Worms prosperity breeding at home. Types of worms that best use

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Recently, many exotic ideas for business appeared in Russia. One of them is breeding worms.

Conventional rainworms are very useful because they affect the organic state of the soil in which there are increasing fertility.

And as Chinese wisdom says: "It's not the one who raised the harvest, but the one who has retained the soil." Western scientists are constantly working on breeding various types of worms, which are characterized by increased efficiency and speed of reproduction.

Why breed worms?

Business breeding business or so-called "vermifers" are a very popular view of earnings, which, with minimal cost, can be organized at home.

"Creeping Friends" in the process of its livelihoods give several valuable products: humus (fertilizer), worm teas that increase the development of plants several times. In addition, worms are also a product.

Organic fertilizer (humus) is very popular among dachens and owners of large farms. Gumus increases soil fertility and supplies it with all the necessary useful substances that are required for growing plants. You can use humus both yourself and sell neighbors or acquaintances. Start this business is better with small volumes in order to track the level of demand for the product.

Worm breeding is also a useful lesson for fishing. Most fishermen do not spend their time on the dumping of the garden in search of baits, and just goes to the market and buys a worms. The life cycle of worms is quite long, and there is always demand for the bait, especially in spring and summer. On the day you can sell about 2-5 packs of worms. Given the cost of one at the level of 40-50 rubles, it is not difficult to calculate gross profits.

Worms are not bad for sale in pet stores, where buyers use them as a living food for birds and aquarium fish. Store employees willingly go to the transaction to acquire "fresh" worms.

Some businessmen involved in vermifers sell worms to the owners of fish farms. The cultivation of fish requires the presence of live feed, so the demand for worms constantly exists.

One of the livelihoods of worms is "worm tea" (this fertilizer that increases the yield of crops more than twice). The "worm tea" is actively used by farmers, which are engaged in growing early strawberries. Natural fertilizer consisting of products of worms are collected in special containers and used at home for feeding room plants or in greenhouses.

The home farm for breeding any animals for sale is quite realistic to open on its own. - A promising direction, since the saccine in Russia is not much common, but the demand for products is high.

Business plan for opening profitable apiary you will find.

And in this thread you will find information on the conduct of business on the sale of colors. How profitable and how to implement? Buying business options.

What to choose?

In order to breed worms at home, you can use their any varieties. The most popular are such types of worms:

  • Earthworm. This species is well adapted to the environment, and therefore it can be easily adapted to the conditions of keeping the house. The reproduction of this worm begins very quickly. The only disadvantage of rainwrites is located low vital activity. Some kinds of worms obtained by experimentally have a significantly higher level of activity.
  • Red worm of California. Buying Californian worms for breeding at home, it is necessary to choose large, red and movable individuals. One mother-in-law (one family) of these worms is more than 1000 individuals. To fill 1 m 3 of land, the farmer will need about three families. Red California Worm quickly multiplies and gives quality humus. In addition, it does not require special food. The temperature of the soil in which California worms is bred, should not be below 10 ° C.
  • Worms "Studyer" - The main competitor of red worms for breeding, which is characterized by high activity and ability to quickly and efficiently process biomass on humus. The rescuer is resistant to temperature fluctuations from 9 to 30 ° C.

Select room

Those who have gathered to breed worms should take care of the increase in the area of \u200b\u200bthe vermiferm, since the worms multiply very quickly. As a room, you can use an absolutely any room. The main condition is heating. It is also necessary to take care of air humidity.

Room under the vermiferma

Basically, a garage, a basement, an attic or another extension is used as a premises for breeding worms. It is important to remember that the minimum daily temperature during the cultivation of worms should not fall below the mark at 4 ° C, otherwise the worms fall into the hibernation. At temperatures above 36 ° C worms die.

Worm breeding at home

For breeding worms at home, as a rule, they buy a red California worm. Breeding occurs in boxes.

Wooden, cardboard or plastic boxes are used, as well as compost heaps.

Compost is prepared from sawdust, weeds, straw, chicken litter, tree branches. All these and other ingredients are harvested in a bunch, abundantly wasting water to occur the overloading process.

Compost 35-40% should consist of animal products or other organic waste, which ensure the formation of a sufficient number of bacteria for rotting and composting.

The finished compost is laid in special boots, up to 2 meters wide. Using various ingredients for the preparation of the habitat of worms, before the transplantation of the entire family, it is necessary to conduct a test settlement.

For this, about 50 individuals are placed in the box. If, after a day, the worms remained moving, then the rest can be pretended, if more than 10% died - then it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause of the inconsistency (this may be an increased acidity of the mixture or impairment of humidity and temperature regime).

For watering compost, it is not allowed to use tap water, which contains chlorine. The presence of chlorine in the water is the right death of your pets.

The breeding of worms at home is beginning to engage in springtime (late April). In winter, bays with worms should be further insulated.

Technology filling raids

Growing worms, the container capacity is 50% filled with humus. To increase the softness of the soil, it is recommended to mix the ground and a newspaper or cardboard.

The land is maximally moistened, however, if you squeeze the mixture in your hand, the water should not flow from it.

The first few days compost allocates ammonia, so the placing in it is unacceptable.

For 1 m 2 of the compost mixture, it will take about a kilogram of worms. From this calculation, the worms are settled in the prepared grooves in the ground. At the same time, it is necessary to leave a part of the soil in which the worms lived. The place of protection of worms is moisturized and covered with a piece of cardboard.

During the first 3-4 days of Cerves will be adapting to a new habitat, so any interventions in this process are being prohibited.

If the worms on the expiration of the adaptation period independently distributed on the ramp, then the acclimatization is completed successfully. It remains to fall asleep food.

It should also be remembered that the mixture where the worms live, in no case cannot be overwhelmed. The soil must be slightly moistened.

Excessive irrigation is also harmful to the livelihood of worms, as they breathe the skin (this explains the fact that during the rain the worms crawl out from their shelters).

