Tarot layouts on the definition of abilities. Element of fire in the definition of the highest purpose of man

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Each person is endowed with certain abilities, but some of them can explicitly be expressed, and others do not at all - this is when a person does not suspect their existence. There are several ways in order to find out the presence of abilities: by date of birth in accordance with the Tarot cards and according to the signs on the maps.

Several tarot, capable of determining the presence of supercase in humans

Tarot cards

Several tarot, capable of determining the presence of supercase in humans. The most important is the presence of psychic following the following cards:

  • magic Map;
  • priestess;
  • hermit;
  • death map;
  • devil;
  • male map;

The listed cards indicates the presence of higher abilities or magic inclinations in any layout. But, there are cards to which the sorceress and other skills do not have virtually no relation. Among them are highlighted by maps: emperor, justice, moderation, sun, peace. The remaining maps will play a neutral role.

Element cards

When using maps, you should familiarize yourself with certain elements to which they relate. Allocate four main elements.

  • The fire concerns magic with candles, rituals with energy from pure sources, magic of struggle and different energy actions, and color magic.
  • Water is a love magic of relationship, psychological influence, as well as telepathic and gift to clairvoidance.
  • Air has a direct connection with a witchcraft of a verbal nature associated with the word and music. In addition, this includes acts with a variety of flavors and mental magic.
  • The land is closely connected to the magic of nature. Talismans, amulets and different items used for rituals are also attributed to Earth.

If you know the full potential of the elements, then in the future it will be easier to determine which diving will appear more, and it will also be possible to learn a variety of best for you and safe magic. The arcanes of the Tarot of the highest rank are compared with the elements in the put strand.

  • The elements of the fire include maps: emperor, fortune, strength, towers, sun, ships.
  • Water unites: priestesses, lovers, hanged, death, moon.
  • Maps identified to Earth: Empress, Pope, Justice, Hermit, Equilibrium, Devil, Peace.
  • And the air is the owner of the jester, magician, chariot, stars.

What will mean cards

If you have dropped 1 "Magic" card, then it denotes with the magic world and the highest abilities of the extrasensory level. If this card fell in the scenario, this is a clear sign that personality is the owner of a special gift, especially this concerns the male. However, the magician does not always indicate magic of a traditional nature. This card may also indicate that the personality is purposeful and is able to achieve tasks set in front of them, making serious efforts.

The value of the Card 2 "Priestess" is also associated with magic abilities, but in this case it concerns more female. The map refers to the magic of nature, plants. The priestess in the situation indicates the presence of a well-developed alone or clairvoyant abilities.

If a map of 3 "Empress" appeared in the layout, then this is a thread of communication with a homemade magic. It includes communication with houses, rites with nodes, various conspiracies on products. It happens that the Empress warns about the danger and advises to warn his hearth, just with the help of magical actions.

And the map 4 "emperor" does not associate with magic, but it can designate magic of battle, or male magic. The card means working with metal objects, which are mainly intended for self-defense, or to apply the first. The loss of this card warns of possible danger and advises to use magical actions to protect.

The emperor promises a wise mentor

The value of 5 "dad" is the conduct of rituals associated with religion. As attributes, icons, holy water, etc. can be used as attributes, and you can also use prayers.

When the 6 "Lovers" card falls out, it is associated with the most diverse views of the magic of love. People who have a numerological code contains this card, are able to easily attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Layouts with 7 "chariot" denote strong actions related to the magic of the Gypsy peoples, they include dancing, conspiracies and magical acts using roads and thresholds. Such practice does not always entail harm, and can also be used as a protective magic.

But the map of 8 "Justice" does not have a special connection with magic, but rather reminds of the existing balance of equilibrium and recommends that the actions of a magical nature are eliminated, since there is a possibility of greater risk. The map says that the existing trouble is solved by earthly methods, without the use of magic. As for the issue of engaging otherworldly forces, the card clearly makes it clear that there is no action of this kind. The value of 9 "Hermit" is very strong, and expresses the magic of the spiritual plan, over the ability.

