How to make an infinite source. How to make an endless source of lava in Minecraft

Landscape design and planning 03.07.2020
Landscape design and planning

This type of block, such as liquid, has the main property in the game - fluidity. There are also additional properties. Lava has the ability, when combined with red dust, to turn into obsidian, which is very useful for creating many things.

With the help of this burning liquid, you can destroy unnecessary things, cause damage to the enemy and mobs, and heat the stove. Let's figure out how to make an endless source of lava and other important resources in Minecraft.

Lava Source

Previously, the developers made it possible to create a lava generator by surrounding a free block with four sources of lava - buckets. This was available in Beta 1.9 (Prerelease 5). If you do this in later versions, the current will appear, but not the source.

Currently, to make an endless source of lava, Minecraft offers the option of pulling a string near it. Upon contact, a source appears.

Lava is not so easy to find - you have to go down into lower world to find the source. There are special portals for transition. You can find fiery liquid on the surface. You should take a bucket with you. If you can’t find it, you can create it in a kiln according to separate instructions.

When creating a generator, you need to follow safety measures so that the hero does not end up there. You shouldn't dig underneath yourself. To surround the source and ensure the safety of the surrounding world, you need to find blocks of fire-resistant material (cobblestones).

How to make an endless source of water

You can do many things with water in Minecraft.

The second type of blocks in the overworld is water. It is used for:

  • irrigation of beds;
  • extinguishing fire;
  • washing off some blocks;
  • reed growth;
  • creation of certain rocks and liquids (stone, obsidian, lava);
  • causing harm to some mobs (Ifrits, Landwalkers).

To make an infinite source of water in Minecraft - that is, a well with an inexhaustible supply - you need to surround an empty block with water on both sides. It is usually collected with a bucket or flask.

You can build a hole or make a source in the wall. This will require one block deep and one to create pressure plate. In this case, the source can be taken, and the water will not spread.

Source of stone

Stone is very necessary thing for construction. It is mined with a pickaxe in the mountains and underground, transforming it into cobblestone or stone brick.

In order not to constantly search, it is easier to make a source of stone in Minecraft - create your own generator. To do this you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Prepare 10 blocks of fireproof durable material, a bucket of water and lava, 7 blocks of red dust, 4 repeaters and a piston.
  2. Dig a hole and install a piston in it.
  3. Pour the water.
  4. Surround the area with 4 blocks.
  5. Pour lava into the center.
  6. Install a stone removal system connected to the piston (make sure that the first repeater is at the last delay).

You can’t make such a generator with a regular pickaxe—it needs to be under the influence of a “silk touch.”

For different purposes, hard rock springs can be built in several ways. The simplest of them is a generator that produces cobblestones that can be processed and made into bricks.

Video: How to make lava and water sources in Minecraft.

Of all the physics in Minecraft, liquids are perhaps the most “arcade”, far from physics real world. Their behavior is so confusing and unusual that it can take quite a long time to fully master their capabilities. This was reported by experts in the " " section of the publication for investors "Stock Leader".


Water is the most common liquid in the world, generated as oceans at altitude 63 and as lakes at other altitudes. When a player is in water, he begins to run out of oxygen, and upon reaching zero, his health indicator drops sharply. Having completely emerged from the water, the player instantly restores his air indicator. Moreover, the strip of this parameter is visible only in water. All mobs have the same indicator, with the exception of octopuses, which suffocate without water. If the player has the effect of underwater breathing, then the oxygen value will always be at the maximum level. If you drink a potion of underwater breathing directly into the water, oxygen will be restored instantly. In addition, water further weakens the light that passes through it.

In cold biomes, water freezes into ice. Moreover, the rate of ice formation increases during snowfall. There is no water at all in the Lower World, and when you try to pour it out of a bucket, the water instantly evaporates. Ice that can be mined with a tool enchanted with the Silk Touch does not form water when it melts in the Nether. However, you can install a water block that was obtained using the server console, third-party modifications or cheat codes. Can also deal damage to Ifrit and Ender.

In swamps, the water is green. Moreover, this applies not only to sources, but also to currents. Water can be collected in a flask or bucket. From the bucket it can be poured into a cauldron to be used to fill flasks or wash leather armor.


