Iodine for tomatoes against late blight: recipes with milk, boric acid. Spraying tomatoes with iodine serum Spraying tomatoes with iodine against late blight

Decor elements 07.09.2023
Decor elements

Tomatoes, like many other vegetable crops, can be grown in open ground and in a greenhouse. Immediately after planting the seedlings, problems are not observed. The plant takes root well, develops, forms shoots and fruits. But as soon as it arrives

When summer comes, everything changes dramatically. In summer, caring for tomatoes is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that the weather changes all the time from hot to cool. And if the summer turns out to be rainy, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the plants will be affected by such a dangerous disease as late blight. But you can get ahead of it if you take care of prevention in advance and treat it with iodine.

Beneficial properties of iodine against late blight on tomatoes

Iodine improves nitrogen metabolism, so it can become a worthy replacement for nitrogen fertilizers.

In addition to fighting diseases, iodine can be an excellent supplement for increasing productivity. If you water the soil with the prepared solution, it will not spoil its properties in any way. An iodine solution effectively and quickly copes with harmful microorganisms and fungi in the soil and on the surface of tomato seedlings. Thus, the tomatoes will ripen much faster.

It will also be useful to know what types exist.

But why the leaves curl, and what can be done about this problem, is indicated in.

The video shows the treatment of tomatoes against late blight with iodine:

It is enough to carry out one treatment of the plant immediately after symptoms are detected or to perform prevention in advance in the first month of summer.

How to use the product and treat plants in open ground against diseases

It is necessary to use an iodine solution for the first time immediately after the plant has been planted in the garden. If you use iodine as a fertilizer, you simply need to dilute it in water and water the plants at the root of each bush. There are approximately 5 drops of the drug per 1 liter of water. It will also be interesting to learn about what you can do with this problem yourself.

But to combat late blight, you should use a slightly different recipe:

  1. Take 10 liters of water. In this case, its temperature should be about 20 degrees.
  2. If you use a liquid that is hotter or colder, you will not get the desired effect.
  3. Place 35-40 drops of iodine in water. After this, add 1 liter of whey. If you can’t find this fermented milk product, you can use milk.
  4. Place 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide into the solution.

The video shows the treatment of tomatoes against late blight in open ground:

After completing all the activities, you should get a solution that simultaneously solves several problems. When using it, you can reduce the likelihood of developing a disease and protect the plant from pests. In addition, this treatment perfectly increases the yield of seedlings.

How to spray and process tomatoes in a greenhouse

It is necessary to use iodine solution for tomatoes grown in a greenhouse less often than in open ground. Then you can prevent excess concentration of iodine in the soil.

But foliar feeding in a greenhouse should be done in September. If indeterminate varieties of tomatoes are used, they grow under the film and bear fruit until the first frost. And since the weather in September is cool, this increases the risk of developing late blight. Read how to properly water tomatoes and cucumbers with whey.

In addition to using an iodine solution, you can place open bottles of iodine around the greenhouse. Thus, without any treatment, a certain concentration of iodine vapor will be maintained in the air all the time. But to get maximum results, it is worth combining this method with spraying.

To obtain a solution, you need to take 1 liter of milk and add 15 drops of iodine to it. Dilute the resulting composition with 4 liters of water, mix everything and use it to water each bush.

To get the maximum result from this procedure, you need to follow a number of simple tricks:

  1. You should not apply this fertilizer to tomatoes grown in a greenhouse if 10 days have not yet passed since they were planted. It is important to wait for the young plants to take root and become a little stronger.
  2. For medicinal purposes, add iodine with milk every 3 days for a month.
  3. As a preventative measure, perform treatment once a quarter.

Late blight is a dangerous disease that very often affects tomatoes. As a result, the fruits do not have time to ripen, as dark spots form on them, and the pulp inside begins to rot. It is necessary to combat this disease immediately after the first symptoms are detected. An iodine solution copes effectively with this task. In addition, it will be an excellent plant food, which will have a positive effect on productivity. But how to treat tomatoes during flowering, and what chemicals can be used, will help you understand.

It may seem to novice gardeners that it is impossible to grow a rich, much less an early harvest, without the use of chemicals. However, experienced vegetable growers have been collecting organic tomatoes from their beds and greenhouses for years. The secret of their success lies in the use of biologically active and safe substances, and in particular iodine.

Does it help how to prepare a solution for root and foliar treatment, what nuances should be taken into account when working with this product - you will learn all this from our article.

