Conspiracies from Vanga for good luck and luck. Conspiracy of Vanga for money, good luck, work, love

Reservoirs 16.10.2019

Vanga gave people practical advice for every day to good luck money and well-being to life was filled with joy, good luck and sufficient. Today, conspiracies will tell one very good conspiracy told by Wange to attract money to your life to the disgusting poor and poverty from your home. Following the advice of Bulgarian clairvoyant money in the wallet will always be found in prosperity and you will not experience anything.

  • In order for the white stripe in life, wait for the new moon and stop the furniture in the house. Good luck will come to the house very quickly.
  • Slices of bread and crumbs after meals can not be thrown into the garbage, otherwise weathered from the house. Better to twist birds or animals.
  • Wanta said: If you want money all year you have money, recalculate all the money in the house in the New Year's Eve.
  • If money success turned away from you, put a little moss or algae on the floor under the carpet in the house, very quickly poverty will end and money will begin to come to the house.
  • Tip Vanga for money who should not be neglected - to recalculate, take and give money only in the morning (until noon). If you make money in the evening, you can scare out wealth and money from your wallet.
  • After sunset, it is also forbidden to transmit money from hand to hand - you can smack. To make it not happening, put money on the table.
  • Vanga Practical Council sounds like that, "so that the money was found, wait, when a young month will appear after the new moon in the sky, in a secluded place on the street. Show your money off your money.
  • Wanta said - if you want to get out of poverty, wear green quartz pebbles in the wallet or turquoise.
  • If you do not want to know poverty, need and hunger never leave the knife stuck in bread.
  • Never give the money the money that you were given to surrender after buying bread or salt - otherwise you will risk themselves in poverty. Also, do not let the last trifle, which remained in the wallet.
  • A day when I bought a new wallet, put a golden decoration into it for a day and leave it at night open on the windowsill, so that the lunar light on it fell. Big money will be found and wealth will come.

Observing uncomplicated tips for every day Vanga data You can live a lifetime in sufficiency and in the house there will always be a lot of money and luck will never leave you.

Conspiracy of Vanga for money

The first conspiracy from the Bulgarian healer of Vanga will help you solve such a problem how to attract money. To fulfill the ritual, pour water into the glass dishes and talk to the water out loud plot for money:

How many in my door will enter so much helpers.
And enemies, there is no enemies in my door.
How many times the door will open so much good to the house will come.
And evil, bad weather, unclean strength, grief and misfortune here there is no move.
Happiness - to the house, good - to the house!

After spraying the water threshold of your home and very soon you will get a big amount of money.

Conspiracy Vanga to find money

Giving advice to attract money Wang recommended to read a conspiracy attracting money In the morning an empty stomach, on a piece of rye bread. Conspiracy helps to start a new strip in life - when the money will come easily and in the right quantities. Try the advice of the Bulgarian healer of Vanga to attract money and life will quickly change for the better. Cash conspiracy should be read aloud or whisper, turning his eyes on bread:

God God, Jesus Christ, you fed the hungry five babes,

So forth me and my family, abundant full Make my life,

Good luck to me Turn, Mount - Zlopastra from me a hole.

Let the road are satisfying and joy in my house will open,

Let me come to me, and I promise to spend them with the mind,

For the benefit of everyone, yes wealth to increase wisely,

Our Lord for Glory.

Words my key yes castle.

After a conspiracy, a piece of bread should be eaten.

Obtaining publication practical Tips Wangi to attract money and good luck We want to tell another advice. Wanta said: "Leave money in the moonlight for a few hours, and go to do not watch. Then make money in a rag and remove into the wallet. Do not waste them month, they as a money magnet will attract new money into your home. A month later Buy on them in the church of the candle, and give out a sacrifice to the church. Pleave candles from any icon, where you have anything to do. A month again, repeat the entire magic ritual to attract wealth to your life about Wang. "

© Copyright: Magina


Conspiracy Wang money. Conspiracy of Vanga money will always

Today we will once again touch on the magic of money, namely the advice and conspiracy of Vanga for money. If you fulfill this magic ritual to attract money, then you will always be finance. The first conspiracy from the Bulgarian healer of Vanga will help you solve such a problem how to attract money every day fulfilling her advice you will live in wealth and wealth.Today we will once again touch on the magic of money, namely the conspiracy of Vanga for money. If you fulfill this magic ritual to attract money, then you will always be finance.

