Flat roof with your own hands. The device at home with a flat roof. Flat roof. Operated roof in a private house

Reservoirs 20.06.2020


In European countries, houses with a flat roof, which can be seen in the photo are not rare, they are often built in the resort cities of the Mediterranean, because there are atmospheric precipitates are an infrequent phenomenon. On domestic expanses of the building with such a roof, they are still rare, they mainly have a production or economic purpose - workshops, garages, repair shops, etc. The reason lies in the fact that property owners prefer classic construction projects for private cottages.

House with flat roofs

Square houses with a flat roof are considered the most common form of their construction, they are luxurious penthouses that attract passersby looks with their appearance.

Disadvantages and advantages of flat roofs

The advantages of flat-shaped roofs are obvious:

  • it is possible to use the surface of the roof for your own needs, there you can arrange a place to relax or sports, plant a decorative garden, a green lawn;
  • build a house with a flat roof is beneficial because there is a significant amount required to create a rafter design;
  • snow, which accumulates in winter on the surface of the roof, performs the function of an additional insulation layer (this circumstance is called controversial);
  • to operate the upper coating in winter, you can install the heating system;
  • if inexpensive roofing materials were used when creating the roof, then there will be no significant amount for repair and it can be done on its own. In addition, repair work, if the roof is made, for example, from the frontier, they do not do on the entire surface, but only partially in the case of detection of overlapping defects.

The following points include disadvantages:

  • in case of negligence or non-professional performance of construction work when creating a house with a flat roof, it may be necessary to repair interior in the building, which will cost considerable money. To reduce the likelihood of leakage, you need to not forget about the observance of a small inclination of the roof, otherwise the precipitate will not flock, but will remain on it.

Taking into account the shortcomings and advantages of the selection of flat roofs, it can be concluded that this type of roofing is relevant currently and is a promising and reasonable solution, since it is possible not only to build an original building, but also to save a significant amount of funds.

Features of the device of a flat roof

The construction of houses with a flat roof has a number of nuances, which should not be forgotten at the stage of their design. Most often, the base for is profile and reinforced concrete plates, razomabs are less common.

Most economical and advantageous from a financial point of view is considered to be the installation of a corrugated floor, but it can be used when the upper surface of the roof will not be operated, in addition, additional insulation will be required. Conference is reliable and durable, since it does not have the opportunity to install not only a leisure gazebo, but also a small swimming pool, which use in summer.

The base of natural wood is usually built when frame houses are built with a flat roof.

Flat roof from corrugated

If a house with a flat roof is built using a corrugated floor, then after mounting the support, the vapor insulation layer is placed on top of it. It is necessary to prevent the heat loss from the inner premises of the building. Material for vapor barrier is released in rolls that have a certain width and length. The places of smell of vapor barrier, which is allowed to use a polyethylene film, must be carefully combined.

Then the insulation layer is then mounted using insulation stoves that dock each other. For reliability, the laying system is often used in two layers. On sheets of professional flooring there are convexities that need to be tightly filled with thermal insulating material.

After that, the stage of creation comes with a polymer film. When all insulating layers are laid, the reinforced concrete plates are mounted or a sandy-concrete screed is poured.

When a rustic house with a flat roof is erected, regardless of which the base is made for it, it is always necessary to make a slight bias - at least 5 degrees, otherwise water will remain on its surface.

Even a minor emboss, admitted to the construction of a house with a flat roof, can cause overhaul in the very near future.

Waterproofing and flat roof insulation

Brick or wooden houses with a flat roof require high-quality roof waterproofing, which is performed using:

  • films to create a protective waterproofing barrier from moisture;
  • EPDM membranes, PVC membranes;
  • hydrophilic rubber;
  • liquid rubber - sprayed waterproofing;
  • injection materials (silicone resins);
  • lubricants that are used to combine waterproofing treatment;
  • penetrating materials.

Membrane isolation. It is considered to be advanced technology that allows you to provide high-quality waterproofing when a frame house with a flat roof is built.

Diffusion membranes use the greatest demand, they are:

  • with microperphoration;
  • superdiffusion;
  • anti-condense.

