How to pick up beef for kebabs: the secrets of the marinade, the recipe for the preparation of a soft and juicy kebab. Soft and juicy beef kebab

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The beef kebabs are the most delicious beef so that the meat is soft will come out if you listen to the advice that will be given below.

We all love to go away with friends on kebabs in nature. Often we buy meat beef for kebabs, but as a result, the kebab gets so-so, not juicy. And all this is due to the ignorance of the rules of preparation of good marinade for beef kebab, as well as, not the right choice of marinade elements and, often, its main component.

What can and what can not be done and used during the preparation of marinade for kebabs from beef

  • No need to use vinegar, especially 9%. It will make your kebab dry and hard.
  • Mayonnaise will make a kebab very soft, but at the same time, very harmful to your body, therefore, it is better not to take it as the basis of the marinade.
  • Calculate the amount of all marinades ingredients in such a way that it is enough to cover with the top of everything available for meat kebab.
  • So that the beef began to be softer, and the kebab is tastier from it, you just need to repel the meat before starting marination.
  • To choose beef worth the one with which you can see the smallest number of lived, as well as the one that has a lighter shade.
  • Use for cooking kebabs wood fruit trees. It will give me a pleasant note. With that, this is not harmful to the body, such as the preparation of kebabs on coals from coniferous wood.
During the preparation of your ideal kebab, you need to know a few more rules:
  • It is best to lubricate with sunflower oil with sunflower before starting to wear beef on it.
  • Marinade from kebabs should not pour. It is better to use it in order to pour meat while it is prepared above the coals.
  • So that the beef was juicy, it can be deceived before the preparation of sunflower oil. In this case, the beef opens and, at the same time, with a crispy crust.
  • During the marination of meat, it is best to press it with top with something heavy. In this case, the meat will be blocked better.
  • The meat skewers always dress along the fibers.

Recipe marinade for kebabs from beef with pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice, as the main component of the marinade, will give beef not only a rich taste, but also make it soft.


  • Beef - 3 kilograms. It is best to take clipping.
  • Pomegranate juice - 1.5 liters (juice should always be taken with a calculation of 0.5 liters per kilogram of meat).
  • 5 large bulbs.
  • Ground pepper ground.
  • Salt.
Process of cooking kebabs:
  • Leek clean and cut into rings.
  • Beef wash and cut, separating residents.
  • Make a mixture of salt and black ground pepper, which rub the meat.
  • Onion and meat lay out layers in an enameled saucepan. Let it breed 45 minutes.
  • Pour pomegranate juice in the pan. If it is not enough to cover all the meat, it is necessary to add water.
  • Put marinated meat under the press in the refrigerator for the night.
Shower output - 6 servings.

Marinade for beef kebab with red wine

No less delicious kebabs will be able to prepare it in the following way:


  • Beef - 3 kilograms (per 6 person).
  • 2 kilogram of bow.
  • Garlic head.
  • Red dry wine - 800 ml (per 200 ml. At 750 grams of beef).
  • Salt.
  • Red sharp pepper.
The process of cooking a juicy kebab:
  • Garlic suppress and mix with salt and red sharp pepper.
  • Beef cut into pieces of medium sized and lightly repel.
  • Rub the meat with garlic mixture and give to stand for 15 minutes.
  • Add to beef sliced \u200b\u200bonion rings and mix.
  • Pour wine in a saucepan and, if the meat is not completely covered with marinade - add some water.
  • To cover the saucepan and add something heavy.
  • Place meat in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
Dishes exit - 6 servings.

The kebab from beef marinade is the most delicious so that the meat is mild you prepare yourself, following all the rules and adhering to all the proportions specified in the recipes. Do not forget that the most important thing is the choice of meat. Beef should not be red - this means that the meat is old and, therefore, will be tough.

Traditionally, kebabs are prepared from lamb. However, the chicken meat, pork and even beef is becoming increasingly on the mangale.

With the proper preparation of beef kebabs, it turns out at no less delicious than pork. Due to the small fat content, it turns out low-calorie. Beef kebabs are quite suitable for people who follow their nutrition and counting calories.

The most important thing in cooking is to take fresh enough, and not better cutting. The piece is washed and cut into cubes, approximately 3-4 centimeters, and fold into a deep saucepan. The onions are added there, cut into thick rings. From above, the meat with a bow sprinkled with ground peppers, salted, add thyme and stirred, slightly intimidated by hand. Withstand beef a couple of hours, ride on the skewers and proceed to the baking. For 1 kg of beef take 2 medium-sized bulbs.

