An example of a conclusion based on the results of a review audit expressing an unconditionally positive opinion (appendix to the federal rule (standard) of auditing activities. Review of financial (accounting) statements)

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A sample legal report on verification of a counterparty and step-by-step instructions for drawing up regulations for verifying a counterparty for the legal department.

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A significant portion of a company’s lawyer’s working time is spent coordinating and signing contracts. An integral part of this work is verification of the counterparty, which, as a rule, is built according to a standard scheme: a sample regulation for checking the counterparty is created and a certain package of documents is requested and checked.

Considering the volume of work and the importance of promptly obtaining a qualified legal opinion, it is advisable to formalize this activity. This will allow the company to create an orderly database of copies of constituent documents of counterparties, promptly identify legal risks and minimize the need for litigation, and, if necessary, confirm to the tax service the exercise of prudence when choosing a counterparty.

If a company enters into agreements with a significant number of counterparties, it makes sense to develop a form of legal opinion, which is drawn up in accordance with the regulations for checking counterparties and is updated in relation to each counterparty when concluding a deal with him. Or when concluding a new transaction after a certain period of time, if we are talking about a counterparty with whom a long-standing relationship has been established.

A legal opinion allows you to establish regulations for checking the counterparty’s documents, record the result of the analysis of documents and, in addition, help the legal department employee check the contents of documents according to a certain scheme (according to control points), and not just formally verify their presence. This is achieved due to the need to include references to the relevant provisions of documents, paragraphs, etc. in the legal opinion.

Urgent message for a lawyer! The police came to the office

How to develop a conclusion form for a counterparty

A convenient sample legal opinion and regulations on how to fill it out can be developed independently, taking into account the specifics of the counterparty verification procedure adopted in a particular company. This article is based on the form used by the bank’s legal service. However, it can be successfully applied in companies of any other fields of activity.

Reminders for legal department employees

What should be in the form of a legal opinion

1. Purpose of drawing up a conclusion

The purpose is the contract that is expected to be concluded with the counterparty. It is convenient if detailed information about the planned contract is transmitted to the legal service in the form of an explanatory note drawn up by the manager responsible for negotiations with a specific client. The same line indicates the number of the request for a legal opinion.

2. Package of documents from the counterparty

Typically, a standard set of documents is requested for all counterparties; in accordance with the regulations for verifying counterparties, it is advisable to immediately include the entire list of documents in the sample legal opinion. Then, when filling out the legal opinion, the legal officer will indicate only the details of the submitted documents.

2.1 Documents confirming the legal capacity of the counterparty

The number of documents confirming the legal capacity of the counterparty includes:

  1. Certificate of state registration of the counterparty company (or individual entrepreneur) and its registration with the tax authority. The name of the organization must completely coincide with the name specified in the constituent documents.
  2. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which allows you to identify the current version of the counterparty’s charter and other information as of the date of document analysis.

The validity period of the extract for the purpose of analyzing counterparty documents can be set independently, taking into account that it should exclude changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities later than the date of the extract. The optimal period seems to be no more than 5-10 days before the expected date of conclusion of the contract.

Advantages of documents before discharge

Despite the fact that the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains most of the information necessary to complete a transaction (with the exception of information about the need for approval of transactions and the fact of their approval), it is better, if possible, to still require all the documents listed in the legal conclusion.

This minimizes the risk of fraudulent activities (it is more difficult to falsify several documents in a high-quality manner than just an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities). And in situations where information is included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities against the will of a legal entity, the latter may refer to its unreliability. You should also take into account that the statement may contain typos and technical errors.

2.2. Constituent documents of the counterparty

2.4. Balance sheet

As a rule, participants in turnover also request a copy of the counterparty’s balance sheet as of the last reporting date with confirmation of its transfer to the tax authority (allows us to determine the value of assets to determine whether the transaction is large).

In addition, failure to receive a copy of the balance sheet may lead to accusations from the tax authorities of lack of due diligence when choosing a counterparty, which are supported by the courts (Resolution of the Arbitration Court of the Ural District dated March 11, 2015 No. F09-9812,).

3. Additional documents

In addition to the main list of documents, additional ones may be needed, for which it is convenient to highlight a separate line in the legal opinion. For example, this could be a power of attorney (if the contract is signed by a representative under a power of attorney on behalf of the counterparty).

