Fire rabbit Aquarius. The influence of the year of birth

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Male Aquarius-rabbit is always busy searching for truth. He is wondering how relations are tied, their essence. Search for existing and there is its main purpose, and even the task. He is more interested in the surrounding reality, trying on her its laws and features. Much for this man is not interested in what is interesting to other men, for example, earnings, as he strives for something incomprehensible, barely catchy.

They are characterized by acute intuition. They are able to quickly solve all the questions, but rarely listens to the inner Ya. And it gives rise to contradictions, difficulties in life. Often they are pursued by insurmountable obstacles that make them look for the cause of misfortunes in the surrounding people. In fact, they need to be expensive, move always forward to overcome difficulties.

In character, they differ in strong will and purposefulness. They easily begin any business. At the same time, they rarely demonstrate pessimism and despondency. They are more characteristic of cheerfulness, fun. With close people, this sign connects exclusively confidence and love. They can quickly reach the goal, but for this they will need discipline, and this quality is often limited to them.

Characteristics of Male Aquarius-Rabbit in Love

It is extremely attracted. From rabbits, he received magical mystery, and from Aquarius - the unusual beauty, which only an expert will notice. He is emotional and sensual, so always attracts a lot of fans, each of whom would like to understand his soul. He is idealist, so it will be suitable for such a woman who will have the qualities and emotions necessary for him.

In love, he appreciates the opportunity to remain his own. It is difficult for him to impose his own opinion, as it has a very persistent character. It should be noted that it is romantic, so you can pass it with romance. He is reliable and faithful, but always looking for the perfect companion, which will share his interests and hobbies, will not limit his freedom. And this is possible in rare cases.

Aquarius, born in the year of the rabbit, in bed

He loves comfort, so in intimate relationships always seeks to create an appropriate atmosphere. He is important to entouge, which is different from banal representations. In addition, he will be glad if the partner does not impose unusual fantasies to him. All standard and usually for it will be the most successful option. However, bursts are possible, and it also can offer something unusual and extravagant.

He is not at all against an intimate relationship, however, he is too intuitive, so always knows when it is worth transferring relations from ordinary in intimate, but when not. To interest his one romance may not be enough. He will communicate with a girl for quite a long time before thinking about such relationships. It's all about his insight and careful choosing a partner suitable for him.

Horoscope Men Aquarius-Rabbit in Family and Marriage

In the family he is very nice, it's always calm about him peaceful and pleasant. He will be able to create a cozy atmosphere. At the same time, a feeling of rest is always created in communicating with it. He loves children very much, so there can be even three children in the family. At the same time, he always tries to raise decent people from them and most often it turns out. With his wife, the relationship is quite harmonious, as his choice was conscious.

He is one of the most home from Chinese combinations of zodiac signs among water. He loves novelty and bright events, but most often prefers to look at them on TV. In rare cases, seeks to find a suitable partner, even if the spouse does not suit him. It should be noted that it agrees to marry only after a careful analysis of relations. If something does not suit him, he is unlikely to be solved on an alliance with this girl.

It is the owner of a clear and consistent nature. In addition, it is distinguished by a positive approach to life, friendly and sociability. However, it is possible to tell about the specifics of its nature much more interesting. But first things first.

Zodiac characteristic

Before telling about what personal features a malfory-rabbit is distinguished, it is worth talking a little about the influence of the sign of the zodiac.

All young people born from January 21 to February 18 have an extraordinary look of views and versatile interests. They do not pay attention to prejudice, they are alien to confidence authorities. Aquarius are always ready to receive new knowledge and study previously not loose trends. And they are also interested in fundamental problems, on the solution of which they are able to spend all their time and resources.

Regarding interpersonal relationships? For water, the feeling of unity is important. Such a man is in good friendly relations with everyone, but at the same time is not friendly with anyone. In this position, fraternity, freedom and equality are traced in this position.

Eastern horoscope

It also needs to pay attention to it. The Chinese horoscope describes a rabbit as a typical gentleman who always knows how to behave to impress people. And he also has the ability to observe the distance in relations with others, for which they appreciate and love. Also, the rabbit is an excellent interlocutor who can not only listen to his opponent, but also to understand him.

Feelings for him are very important. At first glance, he may seem cold, but under this mask, romanticism and passion are clearly captured.

The Chinese horoscope characterizes this man as a person who needs a serious relationship. Short-term novels are not interested - he is in search of the woman who is intended to be destiny. And finding your ideal, he will make every effort to make it happy. But immediately, of course, I will not open the soul. It is important for him to feel loved and know that he is taken with all the shortcomings and advantages.

General specificity

Now you can talk directly about who is a male rabbit. Its character is an amazingly interesting combination of the specifics of the sign of the zodiac and the patron siest of the Eastern Horoscope. This man is distinguished by an optimistic worldview and the desire to continue to develop and recognize something. He is daring, stubborn and decisive, but sometimes envious, lazy and apathetic.

