Types and types of organizational culture. Types of organizational crops

Reservoirs 26.09.2019

2. Parameters and main types of organizational culture.

Under parameters Organizational Culture Meets General Signs, on the basis of which different cultures can be classified and compared with each other, for which one or two of their pairs are usually used.

The main signs of organizational culture are:

1) the relationship of members of the organization to the new, to change;

2) the degree of business risk;

3) focus on solving personal problems or instrumental tasks;

4) the degree of resolution centralization;

5) a socially permissible distance between managers and subordinates;

6) the degree of formalization and regulation of activities, subordination to the plans, rules and procedures;

7) the ratio of collectivism and individualism;

8) attitude to women and weak in general;

9) the nature of the relationship between employees and the organization (orientation on independence, independence or conformism, loyalty);

10) management style;

11) orientation of people for cooperation or rivalry;

12) the source of power;

13) Principles of remuneration assessment, etc.

Famous typology of organizational cultures Dana S. Hondi. Each of their types he assigned the name of the Olympic God.

Culture of personal power, or Zeus, based on the ownership of resources. Organizations with such culture have a rigid structure, a high degree of centralization, a few rules and procedures. They are authoritarian, suppress the initiative and tightly control the workers. Success is predetermined by the timely identification of problems and high qualifications of managers, allowing to quickly accept and implement decisions. Such a culture is typical of young commercial firms acting in the face of tough competition.

Rolling culture, or culture of Apollo, based on the rules and instruction system. She is inherent in a clear specialization of participants and the distribution of their roles, rights, responsibilities, responsibility providing administrative success. But it is not flexible, prevents innovation. The source of power in it is the position. Such a culture is peculiar to large corporations and government agencies.

Athens culture, it is adapted to control in extreme or ever-changing situations and ensures rapid problem solving on cooperation, collective creativity. The basis of power in such culture is the professionalism and possession of information. The culture of Athena inherent in project or venture organizations belongs to the transitional and can grow into one of the previous types.

Culture of personality, or Dionysus, associated with emotional start. It is based on creative values \u200b\u200band unites people to achieve their personal goals. The solutions here are made on the basis of the consent of the participants, so the task of power is their coordination.

It is believed that at the stage of the establishment of the organization in managing it, the culture of power prevails; growth stage characterizes role-playing culture, stage of stable development - the culture of the task or culture of the person; The crisis is preferred by the culture of power.

In the typology of the organizational culture proposed by R. Lewis , criterion for estimating culture is the relationship to time. R. Lewis proposes to consider three types of crops:

1) monoactive;

2) polyactive;

3) reactive.

But the classification of R. Lewis, does not exhaust the fullness of the foundation of the individual. It is hardly enough to divide the culture on monoactive, polyactive and reactive, when in different situations, in various transnational companies, the same people can implement different cultures.

Allocate also cultural strategic activities.

Stable focused on actions by analogy with the past, avoiding risk and assumption of changes only in crisis situations. As part of the company, it is characterized by accounting, planned department.

Reactive uses modern experience to solve current internal problems. It also minimizes the risk and permits changes only with unsatisfactory level of efficiency. This is a culture of the manufacturing department.

Optizipation it is aimed at the near future and solves problems based on extrapolation of opportunities. It is not only oriented not only to the internal, but also on the external problems of the organization, allows risk and partial changes. Such a culture is peculiar to planned and marketing units.

Research focusing on a remote future, finding options for solutions based on new features, is constantly balanced between risk and benefits. Characteristic to service strategic planning.

Creative culture oriented to the creation and implementation of innovations, so it is inherent in a constant search, uncertainty and risk. It is characteristic of venture units in force in modern firms.

In addition, the typology proposed by S. Ioshimuri, who believed that the type of organizational culture depends largely on the national-state and ethnic factor. He presented a comparative analysis of the Japanese and Western European mentalities. This analysis is based on comparison of Buddhist and Christian values, whose supports are members of the organization. S. Joyshimuri compares cultures in the following parameters:


Attitude towards nature and fate;

Forms of behavior;

The nature of social relations (Table 2).

table 2. Comparison of Japanese and European mentalities

Criteria comparison



Monism, intuition

Dualism, logic

Attitude towards nature

Identification, submission of fate, consent, resistance

Domination, Challenge, Progress Orientation, Overcoming

Forms of behavior

Group, Situation, Personality Installation

Individual, Scientific Principles, Intellectual or Functional Abilities

Social relations

Compromison between personalities, individual identification with organization, closeness, stability of the organization

Confrontation, competition between individuals, confrontation of the existence of an individual and organization, openness, instability of the organization

But perhaps the most brief and accurate classification of organizational crops gave an American researcher William Ouchi.

