Ways to go to the personal account of the subscriber "MegaFon. How to get a password to enter your home office

Reservoirs 21.10.2019

Among users of MegaFon there are many people who do not even suspect the existence of a guide service. However, the one who knows how to go to the Personal Cabinet MegaFon can easily manage nearby and extremely important services, including:

- access to account status information
- activation of the "promised payment",
- information on call detail,
- report on operations,
- change of the tariff plan,
- blocking the number,
- control of available features,
- getting discounts
- setting the "credit of trust",
- data on network traffic,
- receiving access to the MegaFon Bonus program,
- Printing calls,
- control of residues by packages,
- Consultation with specialists.

By logging into the Personal Cabinet MegaFon, the user can clarify the tariff, familiarize yourself with the available services, get comprehensive information about your room and make various payments. This is a widest functionality that replaces the tedious visit to the subscriber departments.

Registration and entrance to the Personal Cabinet MegaFon

To take advantage of a completely free service from a cellular operator, accessible only to megaphone clients, a number of simple steps should be performed:

  1. Open site website ( https://lk.megafon.ru/login/ ).
  2. MegaFon for each country area has created its own electronic resource, so on the portal at the top of the page you need to select your region.
  3. The "Personal Account" section is in the upper right corner. On the Authorization page you need to click on the "Login" icon and enter your phone in the open line, specifying a set of numbers in a ten-digit format. On the main page there is a "Get Password" feature. In the appropriate field, you must specify your number, code from the protective image in the Login string and select a password method: on the phone in the form of an SMS or to the mailbox, however, this option is only available for registered customers. After receiving an SMS, you need to return to the home page, specify the received password and protective code.

SMS sent to the specified number is the key that opens access to your personal account. However, difficulties often arise with the response. In this case, there are several solutions:

  • Send request with text 00 on the room 000110 .
  • Dial on the device's keyboard USSD request *105*00# , and without making spaces, and click "Call". The display will open a menu in which you need to perform some operations.
  • Use the help of the autoinformer by calling 0505 Who will tell you how to enter the Personal Cabinet MegaFon, nameable by the Guide, and set your password on your own or generate it using "tariff plans and services".
  • There is another little-known way, which will probably enjoy everything. This is an absolutely free and uncleaver video call by number. 0505 (IVR).
  • For passionate social networking lovers, registration is available in the Personal Account using a special application. You need to choose one of them, for example, "in contact", and launch the "Guide service". When you log in to your personal account, the network user may receive an offer to memorize the code, which is recommended to accept. The password will be stored in the browser and the next time the identification procedure will be as simplified as much as possible, especially if you save a reference to the service guide.

The company MegaFon, like other cellular operators, has its own official website by visiting which, each subscriber can register in the Personal Account and manage your account. This online service opens a lot of opportunities and creates comfortable conditions for mobile users.


By registering in the LC, the subscriber can:

  • Control costs;
  • Monitor the status of the account;
  • Replenish balance;
  • Go to other tariff plans;
  • Activate the options you like and disconnect them if necessary;
  • Receive detailed information about payments and so on.

How to register

To register in the LC, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Call the number and fulfill all the prompts of the service center operator. After that, the subscriber will receive a password to enter the LC, and the login is the mobile number from which the call was performed.
  • Send SMS without any text to the room. The password will be specified in the response message.
  • Dial the combination of numbers and symbols *105*00# In this case, SMS will also be sent to the password.


If the subscriber needs to go to his LC, then this can be done on the official website of the mobile operator:

In the menu on the main page, select the appropriate section and using the login and password, enter the LC.

Now the subscriber can promptly manage his account, receive the necessary information and for this you do not need to leave the house or call the operator.

If the wrong password is entered five times, the entrance to the LC will be blocked. To unlock you need to dial a combination *105*00# and click on the call key.

Personal Cabinet with Smartphone

Authorization of corporate clients

To do this, you need to go to the desired section on the official website and click on the input key.

