The value of the Taro Wheel Card value. Interesting overview of the deck

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This book submits to the reader to the tarot of the Tarot "Wheel of the Year" and introduces it to the tradition and some rituals of the neo-language, which this deck represents. The wheel is a symbol of cyclicity and movement, including the symbol of the Sun, which year from the year moves in the sky and entails changes in nature, which we call the change of seasons. The "Wheel of the Year" is the cycle of holidays that correspond to the relief days of the equinox and the solstice and the signing the transition from one season to another. The masters of the younger arkanov tarot the decks of the year of the year corresponding to these 8 holidays, so a separate great article is devoted to them in the book. This book is about the close connection of a person with nature, how to learn to live in harmony with the natural flow of time.

The Tarot "Wheel of the Year" associated with the Wiccan magical tradition of the Tarot of the Year is radiated and makes the attractiveness and makes it in hand again.

- Who is this book for?

Tarot "Wheel of the Year" - juicy, colorful deck with "speaking" images. Light and optimistic, simple, but not boring. Universal, well answers everyday, domestic questions about work, health, relationships. The best is suitable for newcomers, those who are just starting to master Tarot's cards. Images of this deck did not lose the main, the deep meaning of the arcana, at the same time bright, specific images allow, not referring often to the auxiliary materials, understand the value of the map. Belly you can recommend it as a first deck.

No less interesting Tarot "Wheel of the Year" will be both professionals. The topic of this deck is inextricably linked with the theme of time and change of time cycles, so the "wheel of the year" will help to understand the difficult-diagnosed and controversial problem of determining the time using tarot cards. Psychologists who use tarot in their consultations will be interested in social roles and age (biological and psychological), well represented in this deck.

- What is this book for?

This is a book-reference book "Wheel of the Year". The book is clearly spelled out specific values \u200b\u200bof maps in a particular position of the scenario. It will be useful as auxiliary material to work with this deck.


PARTI. Senior Arkana

Description of the map

General value

Period of time

Times of Day



Work and income



Psychological picture

Social role


PARTII. Junior Arcanes and Cards(interpretation by the same scheme).

Imbel - holiday candles. Bowls, license cards.

Ostara - the beginning of spring. Bowls, courtyard maps.

Beltine - fertility return holiday. Wands, license cards.

Lita - the beginning of summer. Wands, courtyard maps.

Lognasad - a holiday of bread and gratitude for the harvest. Pentacles, license cards.

Mabon - the beginning of autumn. Pentacles, courtyard maps.

Samine is the feast of the end of harvesting. Swords, license cards.

Yol - the beginning of winter. Swords, courtyard maps.

PARTIII Layouts. Examples from practice.

Abstracts administration

1. Wheel of the year - restoration of lost unity with nature.

In ancient times, a person lived among nature and in harmony with it. He felt a part of the world in which all living things exists and develops under general laws: it is born, growing up, aging, dies and is born again. These natural cycles in the revived neo-language tradition are represented by the wheel of the year (hereinafter referred to as the wheel of the year, communication with seasonal agricultural works, the collective celebration of "Sabbat").

Features of the wheels of the year. Archetypes of senior arcanes presented in the images of neo-language (Wiccan) deities and natural phenomena. The younger arcanes and courtyard maps, structurally related to the eight holidays of the wheel of the year.

2. Eight sacred days of the year.

Like eight sides of the light, the main and intermediate, eight knitting spices in the wheel of a cart, without which the life of the peasant is unthinkable, the wheel of the year carries 8 holidays that marks the completion of one and the beginning of another time cycle. They are called "Sabbatami" - great sabbaths or days of the feast (a detailed description of the meaning, appointment and rituals of each holiday).

Round wheel. It has no beginning, no end, therefore there is no consensus about what holiday the year opens. Celts are Samine., Scandinavians - Yol. The next holiday is Imzball - the holiday of candles, the time when nature awakens from the winter hibernation and the breath of spring is already feeling. In the Tarot Wheel of the Year, the junior arcans and courtyards are inextricably linked with the eight "Sabbatami", and the authors of the deck decided to start a description of the masters from this holiday - the holiday of candles.

