Women's psychology in relationships: features and secrets. Women's psychology in a relationship with a man

Reservoirs 26.09.2019

Psychology Women in a relationship with a man - secrets over which you can fight all the conscious life.

The psychology of a woman is not amenable to logic, scientific research, assumptions and prediction. This is Typhoon, who has a full calm, in the evening - 7 storm's points, it's not interesting to the morning yesterday, and the wind rages in another direction. But the strongest bad weather collapsed, if you ask a woman to remove "pink glasses" and get out of the role. In other words, look at the relationship of a woman with a man as it is. Almost 100% of cases do it incredibly difficult. She will insist on love, care, self-sacrifice, protect their "I want as better!" But to confess frankly, what a woman is actually interested in a relationship with a man - almost never! It is better to suffer in illusions than to live in truth.

What are the roles of women in a relationship with a man?

Woman is an actress. Therefore, playing on the stage for her natural. But one thing is to understand that you are in the image, and completely different - unconsciously repel the replicas, it is holy to believe in the correctness of their actions, and perplex about the deposits for yourself and others. What am I talking about?

  • I will give an example of the victim. The psychology of relations between a man and a woman is a mutually beneficial process. If she lives with her husband-tyrant, suffering, crying, shifts the bruises with a tonal cream, but it does not go - it means that everything suits her here. It's hard to believe, but it is so! More is when you try to open a woman's eyes on what is happening - the closer to the truth, the more rayan it will protect such relationships and male cruelty. "Beats, then loves" - familiar?
  • Next scene: Alcoholic husband. You can hear a hundred accusations of a woman in his address: "I drank all the money!", "Torments me and children", "mocks us" and similar, but no question to yourself: "Why did I meet the drinking?", "What I use from such torment? " The last question is not accidental. I will tell you the case from practice: the client struggled for many years with an alcoholic husband. But as it turned out, it is not going to stop this relationship - a fighter in its essence, the family has become a suitable bridgehead for it, where you can work out its resistance in battle.
  • Another option: the leader. Surely you met women - they complain about braveless men, their softness, misinterpretation, "Yes, he can't stand for himself, not what for me!" But do not even guess, or do not want to admit to themselves - that such a type of men for them is the perfect option. The commander must have an army of faithful soldiers with whom it is possible to win, and not the opposite - the squad of the commander, where everyone will manage in their own way.
  • One of the difficult roles is an sufferer. The difficulty is that such a woman does not pretend, she really grills, often crying, complains, and regrets everyone, it sicks, it is sick, killed on trifles, lives with memories of the past. Frankly, it is difficult to be in a relationship with such a person: you can very quickly fall into its universe grief and tears.
  • Sex lover. She does not need reliable relationships, loyalty to the partner, family bodies and responsibility. She enjoys sex, and, having resulted in one man, goes to the next. Ask, and what are the secrets of the psychology of a woman's relationship to a man? Often it is possible to hear from it that there is not enough male heat and care, peace of mind, compassion and support. This duality depletes! What to make yourself help with questions, if you know that you want only sex from a man. Women shame to admit. But why? Natural desire is neither good and not bad. Just a fact.

Women's relationship with a man - the scope of the immense. To be a mother, a nanny, teacher, often meets the role of accountable, which has no right to spend a penny without the knowledge of her husband or linger at the work of the unnecessary five minutes without informing this spouse. The most interesting and, to some extent, the incredible thing is that the woman chooses the role itself. Whatever a terrible or incomplete choice did not seem - she made him according to his own accord! And men here, by and large, nothing to do with it. On the catcher and the beast runs.

The image is rarely chosen consciously - let's say how to agree to be humiliated or beaten as possible. Very often in the psychology of a woman in a relationship with a man secrets are hiding in the past: someone played a similar role, and she was taken as the basis of impulsively at the moments of losing, and stuck for life. Or because of the danger, loss, pain and fear of themselves, an oath promise was given. The case from psychological practice: stepmother was bezed over a non-rival daughter, morally and physically. As a result, the girl swore to be an ideal mom for his future children. But believe me, family happiness did not bring her. Her impulses are based on experienced pain, and not on a normal desire to become a good mother and love children.

Dear women, do not push on men. They are only litmus papers of your true inner "I", your mirror, in which, no matter, you won't see anyone. And I believe that once in his reflection you will find the most touching and gentle, able to love sincerely, what were there sometime ...

