A cool initiation of freshmen into students: a holiday scenario with competitions, tests and skits. How to beautifully, brightly and effectively conduct initiation into students - original ideas for scenarios

Engineering systems 01.10.2019
Engineering systems

Initiation into students is a very old tradition, even ancient. According to some sources, it originated in medieval Paris. It was there that the students of the Sorbonne bullied the first-year students in every possible way in order to force them to pass all the incredible tests and be accepted into a secret student fraternity. According to others, such actions were carried out much earlier. At the same time, the “tasks” were given to the subjects by the teachers themselves. Only the most daring, not afraid of difficulties and the most difficult competitions young men. Today the ceremony has become interesting holiday, which awaits everyone who comes to the university for the first time. Scenarios of initiations into the fraternity of students are written depending on the profile of the higher educational institution (sometimes a college). The entertainment part of the events includes funny scenes about the future chosen profession, "couples", sessions, life in a hostel.

A cool scenario of initiation into students at the university

According to the "traditional" scenario of the holiday, initiation into students is divided into two parts - solemn and entertaining. The first, official part, most likely, resembles a meeting of professors, deans, the best teachers and undergraduates. All these people officially congratulate the first-year students on successfully passing the exams and enrolling in the university. Speaking at the event with a speech, the leaders of the university talk about its traditions, the best specialists who became famous people, their achievements and inventions. The entertainment part always varies depending on the faculty. For example, future journalists can arrange real "races" for the speed of typing on a computer, translators - cool contest to recognize unfamiliar languages, doctors - urgent medical care for "victims".

Initiation into students at the university - Cool scenarios with video

At the end of the official part of the holiday of initiation into students, the youth of the university begins to "break away" full program. Freshmen are traditionally invited to the stage. Tests and competitions for freshmen are held in strict dependence on the faculty or the chosen specialization. For example, biologists may be offered to taste things that are inedible from the point of view of a European - larvae, locusts, grasshoppers. You will not surprise Asian students with such delicacies (most likely, you will make them happy). Our future scientists will have to fight disgust, convincing everyone of their own fearlessness.

Initiation into students at the institute - An interesting scenario for the holiday

Initiation into students - the most anticipated autumn holiday in any institution. Each of the educational institutions has its own customs and scenarios for the annual ritual. For example, at the institute Food Industry children can be forced to eat sausages or dumplings for a while. "Chemists" are often asked to guess a certain substance by smell (while the subjects' eyes remain blindfolded). Often the contestants are given the task "Improvisation" - a quick staging interesting scene or inventing a song-alteration.

How is the celebration of initiation into students at the institute - Interesting script and video ideas

The “ritual” of initiation into students will help first-year students to quickly integrate into institute life, to learn it “from the inside”. Despite the apparent complexity of some tasks, this tradition really unites all university students and their teachers. As a rule, the most interesting ideas the children come up with the script for the holiday themselves. They find some blanks on the Internet. For example, there are very popular videos on the net about how students are literally forced to swim in the mud. And all this in order to declare them enrolled in the student body at the end of the fun.

Initiation into students - Unusual contests and tests

After the solemn part of congratulations on enrolling in a university ends, freshmen are offered to pass unusual tests and participate in the strangest competitions. All this becomes an unusual ritual of initiation into students. At the Faculty of Journalism, freshmen may be asked to interview an infamous person or sneak into the house of a celebrity unnoticed. Famous people, of course, are depicted by undergraduates and teachers. At the end of the event, already “initiated” students take an oath of allegiance to the brotherhood.

Ideas for unusual competitions and tests during initiation into students

Ideas unusual contests and tests for the holiday of initiation into students can be found on the Internet (including on our resource). Please note that each university has its own traditions and customs. Watch a video of some of the initiation rituals and you'll understand for yourself!

Scenario of dedication to students - Cool scenes

Students are fun people. They cannot live a day without jokes and jokes. Students of our universities and colleges especially like to have fun at the beginning of the school year. At this time, freshmen come to the faculty, and the natural desire of the "old men" is to slightly torment the youth, giving them the most ridiculous tasks. In many institutes, senior students even write a special scenario for holding a student initiation holiday. The first-year students are given “topics”, on which they must stage a cool scene within 5-10 minutes. The performances are "thematic" in nature. Physicians may be offered to arrange a "resuscitation" of the patient, and teachers - to explain the lesson to "deaf" children.

Student Initiation Script Ideas - Video of funny scenes

The ideas behind the student initiation scenario will become clearer if you watch videos of skits in which young people from various higher education institutions and colleges in the country perform productions "from their profession." In the end, young people are declared students.

Initiation into students - an annual interesting holiday, arranged in honor of freshmen. This peculiar ritual becomes a real test for young people. According to a pre-compiled scenario, the guys participate in an incredible funny contests, they themselves put on cool scenes, come up with songs-alterations. The event ends with the Gaudeamus anthem or the song "In the French side".

Scenario of the holiday of initiation into students.

