The most rare sought-after professions. The most interesting professions and ways to make money

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45th place. Lift ladies.
Their obligations include:
- wish for passengers of the elevator of a happy path;
- indicate the floors on which the elevator will stop;
- bow.
44th place. Air tastor.
With this unusual profession in Japan, the purity of air is investigated. The air taster should all divert, write to the computer and process the received data.
43rd place. Collector designer

This is perhaps the most children's profession for adults. Its responsibilities include designing places for the sale of designers in stores. So, on the first day you create a city, in the second - Ninja Castle, then play the World Cup, and Jack Sparrow fight against the black beard.
And so that the builders of the designers always in the soul remained children, they are even allowed to go to work through the window and ride the stair railings.
42nd place. Shoe equalizers.
In shoe stores, they align the folds on the shoes that appear after the inactive fitting.
41st place. Pillight raners.
For some owners of furniture salons, wrinkles on the pillow seem much worse than wrinkles on the forehead. Therefore, they hire pillow levels.
40th place. Clarker.
One playwright almost 2.5 thousand years ago hired a viewer so that he spoiled another playwright. But another playwright entered hectare - she paid several viewers for the fact that they applauded him loudly.
Now the hired spectators are called closers.
39th place. Employee for punishments.
"You're fired!" "It is such a phrase to your address dozens of times a day, some people in American supermarkets hear. Every time I didn't like something to buy something, the administrator raises a special employee for punishment, his heart scolds and publicly dismisses him. As a result, everyone is satisfied: and you and he. After all, its salary depends on the number of such "layoffs".
And the next two places in our rating of unusual professions are given to the Chinese toilet service.
38th place. Toilet guides.
They duty on the streets of the city to point passersby, where the nearest toilet is located.
37th place. Toilet mass chairs.
Their obligations include the kneading muscles and joints to customers while attending the toilet.
36th place. Stander in the queue.

In this post, all citizens of the Soviet Union worked in Polusta. But she received official status only in Great Britain. A special agency provides such a service - for 30 pounds per hour for you on any queue.
35th place. Beach tester.
Recently, one Swedish women's magazine announced a competition for the Beach Tester. Their requirements: For fun, rest on the beaches, swim, sunbathe, visit bars and discos, read books and ... flirt. The editors even agreed to pay some expenses for resort novels. The only condition is all necessary to be colorfully described in the log head.
34th place. Call relatives.
- 10 yuan per hour for the cute lini;
- 8 yuan for aunt John;
- 4 yuan for grandmother Hoa Dzu.
And Hen John's grandfather you will get in a bonus if you order the entire GOP company to portray your relatives at the wedding.
This is a common check for the Chinese Call Relative Agency.
The following three places have earned old English unusual professions.
33rd place. Long hammers.
Thus called people who walked around the streets early in the morning and knocked down long sticks in the houses window to wake their owners for money.
32nd place. Sea postcard.
In the 16th century, the queen kept a man with him who was the only one in the country had the right to open bottles with maritime mail.
31st place. Following Napoleon.
In the British army, one and a half century after the death of Napoleon served the one who followed whether the Emperor would not come to them.
30th place. Sweet tastor.

A 12-year-old boy named Harry hit a real fairy tale. He won the competition, after which he was appointed by an official candy tastor in one of the English factories. His duties: every day try new candy varieties and describe your impressions. For this, he will provide sweets for 5 years ahead.
The following two places are devoted to unusual professions in hotels.
29th place. Heat meters bed.
Responsibilities of these people: in special costumes to bring guests in bed, so that they already went to bed in the warm bed.
28th place. Coin launders.
In one of the hotels of San Francisco, all the coins have been washed off to the brilliance. Previously, they did so that the ladies did not drink their white gloves, and now coins are so wash along the tradition.
27th place. Listeners.
On the streets of Tokyo, you can meet people with signs "I listen to you." For a small fee, they are ready to just listen to you, nod, smile, sometimes laugh. The only minus - these listeners do not give advice.
26th place. Poppers on the train.
In Japan, they are called "bass bass", and in the USA - "Pusher". When you can't get into the car in the rush hour, they come to the rescue. Some say they pay for each person who got into the car. Probably, that is why the poverty supplements are trying to try as soon as they can.
25th place. Tester of horror movies.