The male rabbit is easy to contact, he has a lot of acquaintances and connections, but he really believes 2-3 people. Girls such a guy enchants her ardent temperament, funness and positive, but due to the fact that independence and freedom have too much importance for him, he does not seek to associate himself with marriage. In this regard, it is more from Aquarius than from the rabbit.


About how this person is in the working and labor sphere is also capable of telling a horoscope. Rabbit Aquarius is distinguished by highly developed intuition, and it is his faithful assistant in life. But only if he learned to use it correctly. The fact is that this man has some stubbornness, often developing in disbelief into its internal forces. Because of what he can just ignore the inner voice.

In such situations, this man will prefer to act as he taught him. Or in accordance with the rules. But in the end, everything turns out wrong as he would like. It ends with all the cause of the causes, because of which the situation has developed in the best way, and guilty people. This is a man born in the year of the rabbit. Aquarius is a man who needs to work on himself and improve. He has a huge potential that can be compared with a diamond. Limiting it, he will be able to understand important things and find answers to many questions. And finally cease to look guilt.

It is also worth noting that this man earns great. But the surrounding people consider him an unhappy poor man. Because he always complains. In his pocket, there may be a monthly earnings of the average employee, designed for minor expenses, but it will be little. He just believes that he is not valid enough, and the efforts applied to them should be paid higher.


They have every person. Not an exception and aquarium-rabbit. A man whose characteristic was presented above, has a single drawback that adversely affects his own life. And it is wastefulness.

If desired, they may learn how to competent financial management and economy. But, even constantly complaining about allegedly a small pay, rabbits-aquaries will not spend less money. Such a desire to visit them extremely rarely. Financial questions they prefer to let themselves. They like and do not plan the future. Of course, it is sooner or later reflected in their lives and causes a number of problems. Only then awareness comes to them - it's time to change something.


This is the latter, I would like to talk about. If you believe the horoscope, then this man has the best relationships with weights and firing. With such girls, his relationship is tied with ease, since their basis is mutual sympathy, common interests and non-standard thinking.

Especially well, if the patron saint of the chief of the Eastern Horoscope is a kaban sign. Union with a girl born in the year of pig, the rabbit-Aquarius will be based on mutual understanding, harmony, identical values \u200b\u200band general aspirations. And this is the basis of mutual happiness.

general characteristics

Sign of geniuses. Justice is worse, have widespread interests, never annoy anyone. Their ideas are original, they have a sharp mind.

By this sign born: Galilee, Edison, Burns, Byron, Mozart, Schubert, Paganini, Lincoln, Moem, J. Vern, Roosevelt, Edgar, Charles Dickens, R. Gragan, B.Leltsin.

Characteristic by zodiac sign

  • Influence: Saturn.
  • Symbol: Aquarius, silver hands, wings, flying birds and airplanes, zigzags, youth, sage.
  • Colors: Gray, purple, blinker, purple (black color - unsuccessful).
  • A rock: Pomegranate, zircon, light sapphire, opal, amethyst, lags.
  • Flowers: violet, Mirt, Narcissus.
  • Metal: tin.
  • Mascot: key, icon.
  • Happy day: Wednesday Saturday.
  • Unlucky day: Sunday.
  • Favorable numbers: 2, 4, (all numbers divided by 4), 8, 9, 11, 13.
Born from January 21 to February 1 Under the influence of Venus - shy and delicate, melancholic and sophisticated in love.
Born from 2 to 12 February Under the influence of Mercury - gentle, smart, a little vain, moral, possess humor.
Born from 12 to 20 February Under the influence of the moon - the nature is disappointing, restrained, modest, sensitive, truthful, adamant, pleasant.

Temperament and character

There are weak and strong aquatic. In general, this is the totality of angel and devil. They hate theatricality, do not want to make the effect, do not want impressiveness, but do not mind shock. They want to do pleasant, but mostly to themselves. Alien conventions towards themselves, but old-fashioned in family matters. They do not want to be similar to anyone, but they want everyone to love them, want to be free from the severity of the material world, but they strive for power, the situation, prestige.
Curious, they will entail all new, until they get bored until they comprehend all the truth. They rarely rush into anything. They are contemplateers of life, but may be generous soul. In aquatic, there can be something thin, gentle, smooth. They fluctuate between instinct and reason. They can be almost other people's own emotions.
Many religious, mystical, understand nature, vegetarians, are full of good intentions to everyone, they do not know hatred. Their politeness is simplicity, some trusting, sometimes too. We are impervious, a little naive, they do not have the feelings of repentance, guilt, others on the contrary, restrain their sensitivity, do not open feelings, retreating on every slip, focus their intuition on the future, reach the highest goals. They want to be not only equal, but also higher, they oppose if they indicate what to do or restrain, they can become jealous, unfriendly, inequate, inevitable, putting forward the slogan: "Do, as I say, and not as I do."
The taste of clothing is diverse, controversial. Women all prefer originality. Some can create a seductive effect in the absence of jewels and jewelry by fine selection of colors. Some bring originality to extravagance and eccentricity, looking for something rare, unique, up to shocking and even scandalous, and trendy are encountered.