Lava is typically found in caves at heights of 1-10 blocks, but can sometimes be found on the surface in the form of small lava lakes. In the Lower World, lava is found very often and spreads like water. Lava is much thicker than water, so it disappears and spreads much more slowly. But in the Lower World it spreads just like water. In addition, lava is capable of setting fire to flammable blocks located nearby, and causes damage to the player and mobs (with the exception of Nether mobs) and burns objects and vehicles. The light of the lava is strong enough to melt all ice nearby.

In addition, lava can be destroyed using dynamite if the explosion occurs outside the lava block. However, if it explodes directly in the lava (in the source or in the flow, it doesn’t matter), then nothing will happen to the surrounding blocks and lava. It is also worth noting that it is impossible to suffocate in lava, and with the help of a fire resistance potion you can stay in the lava for a long time without receiving damage.

Source and flow.

Each cube of any liquid is either a source or a flow. The source is a real full-fledged block, the same as, for example, a cobblestone, and the flow is formed only if there is free space and a source. In this case, the flow decreases depending on the distance to the source.

On the absolute surface, liquids spread to a limited number of cells from the source - water to seven cells, and lava to three cells in the Upper World and seven in the Lower World. The liquid can flow downwards indefinitely. If it flows downwards, then after reaching the flat surface "the counter is reset", the ion can again flow three or seven cubic meters. Thus, it becomes possible to build “stairs” along which something will flow.

Flowing and stationary liquids.

As it may seem, sources are stationary blocks, and currents are the opposite. But the current can also be stationary, and the source can be flowing. For example, there is a channel 7 by 1 by 1 and at its ends there are two blocks of water, then in the central block the water will be motionless, but a source will be formed - the cube cannot be scooped up with a bucket, and it can be a complete block. The sources will flow, since they are limited on several sides, and there is no “counteracting” flow on the remaining side.

It is worth noting that players do not often search the Internet for types of liquids in Minecraft, relying on their experience.

Let us remind you that

Water is a fairly common liquid in the game. It is generated at altitude 63 in the form of an ocean, and at other altitudes - in the form of lakes. It is vital to know how to make water in Minecraft and how to behave in water.

So, when immersed in water, the player will run out of oxygen, and when reaching zero, the health indicator will quickly decrease. After emerging from the water, the character's remaining air will be instantly and completely restored. This strip is only displayed in water. All mobs have a similar indicator, except iron golems and lava cubes, since they cannot choke.

Hydrogenerator - an endless source of water

It will be important to know not only how to make water in Minecraft, but also how to build a generator yourself.

When an empty block (or flow) is surrounded on two arbitrary sides by sources of water, a source of liquid is formed at the location of the empty block - this will be an endless generator of water. Using this principle, a well is created with an endless volume of water (just don’t draw it too quickly, it is necessary that the source has time to form).

The simplest version of a well is a hole measuring 3x1x1 or 2x2x1. The following design seems interesting: 1 block in the wall at a depth, another block is replaced with a pressure plate. The result: water flows when you need it.

How to get water in Minecraft

Having crafted a bucket from iron, you can use it to scoop up blocks - sources of water. After pouring liquid from a bucket onto the ground, a new source immediately forms at that location. This property allows us to talk about water in a bucket as a portable source block.

A bucket of water can be obtained by using a bucket on a water source. Water is usually used to create obsidian or to slow down and keep distance from mobs. For decorative purposes, you can create fountains, elevators, swimming pools or fast conveyors of things. Water from the bucket can be poured into the cauldron. Most often, a bucket is used to transfer water from one source to another, for example, from a well to a farm. There is no way to make a garden without water. You can also make ice from water. Another bucket of water - good way defend against Ender Wanderers by pouring water at their feet. It is useful to take a bucket of water with you into the mines - it can save lives in places with lava: you can extinguish the fire, extinguish a large volume of lava, and at the same time (if used skillfully) get obsidian. With the help of a bucket of water you can safely descend from any height. You need to pour water near the edge of the abyss, wait a little until the water “spills,” take the source of water back into the bucket and quickly jump into the stream of water. In Hell, poured water instantly evaporates, and the lava does not go out.

A bucket of water is also called: Water bucket.