Solemn music sounds. In the assembly hall and at the entrance there are posters “Are you ready to join the ______ party?”, “The party is calling!”, “Do not waste time overeating, but get an education!”, “Quit nicotine - you are not alone!”, “ Do not waste time smoking, but get ready for initiation”, “Do you have any debts?”, “Party plans are student plans”, “Students are the owners of the technical school!”, “______ forward - this is the party calling!”, “Our business Brave!”, “Freshman is a friend of man”
The stage is stylized as a hall of party meetings with slogans and banners. Screen for video projection.
Lead 1, Lead 2
Chairman, Secretary

Video presentation of the technical school on the screen.
Presenter 1: Good day, Dear friends! We are sincerely glad to see you in this hall!
Host 2: Today the auditorium opened its doors to traditional holiday"Dedication to students"!

Presenter 1: And the main characters on it, of course, freshmen!

Host 2: So, let me introduce the perpetrators of tonight, and you, in turn, (referring to the audience) greet each other with loud applause!

Host 2: Two months ago, for the first time as students, you entered one of the best educational institutions in the city - _________________________!
Presenter 1: On behalf of the team of teachers, staff and undergraduates, we congratulate you on this wonderful event! From now on, you are part of a family in which you will have to live for more than one year. And this is only the beginning of a difficult but interesting path to the heights of education.
Host 2:
My friends, our union is beautiful!
He, like a soul, is inseparable and eternal
Unshakable, free and carefree.
Long live our proud secondary school!

Presenter 1: Although quite a few years
Passed since the birth of the branch,
But there is no doubt:
We are off to a great start!

Host 2: You are a freshman! From you
A lot depends here.
So that the name _________
Among universities proudly sounded!

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the director - _____________________.

Music number.

Presenter 1: At the beginning of your journey
Where ahead of honor and laurels
Go under the main banner
For the good of the dear State!

Host 2: So wish on this day
To you, freshmen, to the glory
Learn, create, and live more friendly
And be worthy by right!

Presenter 1: Today everyone should know
That life has very strict laws.
Our country will flourish
If _______________ is ok!

Host 2: And we are sure that everything will be fine with ________________! Because they are in the safe hands of the graduates of our ___________!

Presenter 1: This year, again, a storehouse of talented first-year students joined our ranks of ______________ students. And for such short term many of them have already distinguished themselves in public life _________________.

Host 2: What we are very happy about! For a welcoming speech and awarding the very best by tradition, we invite the director _________________________ to the stage!

Music number.


Presenter 1: The student lives cocky and difficult,
Almost never discouraged
And what is impossible for other people -
Everything is easy for a student.

Music number.

Presenter 1:
Having traveled all the seas and continents,
Let the ethnographer put it in the book
What is such a nation - students,
Cheerful and special people!

Host 2:
It is very difficult to understand and study them.
Well, for example, you say when
All that is impossible for other people
Student - do not care and nonsense!

Music number.

Presenter 1: Now let us turn
For those who are just starting to learn.
We congratulate you freshmen,
We wish you great success in your studies!

Host 2: It is time to move on to the next stage of the initiation ceremony.
Presenter 1: For four whole years, the current freshmen will have to gnaw at the granite of science within the walls of our alma mater.
Host 2: I ask you to bring to the stage something without which this granite will be too tough for them - a magic key to knowledge!
Presenter 1: According to tradition, allow me to hand over to newly minted students a symbolic key that will help overcome all difficulties and unravel the mysteries of the glorious profession of ___________________!

(Fanfare. The key is handed. Who gives? Who receives?)

Host 2: I see many faces in the hall become tense. Apparently, the mention of the mysteries of the profession reminded me of those days that darken the cloudless student existence twice a year.
Presenter 1: But do not worry - there will be no “unsuccessful” today. There will be only jokes, songs, dances and good mood!
Host 2: It's time for our freshmen to show themselves. Do you feel? What wind? It was the wind of change that gently blew on the newly minted students!
Presenter 1: Meet! Our wonderful first-year students are on stage!

Music number.

The phonogram of Soviet party songs sounds. Several performers with banners rise from the audience onto the stage.

Chairman: What are we making noise, brothers?
First: Giving food stamps!
Second: Give budget seats!
Secretary: You give a 100% scholarship increase!
First: For every glass of compote in the dining room - a roll for free!
Second: Two grams of nicotine kills a horse!
Secretary: Hundreds of students die in two weeks of session!
Chairman: If a student does not want to study, it means that the military registration and enlistment office is not working well!

A crying student comes out.

