Rules of negotiation. General rules of behavior in negotiations

Reservoirs 14.10.2019

Rules of negotiators

Probably, it's no secret that in life, to achieve your goals, we often have to negotiate with other people. And no matter where we want to achieve these goals, in the personal area or in the field of business. We have to participate in the negotiations every day. Often our interests intersect with the interests of other people. For example, I want to buy a thing at a price cheaper than the seller requests. The one who sells this thing, on the contrary, is interested in selling it more expensive. Here is the intersection of interest. My task, as a negotiators, convince opponent to make a deal on the conditions more profitable to me. Of course, it would be possible to wave a smith & wesson revolver in the face of this man and he would be very happy to make a deal on my conditions. But, I understand perfectly that many times to spend such "successful" negotiations will not give me very serious uncle. They will be sent to the place not so distant and there, the will - not will, they still have to negotiate in a peaceful way. The rules described below will allow you to avoid many mistakes with participation in negotiation processes and to learn almost without loss to bypass underwater stones found on the way to the successful conclusion of the transaction.

Rule number 1: Absolutely do not give anything to nothing .

One of the main mistakes of the negotiators may be a concession without a countercover. If you take your position and think that your opponent will also make concessions, then you are deeply mistaken. What is the meaning of him to give up in something, if he can get what he wants.

Rule number 2: Never take the first sentence.

The worst thing you can do is take the first sentence that opponent will make you. People get pleasure from solving "hard tasks", if you simplify this task, then your opponent will be sorry to think that he underestimated the cost of his thing, and you will come to mind that, perhaps you were overpaid for her.

Rule number 3: Do not just complain, but negotiate with the "offender" about the measures to correct the situation.

In the case when the opponent inflicted you any damage (moral, material, etc.), created some problem, it would be a huge mistake in the negotiations to focus on his "complaint". This can only cause a response reaction. It would be much more efficient to offer the opportunity to solve this problem. Your task is not to be outraged by the repairs of the other side, but to take care of your own interests.

Rule number 4: Never soften the conditions you offer, before you received an offer from the other side.

In the case when your opponent stores silence and does not make any counterparts, it would be a very big mistake to continue to make one-sided offers. Negotiations are a process in which, at least, the two sides are actively involved.

Rule number 5: The most useful questions of the negotiators begin with the words "that, if ...".

To subsequently not fall into unpleasant situations, it is better to provide in advance and discuss all possible options for developing events. For this, it is useful to use questions starting with "what if". When renting an apartment, you can ask the landlord such a question that if the neighbors fell? Who and how will it be answered? When buying a tourist trip, is relevant to ask that if the hotel refuses to provide a booked room based on the lack of free places? Etc.

Rule No. 6: Voluntary concessions made by one side, do not soften the other side - they make her position even more rigid.

The meaning of negotiations is to win all the participation of the parties. As mentioned in Rule No. 1, in successful negotiations, as in chess games, all parties must be walking alternately. There is an exception when the position of the opponent is soft, and you do not mean to achieve your goals to make counter steps. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that if your sufficiently resistant position in the negotiations makes your opponents to make counter-based proposals diplomatically, then your soft position supported by voluntary concessions, on the contrary, can bring the other side to take an even more rigid position. It is unlikely that it will be profitable for you!

Rule number 7: They are grateful to their first proposal.

Starting trading, offer unthinkable low price (if you buy) or unthinkable high (if you sell). Open negotiations is always a risk, and if your starting price is small, then your opponent can create a false impression on how much you can give up in the final price. After that, trade can be carried out violently and stubbornly, which will make you revise your price. Do you need it?

Rule number 8: Never use the expression "Torg is appropriate" in ads for sale.

Why, it is impossible to use the expression "bargaining"? Because it is a map-blanche for a potential buyer who sees you are not sure in your price and it gives him a huge advantage over you. Want to encourage him to trades? Please, but only during the negotiations. Ask him questions that I liked in your product, for what purposes it needs it, etc.

Rule number 9: Hard negotiators are decisive.

If you are encountered with a hard opponent, then, either come face with him to face, or raise negotiations in a dead end. Do not refuse cruelty at the cost of putting your own positions. On any suggestions that are not acceptable for you, answer simply and with a smile "no"!

Rule number 10: The most useful word negotiator "If" .

The most important thing that should be remembered in the negotiations is to prevent all (without exception) your suggestions and concessions with the word "if". This conclusion logically follows from rule number 1.

Rule №11: "It will not affect the end result."

The basic rule when communicating with heavy opponents: no matter how their behavior would always need to remember that it will not affect the end result. This should be reflected on your face. Opponents may behave anything, but if it does not affect the final result, their behavior is not your problem.

Rule number 12: "Strength is the essence of the negotiation process."

In the negotiations, the presence of power is a decisive factor for their successful completion. Therefore, before the start of communication with the opponent, it is worth determining the strengths of their position in advance. And it is not necessary that the advantage should be actual, that is, in reality, it is much more important when it is present in perception from your opponents.

Rule №13: "Take yourself a principal."

To remove the psychological pressure from the opponent, come up with the principal. That is, a person, from whose name you are participating in the negotiations. And when your interlocutor will make your offer, which you can not accept, you can easily refuse it, referring to the specific instructions of your fictional principal. For example: Wife said less than 10,000 not to sell.

Rule №14: "There are no established prices in nature".

Set prices, practically no in nature. Therefore, always bargain at the first opportunity. Take this pleasure to myself and your opponent. In this case, you do not lose anything, but you can win.

Rule №15: "I will think about your offer and call back."

It happens that you are under active psychological pressure from the opponent, but on his proposal - the requirement of you either have a negative answer and you cannot tell about it, or you have not yet decided how to do with it (accept or refuse). In this case, always take a time out, saying that we think about the offer and later give your answer. In this way, you win for yourself for a deeper analysis of this problem and identify its optimal solution. In addition, later your opponent will no longer be an advantage in the surprise that he could use, demanding from you solutions "right here and now."

Rule №16: "Do not change the price, and change the package of proposals."

One of the most practical methods of trading is to change the package of proposals. In this case, you emphasize your opponent's attention not at the price, but on those parts in the package of proposals that may be important for it. For example, Samsung, selling his household appliances, gives 3 years warranty. This period is more than many of its competitors, while the cost of goods is approximately the same. The buyer pays the same money, but wins in the service.

Rule №17: "Not all that is gold, which glitters."

No one let me be entangled for your brains with luxury, often dismissed. For success in negotiations, you always need to focus your attention on the result you want to get. In the negotiations, only what your opponent offers, as well as the weight of its arguments. Nothing else matters.

Rule №18: Leave a "threat to dinner."

Sometimes there is a temptation, accelerate negotiations by force: threatening and intimidating the opponent. In this situation, we can say that this is not a constructive way and, in most cases, it leads to a dead end. You can use the power reception only when negotiations have almost ended with nothing else to other ways to complete them in a positive line. In the event that your opponent decided to "push you" to "push" in this way, then you need to decide on: whether its threats are serious and whether it can actually apply them. If the answers in both cases "yes", find yourself a field for maneuvering and try to "sell more expensive", or if the conditions allow you to make negotiations in a dead end.

