Nati platform: from unnecessary to maximum importance. With Nati on MCC

Reservoirs 15.07.2020

Timetable and trains Moscow - Nati currently includes long-distance trains - 1, trains (suburban trains, diesel engines) - 100. The first train leaves from the Moscow station at night at 00h of 38 m and arrives at the final station at 00 h 52 m. The last train leaves from Moscow station at 23 h 59 m and arrives at night to destination. In accordance with the schedule, the average time on the road from the point of departure of Moscow to the arrival point of the NATI is 0 h. 14 m: the most fast train rides 0 h 12 m, the same slow - is on the way 0 h 18 m.
Some trains from the station Moscow station to Nati run on individual days (have a special schedule of movement).
Trains following the route Moscow - Nati pass through such stations and settlements as: Riga.
Train and train schedule on the route Moscow - NatiShown here, regularly updated and always available summer and winter schedules.
You can buy tickets for the train Moscow - Nati can be at the ticket office of the nearest station or online, and on the train - only at a ticket station only.

At the first post-war year, electric trains from the Leningrad station began to make another stop - Nati. Next after Petrovsko-Razumovsky, created for passengers of the nearby Institute. 66 years old she worked, being one of the most insignificant in the capital. Closing for more than a year noticed only units. Standard ads "The train will continue with all the stops, except Nati" change did not have to change.

Two months ago, everything changed. Stopping in this place has become so necessary that the passengers have become massively demanding this. The introduction of the Moscow Central Ring by the leadership of the railway was not supported independently. But now Nati becomes one of the most important transfers of the North of the capital.

1. So NATI. Stop, as I said, opened in 1946. Two side platforms. Previously, there was a short island, but it was destroyed.

2. There is a pedestrian bridge. Classic, open, typical design.

3. During the reconstruction of the road associated with the construction of 4 main way, there was a major overhaul of both platforms, new lighting, canopies and even cash desks were established. There are no turnstile pavilions.

4. The general appearance of this place today does not please. In the near past, the neighborhood was more green. With greens, there were much more garbage and mud. Now, on the one hand, the depot of the Metro is built, and on another section of the northeastern chord (former northern rockada).

5. The Hovrino station begins towards the area begins.

6. From the western side, a large construction site of northeastern chord has unfolded. The plot from the festival street to the Dmitrovskoye highway will finally add the flow of machines on the paid route M-11.

7. Behind the construction and warehouses with parking is visible to the new building. Moscow Central Ring. Lichobor stop has become a convenient transplant node. In the future, he may be even better, but I will tell about it in a separate report about the lighter.

8. On the platform to Moscow is a small canopy.

9. It is more in the area. There is also a single ticket office. There were no ticketing machines. It seems to be so far they did not appear. And this means that passengers to Khimki. For example, you can not always buy a ticket. But the hares before the gathering or hook joy.

10. No public transport is suitable for the platform. The passage from the Lichoborsk Embankment was terrible. Now has become a construction site. The only bus in the future may appear there in the same transplantation on the lighter.

11. In the meantime, only construction.

12. From the pedestrian bridge, the Depot of Lychobor Lyublin-Dmitrovskaya Metro is seen. On the right of its administrative building.

13. For the opening of a transplant near the platform, a smooth rise with a asphalted path appeared.

14. New pointer.

15. The path is convenient for both transplantation and shooting.

16. On the title. Nati - the former name for us. The full modern name is the Central Research Automobile and Automotive Institute. And it used to be all easier: Scientific Auto Tractor Institute. Another curious date: Nati became us in 1946. In the same year, the NATO platform appeared. With renaming of railway workers, it was always bad.

17. Around the station is now a lot of strange personalities.

18. And there are no stops for expressings and is not planned. Suburban swallows in Moscow do not stop at all.

19. And for long-distance trains here, first overclocking and the first turn at speed.

20. "Nevsky Express" went to St. Petersburg.

21. On the bridge, another swallow, serving MCR, went. But about that another time.

In the future, the NATI platform can get a convenient transplant to MCC and a bus in a single transition. Maybe this happens with our lives? What? But what if?

Thanks for attention! Stay in touch!

Vasily Povanyov (mostly its photos were used in post), finally visited this and other stations, which theoretically can use Zelenograds to transplant to MCC to see how everything is arranged there, and tell our readers about it.

Station MCC "Likhobor" (until the summer of this year, she was known as Nikolaevskaya) is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe direct visibility from the NATO platform.