The bucket of water is present in Minecraft versions: 1.8.2, 1.8.1, 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.9, 1.7.5, 1.6.4, 1.5.2.

Tricks and secrets

  • Interesting way to use water
    Obsidian can be mined even if there is lava below. To do this, you need to pour a bucket of water so that the water covers the obsidian that you hit with the pick.
  • How to use a bucket of water to make a portal to Hell?
    If there is no diamond pickaxe for mining obsidian, then a portal to Hell can be made by pouring water on lava brought in a bucket and installed in the right place.
  • A quick way to travel using a bucket of water
    To quickly go down, you can pour water from a bucket and let it down the stream of water.

Lava is one of two liquids that have a block in Minecraft. With its help, you can build a portal to hell, make obsidian, or light a fire. In addition, it can be used to make fuel. For example, for a stove, or used for lighting. About this flammable liquid You may get burned and damaged. This applies to both players and mobs. The exception is mobs that live in the lower world.

Also, this block can be used to set fire to any other objects that can burn. For example, wool or wood. This flammable liquid can be used for lighting. But we must remember that its light can melt glaciers.

Lava cannot be made, it can only be found. It is found almost everywhere in the caves of the lower level. In addition, it can be found in caves at a depth of up to 10 blocks. Since its consistency is thicker than water, it spreads and disappears much more slowly. Just like water, this liquid is not able to overcome an obstacle. For example, a grill.

  • Bonfire. To use lava, you need to scoop it up with a bucket and pour it onto the surface, making a small puddle. At the same time, at the place where it pours out, its new source is formed. Then, shoot from the bow so that the arrow hits the puddle.
  • A bucket is used to carry lava. To fill it, you need to pick it up and press RMB on the source.
  • If you pour water into this flowing flammable liquid, you can make a cobblestone.
  • And if you fill the source, you will get something that is used for building in hell (how to make it). In the event that its flow collides with water (streaming or standing), the result is the formation of a stone.
  • This block can be destroyed using TNT. Its explosion must occur outside the flow (source). If the explosion occurs at the source itself, then nothing will happen to it or to the surrounding objects.

The lava bucket can also be used in different ways

  1. As fuel. To do this, you need to install it in place of the fuel. The combustion rate is 1000 seconds. And this is several times longer than when using, for example, coal.
  2. Incinerator. To create it, you need to build a box about 3*3 from a fireproof material (stone), and place a flammable liquid in the center.
  3. If you limit the lava to glass (read how to create it) and stock up on buckets of water, you will get great source Sveta. Water is needed to extinguish possible fires.

In version 1.9 of the game, to make a source of lava, you need to surround an empty block on all sides with flowing flammable liquid. If version 12w22a of the game or subsequent ones is installed, then the source can be made when its flow comes into contact with a stretched thread.

Pros of using lava in combat

  1. Significantly slows down enemy movements.
  2. The fight takes place in the light.
  3. Instant death of the enemy when hit.
  4. Extensive affected area.
  5. Unlimited use of this type of weapon in terms of the number of times.
  6. Maintain a distance between you and the enemy.


  1. Destroys not only the enemy, but also all objects on it.
  2. Blocks the player's progress.
  3. In the absence of a fire-resistant potion, it is dangerous for the player.
  4. When using this weapon, experience for destruction is not added.

People who play Minecraft a lot sooner or later think about how easier it is to get this or that resource. Such questions arise especially when you get tired of researching the world. Lava is a versatile material that can be used to create many items. It is also an excellent fuel for the furnace, so the question of how to make an endless source of lava will always be relevant and interesting to players.


This is the first item you will need before making an endless lava source. In Minecraft, liquids can only be transported in a container, which is a bucket.

To make it, you will need the following:

  • Assemble a furnace for firing materials.
  • Dig up iron ore. To do this you will need at least a stone pickaxe.
  • Burn the ore in a furnace - this is how you get it. You can also get the ingot from golems and zombies. Or disassemble the iron block.
  • Now open the crafting panel.
  • Place three bars in the middle cell of the bottom line and in the outer slots of the middle line. The bucket is ready.

In total you will need four containers. Now let's look at what else is required of you before making an endless source of lava.


