What skills are needed to an effective leader? Professional qualities and head skills (manager).

Garden technique 12.10.2019
Garden technique

For some reason, most people still think that success depends on the level of professionalism in the profession. From how well you understand in your immediate work, whether you are an engineer, a programmer, a marketer or seamstress. I have one very good friend who somehow said that a good specialist is a public specialist. If you are a professional, but no one knows about it and nobody works with you - what's the point? If you are an excellent specialist, but you can not convince this in this area, a-point about yourself in the market, to publicly inform your ideas to others, then why should others perceive you successful? Often, people who want to realize themselves in society lack not professionalism, and the ability to be an effective leader as in relation to others - to lead or in relation to themselves - to behave and manage their effectiveness.

If you begin to study the subject of lead in more detail, you will find out that instead of the high level IQ, these leaders have a high level of EQ - emotional intelligence. These people may not be able to perform the work of the artist, but they know how to delegate, take responsibility for the result and make decisions. Of course, you must be a professional in your field, but without proper "soft" skills (Soft-Skills), this often will not lead to scaling your success.

In any case, each of us would always like to speak so well, to perform, convince, plan and earn that the competitors are not found on you. Unfortunately, during study in schools and universities, we did not fully gain the skill of self-education, but did what we were told to do. Do you remember at least one thing on which the teacher collected from a group of students expectations from a seminar and really focused on your needs? In general, the education system is built so that a person does not need to think much, and you just need to learn, not to make mistakes - this is a long-known fact. So, by the way, the most dangerous: the existing educational system teaches to be afraid to learn, fear to be wrong, to be afraid to do something wrong, otherwise than others. As a result, most of the population is afraid or does not know how to defend their position and rights, make clear and weighted decisions, analyze the situation (before doing something), well, or the other extreme is to do, and not the years reflect on that It would be worth changing in your life. As a result, very many people faced the fact that for them training is nothing.

In reality, training is an interesting and essential process in the life of every person who wants to make a career and become the best professional in its industry or in its market. In many Russian companies, in contrast to Western, managers still have two thirds of working time anywhere, except for the development of personnel. Successful companies have long implemented a system of learning and development, and mentoring is the most important function of any leader. Without personal development there will be no career development.

This book will help you, being a leader, entrepreneur or employee, understand how to achieve results and its goals faster with the help of continuous professional, personal and personal growth.

What makes it possible to speed up your development?

Consciously choosing certain directions of development, you are starting to pay more attention to situations and actions related to the achievement of the Development Goals favorites. You are deliberately trying to get exactly the experience that is necessary in order to develop in the direction you need. Thus, you do not swim by the flow of life, but moving where you want, using both planned steps and new features arising in your professional activities.

What prevents people to develop:

  • Ignorance where, why and how to develop, blurred and unrealistic plans;
  • Lack of readiness to change something in the current work and life as a whole; the end of the training (webinar / master class / lecture) forget everything that was an hour ago and it is rather just an emotional state than something constructive;
  • Doing only what is good and the fear of being taken for other new tasks and projects;
  • Lack of desire to look for and find time in order to think about their actions and their results;
  • Lack of interest in feedback on the success of its actions.

I have a good acquaintance, let's call him conditionally "Ivan". Ivan 4 years constantly comes to all my master classes, trainings and webinars. Of course, he also visits classes in other projects. A kind of training vampire - freezer. For four years he goes - in four years nothing in his life has not changed. Eternal student. A good example reflecting that it is pointless to go to educational events. There are such familiar or you saw yourself in some of the items, do not worry - this is normal: much of the above is easily corrected and d o-consumably just more intelligently refer to personal development.

And what is actually dangerous all of the above? You spend your time, energy, forces for anything, just not to increase your own effectiveness. I call this approach "Okropim and Pray" - people expose themselves to all trainings in a row without parsing - "I will learn something." Someone stands on site for a long time and loses this time. Someone is just afraid to believe in something more than he has now. Someone simply does not believe that he will have something. Someone spends its time to establish responsibility for their growth for anyone, except for itself (for example, on the teacher, speaker, or mentor). In any case, each person has great amount There are various kinds of problems that prevent him from accelerating their growth (according to the career ladder, in business or where there would be no more). And as soon as a person is aware of what it slows him, he begins to believe in himself, he allows herself to be a greater, takes responsibility for his movement in this life - he immediately begins to notice how he himself begins to jump, as he used to seem Above your head.

And when someone hears when I say "this is this prevents you from developing and growing further. If you introduce this tool here - you can get what you want! ", People are divided into two clans:" Yes, "and" What should I do with this or how to implement? ". How do you understand in this case The right and adequate response of a person with common sense to ask the question "And how can I implement it and that I really need it from this." This is an old story about the fact that the world rules those who ask themselves the question is not "why?", But "how?". How do I achieve more? How can I learn to get what I want? How do I speed up your height? How can i do this?

Here is a very important thought, perhaps the most important in this book: Learn to skill (or strengthen it) setting the issue in front of me "How can I achieve a goal and solve the problem?" Or "How can I strengthen the effect of what I'm doing now?".

Let's see when development occurs:

  • You are striving to develop, get a new experience, to grow professionally;
  • You have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe purpose of your development and a specific development plan;
  • You are ready to get out of the "Comfort Zone" and try not only what is well given to you, but something new, risk;
  • You analyze your actions and their results, are looking for the causes of success and failures in their actions, and not in external circumstances;
  • You are seeking to receive feedback on the success of your actions from colleagues, subordinates, managers or experts from the open market.

Thus, it is necessary to understand one simple truth: if you really want to develop, really know what and why do you go (and formulated it), you see what skills you need to develop and what tools you will use for this, the results will not make you wait.

Top most necessary Soft-Skills competencies

You already had a question: "So why do I develop something in the end?". Let's go to the most interesting - review of the necessary skills portfolio for a business person. In this application, I decided to present you the most popular and well-known skills, which are required to increase the level of personal effectiveness (corporate companion, managers, entrepreneur, official).

There are two types of skills: Soft-Skills and Hard-Skills. The first is socio-psychological skills that will be useful to you in most life situations: communicative, leadership, team, public, "comprehensive" and others. The second is professional knowledge and skills: they will need you at work and in the fulfillment of business processes. For the development of skills, you must select the desired tools (and not one, and two-s). Further in the book I will describe in a book, how to use one or another development tool, whether it is training, reading the literature, visiting webinars or communication with the mentor.

There is another third party question - personality. In this case, I mean the combination of your personal features and attitudes towards the environment, people, success, defeats, goals, and so on. In this version of the book, we will not address this question in detail, but know that no skills will save you if you have a not prepared personality. For example, if you do not respect and do not like your employees, the skill of motivation will not work out until you change the attitude towards employees. It is also impossible to learn how to sell if you do not have respect for your customers, people and our product. Primary is your attitude to things and installation, and the skills are secondary.

You can find many different classifications of skills, and here for simplicity of perception I decided to divide the competencies in four main directions:

  1. Basic communicative skills that help you develop relationships with people, maintain a conversation, effectively behave in critical situations when communicating with others. These skills are needed to all.
  2. Self-management skills: help effectively control their condition, time, processes.
  3. Effective thinking skills: management of processes in the head that help make life and work more systemic.
  4. Management skills that are required to people at the stage when they become the leaders of any business processes and entrepreneurs.


  • the ability to listen
  • belief and argument
  • networking: Building and maintaining business relations
  • negotiation
  • producing a presentation
  • basic sales skills
  • self Preventation
  • public performance
  • teamwork
  • focus on results
  • business letter
  • customer orientation

Control by:

  • emotion management
  • stress management
  • managing Own Development
  • planning and goaling
  • time management
  • Energy / enthusiasm / initiative / perseverance
  • Reflection
  • Using feedback


  • systemic thinking
  • creative thinking
  • structural thinking
  • logical thinking
  • search and analysis of information
  • development and decision-making
  • project thinking
  • tactical and strategic thinking (for managers)

Management skills:

  • managing execution
  • planning
  • setting tasks to employees
  • motivation
  • control of the implementation of tasks
  • mentoring (employee development) - MENTORING, COCHING
  • situation Guide and Leadership
  • maintaining meetings
  • feedback
  • project management
  • change management
  • delegation

Entrepreneurial skills:

When drawing up this list, the idea of \u200b\u200badding also "entrepreneur skills" appeared. Here you can, of course, specify the skills as business planning, financial modeling, and the problems of marketing processes, business promotion skills and reputation management. But since we are mainly talking about Soft-Skills, I came to this decision: the entrepreneur has (ideally, of course) with all the same skills listed. You may seem that in this case he lacks only X-ray vision and the ability to fly, and perhaps you will be right. In this model, an entrepreneur is the perfect example of a super-person, pumped up by the most necessary skills. Without them, he will stumble at different stages of business development. If you teach the entrepreneur to promote the Internet, but not to teach to sell and negotiate - everything will end in deplorable. He simply will not be able to build communication with customers, and perhaps even with partners, and colleagues. Most businesses rushed not because the entrepreneur did not find the idea (ideas do not cost anything else - most of the ideas for business have long come up with), and I could not implement it because of the shortage of personal competencies.

General rules for development

  • Make your training and development of a continuous process: get a new experience, meet new professionals, take more complex tasks, use new tools in life and, most importantly: do it all the time.
  • Learn to effectively plan and streamline your development.
  • Come to your own development: use different development and training formats.
  • Treat the surrounding information with curiosity: Explore the business processes around you, constantly recognize about new trends, interest the achievements in your areas of interest. Curious and inquisitive people are interesting, successful, exciting, fascinating and open!
  • Develop skills gradually: Choose exactly those directions that will truly help you seek success in your work, study or business.
  • Take yourself in the habit read the literature and information resources in your area every day, constantly increasing the level of expertise. Increase it not only in professional areas, but also in the field of personal, personal effectiveness.
  • Develop your personal and professional skills while working, constantly taking on new tasks and projects;
  • Find people who you want to learn and from which you would like to take an example (both personal and professional plan).
  • Learn to effectively use feedback coming to you (the reaction of others to your actions or inaction) and determine its value.
  • Use the possibilities of alternative education organizations in the city to the maximum: attend all useful and interesting activities for you: master classes, trainings, seminars. Define their quality and level of speakers in advance.

