We open a business - a bakery for the production of Ossetian pies. Own business: takeaway hot pies

The buildings 12.10.2019
The buildings

To open one hot baking outlet, you will need quite a bit of financial investment - about 60-90 thousand rubles. The main items of expenditure are the payment of salaries to employees and the purchase of equipment (if you do not take into account the purchase of puffs and pies).

On average, monthly income from one point of sale of hot pastries is about 9-15 thousand. But you can significantly increase the profitability of the point. For example, many entrepreneurs do some work on their own (loader, watchman, accountant). This can save some money from the payroll.

Obtaining permits

To get started, you must obtain certificates for products and equipment. The composition of permits is determined by regional legislation. For any questions please contact your local authority.

According to the norms of Rospotrebnadzor, the baking sales period is 1 day, so you need to order as many pies as you can sell in one day. It is approximately 300-500 pies. This is one of the most without large investments.

To place a mobile point, you need to go through all the approvals in Rospotrebnadzor, the traffic police and the State Fire Supervision Service. You also need to provide garbage collection yourself. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations is punishable by law.


Every day at one point for sale 300-500 pies- this is when choosing a good place. During the trading day, fresh pies are loaded into the cart about 2-3 times - in total, the cart includes 150 pies.

The store assortment includes 10-15 kinds of products. markup - no more than 30%. time of day and weather also play a significant role in the sale of products - sales fall in rain and hot weather, in the evening they buy more pies with cabbage and potatoes, during the day people like meat pies more, and they buy sweets in the morning. These nuances must be taken into account.

Important! In hot weather, be sure to offer customers soft drinks:, Pepsi and others.

Kiosk staff

One cart needs 2 persons for shift work. If you have three outlets, hire security guards and movers.

Salary of sellers - from $ 12 per day. They can receive a fixed amount of 6,000 rubles + a percentage of sales.

The salary of a loader and a security guard is fixed - 10,000 rubles. per month.

Effective means of increasing sales

Renting a place on the street

Near parks, metro, embankments and squares - these are the most profitable places for the sale of these products. AT holidays choose venues for events. In the district trade department, a list of addresses is constantly compiled where it is possible to place mobile points of sale. That is where you need to go. It makes no sense to look for a place to trade on your own.

Fee for renting a place on the street (approximately 2 square meters) - 4000 rubles.

Holiday kiosks

Thoughtful entrepreneurs put up mobile points where hot pastries and other products are sold only on the days of various festive events. Then a big clash of people, pastries are sold much better and in one such day you can get a monthly income.

Drinks and ice cream

You can slightly increase the profitability of the outlet by starting to sell not only pastries, but also drinks. By installing a refrigerator with drinks in the stall and, you will rather expand the range and, as a result, sales and incomes will rise. Buying such a refrigerator is not a problem - companies that produce drinks will gladly give you their branded refrigerators completely free of charge.

Normal weather, a supplier and a well-designed assortment are the three main success factors for selling hot pastries on the street.

Frozen p/f baking technology

How to expand activities?

Install vending machines

There are special ones. The cost starts from 3 thousand dollars. Familiarize yourself with the features of the operation of the automatic baker and consider detailed business plan for installing vending machines on the street.

Bake your own donuts

To bake donuts at home and establish sales, you need capital from 300,000 rubles. At a minimum, this is an oven, a deep fryer, a proofing cabinet and a flour sifter. Find out how to open with minimal cost.

Open your own mini bakery

Great expansion option. A full cycle conveyor line costs from 2 million rubles. To the initial costs, you need to add the costs of renting and equipping the workshop and purchasing the first batch of ingredients. Everything is described in detail.

Selling hot pastries can be a very profitable business if you seriously work out organizational issues and acquire the necessary capital. Demand for pies, puffs and donuts is holding on to enough high level practically all year round, the initial costs pay off quickly, and permits are issued relatively easily. Perfect option both for young businessmen and for experienced entrepreneurs.

