Treatment of solar bursita. What is bursitis and how to treat him? What is a synovial bag

Reservoirs 30.06.2020

How to treat bursitis. When a person moves, in all joints there are friction of the articular surfaces of the cartilage on each other. And in order to soften this friction, the liquid is necessary. And this liquid is located in the Bursa - this is a near-chosen or synovial bag. But when the burden on the joint or during the injury of the joint occurs, then such a disease may occur as the bursitis, in which the inflammation of the near-the-art bag occurs.

The causes of such a disease, as bursitis, can be different and, as a rule, inflammation in the joint occurs when there is a large load on the joint. Often bursitis occurs among athletes due to injuries or when the movements of athletes are repeated and accompanied by physical voltage. These are such sports as a game of tennis, golf, badminton. But not only athletes can get sick, but also because of other diseases of the joints, such as arthritis and gout or such a disease, like tuberculosis, can also provoke bursitis.

Symptoms of Bursita

The disease may affect any joints, even the smallest. But most often the inflammation of the occasional bag occurs in large joints (shoulder, elbow, knee, hip), which perform a large amount of movements and experience severe load.

The main symptom of bursitis is the appearance in the joint area of \u200b\u200bthe round flushing swelling, which looks like a bump. When palpation, this formation can be rather painful.

Movement in the joint can be dramatically limited and accompanied by painful sensations. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion, there is a swelling, a local increase in temperature and redness of the skin.

The flow of bursita can be sharp and chronic. In the chronic form of the disease, pain syndrome is less intense. In the region, calcium sediments may form in the region, due to which the movement in the joint is even more limited. With the exacerbation of the process, the amount of fluid in the cavity of the synovial bag increases, which can lead to the formation of hygromes (cystic cavity filled with liquid).

The disease is diagnosed based on the complaints of the patient, inspection and the result of the X-ray study of the affected joint.

Treatment of Bursita

Treatment of acute bursita

The acute form of the disease is usually treated conservatively in an outpatient basis.

During an acute inflammatory process, it is necessary to eliminate the load on the sore joint, it is desirable to fix it with the help of elastic bandage bandages or special elastic fixators. In some cases, it may be necessary to impose a plaster lantiete. After an element of inflammation, the volume of movements in the joint should be increased gradually, avoiding sharp movements and heavy loads.

To reduce the intensity of pain syndrome and removal of inflammation, anti-inflammatory ointments (diclofenac, nicoflex) are locally used. The introduction of anesthetics (Novokan) in combination with glucocorticoid hormones (hydrocortisone) is shown in pronounced pain syndrome.

If conservative therapy, carried out during the week does not give any positive results or the inflammatory process is enhanced, the patient is performed by the puncture of the sore joint. If it shows that the disease has been complicated by the infectious process, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

After the sickness of pain in the affected joint, physiotherapy (UHF, UV irradiation, phonoforesis), medical physical education, massage are prescribed to patients. At home, you can make semi-sufficient compresses, climbing with ointment of Vishnevsky, paraffin and ozokerite applications or warming the sore joint dry heat.

Treatment of chronic bursita

Chronic bursitis is treated with an operational way. With frequent exacerbations, it is necessary to remove the accumulated exudate from the cavity of the occasional bag, washing it with antiseptic solutions and the conduct of antibiotics and hydrocortisone solution. Sometimes such a procedure is required to repeat up to 5 times. In the development of purulent complications, a surgical operation is necessary, during which the synovial bag and the removal of pus is performed.

Operational treatment is also necessary in cases where calcium complications are formed during the bursite, due to which the mobility of the joint is limited. Small deposits are removed by aspiration by a syringe. A large number of calcium salts from the oral cavity can only be deleted.

Prevention Bursita

In order to avoid the development of bursita, it is necessary to eliminate the factors leading to the trauma of the articular bags. It is impossible to overload the joints, especially without prior "warming up", it is also necessary to apply special protective devices (clamps) and choose rational shoes during sports.

Bursitis is an inflammatory disease of the joints, accompanied by their edema and impaired motor function. Pathology is more often observed in men engaged in sports or severe physical labor, but women can get sick. For diagnostics use x-ray research and joint puncture. Treatment is carried out by a conservative or surgical method.