Also, some large companies ask to provide copies of bank cards with sample signatures (for comparing signatures on documents), a copy of the employment contract with the head of the company.

4. Notes

In the “Notes” column, comments on the documents are indicated if there are doubts about their authenticity and compliance with the law or the company’s internal regulations regarding the verification of the counterparty’s documents (for example, an uncertified copy is presented or the document does not contain the usual details for such documents, contradictions are identified in the contents of the documents, etc.). d.).

5. Founders (participants) of the counterparty

It is necessary to indicate the main founders (participants, shareholders) of the counterparty company. If a company has many participants (shareholders), a criterion is usually established (the minimum size of the share owned by the participant - for example, 5%), on the basis of which only participants with shares not less than this minimum size are indicated in the legal opinion.

Studying the composition of participants can be important in interested party transactions, when, according to the usual terms of turnover, it is checked who the founder of the counterparty is. In the absence of proper verification of the composition of the founders, it may be recognized that the party to the contract should have known about the interest of the other party in concluding transactions ().

Also, studying the composition of the founders is important from the point of view of tax consequences, since concluding an agreement with a counterparty that includes “mass founders” may lead the courts to think about lack of due diligence when concluding an agreement.

6. Competence of the executive body of the company

It is important to indicate the name of the executive body with reference to the corresponding clause of the charter in the next line - the competence of this body (also with references to the charter).

If the charter duplicates the provisions of the legislation, you can indicate: “in accordance with the Federal Law on LLC” or “in accordance with the Federal Law on JSC”, etc. If the competence of the sole executive body differs from that provided for in the legislation, specific differences must be indicated.

At the same time, in accordance with clause 22 of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2015 No. 25, counterparties have the right to proceed from the unlimited powers of the sole executive body of the counterparty. The provisions of internal documents establishing the conditions for the exercise of powers cannot affect the rights of third parties, except in cases where the latter knew or should have known about the limitations of powers established by the constituent documents.

However, if these documents were requested from the counterparty, and the fact of familiarization with them will be clarified during the trial, then in such a situation, citing ignorance about the conditions for the exercise of powers will not help in any way, and the transaction will be declared invalid under Art. 174 Civil Code of the Russian Federation (,).

7. Transactions requiring compliance with special procedures, according to the submitted documents

It is necessary to list the transactions specified in the charter or other submitted internal documents of the counterparty, the completion of which requires compliance with any special procedures (obtaining approval, holding a competition, tender, etc.). If such transactions are defined in accordance with the law, an indication is made of the relevant provision of the law and the clause of the charter.

Recently, court practice regarding transactions requiring corporate approval has softened, and the number of transactions declared invalid has decreased.

As for large transactions, here too the courts often side with bona fide counterparties.

The courts may invalidate the transaction if the company's main asset (the only real estate) is obviously being sold. In such a situation, according to the courts, the party to the contract does not take measures to establish the actual value of the property. ().

Also suspicious are cases of extremely unprofitable transactions (). In such cases, transactions are also recognized as invalid due to the bad faith of the counterparty who entered into the agreement.

In the situation of purchasing the main assets of a counterparty (real estate, expensive equipment), as well as when there is a noticeable discrepancy between the contract price and the market price, the book value of the potential counterparty’s property should be checked.

8. Features of the legal capacity of the counterparty

If the legislation provides for restrictions for legal entities of the corresponding organizational and legal form (for example, unitary enterprises, non-profit organizations, etc.) or engaged in certain activities (banking, insurance, etc.), or occupying a certain position in the market (for example, natural monopolies), etc., appropriate restrictions must be indicated.

9. The counterparty has a license, membership in an SRO or SRO access to certain work

If the subject of the contract is related to the licensed type of activity of the contractor or the corresponding activity of the counterparty requires mandatory membership in a self-regulatory organization, you need to make the appropriate notes (for example, for work in the field of construction and construction design, a special permit for the relevant types of work issued by the SRO is required).

Despite the fact that, in accordance with paragraph 89 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated June 25, 2015 No. 25, the execution of a transaction by a person who does not have a license to engage in the relevant activity does not entail its invalidity, its absence may have other negative consequences.

Thus, the counterparty’s lack of a license () or permission to work from the SRO () may become the basis for declaring the counterparty imprudent and refusing to reimburse VAT and income tax expenses.