Men are not always easy to understand women, and it often becomes the basis for conflicts. Female psychology has its own characteristics, and knowing them, men will easier to control the girls. For a long and durable marriage, not only love is important, but also mutual understanding between partners. Understanding psychology contributes to the creation of a favorable atmosphere in the family. This is exactly the key to a solid union, which will last for many years.

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Why do you need it?

Knowledge of feminine psychology will be useful to any man. This will allow you to become not only popular among girls, but also will give the ground to build a reliable marriage. Any woman - manipulator. This is manifested in varying degrees. Subconsciously, she always wants to seduce the man and in the new company is looking for a victim. From the side it looks as if she tries to attract the attention of everyone. Even being in a permanent relationship, the girl subconsciously begins to flirt and behave a little frivolous. Therefore, a man is better to withstand a neutral position. Knowing when you need to speak with a girl or invite her on a date, you can easily achieve her love.

Like a man, women love to achieve goals and compete, but they use completely different methods for this.

Knowledge of female psychology gives:

  • almost complete absence of conflicts;
  • awareness of the causes of women's behavior;
  • finding effective ways of impact;
  • ability to conquer any hearts;
  • understanding what women want.

Understanding the features of female psychology, a man will negate any scandals and quarrels. The awareness comes that one and the same phrase will be perceived by each floor in their own way.

Psychology men in a relationship with a woman men's secrets

Women's secrets

Women and men perceive the world in different ways. Beautiful sexers are more relying on feelings and intuition. In the stressful situation, they pay attention to the little things and sweep them. Men perceive the situation entirely. Therefore, the girl subconsciously feels treason, based on some minor suspicions. Feeling something wrong, it begins to seek confirmation of their fears. In a relationship with a man she owned. Hence the desire to control his friends, communication with other women, etc. But she constantly needs to feel delight and adoration from other people. Hence the flirt and seductive behavior. The partner does not need to try to limit it in these manifestations.

Fall in love with a girl will not work. To do this, it is enough to be a gallant cavalier and say compliments. Do not hurry to translate acquaintance in the intimate side, as the women are important spiritual proximity. The lady is easy to hurt, and mental pain remains for many years. Men usually do not remember insults. Therefore, they should think well before throwing offensive words to a woman. Even if you ask for forgiveness, it will always remember the incident.

Women's secrets of communication are simple: they love descriptions, definitions, compliments in speech. They do not interrupt the interlocutor, but they can say something without thinking. They focus on discussions and relationships. The girl can talk about and do something in parallel. At the heart of the identity of the lady lie emotions, hence the unstable behavior and unpredictable reactions. It is subject to contradictions in the shower. Therefore, in matters of love, she relies on his heart.

Greetings you, my friend, fellow, brother ... Of course it applies to men. But lovely ladies, of course, and I welcome you. What I am this. Man I am a family, together with my wife we \u200b\u200bhave given this blog. Of course, as in all families, we have problems, disagreements, screams and swearing. Now, of course, everything looked out, but, men will understand, for a long time or not known. Psychology of women in relationships are a special topic, we will understand together.

And in order to make my family happy, I took up the question of the psychology of a woman in a relationship, saying right now I know their secret and everything, I will live as in a fairy tale. It was not there))) reading men's magazines, blogs, articles, saw that many men do not want women to read them. And when women write at least about men, even though women did not meet anything like that. At first, I didn't even seem to pay attention to it, and then I thought that women need to read such articles. Below you will understand why.

It all started with the fact that a lot had to read, contact psychologists and so on. As a result, a certain luggage of knowledge was accumulated, which will suit absolutely to each, each and at any time. You can call it a secret. But in fact, everyone knows about these things, but they neglect them. I already wrote about the psychology of men, I recommend reading: ""

The main reason

In my opinion, anyone who wants to establish relations And live the soul in the soul, will understand, dig to try to understand. If you read the lines, then you are trying to figure out and understand. It's good. You need to start from the beginning. Namely - what do women want? Love, loyalty, care and understanding. These are the four basic components. Why do we want men? Same - love, loyalty, care and understanding.

What is the joke? Where is the logic? Most psychologists suggest that we are all different (men and women) and begin to point out these differences, to disassemble them and do something with them. And did not try to determine what converges? Exactly what you similar? From my point of view, it is easier to work on what will bring the spouses, and not repel. Agree? If not, I will gladly listen to all your comments at the end of the article.

