The story of the nestle brand. Nestle - from sources to this day

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Brand: Nestle

Tagline: Product quality. Quality of life (eng. GOOD FOOD, GOOD LIFE)

Industry: Food Production


Company-owner: Nestlé S.A.

Year of foundation: 1866

Headquarters: Switzerland

Performance performance

Consolidated financial performance NESTLE GROUP, CHF (Swiss francs)

Operating profit

Net profit

Cost of assets


Number of operating

Trading Operating Profit.


2016 89,469 13,693 8,531 131,901 65,981 328
2017 89,791 13,233 7,183 130,380 62,777
CHF 1 US $ 1 €
2012 0,938 1,205
2013 0,927 1,231
2014 0,97 1,2027
2015 0,973 1,091
2016 0,958 1,094
2017 0,984 1,113
2018 0,969 1,126

The cost of the Nestle brand according to the assessment of companies

Nestlé S.A. (pronounced Nestle S. A.) - Swiss company, the world's largest producer of food. Nestle also specializes in the release of pet food, pharmaceutical products and cosmetics. The company's main office is located in the Swiss city Vevey (FR. Vevey.).

Interbrand, $ billion

Millward Brown Optimor, $ billion

Brand Finance, $ billion

According to the newspaper Vedomosti, the sale of the Nestle concern in the three quarters of 2013 grew by 4.4% compared with January - September 2012 and amounted to 68.35 billion Swiss francs ($ 74.83 billion). The company's report states that in the developed markets, sales increased by 1.1%, and in developing - by 8.8%. "Sales are increasing in Europe, gain momentum in Asia and Africa," Paul Belochi reported "Vedomosti". According to him, we can talk about restoring the company's growth.

The total value of shares (market capitalization) of Nestlé at the beginning of 2016 was 230 billion Swiss francs (approximately the same in US dollars). The largest shareholder is Food Products (Holdings) S.A., a subsidiary of Nestlé S.A., registered in Panama. Also significant share packets have a head company Nestlé S.A. and Norges Bank (Central Bank of Norway).

In the list of the largest public companies in the world, Forbes Global 2000 Nestlé in 2015, in 2015, took the 30th place, including the 20th on the turnover and 14th on market capitalization. The list of the most expensive world brands occupied 43rd.

Nestle sales in the Russia-Eurasia region in 2016 amounted to 114.4 billion rubles, which is 12% higher than the 2015 level, the company says.

Source: RBC

history of the company

Once the Swiss Pharmacist Henry Nestle decided to conduct research to create a substitute for breastfeeding breastfeeding. These studies have formed the basis of the company's creation, which later turned into a large Nestle corporation.

From those present ingredients of sugar, milk and wheat flour, Henry Nestle (Henry Nestle) developed a product that later received the name of the Farine Lactee Henry Nestle, which in translation sounded like: "Milk Milny Milny Much." And already in 1867, Henry Nestle creates a company for the production and sale of a mixture for breastfeeding.

The main goal of Henry Nestle was to create a quality product for breast children, which would replace the maternal milk. One of the first who began to use a new product was a kid who was premature in his mother's womb.

The Baby's body could not take neither maternal milk nor substitutes that existed at that time. And doctors were not able to help this child. Thanks to this revolutionary product, the life of this crunch was saved, actually saved. A few years later, "Milk Nestle" flour was recognized on the larger territory of Europe, and the mixture was successfully sold.

Henry Nestle is the founder of the famous corporation of the one-known corporation.

In the meantime, in 1886, created by two Americans, Charles and George Paid "Anglo-Swiss company for the production and sale of condensed milk", expands its range and already by the mid-1970s of the 19th century begins to produce a substitute for breast milk.

When they learned about this at Nestle, whose owner was Jules Monner, since 1874. The company took a response step by issuing its own brand of condensed milk to the market. And until the merger of these two companies happened, in 1905 they were the main competitors in the dairy market.

In 1905, when a fusion of two, competing for leadership for the production of dairy products, companies, was formed alone, and she was named Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Milk Company. And by the beginning of the 20th century, companies belonged to factories in the United States, Spain, Britain and Germany. And in 1907 the company began to conquer the Australian market, which made it possible to double the volume of production.

To ensure the need for products in the fast-growing market of Asia, warehouses in Bombay, Singapore and Hong Kong were opened. When the First World War began, which caused a serious blow to the company's activities, all the same, the main production facilities were located on the territory of the "Old World". And the accomplished fact of the First World War influenced, not in the best way, to obtain raw materials and the spread of finished products.

To satisfy the needs of the population factories had to sell almost all their reserves of fresh milk. But there was a positive moment for the company, in which war began - an unprecedented demand for condensed and dry milk appeared, mainly due to the fact that the government ordered it more and more.

To cope with government orders, Nestle has had to acquire several factories in the United States of America. By the end of the war, compared with 1914, the volume of production almost doubled, the company at that time had already owned 40 factories.

As it happens, the post-war crisis touched Nestle. The government no longer made such huge orders as in former times. And people who are accustomed during the war to the dry and condensed milk, with the advent of fresh milk, preferred to use dry.