Chairman (referring to a crying student): What's happened?
Student: They kicked me out of college!
Chairman: (pats the student on the shoulder) Soldiers don't cry!
First: The technical school has achieved a doubling of salaries - from now on, students take exams four times a year! Hurrah, comrades!
Chairman: So, I didn’t understand… what do we have today? Party Congress or Anarchist Congress? Where is the secretary?
Secretary: If something is wrong, immediately the secretary. I did everything, although you know what our order is.
First: Everyone goes where they want, and they take what they can.
Second: Who has a diploma in Birsk, who has a cup in Samara ...
Chairman: Wow! Why do they take it?
First: Because they give!
Second: Everyone?
First: Party members only!
Second: Oh-oh-oh-oh! It starts again!
First: Party conscience! Party lists!
Secretary: Party platform! Party discipline!
First: The time has come!
Second: Stand shoulder to shoulder!
Secretary: And feel the breath of the era!
First: Man with party card near his heart
Secretary: Party ideas to the masses!
Second: And who will carry them?
Chairman: Stop, citizens, comrades, gentlemen of the party! There is nothing left before the congress, but where is our presidium?
First: Representatives from freshmen quickly!
Secretary: Comrade Chairman! There the first report is ready!
Chairman: What report...? Oh well. And while we're here with the papers, we'll figure it out. (Reads) Ta-ah-ah-ak ... Dolphin and Mermaid ... not a couple ... Not a couple? (leaves)

Music number. "Dolphin and Mermaid".

Cashier (running through): “Put a ruble in the cashier!”
Chairman (Ignoring Cashier): So, where did we stop? Oh yes! We gathered to choose representatives to the presidium from groups of freshmen! So, from the group ____ candidate with exceptional voice data! But, what is there to say? Let's get a look!

Music number.

A student walks back and forth in the background.
Chairman: So, who is this?
Secretary: This is a unique student!
Chairman: Hmm… And what is so unique about it?
Secretary: (Reciting) Here you go! Fourth year in the game, 30 blockages, 20 retakes… and everything goes… Aren't they unique abilities? There is another unique candidate for party members! Let's see?
Chairman: Certainly!

Music number.

Chairman: (Thoughtfully, looking at the previous speaker) Yes ... Cadres decide everything!
coming out Cashier.
Cashier: Comrades! We pay membership fees. Have you paid your dues?
Chairman: So. Hazing began ... (Turning to the audience) Have you read the Regulations on the technical school?
Secretary: V without fail!
Chairman: And candidates for party members were introduced?
Secretary:(guilty) mmm...no...
Chairman: Urgently familiarize!
Secretary: Mandatory! (leave)


Secretary: Comrade Chairman! 314 people showed up, 0 didn't show up, 0 got dusty. The candidates for party membership were briefed on the situation... The next question is on the agenda.
Chairman: Which?
Secretary: Purely masculine!
Chairman: Let's consider this question! (Leave)

Music number.

Cashier (running through): “Put a ruble in the cashier!”
Chairman: (annoyed) I think it's time to make membership dues to the cashier of the party!
First: Comrades! Eliminate musical illiteracy!
Second: No music without grammar!
Together: What do you mean?
Second: There is no musical illiteracy!

Music number.

Chairman: So! Agenda completed! What do we have left?
Secretary: There is one more congratulations from the seniors!
Chairman: Fine! Will watch!

The song "7th Floor". Performed by Ksenia Sarbulatova

First:(Brings out brooms, rags) Everyone for the subbotnik, comrades! On Saturday!
Dancers: And why are we here ... alone ... and ... (to the hall) they?
First: Who are you?
Dancers: Performers!
First: You have seen the order... so follow it! Go! (From a distance) We work, we work….

Music number.

Cashier(running with the cashier): Wow! This is the real gold of the party!
Chairman: We begin the solemn ceremony of accepting candidates for membership in the “United and Indivisible Party of ____________”. I ask all freshmen to stand up!

(All freshmen participating in the concert come on stage from behind the scenes)

Secretary: We will confirm our loyalty with an oath! (Into the hall) I ask everyone to repeat: I swear! Three four! (Audience: "I swear!")
Chairman: I, joining the party of ________, swear to bear the high rank of a student of _____________________ spotlessly clean!

I swear to preserve the honor of the student party like the apple of my eye!

Hall and freshmen on stage: "I swear"

In any trouble, in any adversity, I swear to serve the student people!

Hall and freshmen on stage: "I swear"

For the educational cause, I swear to go to the fight boldly!

Hall and freshmen on stage: "I swear"

Raise the banner of patriotism over our Motherland again!

Hall and freshmen on stage: "I swear"

Choosing with your heart life path I swear I'll never quit!

Hall and freshmen on stage: "I swear"

Secretary: The student anthem "Gaudeamus" sounds.

The first verse of the anthem sounds. Everyone sings.

Chairman: Congratulations! You have been accepted into the student party of _______! Please everyone sit down!
First: By enrolling in our college, you have made the right life choice.
Second: And if you really, seriously, thoughtfully, creatively treat your studies, then your future profession will reward you with dignity!
Secretary: All your heights are yet to come! The main thing is to never stop there!
Chairman: And now proudly wear the title of students _________________! And do not forget that from now on we are one team!

Vocalists and all participants of the concert take the stage. Music number.

Chairman: Vivat, students! Let's welcome the 52nd Party Congress with new student victories!
Secretary: And so, from congress to congress! Until the next convention!

