Interesting crafts from cones with your own hands. Crafts from cones with your own hands: a master class with a step-by-step photo

Decor elements 26.09.2018
Decor elements

Hedgehog from cones

If on a walk with a baby you found a lot of beautiful cones, then you can make such a funny hedgehog that will cheer you up in winter, reminding you and your child of an autumn forest or park.

For manufacturing we need:

  • Several cones, approximately equal in size.
  • Plastic stand.
  • Black smooth stone.
  • Acorns.
  • Plasticine.

Let's get to work.

  1. From white plasticine we sculpt the body of a hedgehog.
  2. We attach a black pebble to the sharp nose, form a small strip from red plasticine and make a mouth for the hedgehog, and make small eyes from black plasticine.
  3. We carefully place the cones along the entire back of the hedgehog.
  4. Stepping back from the peephole, carefully attach the acorns. If there are no acorns, then small hedgehog spines can be made from black plasticine.
  5. We put the finished figure on a stand.

Can do hedgehog from cones sooner, like this.

or such

Lion from spruce and pine cones

Materials for each body part:

  • 1 large fully opened pine cone;
  • ears and muzzle - 3 large hats from acorns;
  • nose - a large scale from a spruce cone and a small, several times smaller than an acorn cap chestnut, or a pea of ​​black pepper;
  • eyes 2 peppercorns, a small piece of birch bark;
  • mane - birch bark or thick paper;
  • body: 1 long large spruce cone;
  • front paws - 2 pine sticks and 2 small pine or spruce cones;
  • hind legs - 2 two small pine or spruce cones of the appropriate shape;
  • tail - a small fir cone, a long flexible stick or a piece of string.

All parts are glued with superglue.


The lion is ready!

Baba Yaga from cones

Surely at school you were asked to do. Let's try to make a fabulous Baba Yaga out of cones and twigs.

We will need:

  • Stand - a shoebox lid or a small wooden plate might work
  • Plastic or cardboard disposable cup. It is better Brown. We will make a stupa from it
  • Double-sided or plain transparent tape
  • Twigs or straws for gluing our stupa
  • A long twig and old thread or rope for a broom
  • 2 pine cones - body and head. Try to find a rounder bump for the head
  • Old ropes or threads for hair
  • Two bent branches - for hands
  • A piece of red fabric - for a handkerchief

Let's get to the craft:

  1. We take our glass-stupa and glue it with double-sided tape from above and below. (If there is no double-sided, you can take a regular transparent one and bend it in half with the adhesive side out). We cut the branches and glue the glass. Additionally, top and bottom can be tied with threads. Fill up to half with moss or cotton wool. The stupa is ready.
  2. We put the cones one on top of the other so that we get a body and a head. Between ourselves, we wind them with a thin black or brown thread, hooking it on the scales. We also tie the handles. We plant in a mortar.
  3. We make hair out of threads or ropes and glue it on the head so that the blunt side of the upper cone (face) remains open. We tie a scarf from a piece of fabric. We draw eyes on white paper and glue them on the bump. (Tip: look in a book to see what the eyes of people and animals look like. This will help you draw correctly)
  4. At the end of a long branch we tie a panicle of threads (you can tie pine needles). We stick the finished broom into the mortar.
  5. We put the moss on a stand and put a stupa with Baba Yaga there. Moss can be decorated with red hawthorn berries, or rolled up red plasticine balls. Behind our grandmother, you can carefully lay a pine branch with green needles for decoration.
  6. You can seat an owl next to Yaga. For her, you will need a bump, any bird feather, painted eyes and a beak.
  7. Take the bump with the blunt side up. From the found feather we cut off pieces for owl ears. Glue to the top side of the cone slightly behind. We draw round yellow eyes and a beak, we glue. On the side of the eyes, between the scales of the cone, we stick thin strips of feather - these will be the eyebrows. We seat the owl in the moss next to Baba Yaga.


Cockerel from cones and plasticine

Even a baby will get such a funny chicken, of course, if his mother helps him a little in making crafts.

For work we need:

  • One big bump.
  • Plasticine.
  • Two large white buttons.
  • Plastic stand.