Individual development plan

In general, people are rather characteristic of chaoticism in many respects. Often they take steps, not ordining, without understanding the system as a whole, simply using individual elements and tools. For example, go to different events, but cannot compile a single picture. Or trying to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle, but very partly: eat healthy food, but do not use aerobic loads; They try to learn something, but do not quite understand how to live further, and in general, for which it was all.

In order for training is really effective (as well as any other activity, project management, for example), it is necessary to effectively put a goal and plan the process. I will tell you about how to do it.

Most importantly: take responsibility for your own development. Do not shift responsibility for teachers at the university, coaches in the training center and speakers in business incubators.

  • Make up your development plan for three months, half a year, year. Watch on your development with the back for future your goals in life, business or career.
  • In the plan, determine the three most important items:
    • What will you develop - goals (for this, analyze all barriers to your life or business goals, request feedback from authoritative and reference people);
    • That you will develop - competences / skills (select the skills you need to achieve your goals);
    • As you will develop - development tools (select suitable development tools);
  • Find a reference person who can give you constructive feedback to IPR: will be able to confirm the skills and help with the choice of developing actions.
  • Clearly fix how to evaluate the results for each tool and for each target. Penit your goal on the available and the well-known SMART system. When the goal was formulated, ask yourself the following questions for which you definitely have to be able to answer: "Is my goal specifically? Do I understand what it is expressed? "," How do I understand, did I achieve the goal? How do I measure the result? "Is the target adequate? Will I really really achieve it at the specified time? "Is it really necessary to achieve this goal?", "When I want to get the result? (year, month, day).
  • Be sure to schedule different developing actions (hereinafter referred to as they are described in detail): Training and master classes, development in the workplace (or on projects), self-development and reading of literature, menteorking: Training from others and others.
  • Clearly understand what and when it should be done: install the exact framework of the execution of all tasks that you will perform all the developing events that will visit.
  • Select intermediate control points to regularly (at least 3-4 weeks) to monitor the results and (if necessary), adjust your IPR.
  • Store the compiled plan always in the nearest access to contact him at least once a week.
  • Lay the process of mastering new skills so that you have the opportunity to work out each of them. Do not go to the next element until the previous is not mastered. For one reception, you can learn only one element of a complex skill or method of behavior.

Methods of development of skills

Moscow was not built in a day. As well as your results on those skills you want to purchase. Below I described how to effectively use development methods. Trainings and seminars are the development of models of successful behavior in the process of various training events.

Self learning - Independent study of information on models of successful behavior. Here we can attribute both reading of literature, and an independent study of different materials (articles, blogs, train manuals), listening to webinars.

Search for feedback - receiving feedback from colleagues, managers, mentors and experts from the open market on the success of their behavior in the aspect of a particular skill.

Training on the experience of others and Metsking - Allocation of models of successful behavior in the work of a person who has a high level of development of this competence and work with a mentor.

Special tasks (Background Training) - Independent exercises, developing certain competencies, bringing into you selected personal qualities or, on the contrary, disposing of bad habits.

Development in the process - Search and mastering more efficient behaviors when solving tasks included in your professional functionality.

  • Be sure to follow the balance: you need to develop professional knowledge and skills, but do not forget that most of the success in the market depends on what you, and not only from how well you know something or know how to in the professional field. There are people - excellent professionals and masters of their business, but no one knows about it, or no one wants to admit it.
  • Choose to oscillation skills (a list of four categories above) you need for development in the near future (a month - three months).
  • In order to make it effectively, be sure to assess your level of possession of one or another skill (just be honest with yourself) before you say exactly from the series: "That's what I need it!"
  • Secure the maximum of 2-3 skills and clearly understand what results you want to achieve.
  • For each skill, choose not one, and at least 2-3 development tools. Always combine ways to develop skills: collect feedback, take new tasks and leave the comfort zone, read books. Combining skills will allow you to achieve results faster and make them better.
  • If you notice that developing actions do not have a proper effect, you analyze why it happens, and make the necessary changes either into the plan, or in your way to perform it.
  • You do not cancel the developing actions completely. If their execution is impossible, you replace them on equivalent.
  • If you don't have any idea about the skill, but in some way they realized that it is here that he needs you, then first find out the most details (books, trainings and master classes, articles, blogs) about what exactly it is And expressed. After that, start applying other methods of its development.
  • Use this method:
    • if you need basic knowledge and skills that will continue to develop and be used in life and work;
    • if you understand the need to streamline those knowledge that already possess.
    Not always coaches and experts give new information, but often you can significantly increase the level of awareness of what and how you do, and, therefore, you can learn to predict the results of the use of a tool.
  • If you want to get new expert information on the skill of interest, it will be necessary to check the organizers and coach (expert) whether it will be said that you need to know what the occupation is designed to know what level of participants. Very often there may be a situation when you come to the training for newcomers (possessing any expertise on the topic) and in this case do not receive special benefits for yourself, and many are trying to show their discontent or extreme degree of indignation. By the way, in such a situation, if you fell into it, I recommend spending time with benefit and pleasure: to share my experience with other participants, conquer reference, trust and receive new contacts.
  • In the case of the opposite of the previous point - when we hit the event with strong and already experienced participants - I recommend maximizing the process, do not be shy, remember that learning is needed in order to make a mistake and recognize the new one. You must focus and include maximum curiosity and interested in what you are not clear.
  • Visiting trainings and master classes put specific learning goals during the program and in front of it. Be sure to answer your questions: "What do you want to start doing better after the training?", "What do you want to know and what do you want to practice?"
  • Do not count on the training you will have a skill. You can learn something, streamline or practice in something and get skill. The skill will appear only when you apply in practice what was mentioned in the training.
  • Take an active position: The task of the coach is to help during the development of the skill, to correct what is not immediately managed, but not to form skill for you.
  • Observe the training culture: do not shout on the entire audience that you are the smartest. On each training and master class there is an opportunity to learn new, learn new, structuring the old, update the knowledge portfolio. Find for yourself.
  • Try new actions in various practical situations outside the training. Ask questions to coach if something has not happened in working practice. When the training is over, it will be harder to ask.
  • Visiting trainings, remember that the work goes in artificial situations specifically selected for training. The problems arising in real life are much more complicated and versatile. However, try to model your behavior from real life and work.
  • All the techniques studied at the training are not worth a penny without further work out in real life.
  • Immediately after the training or master class, write 2-3 points that you will apply in life from the date of exiting the hall.

Metsking and learning from others

  • Always find people who you can learn something new or learn about something new. You can be quite competent in any question, but remember that there is always something to learn. In Russia, people believe that training ends at the university and with age the mind of a person is becoming increasingly conservative and institutions, if it does not leave the comfort zone and does not seek to know the new one.
  • Find two types of mentors - mentors: who know that they are your mentors and who do not even suspect about it. Those who know: Communicate with them periodically, ask complex and interesting questions (you can specify more simple in colleagues and expert friends in one direction or another). Those who do not know that they are your mentors: watch them, adopt their behaviors, study their history, their ups and falls, their successes and mistakes, cases, improve their skills based on how they use their own.
  • You can find mentors at professional events (among speakers and visitors of conferences, forums, round tables, trainings, master classes, workshops).
  • Be sure to study the history of the success of the chosen mentor: what he walked and what he came to.
  • Mentors are different: it can be a 60-year-old businessman from the USA, and maybe a 28-year-old entrepreneur who achieved certain success where you are now developing. Do not break to learn from young experts.
  • Do not count that the mentor will do work for you.
  • If you need something - ask it. If you need feedback - ask her. If you need coaching - ask him. If you need a consultation or instruction - tell me about it. Do not be offended if you have done work or exercise and did not get Fidbeck. Your development is your responsibility.
  • When you watch the authority, try to watch what you like what and how he does: how he says, with what speed, how tone, as thinks. Try to understand why so, and not different.
  • Quite most of what I learned - I learned when observing someone and copying individual elements of his behavior. Believe me - it helps.
  • We interact as often and jointly work with more competent colleagues and partners who have the qualities and skills that you strive to develop.
  • S advise with them in the course of the execution of the selected type of work, request specific recommendations.
  • Contact them with specific requests that meet your development goals. Ask to tell: how they perform a specific work - on the examples; What are their small practical success secrets, know-how; Where and how they learned to do it, that helped them learn.
  • Ask experts to give advice: how to purchase the necessary skills.
  • Watch their work, for specific actions that they are carried out in typical and critical situations. Record valuable ideas and practical moves.
  • Refill, fix and try on your own experience practical subtleties and work techniques - in particular, those that are most effective for you.
  • You will be surprised, but: understand what you are more or less good, and find yourself the ward. The most effective way to learn something is to start teaching others.

Parable about bird and sage

Once a sage bought a bird in the bazaar. Anticipating a delicious lunch, he headed home. Suddenly the bird spoke.

Do not kill me, "she said," in exchange for freedom, I will give you three valuable advice. Thinking, the old man agreed.

First advice: Never belight what seems to you Chushye. Second: Soberly rate your strength and never understand the case, to succeed in which you have little chance. Finally, the third advice: never regret your good good.

After listening to the bird, the sage let her go. But, felt on the tree, she screamed:

You are a fool! Yesterday I swallowed the diamond, and if it would not be your gullibility, and you would get rich!

Having angry, the old man climbed onto the tree, but, without keeping, broke and fell. Bird flew to him.

You listened to my advice and as if I even understood them, but as it came to the case, I did quite differently. Well, tell me why I need to swallow diamond? And didn't you understand that in such a reveal age you can't get on the tree? And you forgot about the generosity at once, as soon as greed spoke in you. With these words, she flew away, leaving the sage lying on the ground.