Lovers of acute kebab can prepare meat according to the following recipe.

A piece of beef weighing about 1 kg is cut into pieces of 4 centimeters, fold into a bowl. Separately mixed 1 tbsp. Spoon of vegetable sauce and chili sauce. The pieces of meat poured the resulting marinade, they are soles, stirred with onions rings and leave on an air force for impregnation. If desired, exactly in the same sauce can soak pieces of vegetables: tomato, eggplants or zucchini. When cooking, pieces of vegetables are paved between pieces of meat.

To prepare beef kebabs soft and juicy, you need to take a piece of meat weighing near a kilogram, to cut it on the layers of 3 cm and beat off well. Seal it into small pieces. They clean the three large bulbs, cut them with rings, misunderstood to appear juice, solid and stirred with meat. The branches of the kinse, dill and parsley are chopped, add coriander and sprinkle beef. Slices are solid, pepper, stirred and leave marinated for half a day. The finished meat is riveted on the skewers and baked on coals.

From beef, so that it turns out to be soft and sharp at the same time?

Juicy young meat weighing near a kilogram should be divided into small pieces. Then you need to cut the bulbs on the bulbs and lay it on the bottom of the pan. Throw a dozen peas of black peppers, after which it is laying a layer of meat on the bow. From above, beef sprinkled with red pepper and salt and close another layer of onions. Then beef again, it is pumped and sissing it again. So alternate until the meat is over. The latter goes the layer of Luke. All watered 0.5 glasses of vinegar, closed with a layer of tomato paste, add 4 to 5 laurel leaves. Cress the meat with a plate or lid, install the load on top and leave one day to pickle. The defined fluid is drained the next day, pour meat with white wine (they take about 100 ml), squeezed over meat lemon juice from one lemon and stirred. Give beef to stand another three hours, and then proceed to baking.

Beef kebabs with tomatoes, simple recipe.

They divide on the pieces of medium size and fold into deep dishes. Salt, sprinkle with a small amount of ground black pepper, watered a tablespoon of vinegar, sprinkled with rings onions and stirred with their hands, trying to be soaked every piece. Tomatoes are washed and cut into thick rings. After three hours, when the meat is soaked, the beef kebabs are planted on the skewer, alternating meat pieces with tomato circles.

Bake kebabs on a grill over hot coals. So that the meat is not burning, the chapper is constantly rotating, and so as not to stop - water water. If the heat from coal goes good, this wonderful dish will be ready in 20-30 minutes. It is served a kebab with hot, be sure to make a vegetable garnish and fresh greens.

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Tell VK

It is difficult to submit a departure to nature without its integral component - kebab. All are in anticipation of fragrant meal, but sometimes the result does not justify expectations. And all because not the right marinade was chosen to prepare meat so that the meat was soft. In order not to get into this situation, it is worth knowing some subtleties and then any picnic will become a real feast and one praise of culinary talents of the main chef.

It is important to know exactly what you want to get in the end. After all, the chosen pulp will be prepared depending on what products were chosen for marinization. At the same time, it is always necessary to observe the time allotted for different ingredients affecting the quality of meat. Just a few nuances, to which you should be ready in advance and an excellent result will not make yourself wait long.

The main postulates of marinations beef

No matter how good bees, it is simply unpredictable. Wrong marinade or one of the products in the preparation process and the whole result will go to the pump. It should be extremely attentive both in the choice of meat and the way of marination.

  • In order for the kebab to turn out impeccable, it is necessary to choose the pair meat or at least chilled. Frozen can immediately stand aside, as the sovereign will be practically not edible: overwhelmed and fibrous.
  • An excellent result is happening if it is for kebabs to purchase spask, neck, the inner of the back leg, cutting with a good fatty layer.
  • It is forever to abandon the purchase of the finished product on the market or in the supermarket. Often, meat is selected selected, requiring treatment with spices and essences.

Half of the path passed. The main product is selected, it remains for small: marinade. And its options are quite a lot. Therefore, when selecting the best combination of ingredients, it is necessary to be guided by its taste preferences and preferences to one or another products.