Let's get started:

  1. Let's work on the bump. To do this, carefully cut off the top and bottom of it with scissors.
  2. From yellow plasticine we form a head and sculpt paws.
  3. From black plasticine we sculpt eye pupils and stick them on white buttons (eyes).
  4. We take red plasticine, from it we fashion a beak for a chicken and its crest.
  5. We attach the head of the figurine to the top of the cone, and the paws to the bottom.
  6. We put the finished figure on the stand.

Craft from cones "Swan on the lake"

Such a wonderfully beautiful swan can be made using a cone and decorative material. Invite your child to make such a craft, for sure, he will like both the creative process itself and the resulting swan on the lake.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • One large and two small cones.
  • Plasticine.
  • Two branches.
  • Dry leaves of trees.
  • Colored cardboard.
  • Gouache.

Let's start the process:

  1. Cut off the lower part of the big cone a little.
  2. From black plasticine we will fashion a neck for a swan and attach it to the top of the cone.
  3. For the bird's head, you can take white or green plasticine. Form the head, make a growth with black plasticine, beak with red, and eyes with blue. From blue plasticine, make a small stand and put the finished swan on it.
  4. We cut out thin strips from green colored cardboard, they will serve as grass.
  5. We decorate small cones with thin strips of plasticine so that they look like reeds. We attach them to the branch with glue or plasticine.
  6. On the plastic stand we glue the reeds with plasticine, with the help of glue we place strips of green cardboard, we plant the swan on a stand.
  7. Draw a lake with thick blue gouache.
  8. When the gouache dries, glue the autumn leaves beautifully.

It all depends on your imagination and desire, I will offer you a few more photo of crafts from cones.

In all kindergartens and schools, every year they are asked to make products with my own hands. This is perhaps the most common puzzle for parents.

And you know, it's not even bad at all.

We have a lot of natural material, you need to add a little imagination.

And most importantly, you and your whole family will immerse yourself in the charming world of creativity.

Today, we will review natural resource- cones.

It is used not only in school crafts, but also for the interior, Hand-Made designers and others.

Below are photos and detailed diagram several crafts from cones.

What crafts from cones you can do with your own hands

Almost everyone can make crafts from real pine and spruce cones, the main desire and a little imagination.

Using this amazing natural resource, you can do:

  • Decor elements that will bring a wonderful smell of the forest and a cozy atmosphere into your home.
  • Christmas crafts: festive wreath, candlestick, Christmas tree, garland, Christmas ball and more.
  • Interesting crafts of funny animals with children.

Festive wreath

Hand over Christmas mood guests can right from the doorstep. For the design of the New Year's wreath we will use:

  • Cardboard
  • Spruce or pine branches
  • cones
  • Satin ribbon
  • Not real snow
  • Dye
  • glue gun
  • Decorations for decoration, optional.

In the manufacture of the base, many materials are used.

For example: plastic, cardboard, branches, bending wire, and even newspapers.

We settled on cardboard, it is quite simple and convenient to work with.

On the cardboard we cut out the diameter of the circle that we need. Next, we fasten the branches and cones, forming a symmetrical circle.

After the cones are glued, we continue to decorate our wreath. We take a can of artificial snow and spray the edges of the cones.

If you could not find snow, then you can paint the scales with white or silver paint.

We tie with a satin ribbon, choose the color yourself.


For a more interesting and rich wreath, you can add additional elements decor: red beads, acorns, nuts, flowers.

Turn on your imagination and you will succeed!

Christmas garland

Quick and easy craft to make.

Material you need:

  • cones
  • glue gun
  • rope
  • dye
  • sequins

Step-by-step instructions for crafts:

  • We prepare the cones in advance, paint them with paint. Paint can be chosen different colors. Or make it in one color that matches the design of your interior. Glitter can also be used for the "elegance" of the product.
  • We take the rope and make marks the distance between the bumps.
  • From the edges we leave 10-15 cm each in order to have a place to attach a garland.
  • Using a glue gun, attach the cones to the rope. Glue along the entire length.
  • We are waiting for the glue to dry. And voila! Christmas garland is ready.