There is no early passion for a career or ambition. They make a human note in everything that. Profession can occupy a significant place in life. May be highly conscious, disciplined responsible. Hold your word, do what is required of them.
They have a great sense of collectivism, good in public work. Uncomplicated and non-repulsive, ready to always take the point of view of the other, good temper and excellent relationships with superior. Often they give an unexpected increase. They know how to give orders, how to explain what to do, no one can better introduce a beginner to work.
They find the way to which one can carry out their own ideas, although the number sometimes suffers from quality.
The best field of application is the area of \u200b\u200bart, everything related to the cinema, radio, television, pedagogy, education, invention, work as a flight attendant, spiritual mentoring, sociology, psychology, social work, jurisprudence, airborhood, engineering.
Their money is rarely interested. Some negartes nonsense. Most famous water leaves died in deep poverty. Making money is not one of the goals, they rarely want luxury, prefer simplicity, even moderation that keeps them from "obesity" - physical, mental and moral.
These are the worst owners, they hate account verification. They will spend better than accumulating.
But there are also others managed by Uranium Aquarius, leading persistent strange life, sometimes martyr, which may seem romantic, complete violations and amazing events, unexpected shocks, amazing luck and bad luck. They may be happier when poor than when rich.


In the emotional plan, Aquarius is disclosed difficult, the sensitivity is merged with his own imagination. They love to dream of an unusual especially in his youth, surround the object of love with mystical halo, rarely appropriate reality, in other words, they often idealize the chosen one, then disappointed and refuse to love in the name of friendship.
Some stop on "relative" happiness in which the former sentimental features play a subordinate role. Others hide the inner vulnerability under the layer of ice mixed with shiny rigidity, some may even become cynical, unreleased, deliberately unpleasant, even disgusting, but it is rare.
Thirst for prestige is a fishing trap. The idea that they can easily touch life, especially love, is an illusion. Passion can pass through them, but will not destroy the heart. It can stimulate, but rarely leads to where they do not want to go.
They invariably return to the purity of their source - friendship and selected attachments. They rarely concern hate, even more than twins and scales, want to be free. For them, the relationship is unbearable when they are "bird in the cell."
Aquarius rarely worn wedding rings. If they are enslaved with relationships, then they only think about the release that silently prepare. Aquarius has the highest percentage of divorces. They are more readily given by companies than one person. They can give more strangers than members of their family.
Women may be extremely in matters of love, do not pay attention to public opinion, religion, nationality. Like men, they want freedom. They are exclusively feminine, sensitive. If the man disappoints them, then the fervor decreases and can disappear at all, but if he tries to restore a good opinion about himself, a woman will do everything possible to help him, until he is erecting him to the pedestal.
Lesson for Aquarius: Do not sacrifice love for friendship.
For marriage, friendship and collaboration, you need to look for scales, lions, fish, felt, twins. Avoid taurus and scorpion.

How to achieve perfection

More interested in the genuine values \u200b\u200bof life, and not their own successes. It seeks to serve truth and progress. Dear and deep people who loving solitude are objective, are able to preserve their individuality, no matter what influences. Very layming up in choosing loved ones, nevertheless, random dating are given. Telling utopian ideas and projects. Hard, they strive to make sure of their own experience, rarely listen to the advice, reluctantly give them themselves. Aquarius - individualists, they are indifferent to public opinion, they know what they want and how to achieve it. They are often jealous or not understood, as Aquarius has superiority over the surrounding and strongly affects the crowd. Aquarius often turns out to be a victim of their own delusions and "vitates in the clouds." But he feels its strength. It has no evil and lowness. He is looking for peace and finds a diplomatic output.


Long-liver in the zodiac system. Aquarius wisely, in philosophically perceives all the ups and downs. Classic Aquarius is a slim, well folded, with charming eyes, blonde and seruro-eyed. He loves hunting and sports, keeps the regime. For him, smoking is harmful.

Elements: air

Sophistication, cheerful, lively character, talkative, sociability. You are a family family "translator", interpreter. You know how to write letters well (when you have to do it), but actually prefer phones, do not like to give in to emotions.

Prefer coldness. You are playing plans. A couple of them always ripes in your head. Feature - logical, reasonable arguments, explanations. That is why air signs are associated with thinking, imagination. You live in the world of ideas, thoughts. You like to operate with logical arguments, you have clear clear thinking. In accordance with its elements, you should choose friends and lovers from the air and fire. Air is compatible with water, if the wind is not afraid, and with the ground, if it is not against the wind.

Your advantages: Common sense, objectivity, a sense of collectivism, adaptability, willingness to help: a good interlocutor, impartiality, reasonableness, love for freedom.