The first conspiracy from the Bulgarian healer of Vanga will help you solve such a problem how to attract money. To fulfill the ritual, pour water into the glass utensils and speech a conspiracy into water out loud money plot online:
How many in my door will enter so much helpers.

And enemies, there is no enemies in my door.

How many times the door will open so much good to the house will come.

And evil, bad weather, unclean strength, grief and misfortune here there is no move.

Happiness - to the house, good - to the house!

After spraying this water threshold of your home.

Conspiracy to find money
Giving Tips Wang to attract money recommended to read this magic plot in the morning, an empty stomach, on a piece of rye bread. It helps to start a new strip in your life - when money will come easily and in the right quantities, try this VANGI Bulgarian Healer Board to attract money And your life will quickly change for the better.
Conspiracy should be read out loud or whisper, turning his eyes on the bread:

My God God, Jesus Christ, you fed the hungry five breads, so forth me and my family, abundant full of my life, good luck to me, Mount - Zlopastnia from me a hole. Let the road of a satiety and joy in my house will open, let them come to me, and I promise to spend them with the mind, for the benefit of everyone, and wealthy to increase our glory to glory. Words my key yes castle.

After the cleaned piece of bread you need to eat.

Magic to attract money so that wealth in the house came.

This conspiracy for money from Vanga will help attract good and wealth to your home. The practical advice of Great Vanga recommend to take a little sheep wool, or a piece of fur, skins, and speak out loud plot:

Sheep lamb, went through the light, wore a fur coat.

The fur coat is heat and rich, myself came to the house itself, it brought me warmth and wealth.

So full, my house, gold - silver and all kind!

Whether my home is rich and abundant, everyone for the benefit, everyone for Divo.

Be, my words, strong and modeling!
Put a piece of conspiracted wool in the secluded place of your home so that no one finds him and the lacquer did not throw away. Let him lies the year. A year later, you need to take a new wool and talk to her the same conspiracy for money.

A strong conspiracy to trade so that the money invested is quickly in growth went.
Vanga for his life gave many practical advice for every day that you can very quickly become a rich and successful person. People who were able to read Tips Wangi to attract the money are very grateful to her for help. Want to try? Wait until the full moon will appear in the sky at clean heaven. Take several coins or bills of any dignity and put them on the window, or any other place so that the lunar light falls on them.
Read loud three times in a row conspiracy to trading from Vanga:

Moon-Queen, you are silver, golden, grow and grow up.

So drinking my money with the light to grow and amused.

The lunar light of the money drink, an hour from the hour is growing, the power is gaining, my house is filled.

Words my key yes castle.


Giving your advice to attract Money Wang said: "Leave money in the moonlight for a few hours, and go to do not watch. Then put this money in a rag and remove into the wallet. Do not waste them month, they will attract new money to you. . In a month, buy on them in the church of the candle, and give out the donation (do not take). Put the candles much to you. In a month, repeat the entire magic ritual again to attract wealth to your life. " This magic attracting money has always been used by merchants and has not lost its relevance to this day.

Another conspiracy to trade so that money is constantly growing.
Take a piece of bread and speech on him three times out loud:
The grain in the ground fell, the sprout adulthood, sprout was spawned, bread was blocked.

Both in the fields of bread and money for the sky.

Like bread grow - we grow, and my money grows, add.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Bread then eat.

Conspiracy Wang money will always be found.
Occasioning publication Practical advice of Great Vanga to attract money and good luck for every day Take the thing you often wear (coat, dress, etc.). Sewing into the hem or under the floor a small coin. When you sew, repeat the conspiracy of Vanga:
Thread with a needle, and money with me.

