Documents required for opening a car service. We earn on repair cars: how to open a car service

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Every day, there are fewer people who enjoy public transport. Almost everyone has its own vehicle. More and more cars are becoming on the roads, therefore, the need for maintenance is also growing. Even the most modern cars are needed in the service of the car service.

In order for the car service and the STR to be successful, it is necessary to competently build a business plan, the main task of which is to organize the service of passenger cars.

5 main problems when creating your own hundred

  1. A lack of money. This problem is the most important and insoluble for those who want to organize additional earnings or with the help of a hundred. Where to take money to open your car service?
  2. No room. With this problem, everyone is going to organize a business engineering business. Where to take the room for repair?
  3. Inexperience in car repair business.
  4. Problem in starting business. Often, people are simply afraid to change something in their lives.
  5. Unsure client base.

If you solve these basic problems, you can start organizing our own business in the field of maintenance.

In order to start its business in the field of automatic repair from scratch, it is necessary to purchase only the tool that is needed to perform work on the first order. It is best to get a set of keys from 90-100 positions "Top Tool" or "Force" from which you can start your business. This set can be repaired by almost any car from the first customer. If there is no money at all, then from the first customer we demand a prepayment of $ 50 and we buy a tool with which we make work.

If the first client refuses to make a prepayment, then you can do differently. A set of tools "Top Tool" costs an average of $ 100. There are several options where to take this money:

  1. Sell \u200b\u200bunnecessary.
  2. Money for a black day (piggy bank).
  3. To borrow money.

You can save up to 50% and buy a used tool.

It is not necessary to buy or build a room to open a hundred. At the initial stage, it is enough to rent a room for the symbolic cost from 30 to 50 square meters. m, equipped with electricity and observation pit. If rental money is absent, as in the case of a tool, they can be taken from the first repairs and give them to the owner of the room as a prepayment. The cost of rent should not exceed $ 100 per month. Finding such a tenant is simple enough, the main thing is to start it.

If you have your own room, you can safely work on the organization of repair in it. There is nothing terrible, shameful and shameful in this, as many beginner entrepreneurs believe.

Making conclusions, it can be emphasized that in order to open a maintenance station, no more than $ 200 starting capital, which can be earned on the repair of cars for the first customers.

If you have never been repaired, it may seem that it is very hard. But for sure if you are going to engage in repair work and open your own hundred, then you have our own car and in the depths of the soul interest and abilities - just need to expand them. If you do not want to "pick up" in the car, you can resort to third-party services. For example, to advertise in a newspaper that you are looking for a new developing car service of a specialist for 50/50 work, i.e. 50% You will give the employee, and the remaining 50% take to yourself, on the development of your business.

It is possible to start work a hundred with the provision of the following services:

  • repair chassis;
  • injector cleaning;
  • computer diagnostics;
  • engine repair.

These services are the most simple and in demand, so best are suitable for the start of your business. To provide this set of services, enough of the minimum of the tools that are stipulated above and does not require a large area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

In order to find customers, you need to use 3 main sources:

  1. Free printed publications.
  2. Free bulletin board on the Internet.
  3. Own sites.

These 3 free sources will definitely lead to your first customers. If you can give paid ads, they will bring even greater effect, they need to be given to the most promoted editions.

* Rental prices, cost calculations and potential profits are given by the example of the Kursk region.

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Documents required to open a hundred

When deciding to open your car service, it does not matter whether you are going to work as a legal entity or as a physical, you need to get a license. In order to get this document, you need to provide the following package of documents to the transport inspection:

  • application;
  • list (with post-post scheme);
  • certificate (bank details should be specified on the reverse side);
  • charter;
  • land lease agreement (premises) or joint activities agreement;
  • help SES;
  • permission from mrs self-visit (for welding and painting works);
  • order on the appointment of the responsible security and security clause;
  • the order for the appointment of responsible for the performance of maintenance and repair work;
  • a copy of the diploma or employment record;
  • certificate of compliance with standards (with annex);
  • help with GNS on registration.

A registered garage in the Comfession in the form of a capital structure, you need to get permission from the perfect to use it as a car service, with the conclusion of the rental contract. If the garage is not a major structure, and it is elevated, it is necessary to get a city conclusion, stipulating the use of a garage as a hundred. When the garage belongs to a private person, and not the state, the contract is concluded with him, with the re-issuance of the land lease agreement, if it sets out another destination of the room.

