Fortune telling by Buddhist lamas - fortune telling. Symbolic interpretation of Tibetan fortune telling “Mo”

Engineering systems 28.06.2020
Engineering systems

Tibetan fortune telling “Mo” goes back to ancient times, back to the Do-Bon period. Researchers say that the age of this fortune-telling is estimated at more than one thousand years! At the same time, it is characterized high level accuracy, and the interpretations not only say “what’s blowing”, but also give advice on how to adjust the situation for the better.

What is needed for Tibetan fortune telling "Mo"

To tell fortunes using the Tibetan "mo" system, you will need two dice. Traditionally, these are dice on which six Tibetan syllables are printed - Dhi, Ra, Pa, Ah, Na, Tsa (one syllable per side of the die).

But if you don't have such cubes. You can use regular dice, matching the syllables with the numbers:

1 – AX; 2 – RA; 3 – PA; 4 – ON; 5 – CA; 6 – DH.

How to tell fortunes using the Tibetan "Mo" system

It is very easy to contact the oracle within the framework of the Tibetan fortune-telling “Mo”. To do this, you need to mentally ask a question. State it clearly and roll the dice. As a result, you will get a combination of syllables, for example, Dhi-Na or Tsa-Pa.

After this, you turn to the interpretations and receive an answer to your question and advice on what to do.

Symbolic interpretation of Tibetan fortune telling “Mo”

Each combination of syllables in the Tibetan fortune-telling “Mo” has a symbolic and figurative name, which helps to very quickly understand the meaning of the situation to which they indicate.

AHAH. "Harmony of clear skies."

AH DHI. "Joy that breeds wisdom."

AH NA. "Paradise Land"

AH PA. "The moon that brings goodness."

AH RA. "Light that dispels darkness."

AH CA. "Star Light".

DHI AH. "Light of Wisdom"

DHI DHI. "The Shining of Victory."

DHI NA. "Shining Lotus"

DHI PA. "Lucky catch."

DHI RA. "Wheel of Fortune"

DHI CA. "shining shell"

ON ah. "Shining Mountain"

ON DHI. "The shine of jewels"

ON ON. "The Abode of the Clouds"

ON PA. "Cup of Happiness"

ON RA. "Flame of Wrath"

ON CA. "Hot Ashes"

PA AH. "A cup of life-giving moisture."

PA DHI. "A bowl of healing elixir."

PA NA. "Radiant Flower"

DAD. "Clean spring"

PAIR. "Dry spring."

PA CA. "Fire of Passion"

RA AH. "The light in the darkness".

RA DHI. "Shine of Wisdom"

RA NA. "Withered Flower"

RA PA. "Danger".

RA RA. "Sacrificial Fire"

RA CA. "Tiger Power"

CA AH. "The Shine of Luck"

CA DHI. "Blooming tree".

CA NA. "Ritual dagger."

CA PA. "Hidden Valley"

CA RA. "Burning Vajra"

CA CA. "Shining Rainbow"

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - AH AH. "Harmony of clear skies."

Everything will be fine. But still, be careful when communicating with friends, try to pay as much attention as possible to finding compromises in those areas where there are most moments of crisis. Now is the time to restore harmony, as in outside world, and in the internal. Understand yourself and then miraculously everything will change around. Assertive and straightforward actions during this period are disastrous. It is also useful now to focus on the most important thing and not concentrate on the little things.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - AH DHI. "Joy that breeds wisdom."

The upcoming events will pleasantly influence you. Now the light should shine in your heart all the time, and then your life, and the lives of your loved ones, will be illuminated with light. At the same time, it should be understood that this joy should be not only about something positive, but about any reason in general. That is, you should do it with joy and gratitude. Accept everything that will happen in the near future, even if it seems negative to you. But this is only at first glance, if you accept it with joy, you will see that in fact the “misfortune” is fraught with a wonderful surprise for you - then everything will be much better. As they say, everything that is not done is for the better. It’s just that space tests you, tests how sincerely you are able to maintain joy within yourself.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - AH NA. "Paradise Land"

A favorable period is coming when everything will work out in at its best, especially it concerns interpersonal relationships and, first of all, in the family. It is quite possible that the situation will turn in such a way that you will meet new and interesting people who can become true friends for you. Therefore, it is recommended not to push anyone away from you during this period, especially those whom you had not noticed at all before. Who knows, maybe among them there are those who have long dreamed of becoming friends with you, but everyone is embarrassed to take the first step.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - AH PA. "The moon that brings goodness."

Favorable period, but only for inside of your life. That is, now only those things that are directly related to your emotions and your spiritual life will succeed. But all material projects should either be maintained at the same level, or generally slowed down a little. It is extremely contraindicated to fuss, rush, or take active actions, especially aggressive ones. It’s better to be alone now or have a spiritual conversation with friends.

You should also be careful emotionally - quarrels, conflicts, exchange of curses - all this is very dangerous now, as it greatly traumatizes your psyche, because at this time you are too vulnerable.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - AH RA. "Light that dispels darkness."

