How to become an animal fairy watch. How to become real fairies of water, fire and all the forces of nature in real life at home

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How to become a fairy with wings? There are simple and safe rituals that will help you transform into a magical entity with or without wings.

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How to become a fairy with wings for real

A novice sorceress knows that, or any other magical creature is impossible if there is no faith and desire. You can become a real magician if you really want to. Exist different ways that allow with wings.

Rite of Transformation

Transformations mean. It is determined in advance what you want to become a fairy - desires, flowers, various elements, the moon. After contacting the appropriate mistress, having performed the rite of summoning the creature.

If the girl has not decided what abilities she wants to receive, they turn to all magical creatures of a magical country with a request to bestow abilities. It is necessary to take a mirror and a silver bell. The ritual is performed only on a clear, sunny day.

You should go to a small clearing located in the park. Sit down and imagine how the sun envelops with rays, bestowing strength and energy. Pick up a mirror and put it on your palm so that the sky is reflected. At this point, you need to say:

Fairy, fairy, I call you! I want to join your retinue! I want to become one of you! Give me amazing power! Give me magic wings so that I can stand out from other people! Come to the ringing of my bell!

After the last phrase, you must definitely ring the bell, close your eyes and feel how the sun envelops you with rays. Look in the mirror and see the reflection of the lady. Describe again the request and thank for the mercy. Leaving a bell in the clearing is a gift to the queen for magical abilities. The main sorceress will independently decide what abilities to bestow.

Now they are heading home. The next morning, a person will feel cheerful and feel 2 wings behind his back. Do not be afraid - people will not see the wings. They are available only to the eyes of other fairies. You can't fly with them. If the person is not born a fairy, wings are used to recognize magical creatures.

Transformation into a fairy of all powers

Magical creatures are popular, capable of commanding all the elements and forces at the same time. Using their abilities, you can do a lot of good deeds.

To be able to control all the elements, a ritual is required. If a person begins the journey along a magical path, the help of an older sister or girlfriend is needed for security purposes. The necessary attributes are prepared:

  • a small bowl with water;
  • a bowl with a handful of earth;
  • aromatic lamp with a small candle (you need to put it in the lamp so as not to burn yourself).

aroma lamp
a bowl of water a bowl of soil

It is necessary to connect the element of air. It is enough to open the window, place the prepared attributes in front of you and say:

The power of fire, the power of water, the power of air and the power of earth! Give me power and wisdom! I want to become a fairy of all powers! Give me, mistress of the fairies, fairy wings!

You need to read the spell 3 times and put out the candle. Pour water into the ground, and pour the earth into the yard. Go to sleep, and only the next day the caster will receive wings that are impossible to fly with. You can use them to detect other fairies. No one should know about the ceremony, except for the assistant.

You should not tell that the girl has become a fairy, girlfriends. It is necessary to use abilities for good and do good deeds.

How to become a fairy without wings

Turning into a magical creature without wings is an equally fascinating rite. The advantage of the ritual is that it is possible without transformation. The sorceress will not give herself away by the presence of wings: others, but her strength will not decrease.

To conduct the ceremony, you need the support of an older comrade: an adult, sister or girlfriend. The ritual is performed at home during the day. A meal is being prepared for the queen. It can be sweets, chocolate, gingerbread - any sweets. When the gift is ready, you need to put the gift on the windowsill, pick up a bowl of pure spring water and say:

Fairy of water, I call you.
I want your strength.

The plot is repeated 5 times. Dip your hands in the water, wash your face. Next, you need to leave the room, close the door and do not go there during the day. The next morning, open the door and enter.

If the sweet prepared for the queen is gone, the sorceress is ready to accept the caster into the ranks of magical creatures. If the chocolate bar remained untouched, the queen does not agree to bestow amazing abilities. Do not immediately repeat the ceremony again. It is better to wait 2 weeks, and then ask for help again. If the ritual is performed more often, the fairy queen may become angry and not bestow amazing abilities.

Now we will tell you another way to become how to become a fairy and not just a fairy, but a fairy with wings. But know that for performance, this is one of the most difficult ways. After all, it is important here that you have wings, but the wings must be such that no one sees them. After all, what kind of people we have, they will see something unusual and begin to poke their fingers at you, pull them and, what’s good, they can tear them off. And this is both unpleasant and really painful, I guess.

