How to prepare puffs with yeast dough cottage cheese. Puffs with cottage cheese of finished puff pastry - recipe with photos

Engineering systems 18.10.2019
Engineering systems

Do not know how to bake puffs from the finished puff pastry? Take this recipe. Step-by-step preparation instructions with photos further.

Today we prepare delicious and fragrant puffs based on the finished test.

Curd filling with the addition of Izyum and Banana will surprise you with its unusual taste. From above for brilliance, be sure to lubricate the puffs with a yellowwoman, and also sprinkle with a poppy for beauty.

The method of forming the layers can be used by any of your choice, I chose the simplest - rolls.

To hot tea, your baking will become the best addition, and most importantly, that cooking them quickly and simple.

puffs made of finished puff pastry


  • dough puff trimming - 500 g.;
  • cottage cheese - 280;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • raisins - 50 g.;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 2 dessert.;
  • vanillin is a pinch;
  • mac - 1 dessert.l.;
  • flour for the powder of the test.

Sequence of cooking

First of all, get the dough (semi-finished product) from the freezer compartment so that it knows. Next, start the cooking process.
If you have mild cottage cheese, just put it in a spacious container and disarm fork. The coarse-grained product will have to drip in advance through the sieve or achieve the desired consistency and softness by whipping in a blender bowl. Such cottage cheese is more supplied and easy to go to the dough. In the cottage cheese, break one egg, interfere with it in cottage cheese. Stay the second egg while to the side, it will be needed later.

Following the norm of sugar sand. Just do not add sugar in large quantities, otherwise the puffs can sprawl during baking. Banana will give the required sweetness.

Raisins squeeze in advance in hot water for 10 minutes so that it becomes softer, after rinse, roll on the colander. In the end of Raisins, send to the main composition. The mixture is diligently mixed, it should not be very liquid, so as not to spread when baking, but it is worth noting that very thick filling will be badly smeared by test. That is, its density must be medium.

When the filling is ready, do the test - expand it, getting a smooth layer. The working surface is abundant to fall asleep with flour, otherwise the dough will adhere. Flour also sprinkle the surface of the test. With the help of the rolling, roll a little cloth, but it is not very subtly so that the blanks with the filling do not break.

Roll the dough with a nappy in the roll, trying not to damage its integrity. Do not fold the roll is very tight, otherwise the filling can flow from the sides.

In the egg, which was left, separate yolks from the protein, yolk split, lubricate them the surface of the billets with silicone brush. Sprinkle with poppies from above.

Pre-heat the oven.

I continue to share the options of the simplest and delicious baking. Today in the menu: Puffs with cottage cheese from the finished puff pastry. A recipe with step-by-step photos and textual instructions will be useful for those who have not yet fully mastered and estimated all the possibilities of puff pastry. So, for example, a bell-free puff dough can be used not only for snack bar. Wonderful puffs with sweet cottage cheese stuffing come out with it. The appetizing layered and the crispy basis is simply perfectly combined with a gentle curd filling. And you will have no more than 10 minutes on the formation of such layers.


  • puff pastry (trimming) - 500 g (1 pack),
  • cottage cheese - 360 g (2 packs),
  • sour cream 10% - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • egg - 2 pcs.,
  • raisin - 100-130 g,
  • sugar - 3-4 tbsp. l.,
  • vanillin (optional) - 0.5 packaging,
  • mac (or other Running) - 1-2 Art. l.

How to prepare puffs with cottage cheese of finished puff pastry

To begin with, ready-made puff pastry: we take it out of the freezer, remove the packaging, separate the dough layers from each other and, sprinkling the work surface with flour, lay them on it. From above, the layers are also slightly sprinkled with flour and cover with the food film or ordinary polyethylene ultimate so that the dough is not pretended. If you put the dough into heat, already after 20-30 minutes it will be ready for further work.

Meanwhile, you can prepare a filling. To do this, lay out cottage cheese into a bowl and knead it a little, breaking the largest curd lumps. If you have a coarse cottage cheese, it is better to kill it blender before adding raisins - then the filling will be easier and even more in the dough.

Following the egg in the dough 1, we leave the layer on the lubrication before baking.

Behind him vanillin, sugar and sour cream. Sour cream can be taken any fat, the main thing is to give the necessary consistency to the right.

Pretty stirring mass. It is a medium, it turns out to be average - does not spread even when the test is folded, but it is easily smeared over the test. By the way, a sweet curd mass is quite suitable as a filling.

The method of forming the layers I chose the simplest - rolls. Roll over the reservoir of the test of the fondness, more accurately (if necessary) with a small amount of flour.

Then the uniform layer is applied to the dough stuffing, leaving the reservoirs intact edges around the perimeter, 0.5-0.7 mm will be quite enough.

We turn the reservoir with filling in the roll. The dough does not need to turn the tight, it is pretty easily takes the shape of a roll, the filling does not spread completely and does not get out of the reservoir.

Turn the shutter roll down and cut it with small rolls. The knife after each incision wipe the wet sponge (cloth), freeing the filling from it on it - so you will have a puff with a perfectly smooth cut.

Shaped puffs lay out on a baking sheet with baking paper. Lubricate them with a whipped egg and sprinkle with poppies (sesame, sugar, cinnamon - everything is possible and taste).

We bake the puffs in a warm oven at 180 degrees until readiness. I have about 20 minutes.