To gain access to the LC, visit any compartment of the megaphone operator and write a statement or send it by e-mail. With incorrect password, a protective window will appear twice in a row (pin). If the client has forgotten the password, then to restore it, you must click on the "Forgot password" button. After this will be asked to enter the login and the word-password specified during registration.

Service Guide

You can activate / deactivate options and go to other tariffs using a call to the service free number. Following the tips of the autoinformer, you can perform the desired operation.

LC capabilities are available not only within the network coverage, but also when they are in the roaming zone.

Video access

For mobile devices that support the 3G network, it is possible to make free video calls by number. This service allows you to go to another tariff package, check the balance, order available options. But in order for commands to successfully run, a service guide with an appropriate access level should be activated.

Service Guide from the phone

This method is applicable to iPhones, android mobile devices and cell phones supporting Java applications. To get a link to download a mobile application, you must dial a combination *105*55# and click on the call key.

Vkontakte Service Guide

This application opens all the capabilities of the LC. Now subscribers who are active visitors to social networks may not leaving their account, manage the score, receive various information about expenses and connected services, change tariffs and so on.


For newly registered subscribers, a special online guide is provided, which will suggest how and what to do in the LC. Tips are very clear and provided for all sections. If necessary, they can be removed, for which it is enough to click on the cross, located on top in the left corner of the emerging window.

To prevent various Internet access failures and other problems, there is a dynamic load of information, that is, in the case of large volumes, it will not load not all at once, but gradually as the user will view it.

Other Personal Cabinet Features

When working in the LC, you can:

  • Export data. If the subscriber is interested in some tabular data, they can be transferred to another carrier;
  • Sort information on the specified criteria and so on.

For detailed information about the LC, you need to go to the section "On System".

Personal Cabinet MegaFon is a special account for MegaFon cellular subscribers in which they can view all the information on their expenses and independently manage the services.

When you follow the link lK.Megafon.ru.The welcome window of the Personal Cabinet Megaphone will appear before you, in which you will need to enter a login and password to enter. In the Login field, specify your phone number. At the same time, it is important that the number belonged to the megaphone operator.

In the Password field, you must specify your password from a personal account. But if you do not have it, then you can enter without it, about how to do it next.

How to enter your personal account

The above was described how to get into the LC through a special official website. However, this is not the only way to use this service.

  1. You can use a mobile phoneAfter after downloading a special application from the market, the App Store or on the official operator's website. To go to the application, you will also need authorization. To do this, you can use previously obtained confidential data for the site. If earlier you did not receive it, this can be done according to the algorithm described above.
  2. You can log in through the social network account:"VKontakte", Facebook or another. To do this, you will also need to download a special application. For example, for the first social network it is based on the link vk.com/sgmegafon. In this case, in addition to the standard set of services, you will get the ability to use your account: share news, read your friends and stuff.
  3. If it is not possible to go to the LC through a stationary computer and also not installed the application on the phone, You can use an alternative way - to enter it through a special numberBy sending the appropriate request to the system. For this, a combination is gaining on the keyboard *105# And make a call. Then you will be connected to the Cabinet menu, which is designed as a USSD version.
  4. Analogue of this version is ability to control the cabinet through a short number 0505. Only in this case will the system will be supervised via audio recording.

Did you know? In this case, the office management passes through the introduction of special requests, the activation of the services is carried out through the entry of the appropriate codes.

How to register

  1. To go to the Personal Cabinet "MegaFon", registration is required. Only after that you can get your own unique password and log in. To pass the registration procedure, the subscriber will need to type the address LK.megafon.ru in the browser search bar. In the open window in the upper left corner there will be a form of entry on the service through which it is possible to get.
  2. For registration will need personal user number, Which allows you to get a unique password. You can get in several ways. First of all, you can send a request to the service, for which it is entered on the keyboard*105*00# . Then you need to press the call button and expect an SMS message through which the data for authorization will come.
  3. MegaFon has provided an alternative way to find out the password in the personal account. On the phone number 000110 you must send a message with a content 00, after which the desired information should come. If these methods do not give the result, you can dial the number 0505where the robot stages will tell you what actions must be made.

