The most unpleasant signs on the horoscope. Signs that most often lie

Reservoirs 28.06.2020

What zodiac sign is the best, according to astrologers? Each zodiac sign is the best in something! Aries best beggar, new ideas generator, discoverer! Taurus the best implementator capable of embodying conceived in life! Gemini are the best in communication and information transfer! Cancers are the best familymen and psychologists! Lions best artists and leaders! Virgin best workers who are capable of small counting! Scales The best designers capable of partnerships! Scorpions are the best psychotherapists, cascaders capable of changing you with their stormy energy! Sagittarius Best teacher and inspirer! Capricorn is the best in his career and durability! Aquarius is the best in the team, where it is the center of the most original ideas! Fish The best empathists, with a unique imagination!

Anyway, every sign is strong in something, but let's consider the human strength as the ability to defend its rights and be confident. What zodiac sign is the strongest, according to astrologers?

Important planets for their own self-expression in our world are complete and Mars. Therefore, it is important for us to consider in which sign these planets give more confidence.

The sun feels very well in the Aries, Lele and Sagittarius, respectively, such a person will be easier to express himself.

Mars also feel good in the signs of fire elements (Aries, Lev and Sagittarius) But also to these signs you can add Scorpio (very strong energy) and Capricorn (very hard and persistent) Mars in the fiery element will help a person better and confidently act!

Conclusion: Aries, lion, scorpion and ibex can be called the strongest signs of the zodiac.

Here is a question so the question. There are no ideal signs! Everyone has both dignity and disadvantages! Aries are a good starter, but it will not be able to complete until the end, it will be overgrown! Taurus will ideally perform what he is already able, but it is worth it to give something new, as he will be accustomed for a long time! The twins are perfectly presented, translated, work with information, but they are superficial and do not like to delve into the essence. Cancer is an ideal family man, but he is like a child outside. Lions are ideal patrons, bosses, popular personalities, but they are vain and pant on flattery. Virgin ideal workers, but they are too disciplined and looped on trifles. Scales are ideal partners with a good taste, but they are hard to take responsibility for themselves. Sagittarius perfect teacher generously giving experiences, but for the whole, they often do not see the details. Capricorns are excellent workers and administrators, but they are too tough outside, because too soft inside. Aquarius perfect friends, but sometimes their interests for them become above all in the world. Fishes are ideal in their world of fantasies and unique imagination, but in reality they can not rely on them.

It can be said that the most ideal wives on the sign of the zodiac: these are calves and crayfish. Girls and fish women possess no less good character. But girls and lions can miss softness.

Consider which sign or signs of the zodiac are the most difficult for family (or just under one roof) of life? First of all, it should be said that in the solar sign of the zodiac it is impossible to judge this, any of the 12 signs can be very pleasant in the family life, but the moon in the sign of the zodiac will tell a lot about man!

So, the most difficult moon is the moon in the sign of Capricorn and Scorpio. Therefore, if your partner has such a moon, then you will not envy! These are the most complex signs of the zodiac for the moon. The moon in Capricorn is very restrained, she rarely like to hug, especially if someone looks. It is dry, it does not show emotions, or does it rarely. She is too raw inside, which builds around him a wall and the image of the snow queen. It is economical, may not eat at all, or to spill money (if he wants) in difficult times it may hardly save on the products and in all the necessary and normally feel! But also at such a moon there are advantages, for example, the moon in Capricorn is perfect for emergency situations, it will survive even in the most difficult fields! Ideal for distant extreme hikes in the mountains and hard-to-reach terrain.

Also the most complex zodiac sign of the Moon - Scorpio. The moon in scorpion craves emotions, homemade comfort and calm is not for her, she needs a drama, a blasting, experience! If everything is calm, then herself will arrange a scandal, she needs it, otherwise it will suffer from lack of emotions, and then an explosion is possible! Just does not know how to relax and enjoy, all the time, it seems that the world is not safe what you need to defend. Of the advantages of such a moon, the fact that she is very strong and protect anyone who her dear!

Let's consider which sign of the zodiac is considered the most faithful in men? The most faithful signs of the zodiac can be called Taurus and a virgin. The calves are pretty lazy to go left, besides, they are very attached to the partner and are seriously getting used to the new one, therefore among the calves fewer modes.

Virgo is also considered the most faithful zodiac sign. Virgin loves to support their family, as far as it fell. Even if the relationship has already come to the end, Virgo can pretend that everything is in order, just to remain alone.
In general, according to statistics, the signs of the Earth change the least (they are tied for a long time, and they are difficult to get used to the new one) and air signs are most often (as opposite land)

Also checking loyalty, it is worth paying attention to Venus and 7 house horoscope, because in earthly signs, as well as in good aspects to Saturn, a person is less prone to treason.

By consider what kind of zodiac sign is the most beautiful, according to astrologers? The most beautiful signs of the zodiac are considered "human" signs. That is, Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius. However, the appearance largely depends on the entire planets of the natal map and a very important first home or ASC.

And yet women, what kind of zodiac sign are the most beautiful? Good appearance, as a rule, is a harmonious combination of the entire natal card. Let's say, the signs of water elements will add your appearance plumpness (for example, chubby lips) as well as big eyes. Air signs will add you a couple of growth centimeters and sophisticated features. Earth signs on the contrary will take a couple of centimeters and will give a square face form, choreness. Fire signs will give a brighter appearance, large and sharp features.

The harmonious combination of all signs gives you an excellent appearance. But if only one element is expressed in the natal map, it can lead to an excess of its qualities. For example, with water elements, weighing, with earthly small height, with an air excessive thinness and high growth, with a fiery Early Lysin ITP.

What is the sexiest zodiac? It is believed that the sexiest zodiac sign is scorpion. But this is not quite so, Scorpio has sex to reset the extra accumulated energy, and in the second stage for pleasure. However, he is the sexiest zodiac sign man. The most sexy sign among women can be called Taurus. Taurus is very sensual (under the control of Venus) He loves to enjoy all the way he does. Therefore, the Taurus can rightly be called the sexiest zodiac sign.

What zodiac sign is the worst? According to astrologers, there are no worst / magnificent signs of the zodiac. However, if we consider this question from the point of view of men and women and their roles, that is, signs are not very successful for men and not the best for women.

For example, a man with the sun in the scales will not just make important decisions to himself, and he needs to consult with friends either with his family. Also applies to the Sun in Aquarius, where a man can reveal its potential, only with the help of other people.

A woman will be harder with the sun in Aries, because she does not want to give up a man, because she is a leader! It will also be hard with the sun in the sign of the lion, because now she is a queen, and the prince is not so easy to find!

The most accurate sign of the zodiac can be called a virgin, Virgo is capable of keeping a thousand little things in her head, she thinks everything in advance and constitutes an action plan. Rarely late, because Pedantic. The virgin has a good rational mind, it is able to decompose on the shelves and structuring the information obtained. In addition, Virgo loves when everything around perfectly and for sure!

What is the most jealous zodiac sign in men and women? Of course, Scorpio is considered the most jealous zodiac sign. Especially if the moon is also in this sign. People with this sign are very jealous, they do not trust the world around themselves and everywhere looking for a catch, in addition, they love to dig in anything (for example, in the phone) and to get to the very essence (for example, what exactly led to treason, where did the origins come from?)

The axis of Taurus-Scorpio, or my axis - someone else's, is traced from scorpions, they often have owners, considering their partner their property. However, not all scorpions are such if they spend their huge stock of energy on something energy-cost, then their character will be softened and they will not be up to jealousy.