Rule №19: "Win - Win. "

The basic principle that you must be guided by negotiating is called "Win-Win". Wins your opponent - you will win. This principle is always valid and everywhere. As a result of successful negotiations, each of the participants should remain the winner. You get what is important for you, your opponent is what needs to him. Always try to understand the point of view and the interests of the other side and use the knowledge gained during the negotiations.
  • Rules for the preparation and decidification of negotiations
  • What errors in B.russian businessmen allowed etiquette
  • Metache negotiating

Negotiations are a dialogue of equal partners, and not imposing its own position. Member participants should be prepared to make compromises, perceive and respect someone else's point of view, argued to prove, and not to urge their opinion. In other words, you need to follow metache negotiations and the rules of the business protocol. Knowledge and compliance with the statutory standards of business meetings help to establish a constructive discussion, focus on solving professional problems, minimize emotional tension.

Negotiation Etiquette: Preparation Rules

Negotiations, in contrast to the business meeting, are completed by signing a contract or at least a protocol on intent. That is why it is necessary to prepare for negotiations, thinking about not only their meaningful side, but also organizational support. At the same time, if the choice of arguments depends on your knowledge and abilities, then the organizational provision of the meeting is predetermined by the rules for the etiquette of business negotiations. These rules you just need to know.

Rule 1. Preliminary consultation

To prescribe negotiations makes sense only if both parties are interested in cooperation. Therefore, first of all, you need to find out the goals of partners and determine the subject of discussion. Preliminary consultations will help find the area of \u200b\u200bintersection of interest. When you make sure that partners are in principle to work with you, proceed to the preparation of negotiations. You can instruct this task with a special protocol group (in large companies there are even permanent protocol departments).

Rule 2. Meeting time

Assigning time, proceed from the alleged duration of the negotiations. It is usually convenient to choose the morning - 10 or 11 hours. If the event began in the first half of the day, it should be completed no later than 17-18 hours. Psychologists and physiologists recommend negotiating on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, since these days there are peak of mental and physiological activity of man.

Rule 3. Meeting Place

Serious business people spend negotiations in the office atmosphere. Saunas and restaurants are not the best places to make decisions. The restaurant serves a successful completion of negotiations or appoint a business meeting to maintain partnerships and clarify mutual interests - but no more.

Negotiations can take place in your office and partners - both options have pros and cons. Communication on its territory is easier and calmer - just like in sports playing your field. However, in this case, you cannot avoid organizational troubles. On the other hand, on someone else's field higher psychological stress. If the companies have been cooperating and regularly conducting negotiations, the order can be observed: today - we are to you, and tomorrow you are to us. It also happens that the event is better to appoint in neutral territory. This is useful, in particular, when:

  • partners are in very stretched relationships and none of them want to give another even such an advantage as their field;
  • it is necessary to ensure the maximum parity in the negotiations so that both sides are in equal terms;
  • negotiations are planned confidential, and the offices of both one and another partner are not equipped with any technical means of information protection.
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Etiquette business meetings and negotiations. How to prepare a meeting room

First of all, you need to provide cleanliness and order. Written accessories should be on the tables. You can be applied by your branded symbolism, but it is optional. By tradition, the room is decorated with flowers. If the flowers are decided to put on the table, select Low or Lying Bouquets: They will not close the participants from each other. High bouquets on the meeting table should not be, but they can be positioned in other places. On the table you need to put bottles with mineral water without gas (they are not opened in advance) and flawlessly clean glasses. Do not forget to trace the order in public areas (corridors, halls, lobby, toilets) throughout the office. You should also choose a place for smoking and report to guests, how to go there.

The office for negotiations can be removed in many business centers. Local specialists will take the preparation of the premises, negotiation service and their technical support.

Rule 4. The composition of the delegation

The number of negotiation participants on each side and their official level should be approximately the same. The head of the delegation is an employee who makes a final decision on the subject of negotiations and relative to the compliance with the approved procedure. Usually the delegation is headed by the head of the company, but there are exceptions. For example, if some specialist is better than the technique of negotiations or if the director has recently been appointed and has not yet sorted out in a situation, then another person can lead the delegation. In this case, all the authority at the time of negotiations and all responsibility for making decisions lay on the chapter of the delegation, and the Director-General needs to be remembered. Representatives of the company should unquestionably obey the decisions of the head of the delegation. A big mistake - during the negotiations to start a dispute between themselves or question the decision of the head.

Rule 5. Documents and handouts

Projects of all solutions, contracts, agreements should be prepared in advance. Note that the name of such documents is necessary to include the word "project". Think out in advance what information materials can be useful during negotiations. Important information at the right time should be at hand. It is impossible to make participants wait until the secretary finds the necessary documents or will call a person with the required information. Printed materials should be prepared in sufficient quantities and in the same for all participants in the configuration. The excuses like "not a very high-quality copy remained for you" offensive.

In addition, it makes sense in advance to collect information about the participants in the negotiations from partners, first of all - about the General Director. When you know about the partner, all or almost everything, influence the result of the meeting it becomes easier. Any information can be useful - and the culinary preferences of the Director-General, and what book it recently read.

Make sure that all members of your delegation have a sufficient number of business cards.

Rule 6. Souvenirs for partners

If you wish, you can prepare small gifts for negotiation participants. Souvenirs should not be cumbersome or expensive. It is useful to provide symbolism of the company. The Director-General is intended different from other gifts, usually more valuable. A good tone is to prevent partners about the prepared souvenirs (through protocol groups or departments) so that they do not find themselves in an awkward position due to the impossibility of managing response politeness.

Rule 7. Metal negotiations and dress code

Men on negotiations should be put on dark costumes and bright shirts. The tie should not be a motley and multicolor. It is better to stop your choice on a dark tie into a small bright polka dot or in a diagonal light strip. Shoes are classic black shoes with laces (Oxfords); From decorative elements, only seam separating the thoughts of the shoes will be allowed. Lacked shoes or footwear from skin exotic animals (crocodiles, snakes, ostrichs) is unacceptable.

The best clothing for women participating in the negotiations will be a dark business suit (jacket with a skirt or dress). In addition to the suit, it is better to choose a bright shirtless blouse, transparent bodily color tights, black shoes on a low heel (3-5 cm) with a minimum decor. The tie like a male, as if fashionable, he was, a woman to wear on such events is impossible - such an unwritten rule of the business world. Removable few decorations, strict and nonsense. Earrings are excluded like gypsy and any bracelets.

Metache negotiating

The negotiations should arrive on time. Late is a violation of the ethics of negotiation; It may be regarded as disrespect for the other side or even as an insult. If your delegation was lingering for a short reason for unforeseen reasons, you must apologize. If you are late for more than 15 minutes, the CEO of the host has the full right to reassign negotiations to assistants or refuse to meet this day.

14 Errors B.ethics business negotiations that Russian businessmen admit

  1. The perception of the interlocutor as an enemy.
  2. Sustaintly, secrecy, hostility (which is one desire to hide the ethical code of the company, which is proud of all over the world).
  3. "Messianic" ambitions are the idea that Russia (or a specific city, region) is better than all, and in other countries (cities, regions) do everything wrong.
  4. Collectivist thinking (due to severe historical heritage). It is manifested in unpretentiousness to take responsibility: the boss refers to the deputy, the deputy - to the deputy deputy, etc.
  5. Next to authoritarian behavior, meaning the absolute opacity of information for the collective. This approach also has deep historical roots (barin and serfdom).
  6. Hard negotiation style, reluctance to make concessions.
  7. Loud speech, "no" without an alternative.
  8. The desire to get away from the discussion of complex issues. The conversation is brought into another river - by changing the topic so that it is not to return to the "uncomfortable" problem, offering additional tea drinking or watching anything that does not relate to the issue under discussion, etc.
  9. Manipulation. It happens, for example, that the delegation is intentionally late for negotiations to show who is the main one here (since the bosses always falls out). If the delegation of the partner is late for it, it indicates this with all the rigor.
  10. Inability and unwillingness to navigate in the peculiarities of the national and regional psychology of partners.
  11. Inability to issue a negotiation documentation.
  12. Inadequate appearance. Often too elegant, coupling clothes.
  13. Bad manners. Once, for example, negotiations led Dama - Director of the personnel department. She was dressed in a green business suit and at the same time shod in white sandals. Pointing a finger to where visitors were supposed to be located, she sentenced: "I ask you, gentlemen!"
  14. Failure to comply with promises, data during negotiations.

