The territory of the settlement of the Eastern Slavs card. At the origins of Slavic writing

Reservoirs 14.10.2019

Requirements, customs and beliefseastern Slavs in antiquity

The oldest history of Slavs is finally not yet found out by historians, their origin and praodine are not installed. The origins of the historical fate of Slavs go to nowhere. Scientists do not have a miserable closer information about those times - gray-haired antiquity. In accuracy, it is not even known when Slavs learned writing. Many researchers associate the emergence of Slavic writing with the adoption of Christianity. All information about the ancient Slavs of the complementary era is extracted by historians from the miser lines of historical and geographical writings belonging to the Ancient Roman and Byzantine authors. Archaeological finds were shed on some events, but how difficult it is to correctly interpret each of them! Often, archaeologists argue among themselves, determining which objects found by them belonged to the Slavs, and which - no.

Slavyan Slavyhana

Each drop of solid knowledge is on the whole ocean of assumptions and guesses. Thus, the early history of the Slavs is no less mysterious and mysterious than the story of Atlantis.

Praodina Slavs and their settlement

No accurate information about where the Slavs come from and from which nations they occur. Some historians bind the origin of the Slavs with scythianswho lived in the Northern Black Sea and Dnieper during the time of the ancient Greek historian of Herodotus (V c. BC).

Scientists believe that in I thousand n. e. Slavs occupied a huge territory: from the Balkans to modern Belarus and from the Dnieper to the regions of Central Europe. In those distant times within the modern borders of Russia, the Slavic tribes has not yet been.

Byzantine historians VI in. called Slavs antami.and splavins.Antah differed militantly.


Initially, they were not the Slavic people, but, for a long time, living side by side with Slavs, was stem and in the presentation of the neighbors who wrote about them became the most powerful of the Slavic tribes.

Neighborhood of Slavs in the V-VII centuries. It was a real disaster for Byzantium. For many centuries, the power of the Roman Empire has stopped the invasion of the barbaric peoples. But there was time, and the empire was faded. She broke into two halves - Western and East, each of which had their own emperors. The Western Empire fell under the onslaught of wild gentlemen. The Eastern Empire, who later received the name of Byzantium, resulted against many enemies when armed force, and when a subtle diplomacy, having a threat to the invasion of its territory. But the Slavs appeared at her borders. Their constant raids kept the Byzantines in fear.

The horror inspired by the Slavs to the enemy, compare with the thrill, which in other times was forced to experience Hunnna, Vikings or Mongol-Tatars in other times. Fury in battle and the ability to endure the most severe treasures of hikes made Slavs a serious opponent. Feeling that the defense of the borders of the Empire of Lack, the Slavs eventually watered a wide stream on her land, occupying areas from the Danube to Crete and from the coast of the Adriatic Sea to Malaya Asia. At the same time, the flows of Slavic migrants rushed in all directions, including the Russian plain.

fight of Slavs with Pechenegs

Approximately from the VI century. From the general Slavonic unity begins the allocation of three branches: southern, Westernand eastern Slavs.South Slavic peoples (Serbs, Montenegrins, etc.) subsequently formed from those Slavs who settled within the Byzantine Empire, gradually sprinkling with its population. Only Bulgarians did not stop fighting with Byzantines, but they also experienced the strongest influence of Byzantine culture. Western Slavs became those who took the land of modern Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and partly Germany. As for the eastern Slavs, they got a huge territory between three seas: black, white and Baltic. The most descendants became modern Belarusians, Ukrainians and Russians.