Let's see what the smartest zodiac sign, according to astrologers? Planet Mercury is responsible for our mental abilities, and therefore the sign of this planet will show our mental potential:

Water signs (crayfish, scorpions and fish) are too emotional, exposed to emotions and are often binding, in addition, they do not like to solve boring and tedious tasks, but they have the best memory! They are able to remember the poems, events, experiences, spoken by someone, and much more, that other signs would forget in a couple of months. For watermarks, the memorization process is easier.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) Taurus and Capricorn study the subject much longer than other signs, they need more time to solve the problem, more time to study the material, knowledge will not be asleep. But but, by purchasing some kind of fet of the skill, they remember him for life. For example, learn how to drive a car it will be harder than the rest, but even by having a break for a couple of years, the calf and Capricorn will be able to take the steering wheel again, like anything or happening!

The virgin from the signs of the earth can be allocated, because it is under the control of Mercury. Therefore, the externally devivor is quite mobile, and the information can absorb pretty quickly. This compensation makes a sign of Virgin quite multifaceted.

Aerial signs (twins, scales and aquari) Gemini and Aquarius are considered smart signs of the zodiac and for our education system to date, where it is required to answer as soon as possible, they are suitable as it is impossible! Gemini simply grab everything on the fly, they quickly think, they have excellent (fast) memory, the truth is that they remembered, with time they can disappear. Good abilities for languages, and in general, a good and active mind.

Aquarius are under the auspices of uranium. Aquarius is less fit into the education system, their mind is somewhat strange, but the original one! Only Aquarius will be able to find a solution to the task not described in the textbook, but invented by him. The mind of the Aquarius is original and non-standard, he does not like the rules and appreciates freedom.

Scales in this plan are slightly different, they are able to be objective only if they turn off their emotions and feelings. All because there are scales under the control of their patron - Venus. Therefore, their mind and the ability to learn depends on the emotional state more than other air signs.

Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) Aries are pretty good sign for Mercury, he will give a rather active and mobile mind, the desire to overcome herself, become smarter than the rest!

The lion's sign is too subjective for Mercury, Mercury in a lion sign will consider its opinion correct in any situation, although the mental abilities themselves will be above average.

Sagittarius is too wide for Mercury, Mercury needs facts and logic, and the shooter needs a goal and the road. Mercury in Sagittarius will not give concentrations on the subject and make you dream about something more.

So, we can say what kind of zodiac sign is the smartest for Mercury: Scorpio, twins, aquarius, Virgo, Aries.

It's hard to say what kind of zodiac sign is the kindest, according to astroloks every kind of kind, for example, the fish always sympathize with you, the scales will listen, the lion is probrit, and Aries will say, but not to whine, it's time to act!

However, two very pleasant representatives can be called: Taurus and scales. These signs like many for their softness and attractiveness, all because they are under the control of the planet of love Venus. They have to themselves, they love to look like others in the best light and it is difficult for them to refuse your request.

I also want to say about the Aries, the sacrificial sign of the zodiac. Yes, Aries will not wipe you the tears, the sublimation is not for him, but it is ready to turn the mountains to help! After all, it is the first Aries first rush to help people in critical situations!

Consider what zodiac sign is the most angry, according to astrologers? What do we understand under anger? Most often, this question is asked for varying representatives of the water element of fish and crayfish. For them, anger is an increase in voices and screams. And if for representatives of the fiery element, it does not mean anything, well, I scream sometimes, so what? That's fish, crayfish, scales and other gentle representatives of the zodiac circle, each time they are bored from any jump to the change of intonation. If we consider anger in this vein, then the "evil" can be called scorpion, aries and lion. All of them are running fiery shining.

Planet Uranus patronizes the whole original and not standard and the most crazy people on the sign of the zodiac Aquarius!
The most crazy sign can be called Aquarius. Being under the patronage of the planet Uranus, representatives of this sign are original and not standard, they adore groups of people and communication, adore the time of change, when the course of life is completely changing, new people appear, new impressions that have never seen!

Take a look at the statistics of Forbes magazine and see what zodiac sign is the richest? Which is not surprising for the Word, because in the first place, of course, there is a sign of a lion (14% of the capital "Golden hundred".) Twins with Aquarius are also not bad and have (11%) Aries with weights slightly smaller (10% ) Tales and fish have software (7.7%) and scorpions and Capricorn (6.6%) of Virgin, Sagittarius and Craki are in lagging behind.

In general, statistics reflect the real picture, the lions and the truth seek to the royal existence, it is important to have a good position, and they don't like to work for uncle. It makes them open their business.

The most wrong zodiac sign for a woman

Loyalty largely depends on the signs of Venus and 7 houses of the horoscope. For Venus, signs of twins and fish are not too favorable. Especially if Venus is in a non-harmonious aspect with Neptune. It is also necessary to pay attention to the ruler of 7 at home and its aspects with Venus and Saturn. The harmonious aspects of Venus and Saturn, on the contrary, will prevent treason. Neptune, negatively affecting 7 houses, can give many confusing and secret links, and uranium frequent breaks of relationships.
Therefore, we can say that the most incorrect sign of Venus are twins and fish.

Let's look at what zodiac sign is the most harmful, according to astrologers? Twin and Aquarius are considered the most harmful signs of the zodiac, as they love freedom, rarely recognize their mistakes. Twins are good lies and love to get out of it seemed to be hopeless situations. And Aquarius often put the interests of comrades and their own above the interests of the family.

The third place can be given to Scorpio, especially if scorpion is not correctly brought up. Often such scorpions are closed, peeled, they often have a bad mood and the desire to horre someone! For scorpions, it is extremely important since childhood to instill love and compassion and then scorpion will be the best and devoted friend!

What is the happiest zodiac sign? Happiness is faith in yourself and your strength, it is optimistic, it's fire! The happiest signs of the zodiac: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius! However, happiness for everyone.

For earthly signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are material benefits. For air (twins, scales, aquarius) Communication and interaction. For water (cancer, scorpion, fish) feelings and emotions.

Let's say the fish will never be truly happy without new (internal) experiences (for example, creativity or self-improvement techniques) and the Taurus will never be happy without his home, his own things and personal property.

What are the most successful people on the sign of the zodiac? The most successful sign of the zodiac is something like the richest sign of the lion. After all, what is success? Success for each sign your own. The fish will be successful away from society, where they will be able to realize their inner potential, but the Aries need to be ahead of the rest of the rest, and even if the Lower hemisphere and women's planets will be highlighted at the Aries, he will still be the leader, albeit at home!

If we consider the success as social promotion, then the most successful can be called lion (own business) and Capricorn (career ladder)

What zodiac sign is the most cruel? The most evil sign of the zodiac in astrology recognized Scorpio. It is a peculiar zodiac cleaner. Inside scorpion, constant transformation and restructuring occurs. At a low level of development, especially with poor upbringing, scorpions, called tarantulas. The victims of themselves are attracted to them, whose scorpions are stupid, thereby causing to work out their karmic lesson.
Also, the signs of the fire of Aries and the lion, poorly feel the emotional atmosphere of other people and may irregularly hurt a person, and they may not even notice that they did someone painfully.

What sign of the zodiac is the most lucky in the opinion of astrologers? The most lucky signs of the zodiac are the twins with their ability to appear at the right time in the right place. Twins are light on the rise, they will be the first to be where they need, they are active and in something child. In addition, the twins are smart enough to see the first to see future trends and apply them in their favor, no wonder in the Forbes list twins make up 11% of all signs.

1st place: lion
2 place: Taurus
3 place: twins
4th place: cancer
5th place: scales
6th place: Capricorn
7th place: Aries
8th place: Virgo
9th place: Fish
10th place: Sagittarius
11 Location: Scorpio
12th place: Aquarius

1st place: Fish
2 place: Taurus
3 place: Aries
4th place: twins
5th place: Capricorn
6th place: cancer
7th place: lion
8th place: scales
9th place: Virgo
10th place: Aquarius
11th place: Sagittarius
12th place: Scorpio

However, judging the man only by his sunny sign of the zodiac and say which zodiac sign is the most dangerous stupid. Even the natal card will never show a killer one or another person or not. On the same day at the same time, a thousand children are born and not all of them subsequently turn the face of the law. Whatever aspects and the provisions of the planets, the connections of houses were not unprecedented, they only indicate the opportunity to commit a crime (for example, a person is easily excited, nervous, poorly understands the pain of others and the like.) However, a person with such a complex card is much easier to succumb to its weaknesses and Go face of law, especially if the environment did not support him and brought up in it the qualities that he lacks. But even in the absence of support from the environment (friends / family / society), a person always has a choice, and the most difficult aspects can play otherwise.