Marinade for kebabs from beef pulp

One of the main nuances that should be considered before the choice of a marinization method is the time settled for the preparation of meat and products, with which the active process of preparation for frying will go. It is necessary to carefully read each recipe and pick up the most interesting.

With vinegar

Well known method, with which the necessary qualities of veal can be literally per hour. It is worth being prepared for additional components used in the recipe.


  • Beef pulp - a couple of kilograms.
  • The onion is 8 heads.
  • Paprika - 10 grams.
  • Acetic essence - 1 tablespoon.
  • Water - 100 milligrams.

Cooking process:

1. Mushroom rinse. Cut into large pieces and beat off a little with a culinary hammer. Cut into pieces of medium diameter.

2. Manufactured pieces to shift the enameled bowl. Fill spices. Onions cut into large rings and add to the bowl. Mix well so that the onion rings gave juice.

3.Senate to dilute with water. Pour into a bowl. Mix well. Place under jet. Give to stand at least 7 hours. The longer the product is marked, thedes it will be softer.

The easiest and most economical way to create a unique.

With mayonnaise

Without this sauce, it is practically not to do. In order for the beef, it becomes especially soft and juicy, this product should be used and discover new taste faces.


  • Beef - 2 kilograms.
  • Big pack mayonnaise.
  • Lemon - 3 middle fetus.
  • Garlic head.
  • Spices according to preferences.

Cooking process:

1. Dimon rinse, dry, rub the lemon zest on the shallow grater.

2. Add juice from lemons. Mix with missed with garlic. The pulp cut into pieces of medium diameter and mix with prepared products.

3. Developed lemon zest mix with mayonnaise and spices. Pour into the rest of the ingredients. Check the amount of salt. Place in a cool place for at least half a day. In less time, the result may not justify expectations.

As a result, the dish will turn out exactly how it was expected: juicy, gentle and literally soluble in the mouth.

With wine

Create inimitable taste sensations from beef consumption will help home wine, with which the first-class marinade is preparing.


  • Beef couple kilogram.
  • The onion is 5 heads.
  • Homemade wine - 300 milligrams.
  • Herbs and spices according to preferences.

Cooking process:

1. Protein is well rinsed. Cut into pieces with a diameter of 3-5 centimeters. Onions cut into small rings add to glass dishes. To actively wash the onion juice.

2. Support the necessary spices and herbs. Pour wine.

3. Shuffle. Leave to launch at least 10 hours. It is during this time that all the necessary taste quality of products will be transferred to meat.

A non-standard approach will delight true connoisseurs of classic kebab.

With kiwi

Add a kind of highlight and diversify the usual taste of meals can be easily with a tropical fruit.


  • Veal - 2 kilograms.
  • Onion onion - 7 heads.
  • Kiwi - 1 fruit.
  • Carbonated mineral water - 500 milligrams.
  • Lavr - 5 sheets.
  • Seasonings according to preferences.

Cooking process:

1. Rinse it, cut into equal pieces of medium diameter. Mix with onion rings and laurels. Mix well. There should be onion juice.

2. CVISI Clear from the peel, twisted on the meat grinder or finely grate. Move to prepared products. Pick up the desired spices. Pour mineral water and mix.

3. Marinization takes at least 5 hours. To get the best result, it is preferable to leave meat overnight.

The original way to surprise close, non-standard look at traditional delicacy.


Accelerate the preparation and give a classic look on the meal, something new, it is possible due to the non-standard components. It is they who will create original notes and will help to gain a special tenderness.


  • Beef - a couple of kilograms.
  • Fresh pineapple - 1 fruit.
  • Vinegar wine - 150 milligrams.
  • Garlic - head.
  • The onion is 3 heads.
  • Olive oil - 50 milligrams.
  • Mediterranean herbs - 5 grams.
  • Spices according to preferences.

Cooking process:

1. Pineapple, chop fine. Half the fetus mix with garlic cloths and grind products using a blender.

2.Co the resulting mass add vinegar, Mediterranean herbs, olive oil. Mix.

3. Susing to cut medium pieces, put in glass dishes, pour marinade. Onion rings cut large. Add to Capacity and Mix. The process of preparation for frying takes at least 4 hours.

To give a kebab originality on the skewer, it is necessary to ride beef and pieces of pineapple. Not a large number of Luke is better to prepare additionally using the paprika and serve together with the finished delicacy.


It is thanks to tomatoes that can create a unique taste of dietary meat. They literally drink it with their juice.