In the legal opinion, based on the documents presented, it is necessary to conclude whether an agreement can or cannot be concluded with the counterparty (taking into account the comments, risks and recommendations disclosed in the third, fourth and fifth lines of section 4).

11. Representative or body of the counterparty

It is necessary to indicate who will represent the interests of the counterparty in the transaction:

  • position (if a person acts by proxy, then - “representative by proxy”);
  • Full name, passport details;
  • foundation and term of office.

If necessary, explanations are given - for example, if the manager’s term of office has not been extended, the representative’s power of attorney is formulated in such a way that doubts arise as to whether he has the authority to carry out a specific transaction, etc.

The power of attorney can be certified by a notary or by the organization itself with a stamp attached. If the power of attorney is certified by the organization itself, it is necessary to check the authority of the person who issued it. For example, the powers of the general director should include the right to issue powers of attorney regarding the conclusion of such an agreement.

It is also necessary to check whether the power of attorney of the person representing the counterparty has been revoked. To do this, you should use the information on the revocation of powers of attorney posted in the Kommersant newspaper and on its website.

12. The need to comply with special procedures when concluding an agreement

If for a specific transaction there is a need to comply with additional formalities (implementation of special procedures - bidding, tendering, obtaining approval, etc.), you need to list them and, if possible, disclose in detail the key points related to the noted additional requirements (specific requirements for bidding , requirements for the content of approval if the performers do not have samples or forms, etc.).

13. Risks possible when concluding a contract

It is important to name the legal risks identified by the lawyer during the analysis of documents, which may lead to the recognition of the transaction or part of it as unconcluded or invalid, significantly complicate or make execution impossible, etc.

In a separate line you need to provide possible ways to minimize the identified risks (if possible). For example, this may be the inclusion or exclusion of certain conditions from the contract, requesting additional documents from the counterparty in order to remove some doubts, etc.

14. Notes on changes in the legal opinion

It is advisable to make a special section for notes on changes in the legal opinion. For example, due to the submission of additional documents by the counterparty, the section on risks associated with concluding a contract, etc., may change.

Completeness of verification of the counterparty

In every company, when developing regulations for verifying a counterparty, it is necessary to find a balance between the interests of business units and the legal service.

The decision on what list of documents and in what form of copies to request from counterparties is best made collectively, taking into account all possible risks, not limited to legal ones (including taking into account the risk of losing a client, the risk of increasing time for transactions, etc. ).

The degree of completeness of the audit should depend on the price of the transaction, the position of the tax authorities in your region on the issue of due diligence when choosing a counterparty.

☆ Advice from the editor: The most complete verification of the counterparty can be done in a special service, for example.

Business reputation check

If the company’s legal service is also entrusted with the responsibility of checking the business reputation of the counterparty, then it is advisable to add a special section to the legal opinion form in which you can record the result of checking the counterparty using available Internet resources.

The required minimum information can be obtained by studying court proceedings with the participation of the counterparty (using the electronic file of arbitration cases, information posted on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia

Through the Unified Federal Register of information on the facts of the activities of legal entities, you can make sure that a potential counterparty is not in the process of bankruptcy, reorganization, liquidation, about the existence of a decision on the upcoming exclusion from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and other important information. (

It would be a good idea to check whether the counterparty is listed in the register of unscrupulous suppliers on the FAS Russia website and the register of debtors on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia The presence of government contracts with the counterparty may serve as a sign for the court of due diligence when choosing a counterparty.

The invalidity of the passport data of the founders and management of a potential counterparty can be checked through the website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Migration Issues (

Through the information bases, you can also check information about the presence of disqualification and executive bodies of the counterparty, about the registration of the counterparty at the mass registration address, about the presence of the counterparty in the database of legal entities, with which there is no connection at the address specified in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and etc.

In some cases, information about the business reputation of the counterparty can be obtained by typing the company name, as well as full name, into search engines. leader and main founders.

Attached files

  • Legal opinion on verification of the counterparty.docx

Based on the results of the audit, an audit report is issued. It contains information about the audit performed:

  • - date of the audit;
  • - purpose of the audit;
  • - unit being inspected;
  • - checked elements of the EMS;
  • - list of documents on the EMS and environmental protection system, according to which internal audit is carried out;
  • - composition of the audit team;
  • - employees of the unit being inspected, accompanying and working with members of the EMS inspection commission;
  • - conclusions;
  • - offers.

The internal audit report must indicate the compliance of the audited EMS with the audit criteria, the degree of its implementation and effectiveness.