Khoroshilova Olga Vladimirovna,
Lecturer, SBEI SPO "Volgograd Technical College"

College- it's not only educational institution in which children gain knowledge. A college is a team in which an important part of life for an emerging person takes place. The problem of adaptation of first-year students to the conditions of training in college is one of important issues. Student life begins with the first year and, therefore, the successful adaptation of a freshman to life and study in college is the key further development each student as a person and a future specialist. The holiday "Dedications to students" takes place in two stages. During the first stage (“The Way to Success”), senior students conduct various tests for groups (“cobweb”, “minefield”, “crocodile”, “figures”, etc.), aimed at uniting the group and identifying leaders. The second stage is held in the assembly hall in a solemn atmosphere.


  • To acquaint students with the history of the educational institution;
  • To develop in students a sense of pride in their educational institution and the chosen specialty;
  • Develop artistic perception and aesthetic taste;
Equipment: multimedia projector, laptop.

Props: Large student card, key to knowledge, Fire of Knowledge lamp, red balloons, Student God costume,

Visual range: college history video, Professions Parade presentation

Music line: Fanfares, phonograms.


Fanfare sounds

Leading out

Lead 1. Hello! We are happy to greet you!

Lead 2. Hello! Accept a gift from us!

Lead 1.

and realize the solemnity of the moment!
To all those who joined us this summer,
today we dedicate to students!

Lead 2.

We are glad that you came to these walls!
May they be your home!
We want you to be a worthy change,
Let only red diplomas await you!

Two couples dance a waltz, a girl sings
college song (to the music of "ALEXANDER")

Not everything worked out right away.
Moscow was not built in a day,
And our technical college
Didn't get up right away.
Changed their names
He got recognition
Here is the path to the heights of knowledge
For many it has begun!

Look, look
how comfortable it is in this room,
new set groups
gathered here today.
Dreamed of becoming students
Dedications have been waiting for a long time,
and today, and today finally waited!

Lead 1.

Fanfare sounds

Lead 2. The floor is given to the Deputy Director for educational work ****

Music. Teacher's word

Watch a video about the history of the college (5 minutes)

Lead 1.

We are very pleased with the groups of the new recruitment,
And so that the evening was interesting to them
Let for them a solemn parade
Our seven professions will walk across the stage!

Lead 2.

So the parade begins!
The accountant opens the account boldly
This is quite a tricky business.
Debit, credit, act, balance,
Profit, contract, advance,
Leasing, turnover, budget
Here is the accountant's answer!

Song ("Pretty woman") and dance of accounting girls

You are an accountant! You don't sleep until dawn.
You are an accountant! You are sitting on the report.
Get things in order
And you will reduce the debit with the credit.
"Mani-mani" ABBA sings again.
"Money-mani" love money account.
Well, I suddenly lost count
Lawyer is your best friend!
Debit, credit, act, balance,
Profit, contract, advance,
Leasing, turnover, budget
Here is our answer!
If you know the money account,
Come to bookkeeping!
Here girls are a dime a dozen
You come!

Lead 1.

Here the jurists march together.
Of course, you need to know the laws.
Remember, student, that ignorance of the laws
You will not be spared from punishment!
Song of lawyers (to the motive "a coward does not play hockey")

So that the law in our country is not violated,
The lawyer must be very careful.
As Comrade Bender once told us,
-Our criminal code everyone should honor
The lawyer fights crime mercilessly
It's better not to have problems with the law at all
As Zheglov said in our favorite film:
The criminal must sit!!
The criminal will sit!!

Lead 2.

But the land surveyors are coming, now they will arrange this for you!
Here come the land surveyors
Land reform leaders!
Lease issues are resolved and even
The issue of land purchase - sale!
From Stolypin to the present day
There is nothing more important than land!

song of land surveyors (to the tune of "three tankers")
Wide is my native land,
There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.
And of course the land surveyor
The most important person in the world!! (2 times)
So that the land in the country is not plundered,
Everyone is happy to support the reform,
With level and theodolite
Land surveyors are standing! (2 times)

Lead 1.

Our mechanics are coming! Look at their courageous, weather-beaten faces!
The mechanic knows the design of the tractor,
He is a master of excellence
Depends on this important factor
Efficient operation!

Song of mechanics (to the motive of the song "Farmer")
How I wanted to be a mechanic
I hear the sound of the engine
I close my eyes and here it is again
I see a cute tractor in a dream.

I know my tractor to the nut,
I hear a heart of steel beating,
I will sit in the tractor comfortably and with a breeze
In the Settlement they will take me away!
I'll get up early
I sit at the lamb
I'll start the engine
And now through space
My tractor is racing at full speed!!
I'll get up early
I sit at the lamb
100 roads are waiting for us
And over the threshold
to practice, to the farm!!

Lead 2.

Refrigerators are coming!
Long live our refrigerators! The coolest refrigerators in the world!
So that the country of hunger does not know,
For the country to eat ice cream,
They are dry ice and cold
They make as much as they want!!!

Song (based on Whitney Houston) and dance of snowflakes with ribbons
Cool down
products at the moment!
And freon
He needs
And the compressor is included in the system!
Is always
Here is a kingdom of ice
Cold ice....