  • Puffed - 2 kilograms.
  • Fresh tomatoes or paste - 300 grams.
  • Vinegar - 50 milligrams.
  • Lemon - big fruit.
  • White table wine - 100 milligrams.
  • Onion - 6 heads.
  • Lavr - 6 sheets.
  • Spices according to preferences.

Cooking process:

1. Protine is well rinsed and cut into pieces with a diameter of approximately 5 centimeters.

2. Syntic onion rings decompose on the bottom of an enameled pan. Spice up. Add laurel. On top to lay out half pieces of prepared meat.

3. For another similar layer. Top to fall asleep onion rings.

4.Midors flush on a grater or a tomato paste to mix with water. Add vinegar and pour into a container with meat. Leave for about 20 hours.

5.Myaso pull out. Pour wine and large lemon juice. Leave for saturation for 5 hours.

Despite the considerable time costs, the result obtained is definitely worth attaching some effort to create a culinary masterpiece.

With pomegranate juice

Specific and at the same time a pleasant taste will give exactly the fruit of a grenade. Sour notes and excellent aftertaste can do this particular method.


  • Beef - 2 - 3 kilograms.
  • Lemon - a couple of large fruit.
  • Kinza - bundle.
  • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons.
  • Pomegranate juice - 1500 milligrams.
  • Onion - 4 heads.
  • Spices according to preferences.

Cooking process:

1. Mustrate prepare, cut into pieces with a diameter of several centimeters. Add spices and herbs. Mix well.

2.Limon and onions cut into rings. Place in the tank for marination. Mix. Cut the cilantro and add to the rest of the components.

3. Mix the oil with the rest of the ingredients. Pour all with pomegranate juice. Leave for marination for 8-10 hours.

The non-traditional method will give a lot of taste and teach to appreciate the real kebab.


True connoisseurs perfectly know that only competently chosen oriental spices can convey the extraordinary gamut of the tastes of meat. It is necessary to learn how to competently select the main products so that the result was above all silence.


  • Veal - 2 kilograms.
  • Tomato sauce - 50 milligrams.
  • Garlic head.
  • Lemon - big fruit.
  • Onion - 2 heads.
  • Olive oil - 150 milligrams.
  • Parsley - bundle.
  • Oriental spices according to preferences.

Cooking process:

1. Music cut into pieces with a diameter of 5 centimeters. Add spices and herbs. Mash, gradually adding olive oil. Onions, garlic and parsley skip through a meat grinder. Add to the total mass.

2. From lemon to squeeze juice. Add to other products. Mix. Let stand for 8-11 hours.

Eastern recipe is nothing complicated. But the aroma appearing from the moment of laying the skewers to the brazier and the subsequent taste sensations are nothing to convey.

At kefir

The proposed fermented milk drink is the perfect option for those who want to quickly and without much effort to get a decent dish.


  • Puffed - 2 kilograms.
  • Kefir - floor liters.
  • Lemon - two fetus.
  • Garlic is one head.
  • Spices according to preferences.

Cooking process:

1. Lemon to graze. Skin squeeze. Skip the garlic through the press, add to kefir. Stir with product, juice, spices.

2. How to cut with neat small pieces. Place into deep enameled dishes. Pour the cooked marinade. The process of preparing meat will take at least 6 hours.

Such an option to supply kebabs is surprisingly juicy and saturated.

The process of cooking a decent and juicy beef kebab

To make the taste of the pulp, it is necessary to come up in a detachment. Fruit trees are ideal, which, due to the presence of special juices, give meals an unsurpassed taste and a sweet fragrance.

In the absence of the ability to dial good lanes for ignition, it is necessary to resort to charcoal and the standard fracture method. Special fluids are better not to use, in order to avoid getting toxins into the body.

Despite the way that the method of cooking was chosen, a grid or skewer, it is important to prevent the process of forming a crust in the first minutes of frying. In this case, meat, even looking at the excellent marinade, will be hard and practically not edible. First of all, it should be done, but only after that get a ruddy crust.

Coals, it is necessary to periodically spray with water, so that the dish is not burnt. No need to allow moisture to enter meat, as it can dry.

The kebab requires constant attention. In no case can not be admitted by charring. The grown kebab can spoil all the mood and arriving appetite in two scores.