The main property of an alcohol solution of iodine is instant disinfection. The product is often used to cauterize open wounds.

Gardeners have long used iodine as a fertilizer, but it has gained the greatest popularity among greenhouse owners. It is believed that this pharmaceutical product does not harm either the plant or people.

Iodine is an optional component for plant growth, but its lack has a negative effect on the development of ovaries and the formation of fruits. Young plants especially need this element.

Signs of iodine deficiency

Substance deficiency can be recognized by the following manifestations:

  • plants have thin stems;
  • leaves are weak and limp;
  • adult plants do not enter the fruiting stage;
  • a small number of ovaries;
  • delayed fruit ripening;
  • massive damage to seedlings by diseases - root blight, brown spot, and tobacco mosaic virus.

If the deficiency of the element is not eliminated, plants begin to suffer from decreased immunity and, as a result, the development of various diseases caused by pathogens. The product serves as additional soil, helps accelerate the growth of seedlings and helps save the crop in case of disease.

The effect of iodine on seedlings

The active components of the element improve nitrogen metabolism, which makes it possible to fertilize seedlings without the use of nitrate. The pharmaceutical product is also known for its fungicidal properties: experienced summer residents use it both as a preventive measure for various diseases and to disinfect seeds before planting. It has been proven to help fight fungal and bacterial diseases of tomatoes.

Tomatoes actively react to aggressive iodine components. The effect of fertilizing and spraying is not long in coming - the plants begin to grow rapidly. In addition, the number of ovaries and fruits increases.

Cooking recipes and processing technology

When preparing an iodine-based spray solution, many vegetable growers use dairy products to enhance the effect. However, few people know that the aggressive components of the element destroy beneficial lactobacilli, so the benefit of adding whey and milk to the mixture is insignificant.

The only way dairy products help is that they envelop the plants, preventing the solution from being quickly washed out. Milk forms a fatty film on the green mass, which fixes the substance on the leaves.

It has also been noted that a mixture of iodine and Fitosporin, popular among gardeners, is ineffective.

How to dilute iodine so as not to burn the plant? Here are some popular recipes.

Folk remedy - milk with iodine

Used as a prevention and treatment of fungal diseases. Add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of warm water. milk and 5 drops of iodine. The mixture is suitable for treating the above-ground parts of the plant using a fine spray bottle. The procedure is carried out in the morning or evening, spraying all the tomato leaves.

Important! To prepare the solution, use only low-fat milk.

Potassium permanganate with iodine and boric acid

For feeding, many summer residents use potassium permanganate, iodine and boric acid. These components provide disinfection, increase productivity and serve as protection against diseases.

Feeding is carried out in 3 stages with a break of 5-7 days:

  1. The bushes are treated with a solution of manganese - 4-5 g of the substance are diluted in 10 liters of water. The solution is used for spraying and watering at the root; 0.5 liters is enough for one bush.
  2. Make up with boron - dilute 0.5-1 tsp in 10 liters of water. facilities. The solution is used for spraying.
  3. Iodine treatment - 10 drops of alcohol solution per 5 liters of water. The leaves of the seedlings are carefully treated with the product.

Root feeding of tomatoes

It is important to choose the right time for root feeding. Seedlings especially need the element during the development period. The first iodine supplement is applied after the second pair of leaves appears on the plant. The soil is watered before the procedure.

Usually 1 liter of iodine supplement is enough for 1 plant. For low-growing varieties of tomatoes - 0.7 liters per bush.

Important! Cold water should not be used to prepare solutions; it can chill the root system of plants.

Root feeding scheme:

  1. 10 days after planting seedlings. You can use a simple solution - dissolve 1 drop of iodine in 3 liters of warm water. Fertilizer is applied at the root when the top layer of soil dries out a little.
  2. When plants become tasseled. The solution is prepared according to this recipe: for 10 liters of warm water you will need 3 drops of iodine.
  3. During the fruiting period. Add 500 g of wood ash to 10 liters of boiling water, cool the mixture, then dilute it with water 1 to 2. Add 5 ml of iodine and 8-10 g of boric acid to the solution. The resulting concentrate is infused for a day, and then diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

Application against pests

Weevils, aphids and chafer larvae are afraid of iodine. As a preventive measure, perennial plants are watered at the root with the following composition: 10-15 drops of alcoholic iodine solution per 10 liters of water. 1 liter is enough for one bush.