3.Social roles

The more urbanized society, the more it is fragmented. A modern man, losing touch with nature and its roots, is looking for and finds his own personality, but ceases to notice those invisible links between people who exist in any society. He often does not understand the social role that is entrusted to him by society. The "wheel of the year" through the Wiccan and neo-language traditions returns us to those times when people lived by communities. Together we were experiencing difficult and joyful times, together harvested and coped holidays. And everyone in this community had its own place and their own role. (Hereinafter referring to the definition of social role, types of roles, conflict roles, the conditions of freedom from the social role).

4. Light cycles in Taro Wheel of the Year

The main topic of Taro "Wheel of the Year" is the topic of changing natural cycles. Empting of the old and nucleation of the new, active livelihood or passive expectation. Therefore, the "Wheel of the Year", as no other Tarot deck is able to respond to questions about the timeliness of the conceived enterprise, how much process is delayed and when the result can be expected. Since the lasty of the younger Arcanes is directly tied to calendar holidays and times of the year, we can define an approximate event of an event, the end of this or that enterprise or choose time for its productive principle. Accordingly, we can identify the human life cycle, its age, not only the calendar, but also biological to identify physical possibilities or psychological, to help work psychologists. (Hereinafter - ways to determine time with senior and younger arcanes).

CourtXX Road to light

Description of the map

Young beautiful woman barefoot stands on the snow. She seems to be rising from the knees and stretches to the rays of the spring sun, which are already making their way through the winter night sky. Heavy fur raincoat falls off the shoulders of a woman, under it - a thin chiffon dress of a tender pink color. Landscape on the map is still winter: everything is snapped with snow, on the horizon massive mountains, symbolizing immovable processes. But the sun is already starting to warm the land and flowers made through snow, give hope for exemption and update.

General value

In the literal position

Exemption from PUT, restrictions and oppressive obligations. The feeling of inner freedom and ease. The offensive of a new stage of life. Second wind. Enlightenment. Overcoming psychological crises. Important, irreversible changes associated over time and taking themselves in a new capacity.

In an inverted position

Man does not feel the current time. Changes occurred, but he does not accept them, they resist and trying to live according to previous laws. Does not understand the meaning of changes, their patterns. Or, on the contrary, hurts the time when the situation has not yet matured and the event is impossible. From the rejection and discontent flows into depression, or, on the contrary, becomes aggressive and performs thoughtless deeds.

Period of time

The time of serious changes associated with human biological cycles or with exit from psychological crises. Final phases of biological processes (mostly in women) - publity, first childbirth, climax. For men, social changes that may not be tied to age are the first salary, marriage, retirement.

Times of Day -dawn

Season -the end of winter, the first spring glimpses

Age - All age crises, especially adolescence and transitional crisis. Approximately: 15 - 18 years, 25 - 29, 39 - 45, 55 60.


Any event that causes irreversible changes is usually perceived as a positive way. Transition to new quality, acquiring other status. The girl becomes a girl, bride - wife, father - grandfather, etc. Marriages, divorces, first sexual experience, the birth of children and grandchildren, cardinal change of work, retirement, departure for permanent residence, etc. These are long-awaited events, they are perceived as liberation from old programs and former duties. Usually, joyful, but not always. "Court" may mean, for example, the death of a person after severe illness, when the obligations to care for it are removed from relatives.

Work and income

The cardinal changes followed by the best times. The first work of a young specialist. Obtaining a long-awaited position or salary increase. The transition to a qualitatively other professional and material level, which a person deserves. Exemption from routine, uninteresting work. Retirement. Often - refusal to career growth in favor of the independence of the "Free Artist".


Everything is not as bad as previously assumed. Exemption from unpleasant premonitions and oppressive thoughts about the state of health. Feeling ease and completeness. Cure from a long exhausting disease. Perhaps refutation of a dangerous diagnosis. Exit from the psychological crisis.