If all the stages of the process are observed, then one can be exactly sure that the first-class dish will delight everyone with their gastronomic properties.

In order to obtain a more gentle dish, the pulp should be disconnected well before marinating.

Beef kebabs are soft if the pieces of medium-sized sizes not only recall evenly, but also will retain a juiciness.

Any marinade should cover beef. Otherwise, it is possible to get a solid kebab.

Prepare the perfect beef kebabs will not be difficult if you ride advice and use the proposed recommendations. A wonderful disorder will be tempting to the grind and invite guests to abundant meal with real meat delicacy.


Tell VK

Beef is not the most popular meat for kebab. Nevertheless, if you use the right marinade and accurately comply with the cooking technology, the beef kebab is obtained very tasty, soft, and not at all fat. The main condition for successful skewed marinade for hard, innocent meat is the use of acid. Under the influence of acidic components, meat fibers soften and delay inside the maximum juice. A kebab cooked from veal or beef is characterized by a special aroma, which appetizer emphasizes the smells of the smoke and components of the marinade. That is why it is worth trying to cook alone. Before you the most delicious marinades for juicy kebabs from beef, thanks to which the meat will be incredibly soft. Try!

Major Rules Marinity Beef for Shash

  1. For kebabs should choose only fresh raw materials of good quality. It is better if it is bought in a farmers store or on the market (provided that the seller has all the documents on the products). You need to choose beef only cooled, but not frozen. Otherwise, after cooking on coals, protein fibers will become rigid, and the consistency is "rubber".
  2. To check whether the meat of freezing was subjected, slightly pressing on it. Fresh piece very elastic, so dents from the finger will not remain.

  3. Do not buy already pickled meat. It is not known how much it has already blocked on the counter and what is his quality.
  4. In order for the finished beef kebabs to be delicious and juicy, the aggressive component is necessarily included in the marinade: lemon juice, vinegar, wine, kefir, etc. Acids make raw materials more porous and soft. If not to use them, the meat will get too tough.
  5. The marinade container must be glass, ceramic or enamelled. These materials are not oxidized - do not react with liquid ingredients.

What part of the beef carcashe is better suitable for cooking kebabs?

There are several rules For the choice of the perfect part of the carcass for the beef kebab:

  • It is better to give preference to the meat of bull, not a cow. It is preparing a little faster, saves more juice.
  • When it is worth the choice of beef or veal - the advantage remains for more "young" meat.
  • It is worth paying attention to the color of the product. Beef is light red, the veal is pinkish. Too dark shade speaks of spoilness or low meat quality.
  • For kebabs, you need to choose one of the following parts: the inside of the back paw, spray or tenderloin with a fat layer.
  • Meat must be necessarily with fat and without films. Beef has the color of such inclusions light yellow, and the veal is white.

Juicy beef kebabs in acetic marinade

For cooking will need:

  • fresh beef good quality - 1 kg;
  • vinegar (grape, apple) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onions (yellow, white) bow - 3-4 pieces;
  • large ground black peas - 1 tsp;
  • sunflower oil without smell - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt (not iodined) - 0.5-1 h.;
  • laurel - 2 pcs.;
  • other skewed spices are optional.


  1. Meat wash, clean from lived, films, bone fragments. Cut into small pieces.
  2. Clear onions, cut into large rings. Salt, to spin well with your hands until the juice goes.
  3. In a large container, shifting meat, bow, add spices. Pour oil with vinegar. Mix well so that each piece is covered with marinade.
  4. Put in a cool place for 3-6 hours.
  5. Pickled meat pieces to rinse on skewers at a distance of about 1 cm from each other. Fry on glow coals (grill, grill). Readiness to check with a knife: If blood flows - it means that the beef is still raw, if a transparent liquid is composed of a puncture, the kebabs spare.
  6. Serve hot.

You can serve such a kebab with fresh or baked vegetables. Excellent idea for feeding with meat - ajapsandal - Warm salad of their baked vegetables. It can be cooked in the oven, as I showed or bake right on the coals, observing the same proportions of the ingredients. Beautiful "Company" for tasty meat!