What is the most beautiful female sign of the zodiac, according to astrologers? Cancers are considered the most female zodiac sign. Girls, in whose cards Moon or Venus in the sign of cancer, are very feminine. The moon in cancer is very good and sweet, it gives an easy character, flirtability, with her very cozy and good. Venus in cancer gives a good feeling of taste and beauty, as well as loyalty.

The sun in the cancer sign is also quite well suited for fair sex representatives. Such women cancers are focused on the family, they are implemented in it and get sincere pleasure, supporting homemade hearth and raising children. Cancer on a par with the Virgin the most faithful female zodiac sign.

Of course, the most passionate zodiac sign Woman Scorpio. In kipuchi passions they have no equal! Thanks to their ruler Pluto, scorpions are very deep and sensual nature that can light anyone! But the scorpions are passionate not only in bed, but in everything. Whatever the scorpion, work, cleaning, or upbringing, he does everything with a twinkle, very vigorously and with passion in his eyes.

What is the weakest sign of the zodiac according to astrologers?

Fish, crayfish and scorpions have a very strong rod that you just don't break, many men with the sun in fish and, especially in cancer serve in the army, and participate in heavy battles. All because they externally plastic and as it would be twisted / bypass obstacles, and inside always have their own opinion, which they do not change under the pressure of the surrounding reality.

Aries, lions and firing optimists, they believe in themselves and their strength. Many act and always know what to get something, you need to do something! However, the signs of fire are quite highly dependent on the circle. They subconsciously choose the circle of people who can support them. If the surrounding reality does not support representatives of these signs, they will be very hard.

Tales, Capricorn and Virgas are very stubborn and stepping up of surrounding reality. However, any wounds that were obtained will remain on Earth forever.

Gemini, scales and aquarius, air signs that do not differ in the power of will. They take their society, generality, trying to unite all people and bore them. Representatives of this element can be called the most weak, in the sense that they are hard to defend their point of view, and they themselves can change it five times on the day.

The strange thing turns out, the male elements of the fire and air are weak, and women's water and earth are strong. All because a woman should create all the conditions for the implementation of the man in the external plan, and for this it is given stability and durability.

The most men's signs of the zodiac are the signs of fire elements (Aries, Lev, Sagittarius) and air signs (twins, scales and aquarius) The fire takes its faith in itself and his strength, he is active and always moves to his goal. The air is also active and communicated, it will always find the right links in the outside world and implements himself. Water and land signs are more passive, and their strategy promotion in life more depends on the circumstances. Capricorn is the most faithful male zodiac sign, as it does not like change and adore stability.

Consider what zodiac sign is the most stubborn? Aries are very stubborn and it is difficult to redirect to another bed, except that the Aries does not want this. Aries mostly hear only themselves and rely only on their opinion, and other people's advice are passed by ears. Also, but to a lesser extent refer to the sign of the lion. Sagittarius in this regard is more susceptible and even able to listen to your point of view without interrupting the half-word.

Tales are also very stubborn, but differently. They do not actively defend their point of view, but simply stand on their own. A conviction in something very hard is very difficult, especially if you do it with the help of emotions, the Taurus will just go into deaf defense and your arguments will pass by the goal.

You can name the most stubborn twins, which, although they can defend their point of view, but still, seeing that you are important to be right, can calmly give up the championship and even agree with you or, at least, to prevent anything agreed.

Which of the signs of the zodiac is the most false? Twin and fish are considered the most false. Gemini simply love to get out of seemingly hopeless situations, while they often resort to frank lie. Often it happens on the machine, since it was already selected, not even thinking, and then it is already somehow shame to tell the truth. Fishes fantasies and often live in the world of dreams, where they can believe in their own fantasies, and therefore, as well as twins can add events and somewhere to hate, in order for the story to be more interesting!

The most truth signs are the signs of fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) Fire is not intended to be fined and look for a double bottom, the fire is straightforward and prone to say what he thinks. Therefore, do not be surprised if Aries say that this dress is full of you.
Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are also not prone to linj. The land is generally not inclined to empty chatter not in the case and the embellishment of his speech. Unlike the signs of water and air, love to embellish their stories.

What zodiac sign is the most stupid? According to astrologers, heavier is the sign of the Earth (calves and Capricorn) and the signs of water (cancer and fish), calves and Capricorns absorb the information very slowly, and slowly solve the new tasks they set themselves. But but, what they remembered, and those skills that have mastered, will remain with them for the rest of the life! Also work well with schemes and algorithms.

It's not easy for cancer and fish, because they are very dependent on the environment, and if the teacher presses them, then it will be hard to learn! But they have amazing memory, poetry, as a rule, they teach very quickly, also easily the material filed with emotionally, and not dry text with terms.

The signs of the zodiac can not be trusted. But read the description of your sign! Is it not true, almost all character traits are described correctly? You will be surprised, but the signs of the zodiac really confirm the features of your character, describe your habits and your behavior. So, they share people into groups belonging to a specific type of character.

In this case, it is interesting, people born to some of the signs of the zodiac are the most opposite, severe in communication, non-advisive and less often others are capable of finding a language with people. Look at the rating of the most unemployful and noncommunicable zodiac signs.

1. Scorpio

Probably the hardest sign from the entire zodiac manifold. Scorpions. And this is not by chance, because he refers to Mars, the God of war, which means the militant, strong and hot-tempered sign. People born under the sign of Scorpio are true consumers, rarely giving in return. They always take what they need, boldly go to their goal even "on the heads".

The second planet, patronizing scorpions, is Pluto, which means it symbolizes the depth of the soul and the devilish image. Main character trait - determination, which is often jealous of the other signs. This is a sign of individualists, despising the opinion of the crowd.

It is easily tearing friendship that does not benefit, but are capable of permanent feelings. There may be extremely jealous, as large owners.

2. Aries

Aries, also under the auspices of Mars, are often immodest and unrestrained. Decide earlier than think about the consequences. Because of this, they often fall into conflict situations with other zodiac signs.

Bright individualists. Egoists and excessive pride, unreasonably imposing themselves above the others, are distinguished by excessive self-confidence and narcissism. It is easy to guess that getting ready for a team with such an attitude to the surrounding Aries is not easy.

3. Twins

This is a rather complicated sign to communicate with others. They are often accused of indifference and heartlessness, although it is often their protective reaction from the surrounding world. They are always looking for ease, but often it leads them to neurasthenia. Because of their impermanence, they often lose their loved ones.

They are not worn and not home, they are generally very rarely tied to the place, forever looking for their own corner. Their irrepressive character always entails them somewhere, and they led their favorite people under the influence of character.

Twins are unorganized and rarely adjusted to the end. As a bunch of energy, annoyed from someone's slowness.

4. Aquarius

Their main characteristic is independence and originality. It is thanks to this sign that the world is obliged to appear Frikov and "White Raven".

It seems to them that people do not understand their ideas, often offended by people and often quarrel, behave defiantly in society, which does not understand them. They reject anyone who, in the opinion of Aquarius, does not grind to their level. Often radical, up to the scandalous and shocking as in clothing so in communication. They often spend their abilities to succeed in society, sometimes to the detriment of the family and friendship, but often their attempts are vain.

The sexual sphere of water is small. More often aquarius in bed, so it does not fit erotically temperamental signs.

