What actions of Solokha cause rejection? What fairy-tale heroine does she resemble? .

Encyclopedia of Plants 24.09.2019

hero, about his character and habits.
2. Why does Grinev call the tavern cursed in the first chapter?
3. Write out from the explanatory dictionary the meanings of the word “counselor”. In which of them is this word used in the title of the chapter?
4. Reread the second chapter and continue to write down what actions Peter Grineva does and what qualities of the hero are manifested in them.
5. Write out symbolic images from the text of the second chapter and reveal their meanings:
6. Consistently write out from the chapters that talk about Pugachev what qualities Grinev discovers in him.

The Snow Queen. What adventures of Gerda are the fruit of the author's fantasy? In what actions of Gerda do we see, as Marshak says, "examples of stamina, strong will

and tender heart"? Who in this tale can be attributed to the "idle, arrogant, self-willed world"? What heroes of the tale personify the "world of work, inspiration, courage"?

Abage - who is this person? what does he do in this country? 2 - how is his name deciphered? Does the name reflect the character of the hero? 3 - how does the author describe the hero?

makes this character, and how they characterize him

Answer the questions of the tragedy of Aeschylus "Prometheus Bound"

1) Why does Zeus punish Prometheus so severely?
2) Who sympathizes with Prometheus, who tries to encourage him, support him?
3) What does Prometheus tell the Oceanians? What conclusion does he make at the end of the story?
4) Read the words of Prometheus about his deeds in the name of the people (Comment on them)
Don't think that pride makes
Silence me. But I am tormented by the heart
At the spectacle of my shame.

Who, if not me, to all these new gods
Did you fully distribute their honors? ....
But I am silent about what you know
Let me tell you about the suffering of mortals...
After all, I made them, before the foolish ones,

Reasonable and thinker taught.
I'm not saying this to them,
But I want to explain to you all the meaning
My blessings.... Formerly people
They looked and did not see and, hearing,
Have not heard, in some kind of sleepy dreams
dragged out life; did not know woodworking,
They didn't build brick houses
Huddled in the depths of the underground pits,
Sunless like ants
They did not yet distinguish

Will take winter, spring - pores of flowers
And a fruitful summer; without a thought
They did everything, and I showed them
Sunrise and sunset of heavenly stars.
I taught them the first of the sciences -

Science of numbers and literacy; and gave them
and creative memory. Mother of Muses,
And I was the first to enslave the yoke
wild animals; making it easier for people
Hard bodily labor, I harnessed
In a cart of horses, an obedient bridle, -
Luxurious wealth beauty.
Nobody like me, running across the sea
Flax-winged thought ships...
And inventing all this for mortals,

For myself I can't
Invent a means to escape from disasters!
5) In order to find out from Prometheus the secret of his fate, Zeus sends Hermes to him. Re-read the diologue of Hermes and Prometheus. What are both heroes like?
6) How did the cosmic revenge of Zeus take place? How do you understand the last words of Prometheus?
7) Tell us about Promitheus, evaluate his character, actions, attitude towards people, hatred of tyranny and despotism
8) How do you imagine Zeus? what feelings does he evoke, does he evoke in all the gkroes, except for Prometheus? Why did Aeschylus not show him in tranedia?
9) What glorifies and what does Aeschylus condemn in the moral character of Prometheus and Power and Power, assistants of Zeus, opposing each other?
10) How does the heroic and the tragic combine in the image of Prometheus? Why does the death of a hero not cause you pessimism?

Author information

Kuznetsova Svetlana Ivanovna

Place of work, position:

MBOU secondary school No. 21, Kovrov Teacher of Russian language and literature

Vladimir region

Characteristics of the lesson (classes)

The level of education:

Higher professional education

The target audience:

Learner (student)

The target audience:

Teacher (teacher)




The purpose of the lesson:

1. Education of moral and aesthetic ideas (kindness, moral purity, the ability to appreciate beauty).

2. Development of monologue speech of students, mental activity, analytical abilities.

3. Identification of the artistic idea of ​​the story, folklore motifs; improving the skills of characterization of a literary hero.

Lesson type:

Lesson of studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge

Students in the class (audience):

Used textbooks and study guides:

N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas" (textbook by G.S. Merkin grade 5, part 1)

- "Explanatory Dictionary" edited by S. Ozhegov

Collection of V. Dahl "Proverbs of the Russian people"

Used equipment:

A computer

Used CORs:


Short description:

The lesson is designed for students in grade 5 and is one of the lessons for studying the story of N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas". The lesson is built in accordance with the technology of active learning, which allows you to activate the activity of students in the lesson, contributes to the development of thinking and analytical abilities, and also to a greater extent allows students to independently discover new knowledge. I build my lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, therefore the primary goal is to educate a highly moral person with a developed system of value attitudes towards the world.

During the classes.


Teacher's word.

Guys, in the last lesson we went on a trip to wonderful world fairy tale by N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas". Today we will continue this journey, and I hope that it will be interesting and useful for you.

II. Motivation of students to activity.

Refer to the slide on which Russian proverbs are presented to your attention. Read them carefully, find the key words and try to guess what we will talk about today in the lesson.