S. V. Ivanov. "Housing of Eastern Slavs."

For half a thousand oriental Slavs mastered these endless expanses. Territory of Eastern Europe in the VII-VIII centuries. It was covered with dense forests. At the border of the forest and the steppe with the Slavs competed, struggling for the territory, nomadic peoples. But those lands that belonged to the forest strip can not be called free. They are long before the arrival of Slavyan inhabited the Balt and Ugro-Finnish tribes (all, Chud, Meri, Murom, Meshör, Mordva, etc.). It would seem what area of \u200b\u200bRussia is different and do not name, as the original Russian? This is Russian. Rostov, Vologda, Arkhangelsk, Beloozero - How much they say the names of these ancient cities to the Russian Heart! But a thousand years ago, the Slavs in these places lived an absolute minority. The settlements were located here so rarely that the Slavs initially did not even have to conflict with the local Balt and Throat-Finnish population, and the peaceful neighborhood led to a gradual dismissal part of its considerable part. The studies of anthropologists show that the ancestors of Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are not only Slavs, but also ancient threats and Balts.

Slavic village

However, it was not always this neighborhood was only peaceful. The chronicles are stored by the certificate of breaking out from time to the armed confrontation of Slavs and local tribes.

East Slavic unions of tribes

Initial information on the resettlement of East Slavic tribes was obtained from the "Tale of Bygone Years". They are confirmed by the finds of archaeologists.

Slavs share slaves and other prey, returning from a long campaign.

From Slavs, "Sitting on the Danube", the Slavic tribes diverged along various lands and were nicknamed by the names of their own who were somewhere (i.e. began to live. - Approx. ed.)at what place. "

Poles were called the Slavs, which settled on the middle course of the Dnieper around Kiev. "There were three brothers," the chronicler tells, "Kiy, who sat on Mount, where the Borichev was now raising, and the second brother's cheek was sitting on a mountain, called a cheekvice, and the third brother Horive - on Mount Horivice. And they had a sister named Lybia. " The brothers built the town and named their older brother called him Kiev. Around the city was "Forest and Bor", and in it was caught by animals.

"And there were those men wisers and were silent and called Polyans, from them Polyana to this day in Kiev." In another place of the chronicles, it is said that they are called Polyans because "sitting in the field."

Monument to the founders of Kiev

According to legend, Prince Kiy traveled to Byzantium, to Tsargrad (Constantinople), where the emperor gave him great honors. On the way back, Ki loved his place on the Danube, chuckled the town called the town called Kyiv and wanted to settle in him with his family, but was expelled with the surrounding inhabitants. Cue returned to his city, where he died; And his brothers, and sister died here.

North of the Pollas on the River Rivers and Sulu lived northernersand north-west of Kiev settled drevlyannamed so because they lived in dense forests. Their center was the city of Earrows. Tribes that settled between the pripenia and moved, called dregovichi;other "sat down" on doubt in the place where the river fell in her, and got a name shelf.In the upper reaches of the Volga, Dnieper and Western Dvina settled cryvichitheir main city was Smolensk. Radmichiand vyatichiaccording to the chronicles, the kind of "Lyakhov" (Poles) occurred. "There were two brothers in Lyakhov - Radimmas, and the other - Vyatko, - the Chronicler writes. - And they came and sat down: Radims on the saint (Dnipro's influx. - Approx. ed.),and the radiologists were called from him, and Vyatko sat with his birth to OK, from him received their name Vyatichi. "

BUGU GIVII buzhana,or dulesabout which the chronicler tells that they are "climbing" nomads obra(Avara). This nomadic people fought with Byzantium and Slavs in the VI century. According to legend, Avara, gathering somewhere to go, did not allow to damage in the cart of a horse or ox, but they were injected by three, four or five dull women and forced them to carry themselves. These obras, according to the chronicle, "the body was great, and the um of proud, and God destroyed them, and everything died, and not a single Oorina left."

Since then, the saying has appeared in Russia: "They cried as obras." Slavs, settled around Lake Ilmen, were called sllay Novgorod,or ilmensky;their main city was Novgorod.

Ancient Novgorod

It is not entirely called pollasts, raw or, let's say, Vyatichi tribes. It is not just about tribes, but about political and military unions, which included before one hundred and smaller tribes and called one of them, the strongest and numerous. Each such a union had its own princes - leaders from tribal nobility. However, it is not known whether the princes were elected (at the time of hiking) or inherited their power. Historians believe that the Eastern Slavic unions of the tribes were the germinal form of the state, sometimes they are even referred to property.