Lead 1.

The submachine gunners are following the refrigerators!

Lead 2.

Our submachine gunners are not afraid of the Colt
On the scale of the tester - 220 volts
Machine gunners can do it the first time
Put your hand in the hole
The one in which the phase!

Automation song to the motive "and I love girls"

We boldly automate the process,
We overtake technological progress!
We can many systems
We build without problems
With the use of supernova computers!
Machine gunners not without reason we are with you,
We can quickly fix any device,
So that technological progress does not stall and does not disappear
The submachine gunner is desperately needed everywhere!!!
The submachine gunner is an ace
The submachine gunner is just a class
To see this, take a look at us!!

Lead 2.

And now we will welcome our glorious honors students.
Song and scene
You, as usual, know exactly the schedule,
You always do your homework
And we will give praise to your knowledge!
rather let me write off
We need to hurry
We also want 5
To study!!!
Where are you?
Our beloved excellent student,
What are you passing by?
let me write it down!
give me a notebook!
Where are you?
we will hand over all the credits
we will write papers
we will give everything for 5!!

Lead 1.

We kindly ask you to take care of your excellent students!!

Lead 2.

If we had only excellent students, then our life would be a complete boredom!

Lead 1.

But everything changes when THEY come!

comic dance

Lead 2.

And now for all the excellent students and those who are just going to become them, he sings ******

Lead 1.

And now attention! Our teachers are coming! Song of teachers (city 312 "I will stay")

At the end of the study, a diploma awaits -
Go to him
Now think about it
What lies ahead.
Try to find the right one
To all the answer.
Let there be difficulties along the way
After all, you came here to study ....
Learn to think and dream
Learn to seek the truth.
Learn to lead by example!
Learn student while you're here
study while you can
study, student, we believe in you! We believe!

Lead 1.

Now let's take a break and have a little quiz "Do you know the college?"

Lead 2.

Rules: if you know the answer to question asked(it is desirable that it be correct), then you raise your hand and our assistant comes to you.

Lead 1.

The questions are mostly observational. Prizes await the winners.

Lead 2.

Question one. How old is our college this year?

Lead 1.

Question two. Who was the first director?

Lead 2.

Question three. What is the address of the college? For those who don't know this yet, listen carefully!!

So you went to college
And it will be difficult at times.
But we are proud to announce -
You can't go astray from the path
Lenin will show the way with his hand,
And we can be proud of this -
Our address today is


Lead 1.

We congratulate the winners of the quiz and start the DEDIRATION CEREMONY!!!

Lead 2.

During solemn ceremonies, it is customary to take an oath!

Lead 1.

WE, students of the new recruitment, today on the day of initiation solemnly swear:

  • Never go to college (with lessons not learned)
  • Never open textbooks (with dirty hands)
  • Never say hello to teachers (filling your mouth with gum)
  • Never listen to teachers (half ear)
  • Never finish a semester (with bad grades)
We swear! We swear! We swear!

Student card and key to: knowledge is given to:
People's Teacher of the Russian Federation
Professor of the International Slavic Institute
Director of the Volgograd Technical College
Nazarov Yuri Alexandrovich
director's speech

Lead 1.

Solemn rite I continue
And I ask attention - now
I dedicate the first course to students
And I will light the fire of knowledge for you!
May his light not fade for many days!
Burn, fire! Chief among the lights!

kindles the fire of knowledge, slowly leaves, girls with sparks of fire appear. (red balls)

Song (to the tune of "The Little Prince")
We kindled it, Knowledge Fire!
You stretch your hand gently to him,
flames of hot rays are bright,
bright sparks you gently touch.
let this light of knowledge shine in your life!
may he protect you from worries and troubles!
let the exams, life exams
will give you the only correct answer!
let you remember your student days,
they give you the joy of discovery,
this flame, bright flame
save a small spark in your heart!

Lead 1.

Lead 2.

We wish you less absenteeism, more excellent grades and a fun student life!


The “Initiation to Students” holiday according to this scenario has been held in our college for ten years already. Only the music and lyrics are changed to the most popular and modern ones. Senior students are happy to participate in the selection of music and writing the script. So, for example, the song "WWW.Volgograd VTK.RU" was written by Alexander Dulin, a student of the SA-1-02 group, and still has not lost popularity. The holiday combines elements of a solemn meeting and comic numbers, solemn ceremonies and comic oaths, therefore it is easily and warmly perceived by the children.


  1. Afanasiev, Sergei P. First bell: What to do at school 1 Sept. : Method. allowance Sergei Afanasiev. Method.center "Variant". - Kostroma: RC NIT "Eureka-M", 2000. 111 p. twenty.
  2. Afanasiev, Sergei Pavlovich Last call. How to organize a holiday for graduates: a methodological guide.
  3. Method.center "Variant". - Kostroma: RC NIT "Eureka-M", 2000. - 112p.-5 ill.
  4. http://festival.1september.ru/articles/612144/
Lisa: Good evening, dear teachers, students and guests!
Alyona : Hello, our dear freshmen! Today, more than ever, we are glad to welcome you to this beautiful hall. After all, we dedicate you to students! Today you will become part of a large and friendly family of the College of Trade and Economics

Lisa: By enrolling in our college, you will become technologists, businessmen, accountants, lawyers, merchandisers or tourists. Yes, it is on professionals that the world is kept. I wish there were more professionals. And you know who wants it the most?
Alyona: Of course, the director of our college is Lidia Konstantinovna Bukharova.