The place where the worms are planned to multiply must be calm and quiet. It is necessary to exclude the occurrence of strong vibration and other noise.


As a feed for worms, it is best to use food waste: shell eggs, flour products, fruits (except citrus) and vegetables. From the diet of worms you need to completely eliminate oils, fats, dairy and meat waste.

A finished ten-pasters of the feed layer is stacked in a container with worm times a week. To determine the adequacy of the feed, a newspaper sheet of paper lies on top of the ten-centimeter layer. When the worms begin to eat a sheet - it means that it is necessary to replenish the amount of feed.


Caring for worms consists of several items:

  • feeding;
  • maintaining a favorable temperature regime;
  • watering soil;
  • grinding soil.

Almost all types of worms have no special nutritional requirements.

Temperature, as mentioned earlier, should not be descended below 4 degrees Celsius and rise above 36.

Worms love moisture. The optimal level of soil moisture is 75-85%.

After increasing the compost layer in the tanks with the worms, its loosening is carried out. Twice a week with the help of special forks pierced compost. This allows worms to ensure normal access to oxygen, which they breathe.


Sexual maturity of worms is achieved at the age of 3 months. After that, every week adult individuals lay cocoons. The term of ripening cocoons is three weeks. From one cocoon can come up to 17 individuals, which in turn in a few months also begin to multiply. It is not difficult to calculate that after six months, the number of worms in one container for the content increases 45-50 times.

As soon as the amount of worms exceeds the permissible norms - 50 pieces per 1 liter of soil, part move to another seatingman or sell. If you do not make a transplant, then the worms stop their reproduction.

Possible implementation paths

Sorting worms in the rayground occurs every 3-4 months. To this end, the upper layer of the soil is removed, then the coat of habitat of worms and a layer of humus is covered.

Beginner businessmen often ask a question: where to realize worms?

First of all, worms are needed as a bait fishermen. Therefore, you can safely go to the market and sell pre-prepared packaging with worms. The price of one package of 30 worms is 40-50 rubles.

Worms are very well buying shops of pet stores, fish farms.

You can also establish humus production for indoor plants. Gumus is an indispensable fertilizer for dachens and gardeners. Another option to profit is the sale of "worm tea". To collect such a product in the bottom of the container, where the worms are contained, a small hole is made.

Economic efficiency

For one year, working on breeding worms with minimal costs for the formation of a seatingman 2 m 2 You can get about 15 thousand worms and about one ton of humus. If on average 1 worm stands on the market 1.5 rubles, then the total profit from the sale of worms per year will be 22.5 thousand rubles. In addition, you can add the value of the sale of tons of humus and worm tea. As we see, in conditions of minimum costs, you can get good profits.

The causes of the popularity of breeding worms are:

  • techniques of technology;
  • minimum food costs and worm care;
  • rapid speed;
  • availability of demand and extensive sales opportunities;
  • minimum number of employees for servicing vermiferms;
  • easy equipment.

Breeding worms is definitely profitable business. The profitability of the vermiferm is at the level of 130-145%. Some business owners for breeding worms manage to raise the level of profitability even higher.

All the mistress is now spoken about useful food and many try to look for natural and useful products, including meat. - Niche is free enough and to establish a sales market, even if you have a small farm. How much is it worth opening such a business and is it profitable, read on our website.

For the growing champignon for sale at home, read in the subject. Details of the process technology.

Video on the topic

Technological rainworms differ from conventional rainwoods in that they can live in a greater concentration of 1 sq.m. In principle, you can accumulate rainworms in your area, but these worms will not be so effective as technological worms.

The rain worms are ingenious creation of nature and are used for:

  • soil formation
  • soil restoration
  • for the production of biohumus and liquid biohumus

Especially on their advantage will be appreciated by supporters of natural agriculture and connoisseurs of organic products grown without the use of chemistry.

Also used for fishing and for animal feed.

Below are described three types of popular rainworms:

Worm worker

This is Vladimir Hybrid, who is Professor Igonin A.M. Received this worm in laboratory conditions, crossed local rainwoods with Kyrgyz rain dung worms Eisenia Foetida. That is, the worker's worker is a technological rain compost (dung) worm eisenia foetida.

California worm

He was removed in California in 1959 as a result of breeding. California worm is a technological rainworm eisenia foetida.

Dendroben Vennet worm

It was removed in Europe, especially for fishing. Dendroben Veneta worm is a rainworm Dendrobaena Veneta or Eisenia Veneta. Different with meatiness and vitality.

Technology growing worms at home

Conditions for breeding worms

For productive breeding of worms, it is necessary to constantly maintain comfortable conditions for them. There is no single recommendation as it can be done, the climate is all different, in some regions it is easier to observe favorable conditions, in others it is much more difficult. Conditions are as follows:

  • environmental temperature +8 +29 degrees
  • it is necessary to constantly maintain moderate humidity in boxes where worms live
  • it is necessary to constantly monitor the worms to have always food, you can calculate in such a way as to make a bookmark of food for 1 week, instead of constantly putting food

We multiply in a comfortable temperature from +8 to +29 degrees if the worms are cold or they lack moisture or food, the reproduction stops until the restoration of favorable conditions. Worms die at temperatures above 39 degrees. Cocoons ripen 2-3 weeks.

Cocoons of worms can dry, freeze and is in such a state of months, but when restoring the favorable conditions, cocoons swell and newborn worms appear.


The choice of worm depends on where you plan to breed the worms: in the apartment, in the country, on the street or in the economic room. And the choice will depend on your goals: Do you plan to organize biohumus production or you want to fertilize and restore the soil only on your site.

If you are just starting to engage in worms and plan to organize a business in the future, start with 1-2 drawers with worms, do not buy a large game of worms at once, examine the process of breeding and obtaining biohumus, gradually increasing production.

Breeding in the apartment. The worms can be kept in plastic boxes from under fruit, such drawers can be found in any fruit store. We also tried to keep worms in wooden boxes from under fruit, but the board is too thin and does not stand up the load, so I had to abandon this idea.