For kids and schoolchildren, it will be easy to make crafts from cones and plasticine of funny animals: Mishutka, Hedgehog, Squirrel, Owl, etc.


We will use:

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts:

Body. From collected material, choose an elongated pine cone. On the connecting parts of the scales, apply glue. We connect the parts so that the scales fix each other.

Paws. We choose 2 larger cones for the lower legs, and 2 smaller ones for the upper ones. We glue the parts with the body, follow the symmetry.

Head. We make the head from open pine cones. They perfectly convey the fluffiness of the bear's fur. Attach with glue to the base.


Ears, eyes and nose. It can be made from plasticine, and the tip of the nose, for example, from black peppercorns.

If you want to surprise everyone around, then you can make a big bear. The size of the bear is up to you, the main thing is to dial right amount cones.

You can make a base - the Mishutka frame can be made from polyurethane foam, polystyrene or papier-mâché. Great solution, for the stability of the product, something heavy will be attached to the bottom.

We cover the frame with cones, and we make the ears and muzzle from plasticine or pompons.


The easiest children's craft made of cones. For its manufacture, you need only two materials:

  • cones
  • Plasticine

Step by step description:

Body. The cone itself is well suited for the base of the craft. If you look closely and turn the scales correctly, they look like hedgehog needles.

Muzzle. Here we need plasticine. From it we make an oblong muzzle. And fix on the craft.

Eyes, nose, paws, ears. We also use plasticine, only of a different color.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, this cone craft is suitable for kindergarten.

Experiment! Decorate your home with interesting design solutions that I have prepared myself. Do not forget about the children, they will also be interested in taking part in the creation of a small miracle.

Photo of crafts from cones

A pleasant walk through the coniferous forest can be combined with an exciting activity - collecting fallen cones from pines and firs. From cones different forms and sizes and plasticine, you can quickly make many fun and easy crafts for children. Plasticine will help shape the cones that will remind you of familiar animals and plants.

For example, you can make an elegant Christmas tree out of a fir cone. To strengthen the spruce cone, we make a plasticine stand. We decorate the Christmas tree with toys - beads. We attach the beads to the bump on plasticine. You can put a gift under the tree. A gift can be molded from plasticine and decorated with beads.

Cones and plasticine make cute crafts - cacti. For example, a small cactus turned out from a small open cone. A pot for it can be molded from plasticine.

Craft from cones and plasticine "Cactus" Crafts from cones and plasticine "Mushrooms"

Cones of different shapes may give you the idea of ​​creating a more complex craft, such as the camel in the photo below. However, this complicated, at first glance, craft is assembled in just half an hour. The Bactrian camel made of cones and plasticine in the photo is made from one large cone and nine small cones. At the same time, the camel's legs are made of two small narrow cones, interconnected with plasticine. The legs are attached to the body with the help of plasticine. There are two humps on the camel's back - from two small open cones. The neck of a camel with a slight bend forward is made of two small narrow bumps. As a camel's head - a small bump, eyes - from black plasticine. Optionally, you can make a brown plasticine tail for a camel.

Craft from cones and plasticine "Camel" Craft from cones "Deer" Craft from cones and plasticine "Turtle"

Cones can be turned into fish. To do this, it is enough to attach a plasticine tail to the crown, and a fin on the side of the cone.

Craft from cones and plasticine "Fish"

Children's craft from cones and pink plasticine "Pig"

Sheep with lamb - from large and small pine cones.

Crocodile from a fir cone and plasticine Swans from cones and plasticine

From cones and plasticine, you can make beautiful voluminous applications. For example, the application in the photo below. On blue cardboard, a flower is attached with plasticine - from small cones. The middle of the flower, clouds, the sun and a clearing made of plasticine.

Application of cones and plasticine

Craft "Vase", decorated with a branch with flowers from cones. Draw a vase on a sheet of paper. We fasten a thin strip of plasticine to a vase. We attach small cones to it. As leaflets, we attach watermelon seeds to plasticine.

Craft "Vase" from cones, plasticine and watermelon seeds

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