After registration of the land plot and settling the problems of the work room, the project documentation is drawn up, with a mandatory section "On Environmental Protection". For the operating room, it is necessary to make a conclusion with the department "On environmental hygiene". An assessment is carried out extremely permissible norms. For the maintenance station, the conditions for the collection, protection and disposal of related waste, as well as the rules for the removal of wastewater and emissions of harmful substances in the atmosphere are presented. Examination and operational control is carried out. It is necessary to comply with the sanitary space between the source of emissions of harmful substances and nearby buildings, especially children's institutions and residential buildings. This space should be at least 50 meters, depending on the size of the enterprise itself. It is prohibited to locate a hundred near reservoirs.

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List of basic customer service requirements:

  1. It is prohibited to locate a hundred in residential premises and public buildings. The car service should be installed centralized water wiring, as well as sewage.
  2. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room should be sufficient, depending on the works and dimensions carried out in it, as well as production equipment, but not less than 5 square meters. meters per employee, without taking into account the equipment.
  3. The room should contain the mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation installed in an explosive version. In accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning".
  4. IN winter The room should be heating. Entrance gates must be equipped with air-thermal veins.
  5. It is prohibited to work in the room in the absence of natural lighting. The minimum coefficient of natural light is 1.5.
  6. For decoration of walls and floors, moisture-resistant and oil-resistant materials are used. Painting of the walls is carried out by oil paint or facing with a ceramic tile on 2/3 in a ratio of height. Paul coating should consist of Metlah tiles. Ceramic tile should be used in the cladding of the observation pit.
  7. The production room should be equipped with a shower, bathroom, cabinets for storing overalls.
  8. When working, use the means of personal protection of the respiratory organs, eyes, leather.
  9. Coordination with GosanaPidemadzor in the case of placement and technological processes. Car service must have permission to operate from these authorities.

Business business is a serious alternative to the futility, the possibility of independent earnings and independence in financial and moral terms. Of course, together with this, you have to carry cargo of worries and risks associated with doing business, and the cargo is rather big. But the freedom from someone's instructions and the full right to dispose of their time and independently decide what and how to do is too big plus, which is more than compensating for all difficulties.

Before opening a car service from scratch, we denote the relevance

Transportation of people, cargo, mobility and the ability to move at considerable distances for a relatively small amount of time - the main sign of the development and civilization of society.

Of all the types of transport, the car is the most common and universal. The number of cars on the roads is constantly growing, the role of motor vehicles in the economic system and in everyday life increases. Therefore, any business associated with cars has high perspectives and opportunities.

The most popular destination in this area is the repair and maintenance of vehicles due to necessity.

Any car service that performs work at a decent level has a constant stream of customers and is provided with work.

The increasing number of women behind the wheel to a certain extent increases the demand for car repair services and increases the profitability and employment of workshops.

What documents are needed to open a car service?

So what do you need to open a car service? Documentation. For official registration and launch of the car service will be required license. To obtain it, you will need:

  • statement;
  • list of types of services;
  • certificate and bank details;
  • lease agreement for land under the workshop;
  • company's charter;
  • certificates of SES, fire supervision, from the GND on registration;
  • orders for the appointment of persons responsible for the TB, for the security point;
  • order on the appointment of the responsible for repairing and that;
  • a copy of the document certifying professional suitability and preparation;
  • the certificate of compliance with GOST standards (for IP is not mandatory, but the availability of a certificate gives greater weight in the eyes of clients).

A list of only the most necessary documents is given, in each particular case, it may be necessary to provide additional securities.

For entrepreneurs, or summer as the most profitable season.

How can the utilization of unnecessary automotive tires be a successful business? Our business plan.

How to start opening a car service? Of course, from the choice of room


The most common option to accommodate the car service at the initial stage of the work is the usual garage. If it is owned by the service owner, then the cost of maintenance is minimal, there is no rent, there is no risk of losing the room by the will of the landlord - undoubtedly, this pros.

In addition, often the garages are combined into cooperatives, which automatically makes advertising opened workshop and provides clientele.

Minuses The limitations of the working space becomes and, as a result, the impossibility of expanding the business. It also seriously complicates the lack of necessary communications - sewerage, water supply - which can cause complaints from the SES. Working conditions in winter are also not favorable.

Or rent a premises for car service?

Another option may be renting premises from third-party organizations. Pluses Such a choice should be considered the opportunity to receive a spacious room, suitable for performing several types of work at once, with communications conducted and convenient driveways. A significant advantage is the location near large roads, facilitating the search for the workshop and the possibility of placing effective advertising.