Also at home hold the worms in special already ready-made vermifers and vermicomposters of which it is convenient to get vermoche, such vermicomposks are usually equipped with a crane.

Breeding on the street. Wormies on the street lies danger in the form of moles, mice, birds and bear, therefore the container in which the worms will live should have a bottom. Many hold worms on the street in old enameled baths, this method is good because of the hole, which is located at the bottom of the bathroom, flows the liquid biohumus.

Trench breeding method. The trench must be a depth of 60 cm, a length of 2.5 m and a width of 1.2 m. Such a trench accommodates 50,000 individuals. To protect worms from pests, the bottom and walls of the trench are laid out by boards.

At the bottom of the trench, it is advisable to put drainage. The next layer is laying overloaded horse manure. Then the soil and the third layer - peat. From above, trench is desirable to close the breathable agrofiber. Subsequently, biohumus is retrieved by sieving.

In the economic premises. Worms are kept in completely different ways: on racks in boxes, make embankments of the Earth on the floor and in these mounds live worms, keep in large wooden barts, in general, it all depends on your imagination and opportunities.

Vermiferma do it yourself

Before making a farm, decide what your main goal is: Getting biohumus, obtaining liquid biohumus or reproduction of worms. This is necessary for the vermiferm to be designed in such a way that you can then remove the final products without any special problems.

Vermifermic for the apartment.

You will need Fruit drawer (or other box that passes air, size is about 40cm x 25cm x 25cm), the ground is sufficiently loose, breathing on one side agriched, pre-prepared food for worms.

How to make vermiferma. The first thing you need to do is chop the agro-haul in such a size so that it goes into the box and there is still a stock that can be "bought" the worms. Next, it is necessary to put the agricultural fiber into the box, the breathable side should go out, so that air flows to the worms, and there should be that side that does not miss moisture. After that, you can start settling the worms in the box.

Usually, when buying worms, they come with a minimum amount of land, so you will need to stock ground in advance, it should be quite loose land so that the worm can move in it. Clay in this case will not suit. At the bottom of the box, pour a layer of land, centimeters 10. Lay the worms to the ground. From above, fall asleep with a small layer of land.

The next layer it will be the food: pumping nutritional waste or overloaded manure, or overloaded leaves. The main thing is that there are no many fluids and worms in the eating are not in the swamp. We, for example, mix the kitchen waste with overheated leaves, for home this is a fairly convenient option. After a layer with food, you need to pour again the earth so that you do not start the midges.

Video: breeding worms prosper. What you need to start breeding

Vermiferm at the Dacha. The principle of the organization of worms is exactly the same as described above, the only one, in the open air you can already feed the worms to the manure or contain them only on one manure. And in this case, you will have a wider selection of capacities in which worms will live.

Than feeding worms

The worms are fed by the overworked organic, it can be: manure, chicken litter, straw, sawdust, fallen leaves, weeds, kitchen waste. But among organic waste there are exceptions that can be fed to worms, it is: meat, bones, fish, milk, lemon, onions, garlic, acute pepper, as well as feces cats and dogs.

For 24 hours, worms are passed through themselves the amount of ground of the soil equal to their mass.

Growing worms

After you settled the worms in the vermiferma or vermicomposter, provided them with food, you need to periodically monitor the appropriate conditions for them: humidity, temperature, food, no sunlight. Bookmarking food into the wormsmist is just once a week, provided that food is enough for a week.

Under favorable conditions, worms will begin multiply.

Video: Crying worms at home. We share secrets as we breed worms

Reproduction of worms

Willves are multiplied in a favorable temperature for them from +8 to 28 degrees, if there is food and favorable soil humidity. In adverse conditions, the reproduction stops.

One individual has both female and men's genitals. In order to postpone the cocoons of the worms fall. Eggs of rainwoods are packed in egg cocopters. Cocoon size from 2 to 6 mm. Under favorable conditions, worms cocoons are postponed 1 time in 7 days.

The dung worm in the cocoon is 6-20 eggs, but not all develop. The fertilization of eggs is performed after the tab. Spermatozoa is in the cocoon and then penetrate the eggs. Worms in the cocoon develop 2-3 weeks. Tuting worms have a length of 10-15 mm and immediately begin to find food.

Farm worms for business

Consists of boxes that are stored on racks. You will need drawers with a size of 35cm x 40cm x 15 cm made of thin boards, minimum 4mm thick. Subsequently, it should be possible to put one box on another. In order for the air circulation in the box, there are several holes for 2-3 cm on the box or on the sides.

The bottom of the box is putting a stove horse manure (1 part), then lay the layer of the Earth (1 part) and peat (1 part). To prepare a compost, you must have a separate, large box. Before bookmarking in a box with coats, compost should be moistened with water.

About 500 pieces of worms are settled in one such drawer.

The Earth can feed 5-6 million worms per 1 hectare. If you breed the worms artificially, in 1 hectare you can contain 345 million individuals.

From above, the box should be covered with agrofiber, which passes air. Boxes must be indoors in which the sun's rays do not penetrate. The soil temperature should not exceed 17 degrees. In the boxes it is necessary to maintain constant moderate humidity.

To choose worms and cocoons from such boxes, the following operation is performed: the box is taken and the contents are shaken out on the surface, it is desirable that it was a big table. Next, it is viewed by a layer of layer and selected cocoons and worms. Large worms are folded back into the box, they will continue to produce biohumus and offspring. Cocoons are either sold or fit into a new box where there are no worms yet. Young worms can be folded into a new box with cocoons, or put under plants. The division of worms takes 1 time per month.

55,000 cocoons receive from 4 boxes per year

Another, less expensive family separation process is carried out as follows: adult worms are lured on sugar from the box and they are moved to a new box, and crawling serve and cocoons remain in the old drawer. Subsequently, biohumus is retrieved by sieving.