1921 was a year in which the company for the first time for his existence suffered losses. Post-war calm in the global economy, a sharp drop in the currency rate and the rise in raw materials has further aggravated the situation. The Nestle's management had to immediately respond to the current situation - the Swiss banking expert Luis Daples was invited to reorganize the company. Introducing the level of production and sale, but also reducing the debt, he managed to take the current situation in his hands and establish the normal work of the company.

In the twenties, Nestle decided to go beyond his traditional range and began the production of chocolate, which was the second largest activity of the company. In the range of the company there was such products as: a soluble beer "Cute", milk with malt, powder paste for children, and in 1938 a new product appeared - Nescafe. This soluble powder made a global sensation, rapidly gaining unprecedented popularity among admirers of coffee.

When the Second World War began, it could not not affect the activities of Nestle. In 1938, Nestle's profits dramatically decreased from twenty million to six million dollars in 1939. Switzerland, which was a neutral country more and more became isolated from Europe, and Nestle had a significant part of their employees to translate to Connecticut, to the city of Stamford.

When the soldiers and officers of the United States Army officers, who fought in Asia and Europe, entered into war, then Nescafe became their main drink. And by 1943, sales reached more than a million packages.

In military time, as in the first world war, sales jumped significantly, and in 1938 the company's income was one hundred million, and by the end of 1945 Nestle profits rose to two hundred twenty-five million dollars. By the end of World War II, the company's management has found that the concern is headed by a leader in the production of soluble coffee, as well as the leader in others for the company's products.

In the history of the development of Nestle, the most dynamic phase has become post-war years. It was during this period that Nestle was based on the production and expansion of the goods it produced. When Nestle announced a merger with Alimentana S.A. And the manufacturer of seasonings and soup by Maggi (Maggi), then a new holding has been formed with the new name Nestle Alimentana Company.

Then, in 1950, Nestle announced the purchase of a British company for the production of canned CROSSE & Blackwell products. Following, in 1963, it was announced the acquisition of the company for the sale of frozen Findus products.

The eighth years later, in 1971, a company for the production and sale of fruit juices was acquired, LIBBY. Two years later, in 1973, a controlling stake in the production and sale of frozen stouffer products was purchased.

In the meantime, the popularity of soluble coffee Nescafe continued to grow unprecedented rates until this time. In 1966, when Nestle developed a low-temperature drying technology, a new instant coffee brand appeared - Taster's Choice.

Already by 1974, Nestle sales increased four times (!). In the same, 1974, the company announced that it was beyond the framework of the food industry, and bought a large stake in the global cosmetics leader - company L'Oreal.

In 1974, Nestle's position began to undergo changes. Since 1920, due to the slowdown in the growth rate of the economies of industrialized countries and an increase in the prices of "black gold", the fall in currency rates towards Swiss money (francs), the economic situation of Nestle began to deteriorate. As a result, from 75 years to 77, the twentieth century, the prices for cocoa beans grew three times, and they rose to four on coffee.

Just as before, when it was the crisis and in 1921, Nestle had to respond quickly to a radically changing situation in the market. Partial mitigation of the recession of the recession in the markets, where Nestle was a monopolist, were sales in developing countries, but it was a risk in themselves, since in these countries there was an unstable political and economic situation.

Also in the company's assets there is its own branded cafe network.

To preserve the balance, Nestle had to buy a controlling stake in the Food Industry - Alcon Laboratories Inc., which was engaged in the production and sale of ophthalmic and pharmaceutical products.

In the first half of the nineties, when integration processes continued on the world market and trading barriers were eliminated - it was at this point that Nestle is a favorable period. With the opening of new markets in Central and Eastern Europe, and China has new opportunities for the sale of their products in these markets.

To expand and increase the range of its products, NESTLE has made a merger at the beginning of the twentieth century with the "Anglo-Swiss company for the production and sale of condensed milk". And already in the new millennium, Nestle entered as the world leader of the food industry, with more than five hundred factories, which are located in seventy countries of the world, and annual profit more than seventy one billion Swiss francs.

In 1997, at the meeting of the Nestle Board of Directors, it was decided to buy a company that was engaged in the production of mineral water - San Pellegrino (Italy). A year later, in 1998, it was also decided to buy the English company Spiller Petfoods, and in 1999 the company decided to get rid of the Findus trademark to concentrate on the production of more profitable frozen products.

When, in 1985, Nestle acquired Carnation and its trademark Friskies from auction for three billion US dollars, Nestle has already stood firmly on the feed market for pets. In the entire history of the food industry, the merger of these companies has become one of the largest.

Nestle has recently been decided to close enterprises that were engaged in the production of ground coffee in the United States (MJB, Chase & Sanborn and Hill Bros) to focus on the new Luxury Nescafe line, the production of which began in September 1999. By this time, Nestle becomes a multinational corporation.

And today it is difficult to imagine such a product, in the production of which Nestle would not participate - it is baby food, culinary products, coffee, chocolate and many other consumption products. More than 60 countries of the world are consumers of Nestle products.

The first children's mixture was created by Henry Nestle in 1967, and since then, on the basis of fundamental and applied research, Nestle's own research centers developed a huge range of baby food.

All products that will later be presented in the market is made only from natural raw materials, without any additives such as: dyes, stabilizers, flavors and without use of preservatives. Milk substitutes for infants are produced at Germany plants, Holland and, of course, Switzerland; Kashi - in Spain and Belgium; And juices and mashed potions in Finland and Germany.