Meeting with guests. If your company is a receiving party, then all members of your delegation should be held at the time of the appointed time to gather in the negotiation room. Guests meet an employee who is not involved in the event. He escorts them to the negotiation. The first head of the host delegation is also presented, then the head of the guest delegation. After that, the head of the home delegation invites everyone to take their places.

Seating negotiators. The head of the owners delegation is first ranked. The rest are searched in accordance with the plates of the plates. One of the most common options for the seating is such. The delegations are placed opposite each other, occupying every (long) side of the table. At the same time, the general director are located in the center opposite each other. On the right hand from the head of the delegation sits down by the second most important employee, according to the left - the third, next to the right - the fourth, next to the left - the fifth, etc. Experts and translators participating in the meeting, but not part of the negotiators, are located on the left and slightly Behind the head of the delegation. I note that the disabilities prescribed by the owners and sit on someone else's place is considered a bad tone. This could only afford George Bush Jr. when he was president of the United States. At one of the G8 summits, he is unceremoniously located next to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, taking the place of British premiere of Gordon Brown. The efforts of the organizers who tried to pay the attention of Bush to the cu-cutting card, did not lead to anything. He pretended to do not understand what they want from him, and this was very entertaining the world community.

Exchange business cards. After everyone took places, the head of the host presents the members of his delegation (regardless of whether the participants in negotiations are familiar with each other or not). Then the head of the guest delegation is his team. If there are less than ten people at the negotiations, participants exchange business cards. Each transmits its business card to a partner sitting on the contrary. The resulting card can be removed into the chest pocket of the jacket or put in front of it to be able to clarify the name of the partner if it happens to forget. It is especially convenient when non-vertical signs are used for seating in the negotiations, and laying covenacles. If there are many negotiators, then the exchange of business cards at the table is inappropriate. In this case, each participant should have a complete list of members of the partner's delegation (with surnames, full names and patronymic, posts). And the ability to exchange business cards from members of delegations will be later, during a break or at the end of the meeting.

Start of negotiations. Starts negotiation CEO of the host. He monitors that during the event there was no longer pauses. The coming silence can be perceived by guests as a hint of the end of the meeting. Do not begin the topic of negotiations from the room in the quarry. First you need to exchange multiple phrases for an abstract topic: about the weather, about mutually beneficial cooperation in the past. Themes that are able to cause disagreements (religion, politics, sports addictions, national characteristics) should be excluded from the preliminary conversation. After that, the head of the home delegation proposes to go to the topic of negotiations. The Director-General may transfer the Word for the speech to other members of his delegation, as well as experts and advisers. Partner's speech is not accepted.

Breaks during the meeting. Mobile phones at the time of negotiation should be disabled. All breaks (for example, for lunch) must be scheduled in advance. To the gathered not disturbed, you can hang a warning to the door "Do not enter! Go talks. " The secretary has the right to go on only at the request of the head of the home delegation. If there was still an extraneous person in the premises, the head of the host delegation should demand from him to immediately remove.

Recording conversation. In business practice, it is customary to record negotiations. This is done in different ways: some make up the protocols from the hand, the others are typing them on the computer, the third records are recorded on the voice recorder. But to start recording, you need to notify both sides and get their consent. Record negotiations can be both a technical officer and a member of the delegation.

Completion of negotiations. By the end of the meeting, you need to discharge the atmosphere. For this, you can, for example, offer participants to remove jackets. With this initiative, only the head of the host delegation can speak. Until the official, protocol, part of the event (and shooting) is not completed, it is not worth doing this proposal. The initiative of the end of the negotiations remains the leader of the guest delegation. As a rule, negotiations are completed by the adoption of a solution that is drawn up documented. From each side, the document signs an authorized person (or face), after which both partners are issued its copy of the document. Following the meeting, a report is drawn up, which can be sent for approval to the other party. The agreements achieved in the negotiations - both written and orals should be strictly observed, since the main principle of business etiquette is to keep this word.

Upon completion of the event, you can exchange souvenirs. The obtained gifts do not unfold and do not consider.

Negotiations do not always end in satisfactory for both parties. Sometimes the meeting participants make a decision to postpone the signing of the Agreement in order to better think about their conditions or the consequences of the transaction. In this case, you need to discuss with partners the date of the next round of negotiations. If it becomes clear that it will not be possible to come to consent now, no later, you should not put an ultimatum or go out, slamming the door. The head of the delegation of guests should simply declare that the difference in opinions is too large, thank for working together, say goodbye and go along with their subordinates.

  • Business negotiations: Step-by-step instructions for organizing and conducting

Expert opinion

Nicholas Koro, Chief Curator of the Brand Management Center and Brand Technologies of the Relland Group of Companies, Member of the Board of Marketing Guild, Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs of Marketologists of Russia, Member of the Marketing Committee of the Russian Federation TPP, Moscow

Unfortunately, Russian businessmen usually recall the ethics of business negotiations only on units with foreign partners. However, in recent years, the etiquette of business negotiations has ceased to be exotic - at least in metropolis and the capital of the regions. Following the rules adopted in the business community now testifies to the status of an entrepreneur. Such, albeit somewhat distorted, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe purpose of the etiquette led positive changes. In addition, there are more managers of a new generation that receive modern education. They perceive the number of negotiations as an integral business component.

And yet the shocking examples are still enough. Most often, missing negotiators are associated with ignorance of the culture of countries where partners come from. Think about what it means to submit an orthodox induce a business card with your left hand, and even climbing it with two fingers - medium and index. Or when meeting (farewell), pat the Japanese on the shoulder to demonstrate his location. Or, for example, what does it mean to appear in negotiations with the Arabs in a decolted or excessive short dress of green. Many will not find anything reprehensible in such behavior, but all these are examples of the monstrous insult partners. The clinical case, in my opinion, is the habit of some directors to wear a tie to a short sleeve shirt (as if they are clerks or service from Fastfud's institutions). Such extremes can forgive you if you are heading the World List forbes. In other cases you need to play according to the rules.

Negotiation etiquette today is not so hard

Igor Berezin, President of the Marketing Guild, partner of Semperia M & S, Member of the Board of the Russian Association of Marketing, Advisor to President Romir Research Holding, Moscow

Metreating negotiations today is not so tough as the diplomatic protocol of the last century. This is not strict rules, but recommendations arising from the generalization and formalization of business practices. According to my observations, most Russian businessmen are familiar with the basic standards of business etiquette. But the nuances are known not to everyone. In the negotiations, much depends on the "senior by rank". If he knows and complies with the protocol - the rest of the participants look at him and do the same.