For a long time, Eastern Slavs left their militant customs and enriched not only by peaceful crafts, but also at the expense of military production. Tribal leaders made raids on Byzantium or on the neighboring tribes and mined slaves and luxury items. A portion of military production Slavic princes distributed between their tribesmen, which raised their prestige as leaders of hiking. Simultaneously around the princes there were squads - groups of permanent combat branches, friends (the word "squad" comes from the word "friend") Prince, a kind of professional warriors and advisers.

princely friend

Slavs lived by communities, childbirth. Every free man (not slave) was armed and entered into a militia. Byzantine authors emphasized that the Slavic tribes live in the "absenteeism", having no state power. The discharge of a friend was a significant stage in the bundle of the Slavic community and turning the power of the Prince from Russia to the state.

Customs of Eastern Slavs in antiquity

Each union of the Eastern Slavic tribes had its customs, laws, legends and even their "moral". The chronicle reports: "Polyana have the custom of the fathers of their meek and quiet, shamers in front of their sovereigns with their sisters, mothers and parents; Before mother-in-law and devices, great luck have; They have a marriage custom: Does not go beyond the bride, but lead it the day before, and the next day they bring it - what they give. " And the ardors "live Zerin's way," they kill each other, they eat "everything is unclean" and they have no marriages, but "Washed the girls in the water." Radmichi, Vyatichi and Northerners, as reported by the "Tale of Bygone Years", had a general custom: they lived in the forest, like the beasts, ate "everything is unclean" and woven with fathers and snotters. They also had no marriage, but playing playing between villages with dances and songs; And here "washed" to themselves in a collusion with them; Have two and three wives.

If any of them died, they arranged "TRIZNU" (solemn farewell with the dead man in the form of a military competition, games or battle), and then made a large dealer of firewood and pinned the dead man and burned.


And after, gathering the bones, they put them in a small clay vessel and put on the pillars during the roads.

Economy of eastern Slavs.

Slavic settlements were usually located on the shores of rivers and lakes in places suitable for agriculture - their main occupation. Cultivated rye, wheat, barley, oats, millet, beans, peas; They were grown flax, hemp, as well as vegetable cultures - a turnip (which was also as common as in our time potatoes; ate her in a parenchy form), radish, onions, garlic, cabbage.

For the northern forest areas was characteristic country-firing agriculture system.In the first year, the forest was cut down, then when he fucked, the stumps hardened and set fire to them, then they produced sow to the ash, pre-plowed the earth, but often without making it. The plot, purified from the forest, gave a crop for three or four years. It forced the Slavs to leave old sites and cut down new ones. Such an agriculture system required a huge amount of land and forced to settle relatively small villages. Agriculture of the southern territories of the East Slavic world was more highly developed than in the north. This contributed to fertile natural conditions (warm climate, abundance of rains) and fertile soil. Here, the leading way of agriculture was frail.The sites were seeded for several years, and after the depletion of the Earth, they moved ("shifted") to another place. Used a plow, not known in the north. All these reasons were due to higher and more stable yields in the south than in the north.

Along with farming, a large place in the economy of the Eastern Slavs occupied animal husbandry. The animal bone found in the excavations indicate that the Slavs bred horses, whose meat was rarely used in food (they were mainly used for riding and as a major force), as well as cows, pigs, goats, sheep and bird.

In the forests covered the territory of Eastern Europe, animals were abounds, and there were a lot of fish in the rivers. Therefore, the Slavs hunted on boar, deer, bear, beobra, fox, cunits, hare and other animals; Called in the rivers Pike, Sazan, Sudak, bream, catfish, sturgeon and other fish. Onions with arrows and spears took hunt.

Princely hunting

Fish was caught with hooks, networks, non-natives and a variety of wicker fixtures. Auxiliary role in the farm played Bornevnia - collecting honey of wild bees.