5. Capricorn.

A rather independent sign capable of sailing against the views of the majority. Workaholics, but they believe that the whole world is obliged to them for their work, everyone should work as well as they.

Ambitious. They love money, but among them a lot of squeaks and miser people. It is harmful and often overwhelmed, which will quarrel them with others.

Among the people of this sign, melancholys are more often found. Excessive suspicion to the surrounding is also not the best quality of the caferals.

Do not immediately think that the "heavy" badge is bad or is an outcast. Not at all! Just people of this type of character are more often bright personality, which simply do not need to interact with other people. They often communicate with them from the need to learn their benefits than boredom, and it is often more consumer attitude, which, of course, is not very pleased with the representatives of other signs.

There are no ideal people, as there are no zodiac signs that can endow their owner with extremely positive characteristics. However, astrologers managed to trace certain patterns, allowing you to call the most complex signs. We bring to your attention the top 5 of the most heavy signs of the zodiac - both among men and among women!

Male Capricorn.

On the fifth line in the hit parade of the perfect characters - Capricorn. First of all, because it is not easy to build relationships with a men-women's gensenavid. Of course, men born under this constellation create families, but they choose the role of tyrants and warders, leaving the role of the victim to the second halves. In addition, Capricorns are chosen only those women who can bring them benefits (including material!). They are waiting for concessions, praise and lack of problems.

Capricorn men enter the list of the greatest signs of the zodiac and because they are not ready for compromises, but to criticize others - just adore. His self-conceit of Capricious issues for nobility, a strong inner rod and respect for themselves.

Male Aquarius

In the fourth place in the list of the most difficult signs of the zodiac - aquatic. In relations with women, representatives of this sign come with great reluctance, and then they live and suffer. And, of course, they suffer their woman. The role is simply the head of the family and the leader of the Aquarius, it does not fit the totalitarianism. Of particular reason for the manifestation of tyranny, such men are not required - they regularly overhear, spy on, and thanks to a good fantasy and the skills of self-taught detective, they can independently endure an accusatory verdict, which is usually quite distant from reality.

That is why among water, the largest percentage of divorces. At the same time, it is guilty in parting, of course, a partner of the Aquarius: after all, it is simply impossible to carry out abuse of a thin mental organization. And it doesn't matter that at first Aquarius brought his partner to nervous exhaustion.

Gemini man

In third place in the list of the most severe signs of the zodiac among men twins. First of all, their complexity is expressed in windiness and impermanence. The personal life of these men is full of disorderly connections and extremes. The thing is in the interest of the whole new, unknown. One person rapidly annoying twins, and therefore, often on the horizon, a string of new (and very curious) personalities arises.

Another reason why Gemini men fell into our top 5 of the most difficult signs, lies in their capriciousness and cruelty to relatives. These people almost never pay attention to the opinion of others, and not appreciate it at all. At the same time, the twins are very chatteries, intrusive and hyperactive. They are very difficult to stop, which, by the way, causes the surrounding people only irritation. In addition, representatives of this sign are rare liar. Sometimes sometimes it is not easy to understand what it is false. To paint the deception of twins is extremely difficult.


"Silver" in the list of the greatest signs of the zodiac can be used. These men differ by passion and impulsivity. In addition, they are always right, even if the whole world proves to them the opposite. Everyone is simply obliged to recognize their rightness. Another feature that characterizes Aries is impulsiveness. They can destroy everything in minutes to build for decades! At the same time, it will be done with ease and even some pleasure.

In the family of Aries, the world is something unattainable. Partners are not easy with representatives of this sign, because any little thing can cause serious conflict. Aries very quickly respond to what is happening, lightningly "flashes" and apply all possible efforts to defend their position.

Male Scorpio

The first place in the top five of the most difficult signs of the zodiac, of course, in scorpions. To understand (and most importantly - to endure) all his habits and principles are almost impossible. Favorite entertainment of representatives of this sign of the zodiac - open criticism. Such a man is not ashamed to publicly point out his companion all its shortcomings. Therefore, the straightness of people born under this constellation, rather their disadvantage, and not an advantage.

In addition, male scorpions are terrible egoists. People who surround them are just things that can be disposed of as pleased. At the same time, the representatives of this sign of the zodiac have both sadistic inclinations, and therefore they are not averse to mockery over close.

Woman Aries

We offer to talk about the 5 most difficult signs of the zodiac among women. Open the top five daughter Mars. Aries are very selfish and accustomed to consider themselves the center of the Universe. They are distinguished by a militant character. That is, such women per minute of anger are able to destroy not only their home, but also feelings of close people. In any struggle, they stand literally to death. But fearlessness of Aries only seemingly - these women are afraid of any pain.

Why did the Aries fall into our rating of unbearable characters? Yes, because they are docked on themselves, and tolerance and tacty from them do not wait. The main theme of any conversations with a woman born under this sign of the zodiac is how they underestimate others.

Woman Lev.

The main thing in the life of the lioness is pleasure. And it does not matter whether they chew their stomach, are there in the spotlight, whether the money is spent, the main thing is to have fun! Perhaps, no sign has such a hypertrophied sense of own significance, as representatives of this sign. Pride, rudeness and self-love - that's what the character of a lionic is truly unbearable.

Astrologers are not recommended for disadvantages of these women, because in understanding the lioness is not at all cons, but, on the contrary, their dignity. They are a high opinion about their mental abilities, and therefore with pleasure indicate the mistakes around them.

Woman Deva.

Third on nonsense in our ranking of the most difficult signs of the zodiac - Virgin. The lives of their loved ones complicate the mania of the purity and the bore inherent in this sign. Of course, there are also virgins that can be called sludge, but the chance to meet them is as small as the likelihood of seeing a galeus comet. But Typical Virgin can easily bring the partner before being a frenzard by their desire to put in order absolutely everything. The scandal is due to the unclosed toothpaste or toilet paper, turning out of the wrong side, in the family of the virgin - the thing is the usual.

What else should be known about the virgins? For example, the fact that they are vain. And the devans belong to the record "washed" because of the lack of finance men. Money is an idol of representatives of this zodiac sign. Therefore, the percentage of divorces is extremely great.

Woman Scorpio

They entered the top of the most heavy signs of the zodiac and ladies-scorpions. Why? First, their language is the sharper razor, and secondly, they are incredibly vengeful. These women never forgive the offense, and they do not know how to control the outbreaks of their aggression. At the same time, the scorpions are simply charming.

It is worth saying that love in understanding these women is not happiness, but a scene of the drama theater. Here the scorpion subordinates the object of love for his will. And if there is no object, the scorpion switches to itself: self-confidence, conscience removal, repentance literally collapsed on a woman.

Woman Capricorn.

Palm Championship deservedly goes Capricorn. Such ladies are distinguished by misfortune. They are stupid not only for money, but also on emotions and compassion. To lose Capricorns do not know how, their whole life is the path to victory. Persistence of representatives of this sign of the zodiac can only be envied.

But if something goes wrong in the life of Capricorn, as planned, the laryrship instantly turns into a nital. Simple familiar, perhaps and will not be noticed in Capricorn, the struggle, but in close people will come to full. At the same time, young Capricorns are able to enjoy life, but closer to old age, they turn into evil old women who hate the whole world. The most fastest bureaucrats are usually born under this constellation. Another feature of the Capricors - the desire to make marriage by calculation. The chief of this woman should have money, status, but spend time on romance - this is more superfluous.

There is nothing worse than communicating with an irritable interlocutor, ready to explode from indignation at any time. Perhaps this is the bad feature with long communication, and most often it manifests itself in Aries, the aggressor by nature and calling, the Virgin, the scandalousist and the bore, prone to a constant clarification of relations, and Capricorn, personal policeman gendarme, ready at any time to crist you with authority . Sugar a dispute with a representative of one of these signs is a meaningless occupation, since nothing to do with such a good dispute. However, some signs with them perfectly get along - for example, the lion simply does not pay attention to it, and the Taverns have enough patience to return the conversation in a calm bed.