In second-hand business companies, young leaders are often not delivered in the subtleties of the protocol. The most common mistake with which I encountered is when guests are forced to wait in the negotiating more than 5-7 minutes (and sometimes - and 15-20), while the "main boss" appears to appear. Often, the owners behave like this when visitors are interested in receiving an order or contract.

In case of seating at the table, errors are rare, but still it happens that the receiving party does not leave the opportunity to sit together, on one side of the table. This creates practical inconveniences and moral discomfort.

Wested error in us - the absence of business cards or their uselessness. If the Director-General does not give his business card or its personal e-mail and mobile phone, partners can conclude (possibly erroneous), that the head does not intend to control the course of further cooperation. They will not "disturb him", trying to negotiate with managers (and take into account their interests).

Also, problems often arise at the beginning of negotiations - the entry is not always well thought out, the hits happen until the parties are defined who will start.

As you can see, the number of negotiations is not so simple - there is a lot of subtleties. However, they are all logical and appropriate, they are easy to remember; With experience, their observance will go into the habit. This will greatly facilitate participation in the negotiations and will be a competitive advantage.

The ability to negotiate and find a compromise solution even in the most difficult situation is a unique skill. Such skill is extremely important when doing business. How to negotiate? How to make this skill help achieve success? This will be discussed in this article.

Types of negotiations

Let's focus on this. Conditionally, you can share all negotiations for two types:

  1. Competitive: The goal that participants persecute during such conversations is to achieve victory at any cost. The result of such a business meeting is often becoming a conflict situation between the parties.
  2. Affiliate: The purpose is to achieve mutual consent, satisfying the interests of all participants in the process.

There is no accurate advice, how to negotiate. Each chooses its own method. In practice, you can most often meet a combination of a competitive and affiliate form of business conversation.

For competitive negotiations, a tense atmosphere is characteristic. The task of each of the parties is to obtain their own benefit, without taking into account the interests of the opposite side. In order to achieve a positive result in such a situation, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Try not to disclose the essence of your proposal at the beginning of the meeting. Otherwise, the opposite side will immediately receive the maximum set of information. It is also necessary to ensure that the topic of the conversation has not changed.
  2. If you are forced to make concessions, try to do so at a minimum.
  3. In the event of a conflict development, keep dignity. The basic rules of business communication should be followed. In order to discharge the situation, try to translate the conversation to another topic.

Preparatory stage

To understand how to properly negotiate cooperation, you need to know about the main features of this process.

At the initial stage, collecting and providing the maximum full information. As a result, both parties can achieve profitable decisions. When conducting partnership negotiations, it is possible to initially be ready to make concessions.

To begin with, set which goals you want to achieve during these conversations. They must be commensurate and achievable. You must clearly understand what you want to get from your opponent. Before the meeting, it is worth examining the needs of the second party. On the basis of the information received, you can formulate your suggestions. They must be most realistic. If both parties are ready to go on some concessions, the result will achieve much easier. But if one of the negotiators starts a conversation in the form of competitive negotiations, then the development of a conflict situation is more likely. The main task of the negotiator in this case is to establish relations.

After each of the Parties is their opinion about the opponent, you can begin to put forward specific suggestions. If you decide to make concessions, you need not only to offer something, but also to receive returns. The exchange must be equal.

Achieve compromise

When the exchange of basic information is carried out, you can move directly to the essence of the case. It should be borne in mind that the more you ask during the negotiations, the more you get, the less prompted, the smaller you lose. When nominating your sentence, try to be as accurate as possible in the wording. Avoid approximate estimates. The opponent can interpret ambiguity against you.

Similarly, it is worth negotiating with the opposite side when the offer comes from them. You must have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat they offer. Feel free to ask questions. They will help you understand whether the proposed version of your goals is true.

Sign language

How to conduct business negotiations? If the meeting passes in an informal setting, try to use open poses and maintain visual contact with your interlocutor. Sit, putting his leg on the leg and arms crossed, it is not worth it.

Think out your speech before negotiations. Do not use words and expressions that can annoy your opponents. Also try to refrain from sarcastic comments, degrading the opposite side negotiating. If the conversation begins to go to another rush, try to return the attention of people present at the meeting. You can ask them to voice your position. In some cases, this technique helps to achieve a compromise.

Active listening

Many novice entrepreneurs are interested in how to negotiate with the client correctly. In this case, the tactics of "active listening" helps well. It avoids unpleasant situations or a painful reaction from the opposite side. Tactics "Active Hearing" makes more perfect communicative skills. If you have to do often negotiate, it will be very useful.

  1. Listen carefully to the interlocutor. Call your answer you can and later.
  2. Reinforce your gestures interest, for example, you can navigate your head, giving to understand your opponent that you hear it.
  3. Demonstrate the perception of information. To do this, you can voice the essence of the said.
  4. Try to enter the position of the interlocutor. Try to put yourself in his place and evaluate the situation with his eyes.
  5. Specify the interlocutor questions, specify the information.
  6. Pause in conversation should not scare you. A break for 2-3 minutes will give you the opportunity to get together with thoughts and approach the next question. If a longer break is required, make it. In some cases, 10-15 minutes can save the situation. This is especially true of meetings conducted in difficult psychological conditions. A break will help you restore the balance and reserves of moral energy. In addition, he will provide an opportunity to assess the situation on the part.

How do you understand that you and your opponent come to the agreement? Follow the verbal signals supplied by the other side. It can be the words "perhaps" or "possible." In most cases, this is a sign of a quick conclusion of the agreement.

Negotiations by phone

There are situations where a personal meeting is impossible for a number of reasons. Then the problem has to be solved in remote mode. How to negotiate on the phone to achieve the desired result? Large-scale transactions are usually not connected by phone. But to achieve a preliminary agreement in this way it is quite possible.

When conducting telephone conversations, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is recommended to thoroughly prepare for dialogue and make a memo. The lack of visual contact in this case is an advantage, since you do not have to shy the crib.
  2. Immediately mark the goal of your call. If, with a personal visit there may be several of them, then in the telephone conversation the goal is usually alone.
  3. It is not necessary to immediately ask to invite the director or responsible for a certain question of the employee. You can use bypass maneuver. Just ask with whom to really discuss this task, and the secretary will already switch you to the right person.
  4. Deterpets needs of their interlocutor. Do not hesitate to ask clarifying questions about plans and interests. Interest can be strengthened by the entire pair of proposals.
  5. Spend a small presentation of your offer. Try to meet in a few minutes.
  6. Take the answer to the objections of the interlocutor. If they concern the generally offered product or service, explain how your proposal solves one or another problem.
  7. Complete the call. If the conversation was successful, then at this stage you should agree on the following action. For example, a meeting to discuss details.

Business negotiations

Any entrepreneur needs to know the dominance of dialogue. A competent businessman should know how to negotiate with suppliers. Without the ability to find a common language with partners not to become a busy business. The basis of any contacts is personal communication. No telephone conversations and emails will not replace it. When negotiating, it is better to behave confidently and ease. It is not worth a glamor and overly courtesy with a business partner. Always remember, for what purpose a meeting was organized. A business conversation does not tolerate inexpensive: try to formulate your thoughts specifically and intelligibly. At the same time, listen carefully to the oncoming offers. The ability to conduct a conversation thus will demonstrate your experience and knowledge.

Dialogue with customer

This is a special type of business conversation. How to negotiate with the customer, so that your cooperation has become mutually beneficial? Be sure to ask the needs of the client. If you lift the topic irrelevant for him, the customer will quickly lose interest in conversation. Specify the interlocutor counter questions. This will emphasize your involvement in the business process. It is also recommended to focus on your experience in one area or another. You can give examples of already executed orders.