As a thread behind the needle stretches, so the money to me is drawn. Hem laugh, sew money to himself. Go to me, the money is large and small, copper, silver, gold, paper, all sorts of different, to buy to sell, for yourself joy, in God's grace.

Repeat without stopping and not distracted, all the time, while you will sew. On this day, the thing do not wear, let her house among other things hang. Because of the next day, we carry how usually gave a told Vanga in the book of Soviets to attract money to their lives.

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The famous Bulgarian propheted Vanga paid great attention to magical conspiracy. She considered them a very effective means for helping in various spheres of human life, but it always warned against their abuse.

Vangu Rituals to attract good luck

In any conspiracy of Vanga is hidden powerful energy. Magic words spoken in a special setting, always apply purposefully and strongly. Therefore, any error during the ritual can lead to serious negative consequences. Conspiracy of Vanga is a powerful magic tool that can be compared with a potent drug. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only in cases where there are not enough strength to cope with the existing adverse circumstances.

Vanga believed that if you attract luck to life, then many problems a person will be able to solve themselves. She offered very effective means to protect themselves from external negativity.

Strong protective prayer

There is a very strong protective prayer from Vanga, which allows you to protect yourself and your home from unclean strength and cleanse from sins. If you do everything right, then life will be filled with health and wealth, positive mood, love and joy.

Before the start of the ritual, it is important for three days to withstand a harsh post. It is necessary to completely abandon meat and dairy products. It is allowed to eat exclusively vegetables and fruits, and you can drink only frozen water or consecrated. Fully need to abandon the use of alcoholic beverages and smoking. All three days you need to think positively and avoid nerve overvoltages and stress.

After such spiritual training in the morning for the fourth day, you need to go to the temple. But before going out directly on the threshold of your own house, you should read prayer.

She sounds like this:

"I appeal, I am a slave (s) of God (s) (own name) of God, the patrons of the saints! With humility and mental plea, I ask you about help and protection. Pray for me, a slave sinner (own name), Jesus Christ. Pull up for me repentance of my sins and fate happy. And I will go through the righteous in life, which will lead me to the paradise abode of the Lord Most High. Do not refuse me in my humble request. Amen".

Come to the church you need to buy 7 church candles and put them in front of any icons. Near one selected image you need to pray, ask God for help and protecting arbitrary words. After coming from the church, you need to read the above prayer once again on the threshold.

It is still important day when Prayer was read from Vanga to spend in the post, and from the next day you can return to the usual way of life.

At the front door

The great healer argued that luck enters the house through the entrance door, so the door and threshold should always be kept in perfect cleanliness. Dirt scares good luck and does not allow her to get into the house and set off there for a long time. To attract good luck to your own house, you need to read a plot during the growing moon.

It sounds as follows:

"So many helpers and friends in my life will be how many people will cross the threshold of my house. Enemies, enemies and evil spirits will not be able to enter my door. How much the door of my house will open, so much and the good will take my house. The move is grieving and misfortune in my housing. In my house - good luck, happiness, health and wealth. It will be just as it said. Amen".

After a conspiracy, you need to spire the door and the door and threshold outside and inside. Such a conspiracy will disconnect the evil from your threshold and will open the way for good luck.

With spring water

This conspiracy helps to attract good luck and well-being in their own home. The ritual should be carried out in solitude and in a darkened room. It involves the use of pure spring water that needs to pour into a glass bowl.

"In the door of my dwelling, there will be so much - how much to appear in my life assistants. In my door, the entrance is prohibited by all ill-wishers. The door in my house will open many times - so much and good luck will appear. The entrance is closed for evil, unclean strength, bad luck, grief and trouble. Particularly happiness, good, good! Amen!"

After pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, all rooms should be sprayed with water. At the same time, the thresholds are most carefully necessary.

Wang has sought to help people in solving all life problems. The Great Healer never denied the need for financial well-being for a happy life. Therefore, he believed quite justified the attraction of money with the help of magic. Savarkov believed that life, which was given once, need to live in the maximum comfort, and it was money that could provide.