(Proverbs on the slide: “Good is not dashing: it wanders the world quietly”

“You will spend an hour in goodness - you will forget all grief”

"In a Good Way God Rules"

“If you go after the unkind, you will come across trouble”

"It's hard for him who remembers evil"

"It's better to be reconciled than to be angry."

(Students after getting acquainted with proverbs should come to the conclusion that in the lesson we will talk about good and evil).

Teacher: Guys, what is good and evil for you? What associations do you have with these concepts? (students' statements)

Teacher: Let's take a look at dictionary and see how the concepts of "good" and "evil" are defined there.

(explanations of words from S. Ozhegov's dictionary are displayed on the slide:

Good is something positive, good, useful.

Evil- it is something bad, harmful.)

Teacher: Guys, did your ideas about good and evil coincide with what the dictionary offers? Do you and I have reason to talk about good and evil in the course of analyzing the story? Good and evil manifest in some way in it? (students must answer in the affirmative)

III. Goal setting.

So let's formulate the topic of our today's lesson ("Good and Evil in N.V. Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas" - write it in a notebook)

And now let's think together about what we will work on today, what are the goals of our work? (during the discussion, the guys should reach the following goals:

Follow how good and evil manifest themselves on the pages of the story;

Which of the heroes is the personification of good, and which is evil;

What wins in the end - good or evil?

IV. Topic update.

Teacher: Remember the heroes of the story (the teacher directs the children to the main images that manifest themselves in actions). Try to distribute them into 2 columns, depending on whether they are the personification of good or evil, in your opinion. (students work in a notebook, then voice their assumptions).


Vakula Damn

Oksana? Solokha

(Students may find it difficult to decide whether Oksana is the personification of good or evil; the teacher suggests getting to know the characters in more detail in order to resolve doubts).

Teacher: So, guys, you correlated the heroes with the concepts of good and evil. Let's now understand why you made such a choice. To do this, several children will carefully work with the text of the story, follow the actions of the characters and select material to characterize them.

V. Discovery of new knowledge.

Work in pairs.

1 pair How is the blacksmith Vakula depicted? In what episodes his character is revealed

the brightest? Suggest key words to help describe his character.

2 pair What qualities of Oksana's character are manifested in the following episodes:

Oksana in front of a mirror;

A conversation with a blacksmith;

The arrival of friends.

Suggest keywords that reveal the character of the heroine.

3 pair What is Solokha shown in the story? What actions do you dislike about her?

Suggest key words that reveal its character.

4 pair ( experts) Track what actions of the heroes (Oksana and Vakula)

correspond to the Christian commandments, and which contradict them.

At this time, work is underway with the rest of the students to comprehend the image of the Devil.

Guys, how do you imagine the devil? (students speak)

What the hell is Gogol doing? Find its description (work with the text of the story).

Guys, can Gogol's traits cause a feeling of fear? (he does not cause fear, because in everything he looks like a person).

Then why did you correlate it with the concept of EVIL? (he wanted to steal a month to take revenge on Vakula for painting him in a church in a picture doomsday).

What character traits distinguish him? (vindictiveness, cunning) - write down in a notebook.

And how do you understand the words of Gogol: “The last night was left for the devil to roam around the world and learn sins good people"? What night are you talking about? (The night before Christmas).

Guys, this night is not quite ordinary, it is special. Want to know why she's special? Then let's listen to a message about this (a student performs with a pre-prepared individual task on the topic “Christmas Eve. Caroling. folk traditions»).

Teacher: So, now we understand why evil forces are most active on Christmas Eve, trying to harm people or make God-fearing people sin.

Who, in your opinion, from the heroes of the story is consonant with the image of the Devil? (Solokha). Let's listen to what the guys will tell about this heroine (speech by students with the results of working in pairs. As a result, we come to the conclusion that Solokha is the embodiment of evil, because she wants to quarrel her son with Chub in order to marry him herself and seize his property; she collects stars in his sleeve to harm Orthodox Christians; key words for the image: greedy, capable of deception, selfish).

Teacher: Is this how the Devil and Solokha manage to achieve what they set out to do? Let's check how carefully you read the text of the story, and at the same time you will have a little rest.

Physical education minute (the teacher offers students questions-statements on the text of the story, the students answer, and if they agree with the statement, then clap their hands, if not, then squat).

Solokha married Chub and took all his goods into her hands (no);

The moon, stolen by the Devil from the sky, was hidden by him in a bag-hole (yes);

Patsyuk was also associated with evil spirit(Yes);

Vakula traveled to St. Petersburg (for laces) on horseback (no);

Oksana at first laughs at Vakula, at his feelings (yes);

Vakula nevertheless enters into a conspiracy with evil spirits in order to achieve Oksana's love (no, but the guys may doubt the answer, which is why we propose to deal with the image of Vakula in more detail).

Teacher: So, a group of guys watched the actions of Vakula. How is the blacksmith Vakula shown? (performance of students with the results of work in pairs). (key words for the image: hardworking, kind, faithful, knows how to love, appreciate beauty, capable of self-sacrifice) - this is an exceptionally positive hero.

Teacher: Guys, at the beginning of the lesson, you found it difficult to determine Oksana's place in the world of good and evil. Let's deal with this image, having first listened to the guys who prepared the characterization of the heroine (students, analyzing the main episodes, come to the conclusion that Oksana is spoiled, capricious, proud, envious, proud).