Dozens of directors work so that he swept. Units manage to make him tremble. And the limit of their dreams is that he put into pants. Then you can already count on Oscar.
24th place. "Holder" curses.
At the intersections in ancient Rome, the pisari were sitting and hollowed on lead and clay hinders the most sophisticated curses. They believed that the gods would read these hundreds and punish the offender.
23rd place. Sellers tears.
In Asian countries, people are accustomed to restrain themselves, so the funeral is serviced by special plackers. Prices for services of such staff looks like this:
crying - 1 coin;
crying with modification - 3 coins;
Supported crying with a drill and drop on the knees - 7 coins;
Skid can be in the chest, breaking clothes and skating on the ground - 20 coins.
Before starting work, you must pass the test for the knowledge of tradition, the ability to dramatically cry and instantly calm down.
22nd place. Non-called dresses.
The person of this profession comes up with the audible names for the new collection. "Drops of blood on Garibaldi", "rice pudding of Javaharlava", "The seduction of Prince Bohemia" and even "Hippie-fight, take me!" - This is his work work.
21st place. Breath tastor.
Checks the effectiveness of chewing gum, sniffing the breath of people with patients with teeth, after the use of garlic or alcohol. A good cheer must all stupid.
20th place. Cleankers ears.
They work in chinese baths. These are men and women with cotton chopsticks in their hands that offer their services to visitors Bani. Once - and the clever has already mined the whole sulfur from your ears, and now you will be fine to hear even the most quiet whisper.
19th place. The best work in the world.

11th place. Diarer Rumchi Snake.
This person mines a poison of snakes for medical purposes. Just imagine how he risks! For example, Snake Tipan for one bite can kill 250 thousand mice.
10th place. Dutyra Karakurts.
And this person receives up to 30 meters of web at a time. This material is used in optics. For example, the threads of this optical sight are made precisely from the Cordry of Karakurt.
9th place. Monkey man.
Recently, the terrorist monkey almost captured the Laknaau large town station (India). They attacked passengers, prevented trains. And the salvation came unexpectedly. One of the local residents of Achkan Mian for just $ 7 per day runs at the station in a monkey costume for the joy of children and on the misfortune of real martyrs. The latter are frightened and the station is no longer attacked.
8th place. Heel tranquers.
The kings of the ancient Persia did not refuse to themselves in different pleasures: they kept the harem, ate fellowship, hunted, rode an elephant and bathed in gold. And to excite the sacred laughter, so necessary to improve the mood, they kept the heel tip at the courtyard. The person of this profession was a whole set of bird feathers (from nightingale to peacock), so that he received different shades of laughter: from light laughter to a real laughter with tears.
7th place. Funeral clown.
The dead man dancing around his own coffin, joking, sings and laughs - this is a typical picture from the ancient Roda life. No, the Romans did not resurrect the dead, but simply satisfied from the funeral a real holiday. The main thing on this fun was the funeral clown, who changed in the deceased and paroding him as soon as he could. And on the most talented clowns came to watch for money.
6th place. Fife tastor.

Mr. Simon Ellison lives three cats. All that they eat, as well as millions of other dogs and cats, passed through Simon's stomach. After all, he is a regular fodder tastor. Allison has long killed his receptors, feeding together with shepherds and Persians. Now he knows exactly how to warm the pieces of dry food and clearly distinguishes notes of taste of the heart or liver. Unless it just does not meow.
5th place. Tastors from Amsterdam.
At the annual marijuana festival in Amsterdam, the manufacturers of the grass compete on many nominations: the most delicious marijuana, the most beautiful color, the most cheerful, with the strongest effect ... The winner is determined by the judges who have to taste up to 30 grands in the day. And while the winners are awarded for the brightest effect, tastors are trying to return from the "country of laughter."
4th place. Tests therapy.
Three weeks you are tied to the bed, three weeks without a single movement, the bed is tilted toward the head, from which it is constantly buzzing, and red spots appear before your eyes ... these are not medieval torture, but research that can help astronauts. 15 volunteers agreed on him. After that, they experienced restorative therapy. By the way, volunteers got 6 thousand dollars for it.
3rd place. Runner.
Kings and princes can not always. According to the traditions of many nations, they do not even have the right to touch the intimate parts of their body. Noger royal person. And then the royal rapter is starting. He is responsible for the purity of the imperial 5th point. This position was very prestigious and existed, for example, a rubber-general.
2nd place. Parmesan listeners
Do you know what absolute rumor is? In Italy, for example, - this ability to clearly fulfill the song "O Sole Mia" on Parmesan cheese. In factories where people are working with musical education work. They knock the silver hammer on the cheese heads to determine if he dot. And he reaches 3 years, gives out new notes every day. The further you go - the fact of parmesan.
1st place. Having dog dealer.
Imagine that you are a resident of Stockholm (Sweden). You bought a dog, but do not want to pay tax on it. Then the tax sends to you Elfrida Carlson. This woman walks along houses and gavages on 20 different freaks. And 100% of dogs respond, giving themselves with heads, paws and tail. According to the elfrida, it determines the breed and age of the dog, and then disclaims the accounts of the holders of the four-panel.