The auditor's report is subsequently attached to the internal audit report. The completed audit report is presented in Appendix E.


The course work reflected the set goals and objectives: the EMS element “4.4.1. Resources, duties, responsibilities and powers”, the theoretical foundations of the audit procedure are considered, the organizational, regulatory and methodological documentation for conducting an internal audit of the EMS is studied.

During the audit on element “4.4.1. Resources, duties, responsibilities and powers” ​​in the sausage shop of Bobruisk Meat Processing Plant OJSC, two inconsistencies were established. These inconsistencies were determined to be insignificant, since elimination does not require a long time and large capital costs.

Based on the results of the internal audit, a number of necessary documents were compiled:

  • - questionnaire - questionnaire;
  • - protocol of discrepancies;
  • - audit report.

Corrective actions to eliminate nonconformities were carried out within three days.

EMS element “4.4.1. Resources, duties, responsibilities and powers” ​​at the enterprise have been worked out effectively, because The management of the organization provided all the necessary resources for the implementation, operation and improvement of the environmental management system, optimally distributed responsibility and authority to various categories of employees.

1. Based on the results of the inspection, officials of the state control (supervision) body, municipal control body conducting the inspection draw up an act in the prescribed form in two copies. The standard form of the inspection report is established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. The inspection report shall indicate:

1) date, time and place of drawing up the inspection report;

2) name of the state control (supervision) body or municipal control body;

3) date and number of the order or order of the head, deputy head of the state control (supervision) body, municipal control body;

4) last names, first names, patronymics and positions of the official or officials who conducted the inspection;

5) the name of the legal entity being inspected or the last name, first name and patronymic of the individual entrepreneur, as well as the last name, first name, patronymic and position of the manager, other official or authorized representative of the legal entity, authorized representative of the individual entrepreneur who were present during the inspection;

6) date, time, duration and place of the inspection;

7) information on the results of the inspection, including on identified violations of mandatory requirements and requirements established by municipal legal acts, on their nature and on the persons who committed these violations;

8) information about familiarization or refusal to familiarize with the inspection report of the manager, other official or authorized representative of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, his authorized representative present during the inspection, the presence of their signatures or refusal to sign, as well as information about making an entry in the audit log about the inspection carried out or about the impossibility of making such an entry due to the absence of the specified log at the legal entity or individual entrepreneur;

9) signatures of the official or officials who conducted the inspection.

3. Attached to the inspection report are protocols for the selection of product samples, inspection samples of environmental objects and industrial environment objects, protocols or conclusions of studies, tests and examinations, explanations from employees of a legal entity, employees of an individual entrepreneur who are held responsible for violation of mandatory requirements or requirements established by municipal legal acts, orders to eliminate identified violations and other documents or copies thereof related to the results of the inspection.

4. The inspection report is drawn up immediately after its completion in two copies, one of which with copies of the attachments is handed over to the manager, other official or authorized representative of the legal entity, individual entrepreneur, his authorized representative against a receipt for familiarization or refusal to familiarize himself with the inspection report. In the absence of the head, other official or authorized representative of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, his authorized representative, as well as in the event of the refusal of the person being inspected to give a receipt for familiarization or refusal to familiarize himself with the inspection report, the act is sent by registered mail with return receipt requested, which is attached to a copy of the inspection report kept in the file of the state control (supervision) body or municipal control body. If there is consent of the person being inspected to interact electronically within the framework of state control (supervision) or municipal control, the inspection report may be sent in the form of an electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the person who drew up this act to the manager, other official or authorized representative legal entity, individual entrepreneur, his authorized representative. In this case, an act sent in the form of an electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the person who drew up this act to the inspected person in a way that provides confirmation of receipt of the specified document is considered received by the inspected person.

5. If in order to draw up an inspection report it is necessary to obtain conclusions based on the results of studies, tests, special investigations, examinations, the inspection report is drawn up within a period not exceeding three working days after the completion of control measures and is handed over to the manager, other official or to an authorized representative of a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur, his authorized representative against receipt or sent by registered mail with return receipt requested and (or) in the form of an electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the person who drew up this act (subject to the consent of the person being inspected to carry out the interaction in electronic form within the framework of state control (supervision) or municipal control), in a way that provides confirmation of receipt of the specified document. In this case, the notification of delivery and (or) other confirmation of receipt of the specified document is attached to a copy of the inspection report kept in the file of the state control (supervision) body or municipal control body.