Now you will have unique opportunity finally solve any complex problem, in any sense, both internally and in relationships with people, both in the case of solving an engineering problem, and in choosing a life direction. During this period, it is useful to do everything that broadens your horizons and increases your intelligence - read, watch, paying more attention to educational literature and various didactic films. Look for new ways to solve your problems and they will be solved in the best possible way. The bolder and more unconventional your actions are now, the more requests they will bring and the sooner you will become happy, having achieved what you have long dreamed of.

Interpretation of the symbol of Tibetan fortune-telling MO - AH CA. "Star Light".

A relatively favorable period, but don’t count on great luck and stunning luck, nothing incredible will happen, but there will be a lot of good things in ordinary life. This period is characterized by small pleasures. That is why it is most useful to pay attention to the little things now. Don’t fuss, don’t rush to complete global projects, don’t rush into battle, but calm down and pay all your attention to the nuances. This is especially true for human relationships.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - DHI AH. "Light of Wisdom"

A favorable period, your life can change dramatically and amazing events can happen. Moreover, there is every chance to achieve your goal, but for this you must show two important qualities - wisdom and assertiveness. First of all, you need to determine exactly what you really want, not what you say, but what you do with your whole being. Here it is worth showing maximum honesty with yourself, otherwise you will not see good luck. Now failure awaits only those who are passive.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - DHI DHI. "The Shining of Victory"

A favorable period to finish what you have been working on for a long time. This is the ideal time for finishing and the “last point”, the final chord. After all, as you know, how a particular project is completed is very important. An unsuccessful ending can ruin months and years of hard work. Therefore, it is so important to choose the time beautifully and effectively finish what you started. Now is the best time to do this. Also note that in the very near future you should not start anything, but rather enjoy what you have.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - DHI NA. "Shining Lotus"

This period can only be favorable if you stop fussing, rushing somewhere, and doing any active actions. Now you should freeze and look around carefully. Luck is all around you, but you don’t see it because you do too many unnecessary actions. You should also pay more attention to your inner world. You are using your mental resources incorrectly, you have begun to concentrate too much on the unimportant, and pay little attention to the truly important points.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - DHI PA. "Lucky catch."

Now everything will work out, so think carefully about what is most important to you, what you really want. Be as honest with yourself as possible, because if you make a mistake, your “catch” will be unsuccessful. Be careful, do not be fooled by those desires that are imposed on you from the outside, focus only on yourself. This is difficult, but without this, “the fish will slip out of your hands.”

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - DHI RA. "Wheel of Fortune"

The period favors those who will maintain the progression of their movements. Follow the intended course and then good luck awaits you. Now it is very important to take everything more simply, minor things should remain aside from your movement.

If you maintain a balance between inner peace, and external movement, then the entire next period will turn into a continuous streak of success for you.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - DHI CA. "Shining Shell"

A favorable period for solving intrafamily problems and problems within any team. Therefore, now it is very important to be with your family and give all your attention to those who live with you. We often do not notice our relatives, even when returning home, our consciousness still remains at work. But this is a bad tactic. Now, on the contrary, you need to bring home only the brightest. Give your loved ones gifts. This is also a good time to strengthen friendships. Remember, during this period, the more love you give to others, the more you will receive it back in the very near future.

Interpretation of the Tibetan fortune telling symbol MO - NA AH. "Shining Mountain"

Good luck will be with you in the near future, but be prepared to walk completely alone for some time. It is quite possible that even those closest to you will not support you in your endeavors. But don't despair, this is the normal path to success. Remember that the higher you climb the mountain, the fewer fellow travelers remain with you, because climbing is always a lot of work, requiring a person to apply all his strength. Also, be prepared even for the fact that you may face betrayal by those people you trusted.

© Alexey Korneev

"A piece of paper blown away by the wind"

In life, fortunately, there are not often periods like the one about which the symbol “CA PA - Emptiness of the Mind” speaks. The sign you have received is evidence that a moment has come in your destiny when all active actions should be suspended, and you yourself should become like a tree that has shed its leaves and is preparing for a long winter sleep.

Maybe you have already become upset after reading the previous paragraph? If yes, then it is completely in vain. The coming calm means only a temporary cessation of business, and by no means a complete collapse of your plans.

Why should you force yourself to struggle with issues that are now practically unsolvable, if a little later you can do all this much faster and, most importantly, with better quality?

Currently, your usual efficiency threatens to turn into fussiness, and your energy into nervousness and irritability. Don’t create problems for yourself, let events take their course, and everything will gradually work out.

Since the period is extremely unfavorable for any creative activity, do not develop long-term plans - you will still have to change them more than once along the way. Create “mini-programs” for yourself for a day or two. This will help, on the one hand, to keep your affairs in order and constantly monitor them, and on the other hand, you will be able to flexibly respond to changes occurring in life.

It is impossible to say anything definite regarding the solution of certain problems. Your trouble now is not that fate, as it seems to you, has turned against you. You yourself are the source of the bulk of your problems.