Eastern Slavs in the writings of Byzantines

Byzantine writer VI in. Prokokii Caesarian described Slavs as people of very high growth and huge strength, with white skin and hair.

Entering the battle, they went to enemies with shields and darts in their hands, the shelns never put on. Some of them did not wear either shirts or a raincoat, but only pants touched by a wide belt belt, and in such a form they went to fight the enemy.

Another Byzantine writer VI century, the Mauritius strategist, told about the scalns and ants, which were numerous, hardy, easily tolerated thirst, cold, rain, nudity, lack of food. They preferred to fight the enemy in places that swore with a dense forest, in crafts, in cliffs; Suddenly attacked and in the afternoon and at night, with the benefit for myself, used ambushes, tricks, inventing many ingenious ways to unexpectedly hit the enemy.

S. V. Ivanov. "Bargaining in the country of Eastern Slavs."

They are easily shipped through the rivers, courageously withstanding staying in the water: being suddenly overtaken by the enemy, they plunged into the water and kept specially cooked large, wounded in the mouth, reaching the surface of the water, and they were on the bottom of the river and breathed with their help. Sometimes for many hours. And if it happened that the reeds were visible from the water, inexperienced people took them for growing in the water.

Slavic settlements of the VI-VIII centuries. Slavs are returned from hunting accompanied by Byzantine traders.

Each warrior at the Slavs was armed with two small spears, some also had durable, but hardly portened from place to place shields. Slavs used wooden onions and small arrows, moistened with a special poison. Without having a chapter and getting over with each other, they did not recognize the military system, were unable to fight in the correct battle and never shown in open and even places. If it happened that they were drunk to go into battle, then with a cry, all together were slowly moved forward, and if the enemy could not stand their scream and onslaught, they actively occurred; Otherwise, they turned to flight, slowly silently forces with the enemy in a hand-to-hand fight. Using forests as a shelter, they rushed to them, because only among Tsnend was able to fight perfectly.

Often captured mining Slavs threw allegedly under the influence of confusion and fled in the forest, and then when the enemies tried to take possession, they unexpectedly hit.

The prisoners of Slavs did not hold in slavery for an unlimited time as other tribes, and after a certain time they offered them a choice: for the redemption to return the ravoisy or stay where they were, in the position of free people and friends.

sturd by the Slavs of the Byzantine Fortress

Look at the site: For advanced - paganism of the Eastern Slavs.

Lecture: Peoples and ancient states in Russia. East Slavic tribes and their neighbors

East Slavic tribes and their neighbors

Slavic languages \u200b\u200bbelong to the most common Indo-European language family in the world. Therefore, the basis of the formation of Slavs and other European peoples (Latvians, Lithuanians, Germans, Greeks, Iranians, etc.) was an ancient Indo-European community. According to one of the versions, it was located in the north of Malaya Asia (modern Turkey). From there at the turn of the IV-III, thousand to AD. The resettlement of modern Europeans, including Slavs, began.

The ethnogenesis of Slavs is the subject of scientific disputes. Previously it was believed that Slavs came with the Danube, but modern researchers argue that the Pranodina of Slavs is the interference of the Vistula and Odry. Here, the resettlement of the Slavic tribes to the east and south (Balkan Peninsula) began. The first mention of the peoples in Russia belongs to the bronze century. In the Bible, historical documents of the ancient Greece and the writings of Herodota are mentioned kimmerians - Union of tribes living in the Crimean Peninsula and the Nordic Parts of the Black Sea region.

In the Northern Black Sea region VII-VI centuries. BC e. Big colonization of Greeks to the West began. As a result, many Country-Polisons of Chersonese (Sevastopol), Feodosia, Panticapy, Fanagry, Olbia, and others were founded. They were the center of trade in fish, bread, cattle and slaves. In 480 BC e. Panticapey (the current name is Kerch) becomes the capital of the Bosporus kingdom - a powerful Greco-Barbarian state. At the same time, Iranian-speaking tribes came to the steppe shores of the Black Sea - scythians. The main occupation was cattle breeding, agriculture and craft. Over time before IV century AD. They settled throughout the Northern Black Sea region, from the Danube to Don. Their life device is also described by Herodot. Later on these lands came sarmatiThey walked over the Scythians most of their lands and occupied them with their settlements.