Start of the project

How to open a patty shop from scratch if you have never been in a catering business before? First, decide on the type of future trading place and the method of production. The expected volume of investments and the level of profitability of your enterprise depend on this.

Selecting the type of institution

You can sell pies different ways. Someone organizes a mini-cafe, and someone is ready to start from a kiosk or a small showcase in mall. In the first case, the costs are higher, but the quality of service is also higher. Regular customers, if you choose the right place, appear quickly enough. And this means that the growth of your revenue will stabilize.

It will take less time and effort to open a small outlet. It will be more difficult to compete with larger establishments, but if things go well, you can quickly “acquire” new points of sale for hot pastries. Such a network of kiosks or shop windows will bring its owner a good income, even if not all outlets can be located as efficiently as possible.

Supplier or own production?

You can bake products yourself, or you can order from suppliers. This will free you from the cost of purchasing equipment and paying a professional baker. But if for some reason the supplier cannot fulfill your order, trading will have to be suspended. And the quality of such baking is not always on top.

Business plan for your pie shop

How to open a pie shop and not go broke? A business plan to help you. It must be compiled individually for each project. The calculations below are approximate and serve solely for comparison and familiarization with the nuances of the pie business.

Patty kiosk

A small mobile showcase, an experienced baker and a minimum initial capital. Fast, simple and profitable.

The cost of the premises

About 200,000 rubles. Here you should also add a fee for renting a trading place, the amount of which can be found by contacting the local administration.

Cost of equipment

Baking for such a kiosk will be made at home. It is assumed that the entrepreneur delegates this responsibility to two employees. They will use their own ovens and tools, only raw materials are paid.

For a kiosk, you need to purchase a microwave oven, a kettle and / or a coffee machine if you plan to additionally sell drinks, a refrigerator, etc. You also need to arrange shipping. finished products to the point of sale. To do this, the entrepreneur will need a car. A small used van will suffice. The estimated cost is 200,000 rubles.

Raw material cost

About 60,000 - 70,000 rubles will be spent on food and disposable tableware per month.

Employee salary

To open a pie business, you need to hire two bakers and two salesmen. The functions of a loader, accountant, manager, etc. at the first stage will be performed by the owner himself. Thus, about 50,000 rubles are spent monthly on the payment of wages.


Investment size

So, to open a kiosk, you need:

  • showcase and equipment - 400,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 20,000 rubles.

Variable (monthly) costs:

  • salary of employees - 50,000 rubles;
  • raw materials - 60,000 rubles.

Total: 530,000 rubles.

When to expect profit?

In the first month, the costs of opening and maintaining a pie shop, as we have established above, will amount to about 530,000 rubles. Annual costs - 1,740,000 rubles.

According to marketing research, the average number of buyers at bakery sales points is 100 people per day, average check- 50 rubles. This means that you can earn about 150,000 rubles a month, and 1,800,000 rubles a year. Thus, all your investments will pay off in full in 1 year of work. If you manage to reduce some costs (for example, abandon the car), then you can achieve payback already in 4-6 months.

Pirozhkovaya in the format of a mini-cafe

An establishment with 4-5 tables where you can not only buy hot pastries, but also drink coffee in a relaxed atmosphere. Production of a pre-cooking cycle, i.e. pies are baked from frozen blanks.

The cost of the premises

How to open such a pie? A business plan must include rental payments, so start by looking for real estate. You will need a room with an area of ​​​​approximately 35–40 m². The price is set by the owners, so the spread can be very large. But, on average, you will need about 50,000 rubles for rent. Plus repairs - 50,000 rubles.

Cost of equipment

One of the main items of expenditure. The main equipment for a pie shop includes:

  • chest freezer - 35,000 rubles;
  • proofer - 30,000 rubles;
  • convection oven - 115,000 rubles;
  • thermal showcase - 20,000 rubles.

Optional equipment:

  • bar module - 25,000 rubles;
  • coffee machine - 15,000 rubles;
  • professional microwave oven - 10,000 rubles;
  • kettle - 3,000 rubles;
  • chairs and tables - 10,000 rubles;
  • refrigerator - 15,000 rubles;
  • dishes - 15,000 rubles.