Environmentally friendly and fireproof superdiffusional materials are particularly in demand, since when they are installed, it is not necessary to leave the gap between the layers of waterproofing and thermal insulation, they repel moisture, not allowing its penetration into the heat insulating layer. The service life of such membranes is about 25 years. They are often involved when they build a wooden house with a flat roof.

There is another way - the old and well-tested is glue waterproofing. It involves the use of rubberoid, which is glued to the surface by heating.

Flat roof insulation

The insulation of flat roofs refers to very important types of work related to. You can perform it outside or from the inside to one or two layers. The lighter and cheaper to warm the roof outside. The two-layer thermal insulation system makes it possible to reduce the load on the overlap. The first layer is a heat insulator. The second layer is denser, the distribution function is assigned to it.

Create with your own hands a flat roof is easy - the main thing to comply with technology.

The domestic consumer has long been familiar with the peculiarities of a flat roof, and believes that it is used for multi-storey state buildings. But modern manufacturers decided to expand their market, and found a new scope for her.

This is surprising, but appeared with a flat roof, characterized by the same set of functional features. It is primarily suitable for the terrain in which snow winters and strong wind streams occur at the time concomitant of their manifestation.

Their power will promptly blow up large layers of snow, and the roof will always be clean. And powerful hurricanes will not be scary to cover the roof. The fact is that it will actually won't.

But this is only part of its capabilities. It will be possible to place a lot of useful buildings for different times of the year. It may be a greenhouse or a small garden, and, can a dance site. Other options based on the strength of its owner are also available.

But so that everything succeeds well, it is necessary to study the nuances of creating such structures. Now we will deal with the consideration of many issues related to this topic. To begin with, we advise you to get acquainted with the photo of houses with a flat roof, which have already proven their suitability for various purposes.

What is the benefit of this roof design?

If we talk only about a private house, then they lie down in the following moments:

This version of the roof will take a smaller area in comparison with the most gentle scanty modifications. This will help to save on the number of materials.

The process of its construction is noticeably faster than the installation of the twin or hip version. Due to this feature, create modern houses with a flat roof noticeably more profitable.

The safety and safety of the necessary rafter work processes is ensured. She is pretty spacious with her difficult to fall.

It differs from a two-tie structure by the fact that there is no need to exercise dismantling work with outdated coating. It can be used as an additional waterproofing or protection. This will help save energy and time.

Its surface is suitable for use as an additional area for the organization of a flower bed, a cozy terrace, greenhouses.

You can mount various transparent elements to help organize a beautiful view of the open starry sky at night or clouds with the sun in the daytime. And a charging review opens to admire the rain or severe storm - there are fans of this state of nature.

Helps to fit the house under the basics of the style of minimalism. He now scored noticeable popularity.

And what are the shortcomings? - Unfortunately, they are ...

If there is no strong wind, this option generously collects a lot of snow on its surface. It will be necessary to clean it often to use the territory for your purposes. Sometimes it can lead to noticeable leaks.

Cleaning snow will often have to be using mechanical means. They can damage the roof.

The roof structure is characterized by a special complexity in comparison with other types of forms. It will have to organize a lot of drainage. They, in turn, often clog.

From the scope of the roof coating, water flows independently and it happens very quickly. She does not have time to apply noticeable damage.

On a flat version, water usually stands in place and accumulates as the precipitation drops durable. We will have to control the humidity of the insulation and make the coating at a small angle so that the water gradually found the drains.

It will take less materials for it than for scope. But the creation itself is more complicated. There are many subtleties about which not everyone knows and therefore often such an option of the roof does not go out as he thought.

Because of this, many believe that the flat roof in a private house is not the best option. But now domestic producers have learned about positive western experiences and learned how to create the right materials.

And specialists in the installation work adopted the methods of quality work in this direction, and the situation began to change for the better. This approach has already been able to take care of Russia.

Is it suitable for frame versions of houses?

Yes, today you can see the frame house with a flat roof, increasingly and it is perceived by the ordinary thing. This roof can be two directions. For operation and without it.

If the roof is used, then it is adapted to convenient movement of people along its coating. This uses a rigid version of a screed or another hard base option. Due to pressure from the movement of people, the roof can give to flow. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the creation of reliable insulation from water.