To combat aphids, you can use the following recipe: add 0.5 cubes of iodine to 100 ml of warm milk with a syringe, dilute the mixture with 1 liter of water. Spray the leaves of plants with the solution. Preparations containing iodine are also effective, for example, a 10% solution of Farmayod.

Disinfection of seeds before planting

Processing of seed material has long become a mandatory preventive measure. Previously, seeds were soaked in potassium permanganate, but practice has shown that iodine can also be used for disinfection. It protects, improves immunity and accelerates seed germination.

Recipe for seed treatment solution: dilute 1 drop of iodine in 1 liter of settled water. Do not increase the concentration of the product, otherwise it may burn the material. The seeds are soaked for 6-8 hours, then, without washing, they are dried and planted in a planting box.

How to properly process tomatoes

Iodine is used for both root and foliar feeding; they are equally effective. Experienced gardeners alternate types of treatments to achieve maximum results. Iodine-based fertilizers are usually applied during watering.

Basic rules for watering tomatoes:

  • after transplantation, do not water the seedlings for one week;
  • It is not recommended to water the beds in cool weather, as this promotes the development of fungal infections;
  • water only at the roots, avoiding moisture getting on the leaves of the plant;
  • It is preferable to water in the morning or evening;
  • use warm water.

Feeding with iodine is done twice a month. It is best to postpone the procedure until the onset of cloudy weather with an air temperature of more than +16...+18 °C.

How to spray seedlings with iodine? During the procedure, be careful - do not spray the solution in large drops, it is better to make the spraying misty. You cannot increase the concentration of iodine, otherwise it can lead to burns of the leaves.

Important! Excessive treatment with iodine leads to deformation of the brushes and fruits.

How to use outdoors

There are several nuances in using iodine:

  • the product is measured with a pipette;
  • for solutions use water without chlorine;
  • the temperature of the water for spraying should not be lower than +25 °C;
  • processing is carried out in calm weather;
  • When fruit sets, feeding with iodine is stopped;
  • Before the first treatment, the soil is pre-watered with a solution with a weak concentration of iodine.

Important! Fertilizing should not get on the root collar of the tomato.

How to use in a greenhouse

Iodine is used to disinfect soil and greenhouse structures. Typically, treatment is carried out twice a year - after harvesting and before planting seedlings. Prevention against infectious agents can begin when the air warms up to +10 °C.

Important! Disinfection of the greenhouse with iodine is carried out in a respirator and safety glasses, opening all the windows and doors.

For disinfection, you can use the drug “Farmayod” - for 10 liters of water you will need 10 ml of the product. For 10 sq. m, 1 to 3 liters of solution is enough, depending on the diseases in the previous season. This solution can also be used to treat the soil before planting. If tomatoes suffered from late blight last season, the concentration of the drug is increased to 30 ml.

Iodine treatment in a greenhouse not only destroys late blight, but also reduces the number of thrips, nematodes and mites.

Spraying timing

Experienced summer residents spray the beds for the new month. During this period, the green mass absorbs nutrients as much as possible.

The first spraying is carried out 2 weeks after planting the seedlings. The procedure is especially necessary in the first phase of tomato growth; as a rule, it falls in July. Then you can spray the plants once every 15 days.

Some gardeners treat seedlings with iodine before planting. For 10 liters of water you will need 1 liter of milk and 15 drops of iodine.

The treatment is carried out on a cloudy day or in the evening in calm weather. Practice has shown that beneficial substances are better absorbed in the morning. If you carry out the procedure after sunset, the product may be washed away by night dew. The optimal temperature for the procedure is +18 °C.

It is also worth paying attention to the weather in the days following treatment. If there is rain in the forecast, it is better to postpone the procedure until next time. Precipitation will wash away the milk film, so the benefit of spraying will be reduced to zero.

Combination of foliar fertilizing with late blight treatment

Treatment with a solution containing iodine will not only saturate the plants with the necessary components, but also protect them from late blight. To prevent the disease, use the usual recipe for spraying with milk.

You can spray the plants daily if you increase the concentration of dairy products. For 1 liter of water you will need 1 liter of milk or whey. This solution will increase the growth of tomatoes and provide them with nutrition.

In the fight against late blight, a solution of iodine and milk is used for a month, with intervals between treatments of 3 days. For preventive purposes, you can spray the beds once a quarter.