Conversations with terrorists

For residents of large cities, terrorism became one of the main phobias. Often, terrorist acts are accompanied by the seizure of the hostages. It depends here much on how you behave in such a situation. How to negotiate with terrorists? The chief advice that specialists give - try to be in calm condition. Perform all the requirements of the invaders.

In the crisis situation, such a phenomenon is often observed as Stockholm syndrome. Under this term refers to the appearance of sympathy among victims in relation to terrorists. The general stress in the current situation makes people get closer. After all, terrorists are also the road their own life. Remember this, but continue to express readiness to submission. Do not try to bargain. After all, all the motives of criminals are unknown. Only employees of the special services know how to maintain operational negotiations. Examples of such situations show that only when performing the basic recommendations of psychologists, you can count on a successful solution permission.

The main ones are:

  1. Do not say "yes" after the first sentence. If you hurry with the response from the interlocutor, a negative reaction may occur.
  2. Ask more than hope to get. Many psychologists saying how to properly negotiate cooperation, offer to use this technique. It increases your chances for gaining benefits and allows you to build space for business conversation.
  3. Show readiness to change your conditions if necessary. Consider all parties to the question under discussion, but do not rush to make concessions. Try to take into account the interests of the interlocutor and analyze them.


In this review, we looked at how to negotiate. The presented tips and recommendations will allow you to get the maximum result when conducting conversation in various situations.

Negotiations are the most important part of any business partnership. Further work with the client or supplier depends on the quality of the negotiations, and it is at this stage that the main conditions of cooperation are determined.

From a psychological point of view, each of us is a unique person. We have our own life position, views and preferences. The same applies to man as the counterparty in the transaction process. Director, Manager, Financier and Other Officials pose a specific firm that needs specific conditions. The private client, in turn, is interested in a certain product, in a certain amount. People with whom you will negotiate needs specifics - it is important. But along with it there are standard negotiation techniques. They can be viewed as a pattern, in a good value of this word. These rules are formed on the basis of factors such as business ethics and psychoanalysis, so their effectiveness is unlikely to question.

So, the rules of successful negotiations include the following items:

  1. Preparation. You must clearly understand the purpose of the negotiations even before their immediate start. Ideally, break this goal for three points: the planned result, acceptable and unwanted. For each of them, it is necessary to have their own behavior strategy that is started even before the result will be achieved. Suppose you see that the conversation is not in that way, and you can't come to a common denominator with the interlocutor. Take advantage of the receptions that will be able to exit the situation.
  2. Representation. At the beginning of the conversation, let the partner clearly understand who you are, from which company you act and for what purpose they were invited to this conversation. This will help avoid many questions later. An informal retreat makes sense if you really know how to communicate with distracted topics. If the conversation "On the weather" is done so far because it is insincere, it will only be harmful, because will be useless spending time. Which many business people are simply not enough. It is better to move immediately to the bottom.
  3. Understanding. Of course, in the negotiation process, you must defend, first of all, our own interests. But it will not be superfluous to look at the conversation from the interlocutor. It will help you better understand what advantages of your sentence you can emphasize for him. Forgive listen and hear someone else's position.
  4. Anaturaj and appearance (for "living" negotiations). Take care that negotiations take place at a suitable place where no one will interfere with you. If this is an office, its decor must configure on business ways. Close the door (but do not lock) and take care that no one interfere with you. If it is a cafe, try to choose a cozy institution. Do not invite to participate in the negotiations of people whose presence on them is optional. Control the time of negotiations, do not tighten them, but do not look at the clock every 5 minutes, it is a sign of bad tone and your lack of interest in the transaction. As for the appearance - it should be attended by accuracy. You spend a business meeting and should look suitable.

In fairness, it is worth noting that on this item is all purely individually. Often, people, promoting their product or service, create such an appearance that their interlocutor will not understand the first time with whom he generally talks. This makes it possible to play the first violin precisely in terms of business communication, while the other party pays time to studying you as a person. But here on thin. It is important not to overdo it, because Excessive expressiveness in style can give both the return result - a person will initially not see in you a seriously configured partner.

  1. Positive conversation. And you and your interlocutor are interested in mutually beneficial cooperation. This is good, isn't it? Demonstrate your positive attitude. But not with the help of a "duty" smile or foaming, and so that the emotions are sincere. Talk about the prospects for cooperation with feeling, with glitter in the eyes. If you do not curvate the soul, support this tone will be very easy. But at the same time keep the distance. Perhaps in the future you and the interlocutor will become best friends, but at the moment you are representatives of different business parties, each of whom upholds their interests.
  2. Unambiguity. If we are talking about financial partnership, the terms of payment for goods, etc. Moments, it is necessary that they all be clearly stipulated and then registered in the contract and have not been subjected to a double interpretation. You should not sign the document immediately. Why - see Note above this item.
  3. The main thing is the details. Did not understand what one or another phrase of the partner's mouth meant? Do not be lazy to ask him a clarifying question. Doubts, uncertainty, etc. Feelings need to either confirm or dispel. Clarifying questions in this case is the best way.
  4. Observe the balance. Between "Good and Evil Police". Another important factor of how to negotiate cooperation. Here, as in battle, is not the one who attacked, but the one who keeps the blow. It is necessary to defend their positions without failures, disputes and other negative. It is important to demonstrate professionalism. And then the partner loyal will refer to the conditions proposed by you.
  5. Keep the Word. Since we check the partner for honesty and decency, you can be sure that he will do the same. Promise just what you can guarantee. Observe promises. More precisely, not even promises, but duties according to the future contract. Otherwise, not only moral, but the administrative (and sometimes criminal liability) will be expected. Plus, this is your reputation. Do not let her suffer.
  6. Competent conversation conversation. On the fact of negotiations, the parties must come to joint outcome. This may be a compromise, a preliminary agreement, sometimes a categorical disagreement of the parties with each other. But it is impossible to leave negotiations unfinished. Even if they were just one of the stages, after which other meetings, conversations or correspondence are coming. Treat them as to the read chapter, from which it is necessary to conclude. And, of course, keep elementary politeness. Shake a man's hand (if it's a man), smile a lady, wish a good day. Do it regardless of the conversation result.

IMPORTANT! The outcome of the negotiations - does not mean the decision. The verdict on cooperation should be taken, only by thinking in a relaxed atmosphere, discussed with their colleagues, everything that you communicated in the negotiation process. Especially if the interlocutor offered you the options for cooperation, which you have not thought before. You need to carefully analyze this proposal, understand whether you are satisfied with the voiced conditions. It is possible to look for pitfalls. In order to be easier to figure out, lead entries during the negotiations. If you agree to the transaction during the conversation itself, you can become a victim of a person with strong charisma, at the expense of which you will be confused.

How to negotiate with the client?

The above recommendations treated negotiations in general. Now let's look at a few theses as to which line to adhere to when communicating with a person you want to sell anything. It does not matter - this is a wholesalerier or retail client. For us, he is first of all - the buyer.

  1. Find out what the customer needs. What product, in what amount, for what purposes (remember about specifics). Having received these information, give a person to understand that you can implement its requests.
  2. Describe the benefits of the goods. Preferably with numbers. How many components is richer than its composition, how many times this means will help to save, etc. This will allow you to justify the price you want to receive for the goods.

IMPORTANT! All the benefits you must understand, first of all, ourselves. Only then can you justify them and convey to the buyer.