Disadvantage It is a high rent and a small lease term, threatening business success.

What to choose?

From the point of view of large volume and long-term use, the option is most preferable with a rental of land and construction on it by workshop on an individual project. In this case, you can get the perfect hundred in your requests, taking into account all the ideas and projects.

The disadvantage of the option is the need for construction time, the supply of communications and all related administrative and permitting actions. In addition, this option requires large one-time financial investments.

What you need to open a car service: equipment and tools

The choice of equipment is largely determined by the possibilities of the room. If there is an ordinary garage, then use the lift in it will not work - cost the observation pit. Also limited space can create problems in painting works.

If the area occupied is sufficient, then the equipment should be purchased the highest quality and reliable - it is impossible to save money on it. Basically, imported mechanisms and devices are recommended as the most accurate, reliable and practical. Very carefully we must relate to equipment that was in use - Shopping such a tool is better to avoid.

If you have decided on what tool is needed for a car service, then you need to make a list of devices that are necessary for planned work, select the manufacturer, decide on models and tool stamps. After that, you need to purchase everything you need. Such an approach to some extent guarantees the completeness of the equipment and will take rid of the need to subsequently urgently acquire.

It must be remembered that the quality of work and, as a result, car service revenues depend on the quality of the equipment used, so it is necessary to consider the issue extremely serious and responsible.

Required personnel for car service

Find a good specialist has always been a challenge. All experienced masters usually in business, they know, appreciate and try to keep. It is not necessary to take on the work of people who do not have adequate preparation and qualifications, because the specifics of the business is such that instead of income, you can get losses, and quite serious. In addition to damage to the equipment, there is a risk to spoil the expensive car, compensation for damage for which will fall on the shoulders of the workshop.

Ideally, you need to attract professionals with specialized education, experience and experience. In practice, this is not always possible, but it is necessary to strive for this in any case.

Most often use small brigades - one master and one or two assistants. With a high level of preparation of the master, his assistants gradually acquire experience and skills, becoming masters themselves.

The service of a wide profile may include the positions of the mechanic, cuzer, electrician, malaria, motorboat. A receivers will be required to contact clients when placing an order.

Organization of the work of auto service

The organization of the workflow is made according to the usual rules for production teams, with minor amendments to the specifics of a particular direction.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of the process is use of Time. From what it is spent, the quality and profitability of the car service depends. It is necessary to constantly control the loss of time on paper work, for forced downtime for various reasons, in search of spare parts, for smoke, etc. At the same time, it is impossible to fall into another extremes - a hurry and hurry is unacceptable, because nothing but harm is not carried.

Constant process optimization Helps reduce losses and identifies the most inefficient operations, which contributes to an increase in productivity and disciplines the team.

How much money do you need to open a car service? Is it profitable?

With the right organization of labor and high-quality equipment, which is used by competent and qualified people, the success of the auto service is indisputable. If all the necessary conditions are observed, the process necessarily makes a profit. Nevertheless, the situation is constantly changing and requires periodic intervention.

Economic situation in the country, currency exchange rates and seasonal factors - everything can have any impact and demanding response. Therefore, it should be remembered - only the business is successful. By itself, no process works.

Consider the approximate option expenditures workshop. How much is it worth opening a car service from scratch, and what is needed for this?

  • Get documents - 20.000 p.
  • Acquisition of equipment - 2.000.000 p.
  • Advertising - 30.000 P (all available methods).

The cost part also includes:

  • rental of premises - 140-160 thousand rubles;
  • wages - 200.000 r.;
  • acquisition of consumables - 100.000 p.

Profit At such expenses, it will indicate from 50,000 p monthly.

The profitability of the car service as a business is high enough and ranges from 20% to 50%.

In this way, payback A hundred may fit on time from 1 year to 3 years.

It must be borne in mind that these numbers are sufficiently conditional and reflect only approximate costs and income, but the order of financial movement is reflected correctly. It should also be forgotten that yield at equal costs can differ significantly under different conditions of workshop functioning.

Do not forget to make a business plan for opening a car service

A detailed "how to open a car service from scratch" should include specific numbers on the example of your region, market analysis and possible risks that will have to face. Also, do not forget to pay enough attention to the events responsible for increasing the profit of car service.