Relationship "Nestle" with Russia have a long history. The company supplied its products to Russia already at the end of the XIX century, when the St. Petersburg trader Alexander Wentsell signed an exclusive contract with Henry Nestle for the supply of dairy products in the territory of the Russian Empire.

The new stage came in the early 90s of the 20th century, when Nestle has created a network of importers and distributors who have become actively developing sales of major trademarks "Nestle", including NESCAFE® and Nesquik®.

In April 1995, Societe Pour L'Exportation Desduits Nestle S.A. Opened its representative office in Moscow. A year later, Nestle Fud LLC became a full-fledged Russian company, organizing a network of own warehouses and adjusting the sales and marketing system to promote products in the Russian market. In 2006, regional offices located in the Eurasia region began to obey the Nestle's head office, thus, the company expanded the geography of its activities and began to conduct business in the Russia-Eurasia region. In 2007, the company received a new name - Nestle Russia. From January 1, 2007, a plan began to be implemented on the merger of numerous legal entities of the Nestle Group of Companies in a single company under the new name "Nestle Russia".

Today Nestle is the leader of the coffee market, the market for baby food products, cooking, packed chocolate markets and ready-made breakfasts, and also increases its presence in the markets of ice cream, pet feed and butyllized water. The many years of Nestle's success in the Russian market was achieved due to a number of factors. First of all, Nestle has strengthened its position and expanded its presence in the country by investing in local production and industrial infrastructure, active promotion of trademarks, as well as continuous expansion and development of the national sales network.

The main competitors Nestlé are Unilever, PepsiCo, Mars, Kraft Foods and Groupe Danone. Nestlé with a large margin is ahead of them: the income of the next one in the list of "Global 500" company Unilever is more than one and a half times less than Nestlé's revenues.

In June 2017, it became known that "Nestle Pyrin Petker" (division of the Swiss Nestle) invests 10 billion rubles. In the expansion of the factory in the Kaluga region (in Vorsino). The agreement on these investments was signed by the Deputy Governor of the Kaluga Region Vladimir Popov and the head of Nestle in the regions of Russia and Eurasia Martial Rolland.

Regional director of Nestle Purina Petker in Russia, CIS, Turkey and Israel, Alessandro Zanellley reported that two new lines and additional storage facilities will appear in the factory. For 2017-2019 The company's capacity will twice. The power of the existing lines "Nestle" does not disclose. From the moment of opening in 2007, the company has invested 12 billion rubles in this factory. According to Alessandro Dzanelli, the company's share on the Russian animal feed market is about 30%.

In March 2017, Nestle and the leading global manufacturer of non-alcoholic beverages, American Coca-Cola made a decision on the end of the joint venture activities of Beverage Partners Worldwide (BPW) in 2018.

BPW was created by Nestle and Coca-Cola in 2001 on parity principles. Products under the Nestea brand competes, mainly with the Lipton Iced Tea and Brisk teas, which produces a joint venture of Pepsi Lipton Tea Partnership, created in 1991 by two other food giants - Unilever and PepsiCo.

In January 2018, Nestlé agreed to sell his Confectionery business in the US company Ferrero, the amount of the transaction will be $ 2.8 billion.

In July 2018, Nestle finally lost a monopoly on Kitkat bars.

In March 2018, the ex-head of Nestle Helmut Maukher died in Germany.

Muhher was born in 1927 in South Germany. At 19, he began working at the Nestle plant in the hometown of Algau along with his father. While working in the company, he passed corporate training and graduated from the university. From 1964 to 1980, he held various senior positions in the Nestle regional division in Frankfurt. In 1975, Muzhore headed the entire branch of the company in Germany. In 1980 he moved to Switzerland and entered the board of directors of the entire company. As noted in the Nestle message, this happened against the background of the peak of the campaign on the boycotting of its children's mixtures due to the use of artificial milk substitutes. From 1990 to 1997, Muhher served as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director General, and after retirement, he remained an honorary member of the Council. During his leadership, he turned the corporation to the largest food producer in the world

The site browser has studied the history of Nestle - the world's largest food producer, which controls Nescafe, Nesquik, Aero, Kitkat and many other brands.

Creating Nestle. Combining with Anglo-Swiss and access to the international level

The history of the company begins with a pharmacist named Henri Nestle. He was born in 1814 in Frankfurt in the Gosolovik family. His name was Heinrich, but, learned on the pharmacist and moved to Switzerland, he changed his name to Henri.

About the life of the founder Nestle knows little. It's hard to say for sure when and why he left his homeland. Sources usually lead financial motives and indicate the participation of Nestle in liberal movements, including its speeches against print restrictions.

The next thing is known about Nestle's life, in 1839 in Lausanne, he successfully sued an exam for the post of Assistant Pharmacist and received an official permission to carry out chemical experiments. He found himself a little later in Vevey, where he began to work under the top of the pharmacist Mark Nicole.

Nestle's cooperation and Nicole has long lasted. According to the popular version, in 1843, Nestile lent money from aunt and opened his business. His company was engaged in rapus processing, produced mustard, lemonade, liquor, vinegar, fertilizer and kerosene.

Henri Nestle, 1867

In 1860, Henri Nestle married Clementine Eman, and this coolly changed his life. Eman was a daughter of a doctor - helping his father, she looked at the children's deaths. Clementine knew that one of the causes of child mortality is a problem with food, and convinced her husband to start research in this area.

