Drawings on the topic of Chernobyl through the eyes of children. Draw kids

Reservoirs 29.09.2019

What a tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, children and as Tut.BY members have helped the Brest Independent Theater "Wings Hall Hall" to prepare a scenario of a new play, we learned at the Chernobyl children's drawing exhibition.

Children's glance at the tragedy in Chernobyl presented to the Brest public on July 1 in the Hall of the Hermitage Hotel. In total, over 50 works are posted on the stands. Most of them are the result of the painstaking work of young artists of Brest. A few more paintings were provided to the competition for the competition of the Minsk psychoneurological dispensary.

In order to find out more about the artistic and theater project on Chernobyl Tut.by visited the exhibition hall with one of the organizers of the cultural initiative and part-time actor of the Brest independent alternative theater "Wings Hallop" Sergey Gaiko.

As the young man explained the exhibition of children's drawing is an important part of the play "Chernobyl", over which the team of the Brest alternative theater works. The formulation was based on the materials of two expeditions to the Belarusian part of the displacement zone and the Polesky radiation-ecological reserve, interviews in people escaped after the Chernobyl accident and documents related to its consequences. In addition, people in the forums were also used.

"Some fragments were borrowed including from the TUT.BY forum. These messages show how modern people without bill discuss this topic", - Added a source.

Completes the performance of the video series with photographs of the past, present and future nuclear power plant.

"Children's work is a peculiar illustration of the future," Sergey Gaiko explained.

According to Sergey sent within the framework of the competition, children's work made a strong impression on organizers and members of the jury, which included cultural figures of the city.

"I am most struck by the work that people are depicted in a circle of fire. It's hard to say what a child thought when she was drawn, but I see people who once subjected to the effects of radiation, can no longer be for this" fire "to go into the blue space "- He explained.

According to the organizers, the Chernobyl Children's Figure Exhibition will work at the Hermitage Hotel about three weeks, that is, until July 22. But when the premiere of the new performance of the Hallop Wings Theater, while it is difficult to say.

According to Sergey Gaiko, the draft version of the production, which was represented by foreign colleagues at the International Women's Theater Festival in Denmark. At this stage, the theater team continues to work on the performance.

Young artists from different parts of the country sent about a thousand drawings. In their works, the guys reflected the beauty of native land, the pain of Chernobyl, the courage of the Belarusian people and faith in the revival of our country. Competition is a unique opportunity to look at the problem of the Chernobyl catastrophe through the eyes of children and see what they see. Many small artists live in small towns and villages in the territories contaminated with radionuclides, the drawings of these guys are distinguished by special realism.

Works are performed in a wide variety of techniques: graphics, watercolor, appliqués, gouache, oil paints, leather products.

The competition was held in five nominations:

- "Light future, despite Chernobyl";

- "The younger generation: Remember, learn, revive / Chernobyl: Past, present, future";

- "Chernobyl: Age 21 / Chernobyl - wound on the heart of Europe";

- "Chernobyl - Belarusian pain";

- "Life with radiation / Chernobyl in my life."

Initially, the jury planned to select only 15 winning works - three for each nomination. But the competition was sent to the competition and the workshops of the drawings revealing the Chernobyl themes that members of the jury decided to increase the number of prizes to 41.

First place in the nomination "Light future, despite Chernobyl":

Littyco Alexandra, 14 years old, d. New Yard, Pinsky district, Brest region

Bykovsky Denis, 13 years old, Mikashevichi, Brest region

Singer in the nomination "The younger generation: remember, learn, revive / Chernobyl: Past, present, Future":

Dmitrachkov Pavel, 13 years old, Minsk

First place in the nomination "Chernobyl: Age 21 / Chernobyl - wound on the heart of Europe":


Shankova Marina, 15 years old, D. Murinbor, Kostyukovichsky district, Mogilev region

First place in the nomination "Chernobyl - Belarusian pain":

Danilenko Veronika, 14 years old, Slavgorod, Mogilev region

Kozrenko Elena, 15 years old, Mozyr, Gomel region

Gorbun Valeria, 15 years old, Volkovysk, Grodno region

First place in the nomination "Life with radiation / Chernobyl in my life":

Kalenik Marya, 11 years old, d. Porechye, Grodno district

Organized the branch contest "Belarusian branch of the Russian-Belarusian Information Center on Catastrophe Consequences at the Chernobyl NPP" (Borbizz) RNIUP "Institute of Radiology" of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus on behalf of the Department for the Elimination of Catastrophes on the Black-and-Fistional Ministry of Emergency Situations.

