Why tomatoes grow poorly and what to do. Why are tomato fruits small? Tomatoes do not grow in a greenhouse

The buildings 11.09.2023
The buildings

In many ways, the characteristics of tomatoes depend on their variety. They can be medium-sized, tall or very short. Early ripening and late ripening.

Meanwhile, their fruits also differ in shape. Tomatoes are found round, elongated or oval. Gardeners who grow tomatoes for seedlings have often noticed that sometimes tomatoes do not grow well after transplanting into open ground. Or they slow down their growth rates.

The ovaries and flowers fall off. Or it may be that even though the plant looks good, it is not capable of producing a good harvest. Not every gardener knows the true reason for the poor growth and low yield of tomatoes.

Incorrect pick or transplant

Tomato seedlings may stop growing if transplanted incorrectly. The roots of the plants could be bent or damaged, or during planting the roots were not compressed enough and air pockets appeared near them.

Low temperature

Before the fruits are formed, there are several stages of formation. The plant blooms and an ovary forms from the buds. They already produce a long-awaited harvest. But often the flowers and ovaries fall off, and barren flowers appear on the first clusters.

The main reason may be too low a temperature. Tomatoes do not grow well if the temperature is below 28°C. To avoid this, it is recommended to plant seedlings in small greenhouses.

The presence of windows and doors will allow you to maintain the desired temperature, ventilating if necessary or, on the contrary, completely closing the greenhouse. Create a small draft in the greenhouse. It has a beneficial effect on plant pollination.

Improper watering

Also, tomatoes grow poorly if there is a lack of moisture. During the appearance of ovaries and fruit growth, keep the soil moist at all times. Water the plants only with warm water.

To do this, choose the evening hours. If the sprouts are over-watered, they will not have enough oxygen and will suffocate. Hence the growth stop. Plant growth can also be stunted if the wrong soil is used.

Here, the solution to the current situation is to clean the drainage hole in the pot. And in the second case, you need to transplant the plants into a different soil. There is a misconception that tomatoes should be shed generously with water once a week. Such watering is very harmful to growth.

As a result of sudden absorption of large volumes of moisture, the skin of the fruit cracks. After a long drought, water in small portions.

Lack of nutrition

One of the reasons for insufficient growth of tomato seedlings may be a lack of nutrients. You can determine whether plants have enough nutrition or not by the following signs. If plants do not have enough nitrogen, the plants become stunted, have thin stems and small, pale leaves.

When plants lack phosphorus, a reddish-purple tint appears on the undersides of their leaves. When the leaves at the edges turn yellow and curl, it means that the plants do not have enough potassium. Marbling of plant leaves indicates a lack of magnesium.

In all these cases, tomato seedlings are provided with the necessary nutrition. Ordinary ash can serve as a top dressing. You can use preparations specially created to protect and feed plants. The most common such drug is Fitosporin-M.

It is used to protect plants from diseases and to accelerate growth. Do not overdo it with fertilizing, because the rule of the golden mean applies here. Overfeeding plants will lead to excess vegetation to the detriment of the harvest.


Tomato seedlings may stop growing due to some disease. The most common diseases in which tomato seedlings stop growing are root rot and the so-called black leg - an infectious plant disease that develops mainly under unfavorable conditions. Root rot can appear after transplanting seedlings at low temperatures.

In this case, the roots need to be washed with a solution of potassium permanganate or phytosporin. Then the seedlings should be transplanted into fresh soil. The black leg appears as a darkening of the root collar. Then it softens, which then leads to the death of plants.

With such damage to plants, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is used to water them. The plants are then hilled up and spaced out sparser. Here you need to be careful, because plants can only be saved at the beginning of the disease.


Often the growth of tomato seedlings can be slowed down by pests. Earwigs, woodlice, and spider mites cause harm. To get rid of pests, seedlings are treated with drugs such as karbofos, fitoverm, actellik.

Degeneration of grade

Many gardeners settle on one variety of tomato, which they plant year after year. Often, in the old fashioned way, they select the largest fruits and use their seeds. As a result, the quality and fruiting of plants deteriorates.

Many agronomists in the country recommend changing the variety of tomatoes grown every three years. By showing a little attention and doing these simple steps, you can avoid all these troubles and, over time, enjoy a harvest of juicy tomatoes grown by yourself.

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Withering and drying leaves are a signal of distress from plants. Many summer residents and gardeners, planting tomatoes in greenhouses and greenhouses, hope that here they will grow and bear fruit better than on unprotected soil. However, very often their hopes are not justified, because the tomato in the greenhouse begins to wither, dry out, get sick, and stops growing. What is the reason for this behavior of plants that seem to have ideal conditions?

Plant diseases

Let's see what diseases can occur in tomatoes when grown in a greenhouse.


The most common disease is Fusarium wilt of tomatoes. In the southern regions of our country, it affects plants in open ground, and in mid-latitudes - mainly in greenhouses, since the soil fungus Fusarium is in the soil and develops at a temperature of 25-30 degrees.

And the increased humidity inherent in the microclimate of greenhouses accelerates the development of the disease. Fusarium wilt begins from the root collar. Signs of the disease are detected when the lower leaves begin to wither, and an accumulation of fungi in the form of a red coating appears in the area of ​​the root collar. Over time, all other leaves become chlorotic - yellowish in color and also wither.

If the greenhouse tomato has acquired fruits by this time, the disease also affects them, since the pathogen spreads through the vessels of the plant. There are other tomato diseases, such as bacterial canker, and most of them cannot be treated. But you can prevent their occurrence.

Prevention measures

To avoid diseases, you should follow certain rules for growing tomatoes:

  • Since fusarium pathogens accumulate in the soil, tomatoes cannot be planted in the same place every year. Crop rotation should be at least 3-4 years. If the greenhouse is small and is intended only for growing tomatoes, it will either have to be moved to another place every year, or the soil in it will have to be completely changed.

Attention! Do not move the greenhouse to the area where potatoes grew - they are susceptible to the same diseases as greenhouse tomatoes.

  • Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to disinfect the soil in the greenhouse by spilling it with a solution of copper sulfate. To prepare the solution, 70-80 grams of the drug are dissolved in 10 liters of water.

It wouldn’t hurt to disinfect the greenhouse itself at the beginning of the season.

  • Plants can also get sick from excess nitrogen, so do not get carried away with fertilizing them with fresh manure (see Feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse, what fertilizers to use and when). As a preventive measure, you can use fertilizing with the liquid preparation Effecton-O, which is of organic origin. Dissolve 2 tablespoons in a bucket of water and pour the tomatoes at the root, pouring one liter of solution under each plant. As the tomatoes grow, they need to be hilled so that the soil level above the root collar is 10-15 cm. After harvesting, tomato tops should be destroyed.

The most important! Do not try to save diseased plants - this is impossible. They must be immediately removed and destroyed, and the ground must be disinfected so that the pathogen does not spread to other bushes.

Other reasons

To answer the question why tomatoes in a greenhouse wither, you need to know the conditions of their “keeping”. Some reasons may be associated specifically with growing in a greenhouse, others with improper care. Let's list the main ones.

Improper watering

The correct watering regime is an important condition for growing tomatoes. They suffer from both a lack and an excess of moisture, which can lead to root rot and plant wilting. The frequency of watering depends on the age of the plants:

  • Young, densely planted seedlings should be watered a little every day, choosing the morning hours for this. Planted seedlings are watered as the soil dries out - once every few days. Adult plants require watering once a week, but very abundantly, so that the ground is well soaked.

The photo shows how not to water tomatoes - this should be done at the root. Instructions for proper watering state that the water must be warm and settled. And some time after this, you need to create a draft in the greenhouse by opening the door and window to reduce the air humidity.

Lack of light

Tomatoes require a lot of sunlight. It may not penetrate well into the greenhouse if there is high humidity and drops of water condense on the roof and walls, so there must be good ventilation (see Ventilation in a greenhouse with your own hands is possible).

When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse out of season, there may not be enough light due to short daylight hours. In this case, additional lighting is required.

You need to hang a lamp with 18 W fluorescent lamps above the seedlings, and illuminate the plants for up to 14-16 hours a day. Advice. To increase the light intensity, white paper or foil can be placed on the greenhouse floor as a reflector. The cost of such an improvement is low, but the effect is magnificent.


Despite being thermophilic, tomatoes do not tolerate prolonged exposure to high temperatures. In such conditions, plants spend all their energy on breathing, stop growing and wither - their leaves turn yellow, and their buds, flowers and ovaries fall off.

