I am with you, a real fairy.

Then put on the prepared decoration, also with your eyes closed. Be sure to feel how transparent wings begin to grow from the back. Thank the higher powers for agreeing to help you.

Do not be surprised that friends and parents will not be able to see the wings, because they are hidden from others. Remember, you can’t remove the decoration, you can only do good deeds, otherwise the magical powers will be taken away. In addition, the presence of wings does not make it possible to fly, they simply help other fairies to distinguish you from people.

Among all the methods that will help you gain amazing abilities, this one is the most difficult. It is important to choose the element you are going to control.

After the ceremony, you will have a patroness who will help in everything. Be very careful about the choice of elements, because it will be difficult to control the one that does not suit you. Only then can you begin the ritual. Choose a place:

  • clearing, if you want to control the Earth;
  • shore of the reservoir - Water;
  • an open area where the wind is for the mistress of the Air;
  • quiet area - become a fairy of Fire.

At dawn you can go there. If you turn into a fairy of Fire, place five lit candles in front of you. In other cases, additional attributes are not needed. Come to the chosen place, close your eyes, raise your hands up and say:

Mother Earth/Sacred Fire/Wind/Water (depending on which elemental powers you invoke), grant me power. Give me amazing strength, wisdom and prudence, endurance and perseverance. Let me become a fairy, control Earth/Fire/Wind/Water, do good and miracles. I swear that I will be your faithful and devoted daughter.

Repeat the words of the spell three times. Then listen to your feelings. You experience strong fear, horror, coldness, confusion - the higher powers decided to refuse and cannot accept you into their circle.

If you feel joy, elation, peace - they are ready to give you magical abilities. You will clearly feel how a very powerful energy begins to envelop. You will feel this flow for some time.

Under no circumstances should the ritual be interrupted at this point. It is he who fills the necessary magical abilities. As soon as the transfer of the unique gift is over, the ritual can be considered completed. If you used candles as an attribute, extinguish them before leaving.

Remember, although you have already gained supernatural abilities, it is important to continue developing them. To do this, you can use spells and rituals of white magicians. The better you improve your skills, the more good deeds you can do.

The concept of a fairy as a luminous angel-like entity arose in the second half of the 19th century. Messages about meetings of people with fairies appeared repeatedly. According to Germanic and Celtic folklore, fairies, as beings of a metaphysical nature, have supernatural and inexplicable abilities, tend to interfere in human life, lead an isolated and hidden lifestyle.

How to become a fairy right now

Imagine that you are a fairy. Force yourself to believe it with all your heart. Learn to see the magic in simple, everyday and the most ordinary things. Try to give positive emotions to everyone around you: say kind words, smile, provide support. A real fairy knows how to do all this. To do this, you don’t even have to perform mysterious rituals - you can become a fairy right now if you are pleasant to the people around you.

How to become a winx fairy

If you have a desire to become a Winx fairy, write about it on a piece of paper. Do not forget to indicate which fairy (of all powers, water, nature, etc.) you want to become. Then drink a glass of water in one gulp, and throw a sheet of paper out of the window so that it flies away. Alternatively, you can eat a piece of paper with water. After completing the procedure, go to bed. Wake up in the morning in a new quality - become a fairy!

How to become a real fairy with wings

Turn to the fairies with a request to endow you with magical powers. This can only be done by calling these creatures. Those who want to become a water fairy should sit by the river, those who want to become a fire fairy should sit by the fire. Well, if you dream of becoming a moon fairy, look at her on a full moon. Call the fairy you need three times (in a whisper). If you feel a slight movement of air, know that this is the flutter of her wings. At this moment, ask her for magical powers, assuring the fairy of your good intentions. Go home and go to bed. Wake up in the morning like a real fairy with wings.

Ways to become a fairy at home

Method one. You will need a used eau de toilette or perfume bottle. Pour water into it, after dissolving in it three pinches of salt, three pinches of sugar and one tablespoon of liquid soap. The bottle with the resulting solution must be placed on the windowsill for 14 days.

Every morning, start by spraying with water from a bottle and in your thoughts imagine your transformation into a fairy. By the end of the second week, your wish will come true!

Method two. Take a wide bowl or cup, put ice in it, be patient and wait until it melts. After that, immerse your hand in ice water for half a minute. Imagine (closing your eyes) your transformation into a fairy with magical powers.

After removing your hand from the water, rub it with shampoo or butter. Rinse immediately with the same water that your hand was immersed in. Rub your palms together for three minutes. In a few days you will turn into a fairy.

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