Air puffs with cottage cheese from puff yeast-free dough. Puffs with cottage cheese from ready-made puff pastry

reservoirs 18.10.2019

Step 1: prepare the dough.

Buying ready puff pastry pay attention to the expiration dates and the condition of the packaging. The dough itself must be of a certain shape of a plate or roll, without bumps and tucks, otherwise this may mean that it was defrosted during transportation.
Unpack the puff pastry and defrost according to the package instructions. It usually just needs to be left at room temperature for a while. You cannot re-freeze the dough, so take only as much as you need, no more.

Step 2: prepare the egg.

Break the egg into a bowl and beat it until light foam using a whisk or a regular table fork. Many housewives suggest using only egg white, but I don't see much difference to pore once again above the yolk.

Step 3: form puffs.

Dust the dry surface of the countertop with a little flour. Lay out a layer of dough and carefully roll it out, making it thinner. Using a knife, carefully cut the dough into rectangles of any size. I usually divide the layer into 4-6 parts. Inside the resulting squares or rectangles, put a little curd mass, placing it in the center. Brush the edges of future puffs with a beaten egg.

Fold the dough, stretching one of their corners to the opposite so that you get a neat triangle. Press the edges with your fingers, and then go over them with the tines of a fork or the flat side of a knife.

Step 4: bake puffs with cottage cheese.

Put the oven on to heat up 170 degrees Celsius. Grease a baking sheet vegetable oil and put the puffs into it, leaving a free distance between them in 1-2 centimeters. This is necessary so that the pastries do not stick together. Spread the egg on top of the dough products, make several small punctures in each with a toothpick, and immediately after send it to the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. Ready puffs will be covered golden crust and rise a little, so you determine that they are ready and can be removed from the oven.

Step 5: serve puffs with cottage cheese.

Serve ready-made puffs with cottage cheese slightly cooled, so they are tastier. Transfer them to a large beautiful serving dish, brew sugar-free fruit tea and start your meal. And you don’t need to call anyone, your whole family has already come running to the aroma of sweet pastries.
Bon appetit!

Instead of cottage cheese mass, you can use ordinary cottage cheese, simply mixing it with granulated sugar. In this case, for aroma and taste, I add a little more vanilla sugar, literally, 10 grams.

Also, puff pastry before baking can be greased with vegetable oil or an egg diluted with water, in a ratio of one to one.

In some recipes, chopped or ground walnuts. But for my taste it turns out much more interesting with almonds.

Of course, for the preparation of puffs, you can take yeast dough, but keep in mind that then they will turn out to be more airy and larger.

I continue to share the options for the simplest and most delicious pastries. Today on the menu: puffs with cottage cheese from ready-made puff pastry. Recipe with step by step photos and text instructions will be useful for those who have not yet fully mastered and appreciated all the possibilities of puff pastry. So, for example, yeast-free puff pastry can be used not only for snack puffs. With it, wonderful puffs with a sweet curd filling come out. The appetizingly layered and crispy base just goes perfectly with the most delicate curd filling. And the formation of such puffs will take you no more than 10 minutes.

  • puff pastry (yeast-free) - 500 g (1 pack),
  • cottage cheese - 360 g (2 packs),
  • sour cream 10% - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • egg - 2 pcs.,
  • raisins - 100-130 g,
  • sugar - 3-4 tbsp. l.,
  • vanillin (optional) - 0.5 packs,
  • poppy (or other topping) - 1-2 tbsp. l.

How to cook puffs with cottage cheese from ready-made puff pastry

To begin with, let's defrost the finished puff pastry: we take it out of the freezer, remove the packaging, separate the dough layers from each other and, sprinkling flour on the work surface, spread them on it. From above, we also lightly sprinkle the layers with flour and cover with cling film or an ordinary plastic bag so that the dough does not wind up. If you put the dough in heat, after 20-30 minutes it will be ready for further work.

In the meantime, you can prepare the filling. To do this, put the cottage cheese in a bowl and knead it a little, breaking the largest curd lumps. If you have coarse-grained cottage cheese, then it is better to kill it with a blender before adding raisins - then the filling will be easier and more evenly laid down on the dough.

Next, we introduce 1 egg into the dough, leave the second to lubricate the puffs before baking.

Behind him vanillin, sugar and sour cream. You can take sour cream of any fat content, the main thing is to give the filling the right consistency.

Mix the mass well. It turns out to be of medium density - it does not spread even when folding the dough, but at the same time it is easily smeared over the dough. By the way, ready-made (purchased) sweet curd mass is quite suitable as a filling.

I chose the easiest way to form puffs - rolls. We roll out the dough layer thinner, dusting it (if necessary) with a small amount of flour.

Then we apply the filling on the dough in an even layer, leaving the edges of the layer intact along the entire perimeter, 0.5-0.7 mm will be enough.

We turn the layer with the filling into a roll. The dough does not need to be folded tightly, it quite easily takes the form of a roll, the filling does not spread at all and does not crawl out of the formation.

Turn the roll seam down and cut it into small rolls. After each cut, we wipe the knife with a damp sponge (cloth), freeing it from the filling that has stuck to it - this way you will get puffs with a perfectly even cut.

Place the shaped puffs on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Lubricate them with a beaten egg and sprinkle with poppy seeds (sesame, sugar, cinnamon - all at will and taste).

We bake puffs in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until cooked. It takes me about 20 minutes to bake.

We take out the finished pastries, cool a little and try with pleasure!