When a map of 10 "Fortune" falls out, then it is associated with money magic. Actions with a variety of coins, rituals. The map is positioned as karmic, based on what rituals with lives in the past are possible. Layouts with a map of 11 "force" usually marvel magic connected to shaman actions (use of wool, animal teeth). When the card is found 12 "hanged", its importance refers to the discharge of the strong, the essence of which is based on interaction with the energy of nature. In addition, there are hypnosis sessions, NLP technique. Travel in astral space, change in consciousness.

But the map 13 "death" symbolizes the presence of extrasensory abilities. Swelling, communication with other entities. It does not always indicate a negative impact, and can also be used for healing purposes. If 14 "moderation" fell out, then this is a sign that it probably has the need to apply to the help of a qualified psychologist, since it is possible a violation of the equilibrium of the inner world, as a result of which problems appeared. The value of the Card 15 "Devil" is one of the most witchcraft, and foreshadows the presence of abilities in a person endowed with a gift of great influence over other people. The direct location has no connection with the dark forces, but reports that the personality is able to use the energy of black forces without malicious influence.

If 16 "tower" fell out, then its value is related to the magicheets, and to all four. But the alignment with the map 17 "Star" is associated with the energies of the cosmic species. This is one of the most modern destinations. The value of 18 "Moon" indicates the presence of a serious chart's ability. Magic nature, moon and water is used.

The tower personifies the Babylonian Tower, which is described in the biblical parable

When a 19 "Sun" card meets, it is clearly fiery magic (candles, various lamps). In addition, it includes interaction with solar energy. With a map of 20 "Court" closely associates non-living energy. Often it means working with the other world of the departed, dead relatives. Apply musical instruments. Layouts from 21 "Peace" refer to magical actions associated with other culture, foreign origin, or with modern technologies. Regarding the map 22 "Jester", then it is a representative of gaming magic. And also symbolizes situations where you need to try to make an experiment, mix several directions.

Layouts on tarot maps

Distinguish several examples of layoutsIn order to figure out, the person has an extrasensory gift or no. The first alignment should be carried out on the Tarot Senior Arcans. Positions and their importance should be clearly understood.

  • Who are you at the current time of your development?
  • Do you have any call from birth, or your relatives transferred to you? If yes, what?
  • What methods do you apply in order to improve your capabilities?
  • There is a possibility of developing your skills.
  • What is able to assist the development of your giving.
  • What is a stumbling block towards the development of your gift.
  • Not open skills, talents, talent.
  • Conclusions and recommendations.

The second alignment is called "five steps". This alignment cannot be called complicated, and it will allow you to determine the ability. It will take a complete deck for its implementation, in which it is important to allocate the value for the senior arcanes.

Positions and their meaning - consider the increasing drop-down cards.

  • What is done by a person from birth (this can the abilities obtained by hereditary, or simply endowed with nature).
  • What is purchased independently by lengthy, diligent training.
  • How do you use the gift, with the mind and for the benefit of others, or vice versa with evil intent.
  • To whom you feel: to white or dark magicians.
  • The final card that will tell you what the outcome of your actions and improvements will be.

The next casting tarot on magical abilities is called "esoteric abilities." It uses exclusively maps of senior arcanes - on the Internet you can find how to make the alignment. Location and their meaning:

  • S is the so-called signifier (pointer), is used to determine the essence of the question asked, or personality that sets the question.
  • Is I a carrier of gift, thanks to which you can affect the psyche of people?
  • Do I have the ability to fortunate?
  • Is I owner of abilities to work with folk medicine?
  • What path for development do I need to choose?
  • In which spheres of spiritual development, should I more improve?
  • Will I achieve true knowledge?
  • Do I need to contact the help of the Master, or Teacher?
  • Do I have a gift in order to continue to become a master?
  • Cognition for your own world and knowledge in Esoteric: Can be the main directions in my life?