Teacher: Guys, the resulting characterization of the heroine allows us to correlate her with the world of good or evil? (students' statements, opinions may be contradictory). Since today we are talking about the events that took place on Christmas Eve, we must remember that the actions of the heroes are primarily evaluated from the point of view of the Christian commandments. And who among you knows the basics of the Christian commandments?

Let's turn to our experts who tried to figure it out for help.

Presentation by experts.(as a result, students should come to the conclusion that Oksana's envy, pride, excessive pride are from the evil one, this is a sin, which means EVIL.

To the question: do the dark forces manage to break the blacksmith’s faith on Christmas Eve, make him sin, the students must answer that he really almost sinned: at first he almost drowned himself (this is suicide, a terrible sin), and then he decided to sell his soul to the devil for love Oksana. But this doesn't happen. His faith is so strong that he managed to stop in time and not commit a sin, i.e. the pure soul of the hero turns out to be stronger than the machinations of evil forces).

Teacher: Guys, what do you think, all attempts of evil spirits to destroy the world of beauty and love ended in complete failure or, on the contrary, in triumph? What turned out to be stronger? (students notice that good triumphs at the end of the story).

Teacher: But what about Oksana? After all, apart from external beauty, we did not see anything positive in it. (students notice that at the end of the story she changes, because she understands that real gold is not something that glitters (laces, for example), but Vakula’s pure soul. And it is Vakula’s sincere love, his fidelity, inner beauty). - students confirm these conclusions with the text of the story.

Lesson conclusions.

Thus, guys, we were convinced that against the backdrop of a frosty Christmas night, under the arch of a high starry sky, goodness, beauty and love triumph. The devil, instead of getting the soul of Vakula, himself becomes his servant and is expelled in disgrace from the farm and from the soul of the wayward Oksana. Solokha was also left with nothing, since Chub received his sight and saw her insidious essence. In a word, GOOD won over EVIL.

VI. Reflection.

Teacher: And now, guys, back to the proverbs with which we started our lesson. Which of them, in your opinion, are the most consonant with our today's conversation, with our heroes? (student guesses). Is there one among them that you would take for yourself as a life motto?

I'm done.

I am satisfied with my work.

I could do better.

I learned a lot in class.

In the course of work, I had questions that I would like to receive answers to.

And I would like to end our lesson with the words:

Good is the light that keeps our souls from getting lost in the darkness of the night;

Kindness is a force that helps us endure any trials.

So let your souls be filled with goodness,

And may it be a faithful and reliable companion in your life.

Homework. Write a cinquain either on the topic "Vakula" or on the topic "Oksana".


· to identify the role of fantastic characters in the work, the meaning of the opposition of the real world of Dikanka and the fantastic world of St. Petersburg; define artistic idea stories;

· develop oral speech students in the course of compiling a story about a hero and expressive reading;

· to cultivate interest in the personality and creativity of N. V. Gogol.

Equipment: multimedia presentation; fragments of animated and feature films; excerpts from their opera by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov "The Night Before Christmas".


I. Organizing time.

1. The word of the teacher.

Gogol's favorite image technique was contrast. “The true effect lies in the sharp contrast; beauty is never as bright and visible as in contrast,” Gogol wrote in his article “On the Architecture of the Present Time.” As a rule, in the stories of the cycle, the human world meets the world of evil spirits.

2. Viewing a fragment of the cartoon (the beginning of the story) about the witch and the devil.

3. The image of Solokha.

What actions of Solokha cause you rejection? What fairy-tale heroine does she resemble? (Solokha is similar to the fabulous Baba Yaga. She collects stars in her sleeve to annoy Orthodox Christians. She owns love spells, does not have maternal feelings for her son Vakula, wants to quarrel him with Chub, because she dreams of marrying Chub and taking everything into her own hands his property).

Does Solokha differ in appearance from the same “forty-year-old gossips” like her? (The witch fusses about a profitable husband, while resorting not to witchcraft at all, but “to the usual means of all forty-year-old gossips.” The witch is not so different from ordinary women that she even goes to church. Many people feel sympathy for her. The heroine is smart, courteous, and admiring her, dressed up, they think: "Oh, good woman! Damn woman!" Making Solokha a compliment, the Cossacks, without knowing it, call her essence).

Does Solokha look like a real witch? (It remains not entirely clear whether the real witch Solokha; first, the narrator tells how Solokha flew across the sky, and then he expresses doubt in the rumors that Solokha is a witch: “But all this is something doubtful, because only one Sorochinskiy assessor can see the witch”).

What is the comical situation in which Solokha's guests find themselves? (The guests do not suspect that Solokha is deceiving them. Everything is revealed by chance. Questions about the weather and boots, with which the heroes try to cover up their extreme embarrassment, sound especially comical).

4. The image of the devil.

Does the devil in The Night Before Christmas evoke feelings of fear? (No, because he looks like a man in everything: "... in front he is completely German, in the back he is a real provincial lawyer in uniform, because his tail hung, as sharp and long as the current uniform tails"; he courted the witch just like a man: “... having driven up like a small demon, he grabbed her by the arm and started to whisper in her ear the very thing that is usually whispered to the entire female race.”