Lisa: Let's ask our freshmen to stand up so we can all look at them. Let's greet our heroes of the occasion with a friendly applause!

Have a seat!

Alyona: I ask all our teachers to remember our new friends well, so that at the session you can easily identify who came to you!
Lisa: So, let's figure out who the students are, and what are some of the classic features of the life of students!
Alyona: The student sleeps little.
Lisa: Unfortunately.
Alena: Eats a lot.
Lisa: When they give.
Alyona: Teaches seriously.
Lisa: Twice a year.
Alyona: Never cries.
Lisa: Others cry from him.
Alyona: Always tells the truth.
Lisa: And this is just what it seems.
Alyona: So, our dear first-year students, orienting you in the peculiarities of student everyday life, we seem to have said everything.
Lisa: No, wait, Alena, there's more! From now on, your future for the next 2, 3, 4 years will be in the hands of your parents, inexhaustible sponsors of your desires.
Alyona: And now, dear freshmen, we offer you an extravagant reminder of scientific organization student life. Write down the secret code for an urgent telegram to parents: “Everything is fine. Signature - STUDENT. (6 people from group B-41 enter the stage, each with a letter, which together make up the word Student)
Alena reads the transcript: C - urgently
T - required
U - a lot
D - money
E - yes
N - nothing
T - point

Lisa: And it's still too early for us to put an end to it - all the most interesting things are ahead of us.
And now senior students are invited to the stage to congratulate our first-year students who have gone through fire, water and copper pipes.
Alena: Meet! Group ST-41 with a congratulatory number.

Lisa: Dear freshmen! Here is a carefree childhood. You have chosen a difficult but necessary path, deciding to become professionals in your field. Dear students, Andrey Shelevoy, a student of the ST-21 group, will now read you a poem own composition about student life. Meet!

Alyona: If you are pretty

And they look like a top model,
Also, not stupid

Don't be stingy with a smile
So you are good for us -

It's not good to avoid us.
Discover your talent here

And learn a profession.

Lisa: Here is now your abode, here is now your family.
We welcome you to our glorious friendly home, friends!
Alyona: So, let's see who are the students?

Students of the MP-11 group are invited to the stage with the song "Autumn Blues"
Lisa: First year is like first class
Lots of new stuff for you:
Pairs, lectures, tests -
Lots of work...
But it will help you figure it out.
Don't get lost in the world of knowledge
Your class leader will be nearby
And he won't forget about you!
Alyona: Behind the entrance exams, sleepless nights, anxiety, excitement. Ahead of the most beautiful time - the student years. Students are fun and creative people.

Lisa: And we continue our festive concert - dedication. And I propose to plunge into the amazing, incendiary world of student life, as unforgettable and unique as in the K-22 group. Let's watch a video.

Alyona: And now the most solemn and exciting moment of our holiday is coming - the first-year students will take an oath.
Lisa: We ask all freshmen who performed and prepared today's concert to go backstage to the stage and freshmen sitting in the hall to repeat the word "I swear" together.
So attention is pronounced The FRESHMAN Pledge
Fanfare sounds
Let there be many different professions -
All of them do not like the idle,
They don't like laziness
I will overcome all things.
Pass exams, tests
I'm not afraid of this job.
And I'll be patient.
On this I swear!
I know this path is not easy
And there are many temptations on it,
But don't fool yourself
And learn somehow
I, a student, will be ashamed
Both funny and inappropriate.
I'm not afraid of difficulties
On this I swear!

It's not enough to be a good kid -
I will become a professional!
This is what I decide!
I declare this proudly!
This is the path to my luck
And it cannot be otherwise.
Away with doubt and sadness
I swear to be a student!


We give you the key of knowledge and record books!

Heads of departments Plaksina Liliya Viktorovna and Kostuseva Irina Sergeevna are invited to the stage to present the transcripts.

Alyona: Oh, these are extremely important documents!
Lisa: So why do you need an account? Firstly, it is sometimes rated! It can also be exchanged for a diploma once. But its most important function is that at midnight on the eve of the exam, it needs to wave through the window with a cry of “Freebie, come!”.
Alyona: Dear freshmen! We have already gone through 3 years of difficult training, and therefore we want to give some advice to our kind and beloved teachers:
Lisa: TIP 1: Don't push for an answer if the student didn't hear your question. Try to quietly move the conversation to another topic!
Alyona: TIP 2: If the student answered incorrectly, it means he wants to check if you know this material!
Lisa: TIP 3: If a student is late for class, do not rush to scold him, the students, like the authorities, are not late, but delayed!
Alyona: TIP 4: If a student does not come to class, do not rush to put absenteeism, remember: students do not have disrespectful reasons!
Lisa: TIP 5: Do not interrupt the lively conversation of students among themselves in a pair! They discuss vital issues!
Alyona: TIP 6: If you notice a student chewing in class, do not rush to kick him out, take a lunch break.
Lisa: We think that now freshmen and teachers will have a good relationship.