Before starting construction, go to the dungeon. Your task is to find lava. You can meet it at almost any level and even on the surface. If you have a portal to the nether world, then go there. There you can find it without problems.

Scoop four buckets from the lava lake. main feature This process is that even if you pour lava into a bucket from a “river” and then place it on the surface, you will get a “source”.


The last thing you need before making an infinite lava source is a certain number of blocks that won't be able to burn. Cobblestones are ideal for this. There is a lot of it on the surface, so there will be no problems with production. In total, the structure will require 93 blocks. As a last resort, you can find a cobblestone in the Nether when you go down for lava.


Finally, you can proceed to the main stage. So how do you make an endless source of lava? Our building will occupy a site measuring five by five blocks and six blocks in height. In addition, you will need some kind of ladder or stand. Or “creativity” mode and flight.

  • Dig a hole in the ground that is 5x5 and two blocks deep.
  • Lay out the bottommost layer with cobblestones (25 pieces).
  • Now we need to shape the “pool”. Strengthen its walls along the edges with cobblestones (2nd layer). This will take another 16 blocks.
  • Now we need to build the columns. They are not required, but it will make it easier to navigate. Create pillars on the cornerstones that are two blocks high. In total you will spend 8 cobblestones.
  • It was the turn of the upper platform. Make it the same as the bottom of the "pool", but with one exception. There should be a hole in the very center. You will spend another 24 cobblestones on this.
  • Finishing touch. Make another “pool” above the upper platform by creating walls. In addition, place another stone at the edges of the pool. This will take the last 16 blocks. Now upper layer should be a platform with an empty cross in the middle.
  • Pour a bucket of lava into each beam of the cross.

That's all - in front of you is a real fiery endless source of lava? Very simple. Due to the four sources, you will have an inexhaustible waterfall, which, flowing through the central hole, will fill the pool. If you don't drain the springs, the flow will never stop, and you will be able to constantly scoop lava from the pool or turn it into obsidian by simply pouring a bucket of water on it.

Hello fans Minecraft games. The editor of Play`N`Trade is with you - a sailor, and today I will tell you.

How to make an endless source of lava in minecraft

The first thing we need to do is craft a bucket. It is done very simply. First you need to get iron. You can get it in a mine, or knock it out from a golem that you killed. If iron ore was mined from a mine, then you need to put it in the furnace and wait until it is smelted. After this, place the melted iron in the fourth, sixth and eighth cells in the workbench.

Let's dig up some cobblestones right away. Cobblestone is the best thing to make an endless source of lava in minecraft, since lava cannot set it on fire. And we go with a bucket to the mine, or the lower world, in order to pour lava into this bucket.

Once you have found everything you need, we begin construction. We need an area five by five blocks long and six blocks high. We drop two blocks down into the territory, after which we fill it with blocks of cobblestones below and make a kind of pool (cover everything in a circle with cobblestones). Now let's go up a couple of blocks and make another similar bottom, but leave a place in the center where we will later fill it with lava. We complete our construction by laying out the sides again. All that remains is to pour lava into the hole and the source is ready!

This concludes my article. There was a sailor with you and today I told how to make an endless lava source in minecraft. Have a good game!

This type of block, such as liquid, has the main property in the game - fluidity. There are also additional properties. Lava has the ability, when combined with red dust, to turn into obsidian, which is very useful for creating many things.

With the help of this burning liquid, you can destroy unnecessary things, cause damage to the enemy and mobs, and heat the stove. Let's figure out how to make an endless source of lava and other important resources in Minecraft.

Lava Source

Previously, the developers made it possible to create a lava generator by surrounding a free block with four sources of lava - buckets. This was available in Beta 1.9 (Prerelease 5). If you do this in later versions, the current will appear, but not the source.

Currently, to make an endless source of lava, Minecraft offers the option of pulling a string near it. Upon contact, a source appears.

Lava is not so easy to find - you will have to go down to the lower world to find the source. There are special portals for transition. You can find fiery liquid on the surface. You should take a bucket with you. If you cannot find it, you can create it in a kiln according to separate instructions.

When creating a generator, you need to follow safety measures so that the hero does not end up there. You shouldn't dig underneath yourself. To surround the source and ensure the safety of the surrounding world, you need to find blocks of fire-resistant material (cobblestones).