You are too unhappy with everything that is happening in your life. Sometimes it seems to you that you are too busy with work and you don’t have enough energy for really interesting things. And in next moment You decide that you have neglected your affairs in the most terrible way and you will never catch up! But most of all, of course, you are dissatisfied with yourself...

Our advice: stop chasing mirages and look at your life with a satisfied look - this is what it is Magic wand, with which you can easily accomplish the most difficult tasks!

Smya, property, personal life, friends and ill-wishers

You should handle issues related to your family with extreme caution now. Here, unfortunately, the sign of Empty Mind does not promise you any bright prospects.

The worst thing will happen to those of you whose family relationships have already had time to crack (explicit or implicit). They will have to control themselves twice as hard to preserve an already fragile peace. Maintain balance with all your might - otherwise the consequences can be dire.

In the same way, paying Special attention issues of property, you get a chance not only to keep it safe and sound, but, if favorable conditions, – even increase. Don't be fooled by all the "get rich quick" projects. Risky operations are not for you now.

Hold back your passion for adventure for a while. If you do not want to lose a significant part of your money, engage only in those activities in which you already have experience.

For those who are especially concerned about issues of their personal lives, we advise you to at least temporarily become meek and affectionate, like a house cat. Of course, you have watched more than once how this fluffy and purring creature has gained the trust of even the most seemingly unsociable and gloomy people.

Do not consider it beneath your dignity in the same way to “ingratiate yourself” with your loved one: what can you do if this is exactly what fate requires of you at the moment! But in this way you will save yourself from endless showdowns (or something worse).

Follow the same tactics of “pacification and appeasement” when communicating with friends. The current period of your life is so fraught with conflicts and quarrels that even a very tactful and delicate person will find it difficult to “save face” in any circumstances.

If you can’t avoid a showdown, don’t try to leave the last word: perhaps later you will regret your ardor. Give your friend-rival a chance to get out of an awkward situation with honor - by doing this you will help yourself.

However, do not consider that it is your duty to fully support a good relationship with a person who no longer considers himself your friend. And if you are firmly convinced that the number of your ill-wishers has increased by one more person (as you probably already understood from the above - your former friend), behave accordingly with him.

It may be difficult for you at first: habit and old memories will restrain all the bad words that come out of your mouth at the sight of this renegade. Don't despair - over time everything will settle down and you will be able to look at things in a new way.

Rest, health, self-improvement, business

If you are hoping to have a good rest, do not try to gather guests at your place - your friends will certainly have a lot of reasons not to accept the invitation. Just don’t suspect them of hostile feelings towards you later: they will really be very busy. It’s better to complain about fate, which has placed such a mountain of responsibilities on your shoulders and on the shoulders of your acquaintances, while setting too tight deadlines.

However, the best thing for you would be not to be annoyed with life, but to arrange a wonderful vacation for yourself. It is unlikely that you are so uninteresting to yourself that you cannot do without the company of friends.

Try not to lose sight of such an aspect as own health. You are now somewhat absent-minded and tend to forget about basic safety rules. Firstly, such behavior is extremely risky due to the possibility of accidents; and secondly, we cannot exclude the fact that in your current state it is easy to catch some kind of virus and become another victim of a cold infection.

In addition, your current irritability can interfere with a quick recovery. As sad as it may be, due to a general weakening of the immune system, it is better for you not to rely on the body’s protective functions. If you want to protect yourself from illness, give yourself more time.

It cannot be categorically stated that your practice of self-improvement and self-development will be unsuccessful. But the excessive emotionality and excitability inherent in you at this stage can nullify the best undertakings.

To successfully implement your plans, you should remember a few rules. First of all, do not create any global projects: You will find it difficult to concentrate on anything for a long time. Then spend at least half an hour a day doing something interesting book, capable of awakening your thoughts and imagination.

At the same time, try to do everything you have planned without fuss, but rather promptly: do not postpone “for later” the things planned for today. In this case, you have a good chance to advance far in the practice of self-development.

If you feel that the specific task you have planned is slow to be implemented for some reason, do not abandon it halfway. Don’t forget: it’s no coincidence that the symbol you get is called “Empty Mind”. This is a sign that an extremely unproductive period has begun in your life.

But this difficult time will someday (we hope very soon) end, and you will regain the luck you lost. Why sit idly by before then? Set the stage for future achievements. Throw seeds into the ground without expecting instant results. But at some point, especially if you take good care of the “sowing”, you will get a very good harvest!

If, during fortune telling on Tibetan maps of MO, you received a combination of PA CA symbols, “Mara is the demon of passions,” which translated from Tibetan means “boil of passions,” then there is only one advice that can be given to you in this situation - you need show redoubled attention to everything that happens around you!

Unfortunately, the combination of cards you have been dealt predicts a time that is far from favorable for you. Your mind is currently occupied with completely wrong things. You are too excited, and your excitement is not concentrated, but looks like splashes of a fountain that fly in all directions. And this brings completely unnecessary worry and fuss into your life.