On February 16, 2010, the winners and winners of the competition gathered in Borbits (Minsk) to the awards ceremony. Diplomas and incentive awards The winners were provided by the Department, the Belarusian Union of Artists, Beltelecom, the magazine "Wildlife", "ASB Belarusbank" and Borbits.

All the priority work will enter the international exhibition "revive the injured Earth together," which will be demonstrated in the countries of the European Union to the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe.

Read the drawings of the winners \u003e\u003e\u003e

In 1986, a terrible catastrophe was happening, which shook the whole world and reflected echo in our lives so far, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded. And, at least there was a lot of grief, people still seized some benefit from the catastrophe. Such benefit can be called a series of games Stalker, about which many people are heard, since its popularity is noticeable not only in the territory of countries that trouble hooked. Today we will talk about how to draw stalker. The very first thing you need to know, this game is not some kind of Korean or American production, it is a purely domestic project, more precisely, Ukrainian. And they tried to fame, as the series competes with not chili games of their genre.

At the heart of the plot fictional continuation of actions that occur on the territory of the power plant and the nearest places. The essence is that in 2006 strange things began to occur in the exclusion zone - mutants, interesting and mysterious artifacts began to appear. Immediately there were recruits who sold their body and soul for the search for valuable artifacts. But the zone is a territory with other laws about life. Here you can not just walk and take what you need, as in the supermarket of teddy toys. For everything you need to pay, and not rarely - life.

There are many rumors about the game, some of which are more than interesting. There you are:

  • There are people who knew what the abbreviation s.t.a.l.k.e.r. I open the cards to you: Scavengers, Trespassers, Adventurers, Loners, Killers, Explorers, And Robbers (Padalrs, Border Violators, adventurers, single, killers, researchers and robbers). Just and clear.
  • What do you think, how long can the Stalker be held? A few hours if you try? You are so naive. The record of the passage of the game from beginning to end is 15 minutes. Here it is the speed of light.
  • Funny remark in the game itself. All the machines of the Kalashnikov series have a shutter on the left side, and not with the right, as accepted. Now all the cartridges will fly poor stalkers directly in the face.

Now let's do what they have long wanted to draw.

How to draw stalker pencil stages

April 26 - the day of memory of those killed in radiation accidents and catastrophes. This year marks 32 years since the Chernobyl disaster - the largest nuclear power history in the world. There was already a whole generation that did not make this terrible tragedy, but on this day we traditionally remember Chernobyl. After all, only remembering the mistakes of the past can be hoped not to repeat them in the future.

In 1986, an explosion thundered at the Chernobyl reactor No. 4, and several hundred workers and firefighters tried to put out the fire, which was burning 10 days. The world enveloped cloud radiation. Then about 50 station employees died and hundreds of rescuers were injured. It is still difficult to determine the scale of the disaster and its influence on the health of people is still difficult - only from cancer, which has developed as a result of the received dose of radiation, died from 4 to 200 thousand people. Pripyat and surrounding areas for several centuries will be unsafe for residence of people.