Iodine has been used in the garden since Soviet times. During this time, gardeners figured out how to enhance its effect and during what period it should not be used:

  1. You can enhance the effect of the substance by preparing a solution based on it with the addition of 8-10 g of superphosphate and 15-20 g of potassium salt. This type of feeding is considered comprehensive. Its consumption will be significantly lower - instead of 1 liter, you can pour 400-500 ml under the bush.
  2. The product stimulates the flowering of tomatoes. During this period, you can prepare a spray solution using iodine, boric acid, urea and humate.
  3. Do not use iodine solution if less than 10 days have passed since the seedlings were planted.
  4. If iodine is used in plant nutrition, there is no need to add pharmaceutical drugs “Trichopol” and “Aspirin” to the treatment solution».
  5. Treatment with iodine can be alternated with boric acid and hydrogen peroxide. These products should be used 4 days after iodine supplementation.

The most common disease that affects nightshades is late blight. Fortunately, a gardener can find a lot of remedies at hand that will help overcome this scourge: copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, etc. But you can also use drugs that are sold in every pharmacy. The main thing is to prepare the solution correctly and properly treat the plants with it. Today we decided to talk about getting rid of late blight using iodine and boric acid.

Description of the disease

Most gardeners who grow tomatoes are familiar with such a nuisance as late blight (a disease caused by a fungus). It is tomatoes that are more often than other vegetable crops subject to this disease, which is expressed by blackening of tomatoes and leaves, and also reduces the amount of harvest. Late blight lives in the ground and most often appears in the second half of the season, when the nights become cool and damp.

Reasons for appearance

The appearance of fungus on tomatoes can be caused by the following factors:

  • excess nitrogen and lime in the soil. This element promotes the proliferation of late blight. It is to escape from acidic soil that gardeners saturate it with lime, thereby provoking the appearance of late blight;
  • planting density. This factor makes it difficult to ventilate plants growing on protected soil and does not provide air access to plants in an open area. And for the life of a fungus, a greenhouse environment is just right;
  • temperature changes. When hot days give way to cool nights. During this time, a lot of dew is released, which becomes a source for the development of rot;
  • insufficient feeding(deficiency of potassium, manganese, copper, iodine). The crop loses immunity to various diseases, which increases the risk of late blight;
  • wrong neighborhood. For example, growing potatoes close to each other causes fungus;
  • excessive watering. During fruit ripening, it is advisable to control that moisture does not reach the foliage and fruits.

Did you know? The main sign of late blight activity is the appearance of forest mushrooms. As soon as such neighbors are noticed, you need to monitor the tomatoes more closely.


Late blight on tomatoes can be identified by the following signs:

  • the stem is covered with irregularly shaped brown specks;
  • inflorescences darken or turn yellow and quickly fall off;
  • Dark specks first appear on the leaves, and then the foliage dries out and crumbles;
  • tomatoes become covered with gray-brown or dark spots.

Why is late blight dangerous?

The disease is scary for tomatoes because it can completely destroy the entire crop in just a few days. Unfortunately, the fungus is very tenacious. Its seeds can be found everywhere: in the ground, seed material, on garden tools, plant remains, greenhouse covers, so the main task of the gardener is to minimize the number of spores and eliminate any conditions for their further development and spread.

The effect of iodine and boric acid on tomatoes

The effect of a solution on plants can be understood by considering all the properties that each component has and its effect on tomatoes.


The most important advantage of iodine is its safety for people and plants if used in small dosages.

  • So, using iodine and boric acid, in addition to getting rid of late blight, you can achieve the following results:
  • improve nitrogen metabolism. Iodine can be an excellent substitute for nitrogen-containing fertilizers;
  • activate flowering. Boron enhances this process;
  • increase productivity and maintain soil composition. The iodized solution does not affect the properties of the soil;
  • quickly copes with fungus on the surface of seedlings and in the ground. Thus, fruit ripening will occur more intensively;
  • increasing the immunity of the culture. In addition to eliminating signs of late blight, plants can be hardened off;
  • reduction of rotting of tomatoes. This process is intense at high humidity;
  • improve the taste of tomatoes. Boron increases the flow of sugar to fruits.


If iodine is completely harmless to plants and soil, then you need to work with orthoboric acid carefully. An excess of this substance affects the shelf life of fruits.

Terms of processing tomatoes with iodine and boric acid

To prevent the disease, tomatoes are processed during the period of fruit ripening. In this way, you can not only prevent the disease, but also accelerate the ripening of fruits. Preventive measures are continued even when cold nights or during periods of prolonged rain occur. If the first signs of late blight appear on the plant, then thoroughly spray the entire planting.