How to make an endless source of water

You can do many things with water in Minecraft.

The second type of blocks in the overworld is water. It is used for:

  • irrigation of beds;
  • extinguishing fire;
  • washing off some blocks;
  • reed growth;
  • creation of certain rocks and liquids (stone, obsidian, lava);
  • causing harm to some mobs (Ifrits, Landwalkers).

To make an infinite source of water in Minecraft - that is, a well with an inexhaustible supply - you need to surround an empty block with water on both sides. It is usually collected with a bucket or flask.

You can build a hole or make a source in the wall. This will require one block deep and one to create the pressure plate. In this case, the source can be taken, and the water will not spread.

Source of stone

Stone is a very necessary thing for construction. It is mined with a pickaxe in the mountains and underground, transforming it into cobblestone or stone brick.

In order not to constantly search, it is easier to make a source of stone in Minecraft - create your own generator. To do this you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Prepare 10 blocks of fireproof durable material, a bucket of water and lava, 7 blocks of red dust, 4 repeaters and a piston.
  2. Dig a hole and install a piston in it.
  3. Pour the water.
  4. Surround the area with 4 blocks.
  5. Pour lava into the center.
  6. Install a stone removal system connected to the piston (make sure that the first repeater is at the last delay).

You can’t make such a generator with a regular pickaxe—it needs to be under the influence of a “silk touch.”

For different purposes, hard rock springs can be built in several ways. The simplest of them is a generator that produces cobblestones that can be processed and made into bricks.

Video: How to make lava and water sources in Minecraft.

How to make lava in Minecraft?

Lava cannot be called a rare element, but its extraction is still fraught with risk. However, it is justified, since this resource is involved in the crafting of rather rare materials. Below you can find out how to make lava in Minecraft.

Making lava in Minecraft

First of all, what players need to know is that it is impossible to make lava in Minecraft; you will have to look for it. As a rule, this element is found in caves at altitudes from 1 to 12. This element can also be searched on the surface, in the form of lava lakes. If you create a portal to Hell, you will be able to find real vein, because in this dimension it is found everywhere, so there will be no shortage of it.

To extract lava, you will need to craft a bucket in which this material will be carried out of Hell or a cave. You just have to be careful, as lava can cause serious damage to the player character. This is a huge minus, but at the same time a plus, since by pouring a bucket of lava on an evil mob, you will be able to neutralize the enemy. But the mobs of Hell will remain unharmed, which will also need to be taken into account when descending into this dimension.

It is also important to remember that lava burns objects and vehicles, moreover, it melts ice that is nearby. Lava is mainly used to obtain obsidian - the most solid in the world of Minecraft. To do this, you will need to find a source of lava and fill it with water. When water is poured into flowing lava, it creates cobblestone.

If you are interested in this material, then you may find our articles and

People who play Minecraft a lot sooner or later think about how easier it is to get this or that resource. Such questions arise especially when you get tired of exploring the world around you. Lava is a versatile material that can be used to create many items. It is also an excellent fuel for the furnace, so the question of how to make an endless source of lava will always be relevant and interesting to players.


This is the first item you will need before making an endless lava source. In Minecraft, liquids can only be transported in a container, which is a bucket.

To make it, you will need the following:

  • Assemble a furnace for firing materials.
  • Dig up iron ore. To do this you will need at least a stone pickaxe.
  • Burn the ore in a furnace - this is how you get it. You can also get the ingot from golems and zombies. Or disassemble the iron block.
  • Now open the crafting panel.
  • Place three bars in the middle cell of the bottom line and in the outer slots of the middle line. The bucket is ready.

In total you will need four containers. Now let's look at what else is required of you before making an endless source of lava.


Before starting construction, go to the dungeon. Your task is to find lava. You can meet it at almost any level and even on the surface. If you have a portal to the nether world, then go there. There you can find it without problems.

Scoop four buckets from the lava lake. The main feature of this process is that even if you pour lava into a bucket from a “river” and then place it on the surface, you will get a “source”.