2.1 Typology of organizational culture U. Ouchi.

Typology of organizational culture based on competing values Proposed by a well-known American specialist in the problems of management by William Ouchi. According to this typology, there are four most common types of organizational culture:

* hierarchical (bureaucratic);

* Market;

* Clan;

* adhocratic;

It is believed that such typology covers all existing cultures. It allocate two dimensions. The first separates the criteria for the effectiveness of the organization, emphasizing flexibility, discreteness and dynamism, from criteria corresponding to the second dimension and associated with stability, procedure and control. Both measurements suggest the use of four groups of indicators, each of which clearly indicates organizational efficiency and determines that it is people who appreciate the organization's activities.

Hierarchical (bureaucratic) culture. For this type of organizational culture, it is characterized by an emphasis on a strategy within an organization and a consistent image of action in a stable environment. Here are symbols, samples for imitation and ceremony emphasize the importance of cooperation, traditions and compliance with the approved policy. Organization with such culture succeeds due to its good internal integration and efficiency. The key values \u200b\u200bof success are considered a clear distribution of decision-making powers, standardized rules and procedures, accounting and control mechanisms. This culture is effective in stable, well-projected situations, but in the situation of increasing uncertainty, at the moments of crisis, its effectiveness falls.

Market culture. This is not about the concept of marketing function or submission of consumers in the market; This is how the type of organization operating as the market is determined, i.e. Oriented to the outside environment, and not to the inner state.

The basic assumptions of market culture are as follows:

* External environment - hostile challenge;

* Consumers are picky;

* The organization is engaged in the business in order to strengthen its position in the competitive struggle.

With such a culture, the organization binds together the desire to win. Success is determined in the market share and degree of penetration into the market. It is important to be ahead of the rivals on competition and leadership in the market. Employees of this type of organizational culture are guided mainly to profitability. The effectiveness of the activity of that or other division is determined on the basis of the cost indicators related primarily with the costs of production. Therefore, the company focuses on the problem of reducing production costs. Enterprises with this type of culture can be functioning quite efficiently in conditions of uncertainty and risk.

Clan culture. The organization of clan type is characterized by dividing by all the values \u200b\u200band objectives of the organization, cohesion, complicity, individuality and feeling of the organization as "We". Basic basis assumptions are as follows:

* With an external environment, it is best to cope with the brigade work and caring for an increase in the qualifications of employees;

* The consumer is a partner;

* The main task of managers is to delegate to the hired working permissions and facilitate the conditions for their participation in business, creating opportunities for demonstrating their dedication and organization. This type of culture of U. Ouchi examines as an addition to the first two cultures. This type of culture can exist both within market and inside a bureaucratic culture. Clanted culture is distributed in informal organizations. The clan is formed on the basis of any valuable system shared by all its members. This system of values \u200b\u200bis not imposed on the outside, but is created by the organizing itself, so it is more adaptable to changing situations. The iconic symbolic components of the organizational culture are not strictly regulating the actions, but only send them into a certain direction and it creates a greater degree of freedom of behavior, which means adaptation to changing conditions. The authorities in organizations with this type of culture have due to personal advantages.

Organizational culture is a set of system characteristics of the characteristics of organizations that determine the level of their internal integration and external adaptation of the organization as a holistic social mechanism.

Types of organizational culture As variant characteristics sets are very diverse. PA of each phase of the life cycle of the organization set of these characteristics is changing.

Each type of organizational culture contains elements of the past, present and future.

"Past", "Outside" Type Determined by the programs and fragments of the OK of previous periods, which are nevertheless present in the organization at present. The implementation of all control functions is carried out in accordance with the norms and programs of behavior, which have developed earlier and have lost their value as the regulators of the internal environment processes.

" Today's " a type - This is the set of managerial actions that provides today's reproduction of all elements of the internal environment, reproduces the type of organization itself, contributes to its survival and preservation.

" Future " a type - This is a set of orgultural phenomena growing or absent in the internal environment of the Organization in the evolutionary changes in the internal variables initiated by constructive counterparts or subcultures, as well as under the influence of changes in the external environment of the management entity.

Each of the selected types has a significant impact on the change in the competitiveness of the organization as a whole, increasing, stabilizing or relaxing it, even if it has a fairly high strategic potential.

Consider the influence of selective subjective components on the formation of three types of organizational culture (Table 7.3).

Table 7.3.