In this regard, Wang left people a very big legacy of conspiracies for attracting money. They are very effective and allow you to get rid of financial problems in a short time.

It should be understood that Wang has always emphasized that money is not an assistant in the spiritual sphere, they are definitely important in everyday life. Therefore, every person strive to earn them, and help this can conspires aimed at attracting money.

Conspiracy for money

The following conspiracy from Vanga belongs to strong magical influences, but in order for it to have to believe in the fact that financial well-being will come soon. The slightest doubt or skepticism significantly reduces the action of the conspiracy.

It follows the ritual on Friday at sunset. For this you need:

  • Wear a new spacious white shirt made of natural fabric;
  • Dissolve hair and remove all sorts of decorations and watches;
  • Sit down to the eastern corner of the room;
  • On the inside of the nameless finger with the help of the handle write the name of the currency;
  • Leaf your finger to the corner, opposite which is sitting.

After all actions, the following words should be pronounced:

"Dark and strength forces are lightly calling for a bow. And also call from the abyss of fiery devils, and from the skies of light angels. The terrible power I ask you to attract the bag of money into my home and with him and the success of benefactor. You ask you to teach me to act decisively and correctly in any situations so that I always have a good one. Yes, help me with ease to defeat the fact that my shoulders fell by an unbearable burden. Amen".

After the ritual, it is necessary to go to bed and try to sleep as quickly as possible. It should be remembered that you can wash your hands and wash the next morning.

For a specific amount of money

To attract a specific amount of money in the next rite. Such a ritual should also be carried out on the night from Friday on Saturday, preferably during the growth period of the Moon.

On Friday you need to relax and go to bed, fully focused on the thoughts about the required amount of money. It is necessary to imagine that you will feel when you get the right money and realize your innermost dream into reality. After the picture managed to visualize, the conspiracy should be loud and clearly and clearly pronounce.

The words are as follows:

"This is my innermost desire, I so want, and, it means that it will happen."

After that, you need to try to fall asleep as soon as possible without switching to other thoughts. But this rite does not end. It is necessary to start an alarm clock for an early morning so to stand up to sunrise. Immediately you need to go outside and wait for the first sunlights there.

After that, you need to speak three times mentally or out loud the following magic words:

"I got up, the slave of God (his own name) early in the morning so that the bright the first rays of the sun gave me strength. Oh, the magic sun rays, you appear from the east and can perform any intimate desire. I put you knowing that I need to get (call the required specific amount of money). The rays are bright and magical, I sincerely believe that you can teach me how to get the required amount. "

It is important that money that you will soon receive after the rite have been spent exactly what you have planned. Otherwise, you will begin to pursue failure.

On financial wealth in the family

Wang has proposed a conspiracy to attract financial well-being in the family and make people close to you do not need anything.

"Jesus Christ, our Lord, you feed the hungry five, so I ask you to feed you and my family. Let our life be achieved by the benefits and food, take the gate on the path of well-being and money, let them incessantly go to our house. And we will spend money wisely and for the benefit, the house is filling with wealth comfortable. We will always be, the Lord of the Most High glorify and thank and thank, as well as the poor and disadvantaged. Amen".

After writing words a conspiracy piece of bread, it is necessary to eat and drink it with holy water. It is important to remember that after such a conspiracy, wealth will constantly fill your home, but only if you will lead the right life.

There are many other Vanga conspiractions, but they only help sincere people who do not have evil intents or desire to harm others. Conspiracies need to be pronounced with the absolute faith in the fact that your requests will be heard.

Everyone heard about the famous Bulgarian audience Wange, and about her numerous predicted predictions. She made a lot of good people, taught rites aimed at changing life for the better. Prayers and conspiracies of Vanga are able to provide invaluable assistance in a variety of situations. It is worth using them, possessing a strong faith in their effectiveness.