Watching the relationships of other people from the side, I came to the banal conclusion. All disputes and swearing is due to misunderstanding between spouses. Men and ladies, in order to figure out and establish relationships, you need to clearly understand it! We are each other we do not understand! Not always of course.

We will understand why it turns out. Here just. Everything comes from ancient times. What did a man doing then, in the distant past? All right - fed and defended his family. In the modern world nothing has changed. The priority is to ensure and protect the family. And what about women? Everything is exactly the same as thousands of years ago - she cooks us food, raises the future generation, supports family hearth And much more.

Above, I wrote about the fact that we want one and too. But why then breaks in relationships? Yes, because we look at these things in different ways. Our nature originally given different installations, which means that we think in different ways. Psychology of women in relations is different. It turns out we want the same thing, and you see it in different ways, so you and misunderstanding.

Women's Psychology for Men

Most men have such a situation: you come home tired (many psychologists this example is given for some reason), you want to relax, sit on the sofa or chair, turn on the TV and watch your favorite transfer, you drink something else and you want. In general, you do not want you to be distracted and bored with conversations. And the wife at the same time sits down next and begins to tell all the "gossip of our yard". Of course, a man begins to clarify it, and a woman begins to clarify what you do not listen to her and snort. Everything happened here ...

What happened? In fact, the woman wanted you pleasy To do. Yes Yes. She showed you attention, wanted to warm you up your care and attention. And what we - we just need to relax, without foreign conversations and noise. This is trite, but it is misunderstanding.

In general, the psychology of women is different from our. They are more emotional and contradiction, sensual and proud, curious and greedy. The emotionality and sensuality of the woman are very contradictory of the logicality and accuracy of men. Here is the main not pile of psychology.

What do men do with it? In a men's company, you will not rarely hear, they say yes, I hold it on a hard hand, fist on the table and everything is there, well, or something like. So what about it? Is it a happy family? Guys. In my opinion, if your wife respects and loves, it will never reach this.

Women are very emotional, and it need to take. Unless of course want a happy family. Personally my opinion is this if you want a woman to understand you, understand and you, because you both made a meaningful choice to live together and go through life together as spouses. Spouses - Simply put in one harness. Men - turn, then you will have more useful bonuses in the family))).

Lack of attention

When I personally, the head is clogged with constant nuts, like how to make more money, do something else, the third ... at least at work, at least at home, I see that my wife sinks at me constantly, often, breaks on me and so on. So I did not understand what. Men are easier, we speak everything directly. Here I do not like something, came up, said everything. There are no women. She will never tell you anything straight. But when I suffered my wife, I didn't even immediately understand what she told me for several years in a row.

Lack of attention - Here is a big, fatty such feature, the psychology of women in relations has many faces. As described in the example above, men need to relax after the working day quiet and calmly, and the woman climbs with its ingrowns, tips and gossip. But she wanted to pay attention to you, because he thinks that it is right, as it judges in itself. Once it needs attention, it means that you should be nice.

It is worth paying attention to it. It turns out my butter oil))) In general, men again everything is easier, we speak the day twice as long as women. Basically about the robot, about affairs or about yourself. Women prefer to move to someone either bone or talk about eternal - about love.

There is still a peculiarity, you need to pay attention to it. The fact is that women are engaged in raising children, offspring. It is also rooted in antiquity. This is at the level of instincts. So it turns out that a woman always surrounds his child attention, care. To express care, then pay attention. The psychology of women in relations behaves in the same way. She pays attention to his companion, thereby she feels their importance, satisfaction comes, because it warms you with their attention. In the replacement she needs the same.

Yes Yes. Women need to pay attention, difficult, but it is necessary, the psychology of women in relations requires it. It is difficult only at the initial stage, it becomes easier. But lovely women if you read these lines, understand that the man does not will not be able to give You attention as much as you need to fully. It must be understood and accept.

Phenomenon of female psychology

In our society, such a psychological model of relationships as: a strong man is a weak woman. I think many agree with this.

And again, all this comes from ancient pore. A woman in the search for his companion of life picks it up by the criterion of a strong man. After all, without a strong and hard hand, it is hard for her in life, you need a support in life. It turns out such a model: strong - weak, giving - taking.

This is such a candidate - a bakery period in life. But when they marry, the relationship model changes. The psychology of women in relations takes another option. In psychology, this phenomenon is considered as conflict Two I: weak me with a strong I. again I note that it is manifested almost always in marriage.