The impact of the subjective components on the formation of types of organizational culture




Interaction system when performing managerial functions

Mostly from top to bottom, hierarchical structures, there is practically no feedback and attracting lower levels to the development of management solutions. Acts of leadership contradict collective interests and values

The presence of interaction and pronounced objective communication, informing employees about promising strategies. Decisions are accepted in accordance with the Collective Goals of the Organization

Using subcultures of the organization's divisions to transition to project management, attracting personnel to develop strategic decisions. Harmonization of leadership actions with staff development goals

Horizontal interaction system

Only formal relationships in the framework of job duties and distribution of authority or, on the contrary, business interaction is replaced by informal family relations

There is a balance of distribution of authority and responsibility. Informal relationships are implemented as needed

Business relations are intensified by informal relationships (skillfully used synergistic effect of combining formal and informal structures)

Attitude to the operating environment, to customers

Attitude towards the consumer as a means of the organization's existence, the economic policy of the organization is progressive

Attitude towards the consumer is strategically and tactically based on marketing approaches. Consumer - goal

Internal marketing systems are formed. Attitude towards internal systems as clients.

Fully customer-oriented behavior

Attitude towards competitors

Absolutization "I am a company" on the market, disregard for competitors;

  • "Ostrich" position;
  • "Black" technology of competitive struggle

Attentive tracking of someone else's strategy and tactics; Competitive struggle by civilized methods

The established monitoring of the operating environment, the transition to strategic alliances with competitors

Attitude to innovation

Superior syndrome. Hostile attitude to someone else's experience.

Anyone else's opinion is perceived as incorrect

Mastering new approaches and working methods. Search for new competitive technologies. Openness and readiness for mutually beneficial cooperation. Rejects thinking like "or-or"

Personal self-development is stimulated; Welcome and take into account paradoxical proposals, even if their implementation is currently impossible

Attitude to the values \u200b\u200band norms

Cruelty and dogmatism formal norms. Intolerance to any manifestations of dissent and initiatives by the leadership.

The values \u200b\u200bproclaimed by the leadership are declarative. The staff does not assign the mission and goals of the organization

The presence of basic preferences adopted by most values, basic preferences, formal and informal norms. Violation of the norms while maintaining the main ideological principles of the organization

Organizational culture becomes strategic value. Norms are developed collectively, assigned by all management levels of the organization

Consider typology of organizational culture, The proposed J. Mannene and S. Barley, based on the criteria for the distribution of power and value orientation of the individual. Based on these criteria, four types of organizational culture are distinguished:

  • 1) the culture of power;
  • 2) role-playing culture;
  • 3) task culture;
  • 4) personality culture.

Culture of power - The culture of the organization in which the leader is given a special place, his personal qualities and abilities. The source of power is the resources at the disposal of the head. Such organizations have a rigid hierarchical structure. This type of culture allows the organization to quickly respond to a change in the situation, to quickly make decisions and organize their execution. "The culture of power" is characteristic of newly formed commercial structures, as well as for small organizations of family type, which are in most cases and are small businesses.

Rolling culture - This is a bureaucratic culture. It is characterized by the strict functional distribution of roles and specialization of the plots, whose activities are coordinated and sent by a small link of the highest leadership. This type of organization operates on the basis of the rule system, procedures and standards of activity, the observance of which guarantees its effectiveness. The source of power is the position of a structural unit or a person occupied in the hierarchical structure. The organization with such a culture successfully works in a stable, predictable environment. In the event of a quick and cardinal environmental change, when it is necessary to respond rapidly, this type of culture is ineffective.

Task culture Oriented to the joint formulation, solving problems and project implementation. With project management, personnel becomes free in the choice of technologies and the form of interaction. The effectiveness of such an organization is determined by the high professionalism of the staff and the cooperative group effect. Organizations as the main feature becomes a cultural phenomenon.

The source of power is the professionalism and possession of information resources. This culture is effective when the situational market requirements are defining the organization's activities. "Task culture" works well in situations where resources are available to anyone who needs them. Control over the activities is carried out by the highest management of the organization and is reduced to the distribution of projects, employees and resources, the NA leaving the methods of work without attention. You can consider the "culture of the problem" by transitional, able to grow either into the "culture of power", or in the "role culture". It is the dynamism and encouraging of the initiative that the TIN culture makes the greatest extent to the needs of medium and small organizations. With the development of an organization with a culture of this type, the development of the adhocratic style of culture is observed. Professionalism and competence are becoming a key parameter of adhocratic culture. The most competent has a greater power, has more powers and, accordingly, it takes a priority place in the organization.

