The muscles responsible for the high jump. Air Alert III - program for the development of the jump

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Many are interested in how to learn how to jump high, because this skill can be useful not only in sports - basketball, volleyball and others, but also in ordinary life when it is necessary to overcome any obstacle. To do this, you need to train a lot, and how, will be described in this article.

How to learn to jump high?

Be sure to develop muscles. Involved in the jump a large number of muscles, which can be distinguished dorsal, femoral and calf. To develop their strength and endurance, perform the following exercises:

  • squats. Those who plan to work out at home, and not in the gym, can use a backpack with a load instead of a barbell;
  • back bends. There is a special one in the gym for this, and at home you can use a sofa instead. Hanging from it face down with the upper half of the body, ask the lower one to fix someone close and start pumping the back muscles;
  • step-up for calves. Again, in the absence of a platform, you can use a small bench or go to the stairs;
  • jumping rope;
  • push-ups, including with a load.

How to learn to jump high?

It must be remembered that the high jump can be made both with one foot and with two. The first is performed after two steps, and the second from a place or a jump. A jump from one leg is always higher, because after performing a double step, the athlete transforms the energy of running into the energy of a jump. You won’t be able to jump high from a place on one leg, but you should definitely include jumps on one leg in your training program, and always from an elevation, for example, a chair.

A jump from two legs will already be higher if it is performed out of place, as well as from a jump. In any case, those who wish to acquire a new skill must be able to jump this way and that, in each case deciding which type to use in the prevailing circumstances. However, nothing happens without rest. Muscles need to be given time to recover - 1-2 days, and also eat right and harmoniously develop the muscles of the whole body, get rid of excess fat. Those who are interested in how to learn how to jump high at home should stock up, do not ignore stretching exercises and lunges. It is worth finding a suitable training ground or an ordinary park with tall trees, where you can combine jumping with one foot and with two, trying to reach a certain branch.

Learning to jump even higher for every basketball player is a matter of efficiency. Many training complexes and methods have been developed that have been tested by the most eminent athletes. Similarly, using this article, you can understand how to jump higher in basketball.

jump mechanism

The entire surface of the leg is a combination of muscle tissue and tendons. The jump mechanism can be two processes:

  • jump with ankle flexion;
  • jump with bending the knees;
  • swing jump with arm swing.

In any case, the initial effort comes from the ankle, gradually being transferred to the calves and thighs. In this case, focal tension of the muscle bundles occurs, followed by a sharp discharge.

  • Absence excess weight- excellent help in high jumps. That is why it is necessary to get rid of excess weight, and for this you need to review your diet, get rid of addiction to excesses and bad habits;
  • Only a rested body is able to show effective results. It is necessary to maintain the balance of forces in balance, because if the body leaves it, then recovery will require very long term, you can forget about high jumps for this period;
  • A warm shower after a workout and a massage is a very useful procedure;
  • Muscles must develop, which means that after training you need time to recover, so it’s better to train every other day;
  • If there are any leg injuries, then it is better to forget about training for a while, the most optimal thing is exercise therapy and gymnastics for the recovery period;
  • A warm-up is required;
  • In order to jump high, it is necessary to stretch the ligaments and tendons in the legs;
  • In the jump, as already mentioned, not only the legs are involved, so it is necessary to harmoniously develop the muscles throughout the body;

A set of exercises

There are several specific exercises that perfectly train jumping ability:

  • fly run, that is, not just run a distance, but run it in much the same way as a ballet dancer, with wide swings at maximum speed. This exercise helps to develop stretching and muscle endurance;
  • jump up. A mark is placed on the wall and gradually, painstakingly, it is necessary to try to jump to it - this exercise will allow you to tighten the surface of the buttocks and calves, develop the Achilles and ankle ligaments.

You should also pay attention to the usual strength exercises for legs: squats, bends and extensions with weighting.

It must be remembered that excessive exercise is the stupidity of beginner athletes. After a workout, you need to feel tired, and not a wild feeling when "legs fall off."

You need to listen to what the body says and predict the onset of improvement in yourself and make progress with the consistency of exercises, perseverance and willpower, only in this case it will be possible to score "three-point" balls from a first-class jump, like Michael Jordan.