Your minuses: Stubbornness, self-confidence, duplicity, superficiality, talkativeness and gossip. Coldness and calculation, peculiarity, licentiousness. If you are scales - you are brightly pronounced air: cold, calm, concentrated, your main force is a conviction.

If you are aquarius - then you are stationary air, you are under pressure. You are distinguished by boiling thoughts, overcome plans. You die from the desire to give will, freedom to anyone suspect. If you are twins, then you are changeable air - then warm, then cold, and sometimes both at once. In its path, you are working in mind and charm, and in the same way, if necessary, shy away.

Home Conditions: The air should be live in open windy places, where the mass of fresh air, in the extreme case, air conditioning. When working indoors, choose the table by the window. If possible, you are on the street.

Your invisible spirit who patronize you and protects you - Sylves, which prefers places where a lot of air - gardens, fields.


Among them are the greatest number of geniuses. Any profession is successful. Inventive, possess a good taste, many - artistic abilities. They have something magnetic, attracting. Aquarius - a sign of achievements. He should avoid routine, monotonous work. He is happy at public work, in politics, science, sometimes somewhat slow. Aquariuses should be used by the chances and opportunities provided to them, and do not postpone anything in a long box.

He loves a dwelling of glass and concrete, good taste and very modern, with a large area and different workshops.


A sign of friendship, clubs and human communication in a broad sense of the word. Aquarius is always among people, engaged in public operation, interests and hobbies are diverse: photography, painting, modeling. Everything loves to do with her own hands, loves to travel and read books on history, geography, economics and social sciences.

Zodiac horoscope

Air sign. Under the auspices of Saturn and Uranus. Emotional character, impressionable nature.
The first of the planets, patronizing Aquarius, Saturn - Circuits Aquarius for submissions to fate, which is not always happy. This is a planet of sad memories, melancholy, unfulfilled hopes.
Uranus, on the contrary, - planet action, inspirational scientists. Therefore, the nature of the Aquarius is contradictory: on the one hand, the dreaminess, on the other - energy, daring, activity.

Born under the sign of Aquarius is very attractive for other people with their humanity. They accept someone else's grief and make everything to help you get into trouble.

Woman Aquarius. Women of this sign are very charming. They immediately have several women, and this gives them a gamut of experiences. This woman changes all the time, and those who often sees her, never bored with her. Like the men of this sign, she loves to work and does not tolerate strict discipline. In any occupation makes grace and shine. She is elegant, good dancing, interesting in conversation, getting married quickly, but rarely happens happy, as it gives more than it gets.

Relationships of signs: Union with twins, weights, Sagittarius - very favorable, with a scorpion, taurus, the quarrel is inevitable. With Aquarius can enter into an union sign of Aries. Magnificent children are born from this marriage. With the sign of the twins there is a harmonious union. With cancer sign - faithful friendship, marriage on the basis of mutual respect, despite the attraction that exists between the signs of Aquarius and Lion, they look differently on the world. Because of this, a solid alliance may arise between them. There is a strong physical attraction between Virgin and aquer, but quarrels are inevitable. Aquarius attracts scales. The union between them is very happy.

How to choose a satellite life

Aquarius - usually idealist and more interested in high matters than novels. Love is true and constant, as a rule, alolyuba. It's nice in the company. Friends have a different level and position in society. Satellites choose cautiously, queries are high. Loves the strong spirit of people. Aquarius is usually a multilaterally developed, leads an interesting and multifaceted life. For him, love is never the only intense. It is easy to compromise, not jealous. He needs life satellites that have similar interests that can appreciate and trust. First you need to become another and like-minded Aquarius. There is another necessary condition - to be independent and allocated from the total mass of individual features. Aquarius freedom-loving and not jealous of trifles. It gets along well with fish, Aries. Twins, weights, archers, Capricorn. Does not love the Taurus for the lack of imagination, Scorpio - for jealousy. Lev - for too large demands in love.

Sexuality Female

There are always many guests in her house, which are attracted by the mind, charm, community of the hostess. However, this does not mean that it is also diverse in intimate relationships. Being a good wife, skillfully leading the house, its love for the dimension and order she suffers into the bedroom. Seduced by her exterior charm, a man seeks her in search of new sensations. But after the proximity in her memory, only flickering candles and freshly-led sheets remain. She is not familiar with the violent erotic, yes it does not need it, since the joy of life she sees in a funny company, interesting communication. And although her desire to like it forces her husband to jealous, he can be calm - she will remain true. Aquarius is an excellent partner for a man with a weak temperament looking for not so much sex as calm and attention.

  • Gemini, Scales, Sagittarius;
  • Aries, Cancer, Virgo;
  • Scorpio, Taurus, Lion, Capricorn.