One worker's worker in a year produces offspring in 1,500 individuals and 100 kg of biohumus. Of 1 tons of compost, 600 kg of biohumus and 10-15 kg of worms are obtained.

Business on worms

This type of business applies to a noble cause, because you help restore soil, grow more useful products enriched with minerals and without the use of chemical fertilizers.

Business on worms can be attributed to those types of business that require minimal investments with one but. Yes, to enter this business need 1100 rubles, but the business will develop very slowly, you will need to wait until the worms multiply.

On the one hand, this is good, especially if you are a newcomer in this business, you can slowly explore all its features, until the worms breed. Work clients. And have a bonus in the form of incoming cash.

But if you are already an expert in this case, investing into business should be more solid to make it seriously engaged in the production of biohumus, selling worms. This will take room or land.

The advantage of this business is that biohumus is very popular products and not only in Russia. Look at the world map, how much do you see the Earth with Sands, all these countries are in dire need of biohumus, to create soil. Also gaining popularity organic farming, people are increasingly interested in organic products grown without the use of chemistry.

To start a business on the worms, you will need:

  • worms, desirable uterine population, which contains cocoons and young worms
  • box where you set the worms
  • overting Organic Waste, which are food
  • soil in which worms will live
  • agrofibra, breathable to close the box

Breeding worms as a business It makes it possible to implement the following products: Family worms, uterine livestock worms, worm cocoons, craft cracks, biohumus, liquid biohumus.

Currently, the problem with breeding worms is that this process is not mechanized and requires a lot of manual labor. Therefore, large companies producing biohumus, units.

Customers for products: Agricultural enterprises, farmers and individuals

Disposal of manure in farms

Vermiculture - This is an environmental and cost-effective way to dispose of organic waste by processing their rainworms.

Manure passing through the worm's body:

  • seeds from manure losing gesture
  • significantly decreases the content of intestinal sticks
  • reduced the number of pathogenic organisms

Manage recycling worms helps to solve three problems:

  • obtaining organic biohumus fertilizer
  • disposal of animal waste
  • natural environment

Supercomphoto with the help of worms is used to utilize waste in agriculture. The worms accelerate the process of recycling the manure, while the minilation process occurs, the concentration of pathogenic organisms is reduced. Worms enrich the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, withdrawing these chemical elements from overcoating plants.

The resulting biohumus contains nutrients and mineral compounds in the form available for plants. Such a vermicompost passes all sanitary standards and is absolutely harmless to vegetables and fruits.

To carry out the vermic address process, it is necessary to prepare for this manure as follows:

humidity of manure 70-75%

For the production of biohumus on an industrial scale, the following methods of worms are used: drawers, navals, boots. The most popular way is the use of boxes and boots.

Brights or boxes are filled with substrate and places there. Periodically conduct moisturizing the substrate with the help of watering machines or hoses. From time to time the surface is loose.


Biohumus -this is an organic, environmentally friendly fertilizer with a high content of carbon, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, enriched with macro and microelements, enzymes, active microflora. There is no pathogenic microflora and seed plants in Biohumus.

The biohumus looks like a bulk finely granulated mass, odorless, brown or black.

The use of intensive technologies in agriculture led to a shortage of gumus balance in the soil. The solution to this problem is biohumus.

The use of biohumus

The concentration of nitrates in vegetables and fruits is reduced by 2 times, the content of vitamin C, sugars, carotene, starch, dry matter increases.

  • to enrich the soil humus
  • to accelerate seed germination
  • to increase yields by 30-80%
  • to accelerate plant growth
  • increases the stability of plants to pests
  • used for soil detoxification
  • to accelerate the decay of pesticides in the soil and plants
  • for improving soil
  • to increase the storage of vegetables
  • to obtain environmentally friendly and safe products

It is used for all types of farm crops: from garden greenery to trees.

The use of biohumus will save you money that you would have to spend on chemical fertilizers.

1 ton of biohumus gives an increase of grain harvest by 100-200 kg, potatoes 1600 - 1800 kg, vegetables - 200 kg. At the same time, the crop matures 10-15 days earlier.

Video: Biohumus, vermicompost Benefits and application. Best organic fertilizer

Instructions for the use of biohumus

  • They put in the soil from early spring and ending in late autumn.
  • It is introduced into the soil before planting plants, both in the open ground and in the closed. The rate of biohumus is 30 kg per 1 weaving.
  • Root feeding is carried out during the maximum increase in green mass.

In this article, we will try to best reveal the topic of the following nature: how profitable commercial activities for breeding worms can be at home.

At the initial stage, you will not need to invest a lot of money resources on the development of this type of business. For growing worms, special equipment will not need, you do not need to have some special knowledge and skills in this matter.

This product is in great demand, therefore farms involved in breeding worms, highly profitable. In order to receive a stable profit, from the entrepreneur will take carefully to familiarize themselves with all the intricacies of the question and in line with the minimum of funds.

Growing worms as a business: the relevance of activities

The demand of this business activity is quite obvious. This is due to high purchasing demand and a limited offer in the market.

Therefore, if you want to become a successful entrepreneur, then keep in mind that at the moment the creation of the vermiferma is considered a very promising direction.

Vermifma - This is a place where the worms are grown for subsequent implementation.

From the mouth of some skeptics, you can hear negative reviews about mini-farms on breeding worms. But such judgments are not justified and are not supported by the facts. It will be more correct to say that a business project for the cultivation of worms is a fairly profitable case, in which you should not be afraid to invest.

The need for this product is not limited to ordinary shops that implement products for fishermen. Worms are considered a good addition to bird nutrition and fish. Therefore, many birds and buy useful lures for increasing the growth and weight of the livestock.

Who and where can I sell worms?

Some of the main questions in any business - who will be your client, and how successful can you implement the product? How fast will you be able to find people who can say goodbye to their honestly earned means in exchange for your such an unusual offer?

At first glance it may seem that no one will seek worms. But, if you look at the situation on the other hand, you will understand that the target audiencewhich will be interested in this product, pretty numerous.