Also on Nestle influenced friendship with Mark Nicole, who, together with his teacher, Libich also explored the food. It was Lubi in 1860 that created a recipe for the first powder mixture for feeding children. True, it did not bring special dividends to him, and in the end he lost to Nestle's competition.

According to another version, Nestle engaged in research to make business more profitable. This moment in the company's history, many sources are interpreted in different ways. One way or another, in 1867 a mixture of milk, flour and sugar was created, called "Milk Flour Nestle". The main thing in this development was the removal of starch from the product, which children did not fit. Initially, it was positioned simply as a bastard for infants - but, as the legend says, once the products of Nestle saved the life of a premature child.

Earned the sarafined radio, and almost the whole country learned about the mixture of the pharmacist. In 1868, Nestle chose an original logo in the form of a nest with birds for its products, which would have been his family coat of arms.

In 1866, in America, the Charles and George Page brothers have created a company for the production of condensed milk-Swiss Milk Company. Then she began to produce more baby food. She quickly conquered the European market quickly, but in the mid-1870s, it was faced with Nestle.

The company at that time was also sold by milk chocolate, which Daniel Peter invented in 1875. He created a small firm, which later became part of Nestle. In the same year, Henri Nestle sold his company to three partners for five million francs - more founder could not affect the development of the brand. After 15 years, in 1890, he died from a heart attack.

Buyers turned Nestle to a joint-stock partnership and might and main struggled with Anglo-Swiss Company. Both companies were quite successfully integrated into the European market. The rumors appeared several times that companies would unite, but the truth they became only in 1905. There is information that George Page did not want to unite with Nestle, but in 1899 he died and no one prevented negotiations.

The combined company was named Nestle & Anglo-Swiss. She became one of the largest manufacturers of baby food and sweets in the world, owning almost 20 factories in different parts of Europe. Today's Nestle is respected to the Heritage of the Page Brothers, and therefore her official story begins with the date of the founding of Anglo-SWISS.

Bidon arrival with milk at the factory, 1890

In 1906, Nestle became public. Before the beginning of the First World War, it developed quickly quickly, strengthening its position in the market. The beginning of the war also should not be affected by Nestle, which was in neutral Switzerland. In addition, orders for the army often began to enter the company. The problem was in the raw material, namely in a shortage of milk, which went for the needs of the front and for sale in nearby cities and villages.

However, shipments from South America were soon established, and the company even increased turnover, despite the difficult economic situation in Switzerland and in Europe in general. In 1918, when half of the civilized world began to recover after the war, Nestle already belonged to 40 factories.

In 1921, the company began the first crisis in its history. Shareholders trying to save before the successful Nestle, hired banker and experienced leader Louis Dapples. He exercised personnel permutations by appointing talented managers to leadership positions. His will in Switzerland appeared the Nestle research laboratory, which was supposed to create advanced developments.

The company gradually became profitable and increased turnover by committing several acquisitions, including a peter-Cailler-Kohler chocolate manufacturer. The successful period in the life of the company will continue until the end of the 1920s, while almost all entrepreneurs will not begin problems due to the Great Depression.

In the early 1930s, a surplus of coffee beans was formed in Brazil - reached the point that they were used instead of coal in trains. In 1929, the Bank, in which DEPPLS was previously worked, suggested Nestle the transaction. Because of the crisis, the Bank remained a great stock of Brazilian coffee, and the company was asked to begin its processing into soluble for further sale. The offer needed a good implementation, and it was not so simple.

The first instant coffee appeared in 1890, but the technology was not yet perfect. Dr. Max Morgetaler was invited to create a new approach in Nestle. Studies occupied eight years, and in 1938 there was instant coffee Nescafe.

First Packaging Nescafe and Advertising Ad

Looking ahead, it should be noted that Nestle did not stop at what was achieved, and in the 1940s all the famous Nestea drink was created. Before that, in 1934, the company launched Milo chocolate drink. Initially, he appeared on the Australian market, and after quick gaining popularity, sales began in other regions of the world.

In the 1930s, the company actively competed in the chocolate market. In Switzerland, and in the world as a whole, there was no shortage of confectionery companies, and it was not easy to keep leadership. So Nestle has two new chocolate brands: White Chocolate Galak and Chocolate with Rayon Bubbles. In addition, the company has released POLARGON baby powder and a few more new products, among which were vitamin additives.

When the Second World War came, Switzerland remained neutral, but the risk of its occupation existed. It was decided to open an office in the United States in the city of Stamford. In Europe, the company continued to actively work, selling products including armies. True, this business quickly covered in connection with total lesions.

In the meantime, the American branch of Nestle, cut off from Europe, began more active integration into the South America market, which significantly strengthened the position of the brand. In addition, an agreement was concluded with the US government, and the company began to supply the goods of the American army.

Nestle's success emphasized various advertising posters, which argued that the company's products are everywhere with the soldiers. They had to taste and Nescafe, although especially high sales were not observed. Bought it mostly due to low price.

Apparently, soluble coffee has become much more popular already in the post-war time, when it was supplied as humanitarian assistance to the same Japanese. During the war, Nestle earned a great deal thanks to government contracts in the United States, while Europe for the most part was in ruins.