Marinade from Kiwi will make even tough beef surprisingly soft


  • beef (veal) - 3 kg;
  • large salt - 0.5 h.
  • pepper - pinch;
  • seasoning for kebab - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • onions - 5-6 pieces;
  • large tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • kiwi - 1-2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse meat, dried with a paper towel. Crop all unnecessary. Cut with portion slices, size with matchboxes.
  2. Wash tomatoes, chop slices.
  3. Leek Clear from husks, cut rings.
  4. Kiwi cut into two halves, to remove the flesh with a spoon. If the fruit is too solid, remove the peel with a knife. Cut into small cubes.
  5. Meat pieces and vegetables fold into a large bowl, add salt, pepper and seasoning. Mix everything well, cover with a dense lid. Next to install the oppression.
  6. After 2-3 hours, the kebab can fry.

Kefir marinade for juiciness and tenderness of coarse meat

1 kg of beef will need:

  • onion - 1-2 pieces;
  • middle fat kefir - 250 ml;
  • dried mint - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5 h.;
  • a mixture of peppers - 2 chopping.

Cooking process:

  1. Onions chop rings.
  2. Meat cut into medium cubes.
  3. Connect salt, pepper, mint. Watch this mixture every piece of beef.
  4. Share meat into a large container, fill in kefir and add onions. All mix all, cover with a lid. Put the kebab in the refrigerator at least 5-6 hours.
  5. Pickled pieces slightly squeeze, pokold on skewers. Fry on each side of 4-5 minutes until readiness.

Fragrant uzbek marinade - Another excellent option for any meat with rigid fibers. Especially recommend fans of oriental cuisine. Kurdnyny fat used in, can be replaced with bacon or pork lard.

Mineral water recipe on mineral water - simple and fast

What is necessary:

  • cutting from veal (beef) - 1 kg;
  • onions - 1-2 pieces;
  • garlic - 2-3 teeth;
  • lemon pepper - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5-1 h.;
  • salad carbonated water - 1 l.

How to pick up:

  1. Cut the beef to small pieces.
  2. Garlic finely chopped (selling through the press).
  3. The onions are cleaned from the husks, cut into rings or half rings.
  4. Sliced \u200b\u200bmeat put on the bottom of deep containers. Add salt, pepper, garlic and onions. Mix well.
  5. Pour the mineral water so that each piece is immersed in water.
  6. Leave marinated for 1-2 hours.
  7. Hang the kebab on the skewers, fry on the grill for 10-20 minutes. If the pieces will be very burning in the cooking process, you can water them with marinade.

The most juicy kebab in lemon marinade

Grocery list:

  • beef, chopped with slices - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 2-3 pieces;
  • hazing - 0.5 l;
  • pork fat (slices with a thickness of 1-2 cm) - 150-200 g;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

Step-by-step recipe:

  1. Onions cut into rings, salt, pepper. Stir for 1-2 minutes until it stops juice.
  2. Stay in deep container, float onion, mix.
  3. Leave to pick up for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Squeeze lemon juice. Connect it with mineralka.
  5. Pour the resulting meat with a bow, cover with a dense lid, put the load on top. Marine in a cold place 1-1.5 hours.
  6. Slit kebabs on the skewers so that they were slices of bass along the edges. Fry until readiness, often turning over.

Also beef or calf flesh can be chopped in mayonnaise with bow - This suitable for any meat, especially for low-fat. Mayonnaise, when roasting on coals, forms a crust that will retain the juice of the dish. But note that only the marination is suitable homemade mayonnaise, without additives and synthetic preservatives.

Wine marinade for mindful taste and softness

List of components:

  • beef with a fat layer - 2 kg;
  • onions - 2-3 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;
  • seasoning "Olive herbs" - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • black crushed pepper - 2 chips;
  • wine dry - 500 ml.

Detailed preparation recipe:

  1. Meat washed, dry, cut into portion cubes.
  2. Peeled onions cut into rings of medium thickness.
  3. Beef put in glass container. Fall asleep onions, salt, pepper, add seasoning. Mix well, slightly "massaging" every piece.
  4. Pour wine, cover.
  5. Marine about 4 hours in a cool place.
  6. Prepare kebabs on the grill, roasting from all sides to a golden crust, periodically watering the remnants of the wine marinade.

Soy garlic marinade for the most fragrant kebab with spicy taste

List of ingredients:

  • beef - 600 g;
  • soy sauce - 100-120 ml;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;
  • crushed Tarkhun (etaragon) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 5-6 teeth.