The essence and causes of pathology

What is bursitis is an inflammatory process developing in Bursa. This is called a special education that serves as depreciation of movements in the joint. It is a pocket, or a bag formed by a synovial shell. Bursa is located in those sections of the joint, which are most subjected to friction. Inside, the bursa has a small amount of fluid, which provides the gliding of the joint surfaces and the smoothness of the movements.

Bursa inflammation develops for various reasons:

  • The injury to the joint, including penetrating;
  • Infection with blood flow, lymphs;
  • Permanent mechanical stratification of the joint.

Promote the development of the disease Excessive loads on the limbs, endocrine and metabolic disorders in the body. Bursith in a child can be formed due to frequent drops and shocks during mobile games. In adults, pathology is formed due to long-term knees - in housekeepers, miners, mining workers.


Bursit can be formed in all joints. There are various classifications of pathology on individual features.

There are bursitis on the localization of the inflammatory process:

  • Burst hip joints;
  • Knee;

According to the nature of the flow, they distinguish sharp and chronic bursitis. Acute bursitis more often arises as a result of a joint injury, infection penetration. Chronic form develops as a result of long mechanical irritation.

Due to the occurrence, the following types are distinguished:

  • Traumatic bursitis;
  • Infectious bursitis caused by a specific or non-specific flora;
  • Metabolic;
  • Rheumatoid bursitis.

Non-specific flora includes staphylococci, streptococci, intestinal wand. Specific inflammation is caused by chlamydia, mycobacterium tuberculosis, gonococci.

By the nature of the exudate (inflammatory fluid) distinguish:

  • Serous - blood plasma with a small content of leukocytes;
  • Purulent - plasma with a large content of leukocytes, dead microorganisms;
  • Fibrinous - protein bunches;
  • Hemorrhagic bursitis - blood admixture.

Also isolated different codes of bursitis on the ICD 10:

  • Foot fingers - M20.1;
  • - M70.5;
  • Hip joint - M70.6.

Clinical picture

Symptoms and treatment of bursitis depend on the cause of its occurrence, localization and initial state of the body. Of great importance is the nature of the course of the disease.


The sharp most often is infectious bursitis. Therefore, the pathology clinic develops from general and local symptoms. Common symptoms include:

  • Malaise;
  • Increase temperatures up to 37.5-38 ° C;
  • Loss of appetite.

Local symptoms of bursita are more pronounced. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe bag there is an edema and swelling. The skin blushes, becomes hot to the touch. When taking the joint in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bag, movement, walking, the pain appears. There is a limitation of the movements of the inflamed joint.

On a note!

With untimely and defective treatment, the acute inflammatory process in the bag is not completed, but enters the chronic form.

Pains are caused by stretching the bags due to the accumulation of inflammatory liquid in it. Exudate annoys adjacent fabrics, which is also accompanied by painful sensations.


For chronic pathology, less pronounced symptoms are characterized. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe bag, a small swelling is determined, slightly painful to the touch. Externally, the joint is practically not changed. There is a slight limitation of movements caused by edema. The patient complains of minor joint pain.

Below is a photo of bursitis in acute and chronic.

Different location of pathology have their own characteristics of the clinical picture. Consider more details of the roar of the lower limbs.

Hip joint

Usually iliac, surface and deep articular bags are affected. The clinical picture is characterized by a rather severe flow. Most often, it is acute and accompanied by severe intoxication, strong fever. Pain intense, strengthen with any limb movement. In the region of the inguinal ligament, painful swelling is determined.


In the area of \u200b\u200bthe knee joint most often suffer three articular bags:

  • Preparelar - Located over a patella;
  • Infrapatellular - located under the patella;
  • Gusina - located in the patellied jam (see).

Accordingly, three types of brusitis of the knee are distinguished.

Or is characterized by significant element of the knee, a large swelling filled with inflammatory liquid is formed on its front surface. Moves in the joint are dramatically limited, accompanied by painful sensations.

With infrared infrapatellar bag, symptoms are less pronounced, as it is deeper. The knee looks edema, increased in size compared to healthy. There is a limitation of movements and moderate soreness when feeling.

Inflammation of the goose bag is called, more often this disease has a chronic current. A small elastic swelling is found in the ponded jam. Pain syndrome is insignificant, the restrictions of movements are not observed.