Conclusion: Many of the fact and then make this mistake. They are advised to proven experts to make the right choice, but in the end, they are overcome overly optimistic people with a rich imagination. Unreasonable optimism awakens greed, and this is too strong feeling.


  • Read the literature on the selected topic. We write out the most important ideas, especially those related to the development goal and the specifics of work. Correct based on their own development program.
  • Try to master the basic speed skills: this is a very useful tool that helps read and perceive more literature in a short time.
  • In writing, analyze your own life and professional experience, relevant goals, highlighting trends and individual useful moves.
  • Consider similar and / or comparable situations that ended with success or, on the contrary, failure, specifically highlighting the actions that led to success, the actions that prevented its achievement.
  • Refuse to perform actions leading to failure.
  • Apply new approaches, methods, ideas that you learned, in non-working situations for training.
  • There are a large number of different resources that allow you to obtain practically free access to all current business literature, such as the bookmate application. Knowledge as such is impaired, almost every topic you can find an infinite number of webinars, online courses and literature.
  • After reading each useful in your opinion, articles or books must either make Mine Map, or fix the main useful findings and thoughts that can immediately be used in practice.

Using feedback

Feedback (hereinafter referred to as OS) can be called a person's response to your actions or inactivity. Recently, many are waiting for others and request feedback, while at the same time, belonging to it or in the format of "CSO, it is necessary to immediately implement!" Or "what are you saying? Go with your feedback, I myself know how much better. " As you understand, neither the first nor the second option will help you effectively implement the information obtained or, on the contrary, refuse to implement. There is an important rule: responsibility for whether you are taking feedback or reject it, lies on you. You can listen, but you can just say a man "Thank you!" And postpone information in the "bottom box". Remember: Any feedback is very subjective and a person giving it gives it through the prism of his experience and his painting of the world. It is clear that your paintings of the world may differ.

  • Get feedback regularly.
  • The most important thing is: collect and positive, and negative feedback ("vector of development"). You become stronger by strengthening your strengths, not weak. If you are asking only negative feedback, but forget about what you get, you lose a huge opportunity to continue to do it consciously and strengthen your capabilities and potential. And yet, ask to note the parties requiring further development.
  • Request feedback in people who qualitatively perform this or that work or really possess the skill that you develop.
  • Use the response from your mentor to the maximum, but do not forget to receive it from other specialists.
  • Again with an expert before starting the / observation, what exactly you want to get feedback so that you can fix the elements of behavior in the course of work. For example, ask the coach or colleague before your performance to post for how you work with the audience on the stage so that he can later give you about this particular request.
  • Get feedback on actions from different sides and points of view (from people performing different roles: subordinates, colleagues, manuals, customers; from people of different types: more and less critical, more and less similar to you, etc.) .
  • Thank you for feedback.
  • Do not argue with feedback. If you do not agree with her, just tell me "Thank you, I heard you and understood." Remember that feedback is subjective and justifying oneself in front of a person who gives the OS space.
  • If you are not very clear what the man giving you the OS, then ask him a few clarifying questions. For example, he says that you are too self-confident (or vice versa, uncertainly) behave. Ask him to bring an example of situations where you have shown (or have not shown) this quality. You can ask what exactly what he says what he says. In general, try to receive OS according to your de y-stem, and not abstractly by your personality.
  • Throw the feedback received, draw conclusions and use them by performing the task next time. For example, you can write feedback on your public speech and repeat it for half an hour before the next sleep.

Development in the process of performing new tasks

  • Work in the "zone of the nearest development": take part in projects that are more difficult for definition than those tasks for which you get competence.
  • Choose short-term projects as developing (no more than a year, and better up to 3 months).
  • Look for such projects, for the successful execution of which it is the qualities that you strive to develop.
  • Comprehend the developing experience in the application of knowledge and skills to be further improved.
  • Do not be afraid of unexpected, atypical situations: they become the source of the most valuable developing experience.
  • Do not use this development method in projects that have high importance to business. In these cases, the error price will be too high.
  • At the same time, the developing project should be the necessary and useful company, otherwise you will not have the motivation to spend time on it, seriously make efforts and overcome yourself.
  • Over time, and considering your capabilities, expand the range of tasks you decide.
  • Apply the new methods for you and ideas in the course of learning, self-learning, feedback, learning on the experience of others and in the course of participation in educational projects. Do it regularly.
  • Till every new idea at least three times - this will not refuse the useful idea ahead of time.
  • Choose the safest situations to work out new techniques.
  • Think over what and why it is possible, and what is not completely. Posted conclusions with the following attempts.
  • Try to find yourself a mentor within the company represented by the head or corporate coach - they will help to systematize work if necessary or will give solutions to problems that you would receive, spending more time.

Background tasks

There is still a wonderful tool: background tasks. You take on a day or two or three, some duty to comply with a specific rule. For example, you want to form an image of a self-confident man: go for two or three days with a highly raised chin and a straight back. Burn, so to speak, to the role of a confident person. Or you learned that often during negotiations or ordinary communication with friends starting their conversation with the word "no", and it prevents achieving goals in communication. For two to three days you start the answer to the question of any person with the word "yes", even if you express the opposite position to your interlocutor. Well, so on.

That is your task: to find something that you want to develop in yourself (or what you want to get rid of), and within a few days concentrated exclusively on it.

And here is an important point: if you have violated the rule, then pay a person amount (10-50-100 rubles - no matter). If you promised yourself all day, do not say the words "no", then for each violation, pay someone who said "no" 50 rubles. If they promised to walk all day only with a straight back, but violated the promise - 50 rubles. They promised to formulate thoughts to maximize one or two sentences, and as a result, speak half an hour - 50 rubles. Etc. I was disappeared even from the most bad habits within 3-4 days of the background task. I was pretty unpleasant to spread the money. Although it is better to perceive as an investment.

What is important if you decide to work with this tool:

  • Be honest. If you woke up in the morning and committed themselves, be sure to follow it. Do not regret yourself or pronounce and postpone on then.
  • Take background tasks when you have time and the ability to perform them. If you have very important negotiations today, you can take the task for a while, but after renewing it again.
  • You can imagine the background task yourself. How to do it? You take the quality from which you want to get rid or who want to buy. Next, you think that you can stop doing (or on the contrary to start) from the next morning and until the moment until you fall to sleep. How can you follow this rule, and what will you sacrifice when you break it?
  • When you understand that the task is easy, complicate it. For example, if you can start an argument with a person with a consent within a few days, and then bend your line, then learn how to follow your gestures and facial expressions: navigate only positively, and not negatively.
  • Find a person who helps to abide by them rules. It may be your friend, a good familiar or colleague.

Every day we are faced with different tasks and problems that need to be addressed. Every day, month, quarter, year. Sometimes we resort to help people who either help us solve the problem with the help of tips and recommendations, or to people who help us solve the problem, simply asking for polls (they know how to do it) and you find decisions yourself. The first is, rather, consultants. Second - Cuchi. Surely you faced the situation when we communicated with a person, they were pronounced about their problems, but until all this information was structured and you suddenly (maybe with a couple of questions from the interlocutor) found a solution to the problem and as a result there was a feeling of lightness: cheers, I came up with And I realized how to solve the problem. It was so?

You can and yourself be coach. Self-alling skill helps competently independently ask themselves the questions and the very same R E-crying problems faster and more efficiently. This also applies to business difficulties and career, and in everyday life. This also applies to everyday issues and problems that have been tormented by years. Sometimes 30 minutes of analysis is enough to solve the problem. In addition, unlike consulting, where responsibility for the decision lies with the consultant, in the coaching you take responsibility for the decision on yourself. Therefore, further, if you can't solve the problem, you will be a bit angry, for shifting responsibility on others, on me, on the family, on the boss, on a partner or a competitor will not work.

And one more very interesting fact: there is always a solution to any problem you already have. If you know and remember this, then you just have to find this solution in yourself.

Here are a few questions that will help you "include your head":

  • What is the problem?
  • Why do I think this is a problem?
  • Why is this question important for me? What will I get, deciding it?
  • And how do I want to be? How do I see the perfect result?
  • What will I decide this task / problem in perspective?
  • How can I see the result of my actions or goals?
  • What can I do to achieve the goal?
  • Who or what can I help in achieving the goal?
  • What I have not tried to achieve the goal?
  • How can I strengthen my results?
  • What are the risks and, what can I do with them? How can I get the most effective result?
  • What will I do tomorrow or today to achieve results?
  • Do I understand that responsibility for the implementation of these steps to me?

Ideally, of course, at first, the coach is needed to help. Even the coaching has its own coaches - it helps it very much. Coach motivates and helps to find a solution. Find a coach, once a week or three times a month Meet him: he will help you answer questions, plan your further work on myself or a project, will send your thinking to the right channel, will help structure the available information in the head, and will support Sincerely believe in your success!

Examples of skills

In this part of the book, I will give examples of perfectly developed Soft-Skills for the competencies so that you can evaluate yourself and understand which of them you need to develop and what to do focus. I will present you the competences that we consider, study in detail and practice the program "Open Soft-Skills Program for Career & Business" and will give them several examples of what they specifically appear. If you ask you to evaluate the skill of sales or setting the tasks to the employee, then surely you will need time to think about, and by what criteria you will evaluate the efficiency and development of skill. In the professional community, these manifestations of the skill are called "behavioral indicators". How can you use it? Check out the skills and appreciate your possession on a five-point scale.

I can help a little: it is important not to overestimate and not underestimate. Try to most honestly answer yourself - at what level you have one or another competence. Next, you can use it for the most effective compilation of your individual development plan, which was mentioned above.

Basic communication

What is the meaning of the skill: effectively ensure two-way exchange of information in their own interests and interests of the interlocutor.