But there is a version without manifesting a person. Usually, no one walks or rarely appears to clean its surface. The load on its area is distributed over the entire surface. But she has one significant problem. The service life is too small. Although such a version due to, possible, satisfying the situation of features, is often used.

There is also a classic version of a flat roof. It is often referred to as a mild roof. It is formed by the bearing stove. Thermal insulation on it is stacked over the coating for vapor barrier. And then over the thermal insulation, the bitumen version of waterproofing in the form of rolls is rolled.

Due to the favorable features, this option is used to form such a modification of the roof in a frame house more often than any other.

But experts also identify the inversion version for the formation of a flat roof. Sometimes this modification helps create a house style with a flat roof, taking into account the creative thoughts of an experienced designer. It is distinguished by the fact that the waterproofing will have to be applied to the waterproofing carpet.

This will help protect against the change in the temperature effects and ultraviolet rays from the Sun, which is important if it is located in the open area and under their direct access. And this version allows you to increase the service life - the force of exposure to waterproofing from the processes of melting or freezing of snow precipitation is noticeably reduced. It is quite suitable for installing furniture, montaming of the greenhouse.

Important moments

For high-quality arrangement of a flat version of the roof, in any case, installation of the correct carpet option will be required. It will help soften the base in the case of temperature or mechanical exposure. This will help ensure the durability of the coating.

Now, based on the impact of Western culture, the Russians have become increasingly paying attention to this roof option. The domestic user has realized that a cup of coffee at any time on such a roof a wonderful option. Here is the open sky at any time. And there is constant access to clean air. This is an excellent option, but the scope roof cannot offer this.

Of course, to afford such a roof may not all. Typically, the maximum for Russian is access to the balcony. But over time, it will become a reality for each inhabitant of our country.

If you have the opportunity to create it today should not be doubted this is the best option. Today, hai-tech houses are gaining great popularity and based on their basis mainly flat roof. She became already full of their companion.

Stock Foto Houses with flat roof

The construction of a double or hip roof is not always rational and appropriate if it comes to household buildings, industrial and commercial facilities, and sometimes private houses in a modern style. The large consumption of the material, the complex rafter system make the construction of these structures by economically unprofitable, protracted event. While projects with flat roof significantly reduces construction costs, it is built quickly and suited for almost any structures.

A flat roof house is safely protected from high wind load. However, without having a row, it cannot quickly remove the rain and melting water from the surface of the roof.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the surface of the roofing materials has a rough structure, which does not allow moisture and snow freely slipping. Therefore, the device of a flat roof mounted with their own hands must comply with the strict requirements of the building standards for waterproofing, reference and construction technology.

The structure of roofing pie

The need for a high level of protection against moisture makes iteping the roofing materials of the flat roof layers, one over the other, forming the so-called "pie". If you consider his device cut, you can see the following layers:

  1. Flat base made of concrete slabs or sheets of profiled metal. It provides stiffness of the structure, carries the weight of roofing pie, transmitting it to the carrying partitions and, in the end, the foundation. In the operated roof, the base should be as tough as possible.
  2. Parosolation. The layer that is necessary for protecting the flat roof from the penetration of vapors from internal heated rooms into the thickness of the insulation. Singing on thermal insulation in the form of condensate, water irrevocably reduces its insulation properties more than twice. A polyethylene film or a bitumen-based coating is used as the simplest vaporizolation.
  3. Insulation. For thermal insulation of a flat roof, filled materials are used, such as clayzit, perlite, slag, rolled, for example, mineral wool and in the form of plates, in particular polystyrene foam. By the way, the insulation is used not only to regulate the temperature regime, but also for lowering the house with a flat roof. The basic requirements for insulation are low hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity, light weight.
  4. Waterproofing. Flat roof allows for coating to protect against moisture Roll materials: bitumen, polymer and bitumen-polymer. In addition to high waterproofing qualities, they must have resistant to temperature difference, elasticity, long service life.