Signs that most often lie

In second place in the ranking of negative qualities it is inability or unwillingness to speak the truth. The palm of the championship is obtained by fish, which fully comply with their image - always located somewhere near the truth, but never voicing it. They succeed for themselves, even sometimes without malicious intent. Scorpions are losing intentionally and, as a rule, enjoy a deception as a tool to achieve their goals - their nature requires intrigue, scandals and investigations, and the role of the first violin or gray cardinal fits organically in the scale of life values. It is best to live with them to twins who still did not listen to their stories, and the weights that, in principle, do not like to make decisions themselves.

The most jealous signs

Another quality that was spoiled not one cell of society - jealousy and property. And there are teltsy, accustomed to hold on to their own and no one give anything. Their landiness and faults to simplify often leads to the scenes of jealousy and elections or or, when to choose from the Taurus and something, or even by someone else - friends, hobbies, career. One more owners are Capricorn, who know exactly how necessary, and will not allow members of their family to challenge their opinions. Next to them turn out, as a rule, Sagittarius with their cheerful positive, and Aries who know how to stand up for themselves and give passing in any dispute.

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People born under one zodiac sign are largely similar to character traits and behaviors. Some signs are distinguished by vulnerability, courage, in love, and there is also such that stands out by its fervent moral and irreparable behavior.

Emotionality and only

Many people might think that scorpions posses a tendency to be inclined to extreme reactions, the public manifestation of negative or a certain squid, since they are essentially staring, cunning, vengeful. In part, this statement is true, however, the scorpions are very reasonable and always know exactly when and in what situation they can give will to emotions, and when it is necessary to stop.

Emotional and hot-tempered lions should not be called droalling, they react to the external manifestations of the stimulus and nothing more. Internal conflicts are interested in a little, and therefore they quickly cool and return to good friendly relations.

Virgo - bitch

The horoscope says - and many it surprises, - which the virgin zodiac is a truly sterling sign (and -). The earthly element of the virgins makes them fairly landed, but their deep and controversial nature complicates the lives of people who surround them.

Virgin are critical and scrupulous in relation to any details.

With the help of his care, it perfectly remembers the details of the conversations, and then it can make a very sore and vividly remark the interlocutor.
Virns do not tolerate critical comments in their address, as they consider themselves highly intelligent. In all spheres of life, a person born under this sign will try to achieve perfection, will take on a big responsibility, since the system approach to achieving certain results from this sign is overestimated as much as possible.

Survival researcher of the world

In fact, it is trying to study the surrounding people with the help of their sharp nature of the Virgin, remove their shortcomings through critical comments. Virgin Pedantic, sometimes even too, do not tolerate mess and chaos, they show their criticism even to themselves.

From a medical point of view, Virgin more often than other signs of the zodiac suffer from nervous disruptions, overvoltages, due to the fact that they cannot relax, as they constantly focus their attention on trifles. Most virgins are fairly calm and calculating, their mind for them is the most important thing, and they pay a little attention to feelings.

If you think about each sign of the zodiac there is a notice of bitch, but some of this feature is more pronounced, and others are poorly manifested.

In many lists of sterval signs, in addition to virgins, scorpions, twins, Aries and crayfish are often mentioned.

But to determine the zodiac, what is the character of a person, one hundred percent is impossible. There are many missequisites in the description of the characteristics of the sign in relation to a particular particular person. Often, such not coincidences are explained by the fact that the person was born in the days when one zodiac sign flowed into another, and therefore there are contradictory features and unique features.

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  • which sign changes

The zodiac cycle is divided into 12 characters, which in turn are distributed to four groups of elements: water, air, fire and earth. Each zodiacal sign has its own characteristic in which the details described positive and negative qualities.


It is worth noting that the unanimous opinion about what is the most difficult, perhaps, no, since each sign is filled with and positive qualities and negative, inherent owners. However, there is still one sign, which is more often mentioned with the characteristic of "complex character" - this is a mysterious sign of Scorpio, which refers to the aquatic element.

Many astrologers unanimously say that scorpion is one of the complex signs, in which all qualities are intertwined as good and bad, often contradictory and hypertrophied. People born under this sign are hidden, choose their circle of communication carefully, as some trick are constantly waiting for those surrounding. Scorpions are tremendous to loved ones, but at the same time they constantly analyze their behavior, external features, if they find at least the slightest flaw, they will be happy to express all criticism.

Each medal has two sides. Each of us has a shadow where those sides of nature are hidden, which are clearly not worth it. About them and talk. In our "anti-musoscope", our dark sides are intentionally given in concentrated, convex form. Of course, such terrible people in pure form do not exist - and the trear Capricorn is compassionate, and always doubting scales can act decisively, and cowardly fish are capable of gulp the hollow hooligan. But, I put your hand on the heart, we admit myself, albeit not loud: in the well-kept flower bed, our soul still come across different kinds of weeds. What exactly? Let's see.


Aries 21.03 - 20.04 Nervous and impulsive bastard. Perhaps this is all said. Immediately after the deed or asks for forgiveness - noisily, with the sprinkling of the head as ashes and other theatrical effects (so that the next day to begin for the old one), or does not ask - you see, pride does not allow.

Otamazki: "Sorry, found something", "Defea Patched".

To say that Aries in its essence is a shortwater egoist, it means nothing to say. This child of militant Mars considers himself the center of the universe, and everything else and everyone else is only scenery and static decorations.

The words do not think, etiquette despises, straightforward to sprinkling. Men hand shake up so that sometimes the victims have to impose gypsum.

Aries have a very bad sense of humor. In fact, it is not, but what is, is the ugly attempt to attract attention. If the Aries are trying to joke, then the ladies better leave the room, and not every men will like to listen to the faint jokes of the lowest sewing. At the same time, Aries first laughs over his "jokes" and is waiting for the surrounding admiration.

His interests for Aries are always in the first place. Tacty, tolerance will not wait for him. But if Aries is offended, then the whole world should suffer with him. He will not let your vest, until it deals with her tears completely. And your attempt to escape is regarded as betrayal. Aries are docked on their own problems and do not like to talk about how much it is underestimated.

Optimism at Aries so much that from the side he may seem fool. Lives a momentary, the mistakes of the past are not taught. So Aries is able to complete once in life to step on the same rake, receiving the same cones.

It is ruthless in any competition, in the struggle for glory, money and love. Without thinking to work with your elbows, knocking out the leaders.

Irresponsible type, but not for evil intent. Just if the attention of the Aries will distract to something new and unusual, it can leave the post without a single convolution or disrupt an important meeting.

Despite the fearlessness, he himself does not tolerate even the slightest pain - light scratch fills his eyes with tears of compassion to himself. And the surgeons or dentists for the Aries are completely insensitive chosen.

Not a single ride he considers a worthy of lying in bed. Therefore, it often starts the disease to the urgent and strict bed mode.

Aries leaving, but in minutes of anger is capable of crushing not only the furniture or the Rybra touched by the Human Hand, but also his feelings.

The empty will not name it, but he is capable of going to chat on the themes, about which there is a vague idea, or violently argue contrary to obvious facts and ordinary logic.

Conquer the arrangement of the Aries is very easy, it can anyone counter. It is enough to say a pair of unwitting compliments - and Aries will forget about the family. Now he will rush with his new "friend," devoting him all the time and devastating the sake of his family wallet.


Taurus 21.04 - 21.05 Calculating bastard. This can not even ask: "Do you generally think what you are doing?" Believe me, as concerned. He certainly calculated in advance where to hit, to be more than more.

Otamazki: "You yourself deserve it".

Taurus rarely have large dimensions, but they are almost impossible from previously occupied positions. This is not stubbornness and not too lazy, but such a vital philosophy: What are you all fussing when everything is stable and clear? Because the calves are incredible retrograds, the stadiums of the antiques and the fools of the whole new.