In the exploration "Esoteric abilities" apply exclusively maps of senior arcanes

Way to identify abilities by date of birth

The numbers that are the date of the appearance of a person to light, can also tell a lot of interesting things. For example, to tell about the characteristics of the character of the personality, to identify the strengths and weaknesses, tell a little future. Using the date of birth, it is also calculated on the definition of human abilities. To do this, from the date of your appearance, it is necessary to determine the important numbers that will correspond to the senior arcanes. It is important to note that the Arkan does not always mean the presence of any gift. This method is well suited for those who are already aware of their presence and wants to determine the most suitable direction.

The number of your appearance and is the first arcane, the total number of all numbers - the Arcan number two, and the third Arcan is the total value of all three arcanes in the range from 1 to 9.

Consider in more detail on the example: there is such a date of birth 10.02.1994. 10 - a number corresponding to the first Arcana "Fortune". In the case when the number exceeds 22, it is necessary to take away 22, and the result will become arcane. We carry out the total count of all numbers of the date of birth: 1 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 \u003d 26. The result exceeds the permissible value, and therefore it is necessary to take 22. 26-22 \u003d 4. The resulting number is an emperor card.

We summarize the arcans of birth: 1 + 2 + 5 \u003d 8 map of justice.

In order to calculate the third Arcan, you can use the following method: the number of months, dates and years need to lead to Arkana number. 10 (date) + 2 (month) + 1 (amount of numbers of the year - 22) \u003d 13 - Death Map. The resulting arch can be applied when the fate code characteristics.

In general, the definition of abilities using the date of your appearance to the world reports that the person is endowed with some talents in the environment of dark magical phenomena associated with the energy of the other forces and certain entities. It is possible to work with the attributes of witchcraft. The presence of Arcana death is already a sign of the fact that the person may have a kind of gift. It is also worth emphasizing that the Taro maps have both special combinations of four cards.

After examining all the features of the layouts to determine the extrasensory abilities in humans, you should know that it is not necessary to rely entirely on the results obtained. Since they can only be correct when a person already knows that it is endowed with any gift, and layouts on the map of Tarot will be able to confirm this and prompt the right path. No need to resort to witchcraft actions, especially if you are an explicit debutant in this matter, because Tarot cards are a serious thing and requires certain knowledge and skills to work with them.


The alignment will help you reveal the hidden abilities of a person. Examine this alignment to find out what your gift is and how to develop it.

First Card.

Position value:

Second map

Position value:
How can I develop it?

Third Card.

Position value:

Fourth Card.

Position value:

Fifth Card.

Position value:

Sixth Card.

Position value:

Young and pretty lady wondered by their abilities

First Card - King Cup

Position value:
What are my abilities? My gift.

Interpretation to the map King Cup

The king cups have two interpretations. First, it is working with people, and not just with people, but with their emotions. Secondly, it is the creation of beauty, whatever this word mean. It is possible that at the current time the ability of the lady can be implemented through work on changing the emotional state of other people associated with the creation of joy, harmony and beauty.

Second card - 4 cups

Position value:
How can I develop it?

Interpretation to the map 4 cups

Interpretation to the map 4 cups

4 cups does not give a direct response, exactly how to develop your abilities. But she says that, first, there is a chance to develop them. And in itself knowledge of this is very important. At the same time, it warns from incorrect actions. Incorrect actions in this case are a passive position, expectant. It should not be sitting, liketing the lying stone, but get up, move and move.

Third Map - Star

Position value:
Why does he give me? How can I use it?

Interpretation to the star map

Interpretation to the star map

It is very likely that the search, the restoration of harmony and beauty is a long, deep dream of the lady. What she really would like to do this. It should also be noted that the star is consonant with the King Cups in terms of communication and communication.

Fourth Card - Knight Swords

Position value:
What challenge to me will have to face if I decide / use my gift?