When the temperature rises to 38-40 degrees, the leaves begin to fall. Some gardeners bring their plants to this state with their own hands, believing that the hotter they are, the better.

In fact, for normal growth and ripening of fruits, it is enough to maintain the temperature in the greenhouse at 23-25 ​​degrees during the day, and at night reduce it to 16-18. In hot weather, it is better to remove the film from the frame greenhouse altogether. Therefore, place a thermometer in the greenhouse and carefully monitor it indications. In case of overheating, arrange for drafts. Tip.

Try to ensure that air movement occurs on the upper and middle tiers, and not along the bottom. A draft at ground level quickly dries out the soil.


Any of the problems described above or their combination can cause tomatoes to wilt in greenhouses, but it is within the power of every gardener to prevent their occurrence. Perhaps the information from the video clip presented in this article can help you with this.

Why don't tomatoes grow?

Both practitioners and scientists often write a lot about growing tomatoes in periodicals. Let’s try again to briefly talk about why the past, unusually hot and dry summer for us, resulted in a poor tomato harvest in many areas. What's the matter? It turns out that there are several reasons for this.

Violation of the thermal regime

The main secret of success when growing tomatoes in a greenhouse is to preserve all the flowers and ovaries, especially on the first clusters, and not allow the ovaries to fall off. Why does this often happen? The most important condition for normal pollination of flowers and the formation of ovaries in tomatoes is strict adherence to the temperature regime necessary for plants. The most optimal air temperature for pollinating flowers in sunny weather is +24...+28 degrees; in cloudy weather +20...+22 degrees, and at night - +18...+19 degrees. At air temperatures above 32 degrees, flower pollen becomes almost unviable, and at temperatures below 15 degrees, pollen ripens in the vast majority of varieties and Hybridization generally stops; in both cases, flower pollination does not occur and the ovaries fall off.

High air humidity

Another important condition for the formation of the ovary is strict adherence to the air humidity in the greenhouse required for the plants. We must firmly remember that relative air humidity of more than 65% is detrimental to the harvest. You can often see how in two neighboring areas in the same greenhouses, with the same varieties and cultivation technology - in one greenhouse the plants are bursting with fruit harvest, and in the other there is nothing, especially on the first two hands. And the reason is very simple: the owner of the first greenhouse has a draft on all sides, there are large vents in the roof to remove excessively heated and excessively humid air, and the second owner, during the flowering period of the plants, “clogged” all the windows and doors.

Such a “Finnish sauna” in a greenhouse can cause more damage to the tomato crop than all frosts, pests and diseases combined. After all, during the period of flowering and fruit set, tomatoes especially require low air humidity and a draft. Why?

This is because when the air humidity is high, the pollen sticks together into lumps or does not fall out of the anthers at all. In addition, as mentioned above, when the air temperature in the greenhouse is above 30-32 degrees, the pollen generally becomes sterile. That is why in hot weather it was necessary to help pollinate flowers.

Garden and vegetable garden tomato seedlings / tomato secrets of Super Grandmother

To do this, the glass is splashed (but not whitened) from the sun with a weak chalk solution. And during the day, when it is especially hot and humid, they lightly tap with a stick on the twine to which the plants are tied and create the same drafts mentioned above. And to prevent the flowers from falling off, they had to be sprayed in a timely manner with special ovary formation stimulants - “Gibbersib” ( “Ovary”), “Bud”, etc., which ensure the formation of the ovary under the most unfavorable weather conditions.

Severe lack of moisture in the soil

Tomatoes have a very high need for moisture during fruit set and the beginning of fruit growth. Therefore, drying out the soil in the greenhouse at this time leads to shedding of flowers and ovaries.

The optimal soil moisture should be at the level of 70-75%. At this time, long breaks between waterings are especially dangerous, because... Without sufficient moisture, fruit growth stops. And the resumption of watering, to the great bewilderment of many novice gardeners, causes cracking of the fruits. But in many gardens, due to lack of water, gardeners were forced to carry out frequent, but extremely insufficient watering of tomatoes during this hot summer.

At the same time, the growth of roots in plants occurred mainly in the upper layer of soil, which soon dries out and cracks, causing rapid and severe drying out of the soil. In addition, with frequent surface watering after loosening the soil, a significant part of the roots was damaged. Therefore, with a lack of water in the soil, the plants shed most of the ovary. Moreover, it is necessary to water only with settled water, heated to a temperature not lower than 24-26°C.

Under no circumstances should you water with water taken directly from a well or water supply, especially in hot weather. Watering with such water is one of the main causes of massive plant diseases and a sharp decrease in fruit yield. Moreover, you should not water plants during sunny hours. This should be done in the evening, and in case of prolonged drought - only late in the evening. And signs of serious trouble (insufficient moisture in the soil) in such a tomato bed could be easily noticed earlier - compacted and even cracked soil, drooping leaves and tops of plants, falling ovaries etc.

Unbalanced diet

Tomatoes are a very nutritionally demanding plant, especially under other conditions unfavorable for plant growth and development. Plants are very responsive to the application of nitrogen fertilizers. But with an excess of nitrogen, plant growth is rapid, the leaves are dark green and large, and flowering and especially fruiting are very weak. Excess nitrogen in the soil leads to changes in the flower, its sepals become larger and brighter, and the stamen cone is practically absent. Ignorance of this mechanism of the effect of nitrogen fertilizers on tomatoes very often leads to sad consequences, especially in dry and very hot weather.

Insufficient carbon nutrition

For tomatoes, as for all plants, carbon nutrition is very important. Therefore, the air in greenhouses, especially during prolonged hot and sunny weather, when plants undergo intensive photosynthesis processes, must be saturated with carbon.

This is especially important in greenhouses where the soil is poorly filled with manure or humus. To do this, place a container in the greenhouse for fermenting manure. Half of the container is filled with fresh manure (if it is not available, with grass), and the rest with settled water. This fertilizing dramatically increases the resistance of plants to extreme conditions, incl. and to high air temperatures in the greenhouse.

“Your” seeds are not always reliable

“Own” seeds, selected in violation of selection rules and stored in unsuitable conditions, can also have a serious impact on fruit set, especially under unfavorable conditions (temperature, humidity). Many gardeners themselves prepare tomato seeds of the variety they like. This matter also has its own secrets, they are very simple, but such selection of seed fruits can have a gradual and slow, but serious impact on future offspring over the course of 5-6 years.

This influence - invisible to the eye - usually occurs in the direction of deterioration of the variety. What is the matter here? The main reason is that from year to year we select for seeds the largest and most beautiful tomatoes (sometimes even completely uncharacteristic of a given variety) in your opinion. Each variety is characterized by a combination of many constant characteristics - there are several dozen of them.

And a gardener, when selecting fruits for seeds, pays attention, as a rule, to only three signs - early ripening, fruit size and yield, forgetting about all other signs, including plant resistance to diseases and extreme situations. And gradually, without noticing it, he begins to unconsciously engage in “creative selection”, degenerating his favorite variety. Therefore, if you see that the variety is gradually degenerating (and this usually happens), you need to purchase elite tomato seeds of yours from a specialized store again favorite variety....In some Russian regions, the most optimal conditions for growing tomatoes are greenhouses.

There they grow better and delight with large harvests. However, this is a very labor-intensive task, since if appropriate measures are not taken in time, this crop is much more often affected by diseases. As a rule, vegetables in greenhouse conditions usually have enough heat, so feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse requires the main attention. Sometimes tomatoes grow well, but at the same time They don't bloom for a long time.

They are only intensively developing their stepsons. In this case, feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse such as phosphorus and potassium will help.

In some cases, wood ash works well at the rate of half a glass for each bush. Fertilizing tomatoes in a greenhouse is most necessary during the flowering period and during the formation of fruits. There are often cases when the bushes have an abundance of fruits, but they do not ripen. To speed up the browning process, many resort to a procedure such as foliar feeding of tomatoes.

Superphosphate is used for this. The composition is prepared as follows: forty grams of the substance (or approximately two matchboxes) are dissolved in one liter of hot water, left for a day, and then diluted with nine liters of water.

Many people are interested in the question of how to recognize what tomatoes lack and how to help them. It must be said that sometimes even experts find it difficult to answer this question. If the bush is large, it has a lot of dark green leaves, then this means that the tomatoes in the greenhouse were fertilized with fresh manure and there is no point in watering it further with slurry. But it happens the other way around: the bush grows poorly, it has pale leaves.

In this case, you need to use nitrogen fertilizers - urea, saltpeter, and preferably in combination. Often a purple tint appears on the seedlings or on the trunk. This is a consequence of a lack of phosphorus.