Types of roofing and nuances of their mounting

A flat roof device defines the design and nature of use. In some types, requiring a special approach during the construction, the following is allocated:

Installation of roof for unheated buildings

If the plane roof is erected with your own hands for the unheated economic room, for example, barn, gazebos, canopy or extension, bias are organized using supporting beams.

They are installed at an angle of 3 degrees, which is 30 mm for each traffic point meter of the length of the beam. Then the bases from the unedged boards are laid on the beams, fixing them with nails or self-draws.

Ruberoid is used as a waterproofing - the most affordable material. It is produced and sold in the form of rolls. They perform the cutting waterproofing, cutting the bands so as to put them in the direction of the liner of the flat roof.

Ruberoid bands statenly laminated with a flystone 10-15 cm and fixed with wooden slats or steel strips every 60-70 cm in the direction of the drain, so as not to block the path of flowing moisture. The flat roof of the unheated room is easily mounted with their own hands, even one employee without the help of subbands.

Installation of roof for heated structures

If a private house is built with a flat roof, which plan to connect to the heating system, then work is in the following order:

To build a house with a flat roof, the length of which exceeds 6 m, for the manufacture of supporting beams, use a sequence of 150x150 mm and more or a steel aluminum.

Roofing of monolithic concrete

Another option, as a flat roof is erected with your own hands - the use of monolithic concrete. The process is as follows:

The process of ransom

- The device of a small corner of the roof surface for the organization of the drain. Before building a house with a flat roof, it is better to determine in advance which drainage you will mount, internal or external and make a drawing.

If it is provided, water with the help of a pile should be flown into the waterfront funnels, which have 1 per 25 sq. M or more often. If you do an external drain, the moisture should fall into the drainage chute. The flap is formed by the following methods:

A flat roof without competent rally - an unreliable shield between you and the bad weather. Moisture, which has no way out, will accumulate on the surface of the roof, provoke the destruction of the roof and leakage.

Video instruction

Often, during the construction of private houses, preference is given to the scope roof, however, there are structures with a flat roof, and as a result, very curious architectural objects are obtained. If it is decided to arrange this design, then you need to be prepared for some difficulties. There are advantages and cons of flat roof, her nuances of it.

Pros and Cons Flat Roof

It is worth noting from the very beginning that the flat roof for a private house is not an ideal horizontal surface. It also has a slope, only small (from 1 to 5 degrees). The following main pluses of the roof can be distinguished:

  • the overlap of the upper floor will serve as a structures for the roof;
  • the same height of the space under the roof will allow it to be used as a full room;
  • gives the house an original view;
  • the possibility of using the roof surface (for example, you can equip a summer platform there);
  • simplifies repair work and makes them more secure.

The minuses include:

  • strict requirements for waterproofing layer of roofing pie;
  • the need to install inner drainage;
  • high degree of snow load.

It follows from the above that a flat roof is a good solution, provided that all roofing works will be qualitatively fulfilled, and the requirements are taken into account.

Foundation for mounting a flat roof

What will be the overlapping of the upper floor directly depends on the structural features of the overlap in the whole house. As a rule, it is performed using the same material as the overlap between the floors.

The most common options are a prefabricated or monolithic overlap of reinforced concrete, overlapping over a profiled sheet with metal beams.

Possible option and with wooden floors. The fundamental difference from the overlap between the floors is in the presence of a laid insulation and high-quality waterproofing.

Preparations of roofing pie

The type of roofing cake is determined by the nature of its location and purpose. It can be executed in the classic version or made inversion.

The classic roof has the following composition: overlapping, balancing of concrete or ceramzite concrete, vaporizolation, thermal insulation material, roofing with a high degree of moisture protection (mainly bituminous materials).

In the inversion design, the location is different: overlapping, lowering, multilayer waterproofing, heat-insulating material, vaporizolation and finally presser layer. The latter can be made of concrete slabs, gravel, ceramic tiles, etc.

The name of the inversion roof obtained due to the mirror arrangement of the layers of hydro and vaporizolation in relation to the insulation (in contrast to the classical version).

Such a kind of roof is ideal for the operated roofs. However, the complexity of technology makes such roofs with a rare exception in private construction.