Interpretation to the map Knight Swords

Knight Sword confirms a guessed about an active position, which was made when analyzing 4 cups.
The knight swords is in opposition with a star. Star - passive card, knight Swords - active. It can be assumed that the lady, rather, is dreaming and melancholic, which is inclined to active actions. But she needs to learn to act.

Fifth Card - 2 Pentacles

Position value:
What will help me overcome the challenge of the fourth card.

Interpretation to the card 2 pentacles

Interpretation to the card 2 pentacles

Map 2 pentacles suggests how to do it better. This should not be something heavy and serious. No, it must be done through the game. Approximately how in qigong: "It seems, there is - it seems no."
The knight of swords, like 2 pentacles, is not focused on a specific period or a specific result. And by the way, the king of the Cups is also not a very good lover of hard plans, regulations and a formal approach.

Sixth Card - 9 Cups

Position value:
That in the long run will bring me the use of my gift.

Interpretation to the map 9 cups

Interpretation to the map 9 cups

9 Cups are one of the harmonious cards. 9 Cups synonymy king cups. Make harmony in the outside world and get harmony within myself.

A man is a notable esoteric, the question from his student. Does he really have such abilities as rumors go?

First card - lady cup

Position value:
What are my abilities? My gift.

Interpretation to the lady of the cup

Sheit wrote about the special abilities to which the lady of the cups indicates. The client does not specify how the abilities of what she asks about whom. The lady of the cups is associated with vision, harmony. Her main goal is to make the world more comfortable, less intense.

Second card - (5 pentacles, tower,)

Position value:
How can I develop it?

Interpretation to the map 3 swords

Interpretation to the map 3 swords

This position, in theory, should represent how the gift of the master developed. It is impossible to check it out, but it can be assumed that it was pushed by the need to overcome some personal crisis to developing their abilities. Something happened that he destroyed his idea of \u200b\u200bthe correct order of things about the world in which he lived. He had to look for new ways of interaction with the world, new levels of working with energies.

Third Map - Chariot

Position value:
Why does he give me? How can I use it?

Interpretation to the wheel chariot

Interpretation to the wheel chariot

And apparently, the crisis was overcome. The chariot points to the victory. Although in this case the value of the card can be interpreted quite literally and talk about trips, profits from seminars that master leads.

Fourth Card - Page Staff

Position value:
What challenge to me will have to face if I decide / use my gift?

Interpretation to the map of Page Stools

Interpretation to the map of Page Stools

The lady of the cups lives, for the most part, after all, for yourself. Page staff - for others. Alien Happiness is more important for him. It is possible that the challenge is to change priorities, in order to ensure not so much its own, how much is someone else's happiness.

Fifth Card - 5 Staff

Position value:
What will help me overcome the challenge of the fourth card.

Interpretation to the map 5 staff

Interpretation to the map 5 staff

Overcome this challenge will help as much as possible social contacts, interaction with as much as possible people. And by the way, neither the lady of the Cups nor Page Stakes do not have delight from interaction with crowds.

Sixth Card - 8 Swords

Position value:
That in the long run will bring me the use of my gift.

Interpretation to the map 8 swords

Interpretation to the map 8 swords

8 Swords are considered not a very pleasant map. But it is associated with the execution of debt. It is possible that the master considers their activities as a ministry. The debt he took over and which he agrees to pay.

The lady has its own business. It is considered a very sensible manager. A new employee wants to know if it is.

First Card - 10 Cups

Position value:
What are my abilities? My gift.

Interpretation to the card 10 cups

Interpretation to the card 10 cups

On the one hand, 10 cups regarding management methods can put in a dead end. On the other hand, it can be assumed that the lady truly cares about its employees, is interested in creating comfortable working conditions for them. It is unlikely that its company reigns the atmosphere of intrigue, blossomy, headquarters. On the contrary, it is more likely to go about a friendly atmosphere.