Ankle joint

The heel bag is usually suffering here, located under the skin, between the heel hill and achilla tendon. The inflammatory process in the ankle is called. It is characterized by moderate painful sensations, increasing when the heel is coming. Limited the possibility of flexing and extending the foot. On the rear surface of the ankle, a small swelling is found.

Sustaines of the foot

The disease bursitis in the joints of the foot is observed mainly in the thumb and the Mizinz. Provocate inflammation frequent injury and mechanical irritation of these fingers. They become edema, blush and increase in size. Touching them causes pain. A person gets difficult to wear shoes and walk.


The diagnosis of bursitis is made up of several stages:

  • Examination of the limbs and identification of characteristic signs of bursitis;
  • General blood test - signs of inflammation are detected;
  • X-ray examination of the joints;
  • Arthroscopy;
  • Puncture of the articular bag and the study of the resulting liquid.

The main importance for diagnosis has a radiographic study and puncture of the bag. On the X-ray, the expansion of the bursa and an increase in the amount of fluid in it are noted. Sometimes a computer tomography is used as an additional visualization method.

Under the joint puncture, the inflammatory fluid is obtained, its character is determined, they detect a specific or non-specific flora, which served as the cause of the bursitis. Based on these data, the doctor determines how to treat Bursit.

Principles of treatment

How to treat Bursitis depends on the cause, which caused it, and the nature of the inflammatory process. Complex treatment of bursitis, including conservative and surgical methods.

Inflammation in the articular bag requires peace of the damaged limb. This is achieved by using various bandages and orthoses.

The patient is prescribed bed regime in acute inflammation. A light milk and vegetable diet enriched with vitamins is shown.


Medical treatment of Bursita is appointed by a doctor with a causal factor. There is no one bourcita medication, drugs are prescribed to eliminate the cause and symptoms of the disease.

With inflammation of the bag of infectious origin, the treatment of bursitis antibiotics is shown. Use the preparations of a wide range of action - ceftriaxone, levofloxacin, rapiclav. Assign antibacterial therapy for 10-14 days.

With any form of the disease, the treatment of NSAIDs is assigned. These drugs have anti-inflammatory and painkillers, contribute to the elimination of edema. Diclofenac, Nimika, Ibuprofen for a period of 2-3 weeks is prescribed.

Anesthetic drugs are shown in the presence of strong pain syndrome. Applied ketorol in the form of intramuscular injections, pills from Bursita ketonal or dexalgin.

In the presence of strong edema, diuretics are used - furosemide or Veroshapirius. Dimexide with a bursite used in the form of compresses allows to eliminate swelling and inflammation in a few days.

To improve blood circulation in the damaged joint, pentoxifillain is prescribed. For bone strengthening, calcium preparations are prescribed.


The operation is used both with acute and chronic form of the disease. In acute purulent inflammation, arthroscopy is used, during which the bags and the removal of the pus and exudate from it are opened. The cavity of the bag is washed with a solution of antiseptics and set drainage.

In the chronic process, with the formation of adhesions, their excision and removal of necrotic tissues are carried out. When the process is running, when the bag is calcined and ceases to produce a synovial fluid, carry out a bursectomy - complete removal of the articular bag.


The operation should be carried out only in a medical institution, qualified specialists.

Additional methods

Treatment of Bursita involves the use and non-drug methods. These include physiotherapeutic procedures and treatment of bursitis by folk remedies. The most commonly applies the following physiotherapy techniques:

  • Electrophoresis with Dimeksid;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Diadynamic currents;

Course is assigned from 10 procedures. The treatment is carried out in the elimination of acute symptoms and the absence of fever.

Of the folk remedies, the greatest prevalence is treated with compresses:

  • The leaf of the burdock is crushed to the state of the casis. Attach to the sore joint, fix the cloth. Keep for two hours;
  • Take a cabbage leaf, remember him a little to the juice. Lubricate the sheet with honey and attach to the inflamed articular bag. Fix and leave for half an hour;
  • Move boiled potatoes and applied in warm form to the joint. Fix and leave for the night.

Treatment with folk remedies can only be auxiliary.