Personal culture There is a place when the foundation of the organization is creative personality. Such an organization combines NA people to solve some common tasks, and in order for them to achieve their own goals. An example of the effectiveness of this type of culture can serve as legal advice, law office, creative unions, etc., where power is based on proximity to resources and the ability to negotiate.

Another interesting approach to the typology of organizational culture is the systematization of W. Ouchi, which he spent in relation to a large number of organizations. As a result, he concluded that there are three most common types of organizational culture: 1) Market, 2) bureaucratic and 3) clan.

Market culture Based on the domination of value relations. The management and staff of such an enterprise is guided by profitability. The company with such a type of culture focuses on the problem of reducing production costs. Such enterprises can function normally for a long time. We believe that, subject to a fairly attentive attitude towards personnel - this is the most optimal and correct type of culture of a commercial enterprise.

Bureaucratic culture (In many respects, relations with "culture of role") is based on the system of power, carrying out the regulation of all the activities of the enterprise in the form of rules, instructions and procedures. The source of power is competence. Such a culture is effective in stable, well-projected situations. In a situation of uncertainty, its effectiveness falls.

Clan culture It can be considered as an additional element to two first types of culture. This type of culture can exist within a market or inside a bureaucratic culture. Clan culture applies to informal organizations and is formed on the basis of a system of values \u200b\u200bshared by all its members, which is created by the Organization itself. Unlike the rules and instructions of the value of the NA, strictly regulate the actions, but only send them to a certain direction, and this creates a greater degree of freedom of behavior, and therefore adaptation to changing conditions.

In the context of globalization, typology, based on the crossnational characteristics of the organizational culture, is of great importance. For the first time, the main criteria for this typology were proposed by the Dutch sociologist of Hofstede to analyze the characteristics of the organizational culture of branches of IBM corporation located in different countries.

Typology Hofsteda is built on five variables:

  • 1) distance of power;
  • 2) individualism;
  • 3) masculinity;
  • 4) the desire to avoid uncertainty;
  • 5) Long-term orientation.

Distance of power - The degree of inequality between people, which the population of this country considers permissible or normal. At the same time, the low degree is characterized by relative equality in society, and high - on the contrary.

The second variable is characterized individualism or a degree with which people of this country prefer to act as individuals, and not as members of some group. The high degree of this variable suggests that a person who is in the conditions of free social relations in society itself cares about himself and his own in the family, as well as his own actions are full responsibility. The same variable is characterized as collectivism (or low degree of individualism). In collectivist societies, people since childhood vaccinate respect for the groups to which they belong (usually family, family, clan or organization). Members expect a group to protect and will be responsible for them if they fall into trouble. For this, they are obliged to pay loyalty to their group throughout life. In individualistic societies, since childhood, they teach to think about themselves in terms of "I", and not part of "us." It is expected to get one day on the feet, the individual will no longer receive protection from his group and it will not be responsible for him. Therefore, he should not show strong loyalty towards the group.

The third variable also has two poles: masculinity and femnost, Reflecting the attitude of people in this culture to the values \u200b\u200bof the type "perseverance" and "self-confidence", "high level of work", "success and competition", which are associated almost everywhere with the role of a man. These values \u200b\u200bdiffer from the "gentle values" of the "life facilities" type, "maintaining warm personal relationships", "Caring for weak and solidarity" associated mainly with the role of a woman. We are talking about predominance in society samples of behavior inherent in either representatives of male or female. The role of a woman is excellent from the role of a man in all countries, but in "hard" societies, this is more difference than in the "gentle".

Fourth variable - "The desire to avoid uncertainty" - The degree with which people of this country have preference to structured situations as opposed to unstructured. Structured organizations with clear and clear rules of how should behave. These rules can be formalized, and can be supported by tradition. In countries with a high degree of desire to avoid uncertainty, people tend to show great excitement and anxiety, feverishness in work, or "Avralism". In the opposite case, people behave and work more calmly and systematically. In countries with a high degree of desire, uncertainty prevails the opinion that "everything is not ours and unusual" represents the danger. With a low degree of desire to avoid uncertainty, all "ns its own and unusual" causes cognitive curiosity.

The fifth variable is measured by a long-term or short-term orientation in the behavior of members of society. Long-term orientation It is characterized by a look in the future and manifests itself in the desire for savings and storage, in perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goals. Short-term orientation It is characterized by a look in the past and present and manifests itself through respect for traditions and heritage, through the fulfillment of social obligations.