Characteristics of rites from Wangelia

According to Vangi, the achievement of happiness and health is possible only after the restoration of the harmony of the Spirit. Her prayers and conspiracies provided invaluable help in need. Slava despair people stood in long queues to Wange. For 85 years of life, the priest left an invaluable heritage: predictions of events, white conspiracies for wealth, love, good recipes from diseases, for happiness and good luck, taught rites to win and attracting money.

We will tell how to use the knowledge of Great Vanga for the benefit and how to choose a ritual that is suitable for you. It should be remembered that you can use Woney's conspiracies only with good intentions, as it is white magic.

Lottery ritual for winning

Hold a rite for wealth, winning the lottery, follows a gloomy cloud day on a decreasing moon. Vanga gave the following explanation so illogical, at first glance, conditions. - Not everyone may come to the idea to make these actions in such a period, and therefore the likelihood that luck will smile, and you will get the largest gain. The conspiracy of the lottery from Vanga helped to achieve the desired victory is no longer one player, the main thing is to do everything right.


For the ritual you need:

  • lottery ticket;
  • plates, the number of them is equal to the number of corners in your home;
  • coin 5 kopecks;
  • 40 blue candles;
  • salt, hammer gross.

Procedure for ritual

Prepared, proceed to magical actions:

  1. Buy the lottery in the morning of the gloomy day.
  2. The next day, at 8 o'clock, get into the clothes are not bright colors.
  3. Put yourself in the left pocket of the coin and exit home. Going behind the threshold, read a plot.
  4. Come to the water in which there is no current (pond). On the way, do not pronounce a word. On the right bank, find a secluded place and throw a coin into the water by pronounce conspiracy.
  5. Return home. On the way, you can not look around and talking. Put a plate filled with salt into each corner of the house. Along the walls of the room, where you graduate from the rite, arrange the candles.
  6. At midnight, burn each candle, moving counterclockwise. Candles must burn completely.
  7. Put the flats together, sprinkle their salt from the plates, and take them to the pond, in which you threw a coin. Throw it as far as possible into the water.


Leaving the threshold of the house:

"Wealth, come to me, I'm waiting for you."

"How this money in the water is also a win."

Conspiracy of Vangu on the lottery should bring you a winnings if you are fully supported by faith. But if the first time could not disrupt Jack Pot, do not despair, soon you will attract enough money.

Vanga's love conspiracy on beet

Not every woman manages to meet love and marry a loved one. Often there are cases when the girl is reasonable, and her beauty does not offend her, but the search for love was delayed. Conspiracy of Vanga for love will help to find women's happiness.

Despite the fact that these white love spells are not hazardous, careful with them should be careful - it is impossible to beat a man, otherwise the consequences will be sad for you. In addition, before the use of the factors should think more about to have confidence that it is this man that you need it, because it will be difficult to part with him.

Vanga's love rite will help to return his beloved or husband, a wife in a family, to become for his beloved only.

Vanga gave advice to the effective use of love rites, to prepare for them as if you were going on a date with the beloved.


For the correct implementation of the ritual for love at home you need to prepare such items:

  • beet;
  • a knife with a wooden handle;
  • 2 church candles;
  • red natural threads;
  • soap;
  • your photo;
  • photo of a man who you mil.

Procedure for ritual

Prepare the necessary items, proceed to the love rite.

Sequentially follow these steps:

  1. Take each candle with red threads.
  2. Put the photos next to the table, next to them soap ..
  3. Take the beet and cut a cross on it.
  4. Squeeze the juice from the end to the beet, drip apart for each photo of 3 drops.
  5. Put the beets nearby over the photo so that these 3 subjects formed a triangle.
  6. Between the photos, put candles and burn.
  7. Read a plot.
  8. Candles must burn completely.


"Let my narrowed, the Slave of God (name) will come to me, the servant of God (name), taken and the Holy Spirit. Let him think about me and dinner and vigrosently, let the other women do not let me up, misses and suffers, and the Lord God on me opens his eyes to him, he does not let go of his heart. "

This magic reception can show an instant result, provided that the traveled man will notice you, will begin to experience tender feelings. The conspiracy effect can be strengthened and strengthened the starting relationship, asking the guy to sharpen a knife with a wooden handle used during the rite.