(see text in the previous edition)

6. If an unscheduled on-site inspection requires coordination with the prosecutor's office, a copy of the inspection report is sent to the prosecutor's office, which decided to approve the inspection, within five working days from the date of drawing up the inspection report.

7. The results of the inspection, containing information constituting state, commercial, official or other secrets, are formalized in compliance with the requirements stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs have the right to keep a log of inspections in a standard form established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

9. In the log book of inspections by officials of the state control (supervision) body, municipal control body, a record is made of the inspection carried out, containing information about the name of the state control (supervision) body, the name of the municipal control body, the start and end dates of the inspection, the time of its conduct , legal grounds, goals, objectives and subject of the inspection, violations identified and orders issued, as well as the surnames, first names, patronymics and positions of the official or officials conducting the inspection, his or their signatures.

10. The audit log must be stitched, numbered and certified by the seal of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur (if there is a seal).

(see text in the previous edition)

11. If there is no inspection log, a corresponding entry is made in the inspection report.

12. A legal entity, individual entrepreneur, whose inspection was carried out, in case of disagreement with the facts, conclusions, proposals set out in the inspection report, or with the issued order to eliminate the identified violations, within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the inspection report, has the right to submit to the relevant government body control (supervision), the municipal control body, in writing, objects to the inspection report and (or) the issued order to eliminate the identified violations in general or its individual provisions. In this case, a legal entity or individual entrepreneur has the right to attach to such objections documents confirming the validity of such objections, or their certified copies, or, within the agreed period, transfer them to the state control (supervision) body, municipal control body. These documents can be sent in the form of electronic documents (a package of electronic documents) signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the person being inspected.

(see text in the previous edition)

The audit report is a sample of this document, which is approved by the audit organization and filled out based on the results of the audit, can be downloaded from the link provided later in the article. Our article also reveals the requirements for this document.

Audit report - in what form is this document issued by the auditor based on the results of the audit?

Based on the results of the audit, the auditor must draw up a written document that reflects all the results of his activities. According to Art. 6 of the Law “On Auditing” dated December 30, 2008 No. 307-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law on Auditing), the official document drawn up for the accounting department of the audited entity is the auditor’s conclusion, which contains an opinion on the reliability of the audited financial statements.

In addition, based on the results of the inspection, a report can be generated containing information about the inspection performed and its results. This form of summarizing information about the audit is mentioned in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of federal rules (standards) of auditing activities” dated September 23, 2002 No. 696, in particular, in the appendix to rule (standard) No. 12, which approves a sample audit letter. The example indicates that in addition to the auditor's report, the inspector may submit a report on deficiencies noted during the audit.

Requirements for the audit opinion and auditor's report

The requirements that the legislator imposes on the content of the audit report are contained in Part 2 of Art. 6 Federal Law on auditing activities. In particular, the document must include the following details:

  • the title written in the center is “Audit Report”;
  • information about the addressee;
  • information about the audited organization (IP): TIN, OGRN, legal and actual address, etc.;
  • audit organization data;
  • a list of accounting or financial statements that are subject to audit, with a mandatory indication of the period for which it is presented;
  • scope of audit;
  • the auditor's opinion on the reliability of the documentation provided;
  • date of document preparation.

The conclusion can only be provided to the organization in which the inspection was carried out, or to the person with whom the contract for the provision of services was concluded.

More detailed information about the audit report is contained in the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation “On approval of federal auditing standards” dated May 20, 2010 No. 46n (hereinafter referred to as order No. 46n). Appendix No. 1 to this order sets out examples of situations in which audit reports were drawn up.

As for the audit report, the legislator does not approve either the requirements for it or the sample document. Taking this fact into account, the audit organization can either approve its form independently or draw up a document in any form. The only requirement for the report is an indication of its relevance to the audit being carried out and the presence of the seal and signature of the auditor.

Audit report - structure of the document and its sample

Despite the fact that the legislator establishes requirements regarding the content of the report and provides samples for drawing up the document (Order No. 46n), audit organizations have the right to develop the form of the report independently, reflecting all the recommendations of the legislator.

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Thus, the conclusion must be drawn up in writing and contain the signatures of not only the auditor, but also the head of the audit organization. In addition, all financial statements that have been audited are attached to it. All papers must be bound, numbered and sealed by the audit organization.