Bursitis is easy to complete cure, subject to timely treatment for medical care. Otherwise, the process becomes chronic, some complications may develop. The most frequent consequences of Bursitis include:

  • Inflammatory spikes forming contracture - a persistent restriction of movements in the joint;
  • The formation of fistulas in soft tissues around the joint;
  • The spread of purulent inflammation - phlegmons and abscesses;
  • Necrosis of the articular bag.

The most often complications are developing with a purulent process.

For modern medicine, Bursit is a simple pathology. All the symptoms have long been studied by doctors, there are ample opportunities for diagnosis. Cured bursitis easily, but provided that the person turned to the doctor in time. So the risk of the development of complications is reduced, and the treatment is held in the shortest possible time.

Bursitis is a disease that does not apply to common, but representatives of some professions are common enough. They suffer from people performing movements with the load on the same area (tennis players, etc.), or constantly in an uncomfortable posture.

Bursit - what is it

In the field of joints due to the active movement of ligaments and bones, there are almost always friction. A synovial fluid that improves gliding and reducing friction performs the role of lubrication of the joints. It is located in the okolossertable bags - bursah, which are eliminated by the glands of the cavity. It is the inflammatory process starting in them, called Bursite. There are several species of this disease.

It is interesting! In total, there are about 160 synovial bags in the body.

  1. Purulent. In this case, pus is formed in the bag. The disease has a bacterial nature.
  2. Serous. This form is considered the easiest, but in the absence of treatment there is a risk of transition to a purulent or hemorrhagic form.
  3. Hemorrhagic. In this case, hemorrhage occurs.

In addition, they allocate an acute and chronic form of the disease.

Often there is a bursitis in elbow, shoulder, knee, hip joints, in the field of heel and Achilles tendon.

Causes of the disease

The causes of the development of bursitis are different.

  1. Injuries. It can be a professional permanent load on her knees or elbows, uncomfortable shoes, frequent running and long, fast walking, long-sided on a solid surface (for example, long-term cycling).
  2. Infections. There is a risk of infection in the synovial cavity during injury or with a decrease in immunity (in this case, the Virus "travels" by blood flow or lymph).
  3. Chronic diseases, as a result of which salts are deposited in a synovial bag, - gout, systemic sclerodermia, rheumatoid arthritis.

In addition, the cause of the development of the bursitis can be diatheus, in itself, which is not a disease, but facilitating the development of inflammatory processes, to the number of which relates and bursitis. Sometimes the causes of the disease cannot be established - it occurs unexpectedly in itself.

Important! The older man is the higher the risk of burst appearance, which is associated with a decrease in the elasticity of the walls of the synovial bag, an increase in its density.


The first manifestation of bursitis is swelling and swelling in the field of inflammation of the synovial bag. At the same time, the patient is worried about the pain of a shooting or noctive character, resistant redness of the skin. The movements of the limbs are limited, in the case of palpation, pain appears. Especially, pain and swelling are strengthened at night.

If the bursitis is complicated by infection, immunity responds to an increase in temperature, from 38 to 40 degrees. This speaks of the development of the purulent form of the disease. In this case, pain in the limb is enhanced, becomes pulsating, signs of general intoxication of the body with nausea, headache, increasing temperature appear. Nearby lymph nodes can be increased.

Important! In the absence of treatment, the bursitis can go to purulent arthritis. In this case, the movement of the affected limb, even minimal, cause severe pain.

In the chronic flow of the disease, the swelling occurred has a soft consistency, and the mobility of the limb is not limited. Leather over swelling.

Types of Bursita

Bursitis of the shoulder joint is dangerous in that it is difficult to reveal it until you discover suddenly pain in your hand when making any movement. Even edema may not be too rushing into the eyes. Rotational movements and raising up hands causes pain.

Lock Susta

- The disease is very common and among all the varieties of Bursita stands in the first place in the frequency of occurrence. Often, like other types of illness, appears due to constant, professional injuries, therefore is diagnosed mainly in athletes, especially tennis players.

Hip joint

Bursith hip joint is considered the most difficult, as the joint is hidden deep inside, which makes his treatment with a difficult task. In addition, the disease can cover the joint completely.


The feet is angry, its deformation occurs. The so-called "bone" on the leg, which meets in many people of old age. It is believed that the disease is hereditary, but it is known for certain that the concern for legs will not allow him to develop. The degree of curvature can be initial, moderate and severe.