The very first piece of advice that can be given to you is to try to control your emotions. At this stage of your life, emotions can play a cruel joke on you and put you in an awkward situation in front of the people around you. Start making plans for your future actions. Of course, now it seems to you that this will be too much wasted time. But as soon as you start acting according to the plan, you will immediately understand how necessary it was. Impromptu and luck are not your best allies right now.

However, even if you have a clear action plan, you cannot count on unconditional success. Losses are inevitable in any case, but by acting according to a predetermined plan, you can minimize all your risks. But, alas, you won’t be able to protect yourself from them completely!

But if you are not interested in the material side of the issue, but in feelings and emotions, then in this area of ​​life you will probably be able to avoid unpleasant failures. But this is perhaps the only area of ​​life where this is possible at this stage of your life.

You will be very pleased with the unexpected fulfillment of some wish that you made a long time ago. You may even have put a lot of effort into making it happen a long time ago. But then everything seemed in vain, because there was no result. However, nothing in life happens for nothing. Then you sowed the seeds, and with your aspirations and actions you even fertilized the soil. This is the result - the first shoots appeared, we just had to wait a little.

But you shouldn’t be too happy about such successes. You can now easily get what you once wanted. And now a new time has come, you have different desires and needs. And their implementation will require a lot of patience, time and effort.

If you are interested in bringing some ideas to life certain tasks, then if you get a combination of PA CA symbols, you should not make overly rosy plans for the future. Try not to set global goals for yourself, do not try to look far into the future. This will not lead to anything good. You still won't achieve what you want. You will only become more upset and put yourself into a state of deep depression.

At the moment, it is best for you to limit yourself to plans for the present moment. Set yourself specific task, which you can complete today. Tomorrow, set another task that you will implement tomorrow. And so on. With such small “rushes” you will reach the end of a difficult stage in your life with minimal losses. By the way, this is how you can bring even more ambitious plans to life. Make an action plan and gradually, step by step, move towards its implementation. Believe me, you will succeed!

Unfortunately, in family life you also cannot do without difficulties. It is impossible to predict exactly what bad things will happen in your family and what pitfalls you will encounter. The least you can do now is to prepare for troubles psychologically. At least, being prepared for this, you will be able to behave correctly, which can save your family.

The best thing for you to do now is to go about your daily routine work. She'll distract you. And try to tell your family as little as possible about your problems and plans for the future. Most likely, such conversations will lead to scandals. Of course, you shouldn't take this advice Higher Powers as a threat. This in no way means that you live among enemies. You are loved and appreciated at home, you just need to experience such moments correctly in order to preserve what you have. Therefore, keep the most important thoughts in your opinion to yourself for now. This will make it easier for you and your loved ones.

If you are interested in issues related to property, then you need to be especially careful in this area of ​​life. There is too great a risk that you will lose something or spend a large amount of money on something that you absolutely do not need. Only you can’t get anything back later.

You know very well how hard it is to make money, especially at this time. How difficult it is to collect a large sum. But you can spend them very quickly, as long as it’s worth it. Under no circumstances agree to any dubious offers. You will definitely be offered to “crank out” some win-win business to double your capital, or to profitably invest your savings in real estate. Don't agree! Most likely, you will be deceived and you will lose everything you have. this moment. The fact is that scammers are very sensitive to the fact that a person has difficult period, and are great at taking advantage of the moment.

All of the above is true for you. But only you can decide what to do. Perhaps you have been saving for a long time in order to buy a very specific item. You can’t wait, you want to quickly feel like the owner of something you’ve been waiting for so long! Well, go for it! What if you get lucky!

In your personal life, you can also expect both an unexpected wonderful surprise and complete disappointment. It all depends on what you want. If you have been in love for a long time, but you are not reciprocated, despite all the steps you have taken, then there is a real chance for someone to pay attention to you. Think about seeds, soil fertilization and seedlings. The same principle applies in this situation.

But if you hope that in the near future you will meet the man or woman of your dreams, then you will be completely disappointed. Currently, the line of your destiny has reached a dead end, in which princes and princesses do not walk. Therefore, go deep into work during this period, and think about love in the next stage of your life! These are the rules! But every rule has exceptions, what if you are that very exception?! Therefore, after reading this interpretation, do not try to give up on yourself. Always be in shape, dress nicely and walk with your head held high. What if your fate, just like you, was accidentally brought into this same dead end!

This is also not the best time to communicate with friends. You may say: “Yes, who else but friends can support you in difficult times?” Of course you'd be right. But remember that you are in a period of conflicts, misunderstandings and troubles. Any innocent joke made by your friends can cause a storm of emotions in you. And something that in another situation you would laugh at heartily together can now lead to a major quarrel. Friends are easy to lose, but very hard to find! And restoring lost trust is even more difficult.

Currently, you need to constantly monitor all your words and your behavior. You need to determine what is more important to you, that you can maintain your friendship, or that you show everyone that you are right in an argument? Does being right really matter that much? You will very soon forget about this conversation, but it will be difficult to regain the favor of your friends.

