How to become the most popular.

Arrangement of the site 30.09.2019
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Popular, as a rule, enjoys the one who does not remain unnoticed. Attract attention! Therefore, experiment with clothes, make your corona gestures, do not hide the original profession and no less unexpected hobby. Put, dance, tell stories, show the initiative, arrange parties, do not get dry and do not stand in the corner in an unfamiliar company, waiting for you at least someone will appear - go first and tie a conversation with whom you want to communicate. In other words, do not be afraid to do what is not accepted and does not fit into the framework of standards. A person who adheres to his own style and independent of public opinion conventions is always interesting. However, do not forget about the sense of measure, if you, of course, have no goal to gain a reputation as a scattering person without a king.

Do not rebuild. Popularity is, above all, naturalness. Excessive desire by all means turning to the object of universal love will cause a completely opposite response and at least laughter. Do not get into close friends to people who do not have anything in common with you. Be yourself! Insureness repels and makes us suspicious: few who will like it when hypocritical people are rubbed into confidence. After all, we prefer those who sincerely appreciate and love our society. Easiness and ease in communication is the secret of popularity.

The ability to listen and ask questions - the recipe for the ideal interlocutor. Of course, I want to talk only to your loved ones, but if you allow someone to take possession of your attention, then conquer his heart forever. The most popular person in the company listens attentively, does not interrupt and skillfully supports the conversation. No wonder the couple of centuries ago, it was these skills in the basics of raising noble maidens. And those who mastered these basins were shone in the best houses in Europe.

Merry people are very popular, you probably noticed it. Hang yourself above the mirror "I am looking for a positive" and instead of crushing and complaining, throw all the forces in search of the solution. Without letting yourself be stamped and bored, you will always be tuned for the best. Such behavior inspires on the feats of others. And in the meantime, you are not only moving towards the great achievements themselves, but also lead a group of supporters who unconditionally recognize you with their leader.

Never confuse! An embarrassment, of course, decorated the romantic young ladies in the past century, but even they studied with dignity to solve their problems. An embarrassment is weakness. In our cynical world, strong personality is appreciated. What would not happen, never lose control over the situation. Contact help, advise, remove the lessons for the future, just not to throw in place! Even in the lottery wins the one who first will buy a ticket ...

Laugh over yourself! Only the ability with irony, or rather with self-irony, go to any problem will attract views to you, full of delight. Probably there is no more repulsive image than a person who perceives herself too seriously. If you are joking out of an awkward situation, everyone will not laugh at you, and with you (and this, you see, another thing).

To be popular, we must sincerely believe that you really deserve universal attention and possess for this with all the necessary qualities. In other words, you must sue yourself. On knowing himself the price of a person want to be equal. Make sure that all your superconditions do not disappear for: do not hide talents, present yourself in a favorable light and the right angle. In general, do not forget about the magical power of the PR.

How to become popular is a problem that interests many people, especially more or less young and active, seeking to achieve success, rather, not at work, but in the circle of their peers. Another thing is that not everyone knows how to achieve this rather difficult goal. From the article you will understand how to become a popular person or social networks, which is a lot, and almost every require an individual approach, or in real life, specifically at school.

Why people are popular

To begin with, I would like to say a little about whether people need it at all. Popularity, and it does not matter, it is on the Internet or in real life - an extremely fragile thing. Losing my fans very simple. But, despite any potential difficulties, a person has long sought to power, and it is popular - that means feeling not an ordinary schoolboy from an unknown town, but a real star. Being in the center of attention, getting a hooked reviews, know what you like people ... even a modest personality dream about this, which are not particularly able to build a world celebrity, what to say about those for whom to glorify is almost the goal of life.

In general, the desire to become famous have many. But one thing, playing on the guitar, to imagine himself in front of a millionth crowd of fans, the other is to be glorified on the Internet or at school, because it is much easier. Well, forward, to new information!


Being a well-known personality in such a major social network, where without newcomers, there are enough professionals with millions of subscribers, it is difficult, but perhaps. At the same time, you are given the opportunity to show all your best qualities, because only then you can become truly famous.

Many people posting their videos, sooner or later think about how to become popular on YouTube. However, such a desire may appear in ordinary spectators. And this is not surprising, the fame of major surveyors, shivers and other interesting guys do not give rest, I want to try to become famous yourself. Of course, in a similar place it can be done in one day, if a certain discouraging video will fall into the network, which will spread at the speed of sound, but this is not what you need.