During Great resettlement of peoples In IV-VII centuries. n. e. Northern Black Sea region becomes a kind of main through the movement of peoples from the east to the West. Hegemony Sarmatov in the Black Sea steppes moved to the Baltic States gotamwho were immigrants from the German tribes. Goths in IV in AD. Created the first well-known state in Europe - OUM. Which soon was destroyed by the Huns. Gunns were nomadic people, lived on the terrain from the Volga to the Danube. They defeated the Roman Cities of the Black Sea region and undermined the prosperity of the Slavs of Middle Podprovia, having deprived them of their ability to export bread. Human maximum power reached the leader of Attila at the time of the Board of Attila in V c., I could even form a state. But after the death of Attila, because of the internecial wars between the heirs and other leaders, the state quickly broke up, the Huns left for the Dnieper. And the Slavs moved to their place and massively invaded the Balkan Peninsula.

As a result of the great resettlement of peoples, the Unified Slavic communion broke into three branches: Western, South and Eastern Slavs, who are represented by such peoples in our time:
  • western Slavs (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Ludge Serbs);
  • southern Slavs (Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, Slovenians, Montenegrins, Bosnian Muslims);
  • eastern Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians).

They settled in the territory of Central, Eastern and Southeast Europe.

All Slavic tribes occupied a significant part of the territory of Eastern European Plain. Eastern Slavs were equipped in the West ranging from the Carpathians to the Northern Territories of the Dnieper in the East, from Ladoga Lake in the north to the Middle Podprovia in the south. The names of the tribes are associated with their habitat (Polyana - Field, Drevlyan - Wood - Forests, Dregovichi - Diryagva - Swamp). The most large in the population and occupied squares were glade and Slovenia.

Neighbors of East Slavic tribes

The neighbors of Slavs were not too numerous Finno-Ugric and Baltic tribes. In the north they adjointed with the peoples of the Thro-Finnish Group: all, Mero, Murom, Chud, Mordva, Marie. East Slavic tribes were more numerous and more developed, so many neighboring tribes became part of them. But not only the Slavs taught the neighbors, the Finno-Ugric tribes admitted the Slavs many of their beliefs, as well as the Baltic.

The "Tale of Bygone Years" Nestor has kept the news of the "priming" Slavic tribes "by". We are talking about avary - the nomadic people of Central Asian origin. Which in VI. AD I moved to Central Europe, creating an avian kaganat in it (in the territory of the current Hungary). This state was kept under control of all Eastern Europe, including Slavic lands. To protect against permanent raids, the Slavs began to produce weapons, men collected a militia. At the end of the VIII century. The state of Avarov was destroyed by Hungarian troops.

Another neighboring nomadic tribes are Khazara. Came to the VII century. Also from Asia, settled in the south of Volga. Where the largest state of Eastern Europe was formed - Khazar Kaganat (included the northern territories of the Black Sea region, the Crimean Peninsula, the North Caucasus, the Lower Volga region and the Caspian region). Under the oppression and permanent raids of the Slavs who lived on the territory of the steppes, it was necessary to pay them a tribute to them, mostly furs. True, the Khazar state allowed the Slavs to trade in the Volga trading path. Locked in the 10th century Russian Reli.

An important role in the life of the Eastern Slavs was played by Varyagi. Through the territory of the Eastern Slavs, the most important trading path was held, which connected Scandinavia and Byzantium. Northern neighbors, in addition to economic impact, have and political influence. Norman theory says that it is the immigrants from Scandinavia given Eastern Slavs, statehood. In the life of Slavs, the Great was the role and Byzantium, which was one of the largest trade, economic, cultural and religious centers of the IX century.

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1. Indicate with different colors of the territory of the settlement of the eastern, Western and South Slavs.

