What kind of doctors are needed to help a child go to the pool? What tests are needed for admission to the pool?

Decor elements 10.10.2019
Decor elements
  • 15 years successful work
  • 4076 medical examinations were carried out
  • 2935 certificates issued
  • 203 serious diseases detected

About a certificate for a child to use the pool

A certificate for a child to use a swimming pool is issued in case of visiting a swimming pool, sports or recreational type. This certificate is issued by a pediatrician. You can get a certificate for a child's swimming pool in a medical center that holds a license giving the right to issue such medical certificates. This can be either a public clinic or a private medical institution.

Video: medical certificates for children at the Children's Center "Cradle of Health"

To obtain a certificate for the pool, a child must not undergo the same examinations as an adult to obtain the same certificate. But, such a medical certificate must indicate the results of an examination by specialists such as a dermatologist and pediatrician. In addition, upon receipt of such a certificate, the general state the child’s health and the absence of contraindications to swimming lessons. Typically, such a medical certificate, which gives permission for a child to go to the pool, is issued for a period of 3 to 6 months. Once the certificate expires, it must be renewed.

Assessing the child’s health, the pediatrician conducts a thorough examination. In order to correctly assess the child’s health, the doctor uses the following criteria:

  • The presence or absence of chronic diseases, their severity at the time of examination.
  • The functional state of the main organs and systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, circulatory, nervous and so on.
  • Frequency of child morbidity per year (influenza, ARVI).
  • Level of physical and neuropsychic development of the child.

After assessing the above criteria, the doctor determines the health group to which your child belongs. There are 5 health groups:

  • Health group 1 - children go to the doctor for preventive medical examinations in a timely manner.
  • Health group 2 (“risk group”) - children are observed by a doctor within the time limits established for each child individually. These visits will depend on past illness, the degree of risk of developing a chronic pathology in a child.
  • Children of groups 3, 4, 5 are registered at the dispensary according to f. No. 30 and the procedure for their maintenance is established according to special guidelines.

You need to understand that the doctor is obliged to correctly determine the child’s condition and establish the health group. After all, it is important so that exercise in the pool does not cause harm to health, but only strengthens the child’s body.

Which doctors does a child need to see to get a certificate for a child to go to the pool?

To obtain a certificate for the pool, a child must go through some specialists and get tested. First of all, you need to consult a pediatrician. The pediatrician will give a referral for an analysis such as a scraping for enterobiasis. After receiving such a referral, it is necessary to take a scraping, because without the result of this analysis, your child will not be able to visit the pool.

Your child will then need to be examined by a dermatologist. As you know, a dermatologist assesses the condition of the skin, he examines the skin and scalp heads. If a doctor discovers some kind of rash on a child’s skin, which may be a manifestation of some disease or even an allergy, then this must be entered into the form. Because of such an entry in your certificate the child may not be allowed to use the pool. If the child is healthy and no skin pathology has been identified, then the dermatologist makes an entry in the certificate about permission to visit the pool.

And as a result, you should again go to the pediatrician. The doctor checks the scraping results for enterobiasis and examines the child. If any acute diseases the doctor makes a note on the certificate, which may also be a reason for not being allowed into the pool. In addition, the pediatrician finds out whether the child has any contraindications to swimming in the pool (for example, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, chronic otitis media, and so on).

If your child is absolutely healthy and no contraindications have been identified, then the pediatrician makes a note about the child’s admission to the pool.

Make a certificate for your child to use the pool in our center

Our children's treatment and diagnostic center "Cradle of Health" provides the opportunity obtain a medical certificate to register a child for use in the pool. We understand that many parents do not want to spend several days obtaining a certificate for their child to go to the pool by going to a public clinic. That is why we provide the opportunity to obtain such a certificate from us, without sitting in queues to see doctors, without unnecessary stress for you and your child and, on top of everything, saving a lot of your personal time!

Here, at the children's treatment and diagnostic center "Cradle of Health", our best specialists with extensive experience will quickly and efficiently help you obtain such a medical certificate. Obtain a medical certificate for a child's swimming pool It won’t give you much work, and most importantly, it won’t take much time. In addition, we can help you in obtaining many other types of medical certificates (for example, a certificate for registering a child in a children's health camp, a certificate for a child's admission to school, and so on).