Thus, the car maintenance station is a promising and profitable type of business, which, with existing trends in the development of the economy, will constantly strengthen its position. The growing number of cars and car owners allows you to confidently look into the future and plan work for the years ahead.

We offer you a small step-by-step instruction of the opening of your own car service from the real entrepreneur from Izhevsk Konstantin Ivanovich Petrenko. Konstantin Ivanovich for ten years successfully owns a car service and kindly divides the secrets of his success with the readers of the Russian startup site.

How to open a car service right and inexpensive?

Car service as a business idea

For many people, repairing your own car is a big problem. Most motorists are ready to pay any money to not engage in the repair of the engine or gearbox.

What to say if 7 out of 10 car owners will go to change the oil to the service station. And this is despite the fact that such work takes no more than 20-30 minutes.

Why not take advantage of this. You can open your business car service and earn great. The main thing is to have a business plan for the car service and a good deal in this direction.

But where to start? How to open a car service? What aspects to pay special attention? Let's talk about everything in order.

Initial investments or car service turnkey

The opening of the car service promises the following income and expenses:

  • initial investments - from 5 million rubles;
  • annual turnover - from 2 million rubles;
  • yield rate - 30-40%;
  • payback is five years.

Development options

You must clearly understand, in which direction you will develop your new car service. There are several options here:

1. Conservative.You open a single car service and provide a certain range of services (depending on those specialists who are in stock).

This option is the most effective from the position of investments, but in the future the fast payback can not be expected. As practice shows, a single one hundred is very difficult to cope with the huge competition (especially this is true if you are opening in a big city).

Competition generates the need for additional costs (on high-quality equipment, on wages to good masters and so on).

Table number 1. Potential of consumers of service services in Russia

2. A small network service.In order to "promote" such a business plan, it is worth preparing for essential investments. Fixed funds will go to advertise, promoting a new brand, attracting new customers and so on.

At the same time, much more promising "unwind" in large cities, where there are no well-known "network" brands.

3. Independent franchise car service.There is an opinion that with this form of activity costs will be minimal. Not at all - you must be prepared for certain investments.

It is far from the fact that the owner of a well-known network will cooperate with you.

As a rule, franchisee services are very popular in Government-led cities. The reasons are here two: first, there is still no big competition on this field.

Secondly, the level of income of most people allows repairing the car to a hundred, and not to do this directly in the garage or ask for help "Uncle Vasya for the bottle."

List of standard car service

At the initial stage it is worth deciding which servants will have your car service.

Here the choice is very wide:

  • aggregate works - overhaul of the main assemblies of the car (gearbox, engine);
  • computer diagnostics;
  • repair of the electrical part;
  • fixer work (repair work of transmission, power node, suspension, alignment and so on);
  • bodywork;
  • painting;
  • tire fitting and so on.

You can perform additional services (as a rule, they bring the main part of the profits) - Installation of acoustics, alarms, airbrushing, installation of gas equipment, tuning of the power unit, hauling of the cabin, noise and vibration insulation, vinyl, chip tuning and so on.

Table number 2. Average prices for painting a car in Russia


A special conversation is a room for a hundred. There are three main options here:

1. Buy the finished room. As practice shows and experience a large number of successful entrepreneurs - the most correct, economical and least labor option - take ready-made team sandwich car service kit Panels for a typical project.

2. Construction.If you decide to build your car service, then immediately get ready to exert the maximum range of services (otherwise, Prit).

It will take a qualitative project of the car service, which should be agreed by the local administration. If you order a specialist's work, then the average costs will be about 500-600 thousand rubles.

After that, the project will require approval in several commissions, but further - the ransom of the right to rent a land plot.

On average, renting 5-7 acres of land somewhere in the central part of the city will cost about 150-170 thousand rubles (these are annual costs). After completion of the lease term, it will be possible to extend for another 49 years. In this case, expenses can reach several million rubles.

When drawing up a project, it is important to take into account that a hundred was your plumbing, body and paint shop. In addition, it will take a platform for work on the electrical part and tires. As a result, the construction and arrangement of the service leaves 5 million rubles.

3. Rent.In this case, the costs will be much lower. But! Find a good room is very difficult, because the best option is already busy.

Sometimes you have to spend more than one month to choose a worthy place. If it really happened to find a good area, then make sure that it complies with the rules of the SES, Labor and Fire Inspection. Rental price - from 150-200 thousand rubles per month.

Equipment for one hundred

Good car service need high-quality equipment so that it causes respect and confidence of customers.