Attention! In women who often wear high heels, the risk of developing a large finger rose.


The heel bursitis develops on the heel bone due to constant physical exertion on Achillovo tendon. The patient bothers the strong pain in the joint, especially at night, and the movements in the ankles are limited.

Treatment at home

First of all, the sick joint is recommended to provide relative peace by reducing the movement to the minimum. It is best to provide a patient a full bed mode. However, it should not last more than 10 days - after stopping acute inflammation, you need to start doing gymnastics, first light, with time complicating exercises.

Remember! The damaged joint needs reliable fixation - to do this, use the tight bandage, which will help avoid the tissue swelling. Also on the joint put compresses using the ointment of Vishnevsky.

"Hardening" of the joints

Take ice cubes and attach to the sore joints for 10 minutes. When the pain decreases, change the ice to the warm compress. At the heart of a warm compress may be potatoes or decoction of herbs (yarrow, burdock, hunter, chamomile).


Take a glass of pre-boiled water, still warm, and stirred on a teaspoon of honey and vinegar in it. It is best to use natural vinegar. Drink cocktail for 2 weeks of 2 glasses daily.

Compress with elbow bursite

You will need sour milk and egg shell.

  1. Shell, clearing the film and drying, you need to crush into the powder.
  2. Fill it with warm sour milk so that a homogeneous mass is turned out, and make a compress out of it.
  3. It is important to keep the compress warm, so put the cellophane over the compress and fix it with a terry cloth.
  4. Super compress overnight for 5 days, but if the pains will not pass, after 5 days the break will repeat the course.

Based on honey, vodka and aloe juice (2: 3: 1 ratio) make a similar compress.

Compress from Kalanchoe

Take 3 fresh plants sheets, wash them out and place it in the fridge for the night. In the morning, pour the leaves with boiling water so that they let me be juiced. Make them compress on the inflamed joint. Change compress often. After a few days you will notice tangible results.


Take fresh cabbage leaves and apply them to the joint inner side by changing the compress every 4 hours.

Medical treatment

The basis of treatment includes medicines, healing physical culture, massage, physiotherapeutic procedures. Treatment is necessary both internal and local, therefore, when treating drugs, it is not necessary to abandon compresses from ointments or medicinal plants.

Important! The main task during treatment is to remove inflammation, remove pain, restore the work of the joint.

Often, when ferursite shows antibacterial therapy. If the bursitus caused a microbial flora or it appeared as a result of infectious injury, antibiotics are prescribed. Moreover, not one, but at once several drugs:

  • Lincomicin;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Amoxiclav and others.

They are injected intravenously and intramuscularly, as well as directly to the region of inflamed bursa.


About puncture (puncture) Bursa Reviews are very contradictory. Some believe that this procedure can cause irreversible changes in the joint structure. Yes, and the risk of sepsis is present. However, on the other hand, without removing the exudate, the sick joint will not recover.

Directly into the hormone cavity, steroid hormones that have anti-inflammatory facilities are introduced - diprospan, Kenalogne. True, they also have their drawbacks - the restoration processes in the tissues are inhibited. But without anti-inflammatory funds, the inflammatory process will not be able to stop, because their use is necessary.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory tools help, in addition to relieving inflammation, eliminate pain, swelling and hyperemia. To such means relating:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Voltaren;
  • Indomethacin.

Apply them both externally (ointment) and inside (injections, tablets).

Important! These drugs adversely affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract and on blood clotting, because you will definitely consult your doctor before applying them.

When the bursitis is accompanied by fever and intrication of the body, glucocorticosteroids can be appointed. Enter them intravenously, in the joint or drink in the form of tablets. Course treatment - up to three months.


Bursite also use ointment (Levomikol, ointment Vishnevsky, collagen ultra). Very popular compress from Mazi Vishnevsky and alcohol or cologne.

  1. For the flap of cotton fabric, apply ointment, and then vodka.
  2. Compress make an interval in a couple of days. Keep it you need a day.
  3. It will help reduce swelling of edema.