The recipe for success is very simple: to become famous on YouTube, you need to upload a high-quality, interesting or useful video. It should be clear if it is shooting; If you have to do sound, the microphone must write so that there is no extra sound and extraneous noise; When viewers or passages, those programs / games / movies / goods that are interested in users, etc. It is also desirable to also create a public in "VC" with reference to your channel, so that an additional audience comes from there. If you post a video that is really interested in viewers, you will have subscribers. Over time, they will be more and more, and at one very old you will understand that they have already become popular.

"In contact with"

You can not get around the most famous social network of Russia and CIS countries. Many people, and especially girls, very worries the question of how to become popular in VK. The main criterion of "stars" are numbers, namely: the number of likes, subscribers and commentators. And here is a stick about two ends, because when you first look at the page of popular people, we really see how many users like a particular person. And then everyone also wants, and then all personalities are interested in how to become popular. In "VK" you can become famous in several ways.

The first can be called fake. Cheating subscribers, likes and even comments - now it is common. Nevertheless, visually it will look like popularity, so this method is suitable for whom it is important to the opinion of others. Perhaps a certain percentage of random guests will be interested in and will remain. But for this you need to upload high-quality content and not throw the wall.

The second is more complicated, because here it is already considered, how to become popular in "VC" on their own, brains and other advantages. To do this, you need to conduct an active Internet life: comment on the posts in groups and publics, to find in the same interests of interest, communicate with them, lick their records, make interesting posts or notes on your walls, upload good photos. With existing talents, you can upload your recording or pictures. You can also publish your own photos that can cause a response from others. But the main thing is not to forget about people, constantly communicate with them and maintain communication, at least one-sided (periodic appeal to friends and subscribers, when there are a lot of these).


In spite of everything, many people use this social network. Surely many girls are interested in how to become popular in classmates. Representatives of the strong half of humanity, of course, this question can also worry, but to a lesser extent than beautiful ladies. However, it is not particularly thinking about this topic, since the scheme here is the same as in "VK": you need to have many friends, to communicate a lot and lay out quality content.


Are you wondering how to become popular in Twitter? The answer is simple: be creative, original and competent (very desired quality) by a person and be able to express your thoughts briefly, but interesting. It was then that you will become famous in Twitter, where the most suitable phrases will repugn and be screened, and with their regular appearance, it is impatiently expected.


This social network is gaining great popularity. Share your pictures that can be quite funny and interesting, look at the photos of other users, including professionals, find yourself a photographer for any purpose - all this provides "instagram". How to become popular in this social network, we will also consider it, but it is worth noting that the talent and the ability to see the beautiful will come in handy here.

All you need to do to be glorified in "Instagram" - to upload photos. But what are the different question.

First, quality. Blurry snapshots, where we do not see who in the photo is a raccoon or a dog - will not like anyone. Coldness - that's what everyone loves. Remember that it is not necessary to have a dear camera to make high-quality pictures.

Secondly, interesting. Photos of wallpapers, food, slippers or something ordinary and not particularly attractive will not be interested in potential subscribers. So, you need to do a truly high-quality content capable of getting users and enjoy it.

Thirdly, a variety. But it is worth noting - it should be in moderation. No one loves to look every day on the same kittens, but even if after regular laid out of cute pictures you suddenly publish Chernukha, it is not all like everyone.

Thirdly, effects. You should not overdo it, of course, but apply a couple of interesting filters to take a picture more attractive - why not?

You can attract people to your images of people, only showing activity. Let the snapshots be wonderful, without PR, they will not need anyone except you. That is why you have to watch photos of other people, like them and comment. Most users usually react to a new person, which means that you are lying on you, after which they really like your content, subscribe and become permanent follovers.


From the Internet into reality. Almost every girl thinks about how to become popular in school or abroad, and every guy just wants to be respected and listened to him. But at work, and often at the university, people are already much less interested in notorious fame. The school is different. Here many adolescents are very worried about how to become more popular in the class, because to be sulfur, I do not want anyone to be sulfur.

There are several ways to achieve intra-school glory:

1. Thanks to the study. If there are brains, then why not take advantage of them? The main thing, with good studies, not to get a shame for schoolchildren the title of "botan". Nevertheless, if once at a time, it does not seem to be the right answers in different lessons in different lessons, you can help classmates. Make it you need friendly, with a smile. Sooner or later, everyone will understand which indispensable person is in their class. If you can communicate well with people at the same time, you will automatically become popular.