  1. If the price does not suit the client, do not complain That such a cost is due to production costs, logistics and other expenditures. Buyer does not interest it. Better once again emphasize what kind of benefits he receives from acquisition. Preferably financial. If such is really there, a man will be happy to pay you at once, in order to save in the future. In some cases, you can offer a discount and special conditions. What exactly - calculate in advance, like the size of discounts.

Among the benefits can be:

  • free shipping when buying a certain amount;
  • the ability to purchase goods by installments;
  • additional bonuses (3 products at a price of 2, etc.).

Mass options, the main thing is that they are economically appropriate for you. If the buyer asks an unreal discount, do not be afraid to refuse him. At the same time, justify your refusal, tell me that such conditions for you are simply unprofitable. And offer an alternative.

Tip: Examples of successful negotiations demonstrate the relevance of comparisons when visualing the price. "This book is worth how 10 cups of coffee", "The month's month payment for the car is equal to three dinners in the restaurant", etc.

The main thing is not to start the conversation from the cost. First, see the buyer with a commodity (or a common range), list its advantages, and then politely, but confidently voice the price. Confidence is an important point. If the client sees that you hesitate, he will definitely start bargaining. Try the figure as confidently as your name. When bargaining, if it still takes place, use what is said at the beginning of this item. But do not hurry to do a discount itself if the client says about whether it is expensive. " Perhaps he is just waiting for you to list him again why the goods cost exactly how much you want for it.

  1. Do not despairIf a person refused to buy. Perhaps he just needs to wait until salaries or find out the conditions and prices of your competitors (especially relevant for wholesale clients). Leave your contacts and politely tell me that in the case of which you will always be glad to cooperate.

Hard customer - Who is he?

Yes, there is such a separate category of buyers. Many people do not like them, but these people help the sellers to understand the weaknesses of their business. They are a certain challenge that needs to be taken, and the barrier that needs to be circumvented. At the same time, these clients themselves are divided into:

  • grubian;

When communicating with such people, the main thing is not to succumb to provocations. Observe calm and confidence. Roughness means the lack of other arguments, and when a person will understand that you do not pier on the cries and accusations, he will retreat himself. And all his negative will remain with it. And perhaps, it is just emotions that you need to not interfere. If a person is dissatisfied with the price, the appearance of the goods - you agree with him, using speech turnover by type "Yes, you are definitely right, but let yourself clarify ...". And further, despite the emotions, try to help him.

  • shy and indecisive people;

Such a person is usually not confident in himself and in his choice. He is pursued by doubts that you need to level. Support it, expand, or on the contrary, narrow the list of options for purchase. It is doubly important to emphasize all the advantages of the goods. If a person wants to consult with his wife or bosses, offer your help in this matter.

  • "Melnikov"

The client wants to demonstrate that he knows your goods better than you yourself. Well, in this case can be played in his game. Show how you admire its competence, do not use sharp objections if it criticizes the goods, but only offer alternative arguments. Here the main thing is to find a compromise. A healthy discussion always benefits both parties.

How to negotiate on the phone?

To begin with, I will specify - any serious deal requires a personal meeting. Successful telephone conversations are only one of the stages of cooperation. But this stage is very important. Let's talk about him.

The client calls first

It already means that he has a question that needs to be solved. Man found your contacts, scored the room, waited for an answer. Here your task is to politely greet it, introduce myself to learn about the problem. This will give a charge defined trust when the client will understand that on the other end of the wire is also sitting a living person, and the robot manager. Do not cheat it expectations. But at the same time, let the opportunity to make sure your professionalism, because the caller is not always an expert in the field of goods or services for which he, in fact, called. Having learned about his preferences, clearly and concisely voiced them in your own words and allow the client with you to agree with you. And then make an offer and agree on the meeting.

The first call you

In this case, the priority task is to find out if a person has time to talk. If not, ask when you can call back, because at the moment a busy interlocutor, if you do not put the phone, it is unlikely to pay enough attention to your suggestion.

The rest of the communication script with the client looks standard:

  • Presents;
  • Learn about the needs of the interlocutor, clarify them if necessary;
  • Make a proposal;
  • Contract the meeting.

Separate nuances are selected for each particular sphere.

If your product or service is designed for business representatives, not corporate clients, find out from the interlocutor who is authorized to respond to offers on the type of your type and contact this person. And then act on the rolled scheme: the definition of the problem is your solution to its solution - price issues - confirmation of interest. And use the necessary marketing moves - let's information about discounts and other favorable terms.

In practice, keeping such telephone negotiations is as follows (example):

- Good afternoon, my name is ..., I am a company representative ... we are selling stationery. Do you have time to conversate?
- Yes, I listen to you.
- Tell me, do you use form for printing tax documents?
- Yes, we use.
- That is, for you the purchase of such documents is relevant?
- Yes, right, what do you want to offer?
- Our company will be interested in cooperation with such blanks for you. We are ready to discuss individual pricing policies and terms of cooperation.

Further, the conversation will go by itself, if a person is really interested in your offer. In case of refusal, try to know his cause and offer an alternative for cooperation. Feel free to ask questions and place the interlocutor to feedback. Only so you can build a constructive dialogue.

Negotiations - in fact, this is the process of exchanging views between two and more people, which is carried out in order to achieve any specific result. By and large, negotiations are present in the life of every person, because We all somehow have to come from time to time with someone about something to negotiate. When admitting to work, the conclusion of an important agreement, meeting with potential business partners, selling goods or services to the client, Family Council, etc. etc. - All this negotiations.

But it is necessary to understand that negotiations, despite the fact that they are similar in their essence, almost always occur in different conditions, i.e. For example, the negotiations of two business partners correspond to some conditions, negotiations between subordinates and the leader - others, negotiations between the heads of the states - third, etc.

However, the negotiation process itself always consists of three fundamental stages:

  • Preparation of negotiations
  • Process negotiation
  • Achieving consent

Stage first - Preparation of negotiations

Preparation of negotiations is an extremely important stage, because It is on it that the foundation of the entire upcoming process is laid. Each preparation element is of great importance and may affect the achievement of the tasks. Even if some one intermediate stage (one of the stages of preparation of negotiations) did not pay due attention, the preparation cannot be considered effectively.

Preparation of negotiations consists of:

  • Definitions of negotiation means
  • Profitable contact between participants
  • Collecting and analyzing the data required for negotiations
  • Drawing up a negotiation plan
  • Creating an atmosphere of mutual trust

Determination of negotiations

The stage of determining negotiations is characteristic of the fact that it implies the identification of the set of all sorts of approaches and / or procedures of negotiations and funds to be used to implement them. In addition, elements are determined with the ability to help solve the current problem, such as, for example, court, arbitration, mediators, etc. Means of negotiations are determined by all participants in the process, based on their own and / or general considerations.

Read more:You must understand what means you need the result can be achieved: In addition to determining the strategy of negotiations (we will talk about this in the next lesson), it can be any auxiliary materials, equipment, etc. Plus, additional specialists are often involved, for example, statists, professionals in a particular area, consultants, judges, etc.

Establish contact between participants

  • Establish contact between participants via email, fax or phone
  • Identify the desires of the parties to take part in the negotiations and identify specific approaches to solving the problem (coordinate them)
  • The establishment of such relations in which the attitude towards achieving similar purposes, mutual respect and mutual actors (often mutual sympathies), consent; In addition, in the process of establishing contact between participants, negotiation interaction develops
  • Achieving an agreement on the fact that negotiations are mandatory
  • Achievement of an agreement on the fact that all interested parties can connect to negotiations (partners, leadership / subordinate, third-party organizations, third parties, etc.)