Conspiracy for money

Each person dreams to get rid of poverty to make money, the family lived in prosperity, work would not take all strength and time to be able to spend time with their children, and not spend all the strength to feed them. To help change the situation will be able to conspire Vanga for money and on wealth, attraction of prosperity. These monetary conspiracies are aimed at helping people who need a certain amount for a clear goal.


To use a conspiracy you need the following:

  • glass with water;
  • alarm clock.

Procedure for ritual

Ritual for rapid wealth spend on the night from Friday on Saturday.

Consistently perform such actions:

  1. Before bedtime on Friday evening, put water from the headboard to the bed to absorb the energy of your money desire.
  2. Looks into bed, close your eyes and concentrate on the desire to get the amount you need, on how beautiful it would be, if you could get it soon, it does not matter where. Clearly imagine your feelings and emotions at the moment when the desire is fulfilled, money is already in your hands, feel the joy of how mentally you spend them on what is needed. As a result, it should be bright picture of the achievement of the goal.
  3. You need to read spell 9 times.
  4. Put the alarm clock at 4 am, and after his call, go out of the house.
  5. On the street, wait for the first rays of the Sun, and seeing them, sleep low. Sun and tell the spell three times.
  6. At home immediately drink and clean your face charged water.


When forming a picture of monetary desire:

"This is my dream, and it will happen exactly because I want it, I need it."

On the first rays of the Sun:

"Early in the morning I got up so that the Red Sunshitus put me with force. The rays of the sun magic and beautiful, come from the east side, and you are able to fulfill secret desires. Know what I need (call the amount), in order to (goal). I believe, you will be able to tell you how I can get it. "

When you get the required amount, this money must be spent as soon as possible to the declared goal. If the plans changed, then the implications immediately appear - the money came to the magical way will not bring you good, but will deliver a lot of trouble, and in the end, your wallet will be constantly empty.

Conspiracy for luck

One of the easiest performed verified ritual plot of the rite of Vanga for good luck will necessarily help attract good luck, find a job, will make dreams to come true, give protection from the disease, will help that the child listened. The same rite can be held for good studies.

The rite for the attraction of good luck should be performed on the threshold of his house (apartment), since besides people, the door comes into the door and negative energy, causing failures and problems. This ritual will end you with the power of good luck, the house will save the house from the evil eye. The greatest efficiency of this rite shows for the Annunciation, on Palm Sunday and in Clean Thursday. The same rite can be applied as a ritual for successful fishing, but with some changes.


For the correct ritual, you need:

  • moon calendar;
  • new broom;
  • holy water.

Procedure for ritual

Prepared, proceed to immediate magical actions:

  1. On the lunar calendar, determine the third phase of the moon.
  2. Taking a knife into the right hand, and in the left broom, stand on the threshold of the entrance door.
  3. Quietly, or whisper, read a plot 3 times
  4. Pulse a broom to holy water.
  5. Cross the door.
  6. Spray the threshold of holy water.


"How many people will pass through this threshold in my house, as much and good luck will take it. Evil and unkind man Let them not go into this door, but only wealth and health settles in my house. Amen".

It should be carried out early in the morning, at the sunrise, on a decreasing moon.


You will need such items:

  • bowl;
  • water from spring or well;
  • new white towel.

Procedure for ritual

Getting Started with this white rite aimed at healing, do the following:

  1. Type in the bowl of water from the spring.
  2. At the dawn, leave the house outside with the bowl. If you can not go out, then stand up with a bowl by the window.
  3. Specify the witch words on the water, whisper.
  4. Clear water conspired and drink 3 throat.
  5. Written with a white towel.


"I'm a slave of God (name) I wash the holy watch, crossing, the Lord worshiping and pouring. I will leave the door, goal, at the dawn of Morning Mary, on the blue sea. I will raise the Golden Stone from the bottom of the sea. As this stone, golden lies, does not sink and not moaning, let me do not whine the body. Let them take pain from the head, bones, joints, with clear eyes. Dawn Morning Maria, Evening Zarya Mareman, take me a birth, take away my grief, tract, gods. My words are strong, solid. As I said, it will come true. Amen".