Eastern Slavs - green

Western Slavs - Yellow Color

Southern Slavs - Pink Color

2. Subscribe the names of the rivers, along which Eastern Slavs settle down.

Volga, Desna, Sejm, Southern Bug, Dnest, Prut, Pripyat, Bug, Dnipro, Western Dvina, Drop, Neva, Volkhov

3. Sign the names of the tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs, which the chronicler wrote:

1. "These Slavs came and sat down on the Dnieper ... [in the fields]" - polyana

2. "And others sat down in the forests" - Drevlyan

3. "And other villages between Pripyat and Dvio [in the swamps]" - dregovichi

4. "Other sites on Dvina, on a river, which flows into Dvina and is called the Poker" - polochana

5. "The same Slavs who sat around Lake Ilmeni were nicknamed by their name" - Slovenia Ilmensky

6. "And others sat down on the gum, and by the Seitor, and by Sulu" - northener

7. "And sit in the upper reaches of the Volga, and in the upper reaches of Dvina, and in the upper reaches of the Dnieper" - krivichi.

8. "There were two brothers in Lyakhov - Radimmas, and the other - Vyatko; And they came and sat down: the Radims on the Same, and Vyatko sat down with his own OK "- radmichi and Vyatichi

9. "There were many of them: they were sitting on the Dniester and near the Danube to the sea" - tivertsy

Sign the names of the cities that have become the centers of these unions.

Kiev, Earrows, Smolensk, Polotsk, Chernigov, Izborsk, Pskov, Novgorod, Ladoga, Rostov

4. Sign the names of non-Slavic tribes adjacent to the eastern Slavs.

Merya, Muroma, Meshchera, Mordva, Hungarians (Magyars), Yaasi (Alans), Valahi, Avara, Nichlad, Yatvägi, Lithuania, Zemgali, Latgale, Chud (Esta), water, Korela, all.

5. Circle the borders of the three largest states of the beginning of the IX century. and sign their names.

Byzantine Empire

Khazar Kaganat

Antique historians were confident that militant tribes and "People with Pesmi Heads" live on the territory of Ancient Russia. From those a lot of time passed, but many riddles of Slavic tribes are not solved so far.

Northerners living in the south

The novel tribe at the beginning of the 7th century inhabited the shores of the gums, the Sejm and the Seversky Donets, founded Chernihiv, Putivl, Novgorod-Seversky and Kursk. The name of the tribe, according to Lev Gumileev, is due to the fact that it assimilated the Nomad Savirov tribe, which in antiquity lived in Western Siberia. It is with Saviri that the name "Siberia" is associated. The Archaeologist Valentin Sedov believed that Savira was a Schif-Sarmatian tribe, and the toponyms of Northerners have Iranian origin. So, the name of the River Seyme (seven) comes from Iranian śyama or even from the ancient Indian Syāma, which means "Dark River". According to the third hypothesis, Northerners (Sea) were immigrants from southern or western lands. On the right bank, the Danube lived a tribe with such a name. It could easily be "to move" the Bulgarian invisions. Northerners were representatives of the Mediterranean type of people. They were distinguished by a narrow face stretched by the skull, were finely and noses. In Byzantium, they were brought bread and fur, back - gold, silver, luxury items. Trade with Bulgarians, with Arabs. Northerners paid tribute to Khazaras, and then entered the Union of the tribes, united by the Novgorod prince, with a prophetic Oleg. In 907, participated in the campaign to Kinggrad. In the 9th century, Chernihiv and Pereyaslav Principality appeared on their lands.

Vntychi and Radmichi - relatives or different tribes?