Long-awaited marriage. Divorce as a liberation from the relationship from the relationship. A serious conversation that puts everything in its place. For a new acquaintance - an important, fateful meeting is very likely to lead to a happy marriage. Acquisition of a reliable business partner or a faithful friend who will always help in a difficult moment.

Psychological picture

Internally strong, uncompromising person. Always knows what he wants, and especially what he does not want. Firmly goes to the goal. Opened for the whole new and unknown. In communication careful, but not closed. It is important for him to have deep, serious relationships.

Social role

A person free from any framework, including social. Most often, he is generally out of society, outside the system or himself, voluntarily, chooses a role in society.


Solution of a problem. Finding an exit from a dead end. Transition to another, qualitatively new level. Feeling of relief, sip of fresh air.


Raise your head to the light and feel the arrival of spring. Boldly and confidently take the case. Do not be afraid of change. Frequently from the old, tagged and unnecessary.

8 Pentacles Kuznets

Description of the map

The map shows a blacksmith at work. His horseshoe is almost ready. Basic, rough work is made. It remains painstakingly to hone the details and bring the case to the end. The blacksmith smiles: his lesson gives him pleasure. He likes both the process, and the result. Work brings not only emotional satisfaction, but also good earnings. This is indicated by coins lying on the table. Behind the blacksmith, in the stall - the horse is a symbol of the desire, vitality and natural energy, which a person skillfully controls.

The door of the forge is open and we can see a huge tree with a spreaded crown. It is associated with long-term growth and accumulation of resources, durability and prosperity, with a large family accessory and generic roots. Leaves on the tree are still green, but the grass is already yellow. Summer on the outcome and is already feeling approximation of autumn.

General value

Live.Stable, confident progress towards goal. The final stage of work. Failure to occupation, love for the chosen case. Self-realization, support for experience and skill. Excellent quality of work performed. Accuracy and study of parts. Contribution to the common cause. Continuing traditions.

In an inverted position. In the inverted position, the card characteristic is changing to the opposite. Fatigue from routine and loss of interest entail reluctance to diligently and methodically achieve results, negligence and inaccuracy in work, weakened physical potential. The accumulation of resources is impossible, the accumulated earlier is excited. Lacility, passivity, despondency. The need for rest or change activities.

Period of time

Harvesting period, time to reap the fruits of permanent or many years of work. Time when experience and professionalism is already working per person. It is time to actively accumulate reserves for a more relaxed or hard period of clutch and inaction.

Times of Day -between 5 and 6 pm or shortly before sunset

Season -end of summer, the beginning of autumn, shortly before the day of the autumn equinox.

Age - 45 - 50 years, closer to 50. Mature man successfully overcoming middle-aged crisis.


A large number of familiar work that a person is doing skillfully and with pleasure. Production of products with their own hands, such as decorations, talismans or faiths.

Work and income

Permanent work, work for every day. Activities requiring perfection, accuracy and accuracy. Practical application of knowledge. Your own business. Family business, the transfer of mastery from the Father to the Son. An experienced professional in his business, who disassembled in all subtleties and details, deserving a good remuneration for his work. Permanent income that allows you to save and postpone money.


Man in excellent physical form. Good heredity. Health does not cause fear. Much forces and energy. High fertility (childbearing ability). The disease is not dangerous, the recovery is rapid, but may need additional healing procedures.


Durable, established union of two people understand each other. Interest and physical attraction. It is possible to excessive wiping work, but this does not interfere with affiliate and family relationship. The new meeting is in the potential of promising relationships, but they need to be built. In the working team, a member of a coherent team, where everyone performs its work, but everyone makes one common cause.

Psychological picture

Self-sufficient, self-confident man. Hardworking, full of strength and energy. It is decided by my own problems, it does not shift them. Responsible, psychologically mature. Skillful master.

Social role

A high-class specialist in his business that works for the benefit of the big team. Continuer of generic traditions.


You will be able to show your best qualities. What happens to be part of something big and durable.


Confidently, with love to take for the enterprise. For this, enough forces, and skills. Believe yourself. Take advantage of your professionalism and experience. Do not hurry, painstaking work. Pay attention to detail or finish. Make your contribution to the common cause.