White Magic Great Vanga will change your life for the better under the condition of strong faith without a shadow of doubt. Believe that every day the day brings you to achieving the goal. And if the purpose of the use of the described conspiracy is to receive material goods, then be sure to spend the money received for something very necessary for your family, and do not forget about good deeds aimed at helping people.

Good luck in life need everyone. If you lace a strip of failure, and they last a long time, it is necessary to carry out special rites to get rid of bad luck. After that, you can already attract good luck and happiness in your life, fill your days with joy. Conspiracy of Vanga for money and good luck, helped many people who gratefully utter the name of the great clairvoyant.

In order for the miscarions of unclean forces to have power over you, you need to enlist the support of your guardian angel, which will protect prayers from any evil and trouble. And if the evil on your way will not be, then the road will be clean, health is strong, money will not leave another way and wealth meets.

On the advice of Vanga, in the evening, fill the glass jar with a driver and leave it on the window all night. On the dawn stand and leave this jar on the street or on the balcony. To read prayer, you need to look at the sky and keep the jar. First, cross yourself, and then cross the water in the bank.

"My holy angel, body keeper and soul!
An abroad is autumn, in prayer clean to you appeal.
I pray you about repentance: Forgive my sins, perfect in ignorant and delusion.
The angel is light, do not leave me for a minute of good, no per minute, stand always with me on all my ways and paths.
Aim me on the path of the righteous, god pleading, evil from me driven out, and I attract good luck.
I have been protected from me to protect and happiness, so that I glorified in the affairs of my name of the God of the Most High, helped my neighbors from the soul.
The will of God all approve, the life of the righteous teaching me.

After you read this prayer for water three times, drink a few sips. The rest of the driver you need to sprinkle the whole house, ranging from the threshold. Take a bundle of dill or parsley, dry into the water and sprinkle the room.
Then leave the room, part of the water to pour in front of your feet, and the rest of the water splash in front of yourself so that she sanctifies your way.

This prayer from Vanga bless your way for a whole day, will attract good luck, keeps health, will protect from any evil.

How to attract luck

This conspiracy from Vanga to good luck will make anyone lucky in life.

For the advice of Vangi at sunrise, I will be able to run water in the pelvis, pour the water in the pelvis and read a special conspiracy on it for luck and good luck:

"Driver-driver, my sister.
You have flowed in the mountains, underground, dark forests, wide fields, where lowlands and meadows, steep shores, pebbles and sands, mother-earth and clean heavens.
Zori did you meet, the nights accompanied, I was wash myself, the sun was rubbed, the white was cleaned with white.
Clean and me, water, dirt and sulfur, soul, oho, fill with cleanliness.
So that my matters were chicted, the light glowed, the good was full, folded, aroused, were filled with good luck.

Plispressed Water should wash your face. Wipe with a towel it is impossible: water should absorb into the skin. Multiple droplets Water drip to her temples. This conspiracy is read on the days of the full moon, and never tell anyone about why in life it happened. You can say that every day you read prayers for wealth and money.

Holy Prayer for Help

This prayer from Vanga is very strong. If you correctly fulfill the entire ritual, it will cleanse from sins, protects from unclean forces, will contribute to well-being in your life, will attract good luck, health and wealth, fill the heart with love and joy.

Keep the post, do not eat dairy and meat products. Fit only with cereals, vegetables and fruits, drink consecrated or frostily water. Do not drink alcoholic beverages, coffee and do not smoke cigarettes. Try to direct your thoughts on good deeds, read prayers.

After this spiritual training go in the morning to church. Before leaving home, read the prayer from Vanga, standing on the threshold. On the way to church, do not enter with anyone in the long conversation, it is better to go silently. Before the church, read the prayer from Vanga.