Gogol exclaims: “In a word, everything creeps into people! When these people will not be vain! You can bet that it will seem surprising to many to see the devil set off to the same place for himself. The most annoying thing of all is that he probably imagines himself handsome, while as a figure - to look ashamed. Erysipelas, as Foma Grigoryevich says, an abomination is an abomination, but he also builds love chickens!

The devil appears before the reader as part of a farcical folk performance, one of the characters of the Ukrainian folk-holiday and fair life).

Why did the devil swore revenge on the blacksmith? (Vakula is an artist who creates paintings on religious subjects, and to portray the devil - from a funny or ugly side - means to master evil, to overcome it. Therefore, the devil interferes with the work of a blacksmith who paints how St. Peter on the Day of Last Judgment casts out an evil spirit from hell. How no matter how the devil tried, he did not succeed. From that time on, the devil takes revenge on the blacksmith.)

Why was Vakula stronger than the devil?

5. The word of the teacher.

Such a view of the devil - the devil is stupid, poor, harmless - a look of folklore, folk.

In The Night Before Christmas, the devil is busy with his usual business - the hunt for the soul - where he traditionally fails completely. His tricks are so naive, the expression of feelings is so direct that the "enemy of the human race" is more like a petty prankster. Against his will, the devil helps Vakula first get to St. Petersburg, and then get, together with the Cossacks, who "traveled from the Sich with papers to the queen", to the palace and receive the treasured "cherevichki" from the hands of the empress.

What else helped the hero defeat the devil? Does it matter that Vakula is a believer? (The devil can be ridiculed, humiliated, but all this will remain a half-measure. Only the intervention of the power of good, which is reflected in God, can finally defeat the evil embodied in the image of the unclean.

For his communion with evil spirits, the pious blacksmith bears “church repentance” and paints “left wing” in the temple for free, and the devil in hell draws “so nasty that everyone spit when they pass by”).

6. The image of the Pot-bellied Patsyuk.

What do we learn about Patsyuk's past?

What is the appearance of Patsyuk?

What folklore landscape resembles Patsyuk?

7. Message from a trained student about Poganom Idolische.

Filthy Idolishche is an epic hero, a representative of a dark hostile force, "non-Christ", "Tatar". About his struggle with Ilya Muromets, many different options have been preserved. According to one of them, he killed with a "hat of the Greek land" Foul Idolishche, "who canceled the ringing of bells and forbade saved alms", and thereby saved Kyiv from him (according to others - Tsargrad). Filthy Idolishche, also called "impious", "unbaptized", "cursed Tatar", "cursed", "glutton" and compared with Tugarin Zmievich, says about himself:

I eat bread in the oven

And I eat meat for a whole banner,

And I drink beer for three yands (up to 40 buckets).

According to the description of Kalika-bogatyr Ivanishch and Alyosha Popovich -

His head is the size of a beer cauldron,

And stare at the cursed beer bowl,

And the nose was an arrow of the knee,

In the shoulders oblique sazhen,

And the body is like a pile of uncountable hay.

The horse is led by 20 people.

What is the difference between Gogol and Idolishche? (Patsyuk, unlike Idolishche, does good to the inhabitants of Dikanka: he heals them with conspiracies. Many turned to Patsyuk for help, because within a few days after the arrival of the former Cossack in the village, "everyone ... found out that he was a medicine man").

Why did Vakula not dare to accept help from the hands of Patsyuk?

How is the evil spirit (witch, devil, sorcerer) depicted in the story? (The characters of The Night Before Christmas are not as scary as they are comical, not magical, but everyday. It is no coincidence that the author puts both Solokha and the devil in comic situations: Vakul deftly grabs the bewildered devil by the tail, more than anything in the world afraid of the “terrible cross ”; Patsyuk, eating dumplings and dumplings with sour cream in fasting, looks more funny than scary).

8. Fantastic and real in the story. An expressive reading of the episode from the words "At first it seemed terrible to Vakula ..." to the words "... all the same, I would like to consult with them."

What is more in the description of Vakula's flight - fantastic or real? (When a blacksmith flies on a line across the night sky, it seems that he is just driving along a crowded street - all mythological forces behave like human beings).

Where does the fairy tale begin for Vakula? (Magical, fabulous - these are not devils and witches, but that distant kingdom, something like the world where Vakula - Petersburg falls.)

9. The word of the teacher.

There are two worlds in the story - the real one (the world of Dikanka) and the fabulous one (Petersburg). The picture of the night capital comes out more fantastic than the picture of the sky inhabited by "spirits". The capital in the night illumination is a distant, unprecedented and exotic view. The amazingness, the strangeness of the picture is especially enhanced by the fact that things almost come to life: houses grow, rise from the ground, looks with fiery eyes. In "Night ..." for the first time in Russian literature, Petersburg appears at night, the beauty of the city is described in artificial lighting. Later, this is exactly what Petersburg will very often be like for Gogol himself, and for many Russian writers and poets.

Expressive reading from the words “Have mercy, mom! Why are you destroying the faithful people ... "to the words" Get me out of here soon. (Can be replaced by viewing a fragment from a feature film).