After the end of the war, trade gradually began to come back to normal. Nestle practically did not suffer and even increased the market share, so he continued to produce new items and make acquisitions.

Julia Verne 10 526 1

The progenitor of the famous Nestle company became a successful pharmacist from Switzerland, Henry Nestle, was fascinated by the creation of a product for artificial feeding children, officially he founded his brainchild in 1867, probably even implying that his brand a few decades will be synonymous with the quality and best traditions in the field of production. Foods. A familiar to the company's logo in the form of birds sitting in the nest is nothing more than the family coat of arms Nestle, who he did not want to change even on a trademark in the form of a white cross, present on the flag of his homeland.

Studies on the feeding of infants Henry Nestle began in the 60s of the 19th century, when there was a high child mortality due to malnutrition. In search of an ideal alternative to natural feeding, he carried out experiments with milk, sugar and wheat flour, ultimately a new product was developed called Milk Flour Henry Nestle. The resulting mixture was a real breakthrough, and, thanks to its unique characteristics, immediately gained confidence in consumers. Make sure the quality of the product was helped by a premature infant, whose body was rejected by maternal milk and all replacing it products. When even the help of doctors was unsuccessful, Nestle's dairy mixture made a miracle and saved the life of the baby, after which he received huge trust in society and has become popular in most European countries later.

How to stay in winnings thanks to competitors?

In the mid-70s, the 19th century Nestle led by the new owner Jules Monner began to produce condensed milk under its brand. Such a decision was provoked by the desire of the "Anglo-Swiss company for the production of condensed milk" to expand its range with a substitute for breast milk. Meanwhile, new interesting decisions appear on the food market, one of which was the milk chocolate, invented by Denielia Peter. In the future, he created his own company, which became the leading player in the production of chocolate, and later part of the Nestle corporation.

In early 20th century, these two competing companies united called Nestle and the Anglo-Swiss company for the production of condensed milk, "and after some time, the ownership of the new corporation was worked in the US and some European countries. In 1907, due to the large-scale production in Australia, the volume of release was halved. At the same time, warehouses were built on the territory of Singapore, Bombay and other Asian countries.

How to increase sales, despite difficult times?

During the First World War, which created the harmful conditions for the Company's production and sales and sales activities, Nestle sells almost all its reserves to fill the shortage of fresh milk in Europe. However, in the meantime, the government orders come to the release of dry and condensed milk. To satisfy such demand, Nestle acquires several more factories in the United States and doubles production volumes.

The postwar period brought a deep crisis associated with increasing prices for raw materials and a falling currency, all these consequences did not bypass the Nestle company. At this time, management takes a radical decision on reorganization and begins to expand the framework of its traditional activities by the release of new products, for example, milk with malt, soluble drinks and children's powder smell. Revolutionary creation and one of the main discoveries of Nestle was the soluble Nescafe powder, which appeared in 1938 and to this day continues to be demanded from coffee lovers. And even during the period of World War II, which affected Nestle a significant reduction in profits, a unique drink used unthinkable popularity and was adopted by American soldiers and officers. Thanks to this trend, Nescafe sales by 1943 reached a million boxes, making Nestle to the Coffee Business Leader, and the company's profits by the end of World War I am more than two hundred twenty million dollars, which twice as many profits of 1938.

The post-war time is marked for the Nestle period of diversification and the new alliance with Alimentana S.A. and "Maggie and the Company", which was the largest enterprise for the production of soluble soups, seasonings and cubes for broth. The result of the merger was the creation of the Nestle Alimentana company holding, the composition of which already in 1950 was replenished with the British manufacturer of Crosse & Blackwell canned products, and a little later - Findus, a manufacturer of fish frozen foods. From the mid-60s to the beginning of the 70s, Libby and Stouffer were attached to the holding, which are involved in the production of fruit juices and frozen foods.

Throughout this time, Nescafe soluble coffee has consistently gained momentum, drying technology was developed using a low-temperature vacuum, thanks to which a new brand of coffee appeared called Taster's Choice.

Get out of the usual zone to stay afloat

In the mid-1970s, due to the worsening economic situation, due to high prices for "black gold" and a fall in currencies around the world, coffee and cocoa prices rose at times. Nestle is forced to adapt to the changed realities, and goes beyond their usual activities in the field of food. In 1974, the company acquires Shares L'Oreal, and a little later becomes the owner of Alcon Laboratories, Inc., which is engaged in ophthalmic and pharmaceutical production.

Confident way to pedestal

In the 90s, favorable conditions for the development of Nestle were completed, barriers to trade were abolished, new sales lines in China, Central and Eastern Europe were opened. Since 1996, the company's management decides to sell some brands, such as Findus, and buy new, such as San Pellegrino and Spillers Petfoods.

During the entire 20th century, Nestle has changed directions of their activities, expanded the geographical boundaries of activity, surprised people with new inventions and developments in the food industry. It is confident not to say that Nestle has already come to the new 21st century, the company has already come as an unconditional leader in the field of food production, the company has about five hundred acting factories, and the annual sales income exceeds 90 billion francs of Switzerland.

2007 was marked for the company with a symbolic return to the origins through the purchase of the Gerber brand, known worldwide as a leading food manufacturer for children. Thus, Nestle gets the opportunity to fully continue the case of its founder, as well as develop the concept of proper and healthy eating.