Raw material cost

About 60,000 rubles will be spent per month on raw materials (dough, fillings, etc.).

Employee salary

To work in a cafe, you have to hire two sellers who would replace each other in turn. Blanks for pies can be ordered directly from large pastry shops with full cycle production. The cost of paying salaries is about 40,000 rubles.


At the first stage, 20,000 rubles will be enough (signboard, booklets, etc.).

Investment size

One-time expenses:

  • equipment - 293,000 rubles;
  • renovation of the premises - 50,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 20,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  • rent - 50,000 rubles;
  • salary - 40,000 rubles;
  • raw materials - 60,000 rubles.

Total: 513,000 rubles.

When to expect profit?

Expenses in the first month - 513,000 rubles, annual - 2,163,000 rubles. The daily volume of sales of products from establishments of this type is about 12,000 rubles. It turns out that in a month a business owner will be able to earn about 360,000 rubles, and in a year - 4,320,000 rubles. Full payback can be reached in 6-8 months.

Legal side of the issue

With business plans and expenses, everything is more or less clear. It remains to deal with the documentation. How to open a pie shop, where to start with the design? And how do you pay taxes?


The best organizational and legal form for a novice entrepreneur is an individual entrepreneur. Unless, of course, you are going to open a business on your own, without the help of co-founder partners. Otherwise, registration of a limited liability company is indispensable.

It is easier for individual entrepreneurs to issue tax reporting easier to document. Yes, in case of bankruptcy, they risk all their property. But after all, it is much easier to liquidate an IP than an LLC. In the end, if your business is rapidly developing and growing, you can always re-register.

Which taxation system to choose?

There are several main systems for paying contributions to the state treasury: OSNO, USN, UTII and patent taxation. Each of them has its own characteristic features.


General system. Includes property tax, personal income tax and VAT. The entrepreneur must Accounting, including a book of income and expenses. OSNO is set for all businessmen "by default", if they did not choose another system during registration.


Simplified tax mechanism. Allows you to seriously ease the tax burden. The entrepreneur is exempt from paying property tax, VAT and personal income tax. An individual entrepreneur can write off part of the amount due to insurance payments.


imputed income tax. Valid for all types of activities listed in paragraph No. 2 of Article 246.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The amount depends on the basic income and the current coefficients, federal and regional. More profitable OSNO, but more troublesome USN.

patent system

Only available for IP. Allows you to purchase for a certain amount the right to maintain commercial activities for a period of 1 month to 1 year. Exempt from filing declarations with the Federal Tax Service.

Practice shows that it is most convenient to work with the simplified tax system. A simplified system allows you to seriously save on tax payments and get rid of unnecessary paperwork. However, everyone is free to choose independently.

Registration and preparation of documents

  1. To open a pie shop, you will first need to register as an individual entrepreneur. This can be done both independently and with the mediation of a professional lawyer.
  2. The next step is to obtain permission from the administration (street trade) and draw up a lease agreement. We go to the trade department of local authorities.
  3. You can not do without a certificate from the SES. Prepare equipment certificates, documents for raw materials and technological map production and sales and invite the inspector.
  4. To obtain a permit from the fire supervision service, you need to fill out an application and conduct an inspection. Examination is possible only in the presence of an employee designated as responsible for fire safety or direct manager of the company.

Do not try to get around the law and start selling baked goods without permits. This can lead to a serious fine and forced closure of the institution.

Filled pies are a traditional Russian dish. They are closed when all the insides are carefully hidden under the dough. They also bake open pies - in them the filling is visible and not covered with dough. Of course, the most delicious classic pastries are handmade. But in conditions of large volumes it is pleasant to use the device for different kind pies.

On the market today you can find a device for baking bakery products from different manufacturers. There are distributors of Dutch, Taiwanese, German, Italian and other manufacturers of equipment for Food Industry. There are also domestic machines.