  • You always understand the purpose of each communication (and your own, and the interlocutor)
  • Carefully and with interest in the interlocutor
  • Structuring the information provided by common to the individual, from the problem to solve
  • Rely in communication for your own interests and interests of the interlocutor
  • Adjust your non-verbal manifestations during communication, understand the non-verbal feedback of the interlocutor and change the communication strategy depending on the information received
  • Adapt the style of communication under the level of the interlocutor
  • During communication, you hold visual contact with the interlocutor
  • Interested in interlocutors and involve the topic of the proposed topic
  • Build a conversation on the principle of dialogue: Specify questions, listen to the interlocutor, comment.
  • Effectively apply active hearing techniques
  • Clearly and in the case formulating answers to questions of the interlocutors

Skills for the development and maintenance of business relations (non-Metoging)

Meaning: Know how to build long-term trustworthy relations with partners and customers.

Ideal manifestations of competence:

  • Effectively install contact with the interlocutor, regardless of the situation and social status of the interlocutor
  • Capable constructively, interesting and quickly make self-presentation
  • Know how to support the conversation in any situation
  • Effectively looking for spheres of interests of the interlocutor and the possibility of interaction
  • Determine the features of the interlocutor and in accordance with this adapt their communication and behavior
  • Constantly support communication with already installed contacts
  • Use any opportunity to expand its business contacts
  • Always looking for the opportunity to find ways to assist in the rice of the tasks of the interlocutor
  • Structuring the purchased contacts and know how to use them
  • Focus on the strategy "to give, less to take" and "Win-Win".

Persuasion and arguments

Meaning:effectively achieve the goals of the goals in controversial issues, while maintaining and strengthening relations with the interlocutors.

Ideal manifestations of competence:

  1. Confers the point of view of the interlocutors and adequately react to them
  2. Reach your goals, taking into account the objectives of opponents
  3. Choose an optimal behavior strategy for dispute, as directed to achieving goals
  4. Inspire confidence in the significance of your arguments
  5. Use reference resources when argued
  6. Disclosure the essence of the problem and effectively present the proposed solutions
  7. Use the "invisible" strategy of the dispute: do so that the interlocutor does not notice the process of persecution
  8. Create communication to compromise or mutually beneficial solutions and generate win-win matters to achieve agreement.
  9. Adequately react to the presence of other people from other points of view and know how to apply the information received

Conflict Management

Meaning: Control their condition in conflict and stressful situations, finding and implementing the most optimal solution that satisfies the solution of all parties to the conflict.

Ideal manifestations of competence:

  1. Quickly recognize the approach of the conflict situation and take measures to dispose of the conflict
  2. If conflict occurs, discuss possible solutions and is looking for ways of reconciliation with opponents
  3. Choose the necessary and optimal behavior strategy in conflict (care, compromise, cooperation, concessions)
  4. Stay open to solving conflict situations, do not take defensive position
  5. Do not avoid conflict, and approach it with all determination and rationality
  6. Encourage opponents openly discuss acute and conflict questions
  7. Take into account the facts, and not loud arguments or emotional outbreaks
  8. Eliminate contradictions between people with the help of beliefs, diplomacy and logic, do not go to the individual
  9. Use the tools of "Psychological Aikido" to settle conflict escalation prevention situations
  10. Strive to eliminate conflicts in such a way that after that it could be saved productive relationships

Skills planning and time management

Meaning: Planning the most efficiently and distribute your time.

Ideal manifestations of competence:

  1. Arrange priorities for tasks in accordance with their importance and urgency, focusing efforts on the most important
  2. Strive for minimizing time killers in its schedule
  3. Regularly and systemically follow the scheduled schedule
  4. Bending in the planning of its time: when tough need is able to adapt their schedule without a strong loss of task performance
  5. Effectively delegate tasks (which is possible to delegate) and control the course of their execution
  6. Skill use planning tools, such as network schedule and "Gantt chart".
  7. When planning, you skillfully use the SMART tool: check the goals and tasks for concreteness, measurability, the real possibility of its achievement, relevance and exactly fix the time frame.
  8. Effectively use the tools for planning and distribution of time (diary, outlook or google calendar and so on).
  9. Respect the time of other people.

Working with information and decision making

Meaning: Take timely and optimal solutions based on analytical work.

Ideal manifestations of competence:

  1. Allocate objective criteria that the solution must meet
  2. Collect the necessary information about the problem. Use several different reliable sources for this.
  3. Determine which information is not enough for a clear mention of the situation
  4. We systematize with the collapsed information, effectively represents it in the form of graphs, diagrams, schemes
  5. Qualitatively analyze the collected information and allocate all the factors affecting the problem. Set priorities, determine which factors are most significant, and what can be neglected.
  6. Evaluate possible risks and consequences of the selected solutions
  7. After the final decision and its introduction, analyze its consequences - how successful was the decision, whether all the significant factors were taken into account that it was necessary to make otherwise or change in the future.
  8. Knowledge to consider and evaluate the situation, problems, risks and solutions from different positions and levels of perception.
  9. Effectively build a causal relationship
  10. In stress and stunt - situations, make decisions on the basis of available data and facts, and not just emotions.

Leadership and teamwork

Meaning: Create a medium in which differences between people are encouraged and healthy competition is welcomed, ensuring the best results for the team.

Ideal manifestations of competence:

  • Working in the team before you start work, offer colleagues to agree on the goals and standards of collaboration, and also distribute roles (perform the initiator of role distribution).
  • Job with other team members, the most common difficulties in cooperation. Determine which rules, regulations, agreements will help to avoid them. Immediately introduce adopted rules.
  • We assume the role of organizing command cooperation: structuring the work of the group, follow the compliance with the rules, activate low-effective colleagues. Hold your leadership role until the task is solved or use the most comfortable (but constructive) role for yourself and perform it consciously.
  • In the event of competition in the team, remind colleagues about team purposes, help the competing parties to show their ambitions constructively.
  • If disagreements arise, inform the opponent about your interests, ask questions that clarify what needs for the position declared by it, offer several options for solving the problem, declare your desire to find a mutually beneficial solution.
  • Mark your emotional reactions to individual features / manifestations of other team members. Do not show negative emotions to their address. Determine for yourself exactly such a person, with such features, it turns out to be useful for the team.
  • Assess your impact on other team members not only in cases where you are the leader, but then, when you are an ordinary member of the team.
  • Pay more attention to your participation in group discussions (statements, presentation of your own point of view, the reaction to the opinions of others, etc.), in which you are not a leader.

Basic sales and negotiation skills

Meaning: Sell \u200b\u200bproducts, services, ideas and solutions with an emphasis on the interests and needs of customers / interlocutors successfully answering all questions and objections.

Ideal manifestations of competence:

  • Effectively install and maintain contact with any type of client
  • Skillfully identify the problems and needs of the partner even in a situation where the partner declares its commitment to competitors or a negative attitude to the company and its products. Continue the process of identifying and developing needs in a situation of work with permanent / "old" partners.
  • Clearly and consistently build the argument and presentation of the product, in accordance with the rule of "Property-benefits". Presentation, use not only standard moves, flexibly adapt the presentation to the reaction of the partner, supporting attention and interest in its offer.
  • Anticipate objections and minimize the possibility of their occurrence.
  • In the event of an objection, they are correctly classified and answering them in accordance with their type of \\ cause. True responding to common objections. Find an answer to complex and non-standard objections, on the objections of "difficult partners".
  • Complete a visit to the partner with a clear agreement on further joint steps. Get consent to concrete actions from the partner. Specify the timing and details.
  • Carry out regular monitoring and monitoring the implementation of agreements, both on its part and on the partner.
  • In communication with the partner, indicate the long-term perspective of possible interaction and inspire confidence from the potential client.
  • Support and develop relationships with existing customers, constantly determining and closing their new emerging needs.
  • Skillfully determine emotional levels in communicating with a partner and adapt the sales process based on the information about the client and its condition.

Public speeches and presentations

Meaning: We demonstrate confident training skills for a public speech, involving the audience and holding the attention of participants, know how to create and conduct dynamic, efficient and constructive performances.

Meaning: Signally use project management tools in any activity, focusing on the balance of quality, costs and timing.

Ideal manifestations of competence:

  • Take into account the interests of all those interested in the project, the definition of key factors for further project planning.
  • Forming key requirements for the results and works of the project and know how to coordinate them with the customer, create a structured and ordered technical task.
  • Planning a project work in accordance with priorities using a network schedule, a Ganta chart and other tools.
  • Prerequisite possible risks and methods for their minimization
  • Select the project team in accordance with the requirements of the project and the distribution of works within the team
  • Build effective communication with the project interested in the project.
  • Imagine the results of the project to the customer and analysis of the project results


In conclusion, I would like to remind the following, in my opinion, the most important thoughts:

  • Your height is your responsibility.
  • Find yourself a mentor.
  • Learn to spend your free time for self-development.
  • Constantly take on new projects, interesting tasks and come out of the comfort zone.
  • Read the business literature that you will be useful at a particular time interval and go to those events that match your career and business goals.
  • Be sure: if you introduce at least a tenth share of what is written in this mini-book, the results will not wait to wait.


The principle of the head of the head.

Among the specialists in the field of management there are several points of view on the principles of the selection of managers. The difference in approaches is based on the features of the response of various specialists on the question: "Good leaders are born or can they be raised (trained)?" On this basis, three main approaches to the principles of choosing a manager can be distinguished:

* qualitative;

* situational;

* functional.

A qualitative approach suggests that the congenital personal qualities of a person play a decisive role in the ability to be the leader. For example, some people can take the initiative, courage, speed of reaction, intelligence, humor, and combination of these and other traits makes them recognized leaders.

Most of these character traits are congenital and in the future only develop and polish. Thus, a qualitative approach suggests that the leader is born and they must be sought, and not to teach.

Situational approach. According to this approach, the leader creates the situation. Each situation is characterized by some set of tasks requiring solutions, as well as specific organizational and functional circumstances. All this defines the qualities that the leader must have in this situation. A person who mostly has the required qualities is put forward to the role of the leader. To some extent, this is true for the so-called "informal" leaders extended by the medium, but contradicts the practice of the work of "formal" managers who effectively manage the group in any situations.