How do I come to this conclusion? Account reading is determined by the sum of several vectors: the client's question, position in the scenario. And in this case, the system of relations between the corerist and the query subject. It is not about what the personal qualities of the business owner are, but about how she seeks to manage his company. The lattes of cups indicates the emotional component. 10 cups - a very positive card. Harmonious family relationships in this case are transformed into a benevolent atmosphere in the firm.

Second card - 3 staff

Position value:
How can I develop it?

Interpretation to the map 3 staff

Interpretation to the map 3 staff

In this case, 3 staff indicates that the lady does not stop on the achieved. She puts new goals and, apparently, goes to new frontiers. 3 staff indicates that if there is some pause now, it is rather concentrated before the new stage.

Third Map - Page Pentacles

Position value:
Why does he give me? How can I use it?

Interpretation to the map Page Pentacles

It is possible that this new stage is associated with learning, with the fact that the lady studies new management and management methods.

Fourth Card - 8 Cups

Position value:
What challenge to me will have to face if I decide / use my gift?

Interpretation to the card 8 cups

Interpretation to the card 8 cups

In a certain sense, 8 cups are consonant with 3 staff. The halt (3 staff) and the storming of the new vertex (8 cups). Naturally, the new stage will require efforts for its overcoming. But they are unlikely to be proceedable.

Fifth Card - 10 Pentacles

Position value:
What will help me overcome the challenge of the fourth card.

Interpretation to the map 10 pentacles

10 pentacles makes it suggest that the financial situation of the company is fairly stable. There is a powerful, durable foundation that allows not afraid to put experiments, test new techniques and look for your way.

Sixth card - (Tuz Swords, King Cups, 9 staffs).

Position value:
That in the long run will bring me the use of my gift.

Interpretation for the map 3 Swords (ace of swords, king cups, 9 staffs)

However, it can be assumed that in the future some systemic crises are possible (the opposition of the King of Cups is 9 staffs). It can be assumed that the balance between caution, detraction, non-abundance in other people's affairs (9 staffs) and the desire to involve everyone in their orbit (the king of the Cups) will not be found as easy as I would like.

Look at the interpretation of the wizard to the past exercise\u003e P.S. Write your interpretation in the comments.

Inside each of us, from the very birth and to death, the incredible forces that may never wake up. Intuition, the gift of anticipation and subtle globility is often charged with something simple and unpretentious. For a person, with talents and abilities that he does not understand and unable to realize, the Council of the decks of the fortune-class tarot is the last authority.

Tarot cards are able to help determine magical abilities.

Layouts that help determine the forces inside will help identify them, understand and accept. How to properly perform layouts and, what results will be the most accurate?

Date of birth - Assistant number one

Astrologers argue that the date of birth is a unique numerical code that is assigned to a child at birth. The position of the planets at the moment when the new soul appears on the light, never repeats. To understand all the intricacies of astrology, a person, not savvy in this science, is extremely difficult.

Magic is continuously connected with the position of heavenly shining. The effectiveness of most rituals and rituals depends on the position of the moon, and fortune-telling at Taro is attached to the younger month. How to calculate magical abilities by date of birth?

The definition of abilities is as follows:

  1. On a sheet of paper, date of birth is recorded (in order: date, month, year of birth). This is a unique numeric code that helps to find your own life path.
  2. Each figure correlates to the older Arcana - the strongest symbol of the entire Tarot deck. It is enough to determine which cards patronize a person, based on the date of birth.
  3. To begin with, the analysis is a specific birthday. Its number corresponds to the map number in the deck. The second card must be chosen after the summation of all the digits of the date of birth. And the third symbol is obtained by simplifying the complex two-digit number (second card) to a simple one-valued (two digits are added).

In order to define accurate maps that refer to the asking, it is enough to repeat the procedure twice and if the values \u200b\u200bmatch - errors in the calculations did not occur.

You can determine magical abilities using the date of your birthday

A simplified version of the definition of the patronage of senior arcanes takes much less time. To do this, it is enough to set a deck question: "What abilities do I have?" And, taking advantage of only older arcans, get the desired answer.