Horoscope on the birthday

You were born on Tuesday.
Tuesday - Day of Mars, a very active day. Born on this day are very energetic, hot-tempered and asserts, although sometimes uncontrollable. The best of their qualities is the ability to fight, courage, rejection of gossip and intrigue.
Marsa always wants to play a dominant role, guided by passions rather than the reason, and the activity is always aimed at performing some business, but sometimes a pronounced impulsiveness just prevents the case to end. These days are carried out all sorts of sharp forms of manifestation of state activity - war, reform. In general, Tuesday is a peculiar day of active undertakings, adventure and accomplishment of unexpected active actions. On the contrary, this day must be maximum initiative. On this day, less attention to home deals. In antiquity of born on Tuesday, soldiers were gained. On this day, it is better not to start any creative cycles, as, however, hang any things.
Astrologers believe that a woman who was born on this day of the week:

Generous and passionate in love. He seduces the liveliness of the mind, a sense of humor and a pronounced desire for independence. It is afraid only monotony in feelings, for her love should be a fascinating game. And other feelings do not need.

Compatibility on the horoscope

Relationship between authentic

For Aries and Aquarius, this is a common feature. They are infinitely entails new until it has become familiar. They throw a widespread novelty to go to another adventure. Throw, without looking back and not sighing, if both are typical representatives of their solar signs. For Ariestoday always more interesting thanyesterday . For Aquarius tomorrow eclipsed by I. yesterday and today.

From time to time, their earthly paths intersect, and it is always interesting meetings, predetermined over long before birth.

Aries - people actions, they rush to the smallest of events. Enthusiasm is not alien and waterwords, but they do not go on the events. Wanting to all what is happening around, they prefer to observe what is happening from a safe distance. So they retain impartiality and freedom of action.

Union of Aries and Aquarius - friendly, family, business and love - always marked the stamp of karmic duty. He is carrying himself or great benefit, or great sadness and can cool change the life of both.

Aquarius sincerely grateful to a friend-Aries, who divided the burden of worries or illness with him, but surprised: "And why don't you have problems?" And the Aries simply returns his duty to Providence, which takes care of him. In addition, communication with water is expanding its intelligent horizons, opens up unexpected purposes, the dreams that could remain unnoticed are awakened. Or, on the contrary, the Aquarius lodge suits the affairs of the Aries, it looks with money without any visible benefits - he also returns his karmic duty.

They are friends seriously. And seriously entitled. But if you are able to rise to forgiveness, then the beginning of an infinite sequence of friendship in the following embodiments.

Aquarius - one of fourhuman The signs of the astrological circle (the rest are twins, virgins and scales), which manage their passions better than Aries, for which love and hatred - instinct, densely seasoned with egoism. The uranium led by the Aquarius is inclined from the instinct to the highest intelligence and pure intuition, it gives it supernatural abilities, for example, the ability to telepathy.

Sometimes it seems that the Aries owns this gift, but this is an illusion. Just the effect of the all-permissive Mars immerses it in the very heart of the problem. Aries customizes an insurmountable desire to comprehend the essence of things. Mysterious enlightenments of Aquarius have another nature. It catches the fact that electromagnetic radiation from space is brought, not consumed on it and the tenth stake of the energy, which is spent by Aries.

Nothing interferes with Aries and Aquarius to understand each other. Even if they diverge in opinions, natural sympathy between fire and air helps to smooth the disharmony.

Aries often core their naivety. Aquarius is considered madmen. The world does not understand them, although they are confident that they are on the right track. Is this not the reason to unite and resist the routine? The rash decisiveness of the Aries and the eccentric wisdom of the Aquarius turn, connecting, into the magic alloy. The air locks erected by them, to surprise sober-minded people, are stronger than stone buildings.

Uranious tolerance makes Aquarius condescending towards children's whims and explosions of a peculiar fancy of Aries. And the militant Mars helps the Aries cope with the stubbornness of water. In general, it is a crazy and fabulous union.

What an aquaries cannot pushing the Aries, so this is their deep beliefs that you can not think only about yourself. Self-denial delivers Aries no more pleasure than wandering in the pitch darkness. Aquarius doomed to bear the world ideas that will remain incomprehensible and unclaimed.

"All human problems result from the revaluation of feelings and their own significance!" - exclaims Aquarius.

"People who depreciate or suppress their feelings are cold and heartless," hairs of Aries.

Partner compatibility

Partner: Aries Taurus Twins Cancer Lev Deva Scales Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Fish

Male Aries - Woman Aquarius

Today is the day of his birth. He just sent his mother to a congratulatory telegram and now hurries to his beloved-aquarian. Joyful and excited, he flies in her apartment and makes a girl in his arms.

Aries. There is a cool idea how to celebrate my birthday. We have lunch in that little Italian restaurant, where we met. And then let's see the "love story" with Eli McGrow and Rhine about "Neil.

Aquarius (sleepily looking at something behind him). I wonder if it is possible to take this spot from the vaccines on the ceiling? Do not draw around flowers? It is so unconventional! The frescoes on the ceiling - as in the Sicastic chapel.