Although it is usually present in the soil, for some reason it is poorly absorbed. If there is too much phosphorus in the soil, then the leaves on the bushes begin to turn yellow or curl.

This means that the next feeding of tomatoes in a greenhouse should not contain this element. In general, growing vegetables in greenhouse conditions presupposes the existence of a certain calendar, which indicates the periods of work carried out, including the introduction of fertilizers. The first feeding of tomatoes in a greenhouse is carried out on the eighth day after planting . The bushes are watered at the root with mullein solution at the rate of one part fertilizer to ten parts water.

The solution consumption is calculated from the ratio of one liter per bush. Root watering requires caution so as not to erode the soil. The next feeding is needed only after twenty days.

In addition to the mullein solution, the Ovary biostimulant, sold in agricultural stores, is used. Many experienced vegetable growers believe that the second feeding of tomatoes in greenhouses, in addition to mullein, should contain potassium and magnesium sulfates, as well as boric acid. When the process of mass ovaries begins, tomatoes are sprayed with a solution consisting of water with milk, boric acid, iodine and soda ash.

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​Low-growing early-ripening varieties, in which 2-3 stems are formed, are planted in 2 rows in a checkerboard pattern. Between the rows is 55-60 cm, and the distance between tomatoes in the greenhouse is 35-40 cm.​

​Secondly, in order for tomatoes to sprout well in a greenhouse, you need to prepare the soil for sowing. From February to the end of March is the optimal period for planting seeds for seedlings. It all depends on what tomatoes are planted in the greenhouse. If you decide to grow late varieties, you need to sow in February, if mid-season - in March, and early tomatoes for seedlings - at the end of March.​

  • Our planted bush will sit like this for three or four days in the cold soil and will turn all purple. “Oh, so hardened,” some will say, looking at the purple bush. Yes, he’s not hardened, he’s hungry. Although nothing terrible has happened so far, growth has just stopped.​
  • ​Growing tomatoes in greenhouses makes it difficult for bees to access the flowers, which makes pollination not entirely effective. You can also pollinate tomato flowers manually by gently shaking the clusters of inflorescences. Shaking the flowers is done once every 3-4 days in warm sunny weather. In order for pollen to germinate on the stigma of the pistil, pollination must be accompanied by spraying the flowers with water. After spraying, the greenhouse is ventilated to prevent waterlogging of the soil and air, since an increase in moisture reduces the taste of the fruit and the sugar level in the tomatoes.​
  • ​The most important growth conditions for seedlings in the first three weeks are the temperature regime and the required humidity.​
  • ​Seed processing for sowing is carried out in 4 stages:​
  • ​10 liters of water.​
  • The resulting solution is poured into each hole (0.5 liters) and at the same time all the beds in the greenhouse are sprayed. In order for the flower cluster to develop better, ventilation to be more complete, and the likelihood of diseases to be lower, three days before planting the seedlings in a permanent place in the greenhouse, cut off the 3 lower leaves of each tomato bush.
  • ​nitrophoska;​
  • ​How to grow tomatoes in greenhouse conditions? Growing juicy, vitamin-rich tomatoes in a greenhouse is not as difficult as it seems. In a greenhouse, even without heating, they grow 2 weeks earlier, and the yield volume is 2.5 times greater than from tomatoes grown in open ground. In addition, tomatoes in a greenhouse are less susceptible to late blight.​
  • ​After 10-15 days from the date of planting the plants in the greenhouse, you need to make the first fertilizing. To do this, take 1 tbsp per 10 liters of water. a spoonful of nitrophoska and half a liter of liquid mullein. Under each plant you need to pour 1 liter of this mixture. The second feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse is done after 10 days. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. a spoonful of Fertility fertilizer. During the season you will need 3-4 feedings.​
  • Determinate and standard tomatoes with 1 stem are planted more densely. There can be 45-50 cm between rows, and 25-30 between plants. It is very important to avoid thickening with this planting scheme.
  • Tomato seeds are sown in boxes or boxes 5-7 cm high. The soil mixture for seedlings should consist of 1 part peat, 1 part humus and 1 part turf soil. The mixture is moistened, river sand (1 liter jar), wood ash (1 tablespoon) and superphosphate (1 tablespoon) are added to a bucket of soil. You can also use ready-made soil mixtures; fertilizers are no longer added to them.​
  • ​In this inhibited purple state, a tomato can sit for a week, maybe two weeks... If during this time the soil in the root zone manages to warm up to the specified 15-16 degrees, then the plant will finally begin to grow. If we tried our best and pushed the bush deeper, or let’s say the weather is cool and cloudy... then such a bush turns from purple to yellow, the leaves begin to fall, and you can’t count on a harvest from this plant. In any case, we are wasting precious time - until the soil at depth is warmed up, the tomato does not grow.​
  • ​Hand pollination is used as an additional method; bees undoubtedly do the best job of pollination. Pollination with the help of bees significantly increases yields, since tomato pollen is sticky, which prevents the flowers from pollinating on their own. Tomato flowers have no nectar or smell, so the latter are “trained” to attract bees. Pollination of tomatoes is carried out by bee colonies that pollinate cucumber flowers. Hives with bees are transferred to greenhouses with flowering tomatoes and the insects are fed with syrup flavored with tomato flowers. This way the bees will work intensively in the tomato greenhouse. However, with the flowering of other fragrant honey plants, bees may move to them. To prevent this from happening, tomatoes should be grown so that they begin to bloom earlier than other pollen-bearing flowers.​
  • ​After a month, when two or three leaves appear on the seedlings, the first picking is made - transplanting each plant into a separate pot. The pots into which tomato seedlings are planted for the first time should be 8x8 cm in size. There the plants will develop for about 25 days. The soil for picked seedlings is prepared in the same way as for sowing seeds. Before planting plants in pots, water the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate, in the proportion of half a tablespoon per 10 liters of water. When picking, weak and unsuitable plants are rejected.
  • Tomato seeds require preliminary preparation before planting.
  • The resulting mixture should be added to the root of each plant, 1 liter. On the 10th day after the first feeding, the second is carried out, 1 tsp is taken per 10 liters of water. potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp. l. organic fertilizer “Fertility”, they are mixed and poured in the same amount under each root. The third feeding is carried out 12 days after the second.

How to grow seedlings

​By the time of planting, the seedlings should be from 25 to 30 cm in height; they should be planted vertically, filling only the pot with soil.​

​sodium humate;​

​Feeding of plants is carried out 3-4 times per season​

​Tall varieties of tomatoes are also planted in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between rows should be 75-80 cm, and between plants 60-70 cm.​

In February-March, tomato seeds are sown in separate boxes

​Now conclusions - what to do. The answer is obvious - if the soil has not warmed up to the required depth, then it is necessary to plant at the same depth to which it has warmed up. Better yet, plant it on a mound. Yes, yes, don’t dig it deep, but make a mound in the garden bed and plant seedlings there. In such a mound, the soil warms up wonderfully during the day, the roots are comfortable and the plant takes root instantly, growing without stopping.​

​Many agronomists use a little secret to attract pollinating insects to the greenhouse: they hang a container of jam, honey or other sugary delicacy at the open entrance. The smell of sweets will attract bees, which will subsequently begin pollinating tomatoes in the greenhouse.​

Picked seedlings are grown at a temperature of 20-22 °C during the day, and at night - 16-18 °C. Seedlings in pots should be watered no more than once a week until the soil is well soaked. 2 weeks after picking, tomato seedlings are fed with the following solution: 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska is diluted in 10 liters of water. For 1 pot there is half a glass of fertilizer.​

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

​Warming up the seeds.​

​For 10 liters of water you will need or 2 tbsp. l. wood ash, or 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate. Otherwise, you can use 1 tbsp. l. sodium humate along with 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska. For 1 m² of plants you will need 5 liters of mixture. If you follow the growing rules, the tomatoes in the greenhouse, thanks to vegetative feeding, will fill up noticeably faster, delighting you with their appearance.​

​wood ash.​

​One of the most important aspects of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse is proper watering and timely ventilation. Following the recommendations, careful care and an established irrigation system will help you achieve success. All this will help ensure that greenhouse tomatoes will please you with a generous harvest that you can grow both for yourself and for sale.​

​By strictly adhering to the tips, you can grow a good harvest of tomatoes in your greenhouse and please everyone at home with a fresh salad in the summer, and in the winter with a jar of pickled tomatoes.​

​The distance between tomatoes in the greenhouse should be at least 35 cm​

Soil is poured into the prepared boxes, compacted, furrows 1-1.5 cm deep are made, watered with a warm solution of sodium humate, and then the seeds are sown. Sprinkle the earth mixture on top and place it in a bright place where the temperature is +22°C. In order for the seedlings to germinate faster, after 5 days the boxes are covered with film caps.