These were the most interesting and unusual professions from around the world. Now, I think you can easily answer the question, do you like your work?
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The world of professions is not standing in place, so the need periodically appears in certain specialists. Among their numbers are not only monotonous familiar classes that people earn a living, but also unusual and even strange responsibilities. Although, if you think about, someone should do it. So what are the amazing professions in the world?

Unusual professions around the world

Among the many existing professional duties with one we are confronted in everyday life, others simply hear about others. But in different countries of the world there are also the most amazing professions, the existence of which sometimes even few people guess.

Special employees are obliged to search for the most large and healthy individuals in the anthills to send them to the forming farm. The latter are engaged in breeding insects for medical purposes - an ant poison is used as the main component of a variety of infusions and ointments.

Remote the brain

The place of work of such a specialist is a slaughterhouse, and in his obligations it comes to split the skull of the scored animals and gently remove the brain from it. The customers of such an unusual service usually perform the most exotic restaurants, in which original delicacies are presented, including brain dishes.

One of the most amazing professions in the world is to receive a poison for the poison without harm to their health. To do this, there are specially trained people, the main responsibility of which to force a hungry snake to bite a thin membrane, bowed to a glass. For this, they can apply to poisonous glands or affect them with a weak electric shock. The liquid selected in this way is used in the development of antidces for victims of bites, as well as in the treatment of malignant tumors.

Dream trader

Using the services of the Chicago company, each person will be able to realize any dreams and fantasies. To live one day from the life of the world celebrity, manage the train, to perform on the stage of the theater or organize a meeting with the idol - the company's employees are ready to fulfill any desire within human capabilities. To do this, come to the office, voice your desires and be prepared to pay for their execution. It should be borne in mind that the minimum cost of the order is 150 thousand dollars.

This amazing, at first glance, the profession is quite familiar to Asian countries (Japan, China, Taiwan). Its representatives are engaged in what they cry, shout and even crawl on the ground during the funeral to show the loss of relatives of the deceased who are accustomed to restrain their emotions. To get such a position you need to demonstrate knowledge of ritual traditions, the ability to dramatically cry at the right moment and instantly calm down.

In some Italian factories for the manufacture of parmesan, specialists work with good musical hearing. They have to knock on a silver hammer for cheese heads and analyze the sounds received, checking the ripe cheese. The entire process of ripening parmesan takes 3 years, but as the time the "sound" changes: the more the sound sound, the closer the readiness of the product, and the most suitable moment and to determine the listener of cheese.

Representatives of this amazing profession do not work anywhere in the world, except Antarctica. The need for such a post is associated with the fact that the Penguin, falling on his back, is not able to their legs on their own. This often happens with penguins who love to walk near the airfields. Permanently flying helicopters flying in the sky attract the attention of animals, and they curiose their heads with curiosity to see the sound source, and lose their equilibrium. After each landing and take-off, the penguins turn over the territory and put on the feet of "victims".

Golf balls

As you know, the golf is mainly carried out by wealthy person who can hardly get the balls from the water. For this, there are divers who are ready to immerse themselves in the reservoir to get the ball. Additionally, these people often work out the sale of used golf inventory, so their annual income can reach $ 100,000.

Unique vacancies

There are sometimes very rare professions on the labor market, whose duties will seem rather strange, boring and even repulsive. Their representatives are the only people all over the world that perform the specified work.