To use this method and truly become a fairy with wings, you, dear fans of these magical and mythical creatures, will first have to master the skills of concentration and meditation. In order to become a fairy with wings, this is really important. In a second or a minute, wings, you know, will not grow back. Yes, and such that no one sees them and does not damage them.

In order to master this magical method, you need to retire to your room or in nature, sit in the lotus position, close your eyes and start calling the fairy, not any particular one, but just any fairy with wings. When you feel the gentle touch of her wings on your face or the movement of air from the flapping of her magical wings, this will mean that the fairy has come to you. But this was only the first part of the mysterious meditation.

Now you mentally tell the fairy about your desire and ask her to help you. If you have already cleansed yourself internally and prepared to become a real fairy, then she will certainly agree to help you and you will again feel either a slight breeze from the flapping of her magical wings, or their gentle touch on your face.

Now begins the second and most important stage of meditation. Now you need to concentrate all your thoughts on the wings, which you must certainly have. Your decision and faith must be firm. It depends on how much you believe in this, how soon you will have wings. Look at yourself from the outside. See yourself with wings, see what your wings look like, listen to how you feel when you start flapping them. It is IMPORTANT that at this moment no other thoughts appear in your head and interrupt this magical process of the appearance of your wings. This is where the pre-mastered art of meditation comes in handy. The success of this mysterious way of turning into a fairy with wings depends on how well you learn to concentrate on one thought and not let others into your head. You need to meditate until for the third time you feel a slight breeze from the flapping of fairy wings or their gentle touch on your face. They felt it - it means that the transformation into a fairy with wings was completed successfully and it is time to thank your magical guest. Give thanks and let go.

Everything, now you are a real fairy with wings. But don't try to see your wings in the mirror, you still won't succeed. You can see the wings only in the magic mirror that appears every time you close your eyes tightly. It should be noted that the presence of a full moon has absolutely no significance for this method.

Now you know the magical secret of how to become a fairy with wings at home and you can use it, but remember that your magical abilities and beautiful wings can disappear if you don’t enjoy life like all fairies, easily cope with problems, strive to sincerely help people ... Good luck to you all around, little sorceresses.

We invite you to view our new photo collection - beautiful pictures of fairies with wings.

A photo. New pictures of fairies with wings.

Learn all the ways to become a fairy at home, learn secret knowledge and then you can easily become a Winx fairy or some other real fairy.

Cute, kind, very beautiful and possessing the real power of magic, the Winx fairies have become the idols of millions of girls around the world. Do you also admire Stella, Bloom, Muse and Layla and want to become just like them?

This is a wonderful desire, and it is quite feasible, but for this you will have to work very hard. Are you ready to learn how to become a fairy with wings for real, get magic power, beauty and the ability to fly? Then get ready to overcome difficulties, because it is very difficult to turn into a fairy. So let's get started!

How to get fairy beauty?

Real fairies are always charming, graceful and look great. When you turn, you will be able to "bring beauty" in a magical way. But in order to get this skill, you must first learn to be always beautiful and neat in the usual way.

1. Get up early every morning, wash your face cold water, it gives freshness and beauty. The best water for washing - infused in the moonlight. To prepare it, you need to pour ordinary water into a bowl or jar and put it on the windowsill overnight so that the moonlight is reflected in it. In the morning you need to wash your face with this water to become more beautiful.

2. Wear only clean clothes. Learn to iron your clothes to always look neat.

3. Keep your shoes clean. Well, where did you see fairies in mud-stained boots or shoes?

Every time before washing, do not forget to say the magic spell of the fairies:

“Fairy, I call on the power!

Make me beautiful!"

How to get the mind of a fairy?

Have you noticed that Winx fairies always come out of difficult situations with brilliance? They studied well at school and read many books, so their mind is well developed. You, too, must develop your mind to turn into a fairy.

1. Do not forget to do your homework, not only written, but also oral assignments. If something is not clear, ask your parents or ask questions of teachers. A fairy must be persistent and always achieve what she wants.