  1. Lemons cut in half, from each half squeeze the juice in the amount of 100-125 ml.
  2. Mix juice with soy sauce.
  3. Garlic is very finely chopped, the cementing in a step or toast through the press.
  4. Meat cut into small pieces, salted. Loose garlic and estragon on all sides.
  5. Share beef on a bottom of a big bowl and pour the soybean sauce.
  6. Marine in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours (it is better to leave for the night).
  7. Fry on hot coals until readiness. Skewers will be even more juicy. If in the process of frying to water it marinade.

Pomegranate skewed marinade


  • calf (beef) clipping - 2 kg;
  • onion repka - 2-3 pcs.;
  • concentrated garnet juice - up to 1 l;
  • salt - 2 chips;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • seasonings (black peas pepper, hops-sunnels, kinse seeds) - 0.5 h.

Preparation Instructions:

  1. Meat cut into slices for kebab.
  2. Spices crowed into a mortar with salt.
  3. Grate the beef seasoning, lay out in a large bowl (pan).
  4. Pour oil, add onions.
  5. Pour pomegranate juice, mix.
  6. Cover the plate or heavy lid so that the juice is well covered with meat.
  7. Leave in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  8. Fry kebabs according to standard technology.

Ribs on kvass - very fragrant and gentle


  • beef (ribs) - 1 kg;
  • natural grain kvass - 1 l;
  • cumin - 1 tsp;
  • rosemary leaves - 5 g;
  • garlic - 1-2 teeth;
  • salt to taste;
  • pepper - to taste.


  1. Spices and herbs crowed into the mortar.
  2. Rib cut one by one. Watch the resulting mixture.
  3. Ship into a deep bowl, pour by kvass.
  4. Marine in the refrigerator 8-12 hours.
  5. Prepare beef ribs on the grill.

To this dish, an excellent supplement will be homemade Ketchup. The sour-sweet spicy sauce of selected tomatoes is the maximum of taste and no chemistry. I have long been preparing and advise you to add to this habit and you!

Beer marinade with the addition of mustard

Components for 1-1.5 kg of beef:

  • beer light living - 1 l;
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • onion rings - 1 pc.

How to pickle juicy kebabs:

  1. Pleep the meat into a large saucepan, fall asleep with a cut back.
  2. Add salt in beer, mustard. Stir.
  3. Pour the resulting liquid meat.
  4. Cover the plate, leave in the refrigerator for the night.
  5. To fry on hot coals until readiness, periodically watered by marinade for more juiciness.

Beef in the overwhelming majority of the people is recognized as the most rigid meat and projects out of the lists of favorite and often purchased products. Many refuse to believe that you can cook delicious, juicy and gentle beef kebabs. The recipe for marinade, selected correctly, can forever change your opinion. The dish is not less soft than from the usual pork, and with much more original and memorable taste.

In the old days, people used almost only one way to marinate - acetic. Yes, and the meat could only get a pork. If you want to move away from stereotypes - prepare beef kebabs. Marinade recipes with vinegar are often ignored, but only those who do not know the right options. The composition will be the following: A glass of 6% vinegar is divorced by the same volume of water, a spoon of salt and halm - sugar dissolved in it. Pepper, Laurel, favorite spices are added - and marinade is poured into a saucepan with sliced \u200b\u200bmeat and onions. From above is the oppression, and for two hours - in the refrigerator. It would be nice a couple of times during this time the contents of the bowl to prevent.

Classic marinency

When the beef kebab is taken, the recipes of marinade with wine remain the most popular and most commonly used. Wine is a classic that never becomes obsolete. In addition, unlike vinegar, it is unable to overcover and so harsh meat: the longer it breaks in the marinade, the softer will become. For two kilograms of beef, there are enough two glasses of wine. In the classic performance, the drink is taken dry and red. The meat is washed, free from films and coarse veins, if they are, it cuts up and folds into the container, with which it is planned to leave for nature. Three mid-bulbs (you can more, if you like pickled onions) cut with thick rings and mixed with meat. Then grips seasonings - at least salt with pepper; You can add fragrant herbs or zira-as you like. Streased all times. Finally, wine is poured, and the future kebab is left on the table. If the beef is young, then in an hour you can start to fry, if "in age", then the fire burning is postponed at three or four hours.