Post sponsor: Pasparta. Baguette wholesale in Moscow and equipment for bagent workshops.
1. This picture of the Chernobyl NPP in Chernobyl (Ukraine) of 1986, made from the air, shows the destruction from the explosion and fire reactor No. 4 on April 26, 1986. As a result of the explosion and fire, which followed him, there was a huge amount of radioactive substances into the atmosphere. Ten years after the world's largest nuclear catastrophe, the power plant continued to work due to an acute electricity shortage in Ukraine. The final stop of the power plant occurred only in 2000. (AP PHOTO / VOLODYMYR REPIK)
2. On October 11, 1991, with a decrease in the revolutions of the turbogenerator No. 4 of the second power unit, an accident and a fire occurred for the subsequent stop and output to the repair of the SPP-44 separator. At this picture, made during the visit of journalists at the station October 13, 1991, a part of the collapsed roof of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, destroyed by fire, is visible. (AP Photo / EFRM Lucasky)
3. Aerial view of the Chernobia, after the largest nuclear catastrophe in the history of humanity. The snapshot was made three days after the explosion at the NPP in 1986. Before the chimney is the destroyed 4th reactor. (AP Photo)
4. Photo from the February issue of the magazine Soviet Life: the main hall of the 1st power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 29, 1986 in Chernobyl (Ukraine). The Soviet Union recognized that an accident occurred at the power plant, but did not provide additional information. (AP Photo)
5. The Swedish farmer removes the Sollar radiation infected through the sediments a few months after the explosion on the Chernobia in June 1986. (STF / AFP / Getty Images)
6. The Soviet medical worker examines an unknown child who was evacuated from the nuclear disaster zone in the state farm "Copelovo" near Kiev on May 11, 1986. The snapshot was made during a trip organized by the Soviet authorities to show how they cope with an accident. (AP PHOTO / BORIS YURCHENKO)
7. Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev (center) and his wife Rais Gorbachev during a conversation with the leadership of NPP on February 23, 1989. It was the first visit of the Soviet leader at a station after the accident that occurred in April 1986. (AFP Photo / Tass)
8. Kievans are in line for booknings before checking for infection with radiation after an accident at the Chernobyl NPP, in Kiev on May 9, 1986. (AP PHOTO / BORIS YURCHENKO)
9. The boy reads an advertisement on a closed gate of the playground in Wiesbaden on May 5, 1986, which says: "This site is temporarily closed." A week later, the explosion of the atomic reactor in Chernobyl April 26, 1986, the Municipal Council Wiesbaden closed all the playgrounds after detecting the level of radioactivity from 124 to 280 Beckerls. (AP Photo / Frank RumpenHorst)
10. One of the engineers who worked on the Chernobylum is a medical examination at the Sanatorium "Forest Polyana" on May 15, 1986, a few weeks after the explosion. (STF / AFP / Getty Images)
11. Activists of the environmental protection of the environment march railway cars in which dry serum is infected with radiation. The photo is made in Bremen, in the north of Germany on February 6, 1987. Serum, which was delivered to Bremen for further transportation to Egypt, was produced after the accident at the Chernobyl NPP and was infected with radioactive precipitation. (AP PHOTO / PETER MEYER)
12. The slaughterhouse worker puts stamps about suitability on cow trees in Frankfurt am Main, Western Germany, May 12, 1986. According to the decision of the Minister on Social Affairs of the Federal Earth Hessen, after the explosion on the Chernobyl, all the meat became subjected to radiation control. (AP PHOTO / KURT STRUMPF / STF)
13. Archival photo of April 14, 1998. Workers of the Chernobyl NPP pass by the control panel of the destroyed 4th power unit of the station. On April 26, 2006, Ukraine noted the 20th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, which touched the fates of millions of people demanding astronomical costs from international funds and became an ominous symbol of the danger of atomic energy. (AFP Photo / Genia Savilov)
14. In the picture, which was made on April 14, 1998, you can see the control panel of the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl NPP. (AFP Photo / Genia Savilov)
15. Workers who participated in the construction of cement sarcophagus, which closes the Chernobyl reactor, on a memorable photo of 1986 near the unfinished construction site. According to the "Union of Chernobyl Ukraine", thousands of people who participated in the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe, died from the consequences of radiation infection, from which they were injured during operation. (AP PHOTO / VOLODYMYR REPIK)
16. High-voltage towers not far from the Chernobyl NPP on June 20, 2000 in Chernobyl. (AP PHOTO / EFREM LUKATSKY)

17. The duty operator of the nuclear reactor records the control readings on the site of the sole operating reactor No. 3, on Tuesday, June 20, 2000. Andrey Shauman angrily poked in the direction of the switch hidden under the hermetic metal cap on the reactor control panel in Chernobyl - a nuclear power plant, the name of which became synonymous with a nuclear disaster. "This is the same switch with which you can turn off the reactor. For 2 thousand dollars, I will resolve anyone to press this button when the time comes, "said Shauman, acting chief engineer then. When it was time to come on December 15, 2000, environmental activists, governments and ordinary people all over the world sighed calmly. However, for 5800 workers of Chernobyl, it was a day of mourning. (AP PHOTO / EFREM LUKATSKY)

18. 17-year-old Oksana Gaibon (right) and 15-year-old Alla Kozimerka, victims of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, are treated with infrared rays at Tarar's Children's Hospital in the capital of Cuba. Oksana and Alla, as well as hundreds of other Russian and Ukrainian adolescents who received a dose of radiation, were treated for free in Cuba as part of a humanitarian project. (ADALBERTO ROQUE / AFP)