Cost of obtaining certificates in our clinic

Service codeName of servicePrice, rub
16001 Registration of a certificate for the pool (if there are results of stool tests for I/G, E/B and a dermatologist’s certificate)600
16002 Registration of a health certificate after illness, vacation, holidays (includes examination by a pediatrician)1 200
16003 Registration of a sanatorium-resort card (077/u), a certificate for a children's health camp 079/u (includes examination by a pediatrician)1 500
16004 Registration of an epicrisis or extract from an outpatient card500
16005 Registration of a certificate in sports section(includes examination by a pediatrician)1 200
16006 Registration of a card for a preschool institution6 000
16007 Applying for a card to a general education institution7 000
16008 Certificate of no contact with infectious patients300
16009 Registration of a vaccination card (063/у)300

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Answers to questions from users on our website about obtaining certificates

How long does it take to issue a certificate? How many times will you have to come with your child? Is it possible to go through all the doctors in 1 day?

Doctor's answer:
It is not clear from your question what kind of certificate you are talking about. If this is a card for a kindergarten or school, then it is possible to undergo a full medical examination in our clinic in 1 day. Medical examinations take place on Thursdays. You need to make an appointment, provide information about your professional vaccinations, and bring a stool sample and a urine test on the day of your appointment. The card will be ready the next day.

Please tell me, is it possible to make a certificate for a summer camp if a child lives in another city and is passing through Moscow and does not meet the deadlines?

make the necessary certificate in your city.

Doctor's answer:
Good day, Natalia! In our center, it is possible to issue a certificate to the camp after passing all the necessary tests and providing information about the prof. child vaccinations.

I would like to get some advice. Blood was donated for tests. When the result was announced, they said that there was a positive reaction to syphilis and discharged

referral for retake already to the KVD. I took another blood test there, and the results did not find syphilis. The certificate says: RmP - negative RIF - negative ELISA (GM) - negative RPGA - negative. Questions: Why was it discovered that I had syphilis during the first blood donation? Does this indicate that I may have antibodies that are not related to syphilis, but to something else? I wrote the test results above. Do these results mean that I do not have any antibodies in my blood, or do they only indicate that there is no specific syphilis, and something else may be happening?

Doctor's answer:
Hello, Artem! To completely exclude the diagnosis of syphilis, test results must be negative 2 or more times.

Russians who buy swimming pool certificates have been “supporting” illegal businesses for many years, not suspecting that, according to sanitary rules, this document is not needed for swimming. Human rights activists see this as a violation of consumer rights and the personal benefit of sanitary inspectors.

MOSCOW, January 12 - RIA Novosti, Tatyana Vinogradova, Ekaterina Efimova. Russians who buy swimming pool certificates have been “supporting” illegal businesses for many years, not even suspecting that, according to sanitary rules, this document is not needed for swimming. People buy certificates, but swimming pools continue to demand them, because the people in charge are not familiar with the standards, Gennady Onishchenko, the chief state sanitary doctor of Russia, told RIA Novosti. Human rights activists see in the current situation a violation of consumer rights and the personal benefit of sanitary inspectors.

A medical examination document for visiting the pool is required only if Rospotrebnadzor has given the corresponding order to the administration of swimming pools, as stated in SanPiN 2121188-03 “Swimming pools. Hygienic requirements for design, operation and water quality. Quality control”, approved back in 2003.

“When there is a difficult epidemiological situation in the region, then they will demand from you. Now the certificate is not needed,” Onishchenko told RIA Novosti. “A certificate is only needed where children swim, that is, in child care institutions, for example, in kindergartens,” he added.

According to Onishchenko, the widespread requirement for medical certificates in swimming pools indicates that their management is poorly familiar with the current sanitary standards and rules. “Someone didn’t finish reading it, someone doesn’t want to read it,” he noted.

Somehow this doesn’t quite fit with the statements above. The fact that SanPiN does not require a certificate does not mean that other standards do not require it.