How to prepare a solution for processing tomatoes

The combination of iodine and boric acid is a fairly effective remedy against late blight. Making the solution yourself is not at all difficult.

Proportions and components

The suspension contains several elements:

  • boric acid (1%) - 1 teaspoon (1 sachet);
  • iodine - 30 drops;
  • water - 10 liters.
From the middle of the season, you can add grated garlic (100 g) to the solution. Just before use, the mixture should be strained. You can also add milk to the substance. This way the solution will stay on the plant longer. And the ash added to the mixture will serve as a good feed. Compliance with proportions is a prerequisite. Even a slight deviation can harm the plant.

Important! You can treat with boron-iodine solution infrequently and at the same time maintain a ten-day pause.

Step-by-step cooking instructions

Preparation of the solution consists of several simple steps.

  1. Dilute boric acid in a glass of warm water.
  2. Add the solution to a bucket of water.
  3. Cool the mixture.
  4. Dilute iodine in the prepared suspension.

Video: preparing a solution for processing tomatoes

Treatment of tomatoes with boric acid and iodine against late blight

When starting to treat plants, you should understand the root causes of infection and eliminate them, and only then begin the procedure. To treat the fungus, not only the above-ground part of the plant is treated, but also the soil.

In general, the process technology looks like this:

  1. Pre-cleaning. Before starting the procedure, all diseased shoots are removed.
  2. The solution is poured under the root only onto moistened soil.
  3. The aboveground part of tomatoes is sprayed in dry weather. If tomatoes grow in a greenhouse, the process is accompanied by ventilation.
  4. The procedure is performed in the morning or evening.

Important! When treating tomatoes, you should treat the potato plantings located nearby. It is the potato neighborhood that provokes the appearance of fungus on tomatoes.

For those gardeners who have a negative attitude towards chemical products and prefer to use folk remedies, experts offer several effective recipes for combating late blight:

  1. Whey or kefir. The dairy product is diluted in equal amounts of water (kefir - 1:10) and the solution is allowed to brew. Can be sprayed daily.
  2. Soda. Ingredients: ½ bucket of water, a tablespoon of baking soda, a small amount of liquid soap (as a sticky component). Treat once every 7–10 days or after rain.
  3. Salt. A prophylactic drug that cannot cure the disease. Ingredients: 250 g salt, 10 liters of water. The salt is dissolved and the entire bush is sprayed. Repeat the procedure after precipitation.
  4. Vinegar. Ingredients: 100 ml table vinegar (9%), 10 liters of water. The plant is sprayed completely. But it is advisable to alternate such a remedy with other methods.
  5. Toothpaste. Ingredients: toothpaste - 1 package, water - 10 l. The paste is diluted in water and sprayed after rain. The method is suitable as a preventive measure.
  6. Garlic tincture. Ingredients: chopped arrows and garlic cloves - 1.5 cups, water - 10 l. Garlic is filled with water and infused for a day. All seedlings are sprayed every 14 days.
  7. Boiling water. Plain water is brought to a boil and poured into a watering can with a nozzle. Water once a week, very carefully, so as not to harm the tomatoes.
  8. Ash. Ingredients: ash - 5 kg, water - 10 l, a few drops of liquid soap. The ash is poured with water and infused for 3 days. The solution is stirred periodically. Then the composition is diluted with water to make 30 liters of suspension, and soap is added. Treat 3 times per season: 7 days after planting seedlings, before flowering, after the formation of ovaries.
  9. Yeast. Ingredients: yeast - 100 g, water - 10 l. Yeast is diluted in warm water, left for a short time and sprayed on the bushes.
  10. Hay. Ingredients: rotted hay - 1 kg, water - 10 l, urea - 100 g. The hay is filled with warm water and urea is added (can be replaced with ammonia). The solution is infused for 3 days.

To reduce the risk of developing the disease, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Follow the rules of crop rotation. You cannot plant tomatoes after or near eggplants, potatoes, and peppers. Also, tomatoes should be grown in the same place no earlier than after 4 years.
  2. Choose sunny places for planting.
  3. If the soil is rich in lime, peat is added to the hole, and the planting is sprinkled with sand on top. You can put onion shells into the hole.
  4. Plantings should not be thickened.
  5. Water at the roots, trying not to get water on the leaves and fruits. In the second half of the season, this process can be stopped altogether, and watered only in the absence of rain. Watering is best done early in the morning.
  6. Mulch the bushes, remove shoots and unnecessary foliage in a timely manner.
  7. Use immunomodulators.
  8. Apply nitrogen fertilizers only in the first half of the growing season. Later they only provoke the development of late blight.