There are a large number of tarot card variations. Each deck is performed in a certain style. The article will be discussed about the Tarot Wheel Deel. The creation of this option was the ancient customs, traditions, lifestyle of distant ancestors.

History of the emergence of the gallery

The Tarot Wheel Gallery was released in 2011. It was published her Italian magazine, then a Russian-speaking version was released. The initiators of the creation of steel Maria Kartti and the artist Antonella Platano. This tandem before the creation of this deck has already successfully created other tariff variations.

Maps are not deprived of a creative element. They clearly traced the emphasis on the meaning of human spiritual development, the joys of life, positive emotions.

Characteristic deck

The deck of the wheel of the year Tarot is a unique set of a kind.

It consists of 78 elements that are conditionally divided into two categories: the younger and senior arcan. The first category includes 56 cards, to the second - 22.

With its help, the process of divination acquires a secret, intimate meaning. Elements of the deck personify the features of the spiritual world, reveal the seasons through the ancient holidays, customs that are characteristic of each of the seasons.

The gallery is made in bright colors, with elements of a certain symbolism image. If you analyze the images that have seen, at a glance, a person who is far from learning the traditions of ancient ancestors, understand the meaning and is quite difficult. Those who have already dealt with Tarot maps, who is interested in spiritual practitioners is in finding harmony with nature around the world, images will be clear, familiar.

How to interpret the cards

Senior Arkana

Tarot Wheel Maps have older arcans in their arsenal. which personify the standard interpretation, and also symbolize and reveal the ancient pagan traditions, holidays, symbolizing the change of seasons. They inflicted images of signs of different seasons. For example, the first spring flowers, a blizzard, fond of foliage, etc.

Junior Arkana

The value of this card group is not so direct and immediate. They symbolize the position of the Sun, its influence on vitality.

The value of elements

In general, the interpretation of all Taro's cards of the Wheel of the Year is reduced to the fact that the life cycle, all its events are interrelated, and replace each other, following the turns of the year. The meaning is that the whole series of events in our life is not accidental.

Childhood is replaced by adolescence, then maturity, old age. A day comes to change the night, the weeks follow each other, the summer follows the summer, then autumn and winter. All this is not by chance, there are patterns, a certain order.


Tarot Wheel Cards, Some Elements:

Name card Value
Pentacle, Lammas Symbolizing harvest. It's time to reap the fruits of your hard work.
Cups Mean celebrations, moving to a new step, coming positive changes
Wands Symbolize the beginning of heat, the end of the winter period. A light strip will come soon in life.
Swords, Samine Indicates the approach of winter period, chaos in the shower, which will be resolved as soon as you analyze your actions
Mabon Hellisters about the beginning of the fall. Possible quarrels with loved ones. You need to understand that not all circumstances depend on you.
Hermit Wisdom, everyday knowledge and experience gained during wanderings.
Devil Charms and attractiveness of temptations.
8 pentaclekusenets The map means a confident movement to the target target, self-realization, becoming in your favorite business. Temporary value - time to collect fruits. Hellisters the end of the summer, the beginning of the autumn pore.
Court XX Path to Light Feeling freedom, serenity, internal flight. Exemption from mental doubts, uncertainty. The offensive of a new life stage. Means the end of winter, the offensive of spring.
Wheel of Fate Refers to the older Arcana. Means success, good luck in affairs. If the map falls in an inverted form, it, on the contrary, indicates that luck is not on your side.

For whom cards are intended

The Tarot Wheel Gallery is intended to interpret the issues of the temporary nature of family life, career affairs, relationships between people, family members. They will correctly indicate the time interval through which the career ladder will occur, buying a new car, a trip to rest, etc. To obtain reliable information that the elements of the kit can give, it is necessary to analyze the criteria for possible layouts. With the ability to handle them, you can accurately predict upcoming events, time intervals.

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Taro Wheel of the Year (in the original Wheel of the Year Tarot) - a stunningly unusual deck, which introduces us with long-forgotten customs of our ancestors.