It’s strange that a child needs a certificate to enter the pool, but an adult does not.
Those. Do you think that “Healthy Forehead” can, by waving an STD, introduce enterobiasis there, and a healthy child with a certificate can go and pick it up there?

This is the case when someone needs to stick an STD somewhere.

P.S. The right of one ends where the right of another begins.

  • Veronica

    Now they require certificates unconditionally in all states. pools where both adults and children swim in the same bowl. On this occasion, Onishchenko did not utter a word, which is a pity. What if adults can do it without a certificate? Because receiving a certificate officially last time resulted in 2.5 months of going to doctors, sitting in queues (and this is with an electronic recording, when supposedly everything should be precise in time! By the way, recording is also not possible every day, for a working person - even less often). The only thing that was fast was the computer. Do a fluorography - 3 minutes and you're done. Instead of just 2 specified examinations (enterobiasis and dermatologist) - a bunch of others! To the laughter through the tears - the dermatologist was not there! In general, next time I’ll think hard about preparing this certificate.

  • Veronica

    By the way, who can clearly answer the question - does an adult need a certificate to visit the pool in which children also swim? And if necessary, then from which doctors, what exactly should be reflected in this certificate.

  • Svetlana

    To my appeal to Rospotrebnadzor 14.10. In 2016, a response was received that the request of the pool administration regarding the provision of a medical certificate was legal. Referring to SanPin 3.2.3215-14 clauses 11.1, 11.2.2 and clause 3.2.3110-13 SP

  • Natalia

    Dear friends, well, what do you think: is it normal for adults whose health status is unknown to swim together with healthy and examined children in the same tank?
    Regarding Mr. Onishchenko’s order to cancel medical certificates, which I learned about by chance, a year ago I had an active correspondence that began with Rospotrbenadzor and “sank” into the bowels of the Ministry of Health. I never received a single intelligible answer from positions to ensure infectious safety.
    Personally, I am categorically against the idea of ​​people visiting the pool who have not been examined by a medical institution, and after I learned about the cancellation of the certificates, I stopped visiting the pool. What does the degree of chlorination of water, which some authors write about, have to do with it? In the pool, visitors use lockers, benches, a toilet, and a shower. Does someone disinfect them after each visitor?
    About what healthy way life" can be discussed if, together with healthy people Can people with ANY diseases be in the pool? Here they mentioned “business” on the certificates. And what kind of business will we “feed” when we pick up some hard-to-remove infection in the pool, the treatment for which will pretty much shake our family budget and in addition will strike the internal organs? In general, Mr. Onishchenko’s decision to cancel medical certificates for the swimming pool is completely incomprehensible to me. In the current conditions, on the contrary, there is every reason to make the rules for visiting swimming pools more stringent. This is dictated by both STI statistics and the previously unprecedented scale of population migration from various regions, a significant part of which comes illegally and to no medical facilities at all. institutions are not observed. And here is such an inexplicable relaxation.
    I talked with the pool workers to find out their opinion on this matter. Everyone was unanimous in their indignation and categorical disagreement with the transformation of the once health institution into a walk-through yard.

    1. Alexei Post author

      Natalia, what do you think about the fact that the certificate is and has been issued for six months? Does this give any guarantees?

      And the procedure itself for taking these tests is, to put it mildly, humiliating)