The mound has a disadvantage - it is inconvenient to water, the water rolls off. Therefore, when planting, the soil under the mound must be watered, and the seedlings must also be watered, even before planting, in reserve. Around the mound we make a “fortress ditch” - a small depression, into which we water as needed. Then, in the summer, the roots of the tomatoes will spread wider and deeper and there will be no problems with watering.​

To obtain early tomatoes, seedlings begin to be grown as early as possible. Typically, in tomatoes, depending on the variety, the interval between germination and fruit ripening is 120-130 days. Improving external conditions: good light, sufficient heat and moisture, good soil composition, timely fertilizing, proper care will help to grow a tomato crop 10-20 days earlier. Earlier seedlings have time to strengthen the stem faster and produce a larger harvest than young and fragile ones. When sowing seedlings, it is important to consider the area where the plants will be grown. In northern regions, where short, cold summers prevail, seedlings should be sown 70-80 days earlier. In this case, artificial lighting and the required temperature conditions are used.

​After 3-4 weeks, the seedlings are picked a second time into large pots, 12x12 cm in size. Caring for the seedlings after the second picking is the same as after the first. The second picking is necessary to inhibit plant growth, since it is necessary to achieve the cultivation of strong, stable plants, and excessive stretching of the stems makes the seedlings fragile and life-unstable.​

Tomato garter and pollination

​Seed care when treated with chemicals.​


​If the plant has stretched up to 45 cm, then there is no need to deepen it, because the stem sprinkled with soil immediately produces roots, which completely stops the growth of the plant.​

​In addition to tomato seeds and soil, you will need:​

​It's possible. For example, there are cucumbers on one side and peppers on the other. Well, or peppers and tomatoes. Everything is growing wonderfully. Special attention should be paid to overgrown seedlings. It should be planted like this: make a 12 cm hole in the soil, and in it another deeper hole, just the height of the pot with seedlings. First you need to plant the pot with the plant in the second (deep) hole and sprinkle it with soil. But after two weeks, when the seedlings have taken root, fill the first hole with soil. This method is much more effective than conventional deep planting, because as soon as the plant is covered with soil, additional roots appear on the long stem of the tomato. As a result, growth stops and the flowers fall off.

Nuances of cultivation - root feeding

​When the plants have 2 true leaves, about 7-10 days after germination, you need to dive. This is the procedure of transplanting a plant from one container to a larger one, because a stronger root system requires more space. Using a toothpick, each plant is removed from a common box along with a lump of earth and transplanted into pots with a larger capacity.​

​Planting in buckets and large pots without a bottom.​

  • ​Caring for tomatoes is quite a responsible and troublesome task, but harvesting these beautiful juicy fruits brings much more pleasure and benefit. After all, tomatoes are famous not only for their excellent taste, but also for their content of vitamins, minerals and many other elements necessary for the human body. Due to the content of potassium, iron, folic acid, tomatoes are extremely beneficial for the cardiovascular system, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the overall tone of the body and improve health in general.​
  • The next feeding is carried out 15 days after the second replanting. To prepare the fertilizer composition, take 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate and dilute it in 10 liters of water, stirring thoroughly. One pot should be watered with 1 glass of the resulting solution. After 15 days, re-feeding is carried out.
  • ​Soaking in clean water.​

The scheme for planting seedlings is simple - tall tomatoes and hybrid tomatoes are planted either in a checkerboard pattern, every 60 cm, or in a row in the middle of the bed. In the case of planting in a checkerboard pattern, do not exceed the step distance (60 cm) - the yield will be reduced by half, this fact has been verified empirically.​

​Growing seedlings is rightfully considered the most important stage; planting tomatoes in a greenhouse begins with it. This stage requires maximum concentration and patience, because the quality of the final harvest depends on the health and strength of the grown seedlings. Before sowing, tomato seeds are checked for fullness by immersing them in a 5% saline solution for 5 minutes.​

Secrets of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

​potassium permanganate;​

​You can’t just have cucumbers and tomatoes because cucumbers love moisture and tomatoes don’t really want it in the crowns

  • ​It often happens that vegetable growers try to plant as many varieties of tomatoes as possible in their small greenhouse. You should not do this, because in this case you will hardly be lucky to achieve abundant harvests. But you can definitely make fun of the plants: cramped conditions, lack of light, spread of diseases, difficult ventilation. Less is better.​
  • ​Picking of seedlings should be done 7-10 days after germination​
  • Another good option for those who have the opportunity is to plant in pots or buckets without a bottom. The pot should be 5-6 liters. We cut off the bottom, deepen the pot into the garden bed to the middle. We fill it with nutritious soil and plant our tomato. At first, the tomato will be very comfortable - firstly, the pot is filled with warm, nutritious soil. Secondly, watering is convenient, all the moisture goes to the roots. At first I doubted whether they would produce a large harvest, would the roots be cramped in such a bucket? Practice has shown that the root system of such plants is approximately twice as large as those planted nearby without a bucket pot. And the harvest was quite consistent with the species.​
  • ​Good afternoon, gardener! Today we have the most seemingly simple topic - beds for tomatoes in a greenhouse. I hope this article will help you avoid mistakes and bumps, and also help you get a harvest in the first year of cultivation.​
  • Before planting, the seedlings begin to be hardened off. It is taken out to the balcony at a temperature not lower than 12°C, covered with film at night.
  • ​Hardening of seeds.​

​You should know a few nuances:​

​In free growth, the tomato begins to branch heavily, extra flower brushes and leaves appear, which is why the ripening of the fruit is significantly delayed. After the seedlings are planted in the greenhouse, they cannot be watered for 2 weeks to prevent the plants from stretching out.


Growing and caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse

The floating seeds are removed, and those that have sunk to the bottom are washed with water, after which the seeds are disinfected in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes, and then washed again with water. After this, a napkin soaked in water is placed in a bowl or plate and seeds are laid out on it, which must be covered with some kind of lid to prevent the moisture from evaporating.​

​humus and turf soil;​

​Theoretically it’s impossible, but in practice I grow it. One is warm. pepper, tomato and eggplant.. Everything is successful..​

Seed treatment before sowing

​Proper plant care is the basis of the future harvest. You need to start it immediately after planting the seedlings in the greenhouse. Here are the main stages of caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse.​

The seedlings stay in the boxes for no more than 50 days; by this time their height will already be about 30 cm. To prevent the plants from stretching out, you need to monitor the air temperature and light conditions - turn the other side to the window every day. And 10 days before the expected planting of seedlings in the greenhouse, you need to harden the plants: take them out to the balcony, leave the windows open at night.​

  1. ​One thing - I don’t recommend taking very large pots; 5-6 liters seems to me to be the maximum optimal size. Because larger buckets are deeper, and this is important. The height of a 5-6 liter pot is just enough for the roots to come out along the wall of the bucket and start growing sideways. The roots grow like a fan, about 45 degrees.
  2. ​Since the features of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse will differ from region to region, I will immediately make a reservation that what has been said here is suitable for growing in the climatic conditions of the North-West, the Middle Zone, the Moscow region, the Baltic states... perhaps it will also be suitable for Siberia. The southern regions have their own characteristics.​
  3. To grow a strong bush, the top part of the plants is cut off. Shoots appear from the axils of the lower leaves - stepsons. The two upper stepsons are left, the remaining lower ones are removed. In this way, the plant is formed into 2 shoots, which, when planted in the ground, will be tied to a trellis. The pinching procedure is carried out 20-25 days before planting in the ground.
  4. ​For rapid growth of seedlings, it is recommended to heat the seeds at a temperature of 45-65 degrees for 3 hours. This procedure can be carried out near a battery or on special heating devices. But the main thing here is to observe moderation: excessively high temperatures can damage the structure of the seed.​

​Overgrown seedlings with woody stems produce more fruit than fragile seedlings;​

​Tomatoes in a greenhouse can begin to be tied to a trellis 12 days after planting. It is necessary to pre-stretch a strong steel wire along each row of plants. For tying, use a cord or strong twine; they should be wide enough so as not to cut the stem of the plant. The twine is tied with a loose loop at the bottom of the plant, under the lower leaves. The loop must be free so that the stem can grow and thicken freely.​