Did you know? Late blight is translated as “destroying a plant.”

Precautions during operation

The basis for safety when working with chemicals is compliance with a number of rules. First of all, the gardener must use the following protective equipment:

  • respirator;
  • glasses;
  • protective apron;
  • rubber gloves.

Spraying will be safe if you follow these rules:

  • prepare the solution outdoors in warm, windless weather;
  • pour the suspension into the sprayer. The solution should fall on the plant in tiny droplets;
  • wear protective equipment.

Important! A single entry of vapor into the respiratory tract may cause discomfort, but does not pose a threat. But a repeated hit can become life-threatening.

To summarize, we note that treating tomatoes with boric acid and iodine is the best way to protect against late blight and increase productivity. The main condition is compliance with the proportions of the solution and processing rules.

Due to the antiseptic properties of iodine, it is often used to treat plants. The drug helps eliminate pests in garden plots. Using the product, you can cure tomatoes in a greenhouse from late blight, get rid of root rot, and powdery mildew.

The prepared working mixture is used to feed seedlings to increase productivity.

Late blight (late blight) is a dangerous fungal infection that leads to plant death. After late blight penetrates, microorganisms completely destroy garden plantings. The disease is dangerous for crops from the nightshade family, but other vegetation also suffers from the spreading infection.

Late blight develops due to high humidity or infected seed. To avoid the appearance of fungus, gardeners treat seed material and soil. The infection begins to spread at low temperatures. The fungus affects both soil and greenhouse crops.

Signs and causes of the disease

Late blight appears on plant tops already 3 days after infection; if the weather is humid, the fungus spreads more rapidly. Dirty-brown spots appear on the leaves, then a grayish coating (spores) is observed. In dry weather, the foliage quickly dries out; in wet weather, it rots. Late blight is spread by non-sexual spores (zoosporangia) that are resistant to environmental factors, which allows the fungus to linger in the soil and air for a long time. A favorable environment promotes greater formation of zoospores:

  • humidity;
  • fogs;
  • watering;
  • rains;
  • dew.

Spores spread throughout plant tissues. If moisture is maintained on the foliage and stems, they will germinate in 4 hours. Soil moisture promotes faster infection because the moisture stays in contact with the roots for longer.

With a lack of iodine, tomatoes' immunity to disease decreases. Iodine deficiency occurs due to a lack of the element in peat and podzolic soil. Also, a lack of the element was noted in light sandy loams and substrates with a lack of organic matter. Acidic soil is unfavorable for iodine; in it, it penetrates into the deep layers where the root system of tomatoes does not reach. With iodine deficiency in plants, the following negative changes are observed:

  • fruits set poorly;
  • the ovaries rot;
  • red and yellow vegetables do not have a bright color;
  • the vegetative mass is pale;
  • stunted growth;
  • color, fruits, seeds are poorly formed;
  • Tomatoes have weak protective functions against fungal diseases.


Late blight affects the entire plant - the fungus spreads through the root system, foliage and seeds.

Beneficial properties of iodine against disease

Iodine is a natural antiseptic. Thanks to the microelement, plant physiological processes, respiration, photosynthesis and nitrogen-water exchange are normalized. Iodine is involved in the synthesis of some proteins with amino acids (it is a component).

The drug normalizes the development of garden crops, budding, and fruit set. Iodine supplements are used to maintain vital functions:

  • flower crops;
  • strawberries;
  • potatoes;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • cucumbers;
  • beets;
  • cabbage;
  • Luke;
  • corn;
  • sunflower;
  • salad greens.

Treat with iodine solution:

  1. Seed material - to stimulate germination.
  2. Seedlings - to strengthen the immune system.
  3. Crops during the growing season - fighting diseases, increasing productivity.

Thanks to the product, plant resistance to diseases increases and nitrogen digestibility improves.

Feeding tomatoes with iodine solution

For prevention purposes, it is recommended to carry out iodine universal fertilizing. This is especially important for cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, and garden herbs. Iodine is used both in greenhouses and in open fields.

Preparation of fertilizing: 40 drops of iodine are dissolved in a 10 liter container of water.

Usage: use 500 ml of product for each bush that has its first color. Repeated treatment is done after a month.