The technology itself is expensive, since the massiveness of the design makes it necessary to create a solid overlap of the upper floor.

Bearing structures require a detailed calculation at the design stage, and the multi-layered pie carries with them considerable costs.

Below will be considered only the classic version of the roofing pie, which is often equipped with modern houses with a flat roof.

Material for roofing

The material for the roof, namely vaporizolation, waterproofing, insulation and the coating itself, should be matched quality.

Parosolation is performed by special membranes, not perforated films. It is undesirable to use polyethylene as waterproofing, since the material does not have due reliability.

The insulation for the installation of a flat roof is chosen taking into account the snow load, as well as the load emanating from working during repair on the roof.

The insulation must be durable and resistant to the humid environment. It can be polystyrene foam, mineral wool with high density, clay.

The effectiveness of the latter is not so high, so when choosing it as a heater, it is necessary to achieve a large thickness of the layer of the layer. Thus, the load on the supporting structures increases.

The coating is made from rolled materials: rubberoid, linorrome, waterproof, etc., use bulk masts. Rolled material is considered the most optimal for use in the arrangement of a flat roof.

Technology roofing work

The design of the flat roof involves the following steps of the workflow. The bias of the roof, albeit small, is achieved through the creation of the flap.

At the same time, a bulk material (clay), foam concrete (preferably refer to specialists), etc. From above, the balancing is covered with a waterproofing layer, after which the process of laying the roofing coating begins.

The next step is to lay the first layer. Rolled roll, then it heats up with a gas burner and is glued to the base.

It is important to ensure the nestling of cloths on each other and the imposition of the material on all vertical objects of the roof (parapes, pipes, etc.).

Three layers of lining and one finishing layer are placed onto the flat roof.

The stacking of the coating is a time-consuming process, especially if you need to use adhesive mastic.

For the device of the drain, an overhead gutter is used, a system of internal drainage.

In the case when all works related to the arrangement of the roof are competent, - you will be waiting for an excellent opportunity to proudly declare the originality of your prevalence. And the photo of the house with a flat roof made in the network of the ranks of the original design solutions.

Stock Foto Houses with flat roof

If earlier flat roofs were made only on urban high-rise buildings and were associated with constant leaks, today the situation in the root changed. These designs are used not only during the construction of multi-storey buildings, but also by erecting prestigious private houses on exclusive projects. Such changes have become possible due to the emergence of completely new building materials and technologies.

Flat roofs - one of the many types of roofing, has both positive and negative sides. The advantages of such roofs include the following characteristics.

  1. Saving construction materials and rapid rates. The effect is achieved by physical economy - the plane roof area is much smaller than twin. In addition, for this design, there is no need to make a complex rafter system with various runs, backups, riglels, Mauerlatov, etc. The small number of roof elements makes it possible to build flat roofs yourself without attracting expensive professional professionals.
    True, for this you should have the initial skills of rooting work, understand modern technologies and materials. Otherwise, attempts to reduce the estimated cost of the structure can cause greater additional costs of unplanned repairs. And not only the roof itself, but also inland buildings.

  2. Ability to use a roof as exploited. On flat roofs, winter gardens can be equipped, places for recreation, flower beds, small sports sites, etc. But in these cases, the roofs have a very complex design and require a professional approach to the implementation of all construction work.

  3. Flat roofs facilitate installation and periodic maintenance Of various engineering equipment: air conditioning and ventilation systems, solar panels, antennas, etc.

Unfortunately, there are architectural structures and disadvantages.

We listed real advantages and disadvantages, each developer before making a final decision should carefully analyze them.

Varieties of flat roofs in private houses

Thanks to new materials and technologies, designers managed to create several types of flat roofs with unique performance characteristics.

Type of flat roofBrief Description of Technical and Operational Characteristics

The most commonly used, the easiest and cheapest roof type. It is most often on business buildings, rarely is mounted on private homes.

Very prestigious roof, allows you to use the area to improve the comfort of stay in the structure. The arrangement of such roofs requires quality materials and special technologies. The operated roof is often inversion.