The principle of operation of the machine

As an example, consider the equipment for the preparation of pies brand AZHZP-M. It can greatly reduce labor costs and increase production efficiency. The device can be used at public catering establishments or directly at points of sale of pies. The finished product is fried pies. As a filling, you can use minced fish or meat, mashed potatoes, dried fruits or jam.

The whole process takes place automatically. Only the dough and the filling are loaded into the machine. The output is ready-to-eat pies. The process eliminates human intervention. Therefore, from the point of view of sanitary standards, such preparation is preferable. The operator monitors only how the equipment works, the timely replenishment of the filling and dough bins and the removal of finished products.

The device performs the following functions:

All these functions are performed by such parts and components of the machine. As load-bearing structure frame completed. Attached to it is a frame and stand. The distribution block is located on the stand. It is he who "coordinates" the work of all mechanisms. Dough and minced meat bunkers are installed above the distribution block. The fryer, oil system, ventilation, proofing bin are attached to the frame. Electric and pneumatic systems are also concentrated here. Trays are fixed on swivel brackets. They prevent oil and finished products from getting on the floor.

The device for baking pies has the following technical characteristics:

Import analogues

Equipment for baking traditional pies from imported manufacturers is not so easy to find. In Europe, types of pastries with open fillings are mostly popular. For closed products, this equipment is often simply not configured. It is believed that small buns with filling are a Russian culinary tradition. The easiest way to adapt to a domestic buyer is the devices of Rinceurope (Holland) and Teknostamap (Italy). Their equipment performs the following operations (dough can be yeast or non-yeast):

  1. rolling of tapes;
  2. stamping blanks;
  3. filling application;
  4. formation (folding) of pies;
  5. turning seam down or forming a scallop;
  6. powder, if necessary, with poppy seeds, cinnamon, etc.

Perfect for small bakeries suitable device Taiwanese brand BestFood. These machines form blanks according to the extrusion principle. They also work with yeast and yeast-free dough. These devices are also used for the preparation of semi-finished products.


The production of pies, puffs with various fillings and pasties is currently sufficient promising business, implement this product You can always and everywhere, which is called "on every corner." First you need to decide on the scale of the future enterprise, if you plan to work for specific customers - supermarkets, bakery shops, kiosks - this will be a large-scale production and it will require an automated line for the production of pies, capable of producing up to 8000 pieces per hour. If a mini-bakery is organized and its own retail network is created to sell products, it is possible to use a prefabricated line, which will include units of lower power and productivity.

Technology for making pies on mini-lines

Apparatus for making pies

To prepare fried pies with various fillings, you can use the AZhZP-M semi-automatic device. It can be placed directly at the points of sale of finished products, so that the consumer always receives fresh and hot donuts. Dough and filling for fried pies are prepared separately. The dough is kneaded according to a certain recipe manually or with the help of a dough mixer.

Industrial meat grinder

For cooking minced meat it would be advisable to purchase an industrial meat grinder, since conventional kitchen units may not be able to endure long-term work at maximum load.

After the dough is prepared, it is manually loaded into the dispenser of the cheburek production line. This device is divided into two sections - for dosing dough and minced meat. The blanks are separated by four pieces, then they are sent to the conveyor for proofing. The exposure of the test occurs within 10-15 minutes. The next step is roasting, it is carried out in a special container by immersing the blanks in boiling water. vegetable oil. Four pies or chebureks are fried at the same time.

Finished products are taken out with the help of a grid and placed in a receiving tray. Everything, pies are ready for sale. Technical characteristics of the device AZHZP-M:

Pirozhkovy apparatus AZhZP-M
  • dimensions - 1550 * 1850 * 1780 mm;
  • weight - 850 kg;
  • productivity - 800 pcs / h;
  • voltage - 380 V;
  • power - 11 kW
  • pie weight - from 40 to 80 gr;
  • frying time - 2 minutes;
  • cost - 30,000 rubles.