19. Photo from April 18, 2006. A child during treatment in the center of children's oncology and hematology, which was built in Minsk after the accident at the Chernobyl NPP. On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe, representatives of the Red Cross reported that they were faced with a lack of funds for further assistance to the victims of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP. (Viktor Drachev / AFP / Getty Images)
20. View of the city of Pripyat and the fourth Chernobyl reactor on December 15, 2000 on the day of the complete stop of the Chernobyl NPP. Photo by Yuri Kozyrev / Newsmakers)
21. Ferris wheel and carousel in a deserted amusement park of the Ghost City of Pripyat next to the Chernobyl NPP on May 26, 2003. The population of Pripyati, which in 1986 was 45,000 people, was completely evacuated during the first three days after the explosion of the 4th reactor No. 4. An explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant thundered at 1:23 night on April 26, 1986. The resulting radioactive cloud caused damage to most of Europe. For different estimates from 15 to 30 thousand people died later as a result of radiation exposure. Over 2.5 million inhabitants of Ukraine suffer from diseases acquired as a result of irradiation, and about 80 thousand of them receive benefits. (AFP Photo / Sergei Supinsky)
22. In the photo of May 26, 2003: An abandoned amusement park in the city of Pripyat, which is located near the Chernobyl NPP. (AFP Photo / Sergei Supinsky)
23. In the photo of May 26, 2003: gas masks on the floor of the classroom in one of the Ghost City Schools Pripyat, which is located near the Chernobyl NPP. (AFP Photo / Sergei Supinsky)
24. In the photo of May 26, 2003: the television body in the room of one of the hotels in the city of Pripyat, which is located near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. (AFP Photo / Sergei Supinsky)
25. View of the ghost city Prompt next door to the Chernobyl NPP. (AFP Photo / Sergei Supinsky)
26. In the photo of January 25, 2006: An abandoned classroom in one of the schools of the devastation of the city near Chernobyl, Ukraine. Pripyat and surrounding areas for several centuries will be unsafe for residence of people. According to scientists, it will take about 900 years on the full decomposition of the most dangerous radioactive elements. Colorful (Photo by Daniel Berehulak / Getty Images)
27. Tutorials and notebooks on the floor of one of the Ghost City Schools Pripyat on January 25, 2006. Colorful (Photo by Daniel Berehulak / Getty Images)
28. Toys and gas masks in dust in the former elementary school of the abandoned city of Pripyat on January 25, 2006. Daniel Berehulak / Getty Images)
29. In the photo on January 25, 2006: An abandoned sports hall of one of the schools of the empty city of Pripyat. Colorful (Photo by Daniel Berehulak / Getty Images)
30. What remains from the school gym in the abandoned city of Pripyat. January 25, 2006. Daniel Berehulak / Getty Images)
31. A resident of the Belarusian village of Novoselki, located immediately at a 30-kilometer forbidden zone around the Chernobyl, in a picture of April 7, 2006. (AFP Photo / Viktor Drachev)
32. Woman with piglets in the empty Belarusian Tulg village of 370 km south-east of Minsk, April 7, 2006. This village is within the 30-kilometer zone around the Chernobyl. (AFP Photo / Viktor Drachev)
33. On April 6, 2006, an employee of the Belarusian radiation-ecological reserve measures the level of radiation in the Belarusian village of the knotter, which is within the 30-kilometer zone around the Chernobyl. (Viktor Drachev / AFP / Getty Images)
34. A resident of the village of Ilintsy in a closed zone around the Chernobyl NPP, about 100 km from Kiev, pass by the rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine, which rehearsed before the concert on April 5, 2006. Rescuers organized concert of amateur time for the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe for more than three hundred people (mostly older people), who returned to illegal accommodation in the village, located in the exclusion zone around the Chernobyl. (Sergei Supinsky / AFP / Getty Images)
35. The remaining residents of the abandoned Belarusian village of Tulgovichi, located in the 30-kilometer forbidden zone around the Chernobyl NPP, on April 7, 2006, celebrate the Orthodox holiday of the Annunciation of the Virgin. About 2000 people lived in the village of the village, and now there are only eight. (AFP Photo / Viktor Drachev)
38. On 12 April 2006, workers succeed with radioactive dust in front of the sarcophagus closing the damaged 4th reactor of the Chernobyl NPP. Due to the high level of radiation, the brigades only work for a few minutes. (Genia Savilov / AFP / Getty Images)