Iodine and brilliant green

The brilliant green contains copper compounds, which means that the product has an antiseptic effect for tomatoes. Zelenka is an excellent fertilizer with a rich microelement composition. To cope with root rot on tomatoes or cucumbers, you must first harvest the crop.

The bushes are spilled with the prepared solution: half a teaspoon of brilliant green is dissolved in a 10-liter container of water.

For prevention purposes, an iodine solution is used: half a teaspoon of iodine is dissolved in a 10-liter container of water. The working composition is used through a sprayer.

If you mix 1 part iodine or brilliant green with 2 parts water, you will get a medicinal solution for treating plant stems. The treatment of bushes is carried out with a brush or an ear stick (the stems are smeared from the ground 5 cm up). The fungal infection dies after the second treatment. A total of 3 treatment procedures are recommended at weekly intervals.

Downy mildew on tomatoes is destroyed by the prepared solution with brilliant green. Add to a bucket of water:

During the season, garden plants are treated three times from the beginning of flowering (7-day intervals). For preventative purposes, the solution is suitable for cabbage, onions, shrubs, cucumbers and other crops.

Preparation of a product to combat powdery mildew:

  • milk - 100 ml;
  • iodine - 3 drops;
  • water - 1000 ml.

The components are mixed, the resulting composition is used for spraying green mass. Treatments are carried out once a week.

The following solution helps against late blight:

  • 10 liter container with water;
  • 40 drops of iodine;
  • 1 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide.

Spraying is carried out on the leaves and stems of plants (so that the foliage and soil are wet). Treatment is carried out 4 times per season, weekly from flowering. The prepared composition not only destroys fungal infections and diseases, but also rejuvenates plants and prevents yellowing of foliage.

Late blight can be combated with a prepared solution containing brilliant green:

  • brilliant green - 40 drops;
  • ten-liter container with water;
  • the components are mixed, spraying is carried out through a spray bottle.

Plants are sprayed generously with the composition (once a week, 4 times a season).


Spraying and fertilizing are carried out in cloudy weather or in the evening.

Iodine and ash

Ash-iodine treatment is carried out to prevent late blight in tomatoes and other garden crops. This is especially true in warm but damp weather. To prepare the solution you need:

Before treating crops with the prepared solution, the plants are watered abundantly. This is necessary so that the solution is quickly absorbed and does not burn the root system. After mixing the composition, the soil is spilled near the bushes. Iodine disinfects the soil, destroys spores, ash feeds plants with useful microelements and strengthens the immune system.

Preventive control measures

For prevention purposes, work begins with disinfecting the seeds before planting. A drop of iodine is dissolved in one liter of settled water. The prepared composition is used to soak planting material for 7 hours. After this, the seeds are dried and sown in greenhouses or on beds.

Seedlings are also watered with iodine solution. Small sprouts are fertilized with a composition prepared from:

  • 3000 ml water;
  • 3 drops of iodine.

The prepared product is used to strengthen the immune system, form lush bushes, abundant flowering and fruiting. When the seedlings are already planted in open ground and a sudden cold snap comes with rain, each sprout is spilled with one liter of the prepared solution against fungal infection

Recipe: add 20 drops of iodine to a 10 liter bucket of water. Plants will withstand inclement weather. 21 days after preventive watering, tomatoes are sprayed with iodine solution to prevent the appearance of late blight.

In order to treat and prevent plants from late blight with iodine, the main thing is to maintain the recommended dosage and timing of treatments. Excessive amounts of the drug undermine the health of the plantings. An excess of the element leads to the death of foliage.

Every summer resident knows that the fewer pesticides used when growing vegetables, the safer and healthier they are. Today in the article we will look in detail at the treatment of tomatoes with ordinary iodine and brilliant green.

Important! The first feeding after planting in a permanent place is carried out no earlier than 2 weeks later.

Why do gardeners use iodine and brilliant green?

Diamond green alcohol solution is synthetic in nature. At the beginning of the twentieth century, its antiseptic and fungicidal properties were noticed: the drug inhibits most fungi and infections. In the agricultural industry, brilliant green has long been used as a herbicide and is included in many preparations for the corresponding purpose. In addition to destroying pathogenic microorganisms, brilliant green has a long-term protective effect against their reappearance.
Iodine is a natural element that is used in the agricultural sector as a means of combating viruses and fungal infections. The content of the element in the soil depends on its structure, but with its deficiency, tomatoes do not form fruit ovaries well, which affects the harvest. After iodine supplementation, part of the element remains in the fruit, which has invaluable benefits for humans, because everyone knows that iodine deficiency leads to endocrine diseases and memory disorders. The insecticidal properties of the solution are also important.