Recently, the "Corporate Culture" and "Organizational Culture" are attended in everyday life of management practitioners. In our opinion, "Corporate culture is a broader concept characterizing a system of relations in a certain professional or sectoral society (specific areas of business, financial and banking, state and municipal management, commercial sector, education, health care, culture, etc. ). Transforming in the framework of specific organizations, corporate culture is individualized; Formal professional signs, norms and values \u200b\u200bbecome attributes of specific groups of people, are perceived by themselves as their own. Corporate culture - These are some artificially designed rules, Which staff at work must do: how to dress which speech formulas to use (for example, when talking with clients by phone), what external forms of behavior they are obliged to adhere to, etc. At the same time, the organizational culture expresses itself in the system of relations naturally in this organization and is in dynamic development or degradation. In essence, a priori organizational culture, like any culture, is not aware, but is expressed through those typical solutions that people take. This is its feature.

So, being a multifaceted and capacious phenomenon, the organizational culture does not fit into the framework of a single typology or approach. A variety of concepts focus the various sides of this organizational phenomenon. Therefore, a versatile analysis provided in these typologies may become a valuable tool for implementing management impact on organizational culture.

Organizational culture naturally aims to develop the organization itself. However, in the conditions of a dynamic, constantly changing external environment, a system of exposure to the means of organizational culture on the operational environment is created: suppliers, consumers, partners, government bodies, competitors. In the practice of modern management, such a systematic impact on the external environment in order to improve the competitiveness of the company or more active implementation in certain areas of activity is related to the formation of the corporate image of the organization.

The classification of organizational culture is necessary to determine and analyze its basic types in order to identify specific traits of culture of each particular organization, as well as the development of adequate methods for its improvement.

The classification of organizational culture should have an applied character, providing the opportunity to determine the type of culture of their company. The type of organizational culture is one of the indicators of its integrated assessment (see paragraph 2.4), on the basis of which the strategy of its formation and development is being developed.

The classification can serve as a tool when carrying out a comparative analysis of organizational cultures of several firms or various divisions of one company. Such an analysis can assist in identifying the causes of conflicts, the lack of cooperation between units, which may be due to cultural differences.

Under type of organizational culture It is understood as a certain group of cultures, combined according to the general, most significant feature that distinguishes this type from others.

Edgar Shane, an American researcher, allocates an objective and subjective culture.

Objective Organizational culture is associated with the physical environment of the company: the building, its appearance, location, equipment and furniture, color gamut interior, amenities, cafeteria, parking for cars and cars themselves, uniforms, information stands, etc.

Subjective Organizational culture includes shared by all employees of value, beliefs, ethical standards, spiritual symbols (Heroes of the organization, history and myths about the leaders and the organization itself, rites, language and communication style of workers). Subjective organizational culture creates a basis for the formation of management culture, i.e. The styles of the leadership and solutions to the heads of problems, their behavior as a whole. This creates differences between similar in the form of organizational cultures.

The famous Professor of the London School of Business School Charles Handy identified four main types of organizational culture: culture of power, culture of the role, culture of the task and culture of the personality,which are characterized by the nature of the management of the organization. Appendix 1 presents tests that will determine the type of organizational culture of a specific company on Ch. Handy.

American researchers K. Cameron and R. Quinn will find that the following types of organizational culture are exist: clan, adhocratic, hierarchical, market.

Organizations S. clan culture focus on flexibility in decision making inside the organization, concern about people, good feeling to consumers; Leaders - educators. The organization is combined at the expense of dedication and traditions. The high value is attached to the moral climate, collective cohesion. Success is determined by a kind sense to consumers and concern for people.

Organizations S. adhocratic type Cultures focus on external positions in combination with high flexibility and individual approach to people. People are ready to take risks. Leaders - innovators. Binds the organization to be dedicated to experimentation and innovation. Success means the production of unique new products. Personal initiative and freedom is encouraged.

Hierarchical culture It is characteristic of organizations that focus on internal support in combination with the required stability and control. In organizations with a hierarchical culture, a formalized and structured place of work. Leaders - rationally thinking coordinators and organizers. The organization combines formal rules and official policies. Success is determined by the implementation of calendar graphs at low costs. Personnel management is focused on guarantees employment and providing long-term predictability.

Organizations S. market culture focus on external positions in combination with the required stability and control. The main concern of the organization is to fulfill the task and the achievement of the goal. Leaders are solid leaders and tough competitors. The organization binds the desire to win. Close attention is paid to the reputation and success of the firm. Success is determined by market share, degree of market penetration.

The main thing in organizations with role-oriented culture -procedures, rules prescribed functions. In the spotlight in organizations with task-oriented culture - Performing a task, the ability to cope with the task, a new situation, adapt to it. The main thing in organizations with man-oriented culture - Potential man, employee, his ability. In organizations S. power-oriented culture The focus is on the growth of the organization, and the significance of employees is determined by the importance of their position.