Important! In the latter case, you will not get a ready-made password, you will need to specify it yourself. Come up with it in advance.

After having received this data, you can resolve the issue with how to enter the Personal Cabinet "MegaFon". Opening the authorization form, you must enter your phone number and the password received according to any procedure described above. Then press the input button, and you move to the desired page. Now all the functions provided for by this service are available to you.

Important! If you enter the wrong password in a row five times, the entrance to the office will be blocked. You can remove blocking if you get new information on any of the above methods.

How to restore password

Sometimes there is a situation when you need to know how to restore the password to the Personal Cabinet "MegaFon". To restore the password, you can use the same methods that are provided to obtain it for the first time, that is, described above. If you do it through the site, the system will require a code word from you, which was introduced during registration. If you do through your phone, it will send a password through SMS without confirmation requirements.

To change the password, it is enough to go to the LC, From there, go to the settings where to find the control location by these data. Walking into it, you can change the secret data to the necessary. Another way that allows you to change the password through SMS. This message is sent to the number 000105 with such a content: "PAS new password." Create a new one by typing on the phone service request *105*01#, After that, you need to enter new data.

Possibilities of the Personal Cabinet MegaFon

Personal account of the subscriber at the cellular operator is no longer an exclusive. Such a service facilitates the provision and use of other services of the operator, the management of them in a short time without being distracted by communication with the subscriber department. MegaFon, like other operators, provides access to the service only to its subscribers. A service called "service guide" is provided by default, automatically, the subscriber only needs to register and log in in the office. How to do it, tell me below.

In the Personal Cabinet MegaFon you can take advantage of the following features:

  • Monitor the state of its personal account megaphone and replenish it if necessary
  • Disable / connect additional services and options as well as manage your tariff plan
  • Watch the remnants of the packages of services and extend them if you need
  • Watch the number of accumulated bonus points and spend them
  • Use all this from any device whether it is a smartphone / tablet / PC
  • get detailed challenges information;
  • activate the "Promised Payment" service;
  • receive a report on operations;
  • block the number;
  • change the tariff;
  • connect or disable any service;
  • transfer money to another MegaFon account;
  • to get the consultation.

In pursuit of clients, cellular operators regularly improve their products, making them more attractive and accessible to the public. Already no one will surprise the possibility of managing communication service remotely via the Internet. All self-respecting providers have a self-service system. Of course, the megaphone company did not exception from the rules. If you use the services of this operator, the "service guide" will be very useful for you. Through your personal account, the megaphone can be performed by a variety of actions with a phone number: manage the services, change tariffs, replenish the account, follow the balance and much more. In fact, the self-service system has a huge functionality and if you still have not appreciated all its advantages, you should immediately fix it.

MegaFon tried to make a personal account as functional as possible and at the same time simple for customers. To control the number through the Personal Cabinet MegaFon is not at all necessary to be an advanced user. Self-service system interface is extremely simple and understood. However, some questions when working with the "Service Guide" system are still arising. This concerns not only a separate functionality, but also the registration process. In principle, on the operator's website there are appropriate prompts that will help you create a person's personal account, as well as using its functionality, but they are not fully fully and some subscribers. To correct this situation, we have prepared a detailed material, guided by which you can register in the Personal Cabinet Megaphone, understand all the nuances and start using it to make various operations. We tried to highlight all the important aspects relating to this topic, you can learn an article fully or familiarize yourself with some particular item you are interested in.

  • Important
  • Personal account is a special subscriber self-service form that allows you to manage your expenses, connect and disable services, choose optimal tariffs, and also make other steps with the number.

Opportunities Self-Service MegaFon

If you are using MegaFon's services, your personal account will become an indispensable assistant. Believe me, having become acquainted with the self-service system you are much less likely to contact customer support. Everyone knows, and how much time it can leave, so it is better when the problem can be solved on your own. Personal Cabinet MegaFon has a huge functionality and underestimate it is difficult. Let's consider the main features of the self-service system.