Monkey man

Indian Achkan Mian is still another unusual affair and receives $ 7 for him daily. Its responsibilities include daily jogging in a monkey costume at Laknau station in India. Mian makes it with one goal - to dissipate his "relatives", which interfere with the movement of trains.

Writer text for cookies with predictions

Donald Lau, Vice-President of the American company "Wonton Food" for the production of cookies with predictions, is the author of all messages for its products. It is constantly in finding new wishes that can be both joyful and helpful. For example, the result of his trip to the metro car impregnated with unpleasant smells may become the phrase "Beware of the aromas of unknown origin".

Observer for drying paint

The work of Thomas Karvin is one of the rarest, and perhaps the most boring in the world. During the working day, he should sit on a chair and continuously look behind changes in color and surface textures with paint applied to it. According to the results of the observations of Thomas, the manufacturer changes the compositions of the paints so that they provide a durable coating.

Draft ski tracers

Passion for drawing provided James Nihus an amazing position - he draws illustrations of ski slopes. After receiving the order, James flies on a helicopter to take pictures of the terrain, and then using topographic cards recreates impressive infographics.

The obligations of American Simon Elisson include an assessment of the aroma, taste, the lack of extraneous elements (bone fragments, cartilage) in nutrition for pets. He slowly chews food, but never swallows him, and always holds a glass of water and chewing gum next to rinse the mouth and get rid of the "dog" breathing.

Elite nomads

The Muller family signed one of the most unique treaties in the rental sphere, according to which they live for a symbolic fee in elite houses exhibited for sale. According to real estate companies at home in which someone lives, sold much better. They are confident that residents are able to create a unique energy that is absent in an eminent house. At the same time, Mulleram need to perform certain conditions: maintain perfect cleanliness and leave the house for the first requirement in the event of its sale.


Employee of the Tax Service Stockholm, Elfrida Carlson, is obliged to walk through the streets of the city and bark on different frets to determine who from the townspeople hides the dog, trying to avoid paying tax. And most dogs always responds, issuing their unfair owners. A woman can bark 20 different voices and can easily determine the dog's breed.

Perhaps in Russia will not be able to meet a catcher of ants or a listener of cheese, but here also has its own special world of amazing professions. After all, it is in Russia that such vacancies exist:

  • Watering is an unusual work, without any glass factory or factory. His duty: Laying in the oven for Warco glass Special raw materials (Holy) and follow the process of smelting, constantly mix the glass mass, that is, to breed it.
  • Forestatologist - a specialist who is expected to follow the state of the forest. It is obliged to find damage to trees and find out their causes, as well as evaluate the sanitary condition of the forest and, if necessary, to appoint a "complex of treatment".
  • The operator on the lattice is a person who needs to follow the process of filtering a large amount of water through the grille. Vacancies exist on sewage treatment plants and other enterprises whose activities are associated with large volumes of water.
  • Case - the machine operator on the match factory, which controls the process of application of the robot of sulfur heads on matches. This is a rather rare profession, which in view of the growing popularity of lighters risks at all disappear from the labor market.
  • Cherney harvester - a specialist who is engaged in the preparation of the material necessary for the engraving for metal - mobile. It is an alloy of black matte color from silver, sulfur and copper.

Rare and amazing professions are not limited to this list. It is safe to say that there are other representatives of unusual activities in the world, which receive not only money on their work, but also pleasure.

To date, it is impossible to definitely call the figure of how many professions exist throughout the world and in Russia in particular. Many areas of activity assumes the presence of specialties, as well as rare, or unusual. This article is devoted to such a topic as rare professions. But for starters, let's try to understand what criteria researchers determine their rarity.

What professions can be called rare

The popularity and prevalence of a profession is established by special research aimed at studying data on the amount of vacancies declared by employers within a certain period of time. The list of the most rare professions today is quite wide. It includes specialties from absolutely different areas. These are mechanical engineering, accurate and humanitarian sciences, metallurgy, art, IT, medicine, animal husbandry, provision of consulting services.