How did Nestle come to Russia?

Trader from St. Petersburg Alexander Wentsell and Henry Nestle at the end of the XIX century signed an agreement for the supply of products from milk to the Russian Empire, from the very moment and originates the development of Nestle's partnerships with Russia.

In the 90s, Nestle's company creates a Russian distribution network, developing large-scale sales of the most popular products, such as Neskafa and Neksk. After that, the representative office opened, in 1996, in 1996, an independent company called Nestle Food LLC, which ten years later, as a result of mergers was renamed "Nestle Russia".

Popular representatives of Nestle, such as Neskafa, Russia-generous soul, Maggie, NATSs have repeatedly been noted by various awards in the field of folk recognition, which is an indisputable fact of love of Russian consumers to the company's products.

Favorite coffee from Nestle

Starting from 1938 to today, the trademark Nescafe is perhaps the most popular among all products Nestle, at the moment it has seven products produced coffee. Let's talk more about each of them.

Nescafe "Classic". Granulated soluble coffee, produced in a soft package and a glass jar, has a tart classic coffee taste and a rich smell. Such a drink will appreciate fans of the morning traditions of drinking coffee, charging cheerfulness and energy.

Nescafe "GOLD". Sublimated soluble coffee, which absorbed various varieties of roasted coffee beans, balanced and harmoniously combined in one drink. In the lineup of Neskafa Gold, you can choose soft, strong, saturated coffee, or made of fried and unjeamed green grains. Comes in a glass jar or soft package with zipper.
Nescafe "Montego". Sublimated soluble coffee of the medium grain roasting. Thanks to the specially selected varieties, a unique bunch of drink, which has an original sophisticated taste is created.
Nescafe "GOLD BARISTA". The so-called trend in the coffee maker, made on the innovative development of the creation of ground coffee in soluble, and not at all inferior to the coffee shop. Such an effect is achieved by adding the arabiki green in the ground coffee before crystallization. During the brewing of the product, the release of all shades and tastes of the hammer grains of super-thin grinding are occurring.

Nescafe "Espresso". Premium coffee-class soluble coffee, when brewing which air foam appears on the surface. To create a gentle blend, filled with fruit shades, the varieties of arabiki are carefully selected and are subject to dark roasting.
Nescafe "Dolce Gusto". Capsules for coffee machines, allowing you to cook at home high-quality and delicious drinks, as in a coffee shop, while the choice of taste in this line is striking by your manifold:

  • classic black coffee;
  • hot chocolate;
  • espresso;
  • cappuccino and latte;
  • cocoa and others.

Nescafe "3 in 1". Little wand - a corpuscle for those who want to get a charge of cheerfulness immediately, perfectly combines the taste of coffee and cream. Available in various variations: strong, soft, classic and tasteful caramel.

Coffee is an indispensable drink of people leading a rich lifestyle, it is rich in antioxidants, which actively prevent aging processes and many diseases of the nervous system. The variety of Nescafe linepeckers allows you to choose a lively drink to face and taste even the most sophisticated connoisseur of coffee.

Nesquik Miracle Drink

Soluble chocolate drink Nekwik was developed in 1948 and then he was called Nestle Quik, the second part of the name in English means "fast", thereby producing manufacturers symbolized the speed of dissolution of dry cocoa in milk. In 1999, the brand received his current more sonic name. Maskot of the trademark throughout the entire time of existence was and remained the rabbit Kwika, who, together with the name of products, sometimes changed his image.

Delicious and fragrant cocoa Neksk is ideal for a growing organism, it contains a lot of vitamins and trace elements necessary for the bone system and the brain activity of the child. This amazing drink is produced in the classic version and with the taste of strawberries.

Nestle chocolates - pleasure for all occasions

Chocolate bar "Nuts". Ideal for those cases when you need to quickly stimulate brain activity, and, as you know, forest nuts in combination with chocolate copier with this task as it is impossible. In addition, the bar includes caramel and nougat.

Bar "Nesquik". Mini-chocolate manufactured in different variations: with crispy waffles or with air rice, nugoy and dairy stuffing. This delicacy is especially popular among children.

"Kit Kat". The bars based on crispy waffles and milk chocolate, perfectly quenches the feeling of hunger and retains the feeling of satiety for a long time. For the first time, this chocolate appeared in 1935 in London, since then have repeatedly changed the names and the design of the wrapper, but the quality and originality of taste remained at the same level.

Chocolate tiles "Russia - generous soul". It is worthy of nestle in the category of tiled chocolate, produced in a variety of variations, each of which has an original composition, combining only the highest quality ingredients: dark and milk chocolate, marmalade, cookies, nuts and raisins.

Leading manufacturers of baby food

Henry Nestle began the development of its activities, taking the goal as a basis - to find a unique formulation of a mixture, which will be a full-fledged analogue of breast milk and will help solve the problem of lack and incorrect baby food. Having achieved the goal, the Creator of the Nestle company properly proved that it is possible to achieve a lot in their endeavors if you have a strong desire to benefit people.

The case of the Swiss pharmacist successfully continues for more than 140 years. The company produces children's mixtures, mashed potatoes, porridges and other food nutrition products of famous brands, which are rightfully appreciated worldwide due to the unsurpassed quality of their products.