By the nature of development, you can also allocate "Men's" and "female" cultures.

Men's cultures Provide communication and adequate and timely reaction to changes in the external environment, the exchange of information with it. Men's cultures are to dynamic, continuously updating, striving for changes. With the domination of the male principle in the culture of the organization will strive for the continuous implementation of innovation, high-quality transformations. Female cultures ensure the sustainable functioning of the organization, strive to preserve, consolidate, expand the results achieved and existing procedures. With the predominance of female culture in the organization, the main efforts of the control exposure will be aimed at strengthening and maintaining the old. Both cultures are complementary and necessary for the normal functioning of the organization, since various cultures are more appropriate in different conditions.

The Dutch researcher Girt Hofsted shares organizational cultures in the following aspects:

  • degree of individualism or collectivism;
  • The degree of rejection of uncertainty, i.e. the degree of comfort of employees, if necessary, to make decisions, identify the future;
  • The degree of masculinity or femininity. Masculinity determines the degree of perseverance, independence, individual domination encouraged in the organization;
  • Distance between people having a different status (power distance), i.e. To what extent the members of the organization perceive the status and social status of persons;
  • The degree of significance of perseverance, status, leaning and insignificance of personal durability, reputation, respect for tradition, reciprocity of services (Hofsted called this aspect of "Confucian dynamism").

Enlarged signs and main types of organizational culture are presented in Table. 1.4.

Table 1.4.

Enlarged types of organizational culture

Introverted Organizational culture is characterized by focusing on the internal environment of the organization (structure, processes, resources), in domestic connections and company relations (between divisions, employees). Organizations S. extravel Culture focuses on external relations and relationships, they are directed to the outer environment, actively interact with the external environment.

In organizations with culture individualism A priority value is the personal success of each employee, personal career, for workers, the improvement of their own professionalism is characterized, often highly specialized. In organizations with culture collectivism You can observe the predominance of collective decisions, the predominance of the interests and objectives of the organization over the personal interests of workers; In such organizations, there are high "team spirit", collective cohesion, employees identify themselves with the organization.

Characteristics bureaucratic and innovative Organizational culture is reflected in Table. 1.5.

T iblitsa 1 .5

Characteristics of bureaucratic and innovative type of organizational culture


Bureaucratic culture

Innovative culture

Vertical of power

Tough, multi-level

Lack of hard vertical

Distribution of functions between divisions and employees

Clearly defined and limited

Blurnes blurry

Target orientation

For private purposes

On common goal

Character of management



Decisions of decision-making

A responsibility

Disclinished, low in performers and low-level managers

Specified, high in performers

Delegation of authority


Document Drive

Implementation of innovation

Bureaucratic obstacles

Orientation for permanent innovation, encouraging a creative approach, continued investment in new technologies

Managment structure

Linear functional

Matrix, project, process-team


Nominal, weak

Collaboration, mutual assistance

It is important to note that the term "bureaucratic organizational culture" is not synonymous with an ineffective, outdated culture. Under certain conditions, and for certain organizations, this type of culture may be preferable.

Famous German sociologist, philosopher, economist Max Weber formulated the theory of bureaucracy, where he defined a bureaucratic organization as the most advanced and effective. The reasons for the high effectiveness of the bureaucratic device of organizing Weber saw in clearly defined and outlined functions and responsibilities of each member of the organization; In such organizations, power and powers are clearly distributed; Strict impersonal requirements for positions ensure the employment of only qualified specialists. The advantage of a bureaucratic organization in the hierarchy, subordination, is that management is based only on written orders and orders.

In bureaucratic organizations, there are clear stable and simple rules that anyone can quickly understand and remember. At the expense of these qualities, according to Weber, the maximum efficiency of the organization is achieved, reducing the friction in the team, reducing the costs of material and human resources. The main positive feature of the bureaucracy is its complete decking.

The bureaucratic type of organizational culture has its positive features and in some cases is justified (for example, if necessary, the establishment of more rigid control, streamlining the activities of the organization, with not highly qualified personnel, in large organizations with a linear-functional organizational structure, etc.).

Appendix 2 shows special forms to determine the type of organizational culture in three consolidated features.


Organizational culture It is a system of collective values \u200b\u200bthat share all members of the organization, including symbols, beliefs, samples of behavior that sustained the test of time.

Types of organizational culture are most often developed and changed during the exercise of human activity. Employees of the Organization in their interaction over time form and improve the norms and mutual expectations that have a great influence on their subsequent behavior.