What professions are considered rare in the world

The most rare professions in the world are numerous. This is due to the fact that in a number of countries there is their own culture. It is sometimes impossible to study them, but the applicant may simply be lucky during employment. So, in Thailand and other Asian countries in which Buddhism flourishes, there are people who care for a certain part of the Buddha statue. In Japan, there are people working in the specialty "Interlocutor", and in England - "standing in the queue." But these are not the most rare professions! Consider the most unusual specialties.

There are no more than a dozen penguins in the world. Their responsibilities include the return of birds in a normal position after they, looking at the airplanes flying in Antarctica, fall on the back. Not so long ago, the rare professions of the world increased their quantity due to feline food tastors, ants of ants and remover of the brain. As you can see, sometimes the name of rare professions can cause shock. However, there is nothing nightmarish in this. The fact is that the scope of activity of the owner of this profession includes the removal of the brain in animals for subsequent preparation from this organ of exotic dishes.

So, as we saw from the list listed above, the most rare professions in the world are very diverse and very interesting. Sometimes their names can be scared or needed. Meanwhile, people involved in the first glance are ridiculous, get good money, and sometimes even become famous.

Rare professions in Russia

Russia is not the whole world, but the most rare professions here also exist. They are present in almost all areas: art and IT, science and technological production. In addition, many completely new professions have recently appeared: consultants on a variety of issues, specialists in the field of medicine.

Rare professions in Russia people get a few ways: passing training in special courses, possessing suitable traits for them or simply by coincidence. Special research on this issue was not carried out in the country, however, there are statistics on which vacancies currently appear less frequently. Let's consider in more detail what rare professions exist in Russia. Perhaps this will help someone decide on the choice of work, because very often hobbies or hobbies are becoming a good source of income.

Rare professions in art

The field of art can be attributed to theatrical activity, artistic creativity, writing and much more. It should be immediately noted that the last few hundred years have not brought fundamentally new specialties to this area. But this does not mean that there are no rare professions in this area. First of all, it is worth named such a specialty as a souflore, or a person telling the actors of the word from their role. Perhaps the only requirement for such an employee is a clear and understandable speech.

Another sufficiently rare specialty of the theater sphere is a bench, or a manufacturer of overhead eyebrow, buynbard, beard, mustache and wigs. Agree, without this person, the actor will not fully reincarnate. Among the artists, professional icon paints are very rare. Most of the works of this genre were created by several dozen, and even hundreds of years ago.


Even truly men's professions requiring a huge application forces are rare. To date, there are practically no people left in Russia who can cast the bells. It is this profession from the field of metalworking and foundry is considered to be rare today. Universities and other educational institutions no longer prepare specialists in this area, but at the same time no one canceled the desire to master this profession on their own.

Despite the rarity, recently such a specialty is very in demand, as there is a widespread restoration or restoration of monuments of Christian culture, namely churches and temples. Is it possible to present them without a bell tower, from which a melodious ringing is coming every day? It is the ability to choose the composition of the metal for the manufacture of the bell and give the product the right form is appreciated in these people.

In animal husbandry, which also applies to the field of industry, there are rare specialties. Poultry farms, for example, hire people able to distinguish the floor of chickens hatched from egg eggs. This work is very complicated, as a person has to perform several hundred or even thousand of monotonous movements during the shift.

Rare specialty in the research sphere and science

We all know that progress moves forward, but rarely who thinks over those who are behind numerous discoveries. Rare professions in science are few, since most of the work is carried out by laboratory technicians, scientists or even robots. But, nevertheless, such a phenomenon did not go around this sphere. The right to be called the most rare profession deserved a specialty that can be called simply "Nyukhach". In the employment record of the employee, it will be recorded as "Tasch." What is included in his duties: to determine all the notes and midms of the fragrance before and after applying it to the body. Also, the "Tasks" choose the composition of fragrances for perfume and advise on the creation of a special atmosphere in certain premises, for example, in the offices of large companies, stores or departments of the bank. The emergence of this profession is associated with the latest discoveries of scientists who have proven the effect of fragrance for the mood and human performance.

Rare IT professions

Despite the fact that computers have long and firmly entered our lives, there are several sufficiently rare professions in this area. Of course, ordinary ordinary programmers are now a lot, but there are clearly missing experts in any areas of IT technologies. So, what rare professions are directly related to the virtual world? First of all, it is LISP programming and Haskell programming. In second place in rarity, the specialty of the GUI-design and architecture of information systems. Very rarely in the field of IT you can meet people whose professions are called "Agent of Influence", "IT-Evangelist" or "Erlang-Developer".