The functional approach is currently the most common. It is based on the fact that any group is considered as a single team with a common goal that is not achievable individually. In order for the group to work as a single command, it is necessary to implement some mandatory functions that contribute to the association and cohesion of the Group. These functions must implement one person - the head. The term "functions" is used here in a broad sense and includes duties, behavior, etc. Many functions are quite well formalized and you can train them. Thus, control is not only art, but also to a large extent craft, which can be learned. It should be noted that this approach does not contradict the high-quality approach, since a person with a number of useful innate qualities can faster to learn and further be a more efficient leader of a large scale.

Functions of the team leader.

The functions that the team leader must perform, regardless of its level, include:

Definition of goals and objectives;

Distribution of tasks between members of the group;

Definition of responsibilities and discuss them with each employee;

Control and discussion of the implementation of individual and group tasks;

Motivation of employees;

Encouraging cooperation and cooperation within and outside the group;

The creation of a favorable moral and psychological situation in the group;

Solving problems and decision making;

Encouraging employee initiatives, accounting for their views, opinions, ideas;

Creating conditions for working with complete dedication;

Discipline, if necessary.

The list above does not exhaust the function of the head, but demonstrates their latitude. All these features are based on common business skills: the ability to convince, communicate, take into account the features of the nature of others, teach, demonstrate their competence, etc. Together with this there are specific skills that must be owned by the leader. These include skills:


distribution of work;


support and motivation;


assessment results.

Consider these skills in more detail.

Planning. This feature is to determine the target installations and tasks of the group, as well as in determining the effective strategy to achieve goals. The result of this stage should be a detailed action plan necessary to achieve the goal.

Objectives, strategy and plans create a sense of perspective for the group and are a basis for assessing the degree of progress towards the goal. This is one of the most important functions of the head. He should be able to remove from operational tasks ("Teaching") and look into the future. The head should know at every moment, where the group is that it should be at the current moment, in the nearest and distant future.

Distribution of tasks between group members. When the plan is designed, it needs to be discussed in detail with the group. The main task of this stage to make each member of the Partner group, co-author of the plan. The greatest effect will be in the event that employees will perceive the plan as "their", not the leader. Listen carefully and appreciate all ideas, keep in terms of all reasonable suggestions, use your art to convince dissenters. Then coordinate with each employee its individual task and approve the plan in final form with the fixation of temporary and functional reference points.

Control. After the start of work on individual tasks, the head must control this process and manage it, including the disciplining of those who need it. In addition, it is a coordinator when performing interrelated, integrated works, acts as a mediator in conflicts between members of the Group, solves controversial issues. The functions of motivation and encouragement of employees during this period are very important, creating an atmosphere of confidence in success, cultivating good business relations and a favorable psychological climate.

Support and motivation. The head must support members of his group. People work better when they feel that their individual contribution to the general case is noticed and appreciated by the head and group as a whole. If any of the employees have personal problems, the head must know them and help them cope with them. To do this, you need to know the personal features of each employee, its aspiration, motivation, ability, feelings, interests. The head can achieve this, conducting regular individual interviews with employees, on the other hand, such conversations, as a rule, increase the loyalty of the Group as a whole to their leader.

Informing. When the circumstances change, the emergence of new information relating to the Group's activities, the head must report it to all its members. The dragging of any information leads to the spread of gossip, which will inevitably affect the group's cohesion. Generally important information openness in the group. The manager should not only inform external information, but also receive it from the group members. The head must welcome the proposals and critical comments of the group members, while demonstrating that this information is important and useful for him.

Evaluation of results. The head must continuously evaluate the results of the work of each employee and the Group as a whole, from the point of view of the implementation of the plan. If it seems that the plan will not be fulfilled, it is necessary to submit a group of proposals for its change or even completely change the strategy for achieving goals.

After the group reached his goals, it is necessary to evaluate which elements of the plan were successful, and which are not. Such estimates will be useful in the future when performing new tasks.

The functional approach is based on the assumption that the leader is a multilaterally developed individual who owns a wide range of business skills and has certain personal qualities: decisiveness, confidence, a developed sense of humor, etc., and on the basis of this enjoys respecting the group. At the same time, it is important to note that simply appointing the position of the head does not make a person leader. On the other hand, it is not enough to simply have the necessary skills and human qualities.

Leadership is more than just the sum of the names of the factors. For the head, it is very important to conquer the confidence of the group and get recognition of its leadership by all members of the group.

Ministry of Education of Ukraine Pavlograd College

economics and Management

Department ""


On the topic: “ ”

By discipline:


student Group FD-16

Boychenko V.V.




The transitional period from the role of an employee to the role of the manager can stretch for life. Errors of efficient management team can be formed at any time of your management career, read how not to get stuck in the transition period and practice new habits.

In the life of each of us, who has already become a professional managers, was that solemn moment when the appointment for the first time was appointed to the position of the head. And this second our heart was happily borrowed from a pleasant excitement, the sounds of ovations were swept in the head and the victory images arose before her eyes.

At that time, we overstected the next career line and became among the managers, i.e. Those who should manage business processes and teams of employees. I consciously use the word "must", and not "knows", because in one night after signing the order for the appointment to the leading position, no one has yet been able to become a professional managers. Yes, each of us has already been completed by this time, well-organized events, the best results, we were competent in some issues at the expert level, but this is not enough, it's like "Pen's test", it started. Ahead of each of us was to have a long way to date, sometimes in a lifetime, and someone has only for a couple of months. Someone returned back, and someone went far ahead. Everyone has its own route.

  • those who are seriously interested in the art of managing themselves and other people;
  • those who are just starting their first steps in the management position;
  • those who have been managed by the staff of the staff for no first year.

So, together with the appointment, a new period of life comes to a new position, as if life was divided into before and after.

What is changing?

Change the priorities of goals. It does not immediately become clear that the main goal in the work will now be not personal achievements, but to ensure the process of achieving success by other people. And now questions of building an effective team will come to the fore, and hot passions, military battles, healthy and not healthy competition will be boiled around, and unnecessary tips, etc. and all these events need to be managed. Much to learn. Someone will be lucky and there will be a good teacher, those who can help figure out difficult situations. And for those who have such people nearby, let the assistant will be my column.

So, first, let's discuss the most frequent errors of novice leaders. During more than 15 years of adaptation of newcomers to the new position, 6 distressed zones were identified:

  1. Ability to delegate authority.
  2. The ability to receive support from top managers of the company.
  3. The ability to give adequate feedback subordinates.
  4. The ability to take feedback from the environment (colleagues, executives).
  5. Demonstration of confidence to your surrounding and yourself.
  6. Skills of public speech (meeting, conference, meeting inside the department, presentation of their opinion, etc.).

What happens to the employee after it is appointed to the leading position?

Without going into details, we can observe the two extremes - the predominance of the super ego, "I am the boss, you are a fool" or care of yourself, the fear of being not adopted by the team in the new position. And all shades of gray between these poles.

Moreover, I want to immediately designate that none nor a different behavior is good, and not bad. This is a reality, it exists, and we are not fighting with her, we live it as your unique experience.

What two opposite behaviors can be observed? Examples from practice:

Situation 1.The leading specialist is appointed head of the department. The department is included in the management.


  • Requires from the head of the Office of a separate office personally for himself and a separate room for its subordinates.
  • Ignore orders of the head of the management and establishes its rules of work, without coordination with anyone.
  • Participates in general projects that are managed without providing feedback.
  • He is negotiating with other managers of departments and offices without approving their actions with colleagues from their management. Leads separate activities.
  • Hardly suppresses the opinions of subordinates. Communicates with them at the level of the bioreobot required to fulfill the orders of the head of the department.

Moreover, I do not thicken paints, but on the contrary, I try to describe the situation in a softer language. Before joining the position, it was a friendly man who showed strong organizational skills at the level of medium-sized projects.

Situation 2. Deputy Department was appointed head of the same department.

  • Any decision, even the most minor, coordinates with its subordinates.
  • All questions entering the department from other departments distributes between employees, and they sends them to negotiate with the leaders of other departments. Alone does not accept participation in the negotiations.
  • The final decision on any simple question is delayed on an unreasonably long term. The decision if it takes, it always accompanies the phrase: "This is not my opinion, but the opinion of the department."
  • With subordinates builds friendships.

Before appointing a position, this employee showed himself as a confident person who has his opinion.

These examples are two opposite behaviors, and there are still many different different combinations, between them. Of course, there are trouble-free transitions, but the speech in this article is not about them, and the goal to help exactly those who are stuck in the transition period.

All described behavioral models are neither good, and not bad, these are realities of the transition period from the role of an employee to the role of the head. We need to know about them. The main thing is to understand that it is better to use other more effective ways of behavior that help us become professional managers. In any case, after entering into a leading position, a new stage of career and lifestyle begins.

We will pass briefly on each problem zone and we will transfer the problem to the task, we will form a new one promoting us to a successful career habits and skills.

Ability to delegate authority.At the very beginning of his management career, I also did most of the job myself, because He was afraid to entrust the "important" cases subordinate. What did I think about? - And suddenly they will be mistaken, or I will get wrong data, or I will not have time on time, but I also entrusted such a burden of responsibility, and it is necessary to do everything in the name of the achievement of the result. And many, many different other thoughts.

Like any newbie, my unwillingness to distribute work between employees was caused by natural fears that I observe and to the present almost all beginner leaders, namely:

  • I am scared that my contribution to the project will be too insignificant, and I have a guideline status, and what will think about me ...
  • I'm scared that I will stop "keeping your hand on the pulse," I can not control the situation ...
  • If I charge the work of the subordinate, then the leadership will think that without me you can do ...
  • I inconveniently entrust work to employees, they are my former colleagues, I'm afraid to overload them with large volumes ...
  • I am uncomfortable to ask for help ...