2. Thanks to relationships. If you and your parents / friends / relatives are able to arrange something interesting for adolescents, you will become popular among your peers. Fascinating events like a hike in the theater / movies / to an exhibition or a part of the parties will love classmates. Also someone can admire unusual familiar. In the younger grades, children are proud to familiarize with high school students, and in the elders - friendship with celebrities and famous personalities.

3. Thanks to talents. Do you know how to draw, play musical instruments, dance or something else? Usually people like talented personalities, and they are always surrounded by attention. If you lack it, perhaps classmates just do not know what you are capable of. Then it is worth showing it. By the way, school mugs, KVN, etc. - This is also a wonderful way to show yourself in a favorable light.

4. Thanks to communicative skills. This is easily accessible to those who know how to talk. It is enough just to make friends with many, find interesting topics for conversations and behave in society as a fish in the water, as you will automatically become famous in your circles, even without other talents.

Appearance is not important

How to become popular in social networks or at school, we have disassembled. But you can also make some kind of thought, universal for all of the above and acting on other life situations, be it university, work or just a new company.

It is not necessary to be beautiful to become popular. Many actors do not have perfect appearance, but they like people, they become world celebrities. All because beauty replace such qualities as charm, charisma, sociability, etc. Especially important is the sense of humor and the ability to speak, endure the interlocutor with its speeches. Take the same YouTube: Glory to some people came thanks to their ability to joke, comment and pleasant voice, not appearance. You can have a pretty face, but be so stupid, uneducated and uninteresting person, that all potential fans are quickly disappointed.

How much to wait

Many do not know how to wait. Having read the manuals about how to become popular, some begin to act, but when the desired glory does not come the next day or in a week, they have hands down. It is important to understand that nothing happens instantly. There may be months or years before you become truly popular. The main thing is to believe in your goal and do exactly what you like, for yourself, for your pleasure, and not for the sake of abstract glory. If you do not love your business, no one will love you, and therefore you will not become popular.


So, what can be reached out of the article? Some brief summary:

  • Comferably and courage of the city take.
  • The ability to present information is extremely important.
  • Patience is always useful.
  • The main thing is not an appearance, but charm and charismaticism.
  • The sense of humor is needed in any situation.
  • Always need to believe in yourself.

Do not put on myself a mask. People can immediately determine what you pretend. You must be real, so be the one you are and proud of it. Think about your virtues. By the time of the start of training in college, most people are already distinguished by the personality they were in high school. If you have not done this yet, you need to grow well. The time spent in college is ideal for knowing yourself better. And by the time you decide on the choice of your specialty - it should be proud of it because it can become a determining factor in the development of your personality and career.

Please. Open the door to people, feel free to help bring books, offer your help in doing homework, help a person find the road next to the college. Only your kindness can help you do it.

Be friendly. Try with each pursuit of a secular conversation. Make an effort over yourself and talk to someone or help someone who usually do not. Do not be boneed. Try to talk about things like: Weather, Sport, Study, Student Life, Travel, Hobbies, Weekend or Vacation Plans, Films, Music and Favorite TV Show. Stay up to date with the latest gossip about celebrities, news and sports events, so that you have always had something to talk about. Talk about the weather really quickly bored.

Possess a good sense of humor. Do not tell stupid rooted jokes. Be witty. Looking for funny material on the Internet or see fun telecasts or movies in order to draw ideas.

Dress up fashionable clothes. You should not imitate Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian to look stylish, but you should not dress as if you just got up from bed (how some students look like). After all, some could see in pajamas even at school. For guys, a good option can be a shirt on buttons, a T-shirt, pullover or sweatshirt with jeans or shorts. Balahon with a hood is also suitable. For girls - interesting top, beautiful hairstyle, modest makeup. Try to dress in accordance with the climate and the nature features. Many students, deciding with their specialty, are beginning to dress as they would do it at work, for example: businesswear - for business specialties, more coupling clothes - for artistic specialties. This rule is especially carefully observed during internships, practices, etc. Many students go to college in their special work clothes, especially if they work out after classes. In some specialties, we will need to wear a special uniform, such as a bathrobe and pants from cotton fabric - for nurses and dental specialties, police uniform - for law enforcement agencies, etc. There are such girls who have recently went to school in attractive dresses and skirts - if you have such a good and attractive dress, then do not be afraid to put it in college.

You do not have to take part in parties. Constantly parties attend only lovers. Drinking alcohol is a sign that you are not confident, and therefore resort to alcohol in order to feel confident. A truly stylish and "steep" person does not need this dope. Visit good parties from time to time (for example, the wedding of relatives), but do not make it a way of your life. Usually, with students who celebrate parties as it shows Toby Kit in his video "Red Solo Cup" (lonely red wine glass), constantly laugh.