Taurus is terrible in anger, although it's not everyone from equilibrium on the shoulder.

Domashed to the brain of bones, pull out to the party, concert or walk - the task is nontrivial. A sedentary lifestyle looses the health of the Taurus. Diseases are of a protracted character, because the doctor for him is not authority, he does not believe or implies the prescriptions. The authorities at the Taurus are generally not enough, but here is the boss for him - unconditional authority. Anyone who is above the social staircase seems to be a unique, special person.

The main feature of this sign is stubbornness. But he considers himself a rational and reasonable person. In love, it is limitless, but the back of the medal is the inability to get a divorce and part in the event that the love of the second half is irrevocably ended. Taurus is capable of long-year-olds, to gung, and prove that it is better for him all the same in the world you will not rally.

Taurus leisurely in everything - in thoughts, deeds and feelings. Therefore, a representative of any other sign can go into despair from close communication with the Taurus. And to knock out recognition from him in love - a real feat. This heavy man, whether it is a man or a woman, prefers to worship behind him, and not the opposite.

Big fans eat.

His humor is rude and simple, he prefers a strong little character or salty joke. The company may laugh loudly and for a long time over a bearded joke, which told himself, causing awkwardness and perplexity of the rest of the people.

A strange way in the caller can be taken to greed and love for luxurious personal things. Such things the Taurus most often buys for himself, beloved, and not those who are near.


Gemini 22.05 - 21.06 Frivolous bastard. Often, it simply does not understand what behaves like the last bastard (one and a half winding to analyze their actions do not somehow have). About the accurate dirtiness forgets after 5 minutes.

Otamazki: "What are you offended? Why?"

By justice, this sign should be called a monkey - so his representatives are restless and fussy. Infinite mining, instant change of mood and thoughts can cause migraine from everyone who is in contact with the twins. The tendency to be late, including even their own wedding, is their business card. Just on the way any trifle can distract them so that they forget about everything in the world.

Clear debaters capable of imperceptibly change their point of view on the opposite, and in five minutes - return to the starting positions. To bring some information to twins, you need to work pretty, because these fidgets know how to listen to themselves just. And the talkativeness is the root of their nature. It seems, even in a dream, they do not stop and all the time someone is told.

Slippery people these twins, they are able to get out of any situation. At all, do not know how to recognize your mistakes. And if they manage to be removed to the wall by irrefutable facts, when it is no longer possible to be used, shut down in the pose of insulted innocence. Subsequently, it can be finely, but it hurts to revenge.

Rumors and gossip - their elements. Any rumor they will immediately pass further, extraordinarily add. The idea that they do to other people are doing, spreading noby, does not come to mind.

Have a "short breathing", that is, no work, the idea or feeling cannot attract twins a long time. Their passion is constant changes, even if they occur to the detriment of other people or personally twin.

The waste of them is well known - ready to pull out per minute what was earned with months, or even years. And if you take some time to spend twice as much as it really was.

On the twins it is impossible to rely on something really important. With a sense of responsibility, they have an explicit stress.

Can simultaneously talk on the phone, cook food, iron shirt and watch TV. As a result, the food burns, the shirt, too, with the telephone interlocutor everything ends with a scandal.

Born fockers, merchants, card shuilers and pockets. Begotes from nature; For them, theft is fun, entertainment. In the store can not want (and often wishing), deceive the seller. Their congenital charm in this case confuses others and makes it possible to unhindered.


Cancer 22.06 - 22.07 All of themselves-dusted bastard. It's you - a bastard, and he is an innocent victim of circumstances. And so it will always be, even if the disgusts on his account is ten more than yours. Moreover, he will take care that the whole world knows about how you with him, the poor, badly cost.

Extinguits: "You forced me yourself!ยป

The cunning of this zodiac sign is unsurpassed. Cancer can circle someone around a finger. Cancer Humor Multicornel, and an enemy applied to an enemy - almost fatal weapons. Sincerely winking over a funny story told by cancer, the listener soon can imagine that together with the entire company laughed, actually speaking over himself. That is, cancer subtly put it on universal laugh.

If they offend the representative of this sign and he flows into the despondency - literally infects the depression of everyone who is within a radius of several kilometers. The vitality and the ears of cancer never manifests itself openly, but he knows how to revenge the offender. Mount to those who eat at the ownership of cancer, whether it is a favorite thing or a person.

Offended cancer can silence weeks. This robs his environment to death. No smaller suffering cause closely permanent mood changes, in the range from mortal longing to unrestrained, like a baby, optimism with a rapid bubble.

Frections of the attacks of unprovoked malice.

Greed to the older has a colossal crayfish. On some ancient bearer can spend mad money. And with difficulty part with things that not only came out of fashion in the last century, but also prone to holes.

Emergency Egoists in love. Their feelings, emotions and experiences are the main thing in life. Feels of other people can be neglected.

The stock of cancer is not from greed, but from the eternal expectation of the trouble and the future "black days." The real warehouse of canned, cereals and pasta in his house - the usual thing. Often canning cans are swatched, and the cereals and pasta are green from time.

Passionate chadolyubie cancer can play a bad joke with his children. Totally taped, kids can grow finished fitters, egoists and idlers. After all, mom or dad until the death of death will wipe the snot, poke money and feed the way they will not feed in every palace.

The tendency is tight and tasty food is aucumber cancer in the speed and irrevocable weight set, problems with digestion. Vegetable salad, Shangl soup? Dismiss! Extensive and fat chops, lush fritters floating in oil and condensed milk - here is a meal, decent cancer.

Even if someone is sinking, the cancer will rain until the water is thoroughly discharged before riding it to save. And it will make it cancer only when you make sure that on the coast besides it really no one else.


Lion 23.07 - 23.08Self-love bastard. He is wise and great, he is a king, others - trash under his feet. From this position, all his pokerness flows.

Otmazki: "I wanted so much."

Have fun for lion - it means to live. In pursuit of sensual pleasures and in order to be the center of attention, he will go to any expenses. The famous ancient Greek politician Alkiviad has cut off the tail of his dog for several days. "Why so mock the poor animals?" They asked him fellow-Athenians. "Then, that all Athens is only about me and say!" - answered Alkiviad. Typical behavior for the representative of this sign: Glory - at any cost!

In politics, lions are strong as, perhaps, no one else. But their love for a flattery gives deft people an excellent opportunity to solve their problems and illegally enriched, licking Mr. from the legs to the head, completely and nearby acting against his own interests.

The hypertrophied feeling of self-esteem, self-love and pride can make a lion with a loose interlocutor, a terrible friend or lover. But do not dare to poke him into these disadvantages, which are just worthy of advantages. Otherwise, the purring kitten will instantly turn into a real furious lion and puts its powerful fangs and claws into the course.

Being a boss is a natural state for the representative of this sign. He is a wonderful organizer and leader. But if things go well, and the subordinates are exhausted and not to complain about what, the head of the lion can tighten to the death of his own secretary for the country's trifles. After fulfilling even a small order, he perceives as a personal insult, the punishment for which will be rapid and disproportionately rigid, up to dismissal.

There are many military leaders among Lviv, generals. Crossed by the lion's authority subordinates are afraid of them as a fire, for the eyes and in fairness, referred to "Drogonami". Such people sincerely believe that if you do not trace the subordinates, they all will be done in the world. Therefore, their permanent guardianship and control are able to bring anyone to white cation. In addition, the lion has the ability to imperceptibly shifting on the shoulders around others, it is obviously failed work, but to take those cases that will certainly bring money, glory and honor.

Having a rather modest intelligence, the lions extolish their mental abilities to heaven, love to "build" everyone, pronounce the editors, unceremoniously poke down the lower noses in their errors, true and imaginary. Even if there is not the slightest reason for the performance, the lion will still be spent on speech, albeit about anything - if only to stay in the center of attention. And this sure speech will hear everything in the district. And if a party goes to Lion's house, this will be known at least the entire adjacent quarter.