What to do when scary to delegate?

First, as I have already written above, change the priorities - the main goal in the work will now be not personal achievements, but to ensure the process of achieving success by other people.

You have a new role that requires new thinking and other approaches to the workflow. So, it is necessary to realize this its new role and change the focus of attention from yourself on others.

Secondly, risk and start gradually transferring authority to employees. "Eating an elephant in parts".

Thirdly, learn a new skill - delegation.

So, the basic rules of successful delegation.

Rule 1. Preparation.

Divide the project to the steps. For each stage, specify a specific and measurable result, determine the execution period, assign the performer.

Rule 2. Setting the task to the Contractor.

Maximum clearly formulate an employee's task. Questions for discussion with an employee:

  • What is the goal? Why do we all do all this?
  • What to do? How to do? What do not do?
  • What is the result planned?
  • What time do you need to get the result?

For the purpose of setting, you can use Smart, Score, Spiro models or any other, most relevant to your project, task, business specifics, employee psychotic.

Rule 3. Contractor's capabilities and rules of the game.

Maximum specifically formulate an employee of the game rules. Questions for discussion with an employee:

  • What rights and obligations have an employee within the project?
  • What actions can be performed independently, and which approval require?
  • What resources will be needed to solve the problem? What help will need?

And an important question that must be discussed:

  • What will be the control system and reporting? - It is you telling an employee about the control system and what reports, for how long have been waiting for him.

Rule 4. Motivation of the Contractor. Rule "whip and gingerbread".

An employee needs to create motivation for successful implementation. I like the method of meta programs in its effectiveness, i.e. Neurolinguistic analysis of speech. On the method of meta programs can be read on the Internet.

If briefly, a person gives his speech to be important for himself. To solve the issue, what motivation to choose for an employee, I observe his speech turnover.

If an employee broadcast with his speech that its installation avoid something, let's say, punishment, pain, emotions, I choose - "KNUT" for his motivation. "We must do to not punish ..." - its installation.

If an employee prevails another installation - the desire to achieve something, movement to something, then for his motivation, I choose - "gingerbread". "Make to get ..." - installation of this employee.

As a result, we focus on an important value for a valuable employee - get a reward or avoid punishment.

You may have other favorite effectively working motivation methods.

Rule 5. Feedback rule.

The task is to make sure that the performer correctly understood everything that you told him, lies at the head, and not at the employee. It is very important!

Questions for discussion with an employee:

  • All clear? Result? Work algorithm? Motivation? Etc.
  • Is the procedure clear? Control and reporting systems?

Etc., i.e. All questions that have just discussed. It is important to make sure that you equally understand the end result and all other parameters of the work.

I will give an example from practice.

The head of the department delegated an employee to relieve a 5-minute video video about the company, its corporate culture and employees. They discussed all the parameters from finances to the operator's route on the office. The employee received a task so that the video was funny, in connection with this began to clarify, and what means for the head the word "funny". I asked a lot of questions, brought examples, but in response he heard only one thing - "Well, that's not understandable here in-Bav-nya!"

The video was removed, settled in a corporate style, as part of the budget, on time, accompanied by cheerful musical design, a little humor, everything is positive. The head of the job rejuvenated, gathered a meeting in order to discuss the incompetence of an employee in elementary things.

During the discussion, it turned out that for the head a funny video clip was, when the inscriptions appear on the screen in the form of a bombing bomb and the word "Bach !!!". Everyone was very surprised, because, as the meeting participants said, no one with this version of the word "funny" did not seem to. Everyone had its own version.

Indeed, everyone perceive and understand the information in different ways. And if you do not explain what is meant, then you can only be sincerely wondering the flight of the fantasy of employees.

About delegation - all! Now we must act, the practice is important.

In the following articles we will discuss the remaining mistakes of novice leaders.

The ability to have a decisive impact on the activity, behavior of people with the help of any means, in fact, constitutes the concept of "power". Once power in the economy was based on land ownership; Later, its base began to draw up capital; In our time, the source of power becomes an alloy of knowledge and experience that managers possess. Simultaneously with the change of sources of power, the change in the motives determining human activity took place.

The source of power is traditionally becoming the factor of production, which is available in the smallest and which at the same time practically will not replace. At the dawn of the formation of economic laws, the land was such a factor. The ownership of land ensured success that was easily supplemented with accessible human resources and minor capital. In the era of the transition of power to capital, human resources remained still in excess, and the earth is easily acquired. Requirements dictated by modern economies and technical development determine the increased need of an enterprise in special knowledge and the relevant form of organizing these knowledge. Moreover, the power of capital turned out to be in a large part of the shaded. Modern major corporations demonstrate examples of the actual transition of power from capital owners to the manager. The source of government is knowledge, organizational skills and experience. Lead - means to be able to use power for the purposes of organization.

Power includes the ability to influence people based on the relationship between the identity and group interdependence. The government can be obtained from above or from the bottom of the hierarchical staircase and be determined by either by the post (head) or personal impact (leader).

The head deals with people with various mental properties, different readiness for a particular activity. At the same time, the effectiveness of any organization depends on the activities of the leader himself, its socio-psychological properties characteristic of the techniques, skills, ways to handle people, the level of activity, etc.

In foreign and domestic literature, attempts to describe the personality structure of the prosperous leader were repeatedly taken. For a long time, intellectual and analytical abilities were allocated as the main, but as the research expands, this list has undergone changes.

Most psychologists critically relate to the use of a variety of identity typology options, emphasizing the individuality and uniqueness of each person. At the same time, typology in its simplicity and efficiency helps to carry out the first practical step when studying management activities, allows you to schedule ways to assess the effectiveness of the head. From this point of view, the limited use of typologies can be justified.

What are the skills that the leader himself should have? In most organizations, there are three managerial levels: leaders of the first level (master, heads of lower divisions); Officers of the second level (secondary link, which manages the first-level managers); The third level is the top management (president, director, board of directors, etc.).

The leaders of the first level are usually distinguished by employees who showed activity, initiative, dedication to work and skill with people in their place. These employees, finding the position of the head, are faced with serious difficulties. Previous skills do not provide them with success as leaders, because the ability to productively work in production is not equivalent to the ability to work effectively with people. No one puts the tasks to train the leaders of the first level, and they have to master all at random. Their duties do not have clear borders and are not structured. The activities of the leaders of this level are also complicated by the fact that, being at the "advanced borders", they do not have sufficient authority and power, do not make senior decisions. Coming out from the medium of ordinary employees, they will not always be independently climbing her and either remain the same colleagues, flirting with employees, or overly complain, which creates the illusion of "porousness".

The middle of the managers leads the first level and is responsible for conducting leading solutions to the masses. The average link in large organizations is branched into several hierarchical levels, each of whom has its privileges and in varying degrees participates in the strategic planning of the organization.

Higher link - management of the organization - chooses a general course conducted by the enterprise, formulates objectives and determines the values \u200b\u200bof the organization.

General conditions characterizing the management system:

b flexibility. Under the influence of managerial solutions, the system parameters or the system must be changed in the direction that the most complies with these conditions;

b realism. Obviously, the changes of the system should occur not only in the head of the head and on paper, but also in reality;

b focus. Management that has clearly set targets can be reasonable and adequate time requests;

b Change. Management decisions should be accepted within a certain set of variable solutions. This allows us to consider different alternatives and take into account possible forecasts for developing events in the future. The wider the field of variable solutions, the greater the likelihood of adopting the most effective of them;

b control. The manager should not only make decisions, but also to control the progress of their implementation, receiving feedback on all changes in the system;

b material. Each solution must be materially provided with relevant resources. Office without resources becomes an affordable flight of fantasy;

obanimity. The work of the head must have clear and reliable criteria for assessing the quality of management.

The main functions of the head: planning, organization, motivation, evaluation, control.

The leaders of all levels are obliged to ensure profit and overcome competition. To perform these tasks, such activities are needed as:

b practical possession of the subject of activity (i.e. knowledge of production, technology, equipment, sales, etc.);

i organizing skills (planning, reorganization, making changes, the direction of the enterprise's efforts to the right channel, the definition of priorities, orientation in the surrounding socio-economic environment, etc.);

b management skills (ability to work with people, knowledge of the psychology of organizational processes, the skills of the assessment and impact on people, the ability to stimulate and direct).

The leaders of different levels in different degrees are needed by these skills. So, at the first level of management, practical skills and management skills are mainly in demand, i.e. Ability to handle people. At the second level, organizational skills become defining, while retaining the importance of practical and engage in operational knowledge. The third level is largely based on organizational skills, but the literate use of human resources becomes determining.

Heads are not born, they become. The ability to manage develops in the same way as any other ability: knowledge of principles and daily practices. Despite the fact that management activities impose certain similar requirements to all managers, nevertheless, each particular post requires some unique combination of skills and abilities. For the head, it is important that his skills and abilities comply with these requirements. A good leader not only knows what to do, as it should be done, but also knows how to realize all its potential in practice. Even deep theoretical knowledge in terms of management does not yet provide their practical embodiment and not able to protect the leader from the error. Very often, the position of the head nominates a successful employee who has sufficient practical experience in the field of production activities, which has proved its dedication and achieving high results. But a good worker is not identical to a good leader. And the skills of the worker cannot transform into control skills. The art of management must be learn.

The guidance proposed by famous business consultants M. Woodkok and D. Francis, a list of basic qualities and abilities of the head:

р ability to control yourself;

r reasonable and clear personal values;

p emphasis on a permanent personal growth; skill solve problems; ingenuity and ability to innovate;

r high ability to influence others;

p knowledge of modern management approaches;

r ability to manage and form effective working groups;

p ability to train and develop subordinates.

The ability to manage itself allows the manager to correctly remove the stress, avoiding stresses, while controlling its own emotional manifestations in the work situation. The clarity of its own principles and values \u200b\u200ballows the head to take reasonable, convinced solutions. The intelligence of these principles relates to solutions with the requirements of modernity. In addition, many solutions have a moral aspect, the content of which the manager must clearly evaluate on the basis of its own internal beliefs.