If you arrived at the train from Zelenograd, you need to get out of the platform on the right side along the movement and go along the track along the railway towards the Leningrad Station.

Exit from the platform is located at the level of the third-fourth wagons. If you want to save time on a transplant, sit down in them. The pointer is located in the direction of MCC. To the left of it is viewed by the buildings of the station "Likhobor".

The distance from the exit from the NATO platform to the entrance to the above-ground transition of the station "Likhobor" is just over 200 meters. However, keep in mind that the entrance to the transition is not yet entry to the station itself.

After 120 meters, the track along the ORD (in the photo view in the opposite direction - on the NATO platform) turns to the right.

Around the intake of the fence overlooks the Likhobor station. Before the above-ground transition is already hand to file.

But this is the most unpleasant part of the short path. In the vicinity of Nati and Likhobor, northeastern chord is built (it is the North Rockad), which is by the end of 2018 must associate New Leningradka with Dmitrovsky highway. Because of this, the asphalt is covered with a layer of dirt, which construction equipment is delivered around the neighborhoods. Apparently, in the future, an underground transition will be built for passengers. But so far like this. Such a steep infrastructure project as MCC is, of course, not to face.

Important work continues and around the station "Likhobor". However, the playground in front of the entrance to the transition is already paved by the "parade" tiles.

Now we have to climb the height of the three-story house with high ceilings. In the transition there is an elevator, but as long as it is, as well as the metal detector's framework at the entrance, does not work (all data in the material is given as of September 20). Therefore, it is worthwhile. At the same time, no channels (polls for strollers) on the stairs are not. The one whom it will be asked to be here, for example, with a baby carriage, you can only sympathize.

From the top floor overlooking the Nati and Eastern Chord Platform and Construction.

And in the other side - on the perrons of the station "Likhobor".

To get to the peer, you need to go on the road to the transition above the railway. Only not to the end, but about the middle.
Note that the transition (in any case) is not a warmed structure. According to the design, it looks like an overhead transition through the central prospectus from the Zelenograd Prefecture, and the ventilation "holes in the floor" are hidden on the sides. It will not work out here in the winter. Compared to a change with electric train on the subway on the Leningrad Station, this is, of course, a serious minus.

About 90 meters right in the transition there will be glass doors leading to the lobby of the station.

On the contrary, you can admire the bridge at the intersection of MCC with the October Railway.

With navigation, the case is here much better than at the station "Butyrskaya", which has opened recently at the Ostankino platform (about transplants from the railway to the new stations of the Lublin-Dmitrovskaya metro line, see separate post ). In any case, the return route to the Nati platform can be found easily. This is the pointer to meet you when leaving the glass doors. Then, in the course of the movement there will be some more tables.

In the lobby behind the glass doors are not working while turnstiles (remind, in the first month, the passage of MCC is free) and descent to two platforms (there are elevators, stairs, and escalators). Here you need to decide on which platform you want to get. If we are going to the West (on the outer side of the ring) - in the direction of "Coptevo", "Baltic", "Streshnevo" and so on - to you right. If east (on the inside) - on the "district", "Vladykino", "Botanical Garden" and then to the left.

To help you the MCC scheme (clickable)

The most obvious option for descent to the platform is an escalator. Unlike elevators, they are running. Each platform is associated with the lobby of two escalators: one rides up, the other down.

Evaluate the time on foot - the task is not easy, but by our addiction to get from the door of the train on the NATO platform to Perron at the station "Likhobor" can be in 6-8 minutes. In the opposite direction, the road will take a little longer, because it will be necessary to go over the bridge to the far platform to Nati.

While we are waiting for our "swallow" to go on a trip to the ICC, we recall that in the future the Lichobores should appear transport and transplantation - with shops, parking and even hockey box. Well, of course, the stops of land public transport. The main volume of construction of TPU will be located on the side of the passage of the Cherepanovy (that is, with the opposite from the NATO platform). It is assumed that it will look like this (the image is clipped).

And so this place looks now.

Travel works are underway on the passage of Cherepanov.

Build TPU are assembled approximately by 2025. As part of this project, it is planned to reconstruct and extend towards the center of Moscow and the NATO platform. This means that the Leningrad directions will stop even closer to the MCC, and the transfer with NATO to Likhobor will become even shorter and more convenient.
And now we will return to the station "Likhobor". Both platforms have canopies and a decent number of benches and urns. The surface is paved with tiles, along the edge of the platform laid a strip of yellow tactile tiles.