As you understand, all these qualities may only be characterized by a person, devoid of self-irony, and a sense of humor in general.


Virgo 24.08 - 23.09 Non-overgrown bastard. Somewhere once you switched to her road (or just unsuccessfully spoken at her) - Get what merits! All these years, she just waited for a convenient case to pour all the dirt that had accumulated from her inside.

Extinguits: Not in Affairs - "I?! Yes, how could you think! " Or triumphing "But remember ..."

The bore and clean, bringing the rest before the protected passion everything on the shelves. Remember: if you took something from the Virgin and forgot to put in place - it already belongs to you with suspicion. And the unclosed tube with a toothpaste or skins from the sausage, forgotten on the table, for it mean that you are an overhead person and the prison is crying.

Cleanity for many girls becomes a real mania. Barely a noticeable speck on the clothes of a child or the boots that are not sacrificed to the mirror glitter can spoil her mood or provoke a stormy scandal.

And right for her pedanthism concerned only the clothes and purity in the house. But in the same way, she judges human relations. Any retreat from the norm (which is installed and only it is known) leads it to despair, and sometimes in rabies. In your relationship, she has long laid everything around the shelves, and try only on these "shelves" to rearrange at least a couple of things.

Impaired conservatism and restraint inherent in their thoughts and movements. Any invasion from the outside causes an inadequate reaction to the degree. She always knows everything better and unequivocally makes it clear that it does not need advice. That is why the virgin is almost always bad (at best cool) relations with neighbors.

Virgin coward. Women is forgiven, but for a male-male, this is not the most suitable quality. And they are extremely vain. It is difficult to have more horses than lions, but some devices are managed. Plus, they love money very much. Do not just love - worship! Large amounts have a magical impact on the virgin.

The thoughts of the Virgin are most often occupied by what she is doing at the moment. Therefore, the results of its activity look strange: it shines from one side, and from the other ... And then we will turn the other side to the wall, and no one will see.

In the raising of children, strict rules are held. He considers the main thing that the child can be carefully and is dressed and fed. Play, take a walk or at least talk to him - optional. There are other, more urgent things. It is just as hard to achieve a mask, mental understanding and response from the Virgin. Instead of sorry, she will read the lecture in which the scrupulous and mercilessly will understand all the mistakes of the complainant and summarize: "It's guilty myself."

The readiness of the virgins is well known. They in any situation and for any occasion will be inserted by a quotation, without thinking about her relevance and that the words that are spoken by the soulless and moral tone they can hurt another person.


Scales 24.09 - 23.10Cowardly bastard. Weights rightly were awarded 1 place in the rating of bastards. Petached, immoral creature. It lied here, there was slandered, there I betrayed the way of life. And all because of cowardice.
Otamazhki: None. Located and hid.

It is difficult to rely on them. Scales in ourselves are not sure, before clouding in the brain, behavior options even in such situations, where there is nothing to think, "no matter how it is, everything will be fine.

In women, the scales always slipping something men's, in men - on the contrary. This does not mean that the ladies of this sign are all solid to the kernel. But their behavior can be often overlooked. And already familiar men with the chas of gentle villains or with unbearable gastroita gays are accurately scales. And even under the brutal appearance of some men-scales, a cowardly sheep doused is hidden.

Capriciousness is also the obvious characteristics of this sign. Hidden nervousness detrimental infects the surrounding people, they often become uncomfortable in the Society of Libra. Periods of active and even violent activities are replaced by melancholy and intensity. In these periods, the scales are prone to quarrels, painful plasticity. By nature, courtesy, diplomaticity and courtesy, they, being in the bad location of the Spirit, nahamat so cool that even scorpion will shut.

Overbinding and passion for alcohol often seriously destroy their health. And the scales prefer exquisite food and sneakers or cognacs, on which they are ready to spend any money.

Love for them is the field of endless adventure. The most revealed lovelaes are, of course, scales. Moreover, inserting the next representative of the opposite sex, they are without hesitation and remorse of conscience throw lovers or leave the family. Marriage they are subconsciously considered to be shackles in which society is changing them, such gentle and fragile.

Love endlessly to argue in the genre "On the one hand, of course ... but on the other hand ...". Move the scales for a quick solution, even when the situation requires, it is simply impossible. Because of this habit, everything is completely weighed and evaluated, they often lose more straightforward to people who are ready for risk.

Children for weights are the best material for experiments. If the first child is allowed everything, up to the physical seating on the head at the parent, then the other for an unknown reason will be brought up in heroic mittens.


Scorpio 24.10 - 22.11 Principal bastard. Principles can be any, not in them the essence. From the point of view of his superstrate worldview, you broke some kind of ban and must be punished. He believes to the instrument of justice (with a capital letter, yes).

Otamazhki: None. And arrogantly drawn chin.

Their independence and tendency to force many are known on their own skins. Go at least something to the scorpion road - it means almost certainly to sign a death sentence. This is a merciless opponent, whose flash of anger is akin to atomic explosion, sweeping everything in its path. He is vertiguene, malicious and never forgives offense. Try only to encroach on something belonging to Scorpio - you will regret that they were born.
If by chance in the vicinity there is no suitable object for the attack, Scorpio starts to saw, nibble and devour yourself - for past mistakes and failures, which have long forgotten. Or, if the opponent is clearly stronger and scorpion does not manage to put it under control, it pours his throat and hatred at all without disaster.

Natural hypnotism often pushes scorpion on bad deeds. Enchanting the sacrifice, he will clean her pockets with a smile curve, makes acting on her own will either put on the blades in any dispute. The only way to see from his magical impact is to bypass the face or put on dark glasses, because hypnotizes scorpion exclusively with a look.

In life, with rare exceptions, it is surrounded by "pitiful, insignificant personalities" - the expression is purely scorpion. So why ceremony with them? Let them listen and obey.

Passion of its non-corrosion, although the face most often remains impassive. Those who betray his love are not unseen. To punish enemies or traitors, can resort to the services of black magicians. However, he, and without any assistance, it turns out to be firmly attached against anyone. And irreconcilable religious fanatics, too, most often scorpions.

He does not know how to smile and does not like, the smile of scorpion is a rare event. This is the only sign that will not leave anyone indifferent - scorpions or passionately rely, or to the depths of the soul hate. There is no third.

Uncontrolled courage and disregard for danger often leads to injuries. In this sense, Scorpio - Zodiac Champion.

Love for him is not only the natural yield of raging passions, but also the Arena of the Eternal Battle. Moreover, he sticks to the blood not only with competitors, but also with a loved one, completely subordinating his will and whims.

One of the most unpleasant things related to it - a year before or during the year after the birth of Scorpio, some of the close relatives die.


Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12 Scandalous bastard. Ham tram, baba market ... enjoys conflicts as such.

Extinguits: meaningless text, richly arched by mat, on elevated colors.

Cheerful lobotryas, optimist and cooked. A smile does not come off with his face, and his humor does not know borders, including the borders of decency. In the company, it can easily reveal an unfamiliar lady an unpleasant compliment of the type "And you are well preserved for your years!". At the same time, each Sagittarius considers himself an outstanding diplomat.

Its chatty is comparable to twins. The friendliness of it is similar to the ocean, in which, in addition to his will, drown all the surrounding. Very quickly friendship goes into panibrates and endless drip, until money is run out. Friendship with Square can lead you to the fact that you will descend and lower until you find yourself at night under the fence, without a wallet, without a coat, in a state of the deepest hangover. Remember: Drink Sagittarius a lot, you do not get sick.

The generosity of Sagittarius and willingness to help everyone in the world can put his own family on the edge of hungry death. Among other things, he does not know and does not understand what sadness, spiritual experiences and the more deeper depression. For him, the world is full of all sorts of temptations and interests, so it's no longer to be sad. Find an understanding and compassion in a difficult situation is almost impossible.