Permanent work in the direction of personal growth gives the manager the opportunity to overcome its weak character traits and develop strong. Without self-development, it is impossible to manage the development of the organization.

Skill solve problems should be formed through the rationalization, planning, expansion of information and control methods. Inventiveness and the ability to innovate allow the manager to save resources, both material and temporary and human. The creative approach opens up opportunities for overcoming current difficulties and the birth of development prospects, while stagnation and conservatism are limited by these possibilities.

Important management quality is the ability to influence others. In this case, the ability to influence becomes more significant than the ability to apply power. The head, which has a high ability to influence others, receives support for not only its employees, but also people who do not obey him directly, which expands the possibilities of using resources.

Knowledge of modern management approaches is the base, thanks to which the head can skillfully vary these approaches, depending on the current needs of the organization and psychological characteristics of subordinates. Good leadership skills allow the manager to achieve maximum return from its subordinates and form a favorable psychological climate. The head, which has the skills of learning and developing his subordinates, provides the potential for the functioning of the organization, provides support to employees and provides feedback.

Management activities are characterized by a high cost of errors, a large load of responsibility and the need for manifestation. According to traditional foreign approaches, the leading qualities of the leader's personality are competence, sociability, the ability to establish contacts, attentiveness towards subordinate, courage in decision-making, the ability to creatively solve problems. Each of these qualities, in essence, combines some other features of the person, representing integral features.

An alternative version of the evaluation of the qualities of the head is the personal characteristics that interfere with the productively lead people: conformity, rigidity, suggestibility, authoritarianism (formalism, inattention, egocentrism, monological). From this point of view, the personality of the manager must be primarily opened with new experience and the opportunity to change, and the defining qualities may vary depending on the specific content of the work.

The activity of each manager includes the necessary set of skills that require constant improvement:

p cognitive skills (intelligent level, analysis, synthesis and generalization skills);

r organizational skills (delegation of powers, distribution of solutions, planning skills);

r Professional skills (knowledge of specifics of concrete production, knowledge of formal management principles);

p Applied skills (work with office equipment, work with professional documentation, etc.);

р Communicative skills (collection of information, skills of speech art and business communication, feedback skill, ability to resolve conflicts, leadership skills, etc.);

r Self-development skills (self-control, self-analysis, personal development perspective, overcoming stressful situations).

The importance of listed skills requires their more detailed consideration.

Cognitive Skills. Cognitive skills include special education, wide overall erudition, the ability to build logical arguments. Intelligent requirements also provide for the speed of entering the task, the ability to anticipate various outcomes in situations. The manager must have a systemic system, especially if he occupies a fairly high post. The system of thinking means approach to consideration of the phenomenon (problem) as a whole with all functional relations and in the dynamics of the phenomenon. It is extremely important to conduct systemic accounting of all the consequences and deferred changes to which the decision taken by the head will lead. Cognitive skills make it deeply considering problems, highlighting the essence of phenomena.

Organizational Skills. Organizational skills include efficient personnel policy: the ability to select and place frames. Organizational qualities imply the ability to plan work and ensure its clear control. Clarity of goals, perseverance and performance are also components of organizational skills. The ability to inflict people with their energy, intensify, to show the initiative in the nomination of ideas. Psychological reality shows that many of the listed qualities are associated with psychosomatic properties, such as the type of nervous system, temperament, the overall body tone.

Professional Skills. Professional skills accumulate knowledge of the characteristics of the specific production, the specifics of the enterprise. The head must navigate the main technological processes and the content of production. Professional skills also include knowledge of management principles, main approaches to working with personnel. The professionalism of the manager is determined by the ability to navigate in different areas of the organization's activities.

Applied Skills. Applied skills are essential, allowing you to organize a high level and ensuring minimal time costs. Applied skills help to conduct an effective search for information, systematize data, professionally work with documentation. Applied skills include computer literacy, and the ability to exercise information search, conduct office work.

Communicative Skills. Communicative skills combine such qualities as sociable, the skill to establish contacts. The supervisor needs to be part of the balance between charm and dominance, showing the most sincerity. Communicative skills include knowledge of behavior forms in conflict or threat situations. These should include such applied skills as telephone conversations, negotiating, language of non-verbal information. The closure of the head is perceived by subordinates as a negative quality, and for the organization, this feature becomes simply catastrophic. Out of communication, the head cannot exercise its direct functions of distribution and duties. With regard to communication skills, it is also appropriate to establish links with certain psychosomatic qualities: temperament, pressure resistance, extrovertation. Many deficiencies of the head can compensate for such a quality as a sense of humor, with a worthwhile overlapping ability to solve conflicts or convince people.

Self-development skills. Self-development, overcoming professional flaws and the development of advantages is an economically favorable task facing each leader. Improving your own qualifications - reliable investment of capital, insured the ability to influence your own future. Professionalism is that luggage, which is beyond the economic downturn, nor natural cataclysms, is a wealth that always remains with us. Self-monitoring skills, self-analysis is needed to the head in everyday activity. The same group includes skills to overcome stressful situations and autogenous training.

Another important quality of the head made by the brackets of general professional skills is the scale of thinking. This quality is particularly clearly manifested when moving to a higher position when the scale of the inclusive problems should increase significantly. Not every leader copes with this task. Installations make the head again and again delve into specific issues, whereas his new provision requires the adoption of strategic decisions. Specification is not always possible to see global problems.

Officers themselves in response to the question of the most important knowledge and skills in the Office allocated the following skills: Interviewing; commanding; control; speech; hearing; letter; cooperation; patience; leadership; sensitivity; diplomacy; training; Empathy; organizational communication; politics; sale; confidence; non-verbal communication.

Questionnaire for evaluation head subordinates.The proposed questionnaire was developed by American psychologists and is widely used in various fields. In domestic management, he also passed his approbation. A questionnaire consists of 18 questions, each of which should be answered "yes" or "no." The overall assessment of the answers of all employees allows us to conclude regarding the deficiencies of the head. If a large number of personnel surveyed, it makes sense to take statistical processing of results with an assessment of the distribution of responses, mean values \u200b\u200band evaluating dispersion.

  • 1. Do we love him, do we want to work with him, do we feel calm in his society?
  • 2. Does he cause irritation with his tactless behavior, the protrusion of himself, ill-conceived actions and injustice?
  • 3. Does it pay due attention to the well-being of his subordinates or more busy with his personal well-being?
  • 4. Does he know how to organize his subordinate work well?
  • 5. Does the level of its competence of the work performed and the position followed?
  • 6. Does it provide a good impression?
  • 7. Does he have the qualities necessary for a good educator?
  • 8. Can he support discipline?
  • 9. Does he pay time on issues related to the tasks of his company, divisions?
  • 10. Does he pay a lot of time to study related scientific problems?
  • 11. Does he have a tendency to understand people, is it with interest and attention to their problems?
  • 12. Does he have enthusiasm and does he have other qualities to allocate people to create an optimistic attitude?
  • 13. Does he have calmness, resistance and exposure?
  • 14. Is it possible to work under his leadership calmly, confident, without fear and doubt?
  • 15. Does he have a sense of measure in the distribution of his time, sympathy, interests?
  • 16. Can he think calmly, judicially, not falling into unnecessary emotions?
  • 17. Can he make decisions in terms of incomplete and controversial information?
  • 18. Does he be able to seek new funds, opportunities and best methods? Is it original?

Rules for the behavior of leadership employees of the company "General Motors"

Your task is to conduct a general organizational policy and solve every day arising difficulties.

Be careful to criticism and improving offers, even if they personally do not give you anything.

Be careful to someone else's opinion, even if it is incorrectly incorrect.

Have an infinite patience.

Be fair and objective, especially in relation to the subordinate.

Be polite, never worry.

Be crawl.

Always thank subordinate for good work.

Do not make comments subordinate in the presence of a third party, especially his subordinate.

Never do what your subordinates can do, except in cases where it is associated with a danger to life and high responsibility (the transfer of part of its managerial functions can be perceived as confidence, but only precisely part of functions).

The choice and preparation of a smart subordinate is always a more grateful task than the fulfillment of the case.

If what your employees do, the root does not disperse with your decisions, let them maximum freedom of action. Do not argue in trifles, little things just make it difficult to work, create the impression of pettyness, and therefore, reduce authority.

Do not be afraid if your subordinate is more capable of you, be proud of such a subordinate, give the opportunity to grow - this is good.

Never experience your power until all funds are used. But in the latter case, apply it firmly as much as possible.

If your disposal turned out to be erroneous, recognize your mistake.

In difficult situations, misunderstandings are always possible, try to avoid misunderstanding to give orders in writing.


Lewis Carroll, Alice in the Looking Game

Drying in management - the result of uneven development of managerial competences of the head

to whom:owners, top managers, leaders and those who want to become

How to look in the mirror so that it brings you more money

The article presents an exhaustive list of head competences for effective management subordinate to Alexander Friedman. After reading, you can form the vector of your management development and as a regular one - earn more money for yourself personally and your company. Soon the tale is developing, but no sooner is done. To start a little lyrics ...

"Head! How much in this sound ... "

"Head! How much in this sound for the heart of Russian merged! How many in it responded ... " - Let me correct the phrase from the famous poem of Alexander Pushkin.

"Being the leader is nice and honorable. Know yourself, give orders and inflate cheeks "- With these thoughts in my head, many dream of becoming leaders. The worst thing is that many so behave, taking a leadership position.

Familiar symptoms: "It's easier to make yourself", "slip", "Ignoring standards"?

God forbid you, looking at your management competencies, deceive yourself!

True, with this approach, the following unpleasant symptoms appear in your company / division: "It's easier to make himself than entrusting subordinates"The solution of elementary tasks goes with a significant "slip", subordinates are ignored by the standards of quality and technology of work.