The structure of the conclusion is as follows:

  1. The name of the document is “Audit Report”.
  2. Preamble. All identification information about the audited entity and the audit organization is recorded here. This part also includes a list of documents to be verified.
  3. Responsibility of the parties.
  4. Main part (including the auditor's opinion).
  5. Signatures and seals of the audit organization.

The main task of the auditor when drawing up an opinion is to indicate whether the accounting records of the audited entity comply with the accounting rules, which were approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n. It should be borne in mind that the provisions of the rules that were in force at the time of preparation of the financial statements are applied.

Before issuing an unmodified audit report, the auditor should discuss any errors he finds in the financial statements with the principal of the entity being audited. If a compromise cannot be reached, the auditor should state his comments in the report.

A sample audit report, drawn up taking into account all of the above, can be downloaded from our website.

Types of audit reports

Clause 14 of Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 46n of the Ministry of Finance specifies that the auditor, based on the results of the audit, can make one of the established conclusions. The legislator identifies the following options:

  1. Unconditionally positive conclusion (unmodified). This conclusion is issued if the documents submitted for verification provide a reliable picture of the financial position of the enterprise and the results of its activities. In other words, if all documentation is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the law and the audited entity conducts its activities without violating the provisions of regulations.
  2. Modified conclusion. It is drawn up if, as a result of the inspection, the following circumstances occurred:
    • not influencing the auditor’s opinion, but requiring the attention of the auditee;
    • influencing the auditor's opinion and leading to the drawing up of a qualified opinion, a negative opinion or a refusal to express an opinion on the part of the auditor.

In this case, the modified conclusion may be:

  • with a reservation - in the case when there is no data allowing to express a negative opinion, but there is information that must be communicated to the management of the audited entity in order to avoid subsequent errors in the conduct of economic and financial activities (the conclusion may contain the phrase “except in circumstances”);
  • with a refusal to express an opinion - in the case when the documents submitted for the audit (scope of the audit) do not allow making any objective conclusions about the compliance of accounting with legal requirements;
  • with a negative opinion - in the event that the reservation is not enough to indicate errors in the conduct of financial and economic activities and there are disagreements with the company’s management, which does not admit these errors.

Regardless of what position the auditor takes, the report must contain his opinion. Without this section, the document will not have legal force.

So, the results of the audit must be formalized in the auditor’s report. In this case, the latter also has the right to draw up an inspection report and a certificate of completion of work, which will be appendices to the contract for the provision of services. All comments contained in the auditor’s report must be corrected. The shortcomings set out in the report and act are advisory in nature.

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Appendix No. 2 to rule (standard) No. 33




Conclusion on the results of the review

financial (accounting) statements

"We have conducted a review of the attached financial (accounting) statements of business entity "YYY" for the period from January 1 to December 31, 20(XX) inclusive. The financial (accounting) statements of business entity "YYY" consist of:

balance sheet;

profit and loss statement;

appendices to the balance sheet and profit and loss account;

explanatory note.

Responsibility for the preparation and presentation of these financial (accounting) statements lies with the executive body of the business entity "YYY". Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our review.

We conducted a review in accordance with:

Federal Law “On Auditing Activities”;

Federal Rule (Standard) of Auditing No. 33;

internal rules (standards) of auditing activities (specify the accredited professional association);

rules (standards) of the auditor's audit activities;

regulatory acts of the body that regulates the activities of an economic entity.

The review was planned and performed to obtain limited assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries to the entity's employees and the performance of analytical procedures regarding financial (accounting) statement data, and as a result, it provides less assurance than an audit. We have not conducted an audit and, accordingly, do not express an opinion on the reliability of the financial (accounting) statements and the compliance of the accounting procedure with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In conducting our review, nothing has come to our attention that would cause us to believe that the accompanying financial statements do not present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the business entity as of December 31, 20(XX) and the results of its financial and financial performance. economic activities for the period from January 1 to December 31, 20(XX) inclusive in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the preparation of financial (accounting) statements (and/or indicate documents defining the requirements for the procedure for preparing financial (accounting) statements reporting). "XX" month 20(XX)

The head (or other authorized person) of the audit organization (performing the review) or an individual auditor (last name, first name, patronymic, signature and position).

Head of the review (last name, first name, patronymic, signature, number, type of auditor qualification certificate and its validity period).

Auditor's seal."

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