Aries. What are you talking about? I say one birth.

Aquarius. Sorry, love. I could swear that Michelangelo was born in Italy ... or in France? Is something wrong? You look upset.

Aries. I'm not upset, I slept.

Aquarius. We have an Ascendant in Taurus ...

Aries. Who?

Aquarius. Eli McGrow. She is Aries, like you, but she has an Ascendant in Taurus. I cry from the moment how I read the first line.

Aries. Did you understand what I said?

Aquarius. She was only twenty when she died,

Aries. Oh, God you are!

Aquarius. I can't wait for this movie. And the wonderful Waiter-Italian ... He guessed that we were in love, and brought candles and flowers on our table. By the way ... I will give you a bottle of wine that we drank on your birthday. Now I will write to not forget. After all, your birthday next month? Why are you looking so strange? He was last month?

She N. e will understand his indignation. Well, yes, she did not hear something. And why is it considered scattered? Confident people will say that she is in the clouds. But Aries calls it an unforgivable mockery. He is not noticed! Well, it's true. But after all, she does not notice much, for example, forgets to take a medicine on the clock.

A typical man-Aries is given to love rapidly and recklessly and the same expects from his chosen. Without waiting for an immediate answer, he is offended: "But who needs it?" Perhaps he is needed, but he cannot afford to love unrequited.

A girl is hard to make a choice. This is a curse or blessing of uranium - it finds something exciting or interesting in almost every stranger. And then, how to distinguish the passion from love? She constantly confuses love and friendship, but does not mix love and physical attraction. Her element - the air, she was born under a mental sign and therefore seeking intellectual kinship. Not that she did not make mistakes or was immaculate - no ... just she is looking for something else, except for bodily joys.

A man-Aries will not be able to conquer her alone only by the confessions and promises of unearthly love, but if she decides to stop his choice on it, it will not be grimbean and torture his uncertainty. Rather, something like something like: "It seems, I love you. Why don't we spend the night together? " For a minute, his tear will take. But only for a minute. He himself is honest and straightforward. This couple generally despises hypocrisy and indifferent to someone else's opinion. Both are creating that it will do, they adore the scope, as well as the shock.

In their relationship there is a dangerous underwater stone: both are born under male sunny signs and obey the power of the men's planets. Something like a children's game. One draws a line and boosts another step over it. However, they can not only reward each other with purses and kicks, but also to be friends. Not so bad to be not only lovers, but also friends. And one more thing: they easily pour their feelings in words, and therefore it is easily finding out the relationship. (Aquarius, like all air signs, love to talk.)

So, the Aquarius girl decided to conclude a love alliance with a man-autumn, and harmony reigned between them. But now her lover does not have to rest on the laurels. Her deity is a variety. She does not recognize once and forever established rituals. Fevering thickening of love starvation instead of apologizes after a quarrel. Lesson for love in the "nonreight" watch. Loud music, drowning words, sighs and exciting whisper. All anything other than monotony and boredom.

But she needs to understand that he is incredibly too angry, although he does not show it. Its affection must be taken enthusiastically and seriously. It is not always possible to the girl-aquarian, for which sex is just one of the sides of the diverse existence. It can enthusiastically dig in the engine of his car or collect violets and not comment on his melancholy. She should be more closely, forget about the carburetor, throw a bouquet and instead they tender him in the ear of several gentle words. But it is necessary to make it so that the man itself showed the initiative. Yes, to protect his gentle "ego" - troublesome occupation, but is it easier to escalate to the kaleidoscopic change of her sentiment and fantasies?

Sometimes an ambitious, the pissering energy of Aries seems to be a woman-aquarian bright comet, which flashed and disappeared. Does she succeed to brake this rapid movement? It will be possible if it is more often reminding that he loves him with all his heart. But one day she wanted him to be a gusty, like once. And she will notice the gunpower of his explosive temperament. She does not have to wait long. And, oddly enough, this flash will make it happy. And she will surprise him, bidding the bottle of the very cherished wine that they drank on his birthday. True, it will be in August, although he was born in April. But now he will not be offended - rather steadily. He will again feel the power of these Druid Char, this wonderful madness.

And then, throwing a look at the ceiling, he will say: "You know, a loved one, this fresco, which you painted to hide a stain from vaccuses, very picturesque."

"How did you guess that I dream to go to Italy in the autumn?" - She will be happy.

There is nothing easier: he finally tuned to high-frequency modulation of the space channel. In addition, he himself had long wanted to see the Sistine Chapel. It is best to go in October to celebrate her birthday in Italy.

In October? But she will smile and confirm that this is a wonderful idea. She always wanted to know what it was - to be a woman-scales.

And he confesses that, as a lion, always wanted to spin the novel with a girl-scales.

Then they will fight with pillows. And she will win. As always ... but he will not be upset by defeat.