The container is placed in a warm place, and 12-20 hours after swelling, the seeds can be planted in the ground. The main component of the soil for tomato seedlings is humus and turf soil, mixed in equal proportions, sometimes sawdust or peat is added.​

​sawdust or peat;​

​everyone does not advise, but I have everything together​

​Water the plants​

To ensure that tomatoes in the greenhouse do not get sick and produce a generous harvest, it is important to properly prepare the greenhouse for the season. Since tomatoes are planted in a greenhouse in early May, when the nights are quite cold, it needs to be covered with a double layer of film. It is better to leave a small air cushion between the layers of polyethylene, which will not only increase the temperature inside the greenhouse, but also increase the service life of the inner layer. It is important to make vents on all sides for good ventilation, remove 10-12 cm of last year’s soil, and disinfect the rest with copper sulfate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). Remember that you cannot plant tomatoes in the same greenhouse for two years in a row, because most infections remain in the soil and affect new plants.​

Caring for seedlings: temperature, watering, fertilizing

​And in a larger volume this is the situation - the bucket itself will be higher. If you bury the bucket deeper, then at first the roots at the depth will be cold and uncomfortable, and they will hardly grow there anymore. Neither sideways, nor deep.​

​in northern regions it is preferable to supplement the seedlings with artificial light sources, and at night maintain the temperature at least 15°C;​

​The soil should be placed in small plastic cups or special cassettes for seedlings; you can also use thick plastic film for the molds. Prepared seeds are placed in cups, 2-3 pieces each. into each, then pressed with a small blunt object into the soil to a depth of 1 cm. After this, the holes are sprinkled with soil and generously moistened with water from a spray bottle. During the first 3 weeks, you should not expect active growth of the leaf system; it will become more active in the next 3 weeks.​

​small plastic cups or special cassettes for growing seedlings;​

​Theoretically, of course, it is undesirable if record harvests are needed. I have been growing tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers in the same greenhouse for many years. I stopped growing eggplants; I was tired of fighting the Colorado potato beetle. All plants get along well with each other. The harvest for a family of 4 people is enough for fresh consumption and preparations. I plant the seedlings in 3 narrow fenced beds, the aisles are wide. The greenhouse measures 3x6m, covered with polycarbonate. 33 tomatoes, 10 peppers and 8 cucumbers are harvested. I just don't need anymore. Still, a dacha should be a place of relaxation, and work should be a pleasure.​

​Experienced vegetable growers advise not to water the plants in the greenhouse in the first days after planting. You need to wait 10 days until the plants take root, and then water. It is important to adhere to the optimal water temperature – 20-22°C. Remember that before the flowering phase, tomatoes are watered after 4-5 days, while 1 m2 requires 4-5 liters of water. During flowering, watering needs to be increased - 10-13 liters per 1m2. It is best to water plants in a greenhouse at the roots in the morning, and not in the evening, when condensation forms and drops of water fall on the tomatoes.​

​If you are going to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse in winter, then you need to take care of additional lighting. Without it, tomatoes will not bloom, much less produce a harvest.​

​And if you don’t bury the bucket, then the part of the bucket remaining above the surface will be too large, the bulk of the roots will accumulate in it, and at first they will have no reason to grow outward, and then it’s too late. And we will have to water every day - otherwise our bucket will dry out, and again we will get a decrease in the yield. And the volume of the bucket itself may not be enough for a full harvest.​

​How to make beds for tomatoes in a greenhouse?​

Planting tomatoes in the ground

​Seedlings ready for planting should have 8-12 leaves and one or two inflorescences, while the plants themselves should reach a height of 20-35 cm.​

After chemical treatment, the seeds are placed in clean water or in a solution of boric acid (0.2 g per 1 liter of water) for 12 hours. It is important that the solutions and water are at a temperature of 24-25 °C.​

​if you want to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse in winter, lighting should be 12-16 hours a day;​

​Most often, 7 or 8 flower clusters are left on one formed stem. Stepchildren growing in the axils of roots and leaves must be removed as soon as they reach 8 cm in length. You can leave only one stepson (the lower one), with one flower brush. The stems from broken shoots should be 2-3 cm. There are no bees in this ecosystem, so greenhouse tomatoes require artificial pollination to set fruit. To do this, in warm sunny weather, gently shake each flower brush.​

​garden scoop;​

​It is possible, but the main thing is that the growing conditions of these crops are similar and not contradictory. You can have peppers and tomatoes, or maybe tomatoes and cucumbers

​Today, drip irrigation is being used more and more often

Flowering and pollination characteristics of tomatoes

The beds are prepared 10 days before planting tomato seedlings in the greenhouse. The soil needs to be loosened, emerging weeds removed, and humus added. If the soil in the greenhouse is poor, then you will need a glass of charcoal and 6-8 kg of humus per square meter, and if the soil is fertile, then 2-3 kg of humus will be enough. Remember that loamy or sandy loam, breathable soil is best suited for tomatoes in a greenhouse.​

In general, planting in buckets is not my invention at all; people have been offering different variations of this planting for about twenty years now. But this formula - a 5-liter pot, without a bottom, buried to the middle or a little deeper - seems to be something I have never seen anywhere else. Try it, what if you just needed this little bit for a full harvest.​

​This is a very important issue, and many people do not pay enough attention to it. In the spring, what holds back the possibility of planting seedlings in a greenhouse, in a permanent place?​

Early harvest

Caring for tomatoes that are planted in a greenhouse is more difficult. It is necessary to monitor soil moisture and ambient temperature conditions.​

​The productivity of tomatoes directly depends on the correct care of the seeds.​


Beds and planting tomatoes in a greenhouse. Northern option.

​every 3-5 years you need to change the soil in the greenhouse;​
​For successful fertilization of tomato flowers, the soil should be watered immediately after pollination, and the flowers themselves should be irrigated with water from a spray bottle. For these purposes, the stimulant drug “Novosil” has proven itself well; it is successfully used for spraying on inflorescences at the rate of 30 drops per 1 liter of water.​

​After 35-40 days (from the moment of germination), the leaves will begin to rapidly grow in breadth and height; at this stage, the necessary measures should be taken to prevent overly active growth of seedlings. To do this, the temperature during the week should be maintained at 18°C ​​during the day and 15°C at night. Seedlings need to be watered only 2-3 times: when the first seedlings appear - at the root, 2 weeks later - a second time, 3 hours before transplanting - for the last time. The water temperature when watering should be 20°C.​

​boric acid;​
​just don’t plant hot and sweet peppers in the same greenhouse! And tomatoes and peppers are okay. I tried)) Good luck!​ ​Ventilation​​When planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse, you need to remember a few simple but important rules.​
This is the pot we used, about 4 liters in volume. I just cut off the bottom and stuck it in the greenhouse

​Cold ground​

Ripe seedlings are planted in a greenhouse in the first half of May. When planting tomatoes, it is unacceptable to plant them in the same place for several years, in order to avoid diseases. You cannot plant tomatoes after potatoes and eggplants, since these crops are of the same nightshade family, and therefore they have the same diseases. If you still have to plant tomatoes after the listed crops, then before planting you should remove the topsoil from the greenhouse, and then sprinkle the soil with a hot solution of copper sulfate.​
​The seeds are hardened in the refrigerator for 1-2 days at a temperature of +1°C, periodically spraying them with water. After all procedures, the seeds are immediately sown in the soil.​

Both low-growing and tall varieties grow well in greenhouses;

​After 2 hours, you should open the door and window in the greenhouse, this is necessary to reduce air humidity. Ventilation during flowering is essential for tomatoes. It is very important that condensation does not form on the walls of the greenhouse, because waterlogged soil reduces the sugar content in tomato fruits and makes them excessively watery.​
To prevent the seedlings from stretching in one direction, they need to be turned to the light source with the other side every day. In April or May you can start hardening. In the room where the seedlings are located, the window can be open day and night. On especially warm days, when the air temperature is above 15°C, the seedlings can be taken out into an open space, for example, onto a terrace or balcony. The most important thing is that the soil must be sufficiently moist during hardening so that the seedlings do not wither. Well-hardened seedlings have a rich blue-violet hue.​

​potassium sulfate;​
​Tomatoes and peppers love the same microclimate, in particular, they have the same requirements for air humidity. With high air humidity, there is a high probability of late blight on tomatoes. Cucumbers love moist air and respond well to spraying water on the leaves. That is why it is not recommended to grow cucumbers and tomatoes or peppers in the same greenhouse. Until the last season, my tomatoes and peppers grew in one greenhouse, and cucumbers in another. Now another small greenhouse has been built for the peppers. As for hot pepper, it generally grows in my open ground, away from the pepper greenhouse.​