Who are we talking about?

  • First, it is beginner farmerswho stand at the origins of the business. They need to purchase a motherboard for opening a personal vermiferm. Here you will need them with your offer. Here is the first target group of buyers. Perhaps it will not be too extensive first, but, nevertheless, it is farmers who can bring you a significant profit. You can implement one "worm family for divorce" from 1000 to 6,000 rubles.
  • Secondly, it gardeners amateurs, dacms and gardeners. That is all those people who are owners of land outside the city feature. , fruits, berries need to be grown on fertile soil - so the harvest will be greater and better. And what could be better than natural fertilizer, which is biohumus? It is produced, as you know, worms. By the way, you can count not only on private gardeners and gardens - large agricultural enterprises can become your regular customers.
  • Thirdly, it is fishing lovers. If you wish, you can make that it is fishermen to become your most extensive clientele. Modern fishermen do not want to dig the worms in the garden, they prefer to go behind the store. If you are in your settlement, you will offer fishermen always fresh worms, then believe me, in a short period of time you will have a huge target audience of regular customers.

You should not be limited to sales only in the village where you live. Through the Internet, you can establish connections with buyers in other cities.

In addition, you can open your own retail outlets.

You can conclude contracts with pharmaceutical companies. Separate types of worms are high quality raw materials in the manufacture of some categories of products.

Profitability of breeding worms as a business. Approximate expenses

In one year of productive work with two cubic meters of the seatingman you can grow from 20,000 to 30,000 units for saleplus you get ton of biohumus.

If one copy is to implement 2 rubles, then you can earn from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles. To this, add the cost of vermile and organic fertilizer to this. As a result, a solid amount is obtained. And if you still consider that to start work you will need attach no more than 4,000-5,000 rublesThe attractiveness of this type of activity becomes much more.

Profitability Vimifers ranges from 150-200%. With competent business organization, these figures can be even higher. The initial costs will pay off for 8-9 months.


If you are a beginner entrepreneur, remember: you need to choose worms with a good reputation.

Do not forget that the worms are prone to viruses lesions and to various diseases.

Chervi is unpretentious in care, and the management of such a farm will not require you a lot of strength and attention. And if you manage to establish good supplies, then the profitable part of the business will increase several times.

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Fishing is used both artificial and natural types of bait. Regardless of the season and method of fishing, the worm is not inferior to artificial bait. Not always in the store you can buy the necessary worm, and the price of such a purchase is overestimated.

Breeding worms at home the task is not very complicated, it is enough to have the necessary information.

Rules and breeding features

Varieties and characteristic features of worms:

The most popular worms in the field of breeding is the "prospector". This is a representative of one of the species of Californian red worms. It differs from the fellow high level of performance and fertility. He has a well-developed instinct of self-preservation. At low temperatures, the "prospector" breaks into safe depth. The temperature range for reproduction is from +8 to +29 ° C. Adult special is capable of producing about 1,500 worms per year. The worm is unpretentious in food, quickly gets used to another type of feed. Resistant to many types of diseases.

California red worm is easily growing at home. He is less fruitful of his fellow. On average, 400 new individuals appear per year. The adult worm reaches 8 cm long, with a weight in 1 g. As with the "prosperity", the main advantage is the rate of biomass production. The obtained biohumus, has saturated enzymes, the maximum number of trace elements and active substances. Comfortable conditions for successful vital activity of a red worm will be the temperature of 15-25 degrees and the relative humidity of the habitat of 60%. In such conditions, it is capable of living around 16 years. The disadvantages of the California worm are picky in the choice of feed, increased thermal liftingness and the negative impact of direct sunlight.

The advantage of conventional rainworms is a good adaptation to the environment. This type of worm is considered a universal bait - it perfectly kept more than a dozen different kinds of fish. The length of the grew up worm reaches 15-30 cm, often come across copies that have reached 40 cm. Basic disadvantages - low life expectancy (up to 4 years), passivity in reproduction. Despite the disadvantages, rainworms are unpretentious in nutrition and have quite active growth.

The flour worm is the larva of the beetle-khushchka. It resistantly transfers temperature drops and is distinguished by a high reproduction rate at home. For the development of a comfortable temperature, 28 degrees are considered, with the humidity should not fall below 50%. In the choice of food is not speculative.

This worm is your favorite delicacy of many fish. Yellow liquid, located inside it, has a specific smell, racing fish crazy. These worms on external signs are similar to the red. The difference lies in the conditions of detention. To create a habitat, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bsawdust, manure, heavy hay or straw, chernozem, wet leaves. All this mixes and is well pressed. Than the pressure of the soil is more, the more comfortable there is a worm. There are no preferences to the temperature regime and high humidity.

In breeding, there are specially removed worms for fishing - this type of worm brewell breeds, but it has a very fleshy body structure. Care on them has certain difficulties associated with constant maintenance of increased optimal habitat.

Food worms

Worms feed on rotten or dead plants residues. In their diet, it is recommended to make cleaning from potatoes, which has grown bread, cabbage leaves, banana skirt, diluted with water kefir, grass, overoching a straw, left-handed tea or coffee, chicken litter, manure, boiled vegetables.

It is forbidden to add the following ingredients to food:

  • meat-containing waste;
  • citrus peel;
  • eggs;
  • fermented milk products (the acidity of habitat increases);
  • fresh manure (highlights destructive heat to 70 ° C).

Before serving, it is well crushed in a meat grinder. The composition of the feed should be permanent. When powering, individuals must be adapted for several weeks.

Put a new portion of food is needed 2-3 times a month. It all depends on the temperature regime - the warmer, the more often more worms eat food. Do not forget, excess foods lead to soil fermentation, increasing its level of acidity.

Worms for dilution

The worms are more often acquired in pet stores, internet and fishing stores. By purchasing, you should pay special attention to their appearance and general condition. They must be active and monophonic.

How to increase fish catch?