Differs from the ordinary location of the layers of roofing cake. The hydraulic protection is made directly on the carrying basis, such a feature protects the coating from mechanical damage. A geotextile, extruded polystyrene foam, still layer of geotextiles and ballast layer are stacked on top of the hydraulic protection. Geotextile skips water to the drain system, and Ballast warns the undermining of the layers with strong gusts of the wind.

Important. The cost of flat roofs fluctuates wide limits, some options for the price can several times to exceed two-tie structures.

Device of roofing cake

All flat roofs in residential buildings must be insulated, design consists of several layers. Each of them performs its function and is critical for the roof.


It can be reinforced concrete or wooden.

Professional builders prefer reinforced concrete slabs, but they can not be used on all houses. Plates are mounted only on brick or concrete facade walls, such elements are not used for wooden or frame buildings.


Prices for vapor insulation

Material for vapor insulation

Used only in two cases: the base of the flat roof is wooden and mineral wool is used as insulation.

But such options are rare, most often the base is made from the concrete slab, and a durable extruded polystyrene is used for insulation. Both of these material are not only not afraid of the effects of steam, but also do not react to direct contact with water. Accordingly, during the arrangement of the roofs from such materials, steam-free is required.


There are two types of insulation that can be used in the construction of flat roofs.

Insulation can be installed in two ways.

Currently, architects in most cases prefer the second option to insulate the flat roof, have this in mind. But practices are advised to install insulation from within the premises. Decision Each developer must take on their own.

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Heat insulation materials

Practical recommendations for arrangement of a flat roof on a skeleton house

For example, we will take an option to arrange a flat roof on a wooden frame house. These buildings are very popular with many developers, they are quickly going to stand relatively inexpensively and provide living comfort level living.

How to make overlaps

For the ceiling overlap you need to use foreign beams, ordinary are not suitable due to very high loads. If we significantly increase the linear dimensions of ordinary beams, their own weight will play a prominent role in the calculations of the current efforts, and this is extremely undesirable for all structural loaded elements.

Important. If the size of the house is large, then it is much more profitable to order short beams and split them in place. Due to this method, the process of transporting and installing structures is simplified. During the installation of ceiling beams, you need to make a small bias for water.

Video - Wooden overlap

What to do hydraulic

PVC Prices Membranes for Roofing

PVC membrane for roofing

For sealing, it is recommended to use a modern high-quality membrane having protection against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. The thickness of the membrane is at least 1.5 mm, the service life of such coatings is more than thirty years. Membranes must maintain their initial properties at -30 ° and lower. It should be borne in mind that there may be situations when it will have to remove snow from the roof, the waterproof should withstand mechanical efforts and not damage.

How to mount a funnel for water reception

The diameter of the funnel must correspond to the roof area and the maximum debit of water. Data is available in comparative tables and are attached to the instructions for using elements. If for some reason there is no such instruction, then you must consult with the seller.

The funnel is installed in the lowest roof. The roof plane is divided into several sectors and each has a small slope to the plum. To winter in the funnel, ice was accumulated, it is recommended to connect the electrical heating system. Heating function temporarily and only during the period when the temperature changes somewhat per day with a positive to negative.

How to properly cut the waterproof membrane

The joints boil with a construction hairdryer and are additionally flooded with a special two-component glue. It follows from the lowest edge, the width of the adhesive is at least 10 cm. To increase the fastening strength, each membrane band is separately fixed by special fasteners, wide washers later close.

The perimeter of the membrane parapet is also screwed with a large dimeter washers, the distance between them is about 20-30 cm.

How to remove water from the roof

Experienced builders are not recommended on flat roofs trying to install outer gutters and pipes for removal of water to earth. The optimal option is to launch plastic pipes through interior rooms. Installation of the system should be done immediately after assembling the carcass at home, while the pipes of the pipes are hidden. Due to this place of installation, the probability of freezing is completely excluded, the reliability of the system functioning is significantly increased.

The better to handle OSP slabs

There are many options, efficiency depends not only on the materials used, but also from the professionalism of the master. But practice shows that with all equal conditions, the greatest reliability in bitumen mastics. Surfaces need to be missed at least two times, it guarantees the tightness of the coating a long period of time. Of course, the upper membrane must also be high quality and properly laid.

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