If you still managed to quarrel with a friend, then you can be congratulated. You have a unique chance to test what your friendship is really worth. This is not difficult to do. Calm down yourself, wait until your friend calms down, and ask him for forgiveness for what was said to him. If your friendship is sincere and truly valuable, then he will happily make peace with you. Well, if not, then such a friend is worthless!

In relations with ill-wishers, you should exercise special care and caution. Even if you are usually a cautious, polite and calm person, now your emotional condition such that you can easily be provoked into any scandal or quarrel. And anyone can do this. Both your ill-wisher and the person from your environment who will simply push their foreheads against you.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what the reasons for your disagreements are; you can argue on absolutely any topic, over any little thing. But things will come out that you never dreamed of. This will already be something like a mini Armageddon. Think about a quarrel with friends, and now imagine what can come out of a clash with ill-wishers.

How to avoid such conflicts? Just try to avoid meeting people you dislike, or those who dislike you. If you have such people at work, then you shouldn’t meet them, you could end up without a job. It’s better to “get sick” for a while until everything calms down.

Some problems may also arise with rest. Be prepared for the fact that everything will go completely differently than you wanted, especially if you are going on vacation not by yourself, but in the company of friends. Most likely, almost all of them will have new urgent matters to attend to, and you may be left alone, which will greatly upset you.

Therefore, taking into account the combination of signs that you have, PA CA, and the characteristics of your current period of life, try to come up with something where you will not need company. Go outside the city, take a walk there, enjoying nature, or just sit with a fishing rod near a pond. Water has the amazing ability to calm and take away depression.

If you can afford it, then take a weekend trip anywhere. Well, at least even to Paris. You will have a great time, you will have many pleasant impressions and memories that will help you. In general, spend your time the way you want, and you won’t regret it.

As for your health, the most important warning for you here is to take care of your health. You are now in such a state that getting sick is nothing for you to do. But curing even the mildest cold will be extremely difficult. If you give up on yourself now, you risk falling out of the general flow of life for a long time.

The best moment for self-improvement has come. Difficulties have always helped a person become stronger, learn to look philosophically at all the troubles that fate brings to us. If you are a strong person by nature, you will be able to take a lot out of the current situation. This will strengthen you even more and help you cope more easily with difficulties in the future.

If you don't consider yourself strong man, problems and troubles make you depressed, don’t be upset. Pull yourself together, meditate more, remember who you might have accidentally offended. After all, everything that happens to us in life does not come just like that. There is always cause and effect. If you can understand this reason, then it will be much easier for you to deal with the consequence. And in the future you will try not to make such mistakes.

As for the specific business you have planned, there is nothing to please you with yet. And the problem is not what is happening around you, you yourself are the cause of your failures! And here only the practice of self-improvement can come to your aid. Bring order to your thoughts and emotions. No one else can figure this chaos out except you. And this chaos greatly influences your actions, which interferes with the fulfillment of your desires.

You probably feel tired. You are constantly working to cope with the difficulties that have befallen you. But stop, look around. Maybe you do too many unnecessary things that only add hecticness to your life? If so, then try to calm down and act consistently, strictly according to plan, then your affairs will go in the right direction.

Mo fortune telling originated in Tibet many centuries ago and still exists today. Buddhist lamas themselves use Mo to find out the future. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama approached Mo before leaving Lhasa in 1959 and took the advice given to him.

For many centuries, Tibetans have been using Everyday life various divination techniques that are worn common name Mo. With their help, Tibetans predict the future and resolve pressing issues related to health, well-being, work, upcoming travel...

One of the types of fortune telling by Mo, not the only one, but perhaps the most common, is fortune telling using a bone in the form of a cube. The patron of this fortune telling is the great Bodhisattva of Wisdom Manjushri, whose power of speech lies in his sacred mantra - OM AH RA PA TSA NA DHI. Tibetans believe that the syllables of this mantra, written on the edge of the cube, connect the fortuneteller with the wisdom of Manjushri and make it possible to receive answers reflecting the interaction of cause and effect in the situation of interest.

Mo's fortune telling has two main purposes. Firstly, it allows us to look at our lives from a different, sometimes unexpected, side and helps us make the right decision.

Secondly, if we use it with the right motivation, that is, wanting to bring benefit to others, it serves as a continuation and development of our spiritual growth.


For fortune telling, Mo needs a die (cube). Cubes with hieroglyphs are sold in esoteric stores (very rarely), or you can take an ordinary die, designating its faces in this way: 1 - AH, 2 - RA, 3 - PA, 4 - NA, 5 - CA, 6 - DHI.

The main thing is that before you start fortune telling, you need to focus and concentrate on the problem that worries you. If you know how to meditate, by all means do it; if not, just try to put your thoughts and feelings in order. Then roll the dice twice in a row and find out the answer to your question.


AH-AH - Clear Sky

The mind is cleared of negative thoughts, peace and harmony reign in the soul. After a period of testing, a favorable period begins. Now there is no need to fuss and try to strengthen financial situation, the main thing is to understand your goals, set priorities and start steadily moving forward.