In general, everything is stylish, neat and, if we talk about platforms, and not about the transitions, then, in my opinion, a little in retro style.

All design is asked in the corporate framework of Russian Railways, which exploits this road together with the Moscow Metro (remind, it will be possible to pay for travel to the metro tickets, while the transplant between the subway and the ICC will be free for one and a half hours).

Electronic scoreboard show the direction of movement (by the name of the next station) and time before the arrival of the train. Recall that the stated intervals of the movement of trains on the MCC - 6 minutes to the peak hours and 11-15 minutes in abnormal time. If necessary, these intervals promise to reduce. And it seems to be already thinking over the implementation of such an opportunity.

The platform from which you can leave with "Likhobor" towards "Coptevo", that is, to the West, has ways on both sides. But the trains come to the left side (along the movement from the escalator). "External paths" are needed, apparently, for official goals and freight traffic, which will be saved on the ring. View back, towards the transition leading to Nati.

And here is our train. From the moment of the departure of the previous one, about 15 minutes passed. True, in the counter direction during this time three trains began

As a rolling stock at the Moscow Central Ring, "swallows" are used. I did a great post about how these trains are arranged . Inside the "swallow" on the ICC, except for the disclosed schemes and ads, do not differ from those that run to the Kroikovo and Tver and are already familiar to many greenograds.
MCC scheme in the car:

MCC scheme and metro:

It is allowed to carry bicycles on the ICC, and there are appropriate stickers on trains, but we did not find special fasteners for two-wheeled vehicles. As well as the intention to twist "extra", third seats, so that all wagons have 2 + 2 layout, until it is completed.

Empty trains on MCC, it seems, do not go. We were on the ring about from 17:00 to 18:30, that is, in almost the evening "Rush Hour", and in all the "swallows" part of the passengers rushes standing.

The closest to the "Lichobors" stop, if you go to the West, is Coptevo. However, she was among the five stations that did not have time to start moving on the MCC even in a rough form. Therefore, while the next stop after "Likhobor" is "Baltic". Until the summer of this year, it was called "Vojovskaya" - on the nearby subway station located nearby.
The transplant between the "Baltic" and "Voorovskaya" is considered one of the longest on MCC. The lobby of two stations are located more than 700 meters from each other. To transfer the subway to the Moscow central ring here, it should be released from the subway through the output number 1 (from the last car when driving towards the center, then from the glass doors to the right) and go along the Leningrad highway towards the region - to the Metropolis trading complex .

Baltiyskaya is located at the intersection of MCC with the Leningrad highway. The station has two exits: one - in the direction of the street Admiral Makarova, the other in the direction of Novopetrovsky travel, Metropolis and the Metro "Vokovskaya".

Moreover, the sleeve of the transition, which leads from the station MCC to the side of "Vojkovskaya", is docked with the building of Metropolis. And although the signs are sent to the subway to the street, in fact, a significant part of the way can be done warm, passing through the entire building of the shopping center. Then the street to enter the subway will remain overcome only about 200 meters. Of course, this advice is relevant for those who are from the metro on MCC.

The platform on the "Baltic" one and, accordingly, it is wider.

Escalators and ladders for descent / lifting between the platform and the transition are in one place. Elevators are also there, but, like on "Lichobors", until they work.

If you, having a children's stroller, decide to get out of the "Baltic" to the side opposite to the "Metropolis", will come across the same problem as on the transfer of Nati, - a non-alternative descent on the stairs without chambers.

View from the MCC platform on the side facade of "Metropolis".

If current sketches of TPU projects on the Moscow central ring are posted on the metrostroite site, then the Baltic Station will look like this. Another transition will appear in both directions from the other edge of the platform.

The next station for the "Baltic" - "Streshnevo". Previously, it was called "Volokolamskaya" because it is at the intersection of MCC with the Volokolamsk highway. Theoretically, someone from Zelenogradsev could come here by car, and then go to the future way to MCC. However, this option is unlikely to become massive. Not only is it for himself to be suitable for a few, it is also incomprehensible where, in this case, leave the car, there is no similarity of the intercepting parking lot here.

Moreover, the transition was not completed at Streshnevo, which could be removed to the 1st Krasnogorsk passage - the potential most convenient for the entrance to this station from Zelenograd.