What did the Cossacks come to ask for? (The Cossacks came to ask the empress to save the Zaporozhian Sich).

Was the request of the Cossacks fulfilled? (The request was denied. Russian empress Catherine II signed the manifesto "On the destruction of the Zaporizhzhya Sich and on its inclusion in the Novorossiysk province" on August 5, 1775)

Why does Gogol not show this historical moment?

The image of Solokha- a prudent and cunning woman, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol sought to ridicule in his work "The Night Before Christmas".

"The Night Before Christmas" image of Solokha

Solokha- the mother of the blacksmith Vakula, distinguished by her cunning, hypocrisy, she does vile deeds and actions against other people only in order to satisfy her own interests. The heroine bowed only to the rich, especially to the prosperous Cossack Chub, because he had a very large household, and she really wanted to take him into her own hands. In her dreams, she was already thinking about how everything would be there when she was a full-fledged mistress. The writer portrayed Solokha in close interweaving with reality and fantasy: in the work she can be a lively, dexterous village woman and ride a broomstick, like a witch who flirts with both the clerk and the devil. She is envied by rural women.

Solokha is very hypocritical, but at the same time she is beautiful and charming. Even her faith in God, and that, pretend, this is evident from the gatherings arranged by her during the most strict fast on Christmas Eve, and this was considered a great sin. The heroine is shown in two worlds (both a witch and Vakula's mother). She does not create a terrible impression of herself, since in ordinary life this is a very kind woman who knows how to charm the most sedate and wealthy Cossacks of the village and even the devil himself. This loving and portly, not at all young heroine of the story is shown by the writer as a negative character. She, like the devil, turns into anyone she wants and does various things that a person cannot. Sly mockery is seen in the image of Solokha, created by the great writer. In it, he wanted to show various human vices, such as: treason, greed, self-interest and deceit. The reader sees that everything that is bad in a person, as a rule, will be revealed in the end, and as a result, he becomes ridiculous for everyone and looks very stupid.

During the classes.

I. Organizing moment.

Teacher's word.

Guys, in the last lesson we went on a journey through the wonderful world of N.V. Gogol's fairy tale "The Night Before Christmas". Today we Let's continue this journey, and I hope that it will be interesting and useful for you.

II. Motivation of students to activity.

Refer to the slide, which presents quotes from the Internet. Read them carefully, find the key words and try to guess what we will talk about today in the lesson.

Quotes from the Internet on the slide:

Those who do not believe in magic will never find it.

Magic can always be found in the most amazing places.

Some people say that there is no beauty and magic left in the world. Then how do you explain what the whole world celebrates in one night New Year.

Magic, is it good or evil? It doesn't matter what. It would be something that could stop the tears.

Magic comes from books.

(Students, after reading the quotes, should come to the conclusion that the lesson will be about magic.)

Teacher: I invite you to spend one of magical evenings on a farm near Dikanka. What associations do you have in connection with a magical evening near Dikanka? (students' statements)

- Is Dikanka a fictitious or a specific geographical place?

/ - At the time that Gogol talks about, Dikanka was a small village with whitewashed huts, thatched huts, in the courtyard of each well with a crane, gardens. There are many living creatures around the estate - a wicker fence.

Now Dikanka is an urban-type settlement (since 1957) in Ukraine, 29 km from the Poltava railway station./

What time of day does the magic usually happen?

Teacher: Let's look in the dictionary and see how the concepts of “magic” and “fantasy” are defined there. SLIDE

(explanations of words from S. Ozhegov's dictionary are displayed on the slide:

Magic- sorcery, divination. Magical - acting magic, possessing miraculous power.

Fantasy- that is based on creative imagination, fiction./ Fiction folk tales.

Teacher: Guys, your ideas about magic coincided with what the dictionary offers ? Do you and I have reason to talk about the magical and fantastic in the course of analyzing the story?(students must answer in the affirmative)

III. Goal setting.

So let's formulate the topic of our today's lesson (“Magic and fantastic in N.V. Gogol's story“ The Night Before Christmas ”-write it in a notebook) SLIDE

Now let's think together what are we going to work on today, what are the goals of our work?(during the discussion, the guys should reach the following goals:

Track how magical and fantastic are highlighted on the pages of the story;

What fabulous elements can be traced in the work of N.V. Gogol;

What features unite with a fairy tale?

IV. Topic update.

“The lines of his works are like songs he overheard at parties where lads and girls gathered. What strength! What inspiration! What a joy to read!” This assessment of the collection of stories gave greatest poet Russia A.S. Pushkin. VIDEO

Gogol idolized Pushkin, and the poet's opinion was very important for the beginning writer. What struck Pushkin in the collection of N.V. Gogol?

vocabulary work. Quiz .