Guys, this is very poisoning life. But these are the same natural instincts! After all, now the woman became a keeper of a homely focus, which means she needs to be strong.

Psychologists talk a lot about it. More often complex tongue. I will say easier. Now your spouse has a two personality: I am strong and weak. At the same time, weaker I require a strong man next to him, and the strong I am weak. This is certainly not a mental illness, and indeed not a disease. Immediately I remembered how men sometimes call a woman's "patient" when she tries to neither unusable to prove, show or do. Perhaps this is some of their "I".

How to determine in what condition your companion is now Impossible! Such is the psychology of women in relations. Even the coolest psychologists will not tell you. There are many variables, many shades. From one state to another, they are moving instantly, it happens. Or maybe in one day a few changes, maybe for a month not a single change.

How to influence this? It seems to me. You need to be yourself and enter understanding. By and large, these states at all may not manifest themselves, and not affect our life.

In fact, all this is the main secrets, the psychology of women in relations is such. We can understand them consciously, but we will not be able to take logically. These are both men. But you need to know, just to understand each other.

Some features, poisoning life man

  1. Some idealism. It so happened that psychologists noted that the psychology of women in relations underwent some idealization. Simply put on the consciousness of women influenced the fairy tales about Cinderella, beauty and monster and so on. This is how it is described that the man should be beautiful, strong, rich and so on, a certain super-man. What they say if it is not so, then after the wedding everything will work out. But in real life, the girls face alas with another reality.
  2. Urgently find out the relationship. I think everything came across it. I don't understand this, I do not understand: Talking to my wife ok, here she is changing, and sharply. And he himself is shocked, and when you find out what to figure out, you leave at all in a deep out, because, in fact, this problem is not worth it, and the woman needs to be understood. And it is now that it is to find out the relationship. Guys are a special kind of attracting attention. One of the options. Your companion, it means there is not enough attention.
  3. Storm of emotions. Above I have already written about it. Women need emotions, well, if you can't constantly disperse a storm of positive emotions in your half, then get ready for a waterfall of negative emotions. So the psychology of women in relations is arranged, and not only.
  4. Napoleonic Zamashka. In female psychology, this item is sometimes higher than morality. Women are ready for all, for the sake of achieving their goals. It seems to be nothing particularly, but there is no borders sometimes. And do not think that if your companion in life quiet and modest, then nothing will be. No and no again. If you didn't finish something yourself, they did not come to something, the woman would be any strength to seek this. Of course, if it is important and necessary (in her opinion)

Secrets to strengthen family bonds

Now let's summarize the above. If you are men, you want a good family, you want your wife to make your brain less than you, it is advisable to keep some simple techniques in your head. For someone, these are secrets, someone some instructions, for me it is an experience that needs to be applied.

  1. Love, loyalty, care and understanding.Four items that are needed not only to women but also to you. If you really love your spouse, then be sure, take care of it and try to understand it. At least create that listening to it, just understand women in general difficult.
  2. Pay attentionyour halves. The bigger, the better.
  3. Darite Women positive emotions. And even if you are seriously talked, let it understand that you realized this and delight it. Do not swear and sadness, on the contrary, give positive emotions.
  4. Need to knowthat women have Two states: I'm strong and I am weak. I am weak mostly before marriage, then I am strong.
  5. Trust and respect - The basis of relationships! This is what any relationship is being built, especially family. If this is not, it means that everything I wrote above does not make any sense. And so if you are trying to understand family relationships, save them and so on, and there is no trust and respect in the family, then nothing will help. Pay attention to it.
  6. Conversation. I noted her separately. The fact is that the psychology of women in the relationship differs from male psychologists. Therefore, you need an understanding in the family. And it will be only when there is a conversation. Talk, talk, but do not turn the conversation in finding out the relationship, it is important.

At the end, I will say that knowing such secrets, it is rational to seem or be weak, then the female strongly I will be satisfied. But men, not to become a podcast - It is necessary to feel right or see this line. Of course you need to go for some concessions, but be on worse. After all, weak men despise everything, even the strong women themselves.

Today, all, good and well-being to you, success in family relationships, while.

And finally, a good video:

Psychology of a woman in a relationship with a man. Updated: September 11, 2017 by the author: Subbotin Paul

People often complicate everything. If there is a simple way out of the situation, it will be rejected with contempt. And then, after a long discussion and disputes, people will come up with a complex, mysterious and incorrecty. He will become the norm. did not avoid this fate.