National land was located in the territory of Moscow, Kaluga, Orlovskaya, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tula, Voronezh and Lipetsk regions. Externally, Vyatichi reminded Northerners, but they were not so nosat, but they had a high bridge and blond hair. In the "Tale of Bygone Years" it is indicated that the name of the tribe went on behalf of the Holy Administrator Vyatko (Vyacheslav), which was "from Lyakh". Other scientists connect the name with the Indo-European root of "Ven-T" (wet), or with Praslavyansky "VęT" (large) and put the name of the tribe in one row with the vents and vandals. Vodnyi was skillful warriors, hunters, collected wild honey, mushrooms and berries. Cattle breeding was spread, gravy farming. They were not part of ancient Russia and more than once fought with Novgorod and Kiev princes. According to legend, Brother Vyatko Radimm became a source of radiramics, which settled between the Dnieper and the gums in the territories of the Gomel and Mogilev regions of Belarus and founded Krichev, Gomel, Rogachev and Chechersk. Radmichy also restrained against the princes, but after the battle they were conquered. The chronicles mention them for the last time in 1169.

Crivichi - Croats or "Lyahi"?

It is unknown to take the passage of curvaches that from the VI century in the upper reaches of Western Dvina, Volga and Dnipro and became the founders of Smolensk, Polotsk and Izbork. The name of the tribe went from the Rodonarchist Kriva. From other tribes, curviti differed in high growth. They had a nose with a pronounced hill, clearly outlined chin. Anthropologists include curvice to the Valdai type of people. According to one version of Curvich, these are migrating the whites of the White Croat and Serbs tribes, on the other - the immigrants from the north of Poland. Crivichi worked closely with Varyags and built ships, on which they went to Constantinople. The ancient Russia of Crivichi entered the 9th century. The last prince of Krivic Rogvoda was killed with sons in 980. The Smolensk and Polotsk Principality appeared on their lands.

Slovenia Vandals

Sloves (Ilmen's words) were the most northern tribe. Lived on the shores of Lake Ilmen and on the river Molozh. The origin is unknown. According to legends, their ancestors were like Rus, who were still BC, Slovensk (Veliky Novgorod) and Old Rousse. From Slane, the authorities moved to the prince of Vandal (known in Europe as the Osthots of Vandalar), who had three sons: Capture, Vladimir and Stlisposvati, and four brothers: Rudotok, Volkhov, Volchovets and Bastarn. Prince's wife Vandala Advinda was from Varyagov. Slovenia, that and the matter was fought with Varyags and neighbors. It is known that the ruling dynasty came from the son of Vandala Vladimir. The Slary was engaged in agriculture, expanded possessions, influenced other tribes, engaged in trading with Arabs, with Prussia, with Gotland and Sweden. It was here that Rurik began to prince. After the appearance of Novgorod, Slovenia began to be called by Novgorod and founded Novgorod land.

Rus. People without the territory

Look at the map of the settlement of the Slavs. Each tribe is their lands. There are no rules there. Although it was the Rusa Rus. There are three theories of the origin of Russ. The first theory considers the rules of Varyags and relies on the "Tale of Bygone Years" (written from 1110 to 1118), it said: "They expelled Varyag for the sea, and did not give them Dani, and they began to own themselves, and did not have the truth among them And I got up to the genus, and they had cravies, and began to fight with each other. And they said: "We are looking for a prince who would have owned and judged by us." And went for the sea to Varyags, to Russia. Those whocks were called Rus, as the others are called Swedes, and other Normans and Angles, and also other Gottants, and these are. " The second suggests that Rusa is a separate tribe that came to Eastern Europe before or later than Slavs. The third theory says that Rusa is the highest caste of the East Slavonic tribe of the Pollas or the tribe itself, which lived on the Dnieper and to Russia. "Polyana Yazh Nyınѣ calling Russia" - it was written in the "Lavrentiev" annulary, which was for the "saying of temporary years" and was written in 1377. Here the word "Russia" was used as toponym and the name of the Rus was used as a name of a separate tribe: "Rus, Chok and Slovenia," - so the chronicler listed the peoples inhabited by the country.
Despite the research of genetics, disputes around the rules continue. According to the Norwegian researcher Tura Heyerdal, the Varyags themselves are descendants of Slavs.