Do not join too large clubs. Joining to the too large clubs is a sign that you are in despair and just want you everywhere well taken. Take part only in those clubs and events in which you are genuinely interested, or in those related to your specialty. Do not join the Club nurses if you do not plan to continue to do this later.

Do not try to hide your drawbacks. College is precisely the place where it is impossible to hide. Do not be afraid to do something that you will regret later, because it was "not cool." No one has yet determined the standard for which you can judge what "cool", and what is not. Each person has its idea that "cool", and there are many other aspects that determine this, for example, the place of your stay. So do not try hard, relax. What is the difference, if you like Justin Bieber, or you like to watch Tom and Jerry, or even listen to the compositions of Lawrence Velk in his hostel. If you like Justin Bieber, then do not be afraid to break my speakers with the compositions. Students in colleges, in any case, today I like being "ironic."

Earn good grades. Estimates are not an attribute exclusively "botany". Estimates will make you "cooler": this is a future work that will allow you to make money for the purchase of cool cars, houses, etc.

Do not be dependent on Facebook and other social networks, such as Myspace. The time spent on Facebook is, as a rule, wasted spent time. When you are on the Internet, then listen to music, enjoy funny jokes and photos, watch YouTube, and if all this is getting tired - you will try to study.

You do not need a girlfriend / friend or sex in order to look "cool." Sometimes the presence of a girlfriend / friend in college can distract you from other interesting activities, or from achieving your main goal - receiving education for the future career. But if you find someone who you like, do not be afraid to take the first step. But remember that you may well expect dramatic consequences.

Do not be afraid to express yourself. Do not be afraid to protect what you believe and do what you consider correctly, although it may be not popular. Each person has its own opinion, so be sure to respect the features of other people and treat everyone equally. If you do not think that sex or parties are "cool", or that vote for a certain political candidate is not "cool", then do it in accordance with your beliefs.

Many Mass Media companies use the phenomenon of popularity, forming attractive images and earning them millions of dollars. On the way to popularity, the knowledge of the general principles of human psychology and the main Internet resources, opening free access to our "creations" for millions of spectators will help us.

The content of the article:

There are many forms of public events, the main goal of which is new interesting acquaintances with people and the establishment of useful contacts. These include conferences, parties, presentations, club "Tusovka". However, even meeting a useful and interesting person, we can easily not interest it and miss good chances of career and decent earnings.

How to become the center of universal attention and "person person" on any party? Here are practical advice and recommendations:

1. Create an interesting image. He should not be bright and screaming. Such animate will rather cause a negative among others (by way, some public people enjoy to make money on their scandalous fame). It should attract exactly its inner depth, grace and simple. It is not at all necessary to arrange in an expensive costume from the famous fashion designer and insanely expensive jewelry. Now you will not surprise anyone. The maximum simplicity in combination with taste and maximum accuracy is that people react. Light unobtrusive perfume and practically imperceptible. Simple, but elegant clothing, neat and nonsense hairstyle.

Warm charm will give you glasses in a properly selected frame. If you see perfectly well without glasses, glass can be ordered without diopters.

A special charm in the eyes of the public will add the original accessory. Not insanely expensive iPhone or glamor dog under the arm. Of interest will cause theatrical binoculars or an elegant brooch, which remained a legacy from the great-grandmother, the original fan, a cigarette in a long mouthpiece - everything that is capable of your fantasy. The main thing is that the accessory harmoniously fit into your image.

2. Develop your own style in behavior and communication. No need to play someone else's role, poorly "sitting" on your personality. Do not try to seem more successful better, more beautiful, and smarter than you are common life. The surrounding immediately notice any notch of falsehood, narrowness and manners. It will push them faster than you have time to install more or less close contact.

Interlocutors attracts simplicity and naturalness in communication. Speak only on those topics that are interesting to you, in which you understand little, and you can enrich the interlocutor with new knowledge.

Find your own unique character, personality, a highlight, which will attract others to you, and will not make you strain, in trying to portray what you, in principle, are not.

Having done it, you will be pleasantly surprised how idly people will be reached.

3. Smile. Do not stretch a rubber smile in the "Hollywood" style. Moreover, you should not smile constantly. This will cause bewilderment among others, and perhaps some can find that you are kidding them.

Smile only when establishing visual contact with anyone from others. Try to make a smile look natural, relaxed and friendly.