Alena: Now your fate is in your hands, go ahead and welcome to the friendly family of the College of Trade and Economics.

Lisa: You will not regret that you entered our college, because only here students live a full life, which develops in all conceivable directions.
Alyona: In scientific, practical, sports, music, dance, tourism.
Lisa: In general, whatever you decide to do, you are here to help and support you in any interesting undertakings.

Alyona: You are dedicated today. You are real students, you can safely tell everyone about this.

Lisa: In order to understand student life, one must solve riddles about it.

Whoever guesses my riddle gets a merry prize!

Sitting in a big room
Man under fifty.
Take a look - everyone's doing:
Eight are cut into a "goat",
Nine draw blueprints
Five laugh heartily
Six met in naval battles
Three draw on the tables,
two people eating plums
Seven read detectives
four magazine looking
Well, three of them are just sleeping!
And one (some strange)
The dead hour is already standing
And about something in full voice
He speaks to himself. (lecture)

Alyona: So, friends, you are all students
And how many trials await you all!
But even in difficult moments, the student does not cry, but sings!

Lisa: Congratulations to all freshmen
We give you an order today
We wish you study well
Accumulate knowledge every day
Alyona: We believe you will
You are the discovery
A difficult road leads you to a diploma,
Manage all difficulties - win
Chorus: students are wonderful people!

Goals and objectives of the holiday:

Motivation for studying in this educational institution;

Instilling interest in the chosen profession;

Familiarization of students with the traditions and customs of this educational institution.

Preparatory work. The celebration of initiation into students should be a solemn event. Therefore, some moments of the script may be of a ritual nature. Elements of the ritual of the holiday can become traditional - this will enhance their emotional effectiveness. Therefore, when modifying and changing this scenario, it is advisable to preserve the meaning of certain rituals.

A characteristic feature of the holiday should be the "cult" of professionalism. We believe that the holiday will succeed better if this topic is specified, played out, personified in relation to a particular college, a team of its students, masters and teachers.

The script contains examples of descriptions of various professions in verse. It is desirable for the organizers of the holiday to model their scenario using the necessary poems about the professions of this college.

Description of the holiday.

It is advisable to celebrate the holiday in front of the college building or in the assembly hall. Before the beginning of the action, soundtracks of songs about people of exactly the profession that they master within the walls of this college sound. Leading students can be both undergraduates and teachers of the college or lyceum.

1st presenter: Good afternoon, dear children! Here is a carefree childhood. Until recently, you faced the difficult problem of choosing a further path along the road of knowledge. You have chosen a difficult but very necessary path of professional knowledge.

You have decided to get professional knowledge in your favorite business. I think that I will not be mistaken if I say that the overwhelming majority of you have exactly this favorite thing, the desire to turn it into your favorite profession and led to our school (lyceum). We, teachers and Masters, are happy about this and are ready to help you go on your chosen path. Some of you have already taken the first steps, some of you are just entering this road.

Today, at the start of a difficult but interesting distance of mastering a profession, I want to wish you with all my heart perseverance, patience and hard work. Let no barriers of the first difficulties, which are sure to be, do not upset you and do not force you to leave the race. Let them not be frightened and turned away from the chosen goal by the potholes and ruts of disappointments, which in fact are only overcoming children's romanticism and ideas that something can be achieved in life without making any effort. And if you are capable of this, if your character has perseverance and your will is strong, then you will definitely reach the goal. And your reward will be the newfound professionalism.

2nd leader: We often say: "Professional". And immediately there is respect for the one about whom it is said. This is like the highest mark of a person, and it doesn’t matter who he is: a turner or a surgeon, a machine operator or an athlete. The world is based on professionals. Without them, people would still live in the Stone Age. But they are. And there are not only among your present and future mentors. They are also among you. Is it impossible to call students professionals (names the course and last name of the best guys, characterizes their success in mastering the profession). I think it's possible. Let there be more professionals. And in the profession that you have chosen, they are especially needed. Probably everyone thinks about it. But most of all, apparently, the director of our college (lyceum) wants (he gives the surname, name, patronymic of the head of the college). The floor is given to the director of the college .... (Speech by the director for 5-7 minutes. At the very end of the speech, he commands: To take out the banner of the college (lyceum) - quietly! Bring in the banner!

Under the orchestra or soundtrack of the march, the banner of the college (lyceum) is brought in.

Against the background of music, the presenter says that the right to bring the banner of the college or lyceum is granted to his best students (names full name). Further, according to the scenario, the holiday can be opened by listening to the Anthem of the Russian Federation.)