The culture of the organization includes subjective and objective elements. Subjective elements include values, beliefs, myths and images, rituals and prohibitions, which are related to the history of the enterprise and the life of its founders.

Objective elements characterize the material aspect of the functioning of the enterprise and include symbols, colors, convenience and design of the interior, furniture, appearance of buildings, equipment, etc.

Types of organizational culture in the theory of organization

There are types of organizational culture in the theory of the organization, which are presented the most common varieties of organizational cultures. Types of organizational culture in the theory of the organization is most often divided into relevant criteria.

The most concise and accurate classification option is the classification of the American explorer William Ouchi, which highlighted three main types:

  1. market culture, Characterized by the dominance of the cost factor and profit orientation. The source of government within the framework of market culture is owned by resources;
  2. bureaucratic culture Based on the rule of regulations (rules and procedures). Here, the source of the authorities is the positions of members of the organization;
  3. clan culture which complements the previous types of organizational culture in the theory of the organization. The basis of the clan culture is in the internal values \u200b\u200bof the enterprises that direct its activities. In this culture, the source of power is presented by tradition.

Types of organizational culture

In accordance with the orientation of culture on people (material conditions) and the degree of openness or closedness allocate the types of organizational culture in the theory of the organization.

Bureaucratic culture It is based on the regulation of all parties to the company's activities by documents, clear rules, procedures. At the same time, the assessment of the personnel occurs according to the formal principles and criteria. This type of culture gives a guarantee for staff in stability, security, eliminates conflict situations.

Guardian culture It is characterized by a favorable moral and psychological climate, coherence of employees, group standards and values, an informal statute of workers, personal activity, mutual understanding, harmony of relations. This type of culture guarantees employees the possibility of stability, development, participation in the affairs of the organization.

Business culture

With the help of entrepreneurial culture, the actions are supported, which are directed by the outside enterprise to the future, innovation and creative activity of employees.

The advantage of the entrepreneurial type of organizational culture is to guarantee the satisfaction of the needs of personnel in development and improvement. Here, the Office is based on faith in the head, his knowledge and experience, including the possibility of attracting employees to creativity.

Types of organizational culture in the organization is based on their classification have ways to profit. For example, American scientists Dil and Kennedy in accordance with this feature also allocated administrative and investment culture.

Administrative and investment culture

Administrative culture They will be applied mainly by large enterprises, as well as government agencies. This type of organizational culture at the head of the corner puts profits, as well as loud success, minimizing risks, stability, security. This type of culture is distinguished by a bureaucraticness, a formal approach, notion of decision-making, orientation for titles and positions.

Investment culture Large companies and banks contribute to maintaining a business with a high degree of risks, which is related to major capital investments on a long time frame, subject to uncertainty, when the impossibility of rapid returns appears. Here, most of the solutions are taken centrally and is based on careful checks, since the future of the enterprise depends on each decision.

Consider some of the most famous varieties of organizational crops. These cultures are usually classified according to several parameters (see ยง 1 of this chapter).

Perhaps the most brief and accurate version of their classification gave an American researcher William Ouchi. He allocated three main types:

1) Market culture, which is characterized by the domination of value relations and profit orientation. The source of power under such a culture is the ownership of resources;

2) a bureaucratic culture based on the domination of regulations, rules and procedures. The source of government here serves the position of members of the organization;

3) clan culture complementing the previous ones. Its foundation is the internal values \u200b\u200bof the organization, guiding the activity of the latter. The source of power here serve tradition.

Based on such circumstances as the orientation of culture on people or material conditions, on the one hand, openness and closeness, on the other, allocate its following types.

Bureaucratic culture It is characterized by regulating all parties to the organization's activities based on documents, clear rules, procedures; Evaluation of personnel on formal principles and criteria. The source of power concentrated in the hands of the manual is here. Such a culture guarantees people stability, security, eliminates conflicts.

Guardian culture It is manifested in a favorable moral and psychological climate, cohesion of people, group norms and values, informal statute of employees, their personal activity, mutual understanding, harmony of relations. Culture guarantees staff stability, development, participation in the affairs of the organization.

Praxiological(gr. RGAK11Koz - active) Culture is based on the order, rationality, plans, careful monitoring of their implementation, evaluating the activities of the employee according to the results. The main figure is the leader whose power is based on officials and deep knowledge. He admits at certain boundaries to attract employees to management. All this ensures high performance.

Business culturesupports actions directed by the organization and the prospect, innovation and creative personnel activity. The attractiveness of the culture is that it guarantees the satisfaction of the needs of workers in development and improvement. Management here is based on faith in the head, his knowledge and experience, as well as attracting staff to creativity.