AH-RA - Sun Rays

If you stop doubting yourself, everything becomes clear, like sunlight- Happiness awaits ahead. A red crystal or object will help in acquiring material wealth. Pay attention to the southwest - this direction promises a new interesting acquaintance.

AH-PA - Moon Nectar

A favorable sign for women. It portends a romantic acquaintance, a lasting love affair and marriage. In addition, short-term work projects will be successful, new acquaintances will be very pleasant and almost any purchase will be successful. Soon new friends and new plans will appear, promising material benefits.

AH-CA - Clear Star

Those who think clearly not only communicate clearly, but also act carefully, accurately and purposefully. These qualities are a guarantee of great success. Traveling and business trips will bring a lot of new and useful things. Wait for interesting news and the appearance of new acquaintances who will soon become true friends.

AX-NA - Golden Land

Don't be afraid of hard, painstaking work - it will bring good results. Now we need to strive for stability and unhurriedness. You shouldn't start new things. Be very careful about the information you receive - unfortunately, not all of it will be true.

AH-DHI - Sound of Vajra

Everything you do will bring good luck. This is a great time to start a new business, master another profession, or generally learn something new. Almost any goal is achievable without much difficulty. Good career advancement ahead. Friends, colleagues and loved ones will delight you with understanding and love.

RA-AH - Bright Lamp

You can safely make plans, make major acquisitions, plan for marriage and the birth of a child. All this is favored by the stars. Difficulties are a thing of the past, just don’t repeat your previous mistakes.

RA-RA - Add Oil to the Fire

Activity and determination - this should be your motto for the near future. Don’t be afraid to take the wrong step, even that is better than inaction.

RA-PA - Test

Hide and wait. Any active actions now will not bring any benefit. Reconsider your plans. Moderate your demands on others and life in general. Avoid showdowns and new acquaintances. Save up your strength - you'll need it soon.

RA-CA - King of Power

Activity, will and pressure - these are the qualities that are needed now. Cast aside doubts and act. With every decisive action your strength will increase.

RA-NA - Withered Tree

A time of reflection and contemplation. No action will have a clear result. Therefore, it is better to evaluate the actions and relationships of recent times - perhaps a lot will become clearer for you.

RA-DHI - Door of Auspicious Visions

By carefully listening to the advice of friends and your own intuition, you can take a fresh look at many aspects of life. What previously irritated and seemed like a hindrance will open up completely unexpected side. Having understood yourself, you can see new horizons.

PA-AH - Vessel of Nectar

Be especially attentive to those around you. Gentleness, understanding, patience and diplomacy will strengthen family and friendly ties. A trip to the south, to the sea, is favorable. There you can meet your destiny.

PA-RA - Drying Pond

Caution and prudence are what you need above all else now. There is no need to be afraid of enemies and ill-wishers (they will not be able to do you much harm), but you should not particularly rely on the help of friends. If possible, avoid meeting with strangers and rely mainly only on yourself.

PA-PA - Ocean of Nectar

Success in finance can exceed even your wildest expectations. Everything you take on now turns around cash flow. But don’t lose your head - try to avoid dubious investments and carefully check all sources of information.

PA-CA - Flame of Passion

You are simply overwhelmed with emotions, the situation around you is tense to the limit. Be very careful - because the source of negativity is hidden within you. Now any action you take, any harsh word can provoke a scandal that will damage your reputation and alienate your loyal friends. The best medicine There will be communication with nature.

PA-NA - Golden Lotus

Soon you will be rewarded as you deserve. A clear mind, a kind heart and good intentions will bring you success, material well-being and the joy of intimacy with a loved one. Don’t rush this time, don’t do rash and risky things - just wait a little longer.

PA-DHI - Healing Nectar

It's time for good luck. Everything you wanted is starting to come true. Brilliant career achievements, financial success, health, personal happiness, peace and quiet in the home - everything will be exactly as you dreamed and sought. Generously share your happiness with the people around you - and it will become even greater.

CA-AH - White Umbrella of Good Luck

Even if you cannot implement some of your decisions, and what was recently promised to you does not come true, you should not be upset. All the same, you have found yourself in a happy period of your life, and no matter what path you take, you will achieve prosperity.

CA-RA - Flaming Sword

If you need to resolve problems that have arisen, deal with ill-wishers and generally “dot the i’s” - now you have enough energy and determination for this. Be careful only in the sphere of love - forceful methods here will not bring the desired result.

CA-PA - Emptiness of the mind

You are too irritable and suspicious - the most insignificant little things upset you to tears, you inflate the slightest offense into hostility, any misunderstanding between you and your loved ones can lead to a break. Calm your nerves, be more lenient towards others - and you will understand that it’s all your fault.

CA-CA - Banner of Glory

You can achieve fame and glory if you are firmly aware of your goal and the path to it. Don’t try to get everything at once, don’t overexert yourself and don’t fuss. Calm confidence in your abilities and awareness of the right path will certainly lead you to the desired result.