2. Learn to read books. If you don't know where to start, go to your Russian language teacher and ask her for a list of the most interesting books or look it up on the internet. Read at least 50 pages every day. At first it will not be easy, but then the magical power will begin to act, and you will not only learn to read quickly, but also begin to write without errors. it real magic fairies and she will work for you!

3. Solve more puzzles, solve riddles, ask adults questions. Real fairies can think outside the box.

And here is the spell that gives the mind and improves memory:

“The power of a fairy is from the mind!

I can handle everything myself!”

How to get magical power?

It is impossible to become a real fairy without magic power. Fairies draw their power from good deeds, and you should learn that too. Be sure to help your mom homework– Sweep the floor, vacuum, learn to wash the dishes.

At first it will be difficult for you, but if you do not retreat and do it every day, the magical power will begin to help you. It is only necessary every time you start to put things in order, say a spell:

“Fairy, fairy, fly!

Everything around me - shine, shine, shine!

Water the flowers on the windowsill, take care of them. In summer, you can buy flower seeds and sow them near the entrance, arranging a small flower bed. When caring for plants, be sure to say:

"The power of the fairy is coming,

And everything around is blooming!”

How to get wings?

As you yourself understand, wings are not given to anyone just like that. If they could be obtained without difficulty, then all the girls from your class would already be fluttering in the sky, turning into fairies. But have you seen at least one girl with wings? It is very difficult to achieve them, but for someone who really wants to feel the magical power of real fairy wings, nothing is impossible. Here is the recipe.

1. Be sure to exercise every morning.

2. After charging, sit in the middle of the room in the lotus position, put your hands on your knees, close your eyes, relax.

3. Imagine that a small sun is growing inside you, which illuminates you from the inside with its warm rays.

4. The rays of the sun gradually shine through you outward and turn into wings. At first they are small and weak, but gradually grow, become stronger and stronger.

5. You spread your wings and take off, fly wherever you want on your beautiful, shining wings.

Before you start meditation, be sure to say the spell:

“I spread my wings!

I fly! I fly!"

But keep in mind, getting wings will not work quickly. Need to train not less than a year to grow at least small wings. After all, you were not born a fairy, but an ordinary girl, so it’s more difficult for you to grow wings.

And one more thing: if you do not take care of your beauty and mind, and most importantly, do not do good deeds that give magical power, no meditation will help. But those girls who do not back down in the face of difficulties and fulfill all the conditions will definitely receive the power of fairy magic and their fairy wings.

As a child, kids dream of being some kind of hero or character from cartoons and movies. Today, girls want to become fairies after watching stories with amazing beauties. For children who are distinguished by a special mind, kindness and obedience, then this is quite possible.

Ways to help become a fairy:

1. The first method involves writing in beautiful handwriting your desire to become a Fairy on a piece of paper bright color. You need to indicate which fairy you want to become, the color of the sheet must match the purpose of the magic fairy. So that you know what color to use, we will tell you that Fairy of Water and Sky is written on blue background, Fairy of Love and Fire on a red leaf, Fairy of Nature and Fauna on a green leaf, Fairy of the Sun on a yellow background and so on.

After writing your wish, throw the paper into the wind through the window. To make the dream come true faster, you need to throw a leaf further. Some girls can tear off a piece where the wish is written to swallow and drink drinking water. Little princesses are not recommended to swallow paper. The ritual is complete, now do not make unnecessary sounds for 60 minutes, reliable option Go to bed.

2. The second way is in the sacrament described above, a piece of colored paper will also come in handy. Indicates, similarly to the first method, his dream and element. We prepare a plate, a mirror and cool water in advance. When everything is written, squeeze the sheet and set it on fire. Place the burning paper carefully on a plate and look in the mirror at its reflection. And repeat "I will be a Fairy." Go to bed immediately, and in the morning you will wake up as a Fairy.

3. The third way is to prepare a magic elixir. Fill a beautiful bottle or bottle with water, add 3 pinches of sugar sand and a part of the element you want to possess. Love is the petal of a flower, Nature is the earth, Fire is the ashes. To become an air fairy, just blow into a bottle, drip dew into a water fairy.