Reagle the smile for jokes of the interlocutors. When communicating with a person, you will show a slight semi-coulter, testifying to your friendly location.

Be careful with a laugh. Loud and sharp laughter is perceived by people as a manifestation of rudeness and disrespect. As a result, you start annoying others, which will add you popularity, but with the "minus" sign. Laugh should be polite, quietly and in the case. For example, in response to a joke of the interlocutor or accompanying his own funny story.

4. Talk to quietly. Some people try to laugh loudly, emotionally talk to attract the attention of others, they say, see what I am a funny, sociable and company. Often the reaction of the surrounding can be easily opposite. Your "loud" behavior will be perceived as a sign of extreme uncompatory, and a list of potential interlocutors and failed (and could) fans will decrease rapidly.

If you need to talk to a person at a considerable distance, no one should shout to him from afar. It is better to approach and quietly communicate at a comfortable distance.

5. Restantly react to compliments. Often both women and men begin to react to compliments to compliments, all their appearance trying to understand that this is what they look always, and this is their natural state. Do not detract your advantages, but do not attribute false flaws. Easily smile and thank the person for the compliment. It will be worthy and imposing response to courtesy, since it is an element of politeness when communicating.

6. Try to be an interesting interlocutor. Here you will help the latitude of natural horizons and the degree of your readiness. The ability to support a lung and relaxed conversation on any topic will show you a smart and valuable interlocutor. Do not try to prove your right thing at any cost, be the interlocutor at least a hundred times wrong. A person has the right to be mistaken, and putting a deposit of his wrong archers can cause his deaf irritation and the subsequent refusal to continue communication with you.

You should also not talk about things about which you have only vague ideas. In a conversation with a knowledgeable person, your incompetence will quickly become apparent to him, and you will lose its value in his eyes as an adequate interlocutor. No one wants to communicate with void.

7. Support the conversation with questions. The interlocutor will be nice if you express interest in the conversation and to him personally. Contact him by name, a person likes how it sounds, and he subconsciously becomes more located to you.

Learn about the birth of his classes, hobbies, praise for any merits or achievements.

If the interlocutor sees that it is indifferent to you as a person, he will quickly lose interest in conversation and switches on other present.

8. Keep a small intrigue. Do not post "on-mountain" all information about yourself. In a person always attracts inexpensive, the mystery. However, if the interlocutor tasks the question relating to you, answer as sincerely as possible and honest.

Do not overload the interlocutor with unnecessary information that does not interest him. You should also not begin to complain about life and pour your household and family problems on a person unfamiliar to you. No one is interested in other people's difficulties.

Popularity in social networks

1. Earn an authority In any field of knowledge. Choose the subject of interest to you and find like-minded networks. In the process of communicating with them, you will sincere a lot of unique and useful information, which will give you the opportunity to become a recognized expert in the information field chosen by you. Sharing the accumulated experience and helping people in solving their issues, you will earn a lot of popularity points. You also make a lot of useful dating, which in the future will be useful to you.

2. Visualize your posts. The original photo or video will not only add the representativeness of your information, but also will cause positive emotions from network users, provoking numerous "huskies" and repipes.

3. Be in the information trend. People basically worries the information that concerns socially significant events, expaning the Internet spaces. However, it should be borne in mind that there are not much long-playing trends, and it is necessary to change the subjects of posts on the new trend on time. Keep your nose in the wind and Ear East.

4. Work with an exclusive. Being the original source of the original content, you will earn yourself the authority and the desire of the "residents" of the network visit your page again and again in search of fresh and "hot" content.

5. Promote your content. Even the most exclusive content can be so specific that the majority of visitors will not find the proper response. To actualize the subject, you can entail users with provocative issues.

You can also apply keywords in distribution by placing them in a specially reserved place. This will allow "search engines" to quickly find your material.

Well, of course, you can use yourself for promoting the contents of Likes and recommendations of your friends.

6. Be the most brief. A huge amount of content in the network determines the need for short, clinging headlines and small compact texts. This will guarantee the full reading of your content and evaluating its utility.

1. "Capturing" photos. In each of your photos there should be a "highlight", the special charm that will not leave the indifferent viewer. Dose really interesting photos. Do not set them all right away. Otherwise, they can remain unpleasant.

2. Actively use hashtagi. This is a really effective way to attract a certain target audience to the photos. And if your photos will meet the expectations of the guests, they will become yours forever.

3. Specify the geographic locations in the photo. Users are curious to observe the places where they have already been, and compare their feelings from these places with impressions caused by your photos.