Consultants are also rare

Practice to hire consultants in different fields in recent years is becoming very popular, but still such professions are still considered rare. One of these specialties is an environmental consultant. Its obligations include consideration of factors of enterprises on the environment. Such rare professions such as Schopre (shopping consultant) and a TEA consultant, helping to choose the perfect combination of tea varieties in bulk.

Rare specialty in medicine

In connection with the newest discoveries in the field of medicine, many new and quite rare professions appeared. Their small number is due to the absence of the necessary number of educational material on a specific specialty. Most often, people with already existing baggage of medical knowledge become owners of rare professions in medicine. So let's consider several such specialties. The gerontologist, or a specialist in age medicine, is engaged not only by the treatment of older people, as it is customary, but also to studying changes occurring in the body with age.

Another quite rare profession in medicine is a gerontologist-therapist, the duties of which include the implementation of studies of the state of the human body at any age, based on its genotype. This allows you to determine the risk of developing chronic or inherited diseases, even not yet born baby. The value of this profession is very high, and the rarity is due to the fact that the discoveries in the field of genetics were made not so long ago.

Whatever a profession has chosen a person, rare or not very, the main thing in this matter still remains passionate. In many cases, to obtain a cherished place in employment, it suffices to have certain abilities, and not just knowledge in this area.

Every year more and more new professions appear in the world. This is primarily due to the rapid development of our life, but not to a lesser extent - with human ingenuity. If you look at the list of the most rare professions, then among them will be unusual, original, strange and even disgusting occupations of people. It is possible to consider the following with full professions - the question is controversial, however, people really do this and get money for it.

The most unusual professions of the world

Perhaps everyone wants to deal with something unusual, useful and causing interest among other people. People who are involved in the professions listed below are lucky on the one hand - they are very rare specialists. But on the other hand, their classes for someone may seem strange. But we still believe that all professions are needed :).

Penguin turnover

This is perhaps the cutest and kind profession in our review. It is a pity that you can do this only in Antarctica - where Penguins live, one of the most fun creatures in the world. If the penguin falls on his back, then he does not know how to get up his own. In fact, these animals should not fall so, but when they are peeling to fly in the sky or helicopter, such inclination happens. Helps to stand such a fallen penguins a special person, the profession of which is called - "Penguins". After everyone, when the plane flies over the territory controlled by him, he bypasses the whole terrain and turns into paws fallen unfortunate penguins.

Standard in queues

How bothering sometimes standing in kilometer queues! In big cities, it happens somewhat. In the UK, there is a firm that is ready to provide you with your employee in the quality of the ranks in the queues. It takes a queue for you, and in the meantime you go on your affairs. When your turn is already close, the standing ring calls you, and you come. As a result - time saving, but not money. The coster services per hour are about 40 dollars.

Observer for fires

Fires are dangerous, and it is always important to start actions on their extinguishing as soon as possible until the fire has time to destroy everything around him. Fire services - organizations quite familiar and nothing unusual in them. But in America there is another specialty associated with fire - a fire observer. No, this person does not admire anything burning. His responsibilities include daily constant observation of the city from the post on a high tower and an instant challenge of special services where the fire is just beginning. Such a post is, for example, in the Central Park of New York. Profession, of course, is very useful, but what a boring ...

Remote the brain

Work on the slaughterhouse is not for everyone. You need to be physically developed, and have a sufficiently strong psyche. But for this profession you need to be a person with steel nerves. Workers' weekdays of the brain takes place: he puts the chopped animal head on the table, breaks the skull and removes the brain from there. And so again and again. And the brains will then go to shops and restaurants, because dishes of them are considered a high-cuisine delicacy.

Hunter for ants

For high-quality breeding ants on farms, individuals are needed, having certain characteristics - at least they should be healthy and large. Where to get these? On farms there is a special employee who finds anthills and cares from there only "qualitative" ants for subsequent breeding. Taking into account the size of these insects, it can be said that such a profession is the most jewelry.