With purulent form of the disease, it is necessary to remove the pus and clean the joint from the liquid. This fluid examines the determination of the pathogen to choose the most suitable antibiotic. Then Bursa is washed with antiseptic solution and appropriate antibiotics are introduced.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

They are prescribed to improve blood circulation, reducing swelling and improving the mobility of the joint. Procedures are shown after stopping the acute inflammatory process.

  1. Ultra-thwellery therapy (UHF).
  2. Ultraviolet irradiation.
  3. Phonoforesis (along with analgesics).
  4. Magnetotherapy.
  5. Treatment laser.
  6. Applications from paraffin or dirt are particularly effective in chronic roar.
  7. Acupuncture.
  8. Mineral baths.

When the bursitis goes into the stage of remission, doctors advise to apply therapeutic gymnastics and manual massage.

You can also massage a damaged area yourself, but remember what to do it carefully - incorrectly made massage is capable only to worsen the patient's condition. Massage the inflamed area overnight, using oil for plants - eucalyptus, vaseline and lavender.

Therapeutic gymnastics is especially important when ferursite. It helps to improve blood flow and, as a result, nutrition of tissues, restore the main function of the joint. Exercises are selected and individually taking into account the age of the patient and the type of bursita. As a rule, the initial exercises are very simple - it is enough to perform a hand to hand-back.

Treatment with folk remedies

Tip! It is important to coordinate the use of folk recipes with a doctor - Bursit should not be treated independently.


Effectively make compresses from vegetables, alternating them, with each other. Best of all suitable vegetables like potatoes, beets, cabbage.

  1. For example, on the first day, cut the potatoes with circles and, laying them on the fabric, wrap the damaged joint with them. Do not forget to fix the compress something warm (scarf or towel).
  2. For the next day, use beets or fine cabbage as raw materials.


Make compresses and based on propolis. To do this, fill with vodka (100 g) propolis (10 g) and leave it in a dark place for 5 days. Apply to the swollen joint compress until it passes.


Take a glass of sugar and slightly warm in a skillet. Try to sugar not melted under thermal exposure. Sugar needs to be pouring into a bag of tight fabric and attach to the joint, and then wrap the compress with polyethylene and a towel.

  1. Celery seed table spoon must be pouring a glass of boiling water and insist 1.5 hours. After strain and drink 2 weeks 2 times a day.
  2. Grapefruit juice. Drink along ½ Citrus juice 3 / day.
  3. Take the leaves of lilac and press them. Use for compress.
  4. Aloe juice, honey and alcohol (take parts in a 1: 2: 3 ratio) Mix and apply as compresses.

Good day, dear readers!

In today's article, we will consider with you such a disease, like a bursitis of the joint, as well as its symptoms, causes, types, diagnosis, treatment, drugs, folk remedies and breast prevention. So…

What is bursitis?

Bursitis - inflammatory disease of the synovial bag, characterized by excessive formation and accumulation of liquid in its cavity (exudate). The danger of the disease is to limit the motor function of the joints, as well as their destruction.

Sinovial bag (lat. Bursae synoviales) or as it is also called - bursaIt is a soft pocket filled with synovial fluid located between the bones, muscles and tendons, in the places of their greatest friction and pressure to each other. The bursa function is to mitigate the mechanical effect on the articular elements, due to which the best mobility occurs, as well as the protection of the joints from adverse factors. Bursa can be the articular and near-handing.

The main causes of Bursita - injuries, bruises, infection of the body, excessive loads on the musculoskeletal system, especially if the body is often subject to these factors, although sometimes a clear reason to detect is quite difficult.

Most often, the inflammatory process develops in the shoulder, elbow and knee joints, less often - in the femur and bursa between the heal and achilla tendon.

To better understand the mechanism of the disease Bursit, let's consider the next item.

Development of Bursita

Before consideration of the Bursit Development Mechanism, let's slightly deepen in the human anatomy.

The joint is the place of combination of bones, tendons, muscle tissues and other smaller elements. To achieve the greatest efficiency in the operation - motor function, the joint is enclosed in the articular capsule. The articular capsule in turn, has an inner layer - a synovial shell, which, with the exception of cartilage sections, lifts the entire surface of the articular cavity and ligaments placed in the joint.

In the synovial shell, the inner part of it, there are nerve fibers and blood vessels that provide power to the articular cartilages, as well as the metabolism in the joint cavity. The synovial shell functions are the protection of the joint cavity from external inflammatory processes, additional depreciation and the mobility of the joints, synthesis of the synovial fluid.