Hello my dear visitors! Despite the fact that baking is considered unhealthy, it is so tasty that it is simply impossible to resist its fragrant smell. Most often, most hostesses prepare pies, buns, cookies, cakes, and so on and so forth. Today I want to offer you to cook puffs with cottage cheese from ready-made puff pastry and then a recipe with a photo step by step. Cooking such tasty treats is quite simple, fast, and most importantly, it is really very tasty.

I will prepare puffs with a sweet curd filling, but you can prepare the filling to your taste. For example, you can make a curd filling with any berries: with strawberries, cherries, as well as with herbs.

But since the berry season is already over, and I could not prepare strawberries for a simple reason, it was a lean year, I will use the usual cottage cheese filling. Of course, if you do not like sweet curd filling, then you can cut some greens into cottage cheese, I think it will be delicious. Only my children do not eat this, unfortunately, I have to please them. And if they don't like it, you have to eat it all yourself. What I don’t really want is that I try to carefully monitor the figure.

As for the dough, I use yeast-free ready-made puff pastry. But I think if you buy yeast, then nothing bad will happen.

How to cook puffs with cottage cheese


  • Puff pastry - 1 pack (500 gr.)
  • Cottage cheese - 300 gr.
  • Sugar - 2-3 tablespoons
  • Egg - 1 pc.

Step-by-step recipe for making curd puffs with a photo

Cottage cheese puffs video recipe:

Well, there is nothing easier than baking something from a ready-made dough. In general, I try to make the dough myself. Well, for the simple reason that it is not so harmful. The thing is that in production they do not care much about people's health and use cheap products. So puff pastry is prepared with margarine. I will not talk about the dangers of margarine and similar trans fats.

But I always use butter in the recipe. But ready dough it's so convenient! Well, if there is not so much fuss with any other test, then you need to tinker with puff pastry and it does not always work out well for me.

So, the finished dough must be laid out from the refrigerator and thawed at room temperature. Next, cut the dough into several small pieces.

Pour sugar into the cottage cheese, add the yolk and mix everything thoroughly. As for cottage cheese, it has one unpleasant feature, it spreads beyond the dough during baking. To prevent this from happening, you can first squeeze the cottage cheese through cheesecloth.

Roll out each piece of dough lightly. And make cuts on one half.

On the second part we lay out a little curd filling. You can grease the edges of the dough with whipped protein. This is necessary so that the edges of the dough stick to each other better.

Cover the filling with the second part of the dough and press the edges with a fork.

We put the finished puffs into a baking dish, grease the top with whipped protein and send it to a preheated oven to 180-200C for 15-20 minutes. Try not to open the oven at first, as the puff pastry may not rise and the pastry will turn out to be slightly flattened.

That's all, puffs with cottage cheese from ready-made puff pastry are ready, now they can be served at the table. Such puffs go very quickly, you don’t even have time to blink an eye. Cook with pleasure and enjoy the amazing taste with the whole family.

Bon appetit!!!

Hello. Baking made from puff pastry and homemade cottage cheese has a special taste and has a lot of variations, and now I will tell you little secrets cooking puff pastry in the oven, including with cottage cheese.

And believe me, this is just what you can cook in as soon as possible and with a minimum of effort and even improve the recipe, and the taste of this will not suffer at all!

How to cook puff pastry (video recipe)

We will need: Half a kilo of puff yeast dough, a fifth of a kilogram of cottage cheese, granulated sugar with raisins to taste, a couple of eggs.

This time we will use ready-made dough (required puff pastry), thereby simplifying the recipe.

  1. Roll out the dough. Cut the dough into squares.
  2. In a clean container, mix with cottage cheese, granulated sugar, raisins and an egg.
  3. We put the curd mass on the previously prepared puff pastry.
  4. We wrap the edges of the dough and put the cooked cheesecakes from the dough on a baking sheet, previously lined with baking paper, and leave it like that for a third of an hour.
  5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Necessarily! Before installing, grease the dough tarts with egg. The dough is baked for about ten minutes. This pastry is served chilled.

It makes no difference what filling you put in puff pastry, all the same, pastries will be to the taste of your family and friends. Look for your options. Choose your dough-filling ratio options.

Do not be afraid to experiment, try different ratios: fresh, salty or sweet dough, and you can also pepper the dough, add greens or some other ingredient.

Today we will learn a lightweight recipe for baking a roll with cottage cheese and raisins in the oven.

We will need:

One pack of puff pastry - 0.5 kg, fatty homemade cottage cheese - 0.5 kg, sugar - 150 g, eggs - 3 pcs, peasant butter - 20 g, raisins, salt.

  1. Filling recipe: knead sugar and salt with cottage cheese, and then mix with a blender. Pour the beaten eggs with sugar into the resulting mass.
  2. The resulting mass should not be very thick, but not liquid either - just like store-bought sour cream (you can add semolina for density).
  3. Mix with raisins, previously soaked.
  4. Roll out the puff pastry (see the dough recipe in my other sections).
  5. We lay the curd mass on the rolled out puff pastry, leaving a place around the edges.
  6. Roll the puff pastry into a roll.
  7. Place the roll seam side down on a baking sheet. We grease the top of the baking with an egg and leave it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  8. Pierce the roll in several places to evenly bake the dough. Usually the dough is baked for about an hour. This pastry is especially in harmony with tea.

Especially tasty sweet pastries with cottage cheese (from puff pastry) with cottage cheese and dried apricots, but other dried fruits can also be used as an addition to cottage cheese. That's the beauty of it - everyone can come up with their own recipe.

Thank you for your attention! You won't regret using my recipes to make delicious treats for your family and friends.

Baking with cottage cheese is great - see other recipes in the relevant sections of my site!

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