On average, the purchase of the lift will have to spend about 80-100 thousand rubles, on the equipment for diagnostics - from 80 to 100 thousand rubles, to the purchase of instruments - from 100 thousand rubles, on the workbenk - from 10 thousand rubles.

In addition, you will need a lot of small tool - hacksaws, hammers, passatias, vice, repair kits, booths, and so on.

As a rule, you must select technique, taking into account the specialization of the service.

In this case, the total costs of equipment may exceed one million rubles.


To buy high-quality equipment for a hundred is one thing, but to choose a really qualified personnel for working on it - this is more difficult task. Of course, people can be trained, but this is time and money.

I want to find a ready-made wizard immediately, which will have the equipment for several days and start working. Such masters are, but also the payment of labor will be appropriate.

On average, a good specialist requires salaries from 30 thousand rubles. But talented masters, as a rule, are already attached on other hundred.

It is possible to lure specialists not only good wages, but also an additional award, the possibility of "shabby" in the workplace and so on.

At the same time, do not forget to "apply" new workers to the master for learning (naturally, for an additional charge). Each employee should feel that he is needed and has a prospect of growth.

On average, the number of personnel on a hundred can reach 10-12 people (again, depending on the activities).

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From this article you can find out how a simple driver from Samara created a taxi service and earned a million dollars:

Occupational Safety and Health

We must not forget that the car service is the place of increased danger to the staff. There is always a danger to get a serious injury (up to a death case).

To avoid serious problems, you, as a leader, should provide a high level of labor protection.

To do this, it is necessary to strictly observe the requirements of fire safety, storing combustible fluids in a bleaching room, to provide workers with all necessary - glasses, gloves, footwear and overalls.

Once in 6 or 12 months, the employee must pass the rules for labor protection. To control compliance with all rules, you can hire an engineer on or performing these functions.


One of the main secrets of the success of the car service is a high-quality promotion. On average, the monthly budget for advertising should be from 200 thousand rubles.

This should be enough for outdoor advertising (placement of signs with the name of your hundred, posters at intersections, stretch marks, and so on), advertising in the newspaper and the Internet, the creation and promotion of your site, design stands in stores with spare parts for cars and so on.


As a rule, the business car service can very quickly pay off. On average, one specialist is able to serve 3-5 cars per day (the average duration of one recovery work is about 2-3 hours).

Average remuneration (for one repairs) is about 2-4 thousand rubles. Consequently, one master per month brings about 120-200 thousand rubles. Specialist salary - from 30-40 thousand rubles per month.

Excellent profitability. To raise income, you can work around the clock and seven days a week.

How to open a successful car service?

Download Business Plan Car Service for free or create yourself?

The first thing that needs to be understood by all novice entrepreneur is the availability of a working business plan at the start - necessarily!

Start a business from scratch and the more not a very experienced entrepreneur without its own, well-developed business plan - the top of uncertainty and even stupidity.

The business plan of the car service can be downloaded for free from the Internet, but I advise you to buy a template and based on it to create an inexpensive business plan:

Basic secrets

To always be "on horseback", consider several useful tips:

  • first, immediately find a reliable supplier and work only with it. At the same time, make applications for several months, taking into account the potential demand for certain types of work. Do not save on spare parts - try to select them a little with a margin. This is especially true when operating a network service station, where it is possible to share the details between the individual "divisions";
  • secondly, from the very beginning, concentrate their attention on the most profitable services that are maximum popularity - car wash, painting, tireage, body repair, and so on;
  • thirdly, do not forget to increase the range of services from time to time. This will increase the overall profit and earn more permanent customers.

Results or how much it costs to open a car service:

Initial expenses:

  • Buying equipment, installation, installation - from 1 million rubles;
  • Advertising costs - from 200,000 rubles;
  • Coordination - from 50 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  • Rental of premises - from 150 thousand rubles;
  • Buying consumables - from 80 thousand rubles;
  • Salary - from 300 thousand rubles.


  • Total profit - from 700 thousand rubles;
  • Net income - from 100 thousand rubles.


Opening of his car service- This is a profitable direction. The main thing is to choose a good room, find qualified personnel and constantly improve the quality of the services provided. Good luck.