In a secluded cool place, the elixir should stand for about a week. After 3 days, gently apply the liquid to the fingertips and the tip of the tongue. The transformation will occur after all the actions performed.

4. You can also politely ask the fairy yourself about this - this is the fourth way. Look at the desired fairy (sun, moon, trees, fire, water, air, etc.) and call the fairies kind word. If you heard a light whisper and a breath of wind, then they responded.

Try to convince the fairy that you really want to become like her, and your goals are good, you will not abuse the forces of the elements. Then the Fairy will penetrate and help you.

5. The fifth way to become a fairy. On the day when there will be a full moon without clouds and clouds, smear the nails of your index fingers with fruit toothpaste. Be sure to repeat 5 times "I'm a Fairy!" and sit for one hour in silence. After washing off the paste and go to sleep, you will undoubtedly become a fairy in the morning.

6. Do not forget to choose your wings, they should be beautiful, transparent and large.

7. Make yourself a magic medallion like a real Fairy. Ideally, the medallion is created from items that are familiar to you: stone, beads, jewelry, chains, feathers, and so on. Do not tell anyone about your medallion so that it is magical, no one should know about it.

In order for the Fairy to help you become a Fairy, you must be obedient in life, do noble deeds, not offend your parents and friends, study well, tell the truth, take care of yourself and possess positive qualities. Only a true Lady deserves to be a real Fairy.

Many girls think about how to become a fairy. And this is not surprising. Who doesn't want to have a magical power that can work miracles and fly above the earth! In addition, all fairies are miniature, cute and beautiful. Therefore, after watching cartoons about these magical creatures, the girls think how to become a fairy for real.

There are many ways to help you become supernatural being- fairy. We just warn you right away, these methods are a kind of selection from all the others. Whether they will help you or not is not known for sure. No one has done any research on this subject. Also, don't be discouraged if you don't succeed in becoming a magical creature right away, perhaps not now, but later, when you become more mature.

There is one more nuance. Fairy is a good creature. Therefore, you must be kind: obey adults, help them around the house, study well, love animals, and not offend anyone even with a word. Without this, becoming a fairy will not really work, and even the methods below will not help you. Be kind!

How to become a fairy at home?

    1. Take a cup. It must be wide. Put ice in a cup, wait a few minutes for it to melt. Then lower your hand into this water for 30 seconds (the hand should be the one with which it is more convenient for you to write). At this time, close your eyes and imagine how you become a fairy. Just imagine in every detail: with or without wings, you will be, what strength you will have. Then rub your hand with shampoo or butter and rinse with water after a minute. The water should be the one in which you held your hand. Then rub your hands together for two minutes and wait for your miraculous transformation. This method helps if you are impatient and you are thinking about how to become a fairy right now.
    2. Take a piece of paper and a pen. Write your desire on a piece of paper, i.e. Specify specifically what power you want to have, whether you will have wings or not. Then drink a glass of water, and throw this paper out the window. Your desire on a piece of paper should fly as far as possible. After that, lie down in bed and fall asleep. And in the morning, expect a miraculous transformation.
    3. You need to stay at home alone, i.e. everything has to happen at home. As a last resort, no one should suddenly come into your room and interfere. Close your eyes and say three times that you want to become a fairy. You need to do this loudly, but you do not need to shout. And at the same time, your hands should be raised above your head, and you should clap them. You need to do this every day.

How to become a fairy with wings?

  1. Imagine that you are already a fairy with wings. Give it to yourself. Believe in your dream. Give good things to other people good mood take care of your family and friends. Remember, the main quality of this magical creature is kindness and love for people.
  2. Try to call real fairy to yourself. Do this three times. As soon as you hear a quiet flutter or a light rustle of wings, ask that you also have magical powers. Specify exactly what power you need. Just be sure to say that you will not use it to harm. Otherwise, you will not be able to receive power.
  3. How to become a fairy with wings for real? You can ask your mom to sew beautiful wings for you. If you can do it yourself, then it's great. Walk in this image, play with your friends, dream. You won’t really become a fairy, but you can play a certain game like that. And, of course, do it at home.

All these ways how to become a fairy for real - a special game, no one tested them for themselves. But sometimes you can play, because childhood is given for that.

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