      1. Natalia

        Alexey, it is difficult for me to judge the degree of humiliation of the medical examinations that caused negative emotions in you. Anything related to health cannot be humiliating at all. Although there are people who, for example, consider an examination by a proctologist humiliating. And then they die in agony from inoperable cancer, which could have been detected and cured in time.
        As for guarantees: the very need to go for an examination to a doctor to visit the pool (provided that this is a real examination, and not a fiction for money) will weed out really sick people who know about their illness, but do not think about the safety of others. The person will simply be sure: they will definitely not give him a certificate. And most likely he will go for treatment.
        I'll give an example from personal experience, although it is not very convenient. Several years ago, when certificates were required, my husband was denied a certificate for the pool. Instead, he brought prescriptions from the dermatologist. Reddish spots on the thighs, which we considered to be ordinary abrasions from tight jeans and tried to “cure” with baby powder, turned out to be erythrasma - skin infection, as it turned out, very contagious. Its pathogen actually penetrates the skin through abrasions, diaper rash, and any damage to the surface epithelium under conditions high humidity, for example, if a person is simply sweating. It’s good that it was found out in time, and this infection was not transmitted to anyone. And the doctor fulfilled his medical duty: he blocked the spread of infection. So what now, someone should feel humiliated? Yes, this is just immature conversation.
        Quite quickly, we healed this problem with the help of rubbing with a salicylic-resorcinol solution and erythromycin ointment, and after control scrapings my husband was able to calmly obtain a certificate for the pool from the same doctor.
        So what's wrong with this whole story?
        After all, if this happened now, when certificates are not needed, then you, Alexey, and my husband could end up in the same locker room, just holding on to the same valve in the shower. And you would already go home with the “gift”.
        Are you talking about some kind of guarantees? Look at the question deeper, like a civilized person. If bleach solved all problems with the destruction of infections, humanity would solve all its problems with the help of a cheap drug. But in the document signed by Mr. Onishchenko on the rules for visiting swimming pools, there is Appendix 3, which lists diseases transmitted through water. I read this document during my correspondence with Rospotrebnadzor, the City Administration, the Sports Committee and the Ministry of Health. And I got the impression that one person wrote the first part of the document, and someone else wrote the end of it. The third one signed. In short, the meaning is this: children should undergo a medical examination, adults should not, if the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the region is considered non-threatening, and there is an appendix to the document with a list of infections transmitted through water, and even the degree of transmission is marked with crosses.
        Where is the logic? Do we really have to wait for a widespread epidemic of plague or cholera to urgently issue certificates for the swimming pool? It is enough to simply make the pool accessible to everyone, excuse me, syphilitics, patients with rubella, scabies, gonorrhea, etc.
        As the old joke goes, even an insurance policy does not provide a 100% guarantee. But to put a medical barrier against any infection when visiting places common use with an increased risk of infection - this is the primary duty of medical officials, city authorities, and heads of sports committees.
        Competent prevention can minimize the risk of infection for unsuspecting and conscientious people, not to mention the psychological comfort of pool visitors.
        Is it really possible that in our country with a centuries-old culture, where from ancient times they knew what a bathhouse was and honored the purity of the body, when in Europe gentlemen caught fleas from the hair of their ladies with exquisite gilded flea catchers with mother-of-pearl handles and poured incense into the smell of an unwashed body, is it really necessary to have a discussion about such basic things as hygiene and safety in visiting health facilities? I'm surprised, friends.
        And sorry for the emotional verbosity. I miss the pool...

    2. Red Ted

      I completely agree, Natalya, you presented everything very competently and correctly.

  • Irine

    I haven't seen any comments about pools at resorts. Everyone gets into the water without being indignant at the sanitary situation in the region! The same Ms. Natalia, I am sure, would swim with her children in the same Turkey completely calmly. And it would never have occurred to you that a sick tourist was swimming nearby. Moderate your “righteous” anger! Or are you also one of those who profit from certificates? I can also recommend washing with soap before and after swimming in the pool. This will protect you more reliably than a certificate!

  • Raisa
  • PAUL

    Natalya, your “high calm” is fascinating, but also alarming: the author is biased! But come down to earth - where is the elementary logic? You can undergo a full medical. examination, get a certificate, and more than one - today and tomorrow you will “catch” the infection, and maybe more than one? Here is a certificate for you - wasted time and money. That is why the entire civilized world does not know the certificates for visiting swimming pools. And in Russia the bureaucratic business is thriving. Nothing personal...just wasted time and money.

  • Vladimir 1702

    I myself heard about the cancellation of certificates several years ago in the news.
    I was somewhat surprised, although on the whole I agree that they are of no use.

    In November, when I resumed going to the pool after a five-year break, I was faced with a requirement to provide a certificate, and specifically bring it, and not undergo an examination by the pool doctor, as was previously allowed.

    Today, coming to the pool, buying a subscription to the next. month, I heard that the certificate is no longer needed (“we ourselves are in shock”).