Game theory

Humanity turned into the likeness of a challenging game with unwritten, but at the same time well all thely aware of the rules. As the famous book says, men - from Mars, unlike women who, as you know, from Venus. Pretty strange theory, if you remember that it is not only an earth farm, but also representatives of one species, just in general. Already on the basis of this, the male and female psychology of relations should be sufficiently similar and complementary. But for some reason, everyone is looking for only differences, not noticing the general that it will help partners initially avoid conflict.

Instructions and recipes

Magazines offer countless instructions for taking individuals of the opposite sex. All of them are based on stereotypes already scoring. Features and secrets of female psychology in relations and love, which sources are told about, is in the imagination of authors of articles and books, and not in real life. But, alas, such recommendations set certain behavioral scenarios. People try to implement them and, of course, suffer defeat.

What is usually waiting for a girl from the young man? Love, loyalty, care, understanding. These are four points that are key in relationships, the rest is just pleasant additions. What does a young man want from a girl? Of the same. After all, harmonious relationships are primarily comfortable for both partners. Why does this initial harmony defined by the nature itself turn out to be so invalid?

Caring or egoism?

Of course, the roots of the problem are, and the woman wants in the relationship of the same, but they imagine it in different ways. As a result, projecting their expectations and aspirations to the partner, they get an effect, which is exactly the opposite conceived. An extremely slaughtered life situation illustrating the main female mistakes in relations with a man: a housewife asks the spouse about the seamless day, tells him some news, while he hardly puts her chatter.

But is it terrible what is happening? Woman after all, just considers such a conversation manifestation. After all, she is interested in his affairs! And the man sees everything quite different. He is tired, angry and wants to rest, the conversations are not interested at all. A man believes that a woman comes egoistic, she just wants to chat. And if she wanted to take attention, he would have walked out, he had the opportunity to relax in silence.

What they say instincts

You can find a simple and enough scientific explanation. Men differ from women, it is obvious. In nature, there is no species, the voluntary representatives of which would be equally the same. The fact that different reproductive strategies dictate various behavioral models naturally and naturally. Therefore, female psychology in relations with men often turns out to be untenable, as well as, on the contrary.

A woman is primarily a mother. Yes, she can be convinced childfree, work in the police and to get involved in extreme sports. But nature took care that the woman felt the need for communicating with the child, this is a prerequisite for the education of the offspring. Naturally, it cannot but impose your own compensation on person. Women's psychology in a relationship - with men Lee, with a child Lee - remains the same. Instinct power says that communication, conversation is concern.

The man is not too much quality. As a result, a woman perceives a conversation as a manifestation of care and attention. The man sincerely does not understand what they want and why they are offended. He just wanted to relax.

Everything decides the conversation

But why turn the attitude towards the simplest instincts? Yes, they influence on but after all the person is still not an animal. He is able to control himself, change his behavior, improve. If partners have difficulty in relationships, the best thing you can do is just frankly talk, try to find a compromise. No article in the journal, no psychologist, which gives advice on the site online, can never explain as well as he will do himself.

All complex moves, all the developed strategies are less than one frank conversation. Above the typical example of misunderstanding, and even a reasonable explanation is given to him. But after all, the easiest and most obvious way to solve the problem is just a conversation. All you need to make a man is to say, "Dear, I also missed. But now I am very tired, I need to relax. Let us talk a little later. " All you need to make a woman is to hear his words. It was what he said, not perverting meaning and not looking for hints. And then feminine psychology in relations with men as material for study will not be needed.

Partner - first of all personality

All you need is to understand the partner, it is his, and not a virtual averaged representative of the opposite sex. Yes, women differ from men. But at the same time, every person, regardless of gender, is a person. What one girl likes is unpleasant to another. That naturally for one man will seem other strange.

There are many things that share people, and sexuality is the smallest problem. Religious and cultural differences, lifestyle, upbringing. And the only way to step over these barriers is to speak and hear each other.

People are simply investing in the same words different meaning. It is impossible to project your needs and expectations on the partner. After all, all people are different. Before you start making a person happy, it would be nice to understand exactly how it represents a harmony and comfort.