In love, he is reckless, is inconsistent. One marriage will never be limited. But, swaying with a former wife or husband, the Sagittarius seeks to preserve friendly relations and acts in this sense with a bombing, albeit inappropriate pressure and obsession. Love generally plays in his life too small role, it is too serious thing, so that the Sagittarius could get carried away. And they seem to pass the passion at all. Here is a friendship - it is much more interesting for them.

The child of Jupiter, the Sagittarius with difficulty obeys the authorities, considering himself a more competent and advanced specialist. But, becoming the boss, can fill out any business, too differently treating the subordinate and nominating even critical misses. This is a person who thinks and analyzes only after something has already done. But, despite the recklessness of nature, the Sagittarius can take a breakdown of the caustic sense of the one who truly comes to him.


Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01 Stubborn and limited bastard. The indifference of the Taurus + the egoism of the lion + his personal unique stupidity. More greed as seasonings.

Otamazka: "So it happened."

The main feature is stale. For money, feelings, love and compassion. The most sort of bureaucrat and the book - it is he, Capricorn. All his life seems to be painted in minutes, in the head - solid schemes, tables and numerous manuals for all occasions. Probably, many of the cacurases they even shoot at night, and they moan in a sweet kayfa.

Capricorn absolutely intolerant to defeats, he does not endure them. The patronage of Saturn gives Capricorn rigidity and perseverance in achieving their goals - even if for this will have to go through the heads, and even on the corpses of enemies. Although himself, he is not a fighter fighter, but any obstacles eliminates the underestimated hand.

Capricorn love is a truth for the subject of love. This is a harsh feeling! Even looking into the eyes of a wonder Capricorn, I want to stretch out to the frunteer, click on the heels and pour out: "What do you like, your wellness?" Even if he does not care about your feelings, he will never show it. And by itself, marriage by calculation - the invention is exclusively ibex. He does not consider it necessary to spend strength, time and emotions on all sorts of sublimation there.

In general, the Capricorn is fatally unbeatable. They can be smart, and very smart, but only in other people's thoughts. By the way, Capricorns are talented, but rarely can realize their talent, because they themselves do not allow themselves beyond the framework of generally accepted.

Pedanticity in raising children is able to make neurastheniki from these children, forever feeling their guilt for any misconduct, including imperfect. And even if everything is done perfectly, neither the dad, nor the mother of this sign of the zodiac will take the cheek, but will limit the dry nod. Like, okay, it will come down and so might be much worse.

Do not bring the Lord if Capricorn's dooms for a long time to supply or go wrong. He will turn into a bore, which light did not see. Will cut and criticize everyone in a row and for anything. To the old age, rare Capricorn does not turn into a hopeless struggling.

The counted dream of any of them is absolute power due to the scene. Capricorn does not indispose the light of soffits, worship of wide masses and world fame. His ideal is Professor Moriarty, sitting in the silence of the Cabinet, but holding in his hands all the threads of the criminal world of London.

Almost any found treasure was once hidden by Capricorn. He can postpone the money all his life, but they themselves will not take advantage of them in the end and, the meager, if they will not tell their relatives about them.


Aquarius 21.01 - 18.02 Cynic bastard. Honorary 2 place after weights. Make a nasty only in order to laugh at your sufferings. He has a congenital heart disease - then the absence of it (heart) lack.

Otamazka: "Ha ha".

External extravagance, multiplied by a tendency to shocking outcomes. Revolutionary, threatening with the upheavals of everything - from family mistake to world order. Inspection in funds, dating and love. All this with an excess can be found in Aquarius. True, reaching middle age, it is often that it becomes a fallen conservative, a persecutor and a fragrance of freedom (someone else's).

Aquarius is not too interested, which building will be erected on the ruins of the crushed world. The main thing is to get the old and caskoruzl, despite the blood and suffering from other people. Justice for the sake of saying that the Aquarius does not regret themselves in the fight.

This is the worst of all possible satellites of life. His rebellious heart will never belong to a single person. The love of it is speedless, fragile and superficial. It always breaks with former lovers as if it throws out worn gloves into debris, - that is, without regret and in one moment. Although all people for him are brothers, including his wife, to conclude it to any framework it is impossible. Therefore, by the way, the Aquarius does not like marriage like that - one of the types of the most hard framework.

But from the child, Aquarius can grow whatever - from a brilliant scientist to a talented fraudster. Because his children are granted to themselves and can at least go to the ears - the parent and eye does not blink.

Terribly zinicic and spit wanted to the norms of decency. Very well selects the keys to any human soul, but, as a rule, with bad goals. To deliver to the bottom, it can behave unceremoniously and brazenly, asking direct questions in the foremost on the most intimate parties of life. Male Aquarius when meeting the lady can stupidly and straightly ask, for example, whether it is experiencing orgasm or frigid, as a statue. And in response to the burning slat, she frankly breaks her face to Punchy from anger.

Aquarius Sillen in the sciences, this sign of the zodiac gives the most scientific talents and geniuses. At the same time, Aquarius does not see the prospects for what works on. Electric chair? Napalm? New machine gun model? It does not take it at all that all this will eventually become a murder tool - only the creative process is important. At the same time, the myth of the genius of Aquarius is spreading life itself. Most of them are brilliant, then in such spheres that we do not know about. By the way, among the inhabitants of mental hospitals, more than all water.

Try only not to keep this word - the son of uranium will immediately strike out you from your life. He also has excellent intuition, but can take advantage of it to achieve his at any cost, even applying a direct harm to a trusting person.


Fish 19.02 - 20.03 Indifferent bastard. Hearing a cry "Help!", Slams the window and robbed the blanket. Do not expect from him that he will come to you to the hospital, where you live in the last days in injections.

Otmazki: "Every for himself, sorry."

Total softness and inadvertence, misinterpretation, often frank cowardice. Unwillingness to apply adequate forces to achieve their own benefit. Next to deception, even if there is no visible reasons for this. This is the reverse side of the medal with fish sign.

Their illegitability, the willingness of their readiness is striking. Of this, a rare talent of the adaptable and podhalima is naturally flowing. Nearby chiefs for this and appreciate fish. But they can not rely on them and in a trifle case - most likely, they will move, profude, will forget, or will do climb. They see the world through pink glasses - perhaps this term came up with just fish.

Most often, they are impossible to rush. In response to any shocks or creepy messages, you will see all the same infant serenity. The feeling that fish is always under the buzz - whether the vodka pulled, or the cant smoked. By the way, they are good internally understand their inability to life in our harsh world and leave him in the world of illusions. Among alcoholics and drug addicts most of all fish.

In men-fish, the biggest disaster is their talkativeness. They are capable of carrying nonsense for hours, so then you want to chat your head to shake out all the garbage.

While watching a steep militant, in the most intriguing and energetic moment, they are capable of turning off and sailing somewhere into foggy gave themselves for their own weakly decorated thoughts. If this happens when working with a complex technique or while driving a car - not to avoid accidents.

Love draw, but do not know how. Rather, this: their creations put others in a dead end. Classic example - Kazimir Malevich with his "black square", natural fish. In general, in art, they go their way. Maybe we have not reached the understanding of such creativity, but every time, seeing something that is absorbed or frankly abstract in any field of art, almost physically feel that you are watering.

The only effect of their effective weapons against gross peace and unceremonious people is a sense of humor. Do not really touch fish if you do not want to get a portion of sarcasm, before which can save even evil tongue of scorpion. The fish are capable of separating the offender with several caustic phrases, which the bruises and abrasions will have to heal the bruises and abundance.

I learned yourself or some of the acquaintances in these stellar pacifics? I hope we did not slander anyone. Let your friends refer to such things as star predictions, with humor - show them a horoscope of the base signs of the zodiac.

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