1st presenter: Let the banner of the college (lyceum) become the banner of knowledge for each of you, because you ended up not just in a vocational school (lyceum), but in a magical city merry masters. If in doubt, see for yourself!

1st undergraduate:

Do you want to become a professional?

Come to our college.

(Come to our lyceum quickly)

In our City of Masters

You will be trained, be healthy!

If you are pretty

And look like a top model

Also, not stupid

Don't be stingy with a smile

So you are good for us

It's not good to avoid us.

Here you will discover your talent

And you will master the profession.

2nd senior student:

Let's help you become a cook

You will also become a seller

Hairdresser, cook, carpenter -

The most important worker!

Yes, learning is not easy.

Do not cut sometimes from the shoulder!

From semester to semester

You will find a place for your soul.

Don't be shy, go ahead

Something will be ahead.

Our friendly family

Looking forward to you!

Do you want to live beautifully?

You may not be a poet

But if your path to us is indicated,

Must become a professional.

1st undergraduate:

Just remember, in our City

Get yourself a reward

Fulfilling all orders

And the director's orders.

We will teach you everything

And learn to be a student.

If you respect the laws

You will get a diploma from us.

And now I ask again

Everyone stand still now!

We accept you as students!

Where is your applause?

Welcome to our team

All the guys who came to us!

1st host: Dear freshmen! By enrolling in our college (lyceum), you have made the right choice in life. And if you take your studies seriously, thoughtfully, creatively, then your future profession will reward you by revealing to you all the secrets of mastery.

Happy is the man who does what he loves! We wish you that the chosen profession becomes your favorite and brings you a sense of pride and joy from the consciousness of your own need for people.

The word is given .... (performance by one of the teachers or guests of the holiday).

1st presenter: And now, to take the student's oath ... (gives the full name of the college), the future master of his craft, representatives of the 1st year groups are invited to the stage.

(One of the first-year students reads the text of the oath, and the rest of the first-year students repeat the word “I swear!” in unison.)

Freshman: Joining the ranks of students (students) ... (full name of the college), I undertake and swear:

Love your future profession. (I swear!)

Observe the traditions and customs of the college (lyceum). (I swear!)

Come to class without delay, regardless of the time of year! (I swear!)

Respect your parents, teachers and colleagues in study and practice! (I swear!)

Don't smoke and don't swear! Treat classmates and seniors with respect! (I swear!)

Plan your daily routine so that you have time to relax. (I swear!)

Take part in all school (lyceum) cultural events and promotions! (I swear!)

Learn from your master all the secrets of the future profession! (I swear!)

Pass all exams and tests on time! (I swear!)

Take care of your precious health, strengthen it and improve your body! Observe safety precautions in the workplace! (I swear!)

Become a real master of your craft and get a diploma! (I swear!)

2nd host: As a sign that we all accept this oath, please eat a festive loaf.

(Music sounds, the senior students take out the loaf and pass it to the freshmen.)

1st host:

Student marvelous, fun time

You will probably never forget.

A free man, not yet an adult,

Still not tormented by everyday questions.

Childhood has not gone very far,

A wise maturity already walks in the neighborhood.

Say goodbye to games, meet big life

And in it, please, look, do not stumble.

2nd leader: Dear freshmen! Welcome to the world of the most necessary and important professions.

1st presenter: To our city of future masters!

2nd presenter: Remember that knowledge is not only appreciated by us. They are also evaluated by strict but fair teachers who examine you from time to time.

Let's have a mini-exam today. I'll be asking questions to first-year students, then teachers, and you guys will evaluate the correctness of the answers with your applause. Do you agree? Then let's get started.

My first question to the teacher ... (names the specialty and full name): “Why did you choose such a specialty?” (Teacher's answer.)

We will ask the same question to the freshman (tse) ... (gives first and last name). (Possible freshman answer.)

1st host: We have strong teams. With such you can go to the club “What? Where? When?" sign up. What can we really try guys? Do you agree? Wonderful. Let's start with the question "What?". Tell me, please, first-year students, only briefly, in one sentence at most. What determined your choice in favor of our college (lyceum)? Thinking time is 5 seconds.

(The presenter approaches the guys with a microphone, they answer.)

2nd host: Thank you. And now "Where?". Tell me, please, where did you first encounter your future profession? (Guys answer.)

1st host: And finally, "When?". Tell me, please, when do you plan to reach the most unattainable peaks in your chosen profession?

2nd leader: Thanks for the sincere replies. Frankly, we had no doubts that the freshmen team would be combat-ready.

1st presenter: Thank you. But I ask you not to leave yet. Hard work and dedication never go unnoticed, they evoke feelings of respect and joy. All your heights are yet to come. There is no doubt that you will achieve recognition of your professionalism not only within the walls of the college (lyceum). The main thing is to never stop there. Let the symbols of your chosen profession remind you of this old truth.

(Awarding is carried out to the music. The masters of the college (lyceum) present the first-year students with personal symbols of the profession.)

2nd host: And now we invite everyone to a festive concert.

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