4. Install friendly contacts with users with similar interests. Assistance in promoting their pages will not remain unnoticed. As a gratitude, they will assist in promoting your content.

5. Ensure your profile openness. This is the main condition for accessing your content and future recognition of you as a Guru Photo Earth.

6. Tie your account to accounts of other social networks. It will increase the likelihood of approaching your page from third-party sources.

7. Learn from Guru Instagram. They provide you with the opportunity to take advantage of their success and promote your content with original ways.

8. Make an original photo For profile. This will be an anchor for random passers-by.

9. Use for processing Photos are the most popular filters.

In order to gain fame on this portal, it is enough to lay out original and unique video. In this case, an accident is played a major role. Excellently made and gorgeously delivered long roller can be viewed only by your subscribers. A ridiculous three-second farce can beat the reviews on the reviews.

The main condition here becomes the choice of the subject of the video and the regularity of the lays down of the original content. Your fans will definitely find you.

The main conditions for gaining popularity in this microblogger are:

1. Provocate people, ask top theaten questions, make comment and join the discussion.

2. More Interactive and interaction with other users. The blog should be alive and active. Then he will attract Follovover.

3. Add more relevant and valuable information. People are interested in receiving new information on their questions, learn new facts, share impressions about them. You must give more than getting.

4. A high level of literacy and language culture will attract more users than the use of jargon, mat and highly specialized slang. Respect your readers, they will answer you attendance.

Here everything is extremely simple and understandable. Ask original questions, be active, interact with other users and your rating will steadily grow, on joy to you and your friends over the network.

How to become famous in school (or class)?

To do this, try to adhere to the following recommendations:
  1. Dress care neat and low.

  2. Try to find your niche in school affairs, where you can become a leader and confidently hold the championship.

  3. Keep independently, do not give in to the rapid instinct and feel free to express your opinion on any matter. You will definitely respect for directness and honesty.

  4. Try not to discuss others for their backs.

  5. Never deny help, if you see that a person in it really needs.

  6. Strive to succeed in study at the maximum number of objects. Smart people respect everywhere.

  7. Do not enter into teachers and school administration.

Following the suggested advice, you will undoubtedly achieve success and recognition!

Instagram can distinguish real users from automatic bots. If you are caught using the bot, your account can get into the shadow bank (English). This means that your posts will be visible only to your subscribers, but they will not be found on the hasties and recommendations.

The user does not immediately notice the changes. Especially suffer from this owner. Find out if your Instagram is in the shadow bath, you can via special programs.

2. Lay no more than one post per day

Posts in Instagram now show not in chronological order, but depending on the interests of the user. That is, first we see the most interesting entries, according to special algorithms. They can appear in the tape for a longer period of time.

Some users check their tape once a day or even less often. And at the top of the tape displays those records that they have not yet seen. If you post some photos per day, they will compete with each other. So, there is a possibility that both posts will see not so many people.

If you want to share more often with the world what happens in your life, use.

3. Select the appropriate time to lad out posts.

It depends on how big the response will receive your entry. Select a time when most of your subscribers will most likely be online.

Often it is 8: 00-9: 00 - time after waking up, about 13:00 - a break for lunch, as well as 18: 00-20: 00 - rest after the working day.

4. Determine the popular hashtags that are suitable for your account.

Hestegi allow your records to appear in the recommendations of other users - they may be your potential subscribers. Therefore, approach this choice more thoroughly.

Determine 15-30 most popular. Instagram has limit on the use of more than 30 hashtegov. In addition, the spam like #likeForlike can be easily pleased with the shadow ban. Do not write thoughtlessly. Proceed from the interests of your and potential audience.

5. Communicate in groups with other users.

Such groups (eng. Instagram Pods) are united by people who want to dial more likes. In the instagram chat they are divided by their posts. Each participant of the group Laiking photos and leaves a significant comment.

As a rule, the likeness from the account with a large number of follovers is very valued by other users. A person has an interest in the fact that there is a popular user who found in this account.

6. Use the call to action

Very few users love to leave comments to posts. Therefore, in the records under the photo, call for subscribers to action. Ask questions to them, interest their opinion, discuss something.

7. Spend a contest

Contests are an excellent way not only to "wake up" old subscribers, but also acquire new ones. To attract attention, you can use photos of some expensive product or a beautiful resort. Immediately indicate that this is a free contest. Clearly mark the rules. This is usually like, subscription to other accounts and the comment in which you need to celebrate several friends. The winner is chosen at a certain time among those who fulfilled all the conditions.

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