As I mentioned in my previous article "", in such a situation first need to look in the mirror And draw conclusions.

"I used others, let them teach me"

Well, let's say you agree (after reading the article from the previous paragraph) that the head carries full responsibility For all the actions of their subordinates. "Well, it's good. But what to do that with this? How to fix the situation in the company / division? " - There are impatient croutons from the hall.

Have you ever thought about the effective guidance, do you need certain management competencies? Alas, they are not transmitted together with the portfolio. And the option is only two - or relying solely on your experience (as many and do), or - purposefully develop your competences (Experience in this case will be a good addition).

Options are only two: either relying solely on your experience (as many and do), or purposefully develop their competencies

But! .. In order for something purposefully to develop, it is first necessary to determine. In their professional activities, I try to avoid the "inventive bicycles". Therefore, as a basis for the development of managers in the "open studio" took alexander Friedman system "A set of competences of the head for effective management of subordinate work."

Management competencies: Are there much of them depends on them?

My modest managerial experience has shown that the scheme is a working 100% . With her, I defined my most weakweed (and some, I'm afraid to say, and missing at all) competences. And then, - everything is simultaneously simple and difficult, - it took up their targeted development. Actually, I continue to do this on a regular basis.

Check-list "Three groups of competencies of the head for effective management of work subordinated by Alexander Friedman"

Makes sense to work with groups sequence. First of all, start working on your competences from "Group No. 1", then from "Group No. 2", and only after - to take seriously for the "group number 3".

How to make the most useful material presented below for yourself? Use it as a kind of check list. Enter yourself in a table all skills / competences. Evaluate the degree of ownership of each on a five-point scale. Slip opposite each item your nearest actions to develop this competence.

For those who want to get my personal The current table, I prepared a small surprise at the end of the article.

Group №1 "Management of own efficiency"

  1. Developing solutions
  2. Presentation of solutions
  3. Planning
  4. Self-development

Competences from this group are determined primarily personal efficiency leader. I propose to disassemble in detail each.

1.1. Developing solutions

The most important thing is to develop any decision, determine the goalswhich you plan to achieve. Avoid the first solution that came to mind (always take a time-out on thinking).

Think over several alternative solutions. Make a list of significant criteria

Think up several alternative options solutions. Make up list of significant criteriaFor which you will decide which "Which option to choose". To improve the quality of management decisions, it is useful to master the basics of logical thinking and methods of high-quality information analysis.

1.2. Presentation of solutions

In fact, that's "Sale" of its decision: subordinate, colleagues, to higher managers. Why do you need it? "Sold" solutions are carried out with much greater enthusiasm (efficiency).

In the development of this competence, materials will be useful holding, creating and logical structuring presentations.

1.3. Operational planning

We are talking about both planning of your own work and on the use of planning for all subordinates. However, you should not forget that it is also important to monitor the execution of plans. This is lower in the competence of "control" from "Group No. 2".

1.4. Self-development

Everything is simple here. It is necessary to constantly improve (everyone knows, but no one does), both in managing people and in the targeted development of their management competencies. Work on a regular basis over savior Your shortcomings.

Learn to carefully listen to constructive criticism. Just do not confuse: you need find one's weak places In order to further develop them, and not engage in "self-confidence". As part of the competence, I recommend using good values \u200b\u200bfrom Vladimir Tarasova: "Choose a horizontal career" and "tell yourself the truth." You can start from the article "".

Group number 2 "Managing actions of subordinates"

  1. Group management
  2. Regulation
  3. Delegation
  4. Coordination
  5. Control
  6. Operational motivation

Competences from this group make it possible to achieve required behavior subordinates From the point of view of the management system due to the formation of the "Rules of the game" and control their observance.

2.1. Competence "Group Management"

It is necessary to explore rules and patterns of both group behavior and group work organization. Where come in handy? Conducting meetings, group discussions, collective work management subordinates, etc.

Regularly encountered extremes: the directive management method of the group or total anarchy. If this is how things are and for you - this indicates that the manager needs to be seriously "pumping" this competence.

2.2. Regulation

It is necessary to develop both in your own subordinates. While your company remains non-elected business processes - their implementation depends only on the quality of memory, knowledge and goodwill of your employees.

All Secrets Settings regulation systems "Poland" in the article ".

2.3. Delegation

Delegation is the formulation of the task described in detail, taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe nearest development of the subordinate, and not only the brief words "Make it ..."

Delegation - Transfer of subordinate work, as well as responsibility and authority. When delegation is necessary consider 2 important factors:

  • the complexity of the problem, its novelty, criticalness / the importance of the result.
  • knowledge, experience, personal peculiarities of subordinate (in other words - the area of \u200b\u200bthe nearest development of the employee).

Important moment: if the situation is such that you can't delegate most tasks due to the low configuration level of these factors in the subordinate, then it either need to develop to the required level; either - if he does not want and / or can not develop, - firm. Stop engage in self-deception - the miracle will not happen!

In my opinion, to effectively apply delegation useful to have implemented In his company / division "". Otherwise, it is possible to delegate effectively, that's just the results of the work performed you will be disappointing again and again.

2.4. Coordination

Skill maintain "Feedback" mode When performing tasks subordinates, support them in the process of work. I recommend to distinguish the support from the attempts of subordinate to "transplant a monkey" (to return the work completely or partially delegated to them).

Moving "Martis" root. Do not exclude that your subordinates "transplant monkeys" because they are so accustomed (you yourself used to allow!). Simple recommendation: as soon as I encountered a similar problem, ask a straight line question: "Do you want to transplant a monkey or maybe I somehow misunderstood the current situation?"

Read more about how not to become a "victim of monkeys" ".

2.5. Control

The essence of the control is an assessment of the compliance of the parameters of the task and the result obtained. Control is divided into 3 main types:

  • Starting control: Make sure that the subordinate has everything you need to fulfill the task, and he also understood it correctly.
  • Intermediate control: Assessing the correctness of the task at intermediate stages (it is important to place these stages so as not to later adjust the detection detected).
  • Final control: Evaluation of the resulting result. I recommend not paying attention that 99% accomplished tasks. The result of the task must have only 2 options: either it is fully fulfilled or not executed.
Pay special attention to starting and intermediate control. At the finish, it is very often a fix that happens too late

Following the control, it must be rated The quality of the work done, as well as its result. What if the result is negative? First find the cause. And then determine and punish the perpetrators.

2.6. Operational motivation

The head must understand the main motivational theoriesAs well as in all features of the corporate motivation system. If subordinates (and moreover, the leader) do not understand the motivation system, then it simply ceases to work.

Therefore, the task of the manager to convey to subordinates (up to stage 100% understanding) nuances of the corporate motivation system + Add personal methods for prompt motivation from your arsenal as complementary. Read more about one of the effective motivation methods. "

By the way, the question is on the backup "Who is a motivated employee?" Fullness, Bath, we are not on the exam. Motivated employee - This is a man who himself wants to do his work as it is necessary to company.

Group №3 "Management of subordinates"

  1. Operational leadership
  2. Communication techniques
  3. Coching

The dream of any supervisor is to influence the actions and actions of subordinate through their thinking. And thanks to this, seek the desired result of the work. Well, what is not a fairy tale?

An, no! Not so simple. Competences out "Group number 3" I recommend to master and actively use only after the upgrade in the competences from "Group number 1" and "Group number 2". No, well, you can certainly start from here. Give me guess who you are: hypnotist or genius?

3.1. Operational leadership

Leadership is the ability to influence the subordinate without applying their official authority. In order to increase the competence, it makes sense to develop its emotional coefficient (EQ).

I am sure that many would like to figure out in more detail what kind of leadership. Pro leadership mechanisms Vladimir Tarasov in the audio course "Personal Management Art" tells very detail. I cherish it extremely recommended to listen, ends and listen to once again.

Is it possible to do without operational leadership? Yes, you can. However, with the "Leadership", the effectiveness of your company / department will be predictable higher than without it. By the way, the word "operational" means limited by the professional framework of your official relations.

3.2. Communication techniques (communication)

Is used for strengthening all other competencies (how you communicate with subordinates, colleagues, leaders surrounding). It is the communication that determine the effectiveness of interaction (it follows the effectiveness of your work) with colleagues subordinate, manual. Obvious consequence: the better you own communication techniques more you will achieve at work and in life.

Of course, there are people who communicate "from God", but what to do if it is not about you. Nothing wrong. Your task is to pull out this competence at least at the average level. To successfully fulfill the tasks of the head of this will be more than enough. Recommend to reading ".

3.3. Coching

Help subordinate both in production and in achieving professional goals. But this competence needs to be used extremely careful. Before "take someone to coaching", it is necessary to take into account a lot of factors: the moral and psychological state of a person, his capabilities, the region of the nearest development, the presence of experience, etc.

The benefits of competence - an employee can achieve much greater efficiency and results (Few wins in serious competitions without a coach).

The employee and the company wins. Both more make money and more competitively in the market.

In my opinion, with the right approach we get the situation "Win-Win": 1) The cost of subordinate in the labor market is growing, it can achieve more in life. 2) The company receives additional profits due to a more experienced and effective employee.

What is the most important responsibility of the head?

Disputes about which of the leaders' duties is more important - a lot. In my opinion, one of the important duties of the head - engage in regular development and improvement of their management competencies.

Many distortions in the management of your company / department (and they always have in one form or another) - a consequence of an extremely uneven relationship between your degree of ownership of the above competencies.

Suppose you are well established "Planning" in the company / Department. However, if you do not have the competence of "control", then all the benefits of planning will "go to Smarka". And the constant failure to fulfill the plans and the tasks, instead of use, will undermine the basis of the management system And your authority.

Homework for managers

Now take a pencil in hand and record your homework:

  1. Make yourself a table with a list of the above managerial competencies of the head.
  2. Rate possession of each of them on a five-point scale.
  3. Slip opposite each item your nearest actions to develop this competence. Yes, preferably with specific deadlines.

I will give your table in good hands

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