Did you know? Iodine is used in the electronics industry for the production of liquid crystal screens.

Advantages and disadvantages of drugs

  • Both drugs are antiseptics; if we consider their action in detail, other positive characteristics will be visible:
  • fungicides for disinfection of planting material;
  • growth and development stimulants;
  • support the protective properties of the plant from the influence of external factors;
  • allow better absorption of microelements from the soil;
  • promote active flowering and fruiting;
  • improve the taste of fruits.
There were no shortcomings in the products; with the correct doses, there is no negative effect on garden crops. Exceeding the dosage will lead to burns of foliage and deformation of the fruit.

How to treat tomatoes with greens and iodine

The method of processing plants depends on the purpose of the procedure. For example, as a preventive measure against pests, it is more effective to water the soil around the bush in early spring, even directly over the snow.

To fight diseases

Tomatoes are susceptible to many diseases if the rules of agricultural technology are not followed; diseases are also possible under unfavorable weather conditions.

Root rot

The reasons are sharp temperature fluctuations, the use of cold water when watering and the lack of loosening after it.

Important! For better plant protection, especially in the rainy season, the treatments described above are alternated with spraying with copper-containing preparations.


  • brilliant greens are diluted with 10 ml/5 liters of water, the mixture is smeared on the stems;
  • Spray the planting with an iodine solution in a ratio of 10 ml/10 l of water.

Powdery mildew

Symptoms of the disease are white spots on the green parts and fruits of the plant. The fight against the disease is carried out in two stages: tillage of the soil and then the bushes. Treatment is carried out by spraying the soil and bushes with solutions:

  • brilliant green, urea, whey, water - 10 ml/50 g/2 l/10 l;
  • iodine, milk, water - 4 drops/350 ml/3 l.

Late blight

This is a fungal infection that develops in conditions of high humidity. Damage is also possible due to excess nitrogen in the soil. Treatment:

  • whey, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, water - 1 l/10 ml/15 ml/10 l, mix and process one sheet at a time;
  • Mix both alcohol products, 4 drops each, in a liter of warm water and spray.
The mixtures, having reduced the amount of alcohol solutions by half, should be used as a prophylaxis against late blight, treating the plantings three times a season both in the greenhouse and in the open ground.

White rot

In greenhouse conditions it develops due to lack of ventilation, in open ground - when the soil is waterlogged. The danger of the fungus is that its spores are easily carried by the wind. Treatment is carried out by spraying plants and soil with the following mixtures:

  • brilliant green, whey, water - 2 ml/1 l/7 l;
  • iodine, laundry soap, milk, water - 4 ml/25 g/1 l/10 l.

Gray rot

It is fungal in nature and affects tomatoes, penetrating through injured parts of the plant. Most often this happens after pinching or pinching. Treatment:

  • garlic, iodine solution, water - 0.5 kg/3 ml/10 l, spray plants;
  • brilliant green, water - 4 ml/10 l, spray the bushes.

As a fertilizer

Tomato seedlings are fertilized a week before transplanting into a greenhouse or plot, and both solutions are used, watering the seedlings at the root. The solution is prepared from 1 drop of pharmaceutical product and 1 liter of water. Adult plants are also watered under the bush, diluting 3 drops of one or another product in 10 liters of water. For each bush, use 1 liter of mixture.

Video: processing tomatoes with green paint and iodine

General rules of application

In order not to harm your vegetables, you should familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of using pharmaceutical products:

  1. You should not increase the concentration - you should take no more than 1 drop per 1 liter of water.
  2. It is necessary to prevent the solution from getting on the root collar of the treated plants.
  3. It is recommended to fertilize on moist soil.
  4. During flowering, wood ash is added to fertilizing with iodine for greater efficiency.
  5. It is better to spray from a sprayer with small holes - this way the fertilizers are better absorbed.
  6. Root fertilizing is not used during fruiting, only on the leaf.
  7. The drugs should not be used together with Trichopolum and Aspirin.
  8. Boric acid is used no earlier than 3–5 days after iodine.

Did you know? Brilliant green solution is used in forensic medicine as a reagent for the determination of toxic substances.

The quality of the tomato harvest and the taste of the fruit depend on the quantity and quality of nutrients that the plants receive during development. It is always better to give preference to natural fertilizers and preventative agents, but do not forget about the application rates.

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