Read more:The name of this intermediate stage speaks for itself. An independent representative (or representative of one party) must contact representatives of the opponents (or by the representative of the other Party) to find out whether the parties are ready to negotiate, as planning to solve the issues that have issued questions, determine the conditions for negotiating, and also decide on Will participants raise additional interested parties / organizations, and that they will be for persons / organizations.

Collection and analysis of data required for negotiating

The presented stage of negotiation preparation suggests:

  • Definition, collecting and analyzing the necessary information about persons, organizations and all the details that have any attitude to the subject of negotiations
  • Check the relevance of the information found and its compliance with the real position of things
  • Maximum reduction in the likelihood of a negative impact of information that is inaccessible or unreliable
  • Definition of the main interests of each of the participants in the negotiations

Read more:At the stage of preparation of negotiations, it is required to collect all possible data on who will be negotiated with which interested persons / organizations can or will take part in them. It is very important to collect an exhaustive amount of data so that in the process of negotiations there are no unforeseen situations and confusion. Among other things, the effectiveness and the result of the negotiations are greatly dependent on whether the parties understand each other's demand, as well as their own.

Drawing up a negotiation plan

The presented stage of negotiation preparation suggests:

  • Determination of tactics and strategies that can contribute to the achievement of the task - to bring the negotiation participants to the Agreement
  • Definition of tactics, the most appropriate situation and the peculiarities of the most ambiguous (controversial) issues that will rise in the negotiation process
  • Miscalculate the necessary objective results

Read more:Undoubtedly, it is not possible to plan everything, but you can negotiations. This includes, again, the definition of a strategy that will allow (based on the information collected about opponent / opponents), tactical nuances, allowing if necessary, to correct the strategy, possible issues that will be raised, and the definition of such moments as the location of the negotiations, the exact number of participants, the beginning and end of the negotiations and T .d., i.e. All organic nuances. As a result, you should form an approximate picture of the upcoming event.

Creating an atmosphere of mutual trust

The presented stage of negotiation preparation suggests:

  • Taking measures to implement the psychological training of participants in negotiations to participate in the negotiation process (the basic controversial issues are taken)
  • Taking measures to prepare conditions for the perception and understanding of information and minimizing the impact of stereotypes
  • The adoption of measures to form an atmosphere of recognition by participants to negotiate the fact that controversial issues are legal
  • Taking measures to create a trust atmosphere that promotes effective interaction

Read more:The most effective negotiations are always held in a friendly atmosphere, when all participants are ready to meet each other, listen to opposite opinions, take into account other people's desires and needs, etc. It is for this purpose that psychological training is required (often through the involvement of specialists in this field), to create comfortable conditions for conducting negotiating activities, attract third-party specialists who, firstly, can establish that all the conditions of negotiations are legal and observed, and The second will regulate the negotiation process, not allowing violation by the participants of the established rules.

Stage Second - negotiating

The second stage of negotiations is the most important thing. There is a direct interaction of participants in the negotiation process. As in the above case, all elements of the negotiation phase play a big role. The scheme proposed below is taken to be the most optimal, due to which the intermediate stages should not be changed in places.

So, the second stage consists of:

  • The beginning of the negotiation process
  • Definitions of controversial issues and formulating agenda
  • Definitions of fundamental interests of participants
  • Development of options for proposals on which an agreement can be founded

The beginning of the negotiation process

  • Performance (acquaintance) of negotiation participants with each other
  • Exchange of participants by judgments, demonstrating readiness to perceive the opinions of the opposite side, separation of ideas, an open supply of emerging considerations, demonstrating the desire and readiness for the search for an agreement in a peaceful environment
  • Definition and building general behavior
  • Determination of mutual expectations from the negotiation process
  • Formation of positions of participants

Read more:At the initial stage, the responsible person must submit to those present by all participants in the negotiations, to submit a signal to the beginning of the process. Participants have the right to express their ideas on the topic of holding the negotiation process, voice their positions, make adjustments and additions. Taking into account this information and the negotiation process will be carried out in the future.

Definition of controversial issues and formulation of the agenda

The presented stage of negotiation suggests:

  • Definition of the area of \u200b\u200bnegotiations that includes the interests of the participants
  • Definition of controversial issues subject to compulsory discussion
  • Formulation of controversial issues subject to mandatory discussion
  • The manifestation of participants's desire to develop an agreement on controversial issues (the discussion should be started with the controversial issues, according to which the smallest differences are noted, i.e. on the issues, the agreement on which will be achieved with a greater probability)
  • Applying disputed issues that include obtaining additional information

Read more:Participants must decide among themselves that they are looking for a solution to the same problem, as well as understand the interests of each other. The tempo is set: additional questions are discussed, according to which the Parties have no definite opinion, the collection of additional information is taken through an active hearing, fixing information, drawing up lists of additional issues and from sounding.

Determination of the fundamental interests of the participants

The presented stage of negotiation suggests:

  • Detailed study of controversial issues (initially separately, and then comprehensively) to determine the needs, interests and principal positions of participants in the negotiation process.
  • Disclosure by participants to each other in all the details of their interests, thanks to which even other people's interests can be perceived as their personal

Read more:At this interim stage, the participants are delivered to the study of controversial issues of each party, clarify their details, ask each other additional questions, refine the interests and needs. All this is done to minimize misunderstanding in the negotiation process, simplify the search for the most suitable for all participants to solve the problem and achievement of the Agreement. Taking as the basis of the information obtained, the participants can not only understand the deep interests of each other, but also find new points of contact and creative options for further action.

Development of options for proposals on which an agreement can be founded

The presented stage of negotiation suggests:

  • The desire of participants to choose the most appropriate version of the agreement from the existing array (if there is no such option, it is necessary to define new options)
  • An overview of the needs of each of the participants (the purpose of the review is to bring all controversial issues to a single denominator)
  • Drawing up the criteria or proposal of already current standards that determine the discussion of the Agreement
  • Formulation of the principles of the Agreement
  • A consistent decision of controversial issues (complex controversial issues are crushed into small - those on which participants will be able faster and easier to give an answer)
  • The choice of solving a problem (options can be as proposed by each of the participants individually, and developed in the negotiation process)

Read more:Based on all the data obtained at the previous stages, discussed all the details and subtleties of the main problem, the negotiation participants define several options for the terms of the agreement, initially without taking any of them as a basis and not focusing on any of them attention. If necessary, a summary of the needs of each party and criteria should be taken into account to achieve an agreement are formulated by uniform principles that all participants should be guided without exception. If some questions are not disassembled well, they are disassembled again (if necessary, complex issues are divided into simple). Thus, an array of options for solving the problem, from which one will subsequently selected, which will satisfy all conditions and will suit all participants in the negotiations (if, of course, we are not talking about harsh negotiations - we will talk about them in a separate chapter).

Stage Third - Achieving Consent

The step of reaching agreement is the result of everything that was mentioned above. At this stage, the participants in the negotiation process come to a specific agreement that satisfies their interests.