Seller Dreams

All, even the happiest people, have some unnecessary dream. Someone dreams of at least a day to feel like a global celebrity, someone to fly into space, and someone to meet and communicate with people from fifty different countries. For ordinary people, these desires may seem unsinkable. And you will drive in Chicago, and there you will be helped to carry out absolutely any of your dream managers of one company, which is engaged in the embodiment of desires in reality. The only "but": only those who have at least one hundred thousand dollars in his pocket will be able to afford such pleasure. But after all, the most cherished dream is worthy of any money?

Mobmer poison

Wishes writer for "Fate Cookies"

The company "Wonton Food" is one of the largest manufacturers of "happy" baking - cookies with wishes inside. And the vice-president of this company Donald Low is independently engaged in the composition of these very wishes, which are then printed on small pieces and baked inside the cookies. Donald Low is very responsible to this his duty. He does not compose the wishes mechanically, and in each put the soul and his sincere thoughts. For example, one day, passing by the stinking transition of the subway, he suffered this impression in his wishes and soon someone broke the cookie with the text "Take care of yourself from unpleasant odors."

Professional Sonya

Who among us ever dreamed of sleeping at work?! And some people have a profession in just sleeping in the workplace and receive money for it. For example, these are people who participate in the studies of the sleep phenomenon. They just come to the laboratory, fall, covered with a blanket and sleep. And the money drip. Another option to make money on day sleep is to work as an exhibit at the New York Museum of Modern Art. There are special staff (mostly women), who, before each opening of the exhibition, drink a sleeping pills and fit into bed right in the middle of the exhibition hall. Each such an exhibit is called the name of a sleeping woman, for example, "This is Jane." It is it, contemporary art.

Animal feed tastor

Surely, you are more than once wondered by advertising videos on television, which say that "cat food has become more tastier"? How could they determine it, because the cats clearly could not help them? Many large manufacturers of dog and feline food have a special employee who literally tries feed samples and makes its conclusion - it's tasty or not. And only then a decision is made regarding whether this product is to market. Some people have such a profession even have their favorite food dish. For example, American Seymmon Eliason has a cat chicken dinner with vegetables.

Pillail equalizer

In shopping centers and furniture stores, visitors often touch and tap goods, including pillows. After that, they become mint and look not entirely attractive for other buyers. There is such a profession - walking on the trading hall and ram all the wild pillows. Looks like people working in genuine leather shoes. After each fitting, the boots may remain wrinkles, which are leveled by employees before sending shoes on the counter. Perhaps the people of these two professions have something to chat.

The most terrible professions of the world

If you have ever thought that you have the most terrible job in the world, now you will change your mind. What people make these professions are simply disgusting. It is not clear that they forces them to engage in such activities - the sharp lack of money or the desire to feel "non-standard" emotions?

Nyuh elochik armpits

How to check the effectiveness of deodorants before running them into mass production in the market? That's right, sniffing the armpits, on which the deodorant was used. This is exactly what the employees are engaged in one of the German companies producing various means of hygiene. During the day, they are a few times sniffing the arms of the same people who used the experimental deodorant, and write their feelings. Moreover, this position is even a certain selection: in the nuhkhalkers, the armpits take only women without bad habits, because their nose is able to better teach an unpleasant smell. At work, the inaduchists have to be disadvantaged, because deodorants are often experiencing on fat and elderly men who are prone to excessive sweating.

Cleaner vomiting under the attraction

Not everyone is able to calmly ride on the steep American slides, without allowing the release of the recently eaten breakfast or lunch. In the London Entertainment Park there is an employee named Riz Oen, who is removed all, sorry, whisoting on the asphalt around the American slide. But it happens somewhat often, because the attraction is really very impressive. Interestingly, Reese himself does not consider his profession terrible or disgusting. Still, he makes a useful thing, cleaning the road from ugly traces of clients of the attraction. And he has more than worthy of wages.

Burning excrement

When tourists who are on board large cruise liners, went to the toilet, all their feces are placed in a special huge tank, and not discharge into water, as many might think. But a very long time to carry such a tank with excrement is dangerous, because it may start some unpleasant infection. Therefore, a special profession was introduced on the vessels - a person who is engaged in the burning of all the contents in such toilet tanks. Human activity products are burned without a residue. If you do everything right and in good equipment, then there should be no disgusting smells when burning, but the content itself of such work is of course not very pleasant.