The last thing you need before making an infinite lava source is a certain number of blocks that won't be able to burn. Cobblestones are ideal for this. There is a lot of it on the surface, so there will be no problems with production. In total, the structure will require 93 blocks. As a last resort, you can find a cobblestone in the Nether when you go down for lava.


Finally, you can proceed to the main stage. So how do you make an endless source of lava? Our building will occupy a site measuring five by five blocks and six blocks in height. In addition, you will need some kind of ladder or stand. Or “creativity” mode and flight.

  • Dig a hole in the ground that is 5x5 and two blocks deep.
  • Lay out the bottommost layer with cobblestones (25 pieces).
  • Now we need to shape the “pool”. Strengthen its walls along the edges with cobblestones (2nd layer). This will take another 16 blocks.
  • Now we need to build the columns. They are not required, but it will make it easier to navigate. Create pillars on the cornerstones that are two blocks high. In total you will spend 8 cobblestones.
  • It was the turn of the upper platform. Make it the same as the bottom of the "pool", but with one exception. There should be a hole in the very center. You will spend another 24 cobblestones on this.
  • Finishing touch. Make another “pool” above the upper platform by creating walls. In addition, place another stone at the edges of the pool. This will take the last 16 blocks. Now the top layer should be a platform with an empty cross in the middle.
  • Pour a bucket of lava into each beam of the cross.

That's all - in front of you is a real fiery endless source of lava? Very simple. Due to the four sources, you will have an inexhaustible waterfall, which, flowing through the central hole, will fill the pool. If you don't drain the springs, the flow will never stop, and you will be able to constantly scoop lava from the pool or turn it into obsidian by simply pouring a bucket of water on it.

This type of block, such as liquid, has the main property in the game - fluidity. There are also additional properties. Lava has the ability, when combined with red dust, to turn into obsidian, which is very useful for creating many things.

With the help of this burning liquid, you can destroy unnecessary things, cause damage to the enemy and mobs, and heat the stove. Let's figure out how to make an endless source of lava and other important resources in Minecraft.

Lava Source

Previously, the developers made it possible to create a lava generator by surrounding a free block with four sources of lava - buckets. This was available in Beta 1.9 (Prerelease 5). If you do this in later versions, the current will appear, but not the source.

Currently, to make an endless source of lava, Minecraft offers the option of pulling a string near it. Upon contact, a source appears.

Lava is not so easy to find - you will have to go down to the lower world to find the source. There are special portals for transition. You can find fiery liquid on the surface. You should take a bucket with you. If you cannot find it, you can create it in a kiln according to separate instructions.

When creating a generator, you need to follow safety measures so that the hero does not end up there. You shouldn't dig underneath yourself. To surround the source and ensure the safety of the surrounding world, you need to find blocks of fire-resistant material (cobblestones).

How to make an endless source of water

You can do many things with water in Minecraft.

The second type of blocks in the overworld is water. It is used for:

  • irrigation of beds;
  • extinguishing fire;
  • washing off some blocks;
  • reed growth;
  • creation of certain rocks and liquids (stone, obsidian, lava);
  • causing harm to some mobs (Ifrits, Landwalkers).

To make an infinite source of water in Minecraft - that is, a well with an inexhaustible supply - you need to surround an empty block with water on both sides. It is usually collected with a bucket or flask.

You can build a hole or make a source in the wall. This will require one block deep and one to create the pressure plate. In this case, the source can be taken, and the water will not spread.

Source of stone

Stone is a very necessary thing for construction. It is mined with a pickaxe in the mountains and underground, transforming it into cobblestone or stone brick.

In order not to constantly search, it is easier to make a source of stone in Minecraft - create your own generator. To do this you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Prepare 10 blocks of fireproof durable material, a bucket of water and lava, 7 blocks of red dust, 4 repeaters and a piston.
  2. Dig a hole and install a piston in it.
  3. Pour the water.
  4. Surround the area with 4 blocks.
  5. Pour lava into the center.
  6. Install a stone removal system connected to the piston (make sure that the first repeater is at the last delay).

You can’t make such a generator with a regular pickaxe—it needs to be under the influence of a “silk touch.”

For different purposes, hard rock springs can be built in several ways. The simplest of them is a generator that produces cobblestones that can be processed and made into bricks.

Video: How to make lava and water sources in Minecraft.

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