This stage also consists of several intermediate, or rather from:

  • Definitions of the Agreement
  • Final discussion solution solutions
  • Achievements of formal consent

Determination of the options of the agreement

  • Detailed consideration of participants' interests
  • Establishing the connection between the interests of the participants and the following options for solving the problem that managed to find
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of each of the solution solutions

Read more:The options for solving problems obtained during the previous stage are summarized, after which they are compared with the interests of each of the parties. These options are then investigated from the point of view of efficiency. Each of the options are given questions like: "Does this option satisfy the side of the A / side of B?" Is it "What does this option in the interests of the part of the A / side in?", "How effective is this option to solve the problem?" etc. Then, for each of the options, a brief summary is made.

Final discussion of solving problems

The presented stage of reaching consent implies:

  • Selection from available options for solving the problem of one option (negotiation participants go to each other for concessions)
  • Creating the most efficient and perfect version based on the selected
  • Formulation of the final solution
  • Development of the procedure for registration of the main agreement

Read more:The most effective is the option of solving the problem and reaching an agreement, which mostly satisfies the interests of all parties. This option is selected from the total array. If it has the disadvantages that require refinement, it is based on a new version, such drawbacks are excluding (this can be implemented by , focus groups, etc.). As soon as the final version is ready, the parties (or responsible persons) proceed to the development of the procedure for execution of the main agreement: its form is determined, the procedure for concluding, the list of persons involved for this / organizations (if required), etc.

Achievement of formal consent

The presented stage of reaching consent implies:

  • Achieving consent (consent can be both oral and confirmed documented, including legally, for example, to have the form of a contract, contract, agreements, etc.)
  • Discussion by participants in the process of fulfilling their obligations
  • Developing participants in possible ways to overcome difficulties that may arise in the process of fulfilling their obligations
  • Development by participants of the procedure for monitoring the fulfillment of commitments
  • Formalization of an agreement
  • Development of mechanisms for coercion and obligations (justice, impersonal, guarantees, etc.)

Read more:The result of all the above-mentioned basic and intermediate stages should be achieving the parties to formal consent. Participants in the negotiations verbally or documented (including with the involvement of relevant specialists) conclude an agreement, distribute rights and obligations, establish the deadlines for the fulfillment of obligations assumed (all this can be decorated in the form of special questionnaires, check-sheets, etc.) , discusses additional issues, make up a plan to implement the intended tasks, etc. In addition, participants should somehow determine the procedure for punishments (fines or other forms) for non-fulfillment of one parties (by both parties) commitments or violation of the terms of the agreement.

These are inherently the main stages of the negotiation process.

As we mentioned, in order to maximize the probability of achieving success in negotiations, it is necessary to try to follow the algorithm considered by us, not excluding and without changing its stages. Of course, you have the full right to make your additions and adjustments, because One negotiations will never be completely identical to others, and therefore will possess their own specifics and uniqueness. Saying somewhat differently, the result you plan through negotiations to achieve, requires an exclusive approach expressed not only in the skillful operating facts, arguments and available information, but also in application.

And in conclusion of the first lesson, we would like to give you some more recommendations - to introduce you to some rules for doing effective negotiations and some rules for the belief of partners in negotiations.

Several rules for doing effective negotiations

These several negotiation rules will allow you to avoid the most common mistakes (in more detail about errors we will talk in the sixth lesson) and negotiate the most optimally and comfortable for each of the parties.

To your negotiations have always been effective, follow the following recommendations:

  • Avoid statements that can remake the identity of other participants. Try to stick to the rules of etiquette, be polite, chat culturally. In cases where passions are soak so much that you are close to loss of control (especially for harsh negotiations), it is necessary to pause
  • Try to "read" opponent's thoughts in advance to be able to make the appropriate movement of his thoughts of statements. However, it is very important not to hurt the feelings of the opponent.
  • Never ignore and do not neglect the opinion of the interlocutor - take into account what he says
  • It often happens that one participant in negotiations, without explaining its goals, attacks another questions, seeking something to find out. Such a line of behavior is not effective, because The participant's response feels pressure. So that the negotiations go smoothly, at the very beginning should determine the goals and objectives of each other
  • If you failed to determine the main one from the first time in the negotiations, and you as a result of this began to go away from the main topic, your opponent has the right to correct you or supplement your speech; You must perceive it as calmer as possible and try to continue to prevent such mistakes.
  • Avoid rephlazing what has been said to your opponent, otherwise it may entail a new priority arrangement, the repetition of the opponent does not consider the chief, or a generalization; As a result, this can lead to misunderstanding and passion
  • Develop a thought - if the opponent for some reason does not indicate that it means, right, take a consequence of his words themselves. Developing a thought, use those framework that the opponent asked, otherwise he might think that you ignore it. If you do not understand anything from the said opponent, we must specify this
  • If at some stage of the negotiations you felt that we started to give in to emotions, it would be quite normal if you voiced it, but voiced not emotionally, but calmly and easily. Remember once again: the inability will not be good in negotiations
  • If at some stage you felt that the opponent begins to give in to emotions, it would be quite acceptable if you voice how it is perceived by his condition
  • As negotiating and discussing certain topics, the intermediate results are facilitated - this will contribute to mutual understanding, and will also serve as a beacon that will file a signal whenever and if negotiations are departed away from the main topic

These are just some rules for doing effective negotiations. In the process of studying this course, you will definitely get acquainted with others.

Several rules of the belief of the interlocutor

Several rules of persuasion, about which we will tell you now, will be able to serve you a good service in any situations when you need to convince the partner in its rightness or the weight of your arguments.

To be the most convincing in the negotiation process, take the following recommendations to weapons:

  • Pay special attention to the order in which you give arguments - their oddness directly affects your persuasiveness. The most optimal order of argument is the following: strong arguments - the arguments of the middle force are the strongest arguments (which is called the "goatre" in everyday life)
  • To get the right answer to an important question for you, make this question in third place - initially set two simple questions, respond to which the opponent will not only be easily, but also nice, and then ask the main question
  • Even if you feel your superiority over the opponent, you should not drive it into the angle - the opponent should be able to stay with the "high head-raised"
  • Remember that the status and image of the speaker always reflect on its persuasiveness (this rule is also very effective when preparing for negotiations)
  • No matter what the situation is not let's drive yourself into the angle - you should always try to keep your own status (best of all, of course, increase it)
  • Regardless of what is the status of a partner (above or below yours), never strive to lower it (this may adversely affect both the reputation of your opponent and on your own)
  • Attitude towards the arguments of the opponent should not be condescending (as it happens when negotiations with a pleasant partner) or with prejudice (as it happens when negotiations with an unpleasant partner) - it should always be adequate, as well as the reaction to the arguments
  • Start negotiations with a view to convictions are best with the themes in which you agree with your opponent, and only then proceed to themes, in the views on which there are disagreements
  • Try to show empathy - enter such a state in which you will empathize your opponent (read more about empathy)
  • Refrain from any words and actions (including inaction) that can entail the emergence of a conflict situation
  • Track your own (so as not to give the opponent to "read" you - to know the inner state, mood, etc.), as well as poses, gestures and facial exponentials of the opponent (to be able to "read" it)
  • Argument your position and point of view so that the opponent felt that something corresponds to his own interests in your arguments.

Naturally, these rules contributing to the conviction of people are not in their own way. In fact, this topic is very extensive, and many of all sorts of beliefs are devoted to various methods of conviction, because of which, in addition to the submitted course, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our articles on the topic and, as well as with the book of Robert Dilts ".

In our next lesson, we will talk about the negotiation strategies, as well as about the ethics of the negotiation process, the global conditions of negotiation and some other equally important things relating to the negotiations.

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