In his work "The Night Before Christmas" N.V. Gogol uses "... words that are not clear to everyone in this book." At home, you had to work with the text of the story and try to determine the meanings of some words. Let's do a little quiz. Examples from the text for you to determine the meaning of words. GROUP WORK (give negative from the quiz)

1. “He knew that the rich Cossack Chub was invited by the deacon to kutya”

/ Kutya - wheat porridge with honey and a decoction of dried fruits. Kutya was eaten on Christmas Eve./

2. “They unloaded the sacks and boasted of sacks, sausages, dumplings, which they had already managed to get quite enough for their carols” / sacks - small bread is somewhat flat. /

3. “You have new shoes” / Shoes - shoes /

4. “The clerk and the volost clerk took a blue Chinese woman for the third year” / Chinese - a type of cotton fabric /

5. “It's me, a good man! I came to you for fun to carol a little under the windows. caroling - singing under the windows on Christmas Eve;
6. “At a time when a nimble dandy with a tail and a goat’s beard flew out of the pipe and then back into the pipe, hanging from him ... the palm in which he hid the stolen month ... dissolved ...” palm (laminok) - Handbag or bag with incense or k.-l. another amulet, talisman, shrine, drug, a note containing a conspiracy.

These words are connected with the life of the Ukrainian people, who innocently believed in the existence of dark and light forces, and hoped that good always triumphs over evil. Gogol in his work immediately immerses us in the atmosphere of a Ukrainian farm, so that we clearly imagine the whitewashed huts-huts, so that we are fascinated by the song way of Ukrainian speech, get acquainted with the customs of Ukrainians.

V. Questions session.

When, at what time does the action take place?

- What is this holiday - Christmas? /Christian holiday, Birthday

Jesus Christ. SLIDE

Why do you think the most interesting events in the story take place at night?

(All miracles happen at night - at the most mysterious time of the day. It is on this last night before Christmas that unclean forces try to do as much evil as possible to people, they want Christmas not to come).

Guys, this night is not ordinary, it is special. Want to know why she's special? Then let's listen a message about this (the student speaks with a pre-prepared individual task on the topic

"Christmas Eve. Caroling. folk traditions).

VIDEO Christmas carols


Today we have wise folklorists, let's ask them to go out and read the carols in their notebooks, p.29.

VI. Story analysis.

- It's time for us to plunge into a magical night. Textbook, p.139.

1. Expressive reading of the description of the night. Description of the night before Christmas.

The last day before Christmas has passed. A clear winter night has come. Stars looked. The moon rose majestically into the sky to shine

good people and the whole world, so that everyone would have fun caroling and glorifying Christ. It was freezing colder than in the morning; but on the other hand it was so quiet that the creak of frost under a boot could be heard half a verst away. Not a single crowd of lads had yet shown under the windows of the huts; the moon alone peeped furtively into them, as if urging the dressed-up girls to run out into the squeaky snow as soon as possible. Then smoke fell in clubs through the chimney of one hut and went in a cloud across the sky, and together with the smoke a witch mounted on a broom rose up.

2. Conversation on questions.

- What are the fantastic features of the landscape?

(The landscape is animated: “The stars looked”, “The moon majestically rose to the sky to shine for good people and the whole world ...”, “the month looked into the windows”, the witch collects the stars in her sleeve, “the devil hid the month in his pocket”)

Personification - an expression that gives an idea of ​​​​a concept or phenomenon by depicting it in the form of a living person endowed with properties this concept.

- Let's take a closer look at the events in which fantastic heroes participate.

VIDEO neg. from the movie.

- What did we see?(fragment)

- What is the name of an independent and complete passage in a work of art?(Episode)

Let's analyze the most striking episodes with the participation of fantastic heroes. Here is an episode analysis plan.

Episode analysis plan.

What is unusual, unexpected in this passage?

Who is participating in the event?

How do ordinary heroes react to magic?

What characters in the story are fantastic?

(Solokha, devil and Patsyuk)

Creative teams to work with episodes.

Group 1-2. The devil steals the month. P. 140-141.

/… one could guess that he was not a German and not a provincial lawyer, but simply a devil, who was left to wander around the world and learn the sins of good people the last night. Tomorrow, with the first bells for matins, he will run without looking back, tail between his legs, to his lair.

Meanwhile, the devil crept slowly towards the moon and was already stretching out his hand to grab it, but suddenly pulled it back, as if burned, sucked his fingers, dangled his foot and ran in from the other side, and again jumped back and pulled his hand away. However, despite all the failures, the cunning devil did not leave his pranks. Running up, he suddenly grabbed the moon with both hands, grimacing and blowing, tossing it from one hand to the other, like a peasant who takes out a fire for his cradle with his bare hands; Finally, he hurriedly put it in his pocket and, as if he had never happened, ran further. /

After analysis:

How do we draw the devil in fairy tales? In fairy tales, it is a creature with horns and a tail.

How does Gogol portray him?

- Does the devil in The Night Before Christmas evoke feelings of fear?(No, because he looks like a man in everything: "... in front he is completely German, in the back he is a real provincial lawyer in uniform, because his tail hung, as sharp and long as the current uniform tails"; he courted the witch just like a man: The devil appears before the reader as part of a farcical folk performance, one of the characters of the Ukrainian folk-holiday and fair life).

Why did the devil swore revenge on the blacksmith?(Vakula is an artist who creates paintings on religious subjects, and to portray the devil - from a funny or ugly side - means to master evil, to overcome it. Therefore, the devil interferes with the work of a blacksmith who paints how St. Peter on the Day of Last Judgment casts out an evil spirit from hell. How no matter how the devil tried, he did not succeed. From that time on, the devil takes revenge on the blacksmith.)