For 7 years of active hobby fishing, dozens of ways have been found to improve Klevel. I will give the most effective:

  1. Activator Klev. This pheromone additive is stronger than all lubricates fish in cold and warm water. .
  2. Raising Tackle sensitivity. Read the appropriate guidelines for the specific type of gear.
  3. Bait based on pheromonov.

Chatting technology and worm care rules

Dilute the worms can not only in the village or in the country. For this, any places without noise and unnecessary vibration are suitable: in the apartment on the balcony or the "dark" room, in the garage, in the garden or other utility room. The main condition is observing the optimal temperature regime and sufficient humidity (70%). Unpleasant odors can be avoided, sprinkling the land or biohumus feed.

For breeding worms at home, you need to buy vermicomposter or make a walker with your own hands. This design is a plastic or wooden box (box), about 40 cm high. In tanks for breeding, ventilation holes should be provided.

At the top of the box or cover drill holes. The design is installed under a slight tilt, so that through a hole drilled in the bottom, formed during the life of worms, Vermay. The old refrigerator can act as a worm. It put the doors up, in advance by drilling holes.

In the absence of a desire to make a worm, you can purchase a ready-made special product for growing worms - vermicomposter. It is made in the form of two plastic boxes installed one on the other. Both have holes for ventilation and special slots from below. In the bottom drawer, located on the legs, the faucet is mounted. It is used to drain the resulting vermile.

After the preparation of the primer, for 2-3 days it makes a deepening and produce the sequestment of the first tenants to the worm. After evenly distribute the soil and closed with a lid. Food add two days after settling.

To know the necessary level of soil acidity, we produce a trial setting into a smaller tank. For breeding worms, the optimal acidity of the soils will fluctuate in the range of 6.6-7.78. With greater acidity, the worms begin to die. Reduce its level by adding egg shell, chalk or limestone to the soil. To increase the acidity, hydrofins, straw or remains of plants are used.

If during the week the surface of the substrate will be clean, and worms are active, then the settlement passed successfully.

Fingering worms produce every 1.5-2 weeks. Feed is applied to evenly the entire surface of the box with a thickness of 5-7 cm. Under favorable conditions, worms multiply very quickly, so it is necessary to have pre-prepared worm worms for resettlement. Constantly watch the moisture content. The watering procedure is carried out with warm (room temperature +24 ° C) with water, using a watering can with small holes.

With a layer of substrate, more than 20 cm must be carried out, to enrich the soil with oxygen. Stirring is carried out by special forks or another tool with rounded ends. This procedure must be carried out twice a week.

As a result of the liveliness of worms, the soil, which is located in the box, is divided into three zones. The upper layer contains nutrients. A layer in the middle adult individuals are used for housing. All products of their active processing are collected in the lower layer, so it is so important. This layer increases over time. After 3-4 months, the worms are transplanted into a new container, together with a small part of the substrate of the lower layer. And the process begins again.

Reproduction of worms

The new generation of worms appears from cocoons. A week, one female is able to postpone only one cocoon. A month later, newborn worms appear. 20 worms are hatched from the cocoon. In two months they grow up to the size of an adult individual. During the year, the worm posts up to 24 cocoons. During the growth period, worms are actively feeding, so feeding will have more often.

Comfortable conditions for breeding: Temperature in the range from +20 to +24 degrees, humidity 70%. Different types of worms are preferably kept in separate boxes.

  1. The bottom of the box is better to be closed with a meshe, it is more convenient to drain biohumus.
  2. In one worm, you can keep together rain and red worms.
  3. Cow manure becomes suitable for nutrition only after 6 months.
  4. The resulting biohumus is efficiently used to fertilize strawberries, vegetables in the greenhouse and indoor plants.
  5. Some kinds of worms are used to obtain medicines.

Breeding worms as a business is not such a competitive niche, but very promising. We will analyze the cultivation of worms and you can begin breeding worms at home.

One of the numerous Chinese wisdom says:

It is not the far farmer who has grown a good harvest, and the one who treated the land that gave him.

The lands of Russia of the last century were extremely exhausted by the intensive use of mineral fertilizers, only today organic farming has become reborn.

It is no secret that the soil rich in a vegetable and animal origin is the most fertile, and make it such ordinary rainworms. It is they who processes the remnants of organic compounds into the most valuable fertile soil, which is called humus.

By the way, Western scientists brought a special breed of worms that multiply and work much more efficiently to their relatives - california worms .

This allows you to consider breeding worms as a business that practically does not require investments.

Women's breeding - business review and prospects

Most people have rain (they and earthly) worms are associated primarily with fishing. But few people know that since the time of ancient Rome, they are used in agriculture produce vermicipost (biohumus), which can be used as a fertilizer. And due to the extremely high fertility of worms, the foundation for pets and birds is often becoming the basis for pets and birds.

But this scope of application of rainworms is not limited. In the West, no first year scientists are trying to use them as raw materials for the manufacture of drugs. With all this, rain worms are not only useful, but also unpretentious.

For example, food waste, hay and leaves are suitable for them for them. They can live at a temperature of + 10 ° C to + 30 ° C (ideal - + 15 ... + 20 ° C). Starting should be borne in mind that for normal respiration, 60-80% of humidity is necessary for normal breathing.

A lot of works and textbooks are written about the rainworms, but the potential of business based on vermiculture can only be assessed by analyzing the success and failures of entrepreneurs who are already engaged in this business.

The lion's share of the vermifers is occupied by both the cultivation of the worm for sale and the production of biohumus. Moreover, farmers cannot definitely answer what brings more income. It is known that the main demand for biohumus falls on spring and autumn. The worms are interested in almost all year round. But they are usually sold with small parties, and humus buy tons.

If you are busy in agriculture, then the presence of the own "worm" farm not only allows you to save on fertilizers, but also makes it possible to receive additional profits from the sale of the worm and biohumus. It is noteworthy that in the European Union such a biotherapy is the only type of fertilizer, which agrarians are allowed to use without restrictions.