CA-NA - Lost Breath

Sometimes you need to act, and sometimes you just need to stop and catch your breath before moving forward again. Now you shouldn’t make plans, go on a trip or hope for a happy romance. Wait, relax, do meditation and yoga, so that later you can enter active life with new strength.

CA-DHI - House of Good News

Strive for new knowledge and acquaintances, they are a guarantee of your future well-being. Any information and meeting can turn out in your favor. The main thing is not to isolate yourself and expand your circle of interests and friends. But don’t be greedy—share the information with your loved ones.

NA-AH - Golden Mountain

Resilience and steadfastness in pursuit of your goals will lead you to success. Now is not the time to rush and doubt. The tasks you have set for yourself are correct, the people around you are true friends. Trust them and yourself and stay close to home, now it is especially “your fortress.”

NA-RA - Fire obstacle

Strong and wise man obstacles only make you stronger. Be firm and consistent in your good intentions, do not lose hope - the unfavorable period will soon end, and you, like a Phoenix reborn from the ashes, will find happiness again.

NA-PA - Precious Vessel Filled to the Brim

Your soul is full of joy. Family, work and leisure, love and friendship are harmoniously woven into a single wreath of happiness.

NA-CA - Crumbling Sand Mountain

Don’t be afraid that plans and prospects change, some people leave your life, and in general many, at first glance, completely unexpected events happen. It's just time to leave many of the old attachments and plans behind and turn your gaze to new horizons.

NA-NA - Golden Abode

Stop, look around, and enjoy what surrounds you. Really appreciate what you have. Now you are surrounded by true friends and really close people. You should not strive for change: a change of job or hobby, place of residence or circle of friends, travel or a new acquaintance, even a change in hairstyle can upset the happy balance of your life.

NA-DHI - Treasury with Jewels

Don't wait for change and news. Everything is stable, stable and full of joy. Pay attention to your friends, receive guests, give and receive gifts. Now your home is a place where everyone who knows you strives to go.

DHI-AH - Appearance of Manjushri

All your wishes will come true if you trust the experienced people who are nearby. Consult with your parents at home and your bosses at work more often. Some of their wisdom will pass on to you. You will become smarter, more patient, and even people who dislike you will not be able to help but admit this.

DHI-RA - Infinite Knot of Luck

Do what you think is right, and you will be successful in everything. Listen to your inner voice, trust yourself in everything. Friends will not betray your trust, your loved one will not disappoint. Troubles, failures and illnesses will pass far from you.

DHI-PA - Goldfish

Even small efforts now can bring generous results. Luck seems to follow you on your heels. You will even find what seemed long lost or unattainable to you. Just look carefully around you, react quickly to what is happening and believe in your destiny.

DHI-CA - White Shell

Get to know the world and yourself. Now is the time to study languages, logic and philosophy. It is also good to meditate and tell fortunes. Watch your thoughts, not allowing envy and ill will into them.

DHI-NA - Golden Wheel

You know exactly what you want and how to achieve it, so success and prosperity await you. Creative ideas, career, finances and personal life - everything is harmonious. And this harmony will be with you for a very long time.

DHI-DHI - Victory Banner

You will be able to accomplish whatever you want, since your intentions are noble and will benefit not only you, but also those around you. Together with your friends, you will crush your enemies and gain wealth. Continue on your path - victory will be yours.


Throughout life, every person experiences a large number of questions. Some of them can be answered through logical thinking. If you have certain prerequisites known only to you, on the basis of which you can draw accurate conclusions, then you do not need fortune telling. But sometimes it happens that we find ourselves in situations where we absolutely don’t know what to do, we don’t know what to expect next.

For this reason, from ancient times to this day, people have been trying to find answers through fortune telling. Over many thousands of years, a lot has been invented in various ways fortune telling. One of them is Tibetan fortune telling MO. This fortune telling appeared back in the 14th century AD. among the magicians of Asia. Having appeared in Tibetan villages, it became very closely associated with the internal Tibetan-Buddhist culture and religion.

Tibetan fortune telling MO involves fortune telling using 2 identical cubes, whose edges are marked with special signs.

In order to make a cube for fortune telling, you need to take an ordinary children's cube and stick one of the syllables of the Tibetan mantra on its sides in the manner shown in the figure.

The one who tells fortunes must roll both dice several times and use the symbols that appear to decipher the prediction. Since several symbols appear at once, there is a list of special rules thanks to which the results of Tibetan fortune-telling MO are interpreted.


ON ONGemstone on gold"). Plans will come true. New friends are expected. A long illness will not do much harm.

ON RA(“Fire of Suffering”). You can expect big troubles in family life. Possible loss of friends or blood diseases caused by infection.

ON PA(“Precious Vessel of Happiness”). The plans outlined are correct, and family life is filled with happiness. Old friends may return, but enemies will remain inactive. The main disease will be cured.

ON CA(“Destruction of the Golden House”). Family relationships may deteriorate, and there is a possibility of life plans collapsing. Friends may leave you, and enemies may strike you unexpectedly.