    I expect that in 5 months they will start demanding again)))


    Alexey, congratulations, I found your smart videos on YouTube, and now the site was found by asking for help! You're making good progress! Good luck!


  • Irina

    If obtaining a certificate for money was accompanied by a full examination, this would be quite fair. But here is the result of paying for a fee: the doctor does not even examine for fungus, while the certificate was free, doctors at least examined the skin for the presence of infectious diseases: fungus and scabies. Now: I paid the money and received the certificate. 15 minutes.

  • Marina

    There are no certificates in Germany. I was in an open local swimming pool, and in a huge water complex, where people flock from several surrounding cities, both adults and children (the majority), and no certificates. I asked my German boyfriend how this happened, and if who gets infected? (in Moscow I always provided it, not knowing that it turns out that a certificate is not at all necessary), he replied: “how can you get infected when the water is chlorinated? It's simply impossible." And I was very surprised by the question))
    Like this. And in Moscow, when one day a woman forgot her certificate, a not very polite administrator began to shout and demand her certificate and, it seems, did not let her in. Everyone was shocked. Kostya Goga

    There is an inflection point with the certificates for the pool...
    Can they also require a certificate from leaving the house, what if a person is infected with an airborne disease and can infect another in public transport?
    If a person is an idiot and rushes into the pool with obvious infection, a certificate will not help him.. :)

  • Alla

    The dispute has not subsided for years. And at this time in Russia, the level of people infected with enterobiasis is breaking all records. On average, pinworm eggs are found in every tenth child during a banal examination. And how many patients have not yet been identified - “smart” parents wash the child’s bottom before the analysis (so that they probably won’t be found), and adults don’t want to give up. And why did SanPiN decide that only children can get enterobiasis?!? And after 10 years, a strong immunity to worms suddenly appears)))). I agree with Natalia - unlike Europeans, we spend our entire lives “and it will do just fine.” As a doctor, I can say that a dermatologist/gynecologist + test for enterobiasis is a must. You are confident in the cleanliness of yourself and your child, but are you confident in the cleanliness of other people's children and their parents who are splashing in the pool with you?

  • Catherine

    Irina speaks correctly... And to cite Germany or other European countries as an example, forgive me, is absurd.... You shouldn’t judge everyone by yourself, if in Russia they don’t care about their health and neglect to visit a doctor... then in other European countries, they Whenever they sneeze, they run to the doctor..

  • According to the latest established requirements of SanPiN, in 2018, when visiting a swimming pool, adults can be asked for a medical certificate only in one case, when an unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological situation arises in the city.

    The State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority issues an order and distributes it to all swimming pools. Then the Administration has the right and even the obligation to request a certificate from an adult visitor.

    The establishment of a prescription occurs when there is a widespread or danger of the spread of an infectious disease transmitted through water. Full list contained in Appendix No. 2 to SanPiN

    In all other cases, the requirement for a certificate is illegal.

    Children can visit the pool after a thorough medical examination by a pediatrician and receipt of the appropriate permit document. This is confirmed by law.

    Also for preschool and younger children school age You will need a certificate containing the results for enterobiasis.

    This certificate will be required before visiting the pool, and then it will need to be presented every three months. If your child doesn't go to the pool often, they may need to show a medical document at each visit.

    It is worth noting that a certificate is issued by a pediatrician only after a thorough medical examination.

    What to do if a certificate is required illegally?

    For adults, the provision of a certificate is optional, in the absence of a prescription.

    An illegal demand is subject to administrative liability with the imposition of a fine (part 1 of article 14.4, part 2 of article 14.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

    IN in this case you have the right to write a statement to Rospotrebnadzor about the inadequate quality of services, or even go to court to recover compensation for moral damage.

    When can they not give a certificate?

    There are a number of diseases for which a certificate for the swimming pool may not be issued. This mainly concerns infectious diseases of the ENT organs, eyes and skin.

    Pregnant women should consult a gynecologist before visiting the pool. And only after his consent should we go to the pool.

    You should also be careful when taking small children into the pool. The decision should remain with the pediatrician.

    Price issue

    If you still need a certificate for the swimming pool, you won’t be able to get it for free. This service is not included in the list of free ones. So even at the clinic you will have to pay for it.