Beginning growing worms It should be borne in mind that agriculture can potentially be a sales market not only for humus, but also for the biomass of worms. As the vermifermers explain, the worms themselves can be used as feeding on poultry farms. However, such orders come extremely rarely. Fishermen still remain fishermen.

Representatives of the industry are convinced that the potential for the market for worms and the fertilizers produced by their fertilizers are much more than those krups that go to business today. There is no understanding of the fact that this area is extremely useful for agriculture.

Abroad "adore" the worms and that squeamishness that we have, eradicated. " Our agronomists are not familiar with this technology and how before they fertilize the land with pesticides in the proportions indicated in the old Soviet textbooks"- with regret notes one of those for whom breeding worms as a business.

Interesting information: from baking to fertilizer

As a fishing embankment, rainworms are used for more than one century. For the first time, the commercial conveyor of their cultivation was supplied in 1901 in the US company Shur-Bite Bait Company.

In the pre-war period in the States worm business was considered one of the most dynamically developing. After the end of World War II, the first farms appeared, which not only delivered the worm fishermen, but also sold biohumus gardeners. In 1950, only in one New York worked more than 1 thousand points for the sale of worm.

Interest in business was caused by minor investments and high incomes. The story of the American fisherman Hugh Carter, which at the end of the 1940s began, having in the presence of only old box in the presence, is indicative. Soon the entrepreneur has created a heating shop to grow worm, combining vermicomposting technology with the principles of the assembly conveyor.

After more than half a century after the worm boom in the US, the level continues to grow steadily today. In particular, the vermicapost is in great demand. On the global market, the price of this product dictates Arab countries, it is they today are the largest importers of biohumus. With wholesale deliveries, the cost of one ton of humus can be $ 2 thousand. The main condition of the Arabs is not to bring them a vermicompost produced on the basis of pork manure.

When should this business be started

You can open the worms farm at any time of the year. But, as entrepreneurs advise, the best period for opening this business is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. It is advisable to start in the early summer in the absence of a warm room.

For many years of observations, it is more profitable to buy a worm and put it in production at least 2-3 months before February of the month. In the fall and winter, the worm adaptation to new substrates occurs a little longer. In February, the peak of the activity of worms comes, and the buyer does not lose the season.

Start off breeding worms as a business In the fall, it is also beneficial because it does not arise problems with feed for worms. In particular, besides the manure, you can use the Botto, which remained after harvesting. The autumn start is more profitable, because until spring - the period of maximum activity of California worms - already guaranteed there is an adapted "livestock", which is capable of increased twice at this time.

Which "work" to choose. California worm

In nature there are several thousand types of rainworms, however, in order to become as a business Only some of them are suitable. In Russia, special farms are bred mainly two types of worm - california and worm - " prospector ».

The last form, according to most market participants, is more suitable for commercial use. After all, one person of the "prospector", as Biologists assure, is able to produce 1.5 thousand of themselves annually. Here, American relatives are a little inferior to him, multiplying up to 400-500 individuals per year.

Regarding the breeding of worms at home, then there are no "thoroughbred" individuals, local worms are quite suitable, accustomed to their habitat. Their adaptation in the closed farm conditions will pass without any problems and multiply will begin much faster. Hence the conclusion - it is better to collect worms yourself.

To do this, in the ground it is necessary to dig a small hole and pour it out with rotten leaves or manure. This filler should be moistened (but not too) and cover with cardboard and board. After a week, you can collect the first batch of worms. It is worth noting that their resettlement in the box must be carried out with part of the soil, where they lived. For the breeding of rainworms on 1 m² of the raincaster, it is enough to collect near a kilogram, on average it is about 1000 individuals.

Regarding the breeding of worms at home, then there are no "thoroughbred" individuals, local worms will be quite suitable, accustomed to their habitat

Where to breed the worms. Is it possible to breed worms at home

There is no special requirements for the selection of premises under the farm, the main thing is that its area corresponds to the needs of the entrepreneur. If we are talking about breeding worms at home, it is better, of course, breed worms on heated territory, for example, in a cellar or garage. Otherwise, when the air temperature is reduced below + 4 ° C, the worms fall into the hibernation and about doing business in the winter period you can forget.

If the year-round cultivation of worms is assumed, then the farm area should be calculated taking into account the growth of their numbers. On large farms on breeding worms, their number comes to hundreds of thousands.

Rainworm breeding is carried out in boxes that can be made it yourself, those sizes that are necessary in each case. Here are some options for their manufacture:

  • Wooden drawer . Such a box is made of boards at least 2.5 cm thick. Its optimal size is 1x2x0.5 m. In the bottom of the box, the hole is drilled, and the box itself is installed on wooden bars with a slope, providing an outflow of the most valuable fluid (read about it below). All angles and seams are ridiculed with a tin ribbon, excluding rodents inwards. Do not forget about the lid that can be shot down from the boards, it also can serve as a sheet of plywood, the main thing - the presence in the lid of the air circulation holes;
  • Plastic container . This kind of "housing" for worms is advisable to buy when there is already a certain experience in the field of growing rainworms, because it is quite costly acquisition and in case of failure will be very insulting to lose money. If the choice fell on such a selection, then it is necessary to take into account its full airtightness and need to chop holes not only in the lid, but also on the side surfaces. When breeding worms in plastic containers, also the required hole for flowing fluid;
  • Old refrigerator . Some experienced farmers use old refrigerators as boxed boxes. A refrigerator is installed up, which is quite logical, all internal content is removed as unnecessary. The walls of the refrigerator and its doors are supplied with air access holes. Installing all drawers for brewing worms is carried out on bars with a small roll, and an old refrigerator is no exception;
  • Cardboard box . The perfect version of the kennel box for breeding worms for beginner entrepreneurs is a cardboard box. Its size should be more than 40x30 cm. Cardboard is an environmentally friendly material that can be used in food, as well as it perfectly passes the air. The only minus is the briefness of such "housing", but it is not scary. When the box drops and it will begin to eat worms, it can easily fit into another box or falls at fresh cardboard;
  • Vermicompocos . Such farms can be purchased in specialized firms, and are most convenient of all possible options, but also the most expensive.