The Russian car park is growing every day and clearly does not soon exhaust its potential. Accordingly, the repair and maintenance services are very in demand, and the demand for them will not be reduced. Even new cars require at least a seasonal replacement of rubber and periodic renewal of consumables, and in a car with a large mileage you can always find what to repair. A modern high-tech "filling" of cars practically does not leave the chance of car owners to cope with the breakdowns with their own hands or with the help of "self-relocked". Without professional equipment and specially trained people here can not do. Therefore, let's talk about how to open a car service.

Determine your niche

What services are most in demand from motorists?

  • Tire mounting - every fall and spring motorists storming tire workshops to "re-overwhelm" and, if necessary, to delete the wheels. Almost all car owners enjoy this service. In addition, the state of our roads causes to turn into a tire pressure much more often than 2 times a year.
  • Repair work - all that is associated with the repair, replacement of units, nodes, car parts.
  • Body work - car painting, correction of body defects after an accident.
  • Diagnostics and repair of auto electrical and electronics.
  • Pre-sale preparation - diagnostics, repair, giving a car "commodity" species before selling.
  • Tuning is a service for installing additional options, a change in the settings of the equipment and the appearance of the body.
  • Car wash as related service.

You can focus on the provision of one or two services and open a narrow specialized workshop. Creating a full-fledged car service involves the provision of a full range of services for the repair and maintenance of the car. What version of the auto repair shop you will choose, depends on your investment opportunities, the competitive situation in the market of your city and personal preferences. Despite the high competition in this area, with a competent approach to the case without clients you will not be left.

Business registration

So, you are customized to open; business car service. Where to begin? Register your enterprise.

For a small auto repair shop, for a multifunction center is better. If in your region to autoservines, you can work on this tax regime or.

Licensing of this type of service is canceled, so you will only have permitting documents in the State Fire Supervision and SES, to conclude contracts for renting or buying premises, for the supply of utilities, for waste disposal.

Production platform

Build a new car maintenance center - the process is not only costly, but also long, ranging from the purchase (rental) of the land plot and receiving various coordination, and ending with directly construction work. It is easier to open a car service in the garage or hangar, the former production room.

For the placement of 4 work posts, the warehouse of spare parts, the reception room for customers and the office is enough room 250 - 300 square meters. m. It is desirable to organize parking spaces for repaired or awaiting car service.

It is better that the auto repair shop is not far from the lively route, gas station, parking or a garage complex.

To the room of the SanEpidnadzor service and the fire service impose the following requirements:

  • car service can not be located in a residential or public building;
  • the workshop should be at a distance of at least 15 m from residential buildings and 50 meters from children's and medical institutions;
  • the room must be equipped with water supply and sewage;
  • the room should be heated in the cold season and have a supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • natural light should penetrate the car repair shop, the room is equipped with explosion-proof artificial lighting;
  • the observation pit and the walls of the room are faced with ceramic tiles, floors - Metlah tiles;
  • to work one employee, an area of \u200b\u200bat least 5 square meters is required. m;
  • necessarily the presence of a soul and bathroom;
  • employees are provided by cabinets for clothing, protective equipment (gloves, glasses, respirators).

Auto service equipment

To open a car service from scratch, you will have to purchase everything you need for a workshop, ranging from the working tool, ending with complex diagnostic equipment:

  • two-handed lifts;
  • the bead of the disorder;
  • tire and balancing machines;
  • ricking and welding equipment;
  • diagnostic scanner;
  • painting equipment;
  • installation for washing the fuel system and oil replacement;
  • compressor with compressed air;
  • jacks, transmission rack;
  • pneumatic and manual tools (keys, screwdrivers, screwdrivers, etc.).


The staff is the most sore place for any owner of the car repair shop. Find car service professionals will be not easy. Several experienced auto showers may have to be placed from other hundred, offering them more favorable conditions. Attracting specialists will no longer, but it is worth it. The "sleeves" master will certainly lead to a single regular customer. Contacts of good specialists are often transmitted by motorists from hand in hand, and drivers are ready to go to a particular auto mechanist at least to another end of the city.

In the future, it is necessary to take care of the cultivation of own qualified personnel from substrursions.

You will need: one master for every workstation (mechanic, electrician, motorist, cuzer - depending on the profile direction of your service) and a couple of people "on pickup"; Receiver to work with customers for orders.

The wage of the car mechanic consists of a small fixed part and percent of each completed order, usually in the amount of 30-50%.

How much does it cost to open a car service?

The main costs of opening a car service is renting the premises and purchase of equipment. If you are configured to serious investments - prepare from 3.5 to 4.5 million rubles. Automaster smaller and simpler, providing a combination of several "running" services, will cost 1 - 1, 5 million rubles. And it can bring revenues within 60 - 350 thousand rubles. Morning.