In addition, there are special cavities (synovial bags) in the synovial shell and outside of its limits), called burses or bags filled with synovial fluid having a tight and yellowish tint. Appointment of burs and synovial fluid is mitigating friction between bones, cartilage, bundles and tendons relative to each other. Bursa are like mucous membranes, "hydraulic" pillows and lubricant, which provide a better gliding of the joint elements that improve their operation and prevent their rapid wear. In total, about 100 burs are in the body of a healthy person.

The development of the burse comes from the connective tissue, as a person matures, from his very birth. At the beginning, the connecting tissue links muscles or its tendon with a bone, after, as much as a constant movement, it is thinned, and between the bone and muscle tissue, tendon and other elements appear slots in which the pockets - bursts are formed.

Bursa can be congenital (constant) and acquired (non-permanent).

When injured, abrasion, wound, increased physical exertion, getting into the body, wearing uncomfortable shoes and other people who are unfavorable for human health, especially repeated, contribute to inflammation of synovial (articular and occasional bags - burs), due to which normal functioning is violated - Movement function of the joints.

Bursitis includes both the inflammation of the synovial vagina, which to some extent also acts as a roar.

The beginning of the bursitis is accompanied by a cluster in a synovial bag, in the place of the bruise - a synovial fluid that can be filled with blood, while Bursa begins to excessively increase in size. Blood with time decomposes, the liquid is painted in a yellowish-reddish tint. If the bursa is closer to the surface of the body, the bag is protruding outward, while the person visually observes swelling, swelling, sometimes up to 10 cm in diameter. Due to inflammation and increase in the amount, the walls of the bursa begin to squeeze the surrounding tissues, including nerve fibers, and the transudate is squeezed into the intercellular spaces, the patient feels pain, swelling begins to blush. If Bursa is inflamed, located too deep, for example - under the knee, then only pain and small swelling can feel the patient, and the diagnosis of bursitis without radiography is impossible.

If the bursitis does not pay due attention, then in the case of hemorrhage, when combating the inflammatory process, leukocytes die, and together with the dead erythrocytes, they can form purulent education, while hemorrhagic exudate will be painted in a reddish tint.

Another feature of the bursitis is the deposition in the walls of the joint salts. If they are in non-dissolved form, or not to withdraw them, salts can lead to a violation of the functioning of synovial pockets.

BurSit disease statistics

Due to its own characteristics, i.e. Localization, the disease Bursitis is most often found in men, especially up to 35-40 years, which is associated with their physical activity, as well as athletes, movers and people often susceptible.

Sometimes they are called such names like - "Water in the knee", "kneefish knee", "Tilenik's knee", "Buckle's knee", "Honeymoon's knees", "Knee of a football player", "Locked watchmaker", "Locked Jeweler", " Small miner, etc.

Bursit - ICD

ICD-10: M70-M71;
ICD-9: 727.3.

Bursit - symptoms

The main symptom of Bursita - rounded and elastic to the touch swelling of the injured area on the body surface, with a diameter of up to 10 cm. The cause of the tumidity is excessive accumulation in the synovial pocket (Bursa) of excess fluid. With the immobility of the patient for a long time, swelling and pain increase.

Other symptoms of Bursita:

  • having a new, shooting, sometimes strong and pulsating character, increasing at night, with irradiation (return) in hand or leg, depending on the localization of the pathological process;
  • Swelling, the development of which is due to the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space;
  • Redness of the inflamed and swelling place ();
  • Limitations in the movement of the inflamed place, the joint, which occurs in the subsequent deposition of salts in the inflamed Bursa;
  • , up to 40 ° C;
  • General ailment ,;
  • located at the place of development of Bursita;

Chronic bursitis is characterized by less pronounced symptoms, including softer swelling, less limited joint mobility ,.

Complications Bursita

BurSita complications can be:

  • Strong pain;
  • Hygroma;
  • The formation of scarmers that contribute to the restriction of the mobility of the joints;
  • Calcine;
  • Necrosis walls of the synovial bag (bursa), fistula ,;
  • Rupture tendons;
  • Infertility in women, in the case of the