Starting should consider the features of their natural habitat, where the soil in which they live can be divided into 3 "floors".

The upper layer of soil, rich in organic residues of plants and animals, serves as a place of meals. In the lower yarus of living worms, their livelihoods are accumulated - humus and the same fluid, which is called worm "tea". Well, between these layers of the soil worms feel most comfortable, it is there that their main mass lives.

Pet filling technology

The prepared container is filled with half a power, however, it can be mixed with chopped newspapers or cardboard. This mixture is moistened, but it should be borne in mind that with its compression, free moisture should not be distinguished. The compost filler first 2-3 days actively secretes ammonia, so the settling of worms should be postponed during its full removal.

As noted above, on 1 m² of a seatingman you need about a kilogram of worms. From this calculation their landing is carried out in the recess in the prepared ground with part of the Earth, where they lived. This place is spilled, moisturized and covered with cardboard.

Within 2-3 days, the worms are not disturbed, giving them time to adapt to new conditions of existence. In the case of the spread of worms in the ramp, it can be concluded that acclimatization was successful. Now it's time for making feed.

In no case should not forget about the constant moisturizing of the soil in the nursery, but it is not worth remarking with him, as it threatens the death of worms.

As you know, they breathe skin and from an excessive amount of moisture they begin to choke - this is exactly the reason for the appearance of worms on the soil surface during the rain, so they are looking for an opportunity to enrich their uncomplicated oxygen organism.

It should be noted that the place where it should be quiet and calm, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of strong noise and vibration.

Food for "pupils"

Bottling Food for worms, it is necessary to organize a compost bunch. For this, food waste is suitable, such as fruit and vegetable waste, shells from eggs, flour, coffee thick and tea brewing, as well as grass, leaves and manure.

From the diet should exclude the products of livelihoods of dogs and cats, manure, in the case of the treatment of animals from worms, garlic waste, onion and citrus, as well as dairy products, oils, fats, fish and meat waste.

The finished feed is laid by a layer of centimeters 10, about once a week. Simple way to determine deficiency of feed for worms is the usual toilet or newspaper paper, which is stacked on top of fresh feed and moistened.

When the worms begin to eat this paper in food, then this is a sure sign that the feed is over and is worth adding a new portion.

From the diet should exclude the products of livelihoods of dogs and cats, manure, in the case of the treatment of animals from worms, garlic waste, onion and citrus, as well as dairy products, oils, fats, fish and meat waste.


Cherve's sexual maturity reaches aged 2 to 3 months and the cocoons are set up every week every week. The term of ripening 1 cocoon on average is 2-3 weeks, from where it comes to 20 individuals, which in a few months begin to multiply. Thus, after 5-6 months, the number of worms in one nursery increases 50 times!

If the amount of worms per liter of the soil exceeds 50 adults, then it is necessary to relocate some of the worms or get the first profit by realizing it. If this is not done, the worms population ceases naturally.

The process of sorting worms occurs every 4-6 months. To carry out its implementation, the top layer of the soil in the nursery moves in one direction, then removal of the habitat of worms and further humus. After that, they begin to sort the worms - mature individuals go to the implementation or expansion of the business, and small returned back. The process of growing worms is renewed.

Possible implementation paths

The entrepreneur sometimes becomes incomprehensible where you can sell finished products.

  1. Fishing . This is the first thing that comes to the mind of any entrepreneur who gathered to breed the worms. This is not surprising, since the worm is the most popular type of bait. Of course, it may seem that it is a stupid idea, but in fact it is not so. In modern society, few people are ready to spend their precious time on digging in the ground in search of the required amount of bait, it is much easier to buy it in fishing stores, where, in fact, grown worms are supplied. You can work with fishermen and directly, but for this you need to search for a client base yourself.
  2. Pet Shop . Another place where the worms are pretty in demand. They go to food fish, birds and other lovers of such a "dish";
  3. Fish farms . For fish grown in artificially created conditions, worms are a delicacy. As a rule, such enterprises need huge amounts of such feed;
  4. Ekogumus . Do not forget about this valuable product of worms - it is used to increase the soil fertility on the site. Gumus can be used or implemented by dacnis and gardening organizations;
  5. Worm "Tea" . This product is the most valuable in the entire process of breeding worms. To assemble this product of the life of worms and is made stock at the bottom of the box-kennel. Nowadays, the demand for eco-products is growing every day, respectively and environmentally friendly, natural fertilizers become fairly in demand. To evaluate the real value of worm "Tea" this example is such an example - the yield of tomatoes increases almost 2 times as a result of their feeding of this substance.

Economic efficiency

For the year of proper work on breeding worms It turns out about 20 thousand worms and more tons of humus with 2 m² (two square meters of square) seating.

If you make a profit only from the realization of worms of 1.7 rubles. apiece, then it turns about 34,000 rubles. for a year. And if the area of \u200b\u200bthe nursery is increased to 20 square meters, then it is possible to get 340,000 rubles per year.

It should be noted that the value of humus and worm "tea" is not taken into account, as well as large nursery areas. Subject to minimal investments and waste-free production, the economic efficiency of breeding rainworms is obvious.

The average retail cost of vermikode products at the time of publication is this:

  • Separated biohumus (purified) - 6800 -10200 p / t;
  • Disparation biohumus (crude) - 3400-5100 p / t;
  • California worms - 1150 p / 1.5 thousand worms;
  • Worm-"prospector" - 2400 p / 1.5 thousand worms;
  • Worm for fishing - 200-800 p / 1.5 thousand worms.

* Compiled on the basis of data from open sources

Summing up written, you can draw conclusions that the profitability of rainwater breeding business depending on the type of farming can be from 200 to 700%. Moreover, for the start of a fairly old barn and 17-34 thousand rubles.

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