A samurai would sow seeds and jump 100 times a day. I think the grain grows up to 6 feet in 2 months, so very soon you would be jumping very high!

Since probably none of us have as much time or energy as a Samurai, there is another way to train and that mainly involves learning how to jump.

A good jump uses the whole body in an upward motion, causing as much great strength which is possible. I know that PK uses forward jumps, but this will work well with them too.

Also, landing is the same as jumping, only in reverse, which is very important for your action sequences. When landing, play "ninja" and try not to make any noise. This is a good self-adjustment for your landing to be correct.

The full jump uses the feet (which I'll be replacing with "toes", but it's the feet that move the most, especially with boots on), knees, hips, back, arms, and head. One very good way to train a jump is to break it down into these components and see what each of them adds to it.

Do it with bare feet so you can get a better feel for what's going on.

Start by stretching and warming up your muscles. Goose step (very low with hands on head) is the best warm-up to prepare the legs for jumping. Do this for 3 to 5 minutes. Also do squats and foot rotations, which will help provide better blood circulation to them and reduce the stress they are subjected to.

Standing straight, do 25 toe raises minimum, 50 maximum.

Next, try to jump using only your toes. At first, naturally, you won't jump very high. If you get off the ground at all

Try to repeat this 10-15 times.

Rest for a minute between each exercise.

Now, knees. Since you are lower than your body, try to keep your heels on the floor (they will come off but try anyway). As you jump, feel your toes bend and first expand down and then your knees kick out. This is the first stage where you learn how to land better, when you fall, change the order so that your toes touch the floor first, then let your ankles go, softening the landing as much as possible. Both knees and ankles work at the same time, but think of it as knees first, then ankles. And then when your legs are flat, your knees will still compress.

Do 20 jumps in this way. Concentrate on that. To have your knees and toes rise and fall together.

Then engage your hips. To do this, bend slightly at the waist as your knees are bent to jump. As you jump, feel your abs straighten your body. Keep the same principles as before and let your hips contract with your knees and toes. Do 20 more times.

Until this point, when you jumped, your legs dangled like sausages. Later, you will bring your knees to your chest as you jump, which will help increase your jump height and increase your flight time.

The movement of your hands should create vibrations from the bottom up to your head. Standing straight, arms at your sides, clench your hands into a fist. This is important in order to try to strain not the whole arm, but only the hand. The shoulders are of prime importance. Now, while in a straight position, wave your arms in front of you until they are directly above your head. Repeat this five times, freely and quickly (not 5 times quickly, but also move when you do this). Here's the challenge: swing your arms so fast that your feet are off the floor. Think about it, your fists weigh 10 pounds each, so when they pass over your head, the momentum lifts you right off the floor.

Try this 10 times and see if you can feel lighter or even get off the ground this way.

It is difficult to imagine such a kind of outdoor sport where there would be no need for good jumping ability - football, volleyball, and especially basketball imply the obligatory ability to jump high. However, not everyone understands how high to jump, and not everyone has good jumping ability from birth. To develop this skill, a number of special exercises have been developed aimed at training exactly those muscles that are responsible for the strength and power of the jump. To properly design a training program, study the anatomy of the area being trained, learn about the possible risks of injury and how to avoid them, and learn the technique for performing the most effective exercises.

What muscles require development for jumping ability?

Due to the structure of the muscles in the human leg, high jumps are possible in the frontal region of the thigh, which is responsible for flexion and extension of the legs at the knee joints. It consists of 4 parts - wide medial, lateral and intermediate, as well as the rectus muscle. All four regions are united under one common name- the quadriceps muscle, or quadriceps. Also for the jump great importance It has calf muscle, which is involved in the first, most important stage of the jump - repulsion of the ankle from the surface.

Additional assistance in stabilizing the position of the body is provided by auxiliary muscles located in the back and abdomen.
Their study is also required to achieve significant results.


The intensive training programs used in athletics make it not accessible to everyone.

First of all, at risk are people who have problems with cardiovascular system, spine and back muscles, ligaments, especially ankles and knees.