We remove the finished baking, we cool a little and try it with pleasure!

Your children still do not like cottage cheese? So you did not treat them like layers. This delicious pretty quickly is preparing. Make puffs with cottage cheese from the finished puff pastry, and they will become a favorite and frequent dish on your table.

- Ready puff pastry - 1 pack / 0.5 kg;
- Cottage cheese - 250-350 grams;
- Sugar sand - 30-50 grams;
- Vanillin - 1 gram.

How to cook with photo step by step

1. The finished puff pastry can be taken both yeast and darkness, orient to your taste. We defrust the semi-finished product according to the instructions on the package. Roll over the dough on the table, sorry flour, in one direction, so as not to damage the structure of multi-layered. In other words, act the rolling pin or back and forth, either from left to right.

2. The sprout test sheet is cut into squares (approximately it turns out. 12).

3. Cottage cheese should not be unnecessarily wet, nor too dry. Wet - should be thrown into the gauze and squeeze slightly. And dry - dilute sour cream. Sugar put on its taste and try, since optimal sourness in cottage cheese is difficult to predict in advance. For fragrance, add vanillin.

4. Mix thoroughly to homogeneous mass without lumps.

6. Connect the opposite corners of the square and replace.

We do it qualitatively, so that when baking and increasing the test in volume, the converter did not turn.
7. Boca leave that the pastries can "breathe".

8. lay out the puffs with cottage cheese on a baking sheet, covered with parchment paper.

9. We bake in a pre-preheated oven with 200 degrees about 20 minutes. As soon as the puffs shoved, you can remove.

After removing from the back, we give baking cool and apply to the table.

Puffs with cottage cheese from the finished puff pastry are good both with cold and hot drinks, for example, with

We offer to prepare fragrant puffs with cottage cheese to home tea party. To prepare them quickly use puff yeast dough or dough puffwater without yeast, which are sold in any supermarket in a frozen form. Puff pastry baking is very tasty, with a layered structure and crispy crust. If time allows, you can cook homemade puff pastry. Homemade puffs with cottage cheese are suitable not only for home tea. They will decorate any festive table, they can be taken with you on a picnic, on the road, to work, and children - to school.


  • Dough Lummy yeast - 300 g
  • Cottage cheese - 250 g
  • Raisin - 70 g
  • Sour cream - 60 g
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Vanilla sugar - to taste
  • Egg chicken - 1 pc.
  • Flax seeds - 2 ppm


Sweet pastry
Portions - 3.
Cooking time - 1 h 0 min

Puffs with cottage cheese: how to cook

From the package, get the dough layer. It is usually rectangular. Put on the board, hidden by flour. Top covers with a towel to do not dough. Leave for a while. As soon as the dough becomes softer, proceed to work.

In the meantime, prepare cottage cheese filling. Add cottage cheese in a bowl and sour cream.

Add washed and dry raisins. Stir so that the raisins are evenly distributed on the cottage cheese.

Add sugar and vanilla sugar to taste. Stir.

Dried puff dough roll into a thin rectangular reservoir. If you need, make the board with flour.

Place your cottage cheese filling. Distribute all over the reservoir, not reaching one edge for the most side.

Calorie: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

When you do not know what to cook for evening tea, write down the recipe for the excellent baking from the finished sheet puff pastry with a filling of the curd mass with raisins. Puffs with cottage cheese from finished are very gentle, as the dough itself is very pleasant and with it is generally good. And such a filling is not only delicious, but also useful, because cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium, the so necessary for our body, and especially our kids.
To prepare cottage cheese, you can take any cottage cheese - of course, the homemade will be out of competition, but a delicious filling is also obtained from shop curr. In cottage cheese, we will add steady raisins, sugar, you can also add vanillin for aromatization, coffee extract, small nuts. Here you yourself are already inventing that put in, on the basis of your preferences, and what is at the moment you have at hand.
For a filling of raisins, it is best to buy a large bone, such as Kishmish, otherwise your baking will criste, and then you will have to clean the bones from it.
I generally like such an idea - to work with the finished test, despite the fact that I can and I love to cook, but now, unfortunately, everything is not always enough. But you need to go on time and household and children at work and at work, and for all this, we often forget about yourself. And we also need time to visit the beauty salon, meet with a girlfriend for a cup of coffee, buy another blouse, and just wander around the park, enjoying beautiful nature and a good mood.
That is why, a leaf dough is just like a wand-corrupt, I have in the kitchen. Without special efforts and temporary costs for dinner, you can always cook something delicious.


- leaf dough - 500 g,
- Cottage cheese - 300 g,
- Sweet raisins (no seed) - 50 g,
- Sugar sand - 2 tbsp. l.,
- Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We wash raisins in warm water, then pour it with boiling water and leave half an hour so that it sprinkled. After we merge the water and let me dry out.

Cottage cheese with peat with sugar and one chicken egg, add raisins and our filling is ready.

We defrust the dough so that you can work with it. We lay it into the layer and roll a little rolling pin.
Next, cut the dough into squares to the spicy knife.

On the half of each square of the test, we put a curd filling, and on the second we make some small cuts.

Now cover the test filling, folding squares in half. We have a rectangle. Caution with a fork, press the edge of the dough from three sides.

Lubricate the puff whipped egg and put on the laid papers with a papers.

We bake the peer 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

I advise you to learn how to cook

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