In the church, buy 7 candles and put them on any icons. Prasse and read any prayers known to you, ask for health prayers and loved ones, good luck, happiness and wealth. After all, to be happy and secured into the glory of God is not considered a sin! And the money, consecrated by the prayer and the word of God, bring only joy.

After visiting the church, read the prayer from Vanga again and continue this day in the post.

Prayer from Vangu sounds like this:

"God's rates, holy patrons!
About protection and assistance I ask you humbly.
Bring your holy prayers to Jesus Christ about me, a slave sinful Ivan (or your name).
Stay with him repentance in my sins, the share of the good and happiness of the earth.
According to your prayers I will get the lot of my share, protection against sorrows and diseases.
Let my heart fill with the Heavenly love, and the soul with joy.
My feet will go through the righteous people, and will lead to the paradise abode of the father of my heavenly.
Do not remove the humble request of mine in the name of our Lord and the Savior.

Help the owner of water

This mighty spirit has incredible capabilities and great strength. On the advice of Vanga, it is possible to contact him in a difficult moment, and in days of prosperity in order to preserve and multiply wealth and money, attract good luck, strengthen health. Conspiracy with the appeal to the spirit of water can be read at any time, but not too often: two or three times in the lunar month.

On the dawn pour into a glass bowl of water and put it under the straight rays of the sun. Water should stand outside from dawn until noon.

For noon, read a special conspiracy on the water:

"Mighty spirit of water!
Feat me from trouble!
According to the great grace of his save from the hands and ailments.
Give me health, strength, good luck, the beauty is beloved to be loved by God and all people.

Seve seven sips from the bowl of my bowl, and the rest of the driver will pour yourself to the top. To do this, go to the bath, shal off and pour water on yourself. It should not be watched.

Tips Vanga are always aimed at good and well-being, to open roads, which comes health, wealth and money. Light prayers, strong conspiracies from Vanga open the powerful channels of heavenly well-being, which sweep the unclean power from the path of the person, and help to attract good luck in everything.

Inlet door

Good luck also comes through the door to our house. Therefore, the entrance doors and threshold should always be purely washed. The dirty threshold pushes good luck and does not allow her to settle in the house.

Therefore, always keep the door and threshold clean. Ritual for good luck, well-being and wealth is held in the days of the growing moon.

Pour into the glass vessel Springwear and read a plot on it:

"How many people in my door will enter, so many helpers will be.
And nohumans and enemies do not go to my door.
How many times will the door open, so much and good will come to my house.
And there is no stroke into this door grief and stroke.
Good luck - to the house, happiness - to the house, health - to the house, wealth - to the house, money in the house.
May it be so.

Spray the door with a conspiracted Wing cross outside and from the inside. Conspiracy will attract all the good and energous evil.

Rite with bread

So that your family has always been a full, wealth did not leave the house, and the money flowed the river to the house, follow the next rite from Vanga.

After waking, take a piece of bread, look at it and read the plot:

"Lord Christ, you fed with five hungry breads, so with my fouls and family.
Make life our full, secured, happy.
Discover the well-being, money in the house of Turn.
I promise to use money for good, to spend reasonably, gentlemen to glorify, helping poor.

After reading the conspiracy three times, eat a piece of bread and drink the Holy Wader. Money and wealth will not leave your home if you wish the righteous life.

To get the right amount of money

This conspiracy is not for wealth, but to attract the desired summary. If you need a certain amount, and money does not come, make such a rite from Vanga. Go to dawn to the street, turn on the east face and wait for the first rays of the sun.

As soon as they clarify the Earth, read the conspiracy:

"I got up in the morning the sun in the morning, the dummets are cherished to execute.
Three wise men live on the side of the Eastern: the first sage knows what I have to get, the second sage knows where to find, and the third sage knows how to get.
I will open my secret to the sages: I want something and that (call your desire).
I ask me wisdom to appropriate to get it.

When you get money, spend them on what they were planned. If you spend money not by destination, you lose acquired. Wealth and money do not like deception, and next time no conspiracy will help. To the Soviets of Great Vanga, you need to listen.

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