    Exception: certificate for visiting the pool as prescribed by the attending physician. In this case, you must have a conclusion from your attending physician with a list of rehabilitation measures, where a visit to the pool will be prescribed.

    Testing for enterobiasis for a child is free of charge. But it can be done for free upon request kindergarten, school and when a child is hospitalized. A certificate from a pediatrician and a dermatologist will be accordingly free, which will indicate the absence of contact between the child and the patient, infectious diseases for the last month.

    If the certificate is needed urgently and there is no time to wait, you will still have to pay for it.

    On average in Moscow and the Moscow region, the cost of a certificate from a clinic to visit the pool will be about 500 rubles, in a private medical organization– up to 1000 rub. In the regions, the price varies from 350 to 500 rubles.

    Production times vary from 1 day to a week, if tests are required.

    The question is not easy, since it is directly related to the statute of limitations for taking certain tests.

    The child's certificate will be valid for up to 6 months. Moreover, parents should not forget that the test for helminth eggs will have to be retaken after 3 months.

    In order not to retake the tests, you need to check with the pool administration when you should bring the next certificate about the child’s medical condition.

    For adults, the validity of the certificate will also not exceed 6 months.

    So, let's summarize. If you decide to enroll your child in a swimming section or send him to a pool to improve his health, do not forget to visit a clinic or private medical institution to obtain a certificate. And if you decide to learn to swim or just visit the pool near your home from time to time, remember that you do not need a certificate if everything is in order with the epidemiological situation in the city.

    Before going to the pool, you must obtain a special medical certificate for visiting the pool, confirming the absence of skin and infectious diseases. To complete the document, you need to visit a dermatovenerologist. Women must obtain a certificate from a gynecologist; children will need to undergo a stool test, the result of which should reveal the absence of worms.

    Lists of doctors for reference in the pool

    1. The dermatologist must make sure that there are no skin diseases.
    2. A venereologist confirms the absence of sexually transmitted infections.
    3. Women will need a gynecologist.
    4. The therapist, who, based on the collected information, issues his permission.

    Certificate from which doctors you need to go to the swimming pool

    As we can see, the list of “doctor certificate for swimming pool” is quite wide. Therefore, it will be a long and tedious process. We are ready to offer you the purchase of a stamped swimming pool certificate. It will be issued according to the established template and have the name of the medical institution.

    Classes aquatic species sports are suitable for those who want to improve their health or maintain good physical fitness.
    It would seem, how can they be dangerous?

    Firstly, there is a risk of infection in the pool if one of the visitors working in it is sick. Secondly, if you are careless about regular examinations, you can unwittingly become a source of infections. For this reason, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and obtain a medical report on your health status.

    It should immediately be noted that a certificate for the pool is not only confirmation that the client is not a carrier of infections. It indicates the absence of contraindications for water sports.

    Diseases that are contraindications for swimming in the pool

    There is a list of diseases that cannot be used in the pool: otitis (ear inflammation), conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and nose); ischemic disease heart (impaired blood supply to the myocardium), chronic and acute heart failure; venereal diseases; illnesses genitourinary system, gynecological diseases among women; arterial hypertension; tuberculosis; helminthiasis; skin infections.

    Also, women in late pregnancy (last trimester) should not visit the pool. The reason for refusal to issue the required medical certificate may be the presence of any chronic disease.

    Medical examination procedure to obtain a certificate

    So, first you need to visit a therapist; without his signature, the issued medical certificate will be considered invalid. Next, you will be examined by a dermatologist and venereologist. For women, examination by a gynecologist is mandatory. After undergoing examination by the named specialists, you should pass general analysis blood and RW analysis, test for HIV infection, analysis for the presence of helminth eggs, and also do fluorography.

    Both for children and for a medical certificate, the certificate is filled out in the same way. It contains notes about analyzes, seals of all specialists, standard seal for sick leave, as well as the stamp of the clinic or medical center. Validity period of the issued certificate: three, six months or maximum – a year. To obtain a new confirmation, you must repeat the examination procedure. It is important to know that issuing a certificate for a swimming pool is payable service V medical institutions any type.

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