Nestle products are designed to ensure the right and healthy diet, bring the maximum benefit to the baby, improve digestion, normalize the microflora, reduce the risk of intestinal infections and strengthen the immune system. All mixes intended for infants are as close as possible in their characteristics to natural maternal milk.

Nestle concept: both in life and in the profession

The basic principle of the company Nestle is the desire to create common values \u200b\u200band life installations both in corporate and in private life. Executive Director "Nestle" S.A. Paul Bulk believes that the key to the success of any company is the desire to provide a beneficial effect on society, that is, there should be corporate social responsibility for people.

The company Nestle, producing high-quality and useful food, is aiming the goal to stimulate in society the desire for a healthy lifestyle, proper and useful food, as well as minimize a negative impact on the environmental situation.

As part of its concept, Nestle successfully implemented some activities:

  • Improving product quality standards. Since 2010, the program "Nestle Cocoa Plan" is being implemented, aimed at achieving the ideal parameters of the quality and taste of produced products. The essence of the program is to be careful about the environment in which cocoa trees grow, as well as to people who are engaged in their cultivation. For this, Nestle company participates in the development of farmers, improving the social conditions of farmers and maintain the quality of the surrounding nature. In Russia, the cocoa plan program began with the presentation of new Kit Kat bars performed in accordance with new standards.
  • The creation of innovative units, which is the primary task of which is the development of unique food products, with which the prevention and treatment of certain diseases is carried out.
  • Creating partnerships with free labor association, which allows you to stop the facts of the illegal exploitation of children in time.
  • Acquisition of the company PAMLAB engaged in the production of medicinal food products.
Key figures

Peter Burber (Chairman of the Board of Directors), Paul Bulk (Chief Manager)


food manufacturing


▲ € 67.8 billion (2011)

Net profit

▲ € 7.7 billion (2011)

Number of employees

330 thousand people (2011)



Henri Nestle

Foundation of the company

Henri Nestle, aware of the importance of a trademark in the promotion of goods on the market, decided to use his family coat of arms as a trademark - a nest with birds.

World market

In the early 1900s, Nestlé had factories in the USA, Great Britain, Germany and Spain. In 1904, the company began producing chocolate, reaching an agreement with the "Swiss National Chocolate Company". And in 1905, Nestlé united with his long-standing rival - "Anglo-Swiss company for the production of condensed milk" and was renamed Nestlé and English-Swiss dairy company. "

With the end of the First World War, a period of the economic crisis has come for the company. In 1921, Nestlé suffered losses for the first time. This forced the company's management to expand the traditional product range. The production of chocolate has become the second largest activity of the company. Nestlé began to regularly release new types of food.

The beginning of the production of Nescafe

In the same period, the rapid development of the Nescafe brand began. From to 1959, the sale of soluble coffee increased almost three times, and from to 1974 - another four times. For the 15 years, after the end of World War II, the total sales volume of the company increased twice. The development of the technology of sublimation drying led to the appearance in 1966 in the market of soluble coffee brand "Taster's Choice".

In December 2005, Nestlé acquires the Greek company Delta Ice Cream for 240 million euros, and in January 2006 Dreyer's has passed to full possession. This allowed Nestlé to become the largest producer of ice cream in a world controlling 17.5% of the market.

In November 2006, Nestlé acquires the Medical Nutrition division from Novartis Pharmaceutical for $ 2.5 billion. In April 2007, Nestlé buys a Gerber baby food producer for $ 5.5 billion.

Owners and guidance

Chairman of the Board of Directors - Peter Brabeck-Letmathe (Peter Brabeck-Letmathe), Chief Manager - Paul Bulcke (Paul Bulcke).


The range of Nestlé products during the existence of the company has more than 2000 trademarks of wide consumption products.

Companies belong to 461 factory and industrial enterprises in 83 countries of the world (11 enterprises are located in Russia). The number of personnel is about 330 thousand people ().

Nestlé occupies a leading position in the Russian soluble coffee market, culinary products, ready-made breakfasts and chocolate market. In 2011, sales in Russia grew by 11.2% - to 66.8 billion rubles.

Nestlé in Ukraine

In Ukraine, Nestlé produces a wide range of food products under the trademarks "Nescafe", "Nesquik", "Nestlé", "Maggi", "Purina", Torchin, "Svіket" and others.

Major competitors

The main competitors Nestlé are Unilever, PepsiCo, Mars, Kraft Foods and Groupe Danone. Nestlé with a large margin is ahead of them: the income of the next one in the list of "Global 500" company Unilever is more than one and a half times less than Nestlé's revenues.


Sales of baby food in developing countries

Boycott Nestlé.

  • Initially, the Nestle logo was a bird and three chicks in the nest. In 1988, during the next rebranding, the logo lost one chick.
  • Very positive review about was left yet in Esbe.


  1. Nestle History: 1866-1905 // (Checked May 20, 2010)
  2. Katerina Dmitrieva. Anna Akhmatova. Gifts for friends. // Archived from the original source on February 5, 2012. Checked on August 29, 2011.
  3. Nestle Takes World Ice Cream Lead. (2006-19-01). Archived from the original source on February 5, 2012. Checked on February 15, 2007.
  4. "Nestle" bought "Gerber" for $ 5.5 billion //
  5. All about Nestlé. (Inaccessible link - history) Checked April 22, 2010.