In no case do not train after eating and without a preliminary warm-up. Preparation for classes should consist of special preparatory exercises and warm-up movements, and last at least 15 minutes.

After class, be sure to stretch to relieve tension from the muscles. We stretch for about 5-10 minutes.

The necessary conditions

To achieve the result, to jump higher, train 2-3 times a week. This mode will allow the muscles to recover, and thereby increase performance with each new workout.

The next important factor for muscle development is nutrition. Adjusting your own weight to optimal levels will allow the muscles to make the jump more easily and increase its height. To do this, give up fatty and smoked foods, fast food and flour. You need to eat small portions and often, and for a better metabolism - drink as much water as possible. The composition of the food itself should be revised towards the consumption of proteins and the rejection of fast carbohydrates. Also, for better assimilation of proteins, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the energy component of food, but also to its vitamin and microelement composition.

Performing a large amount of exercise, do not forget about proper rest, the best option which is 7-8 hours of regular sleep.

High jump drills and more

For the most intensive development of muscle groups that are directly involved in the jump up, an optimal list of exercises has been compiled. Performing them regularly, you can learn how to jump high and make long jumps, and just pump up your legs and give them a beautiful shape.

Ordinary jumping rope effectively loads all the muscles involved in the exercise. To get the effect, you need to stand straight, keep your legs together and do not move your ankles apart. Hands move smoothly.

For best effect push off with both feet at once. In the final stage of the movement, you should land only on your toes, leaving your heels in the air, this will help develop the calf muscles.

Gradually, the duration of classes is brought to about 30 minutes of continuous movements.

For optimal choice the length of the sports equipment, you can be guided by the following data: with growth from 1.5 to 1.7 meters, the length of the rope should be from 210 to 250 centimeters, and in case of growth of more than 180 cm - 310 centimeters.

Classic squats with and without weights perfectly develop not only the legs, but also auxiliary stabilizers, back and abs. To perform them, you need to stand up straight, put your feet at normal width, toes forward, bend your knees and lower your pelvis down until the thighs are parallel to the floor, and then return to the starting position.

In addition to weights, barbells or dumbbells, you can improve your technique by straightening your legs not in smooth movements, but by jumping out when lifting, pushing your body up. This will significantly increase the load on both the muscles and ligaments involved in jumping. One exercise should include from 10-15 repetitions in 3 sets. The break between sets should not be more than 2-3 minutes.

To develop your calves to increase your jump height, do single toe raises every week. Find a point of support that you can grab onto with your hand to keep your balance. Lift your heels off the floor, lift one leg, and lift the other on your toes, on your toes, and lower yourself down. So many repetitions are done so that the muscle begins to burn. Then switch legs and do the same number of calf raises with the other leg. To complicate the exercise, you can pick up dumbbells, or perform a high jump instead of lifting.

A variation of squats is a frog. The difference between this exercise and regular squats is that at the lowest point of the movement, the pelvis drops as low as possible, and then it is done as a long jump up. It will be enough to do 15 high jumps in each of 4 approaches.

Jumping with a chair has a peculiar technique, but it perfectly develops jumping ability. Place a chair in front of you and stand on it with one foot. Next, push off the floor with the supporting leg and change the pair in the air - the leg that was on the chair becomes the supporting one, and the supporting one is placed on the chair. Perform 8-10 jumps in 3 sets.

Actually, the high jumps themselves. Perform them from a place, in the upper phase of the movement, trying to pull your knees as close to your chest as possible. The optimal number will be 4 times, 20 repetitions each. You can diversify the exercise by performing 180 or 360-degree turns around its axis at the time of the high jump. This will allow you to work out well not only the legs, but also the stabilizing muscles.

To train the ankle group, find a flat surface with an elevation of no more than 0.5 meters, on which you should jump without bending knee joints, pushing off exclusively with the ankles. Performed in sets of 28-32 times.

Try to keep training regularly, exercising 2-3 times a week to increase strength and endurance.

How to learn to jump higher, the technique of performing exercises and the training program depend on the goal facing the athlete. For example, you need to be able to jump well in volleyball or basketball, or in similar sports that require active upward movements. In addition, jumping rope is an excellent cardio workout that helps increase endurance and strength in just 1-2 weeks.