ON DHI(“Western Treasury”) Luck accompanies everything. Your spiritual world is perfect. Friends will be faithful, and enemies will disappear from life.

ON AH(“Golden Constancy”). Life plans will come true and bring happiness. Health is as good as ever. Lost things will be found, if they have not yet fallen into the wrong hands.

RA ON(“Tree of Confusion”). IN family matters boredom and stagnation are expected. Enemies are weak, you will not find support in friends.

RA RA(“Fire of Joy”) Family relationships improve. Friends surround you, their connections will bring wealth.

RA PA(“Lord of Death”) Trouble can be expected somewhere nearby. There is no luck in business. Friends will turn their backs on you, and enemies will strike. A dangerous time for people with colds.

RA CA("Power of the Tiger"). Everything is fine in the family. Plans should be implemented immediately, this will bring success. New friends will appear soon. No illnesses are expected.

RA DHI(“Door of Wisdom”) Life is joyful and not overshadowed by troubles. Good luck will come from a friend's advice. Diseases will subside; your aura is free from occult evil. Losses should be looked for in the south or west of the place of the incident.

RA AH(“Lamp in the Darkness”). Calm and grace reign in family affairs. The illness that torments you requires strength, since your aura is clouded by bad deeds.

PA ON(“Lotus of Happiness”). Everything is fine in the family. New friends will appear. Treatment should be intensified, then the disease will subside. All losses will be found, although not immediately.

PAIR(“Castle in the Sand”). Family relationships are fine, but the situation may worsen in the future. Beware of serious illnesses. What is lost will not be found.

DAD(“Cleansing with nectar”). Friends will help in everything. Beware of colds. Spiritual world ok, but it's better not to meet new people. The things you lost will be found by your relatives.

PA CA(“The Boiling of the Ocean of Passion”). There will be discord in the family. Plans for the future promise losses. Among the diseases, you should beware of diseases of blood vessels and tendons.

PA DHI(“Clouds of Happiness”). Family affairs in in perfect order. The enemies are silent, powerless. If you are sick, you need to follow the advice of doctors and complete healing will occur. The lost thing will definitely be found.

PA AH(“Nectar of Peace”) The intended goals will soon be achieved. Thanks to your friends, you will make significant profits. The loss should be looked for near a body of water.

TA NA("Demon's Sickle") Big setbacks are expected. Possible diseases respiratory tract. Your spirit is in decline. You can't get your losses back.

CA RA(“Sword of Power”). Diseases will not affect you, occult evil will be defeated by the power of the spirit. Everything lost will soon be found.

TA PA("Empty Valley") Family breakdown is possible. Diseases are minor. Don't associate with bad people. A lost item will be very difficult to find.

TA TA(“Banner on the Mountain”). Everything is fine in the family, all endeavors will be crowned with success. New friends will appear. The loss must be looked for in the northeast of the place of loss.

CA DHI(“Tree of Benefits”). Business endeavors will have unexpected but positive results. There is complete mutual understanding with friends. The lost item will be found.

CA AH(“Flower of Luck”) Luck awaits in everything. Friends will remain faithful, and enemies will move away. The illnesses will go away. A lost thing will be found.

DHI NA("Golden Throne") There is peace in family life. Things will go well. Friends will remain faithful to you. Recovery takes time.

DHI RA(“The Knot of the Beautiful”) Luck accompanies all endeavors. New friends are expected. The aura is clear and the mind is at peace. The loss will soon return.

DHI PA(“Fish of Happiness”). Success in all matters. Diseases, even minor ones, do not threaten. The aura of the spirit is pure. The loss will return.

DHI CA(“Clam of Glorious News”). Expect good news in family and business pursuits. In the spiritual realm, glory is to be expected. There will be no serious illnesses.

DHI DHI(“Precious Banner”). This sign promises good things. Friends will be near, but enemies will be far away. The illnesses will go away on their own.

DHI AH(“Primordial Wisdom”) You can only expect positive changes.

AH NA(“Golden Stagnation”). Everything is fine in family life. Business plans will be fulfilled. New friends will appear. Beware of diseases of the mucous membranes. The lost item will be found by a loved one.

AH RA("Ray in the Dark") Do good deeds, and then your family will prosper. The illness will soon pass. You will receive a message from a stranger about a lost item.

AH PA(“Moon Cloud”) An addition is expected to the family. Things will go well. You should beware of colds and indigestion. A woman you know will find your lost things.

AH CA(“Star Whirlwind”). Business ventures related to travel will lead to a successful ending. Possible intestinal disease will quickly heal. Lost items must be searched for as soon as possible, otherwise they will fall into the hands of strangers.

AH DHI(“Joy and Wisdom”) There is balance in the family. Diseases are quickly curable. Disturbing thoughts should be driven away from yourself. You will have to work hard to find lost things.

AHAH(“Giving Harmony”). You should be careful that your friends do not leave you. Diseases will not bother you. The lost item must be looked for at the place where it was lost.

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