Siberian Skewer

In this method of cooking, you can say, and wine and acetic methods are combined. The only thing that is long enough: to withstand the meat is needed a day. But at the exit you will receive such a gentle dish that you will always prepare beef kebabs. The recipe for the marinade includes not only the special ingredients, but also the method of their layout in the selected container. First, the meat (three kilo) is cut by small pieces; At the bottom of the peas, the pepper layer is poured so that it completely closes the space. On top folds the similar layer of laurels, on it - onion rings with a thick layer, and only from above - beef, pressed and prefect. Meat with onions alternate until you run out. The laurel is placed on the upper onion layer. The design is flooded with an incomplete glass of vinegar and left for 21 hours. Then the allocated juice is cleaned, and meat in the new saucepan is poured at four white dry wine (300 grams) mixed with a juice of one lemon. It turns out just an amazing beef kebab! The recipe of the marinade, of course, you can't call, and you will have to work. But patience will be generously and delicious rewarded.

Pomegranate marinade

The juice of this fruit has long conquered certain positions in the preparation of meat dishes. Excellent beef kebabs. Recipe of marinade, however, requires natural juice; It consotes that it is quite suitable for packaged. Two kilos of meat is standardly cut and mixed with onion rings. It is necessary to take 4-5 heads, but you can adjust the quantity at your discretion. The taste is added and spices, salt, pepper. After stirring, grams 700 juice flows and two spoons of any lean oil are added - it contributes to the burning of the formation of a beautiful crust. If the meat is made by cargo and do not remove into the cold, then it will be ready to ride the skewers after an hour.

"Calf tenderness"

Barbecue lovers have long appreciated the contribution of fermented milk products into its preparation. They are invaluable in those cases where the people are going to make beef kebabs - marinade recipes with kefir allow you to remove the rigidity of meat very quickly and make it accessible even for children who have not changed all the teeth. The following one of the most successful variations is recognized as follows: dill and basil will crumble into a liter of the kefir of medium fat. The half of the lemon is pressed there and pepper pea peppers are suited - other seasonings are not recommended, meat thanks to herbs will be so fragrant. There are enough marinade for a kilogram of beef. Before cutting it to pieces, experienced kebabs are advised to graze the meat with ground pepper with salt.

Lemon with Basilik

The Great Citrus participates in many dishes, including meat. It is suitable and when the beef kebab is fried. Marinade recipes with lemon are quite varied. It is known to combine citrus acids with a pronounced basil smell. The conditions for successful marinion are as follows:

  1. Many lemons: per kilogram of beef - at least one.
  2. Many herbs, and not dried, and fresh.

Goring beef is laying in layers: on the pieces of meat, the rings of onions are laid out, on top of it - the stem of the basil, after which the juice is squeezed out of the lemon, and he himself arbitrarily cut and throws on the grass. And so until meat runs out. Marinated it will be night. It is not worth holding longer: the smell of the basil will become too strong, and citric acid will show itself to excessive degrees.

Original: Meat with kiwi

Than just do not marinate the basis for a kebab! All embodiments do not know, probably, the chefs of the world-class. The proposed here will be particularly interesting to those who are already the first time prepares beef kebabs. Marinade recipes with kiwi are not yet too common and not all are spelled. Meanwhile, this is one of the fastest ways to prepare meat to frodish on open fire. Cut it should be large enough. After mixing with a bow, spices and a salt of beef, it is filled with a kink from one kiwi and is poured with a glass of a strong mineral car (calculation per kilogram of meat). After an hour and a half you can send kebabs on the coal. Those who retain the loyalty of pork will wait just a third of the hour.

Shash Bachel

This recipe for fans is sharp. A kilogram of large chopped beef is poured with a mixture of three spoons of strong mustard, two spoons of lean unrefined oil and a two-table vinegar. Spices with salt - as always, according to your tastes. It is necessary to withstand the meat one and a half hours if you got a veal, and about three - if the hands of mature beef.

Medovo-soyful pleasure

With such a refueling, it turns out a gentle beef kebab. For some reason, the recipe for marinade is attributed to Caucasians, but it is doubtful - where in the mountains of Soy? Is that a certain fan of Asian cuisine in his own way focused on the fill from the Caucasus. For marinada, ginger is running - it should be two coffee spoons. Through the press, garlic is pushing. The number of teeth depends on how much you are favorable. The tablespoon of honey heats up (but no one is boiling!), Prepared components are sprinkled in it plus a spoonful of sesame oil and a third of soy meat glasses. After four-hour withstanding beef, the kebab is obtained magnificent.

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