It immerses us during the times, when the unity, harmony and balance existed between man and nature, when there was a balance between the material and spiritual worlds. Taro Wheel of the Year is designed to remind us of our origins, about the inseparable communication of a person with the Earth-Mother. Bright and sometimes very peashed images filled with the pagan symbolism and the wisdom of lowland nature, lead us to the world of fascinating beauty and sacred sacraments. Taro Wheel of the Year shows all of the well-known seasons through the prism of pagan holidays (Sabbatov), \u200b\u200bwho honored our ancestors, imposing great hopes on them. As you already understand, the name of the year for this deck is not taken. First, maps personify their belonging to different times of the year. And secondly, the wheel of the year in the pagan cultures was a symbol of the change of seasons and the stages of human development - from the day of his birthday to death. The wheel of the year is also a symbol denoting time for ritual ceremonies dedicated to the events of the time of the year, by the time of changing periods. Therefore, the authors of Tarot the Wheel of the Year, Mary Karatti and Antonella Platano, tried to create the most completed and self-sufficient deck. They also did not praise on the illustrations, which exactly reflect the hopes, expectations and experiences of people, their gratitude and praise to every season. So let's get acquainted with the features and structure of the cards to understand how to guess the Taro wheel of the year.

Structure of decks

Let us turn to the structure of the deck. Taro wheel of the year consists of 78 cards of senior and younger arcanes, 22 and 56 by quantity, respectively. Senior Arcans are crowded closely with the classical values \u200b\u200bof the Tarot system. However, there is a raisin in them. It lies in the fact that the older arcans in the Taro wheel of the year personify great sabboy (holidays from the season from the season for the season). They carry symbols and signs belonging to one of the four times of the year: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. Thus, the Arkan "Hermit" goes through the blizzard, "justice", like the Divine, shares two seasons, and the "lovers" conduct the wedding ceremony on the spring meadow, a set of floweries. Unlike the older, the younger arkans in the tariff of the year have a clear ordering and belonging to small sabbates. Therefore, their value in the tariff of the year is not always coordinated with a standard interpretation. Each suites of younger arcanes is 2 Sabbata, small and large. So, the "bowls" reveal the sacrament of Sabbati Imbel and Ostara; "Wands" - Beltine and Lita; "Denaria" - Lammas and Mabon; And "swords" personify the holidays Samshain and Yol. Probably, this set of incomprehensible words does not talk about anything, so I will say differently: small sabbimat meet the days of equinox and the signs of solstice. These incomprehensible words just designate such days and signs. But we will not leave the essence. Court cards of younger Arcanes in Taro Wheel of the Year are fully related to large sabbates or, in morestally, with older arkans. Thus, all arcanes (and younger, and older) follow the rotation of the wheel of the year and are amenable to continuously updating the cycle of life, which manifests itself not only in the change of periods, but also in the change of the day with a night, life with death, flourishing and maturity, etc. d.

Taro Wheel of the Year: Layouts and values \u200b\u200bof cards

Tarot Wheel of the Year will become an indispensable assistant in matters relating to relationships, careers and general life. Maps are especially accurate and in predicting temporary intervals. But for this you have to be performed into the essence and the sacrament of at least the main pagan sabbates. Based on this, it can be said that Taro's layouts of the year is better to choose, given the above theme. For this deck, there are our own original layouts that best do in the days of the celebration of Sabbat. But in the daily life of Taro the Wheel of the Year interact perfectly with conventional universal scenaries. Therefore, if you are not a fan of pagan culture, as well as all the inquiry and insanely ancient, you can safely work with the familiar layouts. Well, for advanced users there is an opportunity to take advantage of original thematic (pagan subjects) by defold. Taro Wheel of the Year is a very bright deck, so it will suit anyone who loves colorful images, who has a creative approach to the whole surrounding, intuitive fantasy and optimism. It will suit both an experienced tarologist and a person just aspiring to know all the subtleties and sacraments of Tarot. Well, and, of course, Taro Wheel of the Year, like the missing element of the puzzle, perfectly fit into your life, if you feel one whole with nature, if you are interested in or studying the sacraments and ceremonies, if you are fascinating the force that constantly rotates us in the rhythm Wheels of the year.