Japanese horoscope

According to the calendar adopted in Japan and in other countries of the East, within the 12th year cycle, every year passes under the sign of some animal. A man born in a certain year receives a number of congenital properties, depending on which fate take shape. The popularity of this calendar is very large in the east.

Year of the rabbit.
He has a bright personality, talented and ambitious. Virtue, restrained, is distinguished by an impeccable taste. Causes general admiration and trust. The material status is successful. These people are sometimes like gloomy, but at the same time tactful and not evil. Gesente to those who love, but the closest relatives are rarely tied. Almost never go out of themselves, possess excellent business qualities. In conscientious and mandatory, although sometimes there are pedantic, sometimes tend to melancholy. Of these, there could be excellent players, but they rarely play, being conservative, prudent people.

  • ideal as friends or life satellites: Sheep, boar, dog.
  • suitable more or less: Rat, rabbit, dragon.
  • resolutely not suitable, absolutely contraindicated and can even bring misfortune: Rooster.

Chinese horoscope

Cat (calm person)

The cat always falls on the paws. This is a lucky. Odalen, moderately ambitious, pleasant companion, modest, discreet, sophisticated, virtuous. All this know. Good says and knows how to evaluate yourself. But in a set of advantages there is one drawback, although small, but from this no less important: the cat is a superficial person and its best quality is also superficial. He loves society and society loves him. He loves secular assemblies and sometimes gossip, but it does it fine, tactfully and carefully.

He likes to receive guests, and he has everything at home with a sophisticated taste. This is a secular person: some would call him snob. He is Pedantic.

Woman cat exhibits his culture with savings. It can deeply explore some items with the sole purpose of shine, whereas there is no idea about other more important things.

The cat usually does not come out of equilibrium. He is calm, calm. It has more sentimentality than real sensitivity. A small personal trouble frustrating it more than the great troubles of other people. The war and hunger in the world touches it only when he suffers from this personally, but he suffers so much that he may not stand and die. Cat for insignificant occasion can cry, but quickly comes. Melancholy women of this sign are one of the main trumps of their charm.

Cat conservative. He hates everything that his life can shake, everything that can cause complications. Most of all he is committed to comfort and safety. Does not take anything without weighing everything "for" and "against" in advance. For this caution, people admire them and trust him.

In financial position, he will always be happy. Cleaners in affairs and the one who signs the contract with him is no longer giving up. This is a good speculator, he has a gift for profitable deals. In short, the calm cat is dangerous as a business man. He will achieve success. Possessing a good taste, it can be the owner of an antique store. Maybe a lawyer (lawyer, a notary) or a diplomat, provided that his life is not at risk.

The woman of this sign will be able to shine in all activities that require taste, hospitality and a good representation. A person's politician should choose his wife born under the cat's sign - at the same time secular and modest, which will bring a lot to their presence.

Affectionate, helpful with those who loves, the cat is easily separated from his friends in favor of friends. He has no sense of responsibility to his family and often he belongs to his relatives and children as someone else's people preferring to them on their own choice. The maternal instinct of this sign is very limited, but the mother always fulfill their duty.

The cat is careful for the goat, in which the artistic taste appreciates. He will bring her own comfort and her whims will not touch him. Everything will go well with a dog and a scrupulous pig. But the rooster brings him out of himself with his fanfaroneism, and the rat he should avoid as a plague.

With a tiger, his relationship in love and affairs will be stretched. A cat, less strong, can always make a pirouette and get out of the game - they have a common breed and he is not afraid of a tiger.

The cat will have a restless existence for three phases of life under one condition: if he does not meet exceptional situations, dramatic events, an irresistible obstacle. Wars, revolution, catastrophe is not his case, he does not like to be an opponent. But if he won't resist, he could go crazy, go to suicide or leave his homeland, being weak.

Asian peoples with distrust relate to the cat. It is said that the sorcerers turn into cats. In Europe, they were burned alive, accusing to collusion with the devil. But, apparently, such a bad reputation is not very deserved. Egyptians, for example, revered the cat as God. God, sorcerer or man, in his glance there is something mystical. His visible weakness can grow into dangerous power!

Horoscope Druidov

Slender, strong, with accurate strong silhouette and ordinary correct features. However, there is something harsh in it, something from human nature. Not devoid of sophistication, there is something from unspoiled human civilization. It is satisfied with small and adapts to the situation. Can live under any conditions and be happy. Quickly reaches maturity and independence.

Does not attach importance to success in life, does not chase for glory, for money. The only thing he wishes is to be happy. Avoids everything that there would be problems before him. Loves summer walks, animals and hunting. It can be seen in a boat, conceived over the fishing rod and, despite this, he does not like loneliness. Trying to arrange your life in such a way to be among the numerous family or (Spring) in the permanent society of buddies. Not sentimental. Most often, somewhat rough, but not deprived of peace of mind; Stern, but at the same time calm. Pleasant in society. His presence acts soothing.