​Maintaining optimal temperature and humidity is the main condition for obtaining a generous harvest. Tomatoes are not afraid of drafts, so you need to ventilate them in any way: open the side and top windows, tighten the film at the bottom, open the ends. Be sure to ventilate the greenhouse 2 hours after watering. This is especially important during flowering, because wet pollen cannot get into the pistil, so pollination will not occur. The temperature in the greenhouse on a cloudy day should be 18-20°C, on a sunny day – 24-26°C, and at night – 15-16°C.​

The soil for planting seedlings must be warm. You cannot plant tomatoes in cold soil, because in this case the roots do not grow, but rot, and the plant takes root worse. The optimal soil temperature is 12-15°C. To achieve this, you need to cover the ground with black plastic film in advance. As a last resort, you can heat up a lot of hot water and pour it into the hole before planting.​

Here you can see how the pot is stuck into a mound of earth. Nearby is a plant without a pot, but also planted on a hill.​
​. Even when the air in the greenhouse is warm during the day, and the temperatures are positive at night, the soil remains cold for a long time. But it is within our power to correct this state of affairs. You need to make some kind of warm bed in the greenhouse - remove the top layer, make a trench, pile in rotten grass, autumn leaves and other organic matter in the stage of active decay. You can water the whole thing with “Baikal” or another preparation of bacteria, or you don’t have to water it - the bacteria will dilute themselves and won’t go anywhere.​
​To grow good fruits in a greenhouse, make beds, the distance between which is 60-70 cm. Humus, peat, sawdust and a little sand are added to the beds as fertilizer. Before planting tomatoes, water the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate: 1 g of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water.

Tomato seeds are sown from February 5 to February 25 in boxes, each variety separately. The soil for growing seedlings is prepared as follows: take 1 part of turf soil, peat and humus. Add a liter jar of river sand, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and the same amount of wood ash to the finished mixture.​

​In order to compact the soil between tomatoes, growing Chinese cabbage is very important.​

​For successful cultivation, fruit quality and increasing the amount of harvest, you need to water the seedlings every 5-6 days, 4-5 liters of water are required per 1 m². During flowering and before fruit set, increased watering is required, 10-15 liters per 1 m². Make sure that the water temperature is always 20-22°C - this is very important.​

​5 days before planting the seedlings in the greenhouse, the seedlings are sprayed with boric solution, at the rate of 1 g of boric acid per 1 liter of water. This method helps preserve flower buds on the first cluster, which will have a positive effect on the amount of your harvest later.​

​grainy sand;​

​In one greenhouse it is necessary to plant related plants that need the same growing conditions, for example, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants. And cucumbers are pumpkin cucumbers, they have different moisture requirements.​

​Plant garter​

​You cannot plant seedlings too deep, because then the stem, sprinkled with soil, gives new roots, and the growth of the tomato stops. For those who are doing this for the first time, you can watch how to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse in the video.​


Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse: planting and caring for tomatoes indoors

Where to start growing tomatoes indoors

​These are tomatoes from that same bush. There were a lot of them, and they were large, as they should have been.​

​Such a warm bed, depending on the filler, will allow us to plant tomatoes a couple of weeks earlier, and the risk of the plants freezing during return frosts is also reduced, because such a bed will create a microclimate in the greenhouse with an elevated temperature.​

Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings

​Planting of seedlings is done vertically; only the pot with the roots is immersed in the ground. The distance between the bushes of tall varieties of tomatoes should be 50x50 cm, while the plants are planted in a row or in a checkerboard pattern. When planting, you should avoid a distance of 80-90 cm from each other: this will reduce the yield! This is explained by the fact that a free plant branches strongly, that is, all the nutrients will go not to the development of fruits, but to the foliage system.​

The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed 6-7 days before sowing, then distributed evenly into seedling boxes. In the boxes with soil, grooves are made, the depth of which is 1.0-1.5 cm. The distance between the grooves should be at least 5-7 cm. Water the rows with a solution of sodium humate, the temperature of which is 35-40 ° C. Seeds are sown in prepared rows. The distance between future plants should be at least 1.5-2.0 cm. The furrows are filled without watering from above. Boxes with crops are placed in a warm, bright place, with an air temperature of 22-24 ° C. In order for the plants to begin to sprout faster, it is recommended to cover the boxes with film.​


Picking up tomato seedlings

To avoid the formation of excess moisture, which is very harmful to tomatoes, water the tomatoes only in the morning.


Greenhouse preparation

​Cucumber does not like drafts, tomatoes do not like high humidity and high temperatures, peppers and eggplants are subtropical plants - draw conclusions from this. And in principle, you can grow them together.

It is mandatory to garter tomatoes in a greenhouse, which is done 3-4 days after planting. It is needed so that tall plants do not break under the weight of their weight and the fruits do not rot. The main condition is that the material for the garter should not injure the tomato stem. In the greenhouse, linear or frame trellises are used for garter.​

​Don't overdo it with nitrogen. Many people fill the planting holes with fresh manure, chicken droppings or urea. Such efforts can lead to the fact that instead of beautiful juicy fruits you get lush tops.​

Features of planting seedlings

​The distance between the bushes in the greenhouse.​

  1. ​The second study, on the same topic - is it worth planting with depth?..​
  2. 10-14 days after planting, the tomatoes are tied to a trellis. The lower stepsons are removed, leaving columns of 2-3 cm.
  3. During the first 3 weeks of tomato seedling germination, you only have to control the humidity and temperature conditions. The temperature during the day should be maintained at 16-18 °C, and at night - 13-15 °C. Such care should be provided before the second leaf appears on the plant, within 30-35 days from the start of germination. During all this time, the seedlings need to be watered only 3-4 times. This is explained by the fact that during the period of low light, which falls in March, excessive soil moisture will provoke excessive elongation of seedlings. Seedlings should be watered with warm water, at a temperature of 20°C, under the roots, without getting on the leaves.​
  4. ​Tomatoes should be harvested as they ripen; they can be stored for 70 to 100 days at a temperature of 10-14°C and air humidity of 80-85%. Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse is an extremely profitable activity. The yield obtained in this way is 5-10 times higher than the volume of tomatoes grown in open ground.​

​It is very important that the greenhouse in which the tomatoes will grow is well ventilated. There should be vents not only on both sides, but also on top; this must be taken care of in advance. High-quality ventilation is especially necessary for tomatoes during flowering. It should also be taken into account that in order to effectively grow tomatoes, the greenhouse must be illuminated by sunlight from morning to evening.​

Scheme of planting tomatoes in a greenhouse

​drug "Zaslon";​

  • ​I have had tomatoes and peppers growing together for many years and they feel great, although peppers like warmer temperatures. I don't grow cucumbers in a greenhouse. In the new season we will make a separate greenhouse for peppers and plant melons there. I hope they grow up.​
  • This is how tomatoes are tied up in a greenhouse using linear trellises
  • ​Inspect the plant carefully, remove diseased and yellowed leaves, and when planting, remove cotyledon leaves that are at or below ground level.​

​Briefly about the important things. Distance between bushes. According to the results of a survey dated 04/06/2012, approximately 50% of gardeners cram more than 50 tomato bushes into a standard greenhouse measuring 3 by 6 meters. Moreover, some can plant more than 100 bushes there, which is generally shocking.​

​In our literature, for several decades now, it has been recommended to plant seedlings deep, at an angle, almost burying them up to their ears. It is believed that this way a strong root system will develop underground and the yield will increase. Maybe this will happen in Ukraine, Kuban or near Krasnodar. But let’s not drool enviously at our southern colleagues, but think with our heads.​

Before flowering and fruiting, tomatoes are watered once every 5-6 days. During the growing season, feeding plants is especially important. Tomatoes are fertilized with liquid mullein or ready-made fertilizers “Ideal” and “Fertility” every 10-15 days. To increase fruit ovaries, tomatoes are sprayed with a 10% boric acid solution on flower brushes and leaves.​

​Boxes with seedlings should be turned the other side towards the window every day so that the plants receive enough light.​

  • ​The tomato is perhaps the most long-awaited and beloved fruit on our table. Juicy, delicious tomatoes were brought to Europe from South America. Tomatoes were grown in the old days as a decorative decoration, and only later did they begin to appear on the tables of wealthy rulers.​

​Proper cultivation of tomatoes in a greenhouse includes 3 or 4 root feedings that need to be done during the growing season of the plants. The first should be carried out after 3 weeks have passed since the time of planting the seedlings. To do this you need to mix:

​The beds in the greenhouse are arranged lengthwise, their number is calculated taking into account the width of the structure. The beds are laid out a week before the seedlings are planted. The height of the bed should be approximately 40 cm, the width should be from 60 to 90 cm, the passage between the beds should be approximately 60 cm.​

  • ​cord or strong twine (for tying up plants);​

​Tomatoes and peppers can be combined. But do not plant cucumbers with tomatoes and hot peppers with sweet peppers together.​

  • ​Stepson​

Planting tomatoes in a greenhouse is done in the evening or on a cloudy day in pre-moistened soil. To disinfect the holes the day before, you can spill the holes with a strong, hot solution of potassium permanganate.​

​I don’t impose my opinion on anyone, but I myself think that this is some kind of mockery of plants. It’s clear that you want to try more varieties and so on, but you need to think about the plants. What potential, what harvest can they produce in such cramped conditions? Shading, problems with ventilation, diseases... No, dear ones, why do we need all this? Seed producers, although they are not angels and often make mistakes, usually indicate the planting scheme on the packets correctly. Usually it is 40 by 60, 40 by 70 cm. Thus, I strongly do not recommend planting plants in a greenhouse with a distance of less than 50-60 centimeters between the bushes. Well, you do what seems more reasonable to you 😉 .​

  • ​It is clear to everyone who has planted anything in the spring that the deeper the soil, the colder the soil (in spring!). If we, without thinking, follow the recommendations “Plant Deeper,” this is what we will get.​

​Tomatoes must be cared for at a humidity level of no more than 65%. It should be remembered that tomatoes do not like high humidity. Watering should be moderate in the evening and at the root, since water getting on the leaves is undesirable, especially on a sunny day. You should also observe the temperature regime in the greenhouse: 20-28 °C during the day and 15-16 °C at night.​

​The seedlings must be well ventilated, so boxes with seedlings should not be placed very close to the window glass.​

  • ​Tomato seedlings begin to be planted in early spring, then after a month or two they are hardened off, and at the end of spring, beginning of summer they are planted in a greenhouse.​

​2 tbsp. l. "Ideal" fertilizer (liquid) or 0.5 liters of liquid mullein;

​For 1 m² of bed you need to add 1 bucket of humus, peat or sawdust; this is done if the beds are located on clay or loamy soil. If the beds are peat, add a bucket of humus, turf soil, small shavings or sawdust to them, you can also add half a bucket of granular sand. On top of everything you can add 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate and 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate, and then dig everything up well.​

​stimulant "Novosil";​


Is it possible to grow different plants (tomatoes, peppers) in one greenhouse? I heard that it’s not possible, it seems like one crop should grow


According to theory, scientists recommend planting each crop separately. But we do not have the opportunity to build our own greenhouse for each crop. In one greenhouse we grow parthenocarpic cucumbers and peppers. grape. tomatoes, and watermelons at the ends of the greenhouse, and along the edges of the ridges - since March, radishes, lettuce, dill, shallots for greens, Chinese cabbage, herbs have been planted: basil, cilantro, fenugreek. As it grows, everything is consumed. By the beginning of summer, only tall tomatoes remain, tied up with strings, from which the lower leaves are gradually removed, grapes on the upper trellis under the ceiling and cucumbers without a garter creeping along the ground in the lower tier. For cucumbers, we use parthenocarpic, very productive, low-light resistant “Zabiyaka” and “Zadavaka” from the “Don’t Give Up in the Dark” series from Biotechnika. Well, watermelons at the ends. And in the second greenhouse, only remontant large-fruited strawberries grow in two rows, and sweet peppers in the spaces between them. Photos can be viewed in my world, so many cannot be attached here.​

Oleksandr Shtik

The side shoots on the plant are called stepsons. They grow from the leaf axils rather than on a bare stem. They promote branching of the bush, which greatly shades the plant, spreads diseases, and shortens the ripening period of fruits. In the video on the Internet you can see how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. There is nothing complicated here, you just need to break out the stepsons. This should be done in the morning so that the wound on the plant has time to dry.

Tatiana Tsivilskaya

​Having fulfilled all the simple requirements for planting and care, you will receive a rich harvest​


​That's all for now. We look forward to your comments on methods for preparing beds in a greenhouse and planting patterns. Thank you!​

Anna Malchikova

​At first, while the soil is cold, the plant will, at best, “sit still” - in cold soil, the absorption of nutrients by the roots of tomatoes is impossible. Give them 15-16 degrees, then they just start working.​

Kostenko Sergey

​Tomatoes in a greenhouse should be illuminated by the sun from morning to evening; any shadow reduces yield. Tomatoes are very light-loving plants. Tomatoes are not afraid of cold weather. The greatest enemies for these plants are frost and dampness. Therefore, you should not forget about ventilation in the greenhouse. With the onset of stable sunny weather, the greenhouse can be opened to 1/3 of the upper part of the end sides. On hot days, you can fully open the western part of the greenhouse before it gets colder. Such actions will promote good ventilation and access for bees during the flowering period.​


​At first, while the seedlings are growing in a common box, there is no need to feed the soil.​

Olga Matafonova

Nowadays, tomatoes are grown not only by professional agronomists, but also by amateur summer residents. By taking this issue seriously, you can achieve excellent results by growing tomatoes in a greenhouse. Caring for these wonderful fruits is a rather interesting and labor-intensive process. To get a good harvest of tomatoes in a greenhouse, you need to prepare the seeds for sowing, pick up the seedlings on time, water them correctly, maintain the appropriate temperature, ensure good pollination of the flowers, and feed the plants in a timely manner.​

Yuzefa Fedorov

​1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska;​


​Before planting the seedlings, the prepared soil should be watered with a solution of potassium permanganate, the solution should be weak (1 g per 10 liters of water), the temperature should be 60°C. Pour 1 liter of this solution into each well. The prophylactic drug “Zaslon” can be a good alternative to a solution of potassium permanganate: 1 bottle of the drug (0.25 l) is diluted in 10 l of water.​

Svetlana Klochkova

​liquid fertilizer “Ideal”;​

Oleg Elizarov

​possible but not advisable​


On tomatoes, side shoots - stepsons - must be removed

Yuri Shcherbakov

​If you are interested in how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, you need to know the specifics of planting them. Usually the beds are laid out lengthwise, their width should be 60-90 cm. The quantity will depend on the width of the greenhouse itself. A passage of 60-70 cm is made between the beds. The planting pattern of tomatoes in the greenhouse is determined by the variety and method of plant formation.​

How to properly plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse How to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse photo

Sometimes tomatoes planted in open ground or a greenhouse slow down their growth, drop their fruits, or produce a very modest harvest.

Air temperature

Tomatoes are a heat-loving crop. In northern and temperate climates they suffer from cold. Tomatoes feel best at 24-28°C. They grow intensively and set fruit.

Temperature favorable for flower pollination:

  • sunny weather – +24…+28;
  • cloudy weather – +20…+22;
  • at night – +18…+19.

Temperatures above 32°C are detrimental to pollen, which in this case becomes sterile, that is, incapable of fertilization. At temperatures below 15°C, pollen does not ripen. In both cases, pollination becomes impossible and the flowers fall off without forming an ovary. The tomatoes themselves grow, but there are no fruits.

If the outside temperature is not suitable for growing tomatoes, they use covering material, small collapsible greenhouses and grow vegetables in a greenhouse. In such structures, you can regulate the temperature by opening them slightly in hot weather or closing them in cold weather.

Lack of water in the soil

Tomatoes are not as demanding on moisture as their relatives peppers and eggplants, but they do like watering. Moisture is especially required during the period when tomatoes set fruit. At this time, the soil must be kept moist, otherwise the plants may shed some of their ovaries.

Tomatoes are watered with warm water - cold water may cause shock to the plants. Do not water in full sun.

Some summer residents can visit their plots once a week, so they try to make up for lost time on this day and water the tomatoes more abundantly. This approach leads to cracking of the fruit. Having quickly absorbed a large volume of water, the dried plant sharply directs moisture into the fruits, causing them to crack. To prevent this from happening, dry soil is watered in small volumes, making several approaches per day.

Excessively humid air

Tomatoes prefer “wet bottom” and “dry top”. In our climate, the air in the open ground is rarely humid. But the situation often arises in greenhouses. It is necessary to remove excessively wet and heated air through the vents in the upper part of the greenhouse.

If the climate in the building resembles a Russian bathhouse, then there will be no harvest. When the relative air humidity is more than 65%, the ovary does not form at all. The fact is that in humid air, pollen gets wet, becomes sticky and cannot spill out of the anthers onto the pistil.