To increase the height of the vertical jump, you need to regularly perform a set of special exercises that are designed specifically for basketball players.

For many sports, you need to be able to jump high, but how to increase the jump? The jump is the most important element in volleyball, handball and basketball. Success in such games depends, namely, on the height of the jump, therefore, it is important to perform special jump sets of exercises.

The presented complex for how to increase the height of the jump was developed by a basketball player who reached a vertical jump height of 98 centimeters. This complex will help increase the height of the vertical jump, but it is also suitable for increasing the long jump.


First, you need to warm up, for this, jumping rope for 2-5 minutes, running in place or jogging are suitable. Now that you are well warmed up, let's start stretching. We knead all joints, tendons and muscles to avoid injuries. Now, you can start the exercises themselves.

High jump on one leg

It is necessary to jump in height on one leg, as high as possible. For greater effect, after the jump, try to press your leg to your chest. We perform 5 repetitions of 10 jumps. With this exercise, the muscles of the legs, muscles lower press, which improve the running jump.


From a full squat, jump forward, try to jump as far as possible. We do 4 repetitions of 15 jumps.


We perform accelerations of 30 meters - 15 times, or 50 meters - 10 times. Between accelerations - rest no more than 30 seconds.

Jumping on one leg due to calves

The main thing in this exercise is speed. We try to perform jumps as quickly as possible, the height of the jump is about 5-10 centimeters. First, we jump for one minute on one leg, then, change the leg, and jump for another minute, then, jump on two legs, also for one minute.

High jump in place

During the jump, it is necessary to press both legs to the chest. Complete 80 jumps. You can do up to four repetitions.

Wall with a ball

We take a volleyball or basketball, put it behind our back and lean against the machine. We squat so that the legs are bent at the knee at an angle of 90 degrees, and the hips are parallel to the floor. We are in this position for 10 minutes. You can repeat this exercise no more than 5 times.

This complex must be performed 4 times a week, every week, increasing the load by 10%. After 3-4 months of such training, you will have an excellent shape, powerful legs, and, most importantly, the height of the high jump and long jump will increase.

In addition, there are other complexes in order to understand how to increase the jump in basketball. Let's look at another set of exercises. With it, you can increase the height of the jump by 15-25 centimeters. The training course is 12 weeks. Best of all, do it 5 times a week. In addition to training, you will need to eat right, and do not forget about a full sleep.

warm up

Within a few minutes we jump with a rope or run in place.


You need to stretch all the muscle groups that are involved in the jump complex. Calves can be stretched with step-up exercises. To do this, we put one foot on a ladder or another small elevation, and try to reach the floor with the heel, after that, we do the same exercise with the other leg. The femoral muscle can be stretched by placing the foot on a chair and lean towards it with the body. We stretch the hamstrings with simple inclinations.

High jump

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, jump up as high as possible. Having lowered, we squat a quarter, and, again, jump up. The main thing is to do this exercise very quickly. It is also important to ensure that it is not the calves that are tensed, but the anterior femoral muscle. Between sets, a break of 3-4 minutes.

Rises on toes

We become so that the heels do not reach the floor, you can take a thick book, or use the stairs. We rise on one leg as high as possible, straining only the calves. Then, change the leg. It is important not to bend your knees so that the maximum load is on the calves. Before approaches - a break of 20-30 seconds.


One leg is elevated, and the supporting leg is pushed up with the foot. Change legs in the air. Rest a few minutes between sets.

Toe jumping

We stand on the floor, on straight legs we jump up, straining only the muscles of the calves, and as high as possible. The faster you push off the ground, the better. Do not bend your legs at the knee. Rest one minute between sets.


We stand on straight legs and do jumping out, also, straining only the calf muscles. Each jump should be 1-3 centimeters high, we try to perform the exercises as quickly as possible. This exercise is called burning out, because with it, in the calves, a burning sensation is felt.


Now, you need to perform a relaxing stretch, and finish your workout.

Now, you know two sets of exercises that will help you understand how to increase the height of the jump.

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