Brief certificate of work with children in the city of Bronnitsy

Our organization (Bronnitskaya City Public Organization of Disabled "Soyuz-Chernobyl") has been working with children for 7-8 years. It all started with submitting simple information about the events that occurred in the city of Nuclear-Power Engineering Chernobyl. Unfortunately about this event They knew little like the residents themselves and practically nothing knew their children, although from the very beginning of events, i.e. from April 26, 1986 officers in / part 63539 and before the elimination of the military group in Chernobyl was taken directly participating in the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident.

The work began with the lessons of courage in the Chernobyl subject in school number 2. From the very beginning, this work was supported by the director of the Solovieva Natalia Sergeyevna School. In the future, Idea appeared, the information received and knowledge was transferred to paper. So the first school competition of children's drawing in Chernobyl subject was born. In the future, this topic gained its development and turned from the school competition to the city intersklass, to the regional intercity (G. Bronnitsa and Elektrogorsk of the Moscow region) and in 2010 we held an exhibition-competition of children's drawings in the Moscow region: "Chernobyl eyes children. " According to the regional competition, the results were summed up, the results were sent to the Minister of Education of the Moscow Region Antonova L.N. All contests and exhibitions of children's work, except for the Intercity Competition, were carried out on the personal means of Chernobyl. In the process of carrying out all this work, active, inquisitive, talented children of three secondary schools of the city, art school, children's creativity houses.

Children's children's creativity houses occupied a more active position. It was proposed to hold an exhibition of children's crafts. The exhibition was held in the Council of Veterans of the city. The authors of the best crafts were marked by valuable gifts.

The Chernobyl organization of the city was decided to buy all crafts of children. What was done. In the future, children of children's creativity always took active participation in contests artwork, for them organized an exhibition of diverse works. These works in the process of exhibition were sold, reversed money went to the restoration and expansion of the nomenclature of the diverse materials.

Our organization provided active assistance to teachers of fine art and drawing, this:

1.Skol №1 - Murashov Margarita Aleksandrovna;

2. Skol No. 2 - Kirsanova Olga Nikolaevna;

3. Skol No. 3 - Mamontova Marina Vasilyevna;

4. School of arts - Borisova Vlad Dmitrievna;

5. The day of children's creativity is Oksana Yuryevna's nose.

To the anniversary date - to the 25th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, we intend to hold an exhibition children's drawings "Chernobyl through the eyes of children" in the regional house of arts governments of the Moscow region, as well as regional competition of the pictorial works of children.

In general, our press will tell the best of children's competitions - bronnitstic news.

The first participants of the competition of children's drawing

"Chernobyl accident - the largest technogenic catastrophe of the twentieth century"

Alimuradova Elmira

Afanasyev Daria

Bottar Vika

Valeeva Olga

Vishnevsky Vladislav.

Volchkova Vika

Grishina Margarita

Gusarova Vika

Oleg Derichev

Ivanov Pavel

Karpovich Denis

Kirsanova Angelina

Kozlova Alena

Maltseva Kristina

Matveyev Ruslan

Olesya Olesya

Nazarova Vika

Nikolaichuk Katya

Pichugin Ksenia

Podlesna Lena

Skachkov Aleksey

Smirnova Olga

Soloshenko Zhenya

Finogen Dima.

Sharipova Ira

Shish Katya

Video material about the first competition of children's drawing is located

On the page "Our video" to see jim here

Children's drawing contest between school students

Elelectrogorsk and Bronnitsa

April 24, 2009 in the city of Bronnitsa Children's drawing competition "Chernobyl through the eyes of children" was organized. In the competition, students of two schools in the Moscow region took part. About this competition writes the newspaper "Bronnitsky News".

Exhibition of Pictures of Children of the city of Bronnitsy and the city of Elektogorsk

Our guests, the manual and organizers of the Intercity Competition of Children's Drawing "Chernobyl Eyesy "

Kirsanova Olga Nikolaevna with his students - participants of the competition of children's drawing

Winners of the competition of children's drawing "Chernobyl through the eyes of children" of the city of Elektogorsk

Video Material of Bronnitsky TV About the Intercity Competition of Children's Drawing on the topic of the Chernobyl disaster is located on the page "Our video" to see

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