As part of the creation of a transport and transformation site, the Strechnevo MCC station will be connected with the transition from the Riga Direction Platform Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo, which will be transferred to several hundred meters. However, it no longer has anything to travel to / from Zelenograd (only if to travel to me for the cottage :)).
Visualization of the project TPU "Streshnevo" (image from the site of the ICC)

Scheme TPU "Streshnevo" (Clickable image from the metrostroy site)

In the meantime, Streshnevo station looks practically as a twin "Likhobor": the same two platforms on the sides of the main stroke ...

And typical (but at the same time, in my opinion, a stylish) building of the lobby with escalators adjacent to the transition.

Alternatively, the combined "annular" metro and MCC schemes are hung everywhere. There were no such schemas on the "likhobors".

As in all other places, active construction and finishing work continues at Streshnevo station.

Unfortunately, time to drive around the ring has not yet been, although it would be very interesting to do it. Well, I hope it will still have time. However, from the point of view of the Zelenograds, of course, the visited stations are of the greatest interest.

At the end of the story, summarize several key moments.
1. MCC went - and it is wonderful. In fact, a new type of public transport appeared in Moscow, which significantly increased the connectedness of existing lines and routes. It is already obvious that contrary to the gloomy forecasts of skeptics, the ring is in demand by citizens.
2. Many residents of Zelenograd have new options for building routes when traveling to Moscow appeared. But very much here it depends on the number of electric trains stopping on the NATO. For example, on September 20, from Kryukovo, it was impossible to leave from 8:56 to 16:05 - more than 7 hours! But in the coming days, the situation must change: the number of electric trains stopping increased twice .
3. The road was opened with a lot of small shortcomings - work is still practically everywhere. For most passengers, this is unrigible, but for small towns, MCC is still practically not adapted. If you are due to some reasons to experience difficulties with movement, it is worth thinking very carefully how you will storm numerous stairs devoid of even polozov for strollers.

The Lichobor station of the Moscow Central Ring is located near the intersection with the October Railway (Leningrad direction of suburban electric trains). This is the most outskirts of the Coptevo district. The angle of residential building, which begins rail junction and industrial zone.

For the first time in the history of this place there is public transport, which is not needed to wait for hours. A good transplant appears here, a new road is built and public land transport should appear. Once. In the meantime, we'll look at the Likhobor station in the form in which it opened. From that moment, almost nothing has changed.

Before the start of this report, I will share with you thoughts about what you need to know about the MCC that you need to tell about what I want to speak for electricals in the subway system.

Traveling in different cities and countries, I noticed the serious transport differences in the post-Soviet space and Europe. Our subway is the subway! Large trains, serious investments, large-scale construction. Everything is so big and powerful. Tram is a trailer with stops for each house and a complete lack of at least some acceleration. The suburban train inside a large year is an independent beast with its payment system and its problems, most often not connected with the rest of the system. In Europe, in one city there may be different subway lines, different trams systems, different combinations of the metro and trains. I support it. Therefore, for me, the creation in the city of the system with different types of rolling stock does not seem strange.

But the Russian Railways has attached to the system ...

As if we did not praise MCC for normal intervals and seems to be a cool rolling stock, there are many problems here. At the first ice rain, the swallows die, there is no comfort for waiting, transplants are incredibly long, and some stations still have not covered connections with buses and trams. Crop into transplants are promised by 2017-2020, but there are already strange data about parking data. For example, at the station Baltic such parking plan to build in 2025 ...

I studied Likhobor Station back in September. Almost immediately after the discovery, I first came to the Nati platform, which I made a report. I fully studied the station, bypassing all the exits and transplants. Has passed on the platform, removing all the little things. Then there were the Baltic, Kutuzovskaya ... I postponed the beginning of the story about the MCC to the finish of the system and the creation of basic compounds with the notes. Not wait. And, I do not exclude, I will not wait for the coming months.

So I decided to talk about MCC stations with a bias on transplanting, surroundings and the nearest transport. This is more valuable for the reader than the story of 29 identical stations and 2 with noticeable differences.

1. Station Likhobor made serious changes to the life of the Leningrad direction. A new transplant to Nati in the first days was unreal. The number of trains stopping here can be recalculated on the fingers. Gradually corrected the situation. From the platform laid the path to the transplant. There is a pointer, but it is impossible to get lost. Now go nowhere.

2. To date, the track is held at the place of the future construction.

3. Work on the creation of a section of northeastern chords was dragged. Now they have already entered the active phase. At this time, it is impossible to build a transplant with MCC according to a constant scheme. In 2017, the passenger will have to climb the temporary transition through the Sch's construction site, go down, then rise again on the ICC. And back - another lifting and descent through suburban paths. Frankly inconvenient.