Kiparis loves to dream and, rather, gives herself to bear the flow of life than organizes it. Immersed in dreams, thoughts are always somewhere in any other place. Avoid sharp discussions regardless of the subject of the dispute. Actually, the elasticity of his character is what is looking for in it. Inseparable in their loyalty. It happens faithful to his love, friendship, memories, and if anyone gives a sense, without hesitation, you can contact him for help. Its intelligence is speculative. Favorite lesson - reasoning on any topic. The judgments are thought out and sensible. His life most often flows calmly and even among those whom he loves.

Damage born under the sign of Kiparis: constancy of feeling, loyalty, reflexivity, intelligence, analytical mind, logic.

Flower horoscope

Rabbit (cat)

Zodiac dating

Individual horoscope

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Cat. Very good friend!

Oriental Horoscope: Rabbit Year
Zodiac horoscope: Aquarius sign

Melancholic and sweet rabbit scales may seem sideways. Their mind is torturing, of which good scientists and journalists are obtained. Scales-rabbit loves all the best and can be extravagant. Such people are capable of working a lot to achieve the desired. They should try to stop singing in themselves.

Chinese astrology describes a cat as a symbol of wisdom. Men and women born in combination of cat-aquaries are people who have a special style.

All they say and make will have a definite stylish manner. In general, these people make the impression of a very fashionable person. This combination gives people who will be either calm and collected either hidden and obsessive.

Aquarius-cat is people who have natural creativity and love of knowledge. They like chat but from time to time they need silence. They are wonderful listeners, wise and careful. They try to avoid confrontation of any kind. These people can be excellent peacemakers among any groups of people who have disagreements.

They have special skills that help them calm the situation with their charm and common sense. Therefore, they should find a profession in which a soothing effect is required. They do not like to behave, but at the same time will be an excellent part of any team. These stabilization skills are well triggered in personal life.

This combination gives very elegant and elegant people, and their originality only emphasizes their attractiveness. They are inspired by art and culture, everything is beautiful. They can be excellent consultants in color schemes and home decor.

Weakness in the personality of these people is that they are too appreciated by their independence. From close relationship they can feel like trap. They should learn to trust the judgments and opinions of other people.

Aquarius rabbit is a romantic. He has so rich imagination that he is able to fascinate people only to them alone. But the world he studies not for the sake of victories, but to understand him.

Cat Aquarius optimist in everything, he controls his stormy emotions, directing their surplus to another useful to himself - establishing relations with people and the outside world. The insight and humans help him see the advantages and disadvantages of others and even guess about the coming events.

Sexually neither a man nor a woman's rabbit women have problems. Otherwise, it is simply impossible - a romantic man is attractive for the opposite sex in advance. And for the same reason he has very few enemies.

The character of men of rabbits "Cats" - Aquarius: They are characterized by acute intuition. They are able to quickly solve all the questions, but rarely listens to the inner Ya. And it gives rise to contradictions, difficulties in life. Often they are pursued by insurmountable obstacles that make them look for the cause of misfortunes in the surrounding people. In fact, they need to be expensive, move always forward to overcome difficulties.

In character, they differ in strong will and purposefulness. They easily begin any business. At the same time, they rarely demonstrate pessimism and despondency. They are more characteristic of cheerfulness, fun. With close people, this sign connects exclusively confidence and love. They can quickly reach the goal, but for this they will need discipline, and this quality is often limited to them.

Men rabbits "Cats" - Aquarius in love and relationships: In love, these men are always based on trust. They are alien to breath and calculation. But it can destroy them, since, put on pink glasses, they can not always see the true face of the partner in time. And such a scenario is often implemented. If they are lucky to meet a "her" person, they will be able to build strong, trustful and good relationships that will never hang even under the influence of time.

Men Rabbits "Cats" - Aquarius in Finance and Career: The financial side of the issue is interested in these men not so often. They can learn how to save if they want. But this desire does not arise from them often. They are accustomed to letting financial affairs on samonek, rejoicing this time. And this often leads to difficulties. They usually do not care career. They do not consider this goal of life, although they may well achieve good positions almost without effort.

Men Rabbits "Cats" - Aquarius in Family and Marriage: Family for them is an important component of a happy life. However, they do not often know how to build relationships correctly. It seems to them that love can be built on love, it is so, but often it takes the beat, the ability to compromise. They should not forget about other qualities to save the family. If they manage to do this, they will be the most happy people who have achieved good spirits in this area.

Council of men with rabbits "Kotam" - Aquarius: For life to become for this sign, especially friendly, they should change a little. First of all, you need to learn to negotiate with people, be sociable. The next point concerns the complexes - they often spoil relations, destroy the capabilities of life. Get rid of them immediately. Openness and honesty - these two qualities that should also learn. And most importantly - you need to help others in order to feed the necessary energy.

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