Layouts for determining magical abilities

The identification of hidden talents is performed due to the defolds in which only senior arkans of Tarot decks participate. Finished fortune-out schemes make it possible to draw up a common picture of what is happening inside asking. To do this, it will be needed to decompose the cards - the arcanes of the older suit in a certain order.

Each of the available layouts consists of eight different cards that answer related issues regarding one or another ability. Personality that understands the nature of its own essence and needs, cannot be confused by everyday difficulties. In order to find out the magical inclinations of the asking most often use the ready-made Celtic Cross scheme.

In such cases, the symbols of the magician, hermit, devil or the jester will serve as a positive response, the remaining erased arcans will question the existence of such forces within a person. Despite the categorical of the scenario, the lack of magical deposits does not make a person inflated at all. Internal talents can be exercised in different ways.

Magic questions

Questions that will help identify the ability of which each from birth is endowed:

The current level of development of the asking

Very important nuance, what place internal searches occupy in human life. If the self-knowledge is in the first place, then soon the insight insights who is looking for a destiny destiny.

Generic abilities

No wonder the people speak of the importance of respect and respect for your own kind, because the family was born in some family, partly predetermines his future path. This question is second, because the gift of kinship is no less important than the strength donated by the Universe.

Development of ability

Little to identify one or another gift, they still need to use correctly.

Probable events

Further development of inclinations and deposits will help a person to determine his own destination.


People, events - the prediction of successful chances will help in making important decisions.


Caution about possible difficulties.

Hidden makings

The end result of the internal searches.

A simple alignment makes it possible to reveal the internal potential of the asking. For more detailed analysis, the dominant human element should be determined.

Elements in the Tarot deck, which patronize a person with abilities

In nature, there are only four equal, but radically different elements. For convenience, the cards are also divided into four equal parts, each of which performs its own purpose and allows you to see what is hidden from the eye of a simple person.

Determining the abilities of this is not an exception. For a person who managed to find his own card, it is especially important to realize the power of the element that protects it from any failures.

Nature is represented by four elements (fire, water, air, earth)

Nature is represented by elements:

  • fire;
  • water;
  • air;
  • earth.

For any scenario designed to reveal the inner potential of a person, the analysis of one or another element is necessary. It is the strength of nature that predetermine the path of man, his addiction, aspirations and hidden desires.

If you understand the elements, you can find the source of your own inspiration. No alignment will give an accurate result, if you do not define the power that affects all actions of a person.

Element of water and human ability in special slanders

Types of magic based on the unbridled water strength precede human abilities who like water elements are smooth as river smooth and dangerous as a wonderful waterfall.

Energy practices, to which the asking asking, always attract representatives of this element. Love energy is concluded in the elements of water. So, for a person looking for the right answers, the recalcitrant natural force predicts the gift of telepathy or foresight.

The prophetic dreams are often visited by a person who resists the gift. Do not be afraid of the future coming in a dream. Similar abilities can serve as a weapon against future problems, as well as caution from hazards. The definition for the element of water is calm, giving the deep knowledge of the universe.

The alignment of tarot for magical abilities involves the help of the following top arcanes - the Supreme Priestess, Lovers and the Moon. If the following characters fall out in a special defold, then a person has the ability to see events that have yet to occur. Great magicians and magicians relate to the energy of the elements of water with great respect, because it favors the entire magical community.

Element of Earth and Holded Human Abilities

The identification of abilities, generously sent by the elements of the Earth, occurs only in cases where a person who applied for help to the Taro deck is experiencing the order of his things around him. Such people easily give the teachings of Fen-Shuya or recipes of traditional medicine. From the part it may seem that the constant person distorts the world. But in reality, it is such a person who sees the true order of all that is happening around. Similar abilities do not need to be afraid or ashamed.