The following features are available in the Personal Megaphone Personal Account:

  • Monitoring the status of the personal account with the ability;
  • Service management (detailed information about the services, connection, shutdown in one click);
  • Selection and change of the tariff plan in a couple of clicks;
  • Monitoring residues by packages minutes, SMS and Internet;
  • Participation in (accumulation and use of bonuses);
  • The ability to ask a question from the help center using the Support option.

Of course, this is not a complete list of the capabilities of the self-service system. We listed only the main functions, meanwhile, the Personal Cabinet MegaFon opens a lot of other opportunities before the subscriber. Through the "service guide" you can produce almost any actions with your phone number.. Self-service system is really very convenient and useful for subscribers. The main thing is that the private account can be used completely free, and from any device. My personal account is adapted for convenient operation not only on the computer, but also on the smartphone and tablet. Moreover, for even more convenience, you can install the MegaFon application Personal Account. The application includes the same features as the web version of the personal account, but it is much more convenient when using mobile devices. For example, you can in one click, replenish the balance or connect any option.

Registration in the Personal Cabinet MegaFon

Many company customers MegaFon have long appreciated the advantages of the self-service system. Not so often we have the ability to be so positively to respond about the product from mobile operators, which has only advantages. If we are talking about the tariff or service, you can always find similar stones. In the case of a personal account, everything is extremely honest. The subscriber really gets a very convenient tool, and the operator reduces the load on the help center. The "service guide" allows you to solve most of the questions independently without contacting the operator, which is beneficial for both parties.

So, with the benefits of the personal office everything is obvious. The service has a huge functionality and each subscriber will be able to allocate a number of irreplaceable functions for themselves. As for the management of the self-service system, it is also simple here. Personal Cabinet MegaFon has a simple and understandable interface, so most users will easily figure out without additional help. If you are not sure about your abilities and need a detailed instruction, then you can find such below, and now consider the registration process. Again, register in the Personal Cabinet Megaphone is quite simple, in which you will be sure to get acquainted with the instructions below.

To register in the Personal Account, follow these steps:

  1. Scroll through this link https://lk.megafon.ru/login/ (from any device with internet access);
  2. Enter your phone number, password and click "Login";
  3. Since you are first logged into the system, you will not have a password to get it dial the team on the phone * 105 * 00 # (Password will come by SMS).

Congratulations, you have been registered in the Personal Cabinet Megaphone! Now you can change the password to more reliable, make the necessary settings and start using the capabilities of the self-service system. The appropriate management is listed below. Before entering the Personal Cabinet MegaFon System will request a password from you, so we recommend that you immediately remember. It is also important that the password is reliable, otherwise the intruders can get access to your number. If you forget the password, do not worry, it can be easily restored. We will also come back to this issue, but for now, we suggest you familiarize yourself with another very convenient way to register in your account.

  • Important
  • When entering the personal account, the megaphone number can be typing in any format - starting with "8", "+7" or without prefix.

Registration in the Personal Cabinet MegaFon through an account on a social network

Social networks are of great distribution. Surely, you have an account in one or more popular social networks. For even more convenience of its customers, MegaFon has developed the opportunity to register in the Personal Account through the account of one of the popular social networks. For many, this opportunity looks very attractive, so it should also be announced in detail.

You can register in the Personal Account through the following social networks:

  • In contact with;
  • Classmates;
  • Facebook.
  • Important
  • Currently, the personal account is available only in the social network "Vkontakte" through a special application.

If you use the social network "VKontakte", then it is possible for you a conveniently special application that allows you to use all the possibilities of a personal account while in your social network profile, without moving to the operator's website. You can download the application at this link https://vk.com/sgmegafon. If you have not previously used the self-service system and you do not have a password, you can register directly through the application for the social network "VKontakte". The registration procedure will not differ from the standard.

Corporate Personal Cabinet Registration

MegaFon has quite a few different business services, in particular, a corporate personal account. They look very attractive and many companies actively use them. Also, MegaFon has many other interesting offers for corporate clients. Of course, the operator could not divide this category of subscribers and not create a convenient self-service system for them. The corporate personal account is also very convenient and has the same functionality. Below we will tell you how to enter the Corporate Personal Cabinet MegaFon.