4. MCC is reconstructed immediately taking into account the new road.

5. Typical lifting construction in an overhead transition. Now she is already completed.

6. Frames for inconvenience and trees "to be". I do not know whether the elevator earned, but very doubt.

7. Input is unprecedented, but quite normal.

8. Intermediate elevator stop. Perhaps at this level will be a connection with something.

9. So the transition. Typical design, which decorates yellow color. Initially, it was planned that on the ring of the station and transplants will have the color of the metro line, to which the transition is carried out here. With transitions to suburban electricists there is no connection. The colors of suburban directions have long been eliminated.

10. Likhobor station platforms seem distant. But not scary.

11. The NATO platform.

12. Since the freight traffic in Moscow has not yet been completely died, and the Hovrino station with a new container terminal, places built in places for freight.

13. Ironically, it was the cargo train that I took the first on MCC.

14. Pointers of Moscow transport in the transition.

15. Classic doors like in the subway.

16. Inside a spacious lobby

17. View on both platforms. The first impression is very different. The shortcomings are rushing into the eyes, but we understood what event was this discovery.

18. And then the first cant, to which I can't get used to. Why on platforms clockwise made pointers with platforms from the bottom up? On the annular line of the metro, no one makes new pointers such a stupid shape. The list must be top down.

19. Common everything is fine.

20. Typical lobby design has elevators, stairs and escalators. It would be very convenient at any electric train station instead of a cold and terrible old bridge.

21. Ways to the side of the district.

23. From us, we have an incomprehensible platform. Most likely just drove garbage.

24. These dirt and holes are already covered.

25. Despite all the names in the media, the platform is absolutely typical with all the mistakes of the past. She is in the curve, and even the curve. This path for freight, but everything is perfectly visible on it.

26. Plus for the numbering of outputs immediately since the opening.

27. Plus, for the combination of all the options for the rise in the conditions of narrow platforms. Laptop, taking into account the fact that this is the worst Dizes from all that were presented in different years.

28. Many urns, good seats. It is a pity only the whole design and pointers from Russian Railways.


30. Everywhere hangs the scoreboard. At first, they showed closed stations and an approximate interval. Now they have learned to the right time to show the time until the next train.

31. The Lichobor Station in design and construction was called Nikolaev, according to the old name of the October Railway. Now the name of Likhobor is perpetuated here. I can't say that it is suitable or not. There are arguments and for and against.

32. View of the west towards the station Coptevo

33. During his stay, the hare was unexpectedly appeared, which was driven by security.

34. One of the problems of the rings is a set of garages around. I do not know how convenient to chase a car here, but it seems to be still waiting for this HSC.

35. Arrives swallow.

36. Simultaneously with it and the second. Trains here stop in the curve with a slight bias. It is very uncomfortable on the 1st way.

37. There is nothing more on the station itself. Let's go south from her towards the passage of Cherepanovy. Here, the opening itself did not have time to finish # 490.

38. Pointers.

39. The passage of 490 stretches here from the streets of Likhoborsk bugs and 4 Novomikhalkovsky passage. This should run buses.

40. Even the reversal platform was organized. Rumors promised the extension of 22 and 139 routes from us. Why did not extend - the question. I have my own vision of future development, which can be implemented. Each local resident goes to buses to a large academic street. There is a lot of routes immediately. Almost everything towards Voica. Everyone passes by and only one trolleybus 57 has a number of final. More precisely turn, because the final and dispatching is next. It is uncomfortable passengers. Why not transfer the finite trolley buses here? And Ideally, make the departure in parallel with the future sv to the big academic, so that the transport could make the circle 4 Novomikhalkovsky - 490 passage - St.x - Big Academic. So there would be more coverage of the area.

41. Now if someone needs a bus, go through the courtyards.

42. 5-7 minutes walk to the stop.

43. But no matter how we spoke about the comforts and oddities, the locals are lucky. Once it was not very, but now transport at hand.

44. And we will go to other metro stations and MCC.

Thanks for attention! Stay in touch!

Other MY MOSCOW METRO records:

01. Sokolnicheskaya line.

Do not know how to get to the Nati Platform in Golovinsky, Russia? Moovit will help you find the best way to get to the Natimi platform from the nearest public transport stop using step-by-step instructions.

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Looking for a stop or station near the NATO platform? Check out the list of nearest stops to the destination: Likhobory (Likhobory).

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