This time, Lifehacking will introduce our readers with the history of Nestle's creation.

1. Swiss Pharmacist Henry

Swiss pharmacist Henry Nestle Puzzled by a child's nutrition. Henry decided to create a product that was exactly repeated maternal milk. Soon the pharmacist creates such a product called Farine Lactee Henry Nestle(Milk Flour Henry Nestle). Dry milk consisted of the most natural ingredients of that time: milk, sugar and wheat flour. Artificial milk turned out no worse than natural maternal. Then Henry decides to create its own company for the production of milk.

Already in 1867.familiar to us Pharmacist creates a company called Nestle (Very selfish). The main purpose of the company was to create a quality product for kids. The first major consumer consumers Nestle Became the baby who did not transfer the maternal and ordinary milk. He began an allergic reaction. The doctor could not help the baby. Then Henry proposed to give him milk of his own preparation, and it did not cause allergies. Thus, the dry flour from Nestle saved the life of a baby. In the future, this case was universal interest, and Nestle products quickly gained popularity throughout Europe. Together with the popularity of the wallet, Henry scored a thickness, because the product brought good earnings for the Nestle family.

In 1886.year ANGLO-SWISS MILK COMPANY Created by two brothers - Charles and George Pagebegan to produce milk for babies. Initially, the American company produced condensed milk. Upon learning of this, Nestle in response launched the production of condensed milk. What a twist! The paji were shocked by such a daring answer Henry!

2. Family coat of arms

The nest with birds is the family coat of arms of the Nestle family, translated from the German Nestle means "small nest". When Henry Nestle was offered to change the logo to the Swiss Cross, he said:

"Unfortunately, but I can't accept your idea to replace the nest with the Swiss cross, since I can't have different trademarks for each country. Someone can use the cross, but no one can use my family coat of arms. "

In 1905, there was a merger of two competing companies and then a new appeared Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Milk Company.At that time, Nestle has already belonged to several factories in the United States, Britain, Spain and in Germany. Already in 1907, the company began to capture the Australian market to increase sales.

At the beginning of the First Worldwide, the company went worse, because the delivery of raw materials slowed down. Delivery paths were cut off, raw materials lacked, then the company was waste all its reserves of fresh milk. However, there were positive moments: the US Army needed condensed milk and dry milk. Nestle has escaped its end thanks to the state order for the army. Military dry soldering included condensed milk and powdered milk. And on the front, the soldiers loved condensed milk. The companies lacked factories, so they bought several more factories in America. By the end of the war, sales doubled compared to the best sales before wartime. Nestle had 40 factories at that time.

3. First chocolate and Nescafe

In 1921. The year the company suffered its first losses, the reason for this was: the rise in prices for raw materials, the fall in the currency rate, full of calm in the economy. Then the Swiss banking expert - Louis Daples appeared in the company. After conducting a number of reforms in the company's work, he managed to normalize production.

also in early 20th century The first chocolate appears, which has become also in demand as condensed milk during the war years. In parallel, the company began to produce soluble chocolate drink, pasta for children and all familiar coffee Nescafe!

During the Second World War Nestle again increased sales. All products of the company were in demand: soluble coffee, condensed milk, chocolate, paste. In 1943. year annual income of the company amounted to 100 million dollars, and to eND 1945. nearly 245 million dollars. The company has brought a soluble coffee Nescafe!

After the war years affected the company in the best way. It was during these periods that the company expanded itself and expanded the range of products. After World War II, the company united with companies Alimentana S.A.producing fast food soups and Maggi.thus formed a new holding Nestle Alimentana Company.

4. Exit to a larger market

Nestle did not stop on companies Alimentana S.A.and Maggi,the following steps of the company's development was the acquisition of a holding producing canned products, Crosse & Blackwell.Then B. 1963 year the company already produces new products of frozen and canned food under the brand Findus.

Over the next eight years, the company has actively redeemed other companies, holdings and brands. So in 1971 year Nestleacquires LIBBY - The company producing natural nectars and juices. Next to enter and brand Stouffer. Nestleit becomes the largest industry of its time.

Further actions of the company bring companies major earnings. Sales Nestle Grow out 4 more times! In 1966, the company has created a new coffee making technology. The technology was the process of low-temperature drying! Thus, Nestle produces a new coffee brand - Taster's Choice.

In 1974. year company buys holding L'OrealCosmetics. Nestlecoming beyond the framework of the food industry!

5. Nestle in our time

IN 1990 the year began the liquidation of the company engaged in the food industry. Such a situation was on hand Nestle. It was during this period that the company began even more violent activities. Competitor products quickly replaced the company's products. New markets appear in China, which allows Nestle to increase its sales.

Nowadays it is difficult to submit a product that would not be made by the company Nestle. After all, Nestle is baby food, culinary products, coffee, chocolate, paste, ready breakfasts, hygiene products and many other things. The company owns a large number of factories around the world. Products Nestle in demand more than in 60 countries of the world!

The first children's products were made Henry NestleAll the rest of the food company developed itself. Children's natural juices are greatly popular in our time, as the best of children. But people do not think that the company had to buy a whole holding and a bunch of rights for its production.

Thanks to the site Lifehackingyou can now boast of your knowledge about Nestle Friends.

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