Explorer of ancient Cala

The profession of archaeologist is very interesting and fascinating, because they have the opportunity to plunge into the history of mankind and find previously unknown remains of our past. But among these remains, fossil feces of our ancient ancestors often come across, which is also needed. In archeology there is a separate specialization - a person seeking among the excavations is the human feces and then conducting examination over it. This makes it possible to learn that the ancient people used to eat, and what was the state of their health.

There is a rating of the most rare professions around the world, and there are the rarest professions in Russia. Among them, the rare male and the most rare women's professions should be separated separately. Let's look at all the options.

Rare professions in Russia

The profession of a survival industry in Russia includes rare professions. To work in this specialty, you need to know the professional language of gestures, with the help of which communication with deaf people occurs.

The jacket is a small promotion profession. The mines are made to order braids, mustache, bundlebards, eyelashes, beards and wigs.

The operator of the machine on the match factory, which causes sulfur on matches, is called the cake. In the field of perfumery, a rare specialty is Nyukhach. For this profession, it is necessary to have excellent memory for aromas, as Nyukhach is responsible for assessing new odors, creating perfume compositions.

Profession Kavist is also rare. A specialist disassembled in alcoholic beverages, thanks to an individual approach to each client, it offers a certain wine, most of all suitable for a particular dish.

A rather rare profession is Tytester. This is called a professional tea tastor. It is able to determine the place of growth, quality and grade tea. These specialists are engaged in making tea floors.

Rarely meet a person whose specialty - Greencipe. Such a specialist is responsible for maintaining in the proper state of green lawns for golf, rugby, baseball, football, and so on.

A rare profession is an enologist who chooses grapes for planting, picks up fertilizers and improves equipment with which wine is produced.

The preparation of texts for public speeches of large entrepreneurs and politicians is engaged in a speechwriter.

List of rare male professions

Among male professions there are especially rarely found. In Russia, this is Dergal. This specialist is engaged in collecting marine algae only three months a year. In Europe, there is a rare specialist - the builder of the bodies. Pretty rarely we hear about those who are engaged in testing climbing equipment. At Frankfurt Airport there is a washer washed with airport, and a climber is working in Volcker Loos, which is looking for cracks on the wind turbines.

The University has a person whose profession is a monterologist. Unique in his own way is a specialist, harsh cows. In its services, those who are preparing cows for fairs and exhibitions need. I must say that this person never sits without work, he is very in demand.

One of the most unusual men's professions in America is the observer for the work of striptease. When one of the research institutes announced a set of such employees, it turned out that the mass of those wishing to this vacancy. The lucky ones who received this work were watching sexy girls' sexy dancing, made some marks in special notebooks and received ten thousand dollars per month for this work.

5 rare women's professions

Despite the fact that the line between the women's and male professions in recent years is more and more erased, yet there are professions where to meet a woman - a rarity.

There is only one Gondolier woman in the world. She works in Venice. For mastering this profession, which is considered only male, Venetian has passed six-month training and passed the exams.

A trucker woman will meet not often, but this is no longer a single case. These women are able to be managed with huge wagons, while have time to arrange a personal life and raise children.

Men working with glass windows, which is associated with the need for significant physical efforts. There are ladies, cope with this work at their level, and sometimes better than men. They manage to create unusual masterpieces, thanks to the female taste.

The woman bodyguard is one of the most rare female professions. Despite the fact that these bodyguards do not have a large body weight nor physical strength, a small percentage of the need for women in this profession exists.

Completes the top five of the most rare female professions, the profession of the pilot of the balloon.

The most rare profession in the world

Among the many rare professions can be allocated the most rare. This is a caulier of the paradise island. The need for such a profession originated when it took to find a person who would have been engaged in resting recreation on the paradise islands.

One of the tourist companies was looking for a man who for six months would live on the island in Villa, swimming in the pool, dived with aqualung, photographed, played golf and led his blog. Such a caretaker was needed for one of the Australian Islands. His name is Hamilton.

After the World Competition, a decent candidacy was defined. The salary for six months amounted to a hundred ten thousand dollars. The owner of this profession is only one person in the world, which is why she won among applicants for the role of rare.

And the most frequent professions, as a rule, are also well paid .. Read more about the most popular professions you can read.
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