Being a patron of creative personalities, the element of the Earth, displayed in the deck of the Tarot's dealers, allows a person to use words. They can be healing the wounded souls, help desperate people and unail unshakable hope. For a person with the patronage of earthly elements, professions and classes will be suitable:

  • healer;
  • writer;
  • creator of protective amulets;
  • musician;
  • florist;
  • chiropractor.

Florist - an ideal activity for a person with the patronage of earthly element

For predicting further fate for people of such professions, senior arcans are used - justice, hermit, peace. Thanks to the strong cards of the Tarot deck, asking will find all the answers, questions for which they have long ripen in his confused soul.

Layouts on the ability and patron Element of air

Menantal magical forces present in each person manifests itself to a greater or lesser extent. The abilities associated with air elements suggest a person to contemplation, to worship nature. Like the wind itself, such people are changing, captured by the fleeting idea. Music, writing, game in public - the ability, found display in the elements of air.

People who stretched older arcans of the magician or chariots are sensitive to the aromas, especially those that are similar to natural smells. Therefore, among the perfumers so many representatives of the element of air. The easiest, but it also destructive obstacles of the power of nature, allows a person to find real freedom in everything, which he carries out to the soul.

Element of fire in the definition of the highest purpose of man

The alignment in which the symbol of fire elements appears, they certainly indicate the course of energy flows. Determination of the biodenergetic background of a living being, manipulation with vital energy - all this is subject to man, whose patron sieve Element fire. Layouts for determining the abilities do not make miracles, they only point to human potential.

The energy that "Dremal" is ready to break out in it for a long time, it is for this reason that the asking is looking for answers to the Tarot card deck.

Recognize talents and abilities are not as difficult, the task is more complicated - to accept them and start using them. The forces about which a person did not guess can scare him and power. It is not necessary to be afraid of our own nature, because the awareness of the destination leads to a happy future. It remains only the last step.

Fortune telling tarot

The date of birth of a person can show the presence of magical abilities in man and tell about the nature and fate of a person and what archcan has an impact on this person.

For example: 02,01,1975

1 - First Arkan, this is the number of birth - 2 - Supreme Priestess

2 - the second Arkan, this is 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 5 \u003d 25 - 7 - chariot

3 - Third Arkan, 2 + 7 \u003d 9 - Hermit

You can use the divination method. Only senior arcanes are taken, specifically formulating the question, for example, "what esoteric abilities I have." I pull out three cards and interpret. We look at what element prevails in the maps. And then detaining the details of each card separately. But do not forget to include intuition.

The attitude of the senior arkanov tarot to the elements

Each tarot card refers to a certain element. There are four main elements: fire element, element of water, earth element and element air.

Element of fire, this is the magic of fire, these are all kinds of magic, which, one way or another, are associated with fire. This also includes any energy practices (this and rails, qigong). Bioenergy. Cosmoenergetic. This is working with clean energy. Also here refers magic of candle, magic of color, magic lamps. Combat magic.

Senior Arcana Tarot, who are directly related to the element of the fire:

Emperor, Wheel Fortune, Strength, Tower, Sun, Scary Court

Element of water, this is the magic of water, these are all kinds of magic, which, one way or another, are associated with water. This includes love magic, and everything concerns relations, friendship, love, etc. Also refers clairvoyance and telepathy.

Senior Arcana Tarot, which are directly related to the element of water:

Supreme Priestess, Lovers, Sacrifice, Death, Moon

Earth elements, this is the magic of the Earth, these are all kinds of magic, which, one way or another, are associated with the Earth. This includes natural magic, which includes the magic of herbs, the magic of trees, magic stones. This is the creation of talismans, amulets, various ritual items. Also applies monetary magic, magic signs. Feng Shui.

Senior Arcana Tarot, which are directly related to the elements of the Earth:

Empress, Supreme Priest, Justice, Hermit, Moderation, Devil, World

Element of air, this is the magic of air, these are all kinds of magic, which, one way or another, are associated with air. This is primarily verbal magic, mental magic, the magic of the word (the power of the word, the power of thought), magic of music. This also includes various types of work with incense and aromatic oils.