Teacher's word.

Such a view of the devil - the devil is stupid, poor, harmless - a look of folklore, folk.

In The Night Before Christmas, the devil is busy with his usual business - the hunt for the soul - where he traditionally fails completely. His tricks are so naive, the expression of feelings is so direct that the "enemy of the human race" is more like a petty prankster. Against his will, the devil helps Vakula first get to St. Petersburg, and then get, together with the Cossacks, who "traveled from the Sich with papers to the queen", to the palace and receive the treasured "cherevichki" from the hands of the empress.

- What else helped the hero defeat the devil? Does it matter that Vakula is a believer? (The devil can be ridiculed, humiliated, but all this will remain a half-measure. Only the intervention of the power of good, which is reflected in God, can finally defeat the evil embodied in the image of the unclean.

For his communion with evil spirits, the pious blacksmith bears “church repentance” and paints “left wing” in the temple for free, and the devil in hell draws “so nasty that everyone spit when they pass by”).

Why was Vakula stronger than the devil?

-Who, in your opinion, from the heroes of the story is consonant with the image of the Devil?(Solokha). Let's hear what the guys will tell about this heroine.

Group 3-4. The image of Solokha. Episode pp.149-151. Analysis. (Solokha does not seem to be any different from an ordinary peasant woman, she behaves like other people, she is a woman "pleasant in all respects", but she is a witch who flies on a broomstick and collects stars.)

After analysis:

How do we draw a witch in fairy tales?

(Old, feeble, untidy, angry.)

Which Solo?

- What actions of Solokha cause you rejection? What fairy-tale heroine does she resemble?(Solokha is similar to the fabulous Baba Yaga. She collects stars in her sleeve to annoy Orthodox Christians. She owns love spells, does not have maternal feelings for her son Vakula, wants to quarrel him with Chub, because she dreams of marrying Chub and taking everything into her own hands his property).

- Does Solokha look different from the same as her, "forty-year-old gossips"?(The witch fusses about a profitable husband, resorting not to witchcraft at all, but “to the usual means of all forty-year-old gossips.” The witch is no different from ordinary women, that she even goes to church. Many people feel sympathy for her. The heroine is smart, courteous, and admiring her, dressed up, the Cossacks think: "Oh, good woman! Damn it!" Making Solokha a compliment, the Cossacks, without knowing it, call her essence).

- What is the comedy of the situation in which Solokha's guests find themselves?(The guests do not suspect that Solokha is deceiving them. Everything is revealed by chance. Questions about the weather and boots, with which the heroes try to cover up their extreme embarrassment, sound especially comical).

Teacher:- Is this how the Devil and Solokha manage to achieve their plans? Let's check how carefully you read the text of the story, and at the same time you will have a little rest.

Physical education minute(the teacher offers students questions-statements on the text of the story, the students answer, and if they agree with the statement, then clap their hands, if not, then squat).

Solokha married Chub and took all his goods into her hands (no);

The moon, stolen by the Devil from the sky, was hidden by him in a bag-hole (yes);

Vakula traveled to St. Petersburg (for laces) on horseback (no);

Oksana at first laughs at Vakula, at his feelings (yes);

Vakula nevertheless enters into a conspiracy with evil spirits in order to achieve Oksana's love (no).

Patsyuk was also associated with evil spirits (yes);

(Yes, because he knows the devils and miracles happen in his house.)

Group 5-6. Patsyuk eats dumplings. pp.160-162.

After analysis:

The image of the Pot-bellied Patsyuk.

- What do we learn about Patsyuk's past?

- What is the appearance of Patsyuk?

- What folklore landscape reminds Patsyuk?

Message from a trained student about Poganom Idolishche.

Filthy Idolishche is an epic hero, a representative of a dark hostile force, "non-Christ", "Tatar". About his struggle with Ilya Muromets, many different options have been preserved. According to one of them, Ilya Muromets killed with a "hat of the Greek land" Foul Idolishche, "who canceled the ringing of bells and forbade saved alms", and thus saved Kyiv from him (according to others - Constantinople). Filthy Idolishche, also called "impious", "unbaptized", "cursed Tatar", "cursed", "glutton" and compared with Tugarin Zmievich, says about himself:

I eat bread in the oven

And I eat meat for a whole banner,

And I drink beer for three yands s(up to 40 buckets).

According to the description of Kalika-bogatyr Ivanishch and Alyosha Popovich -

His head is the size of a beer cauldron,

And stare at the cursed beer bowl,

And the nose was an arrow of the knee,

In the shoulders oblique sazhen,

And the body is like a pile of uncountable hay.

The horse is led by 20 people.

- What is the difference between Gogol's hero and Idolishche?(Patsyuk, unlike Idolishche, does good to the inhabitants of Dikanka: he heals them with conspiracies. Many turned to Patsyuk for help, because within a few days after the arrival of the former Cossack in the village, "everyone ... found out that he was a medicine man").

- Why did Vakula not dare to accept help from the hands of Patsyuk?