Classification business culturesthere are methods for making profits. For example, American researchers Dil and Kennedy, depending on them allocated the following types of such cultures.

Trade cultureit is primarily characterized by trade organizations, which are characterized by the rapid obtaining results and a small risk. Here the desire for short-term success is dominated here, which largely depends not as much as much as the number of transactions, the stability of contacts, understanding the needs of the market. For this kind of organizations, mutual support for employees and the spirit of collectivism is characterized.

Culture of profitable dealsinfected by organizations like stock. It is also characterized by a focus on rapid money in conditions of speculation and high financial risk. Communication between people is fleeting here and occurs mainly on the soil of chase for money. Such a culture requires young or spiritually young employees who have fighting qualities and character hardness.

Administrative cultureinherent in the largest firms, as well as government agencies. She puts at the foreman not so much profit or loud success, how much risk minimization, stability, security. It is distinguished by bureaucratic, a formal approach, non-decision-making, orientation for titles and positions.

Investment culturelarge firms and banks support business with a high risk associated with major capital investments for a long time in conditions of uncertainty, where fast returns are impossible. Most decisions are taken here to be centrally based on a thorough check, because the future of the company depends on each of them. This requires employees of experience, authority, diligence, joint discussion of action options.

The most famous typology of management crops is given S. Hondi. Each of the types he assigned the name of the corresponding Olympic God.

Culture of power, or Zeus. Its significant moment is a personal power whose source is the possession of resources. Organizations professing such culture have a rigid structure, a high degree of centralization of management, a few rules and procedures, suppress the initiative of employees, carry out strict control over all. Success here is predetermined by the qualifications of the head and the timely identification of problems, which allows you to quickly accept and implement decisions. Such culture is characteristic of young commercial structures.

Roleberry culture, or culture of Apollo.This is a bureaucratic culture based on the system of rules and instructions. It has a clear distribution of roles, rights, responsibilities and responsibilities between management workers. She is inflexible, and makes it difficult to innovation, therefore ineffective in conditions of change. The source of power here is the position, and not the personal qualities of the head. Such management culture is inherent in large corporations and government agencies.

Culture of the task, or Athens. This culture is adapted to management in extreme conditions and ever-changing situations, so the focus is on the speed of solving problems. It is based on cooperation, collective developing ideas and common values. Power rests on knowledge, competence, professionalism and possessing information. This is a transitional type of management culture that can erase into one of the previous ones. It is characterized by design or venture universities.

Personal culture, or Dionysus.It is associated with the emotional beginning and is based on creative values, uniting people not to solve official tasks, but to achieve individual goals. Decisions here are made on the basis of consent, therefore the government is coordinated.

Experts believe that, as a rule, the culture of power prevails at the initiative of the organization in managing it; growth stage characterizes role-playing culture; Stage of stable development - the culture of the task or culture of the person; The crisis is preferred by the culture of power.

An important element of the organization's management culture is a culture of attitudes towards women (both leading positions and ordinary performers), which determines their position, as well as to the weak floor in general. The following types of such culture are distinguished:

1) culture of the gentlemen club. This is a culture of polite, humane, civilized people, in which men managers, based on the paternalistic positions, gently hold women on certain roles, not allowing them to rise above. Women are appreciated at the work that they do, but they do not allow to destroy barriers and occupy leadership positions. The attempt of women insist on their rights leads to a deterioration of a good attitude towards them;

2) culture barracks. It is despotic and is peculiar to bureaucratic organizations with many control levels, where women occupy the lower steps. Such a culture allows you to ignore their interests and relate to them roughly and contemptuously (however, as well as all who do not have real power);

3) culture of sports dressing room. In its framework, the men build interpersonal relationships on the basis of specific male interests, ideas and demonstrate open disregard for women. Women, even high position, for example, belonging to the highest management of the organization, men in their own communication do not allow;

4) culture denial differences between the sexes. This culture rejects discrimination, but simultaneously does not see the real differences between the floors, ignores the feminine essence, the seed duties of women, and therefore requires them the same success as from men;

5) Culture of false protection of women. As part of this culture, the idea of \u200b\u200bequality based on universal values \u200b\u200bis replaced by the myths of equality. There is a discrimination in the form of patronage when women (or weak at all) are rapidly attracted to active work, they bring up a sense of confidence in them, constantly remind them that they are victims that need help and support:

6) culture of intelligent macho. Externally, this culture does not take into account sexual differences, for simply intelligent and energetic people who know how to provide high economic efficiency of the firm in the face of tough competition. Do not cope are punishable and dismissed, and sometimes women are more cruel and merciless.

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