Questions and answers

You can read the article in which women's psychology in relations with men are analyzed in detail. They write about what the woman wants, and how to contact her, what to say, and what to keep silent. But after all, it is not with this, existing only on paper with a girl. Live with live and real. This girl has dreams and desires, character and life experience. Someone wants to make a career, and someone sit at home. One woman dreams of a strong man who will solve all the problems for it, the other prefers independence. The only way to find out what a person needs is to ask him.

But the trouble is not only that people are afraid to ask questions, preferring to seek answers anywhere, just not next to them. And boys, and girls from childhood learn what they should be. Specify stereotypes of behavior and scare in advance by the fact that if they do not fit, then no one will love. Be affectionate, and you won't get married. Do not hlyupik, no girl will look at you. So then, reaching already mature age, former boys and girls are afraid of being themselves.

Trust and respect - the basis of relations

Often people are pre-confident in advance that the mask is needed even in communicating with the most close people. You need to be correct, comply with standards. If you just behave naturally, nothing good will come out of it. So they say such people all their life is not what they think, but what, in their opinion, want to hear others. Draw an ideal image of yourself and for some reason they are upset, not receiving what they want and wait.

Then it turns out that there is no more incomprehensible thing than women's psychology for men. What you need to know so that this does not happen? The answer is simple. All you need to create harmonious, warm relations between a man and a woman - love, trust and honesty. Only then will not be the relationship of two aliens - one from Mars, and the other with Venus. It will be the Union of two reasonable, loving people who appreciate and understand each other.

The psychology of representatives of weak gender can be called rather not by science, but by art. This ability to see invisible, to understand the unspecified, read undertifable. This article covers the problems associated with aspects of psychology in the relationship of a woman with a man, talks about some secrets, whose knowledge will help open the veil of the female soul mystery, avoid conflict situations.

Weak floor representatives are very different:

  • modest and liberated,
  • passionate and cold
  • humble and proud
  • wasted and independent.

But all of them unites one quality - mysteriousness.

Representatives of strong sex to understand feminine psychology is difficult, especially if it concerns its features in relations with the attitude of the girl's attention. This is due primarily to the fundamental differences between the floors in general, and the difference in lifestyles in particular.

Conditionally allocated the following elements of the psychology of the ladies:

  • expansiveness
  • sensuality,
  • inconsistency
  • pride.

Emotionality, or expansion, most of them are the main feature of the perception of the surrounding world. The basis of the contradictions or inconsistencies is constantly present internal conflicts, the attempt of permission of which is most often due to the partner located nearby. But to meet a man fully appropriate to all the requests of the lady, it is unlikely to succeed.

There is a pride in the foreground, the presence of which provokes the lady to prove that it is quite capable of cope with everything. And since it is not always possible, conflicts appear again. Disadvantage disappears and the lady feels happy only when the conflict between its internal desires and the requirements of the Company is permitted.

In all these psychological devils, not every man is able to figure out. He simply does not understand what they want from him, and as a result - the appearance of disagreements. He is not good, why, for example, you need to constantly repeat "I love you", if it has already been said not once. And the lady needs a constant confirmation of his feelings. After all, as you know, she loves her ears.

To reduce the number of conflict situations in the family (or with a girl with which you are just going to issue your relationship), try to understand what your half wants in a particular situation.

A few "secrets" will help you in this.
1. The main thing - feelings.
If the lady is upset and does not come to contact - gently hug it and say gentle words (even if you do not consider yourself a culprit of the conflict). The result will not make yourself wait.
2. Be always a gentleman.
Let the bouquet-candy period remained far in the past - do not forget about gallantry (help putting up the upper clothes, move the chair, feed your hand when exiting transport).
3. Watch your appearance.
Do not rely on a false assertion that you can pay attention to the hairstyle, only a young lady. Even if you do not like, for example, tight jeans, we carry them if it gives the pleasure of the lady. It is far from indifferent to her, as you look, although it will not always say about it.
4. Do not try to hide your drawbacks.
Like likes when her chosen recognizes his drawbacks and tries to get rid of them with it.
5. Nag is not enough.
The representatives of weak gender prefer to tell the partner about everything that worries them. But it is important to not only listen to it, but also heard. Therefore, react to what was said not by a simple nod, but a caring sympathetic replica. At the same time, one should not offer its solution to the problem or conflict, if it does not ask for this. She is enough to confirm her right.
6. Save romanticism.
Regardless of whether you are two months or twenty years old, the lady always expects romanticity in relationships. Let it be even a modest bunch of simply or a couple of poetic lines.

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