- How is the evil spirit (witch, devil, sorcerer) depicted in the story?(The characters of The Night Before Christmas are not as scary as they are comical, not magical, but everyday. It is no coincidence that the author puts both Solokha and the devil in comic situations: Vakul deftly grabs the bewildered devil by the tail, more than anything in the world afraid of the “terrible cross ”; Patsyuk, eating dumplings and dumplings with sour cream in fasting, looks more funny than scary).

- So, we have proved that there are characters in the story, reminiscent of the characters of fairy tales.

VII. Literary work (genre, hero).

You have an RESEARCH CHART on your desk.

Fill it out, write what heroes of N.V. Gogol you know from other fairy tales.

Explorer table

Similarity to a fairy tale

Filthy Idolishche

Gray Wolf Horse

fairy tale bride

Vakula has physical strength (yielding with the hands of a horseshoe), courage (travels the sky), perseverance (does not give up wooing Oksana), beauty (the queen really liked the Zaporozhye caftan),

Folklore hero

- Tell me, guys, do the fantastic events presented in these episodes oppose reality, or are there no boundaries between them? How do they relate to each other? /Fantastic event presented by N.V. Gogol as usual. That is, the boundaries between the real world and fantastic blurred. Therefore, what seems unusual is explained by the characters as a common thing /.

Now let's define what are the signs of fairy tales and stories come together in this amazing piece.


Group task 1 student at the blackboard.

signs fairy tale

Signs of a story

The fight between good and evil. Good victory. (Good is personified by people who believe in God, obedient to God, and evil is an evil spirit.) The magic number “three” (three victories of Vakula). Elements of the plot of a fairy tale (condition, hero's journey, wedding). Fairy-tale heroes(damn, witch; but there is no Koshchei or Zmey Gorynych). The devil is depicted as a man; a mixture of fabulous and real (description of the devil, Patsyuk, Solokha). The name is magical.

covers large gap time, but thanks to a fairy tale, all events take place in one night. Real events are described (the life of the Ukrainian village on Christmas night, historical event- trip of the Cossacks to the queen). Many heroes. The main storyline: Vakula-Oksana and many branches from it: Vakula-Chub, Vakula-devil, Solokha-Chub. The characters of the main characters are given in development (Oksana - at the beginning and end of the story). The role of the landscape - tunes in a fabulous, magical way.

VIII. Literature in music.

As you know, famous works inspire artists and composers. The plot of Gogol's story worried famous composers, which he will now tell ...

Prepared Learner's Message about N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera The Night Before Christmas.

The plot of Gogol's story worried the famous composer Rimsky-Korsakov. But he considered himself not in the right to undertake the development of this plot, because it had already been used in Tchaikovsky's opera Cherevichki. And yet, he fulfilled his plan and wrote his opera differently than Tchaikovsky - not in a lyrical and everyday way, but in a fabulous way, with the involvement of a fantastic element. He also wanted to connect this story with ancient pagan beliefs.

The opera was presented to the directorate of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, it was detained by censors, because among actors there was a queen (in Gogol's story, Catherine II), and then it was forbidden to show representatives of the Romanov dynasty on the opera stage. Nevertheless, the composer managed to overcome the resistance of censorship, and the opera was performed at the Mariinsky Theater.

Rimsky-Korsakov called his opera "The Night Before Christmas" "Carol Comedy". He also provided her with an epigraph: "Fairy tale-fold, song-reality." Thus, the composer, as it were, emphasized that his work is of a fabulous and fantastic nature, and his music is permeated with song associated with ancient Ukrainian and Russian rituals.

Listening to fragments of the opera(act 2, scene 2 - carol songs)

.Neg. from the libretto (children on the desks).

To the opera by Rimsky-Korsakov.

Street in the village. Moonlight night. In the foreground is Vakula's forge. He leaves the bags at the forge and takes only a small bag with him, believing that it contains his blacksmith's accessories. Guys and girls gather, they sing carol songs. They joke about Panas and Vakula, who got drunk. The blacksmith decides to go to the Cossack Patsyuk, a sorcerer and sorcerer. The boys and girls untie the sacks, from which Chub, Dyak and the Head crawl out. The youth guesses about the tricks of Solokha and makes fun of the ill-fated suitors.

- What is the similarity in the sound of the opera and the story? (The unifying beginning is folk motives sounding in the story and opera.).

Conclusion of the lesson. Findings. Reflection. SLIDE.

So, good, as it should be, conquered evil. However, these forces do not exist on their own, but are embodied in specific heroes. It is they, the bearers of good and evil, who enter the struggle.

– Why good people managed to overcome all the obstacles?

- Are the characters personifying evil spirits scary?

Why were they able to be defeated by ordinary people?

/ The reason for victory is faith, perseverance, diligence, intelligence, love. Yes, and evil on Christmas night is not terrible, but some kind of home. Without such evil, perhaps, it would be boring. It's not scary because it's funny. When we laugh, we are not afraid.



1. Today at the lesson I learned that __________________________________________________________.

2. Today at the lesson I learned _________________________________________________________.

3. Most of all today in the lesson I was interested when _______________________.

4. On the topic of the lesson, I would also like to know ______________________________________________.

5. At home, I would like to do ____________________________________________ on the topic of the lesson.

7. Homework. Draw an illustration for the story, learn the terms, printed notebook, pp. 29-30, back. IX.

We recommend reading