Taro Wheel of the Year (originally Wheel of the Year Tarot) - an extraordinary deck, which gives us the opportunity to get acquainted with the traditions of the forgotten and old plants. It personifies the very times when a person and nature has cohesion, integrity and inseparableness. Then, when there was a commonality between the real and spiritual worlds. The Taro Wheel Deck will remind us all about our customs, and will also help see the essence of things, looking at them from the other, the most mystical perspective.

Dazzling and brilliant representations of images that have a certain wisdom of nature will transfer you to the world of fascinating traditions and sacred beauty. This deck shows us and spends all the holidays of our pagan ancestors and great-grandfather, who entrusted to this huge hopes. And of course, you have long understood that the name of the year is chosen not just like that.

Taro Wheel of the Year - Features Deeps

First, the map of the year will embody the seasons in themselves. Secondly, the Wheel of the Year gives us the opportunity to learn about the pagan customs and symbols of the seasons change during the period of man's improvement - from the birthday to death. Showing all the well-known historical seasons, through the prism of the holidays of pagan customs,. The wheel of the year not only gives us hope and expansion of the horizon in the culture of paganism, as well as it gives us to understand that the history of culture is clearly important for our society.

The authors of this deck, Barrai Marry and Antonella Platano, did everything so that the maxios of this deck is estimated at the limit. Showing us the finished and significant deprivation of the deck, they proved that this is the best deck of cards about pagan symbols. They did not regret the time for the detailed study of the drawings, that is, on the illustration, which in turn reflects the anticipation, the mystical side of the Being and the basis of the pagan cult. So, then we will enter a case with the peculiarities and structure of the cards, in order to understand how to guess the tarot of the year.

Architecture and Design Wheel Wheel

We learn about the structure of the deck. Taro Wheel of the Year keeps out of 78 cards of older and younger arcanes, 22 and 56 the number of decks. Senior Arkana side by side with the classical meanings of the system. And of course there is a big feature. And it consists in the fact that older cards are the embodiment of great Sabbatov (the holiday of moving from the season for the season). They consist of symbols that are seasons: summer, winter, autumn, spring. Arkan "Hermit" opposite wind and blizzard, "justice" divides two time seasons, and "lovers" conclude in the spring, which is why they are surrounded by flourishing buds.

But the younger arcans in the deck have a certain system that belong to small sabbates. And because of this, they do not always go side by side with the classics and the standard of the interpretation. Any part of the junior Arcan consists of 2 Sabbata, small and large. "Bowls" thus swallow the secret of Sabbati Imbel and Ostara; "Wands" - this is Lita and Beltine; "Denarium" is Lammas and Mabon; "Swords" is the embodiment of Samshain and Yol.

You probably consider it an incomprehensible set of words and letters, and therefore for you I will say differently: a small-type saber coincide with the days of the equinox and the symbol of solstice. All these words said early, have the designation of days and signs. Far from the theme will not run away. The maps of junior arcanes in the deck are fully compared with the senior arkans.

Taro Wheel of the Year: Values \u200b\u200band Layouts

This deck will be the best minion in any matters. Especially clearly, the cards show the truth of temporary expectations and gaps. To do this, you need to understand the soul and secrets of the main pagan sabbates. It can be concluded that you need to choose the tarot wheel of the year when you are interested in the above early topic. For this deck there are peculiar layouts that are suitable for festive sabbates. Therefore, if in the case you are not a fan of pagan cultures, and insanely ancient customs, you can continue to deal with the usual layouts.

But for the people deepened in this theme, there is an opportunity to use the exhibit and original layouts. Taro Wheel of the Year is a brilliant deck, and therefore it is suitable for those who love paints, brightness and saturation of paintings, who possesses creativity, who possesses fantasy and optimism. Suitable for both the master of your business is a terrologist and a person who wants to find out all the secrets and secrets of Tarot. And of course, this deck like the missing puzzle in your heart is part of the element of your life.

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