Senior Arcana Tarot, which are directly related to air elements:

Jester, magician, chariot, star

The jester - you do not have enough knowledge. Look for knowledge. It is still to refrain from ghostas and magic.

Various oracles. Mixing various directions of magic. Magic dolls (this is not Voodoo magic).

Magic - any form of fortunes and magic. Psychic. Astrology, Numerology, Chiromantia, etc. Shows that a person has powerful and rather unusual abilities. Mental magic. Cabalistic magic. Verbal magic.

Priestess - Magic Moon. Any kinds of fortunes. Very strong magical abilities. Natural magic, the magic of herbs, the magic of flowers, the magic of incense and aroma morgue. Clairvoyance. Strong intuition. Worship of goddesses.

Empress - Vick. Homemade magic (household items are used), magic of knots, novius, rope, threads. Culinary magic. Work with bee wax, making from beeswax dolls, talismans. Protection.

The emperor is a protective magic that is often used to attack. This is a metal magic (knives, needles, scissors, all piercing and cutting items). Combat magic.

Priest - ritual, ceremonial magic. Effectively work with Egregor. Work with prayers.

Lovers - any kind of love magic. Also fits racks.

Chariot - Gypsy magic. Verbal magic. Magic conspiracies, Magic Mantras. Magic practices in which roads and thresholds are used. Magic traces.

Justice is not to do magic, it is not your fate.

Hermit - strong extrasensory abilities. Magic stones. Meditation. Yoga, any oriental practices, Buddhism.

Fortune Wheel - Money Magic. Conspiracies. Magic rituals using tarot cards. Talismans. Amulets. Work with karma.

Strength - shamanism. Magic animals. Totems. Magic Voodoo. Santeria.

Victim - Northern Magic. Runes. Celtic magic. Energy trees. Hypnosis, transient technology. Astral travels.

Death is very powerful magical abilities. Heal. Work with spirits, entities. Work with the energy of the dead. Spiritualism.

Moderation is more psychologist than a magician or fortune teller.

The devil is strong natural abilities for occultism, magic, fortunening. Black magic. Working with spirits, demons, with entities from the lowest astral. Sexy magic. Also, a person can use dark forces without harm to health.

Tower - ways of impact on reality. Magic of four elements. Feng Shui.

Star - Cosmoenergetics. Planetary talismans. All related to cosmic energies. Working with angels. Magic color. Mandalas, Yantras.

The moon is very strong magical abilities. Natural magic. Vick Witchcraft. Rustic magic. Moon magic. Magic water.

Sun is the magic of fire, the magic of the candle. Magic sun. Pagan magic. Powerful energy, which is based on personal strength.

The terrible court is generic magic. Spiritualism. Shamanism.

The world is any magic. Exotic magic.

Layouts on the definition of magical abilities

1 - what you present at the moment your development

2 - What are your innate abilities, or those abilities that you handed you

3 - What do you do to develop your abilities

4 - Probable development of your abilities

5 - what will help develop your abilities

6 - that inhibits the development of your abilities

7 - that you still have not yet disclosed in yourself as abilities

1 - What does tarot cards mean for you

2 - What pushed to the study of tarot cards

3 - What are the knowledge at the moment

4 - what you don't know

5 - Satisfying internal needs

6 - How cards will help you in life

7 - what to pay attention to

8 - What are the successes in Taro maps, you can achieve

If you are making a split, for example, the Celtic cross or any other question is: "Does a person have magical abilities or does he use magic?", That dropped:

Magician, Supreme Priestess, Hermit, Death, Devil, Moon or Jester, show that a person has abilities, or engaged in magical work. If you fall: the emperor, justice, moderation, the sun or the world, then a person either possesses minimal abilities, or at all just does not know about them, or does not use them. The remaining senior arcans tarot do not indicate the possession of abilities or on the use of magic against you.

You can also use for viewing your abilities.

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