For the production of a small volume of chebureks, you can independently assemble necessary equipment, will need:

  • mixer;
  • dough roller;
  • cheburechnitsa;
  • meat grinder.

You can buy these devices in specialized stores or directly from manufacturers. Prices depend on specifications and performance, as well as the brand of equipment, imported can cost several times more than domestic.

Automatic lines for the production of pies and buns

Line for the production of pies and buns If the scale of production is planned to be large, up to 8000 products per hour, full automation is necessary production line production of puff products, buns and pies with filling. The manufacturing technology is reduced to several main stages:

Full automation virtually eliminates manual labor, the worker only needs to load all the components of the dough and filling into the machine and accept the finished products.

Modules of the line for the production of pies and buns:

  • flour sifter;
  • mixer;
  • cutting and calibrating machine;
  • screw dispenser;
  • guillotine cutting;
  • bake.

The flour sifter is designed to remove impurities from the flour and saturate it with air, for a better and more fluffy dough. Characteristics:

Calibrating and cutting machine
  • dimensions - 100 * 136 * 70 cm;
  • power - 0.5 kW;
  • voltage - 220 V;
  • productivity - 800 kg / h;
  • cost - 349 thousand rubles.

The mixer floor is intended for a kneading of the test. It is equipped with various nozzles and operates in several speed modes, automatic, has a timer and an analog control panel, an emergency shutdown is provided when the protective grille is opened. Characteristics:

The rolling mechanism processes the workpiece and gives the dough the necessary rheological properties, it is equipped with an automatic flouring system. Has protective protections, the automatic timer, system of an emergency stop. Specifications:

The calibrating unit is necessary for pre-rolling, longitudinal cutting and calibration of the dough strip. The mechanism is equipped with knives that are adjustable depending on required dimensions finished product. Characteristics:

  • dimensions - 1400 * 620 * 2970 mm;
  • weight - 250 kg;
  • power - 0.4 kW;
  • knife adjustment range - 80 - 180 mm;
  • cost - 500 thousand rubles.

Automation of the technological line for the production of puff products includes a molding unit, in which the dough undergoes lamination in three stages, which improves its structure and makes it homogeneous. Next, blanks of buns or pies of the appropriate shape and weight are formed. The unit is equipped with a mechanism for dusting blanks with flour.


  • dimensions - 3300 * 1800 * 680 mm;
  • weight - 900 kg;
  • power - 3.4 kW;
  • productivity - 8000 pieces / h;
  • cost - 2,200,000 rubles.

The screw mechanism is designed for filling dough pieces with stuffing, which occurs using various types of dispensers. Nozzles are selected depending on the type of filling. Characteristics:

  • dimensions - 1450 * 620 * 400 mm;
  • power - 0.6 kW;
  • weight - 250 kg;
  • cost - 500 thousand rubles.

For uniform cutting of products from puff pastry without filling, a guillotine installation is used. The conveyor, which is included in its package, cuts the dough as accurately as possible, in accordance with given parameters length and width. Used for cutting various shapes knives - rhombus, wave, serrated. The unit has protective grilles.


  • dimensions - 1420 * 620 * 2950 mm;
  • power - 0.4 kW;
  • productivity - 8000 cycles per hour;
  • weight - 340 kg;
  • cost - 630 thousand rubles.

After all stages of preparation of blanks, they are sent to the furnace. The furnace chamber is made of of stainless steel, has a mechanical control panel, timer - up to 60 minutes, thermostat - up to 250 ° C, equipped with baking sheets 40 * 60 mm. Characteristics:

  • dimensions - 80 * 81 * 87 cm;
  • power - 8.3 kW;
  • voltage - 380 V;
  • cost - 225 thousand rubles.

To accommodate such a line for the production of pies, a room of at least 100 m 2 will be required; a warehouse for finished products and raw materials, administrative and utility rooms will also be additionally required. The line can be serviced by two workers per shift, it is necessary to have a service engineer on staff, since the line is universal and technical specifications various kinds finished products are set in the software package.

Video: Pie production line

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