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The territory of the settlement of the Eastern Slavs

Representatives of official historical science claim that the settlement of tribes that can be attributed to Slavic groups, the Eastern European Plain was waveled. Thus, the colonization of these territories occurred both in the form of one-time resettlement of tribal groups and by the gradual settlement of individual families and childbirth.

At the same time, in contrast to the Western and southern directions of the colonization of Slavic tribes, the development of the eastern Slavs territories (for the most part, forest areas), according to the studies of modern historians, was quite peaceful, without typical military conflicts with the Baltic population and local residents. It is worth noting that as the chief opponent in these places, an aggressively tuned enemy was performed, and the dense deserted forests. Thus, the forest part of the future Slavic territories of tribes had to settle, and not to conquer.

But in the southern lands, forest-steppe areas, the Slavic tribes faced not with people living there, but with aggressively tuned nomadic hordes.

The author of one of the most significant and popular chronicles in the world in his story about the beginning of Russia celebrates several East Slavic tribes, who settled in the second half of the first millennium in the territories located between the Black and Baltic seas. Among these tribes, Nestor is distinguished: Drevlyan, Polyan, as well as tivers, Galley, Northerners, White Croat, Buzhan or Volynan (residues of Tribes of Dulebov), Sloven, Curvich, Vyatichi, Radmich, Dregovich, Drevlyan.

Most of the listed tribes are known to many medieval authors under their own names. For example, Konstantin Bagrynorodnaya describes the life of Drevlyan, Lenjiang (here, most likely, meaning migrants from the area of \u200b\u200bthe modern log), Slovenia, as well as curvice and.

Researchers note that the main part of the Eastern Slavic tribes, which settled throughout the entire territory of the Old Slavic state, belonged to the "Zlavenkaya" branch of Slavs. The exception was, perhaps, only northerners, tivers and vanity.

Also, it is worth noting that the Slavic tribes sometimes participated in the settlement of Russian territories, which in their time colonized Western European territories and Balkans. This is confirmed by numerous items that were found as a result of archaeological excavations in the forest zone of Eastern Europe. First of all, the historians include lunical temporal rings, the origin of which is closely connected with the middleunay land, where these items performed as popular jewelry of local Slavic tribes - Croats, Smolyan, Northerners and Drułowitov.

With the actual promotion of carriers of the Lunnichny Rings described, most often, the popularity in folklore, in that historical period, the Danube theme, which was transmitted in the form of epic.

The Danube River and the nearest territories on which the Slavic tribes realized their originality and ethnic independence, forever imprinted in the People's Slavic Memory as a cradle of the Unified People.

Thus, some modern scientists offer to consider the text about the settlement of the Slavs from the shores of the Danube in European territories, not as a literary or a scholar version, but as a folk popular tradition, established in popular memory for many years.

Map of Eastern Slavs

After examining the map of the settlement of the Eastern Slavs, it can be noted that the Slavic tribes of the river especially attracted, and the mention of the inhabitants of these territories as the "river" people are found at the Byzantine writers of the sixth century. This is evidenced by the "Tale of Bygone Years".

In fact, the overall contours of the settlement of this ethnos, as a rule, fully corresponds to the river bed lines. According to the same chronicles of Nesor, the tribe of the Pollas was settled on the lands of the middle Dnieper, the rallies settled on the shores of the River Pripyat, the tribe of Dregovich - neighboring in the north with the Drevlyans, to the west of Polyan lived, to the east of the Polyan's tribe lived in Northerners, who were in the north Rodimichi. Further, the author moves the venna who settled in the windows of Oka. The curvitations settled along the Western Dvina, Volga and Dnieper, and the so-called Ilmenie Slavs settled the so-called Ilmen.

Prokokii Caesarian and various Arab sources report on the settlement of the eastern Slavs even further - in the Don basin. At the same time, apparently, they could not consult themselves for a long time. So, in the eleventh - twelfth centuries, during the creation of the "Tale of Bygone Years" were under the authority of the nomadic tribes, and the memory that there once lived in Slavs was lost.

Table on the topic: Eastern Slavs resettlement

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