To enter the corporate office, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the link https://lk.megafon.ru/login/;
  2. Press the "Corporate Personal Account" tab located at the bottom;
  3. Select the region in which the SIM card is registered and click on the "Go to Personal Account" button;
  4. In the authorization form, specify the username and password (to get this data call 8 800 550 05 55).

After performing the above actions, you will enter the self-service system. Note that for corporate clients, restrictions on self-replacement of some options can act. Otherwise, the functionality of the corporate personal office is not much different from the usual. By the way, it is also possible to obtain data to enter the self-service system personally by contacting the nearest megaphone office.

  • Important
  • If you enter a password incorrectly more than 5 times, the personal office will be blocked, and the password is canceled. To unlock, you need to request a new password described above.

Megaphone personal account

Surely, you could easily enter the Personal Cabinet MegaFon and now you have to get acquainted with opportunities available for you. At the beginning of the article, we talked about the possibilities of the self-service system, now consider the functionality of the service in more detail. In principle, the personal office has a simple interface and most subscribers will understand completely without any assistance, but for some detailed leadership does not prevent. On the main page there is information about your current balance sheet and bonus points. Also, several sections will be presented to your attention. Consider them in detail.

Personal Cabinets and their purpose:

  1. "Top up the account." Through this section, you can in various ways (payment card, from a bank card, electronic money, etc.);
  2. "Promised payment". If your balance sheet is not enough and you cannot replenish your account in the near future, you can get a small loan from the operator and continue using communication services.
  3. "Replenishment and costs for the month". Do you want to always be aware of all financial transactions on your number? In this section you will find all the necessary information.
  4. "Top up the account of another subscriber". Quite often arise situations when necessary. This section presents all available ways to replenish the balance of another subscriber.
  5. "Spend bonuses". If you are a member of the MegaFon-Bonus program, then you can spend accumulated points through this section of a personal account.
  6. "Remains on service packages". Most tariff plans include packages of minutes, SMS and megabytes. To avoid unforeseen expenses, you need to regularly monitor the balance by packages. It is most convenient to do this through this section.
  7. "Statistics and detail". Many subscribers want to be able to control all the costs of communication. Thanks to the possibility of obtaining detail, you can easily learn when, for which and how many money from your balance is removed.
  8. "My options and services". Each subscriber enjoys a rather large number of different services. If you need, or connect or disable the service, then to help you this section.
  9. "Set up tariff". Cellular operators do not stand still. Regularly appear new tariff plans, conditions for which may be more attractive. Through this section, you can familiarize yourself with all relevant proposals and, if you wish to change the tariff.

We listed the main sections of a personal account, but there are others. We recommend that you log in to the Personal Cabinet MegaFon and familiarize yourself with all sections. Through the self-service system, you can also configure call forwarding, replace the beep, drive a black list,

If you use the services of a mobile operator MegaFon, it will be useful for you to know how to enter your personal account. Making a simple action, you will gain access to all service providers and will be able to manage not only by them, but also by your phone account.

The connection with which you have long used will become much functional:

  • At your disposal will be all the news about the possibility of new connections of tariff plans and options.
  • To go to another TP, you will not need to search for the necessary USSD combination or call the operator.
  • You can switch to more favorable packages, disconnect the options in them and enrich the necessary applications selected by TP.

Infinite LC capabilities will be available as soon as you connect. The procedure does not require the cost of time, it does not need to be an advanced user. It is enough to show a little care, and the tools of the portal Megafon.ru will tell how to act to achieve the desired one. The cellular operator offers several options responsible for how to register in the Personal Cabinet MegaFon. You can use the following ways:

  1. It is enough to get to the official website of the provider to the page https://lk.megafon.ru, and follow the instructions of the interface.
  2. Send SMS to number 000110. Not need to enter the letter of the letter. The fact of shipment itself will testify to your desire to become the owner of the account on the MegaFon platform.
  3. Using the mobile phone buttons to type a special USSD code * 105 * 00 #, and then send it by pressing the key with the image of the tube. As a result, automatic activation of the profile will be performed. You will be left to choose the most convenient password for entering the personal page of the site.
  4. Make a call to the number 0505. You will be answered by the operator to which you need to apply for the opening of the LC.