In order for the pollen to retain its flowability and ability to fertilize on hot days, the greenhouse must be ventilated. When warm weather sets in, the windows on the south side are covered with chalk solution. On sunny days, it is worth lightly tapping the twine to which the plants are tied so that the pollen can fall onto the pistil.

Treatment of flowers with stimulants: “Bud” and “Ovary” helps the formation of ovaries. The substances contained in the preparations ensure pollination even at unfavorable temperatures and humidity.

Diseases and pests

Tomato bushes may slow down and stop setting fruit as a result of being damaged by diseases and pests. If tomatoes are not growing well in a greenhouse, but the humidity and temperature are normal, look at the back of the leaf. If there are cobwebs on it, then the cause of poor growth is a mite - a microscopic pest that often settles on tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Mites suck the juices out of the plants, the leaves on the bushes turn yellow, the shoots stop growing, the tomatoes begin to set, but do not increase in size. The preparations Karbofos Fitoverm and Actellik will help get rid of the pest.

Tomatoes are susceptible to viral diseases. Pathologies can be expressed by various signs - deformations of leaf blades and the growth of stepsons on which fruits are not set. Tomatoes that often appear on diseased bushes do not develop and remain small.

To get rid of viral diseases, seeds are soaked in a dark solution of potassium permanganate before sowing. Affected plants are dug up and burned.

Power area

If tomatoes grow slowly, you need to pay attention to the feeding area. Plants that are planted too densely cannot develop a strong root system, so they lack beneficial elements.

Tomatoes naturally have a taproot system, but when grown as seedlings, the lower part of the root is torn off during transplantation. Afterwards, the root system of the plant is formed from a mass of horizontal roots located in the arable layer - 20 cm.

When planting seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground, you should follow the planting rate per square meter.

Table 1. Tomato planting rate

If the feeding area is chosen correctly, then adult plants completely occupy the space allotted to them. In this case, solar energy is used most efficiently and the harvest will be maximum. By placing tomatoes sparsely, you risk getting a small harvest, as with thickening.

Many gardeners complain that their tomatoes do not grow well in greenhouses, or that their tomatoes have stopped growing altogether. There can be many reasons for the slowdown in crop growth. The article indicates possible causes, as well as methods that will help fix everything.

Why tomatoes don't grow well in a greenhouse

Most of the reasons for poor growth of tomatoes are due to non-compliance with the conditions for their cultivation.

Violation of conditions

For plant growth and development, it is extremely important to maintain temperature conditions. If there are deviations to lower values, the flowers will begin to fall off, since insects will not be able to pollinate them, and the self-pollination process will also not be able to take place fully. The fruits will grow small and poorly ripened. At high temperatures, leaves begin to curl or change direction of growth.

Humidity also plays a role in tomato growth. High rates provoke the development of various fungal diseases, which lead to a slowdown in the development of the bush. In humid conditions, the ovary does not form, since the pollen clumps together and cannot be transferred to the pistil. Low humidity will cause the leaves to curl and the fruits to fill poorly.

Did you know? Tomato fruits are approximately 95% water.

Lack of water

A lack of moisture can occur even with abundant watering, if it is irregular. In dire need of moisture and having received it, the plant redirects the moisture into the fruits, which is why they begin to crack.

Growth may stop even with regular watering. This will be evidence that the plant is not receiving enough moisture. Because of this, the bush develops weakly and forms small fruits.

Diseases and pests

Often, the slowdown in bush growth and the cessation of fruit formation is associated with an attack of diseases and pests. If the temperature regime is observed, the humidity is maintained at the proper level, and the tomato is not growing well, then you should carefully examine its foliage.

The reverse side of the foliage may be covered with cobwebs. This indicates the appearance of a tick. It absorbs nutrients from the plant, which is why the leaves begin to turn yellow, the ovary forms but does not grow, and the growth of the bush itself also stops.

Viral diseases can also attack the plant. They lead to deformation of the leaves, the growth of stepsons without flower racemes, and the formation of small fruits.

Planting area

For active growth and development, each bush needs a certain amount of nutrients, which it receives from the soil. When seedlings are planted too thickly, tomatoes cannot develop a good root system and lack nutrients.

Due to the density, the sun's rays cannot reach every leaf and flower. This leads to a failure in the pollination process (pollen becomes unviable) and, as a consequence, to a small number of fruits. Wanting to get more light, the bush strives for the sun, stretches out strongly, spending energy only on growth.

Lack or excess of fertilizers

Before the formation of the ovary begins, the plant actively increases its green mass. To do this, it needs nutrients, and, first of all, nitrogen-containing ones. The lack of this element leads to a decline in shoot growth, loss of leaf color, and a non-intensive process of ovary formation.

But an excess of nitrogen also negatively affects the crop. It can easily be overfed with humus, as a result of which the bush will be abundantly covered with foliage, many young shoots will appear on it, and the fruits will be covered with yellow spots and will begin to crumble over time.

The amount of nitrogen in the soil also affects the absorption of other elements by tomatoes. Their shortage can manifest itself as follows:

Important!Many people forget that the growth of the bush and the ripening of tomatoes depends on how the stepsons are removed. Without this procedure, the green mass of the bush will be abundant. There will also be a lot of fruits, but they will be small.

What to do about it

All the problems described above are easily fixable. The main thing is to replace them in time and take the necessary measures.

Restoring optimal conditions

Tomatoes love warmth, so the optimal temperature for their growth is +24°C-+28°C. In the summer, this temperature range is maintained by ventilating the greenhouses and shading the plants, and in the spring by heating.

You also need to remember that for pollination in certain weather and time of day there must be a different temperature. On sunny days it is +24°C-+28°C, on cloudy days - +20°C-+22°C, at night - +18°C-+19°C. Temperatures of +32 °C are more destructive for pollen. It becomes sterile. And vice versa: if the temperature drops below +15 °C, the pollen will not ripen at all.

Tomatoes like their roots to be wet and their greens to be dry. Therefore, it is necessary to control that in the greenhouse the soil humidity does not exceed 75%, and the air humidity does not exceed 65%. Regular ventilation of greenhouses, as well as shading their southern part with the onset of hot days, will help maintain humidity at the proper level.

To prevent tomatoes from growing thickly in the greenhouse, you need to adhere to the following standards for planting them:

  • 8-6 bushes per sq. m - for super-determinate varieties;
  • 5-4 bushes per sq. m - for determinant;
  • 1-2 bushes per sq.m - for indeterminate ones.

Watering and fertilizing mode

In order for tomatoes to receive a sufficient amount of moisture and not crack in a polycarbonate greenhouse, they need to be watered after 3-4 days, spending 4-5 liters of water per bush.

If the greenhouse is glass, then you can water it three times in 14 days, spending 3-4 liters of water per bush. You need to irrigate the plants with warm, settled water in the evening or morning (and so that moisture does not fall on the foliage).

If you want tomatoes planted in a greenhouse to take root well and begin to grow actively, the soil must be enriched with nutrients. When the seedlings are planted, after two weeks they should be fed with a solution of mullein or dung.

The next additions of nutrients are carried out every one and a half to two weeks. Here's what you can feed the plants with: microelements (four times per season), nitrophosphorus or azophosphorus.

Nitrogen as an important element is added to the soil as needed. The appearance of the tomatoes will help determine when it is necessary to apply: yellow foliage will appear.

Did you know? Typically, heat treatment degrades the quality of fruits and vegetables, taking away their beneficial substances. With tomatoes it's the opposite. Two minutes of heat treatment increases the amount of lycopene (antioxidant) by 1/3.

Garter bushes

Among existing

  • remove all plant debris from the garden bed;
  • disinfect the soil before planting;
  • disinfect the greenhouse in spring and autumn;
  • update the top layer of soil periodically;
  • carry out routine treatment of the crop with Bayleton, Actellik, Farmaid-3.
  • Some useful tips from experienced gardeners may also come in handy:

    1. Use only warm water to water tomatoes. Irrigate early in the morning or late in the evening.
    2. It is better to water the plant often and a little, than rarely and abundantly.
    3. Do not use tomato seeds that you collect yourself every year. This leads to loss of quality of the variety.
    4. Choose your seeds carefully. There are some that grow only in open ground, and greenhouse conditions will be destructive for them.
    5. Before planting, disinfect the soil with copper sulfate: 75 g per 10 liters.

    All manipulations are simple and do not require special skills. By taking into account the recommendations for growing tomatoes, you can avoid unforgivable mistakes and save the harvest.

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