A highly specialized car service item will cost inexpensively, for example, tireage can be opened only for 250 - 350 thousand rubles. True, income such a workshop will give a small - no more than 30 thousand rubles. per month.

On average, the car service as a business pays off for 1 - 3 years at a profitability of 20 - 40%.

As a rule, small auto repair shops, having worked for some time and borrowed their own clientele, in the future go to expanding business, or, on the contrary, focus on the provision of two or three most cost-effective services. The beginning of the owner of the car service is advisable to go that way.

Running work

For a newly open car service, you will need to conduct promotional events. It is necessary to lay out outdoor advertising or navigation so that potential customers can easily find you. Announcements in a specialized press, in parking, in garages will also help attract car owners to your workshop.

By the nearby area, leaflets can be distributed; Prepare and leave business cards in organizations, offices, stores.

To take care of the future awareness of the car service: develop corporate identity, provide workers with workwear with your symbolism, make a sign.

With the beginning of the work of the auto repair shop in front of you will arise the purchase of spare parts. By the time you discover, you must decide with suppliers and sign the supply agreements with them. First time you can work "under the order" if suppliers are able to quickly deliver the necessary parts, and the most running parts must be in stock and buy with a margin. Do not forget to prepare for seasonal peaks in advance, so as not to face the problem of the deficit of the necessary spare parts on wholesale warehouses. Large purchases are advisable to combine spare parts organized on the territory of the car service.

Certification of service services is necessary to improve the competitiveness of the enterprise, as well as for:

  • participation in competitions and tenders for the supply of services to large customers or state enterprises;
  • gain access to assessment and subsequent repair of the car for insurance cases (the possibility of cooperation with insurance companies). Such activity of the car service is possible only if there is a voluntary certificate;
  • dealer authority requires certified production;
  • to conclude contracts with legal entities for maintenance of a car (with the substantiation of the provision of services to a specific service enterprise);
  • for arguments in court cases when contacting the court of dissatisfied customers.

Certification of service of service consists of the following procedures:

  • assessment of compliance with the quality of services related to the repair of auto-mechanical vehicles (AMTS);
  • assessment of compliance with the quality of services related to maintenance (COM);
  • licensing of certain types of activities in the automotive area of \u200b\u200bservices and the performance of work on which the Russian legislation is applied;
  • certification in the form of a quality management system (QMS);
  • certification in accordance with the requirements for dealers from a specific manufacturer of transport equipment;
  • and also obtaining other permits of conformity.

Certification of services in the field of technical regulation of the Russian Federation on the basis of the current FZ "On Technical Regulation" is not mandatory. It is carried out on a voluntary basis at the request of the manufacturer of the work.

Mandatory certification made it possible to withdraw many car services from the shadow business, many positive processes occurred: the requirements of technological processes began to be kept, the quality of services for the population was significantly increased. All this made it possible to translate the service market exclusively on a voluntary procedure. The state left the right to licensing for certain types of activities related to AMTs and that. When licensing, the need for the passage of the certification procedure occurs.

The Federal Law "On Road Safety" obliges executors of services that and r motor vehicles have a certificate of conformity. This mechanism allows to ensure the fulfillment of the requirements of the regulatory acts on environmental protection and traffic safety. Almost all major enterprises performing services in the field of automotive service are certified by services in one of the voluntary certification system of the Russian Federation.

Good day! In the car service, we were rendered to dismantle the rear seats of the car. In the traffic police asked the license and certificate. The car service has a charter in which the type of activity is prescribed, and about other documents they say that they are not mandatory. Are questions about traffic police?

Sincerely, Zhdanov Yuri Vladimirovich.

You are certifying the services "Maintenance and repair of vehicles, machinery and equipment: Maintenance of passenger cars" - 017101,017104, 017107, 017201-017206, 017211, 017216, 017218.
And if so, what is the cost and for what time it will act

Good day! Tell me, if there is a certificate of car service, a hundred, whether the right of the IP is to produce repair work on a / m in guarantees from official dealers so that our clients do not lose guarantees, as well as set a mark on the passage of the next one in the warranty book. Will the mark be legitimate in front of official dealers. (Volzhsky)

Hello! We need certificates 017201, 017202, 017203, 017207, 017401, 017405, 017410. What documents are needed and the cost? Thank you!

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