If you decide to create a personal account on the MegaFon website, you will not register any work: the main thing is to come up with a complex password for the entrance, which will be a guide to the world of service provider and at the same time will reliably protect your personal data.

ATTENTION: Password from the Personal Cabinet MegaFon must contain at least 6 digital characters. Maximum content of numbers 26. The provider warns that the combination must be complex. It is undesirable to use repeated sequences of signs.


So, you have completed one of the proposed actions and opened your personal account on the MegaFon platform. Registration is not all. You need to know not only how to connect the service, but also learn how to easily enter your page.

If you need to visit the LK, go to the company's main page and then click the key symbol in the upper right corner. This action will give you access to the shape of the character set to go to the account. You can also immediately dial on the Internet https://lk.megafon.ru.

To go to the megaphone personal account, you need to fill out only 2 fields:

  • Your cell phone number (can be entered in any format, the system identifies it).
  • The password that you came up when they carried out the procedure for producing LC.

Registration in the Personal Cabinet MegaFon is possible from both the computer and the smartphone. In both cases, the above characters specified in the address bar.

Getting a password on the site

Subscribers who install LCs via the Internet may encounter a question how to get a password. The answer can be found on the open page:

  • On a green background, the required combination of characters for a set is specified.
  • To gain access you need to send a USSD request.
  • The answer will come a message with a specific set of characters. Entering it in the desired field, click on "Login".
  • After a second you will find yourself on the self-service page. The service is provided free of charge.
  • By installing the LC, you can replace the password proposed by the system, which comes to SMS, on your own.

In rare cases, subscribers have to seek the answer to the question of how to find out why I can not enter my personal account. As a rule, the problem is associated with incorrect input of digital characters for the entrance. If you are confident that you are doing everything right, call the provider's support service and set out the essence of the problem. Operators will quickly find ways to solve it.

In essence, any of the proposed methods is nothing but the ability to recognize the password for a personal account. Knowing it, you can easily fall on your page registered on the provider's website.

Entrance for corporate clients

If you are a legal entity, the procedure for producing LC will be somewhat different. On the https://lk.megafon.ru page, you should find the "Other Services" tab and go to it.

Next, select the Control tab of your company. Here you need to specify, in which area of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation your SIM card was registered. After you can press the transition key to the LC. As in the case of individuals, the account is connected using a password. You can get it in two ways:

  1. Go to one of the office service providers.
  2. Drive the operator by number 88005500555.

What is an LC

Personal account is associated with one of the popular provider applications. Many subscribers know it as a "service guide". The purpose of the application: Make self-controlling services and options for subscribers as accessible as possible. With the help of the guide service, the LC turns into a kind of command post in which you can enter your smartphone or laptop, a personal computer or tablet.

Management tools are the same. Whatever the device you use, problems with activation and deactivation of various provider applications will not be.

"Service Guide" needs to download and install on the device. You can find it on the websites of the AppStore or Playmaret. Using these resources, you can also register in the MEGAFON Personal Account.
Becoming an account holder, you get the following features:

  • at any time consult with specialists;
  • take part in the bonus program, regularly receive discounts;
  • when you need, you can see how much money on the account remains;
  • to activate the "promised payment";
  • transfer funds to the accounts of other phones;
  • detail all operations performed on the phone;
  • make blocking number;
  • switch to other tariffs.

This is only part of the functions of the LC. Its functionality is much wider and continues to expand.

How to recover password to enter the office

If you have invented a set of numbers for the entrance to the LC was forgotten, this is not a problem. No need to call anywhere. To restore the entry function to the account, go to the https://lk.megafon.ru/login/ page and re-pass the registration procedure.

The official website of the company MegaFon gives answers to all questions of subscribers. In order to go through the registration procedure, you just need to read and perform tips carefully. If you learn how to use the platform tools, your capabilities in the network of this operator will be much wider.

We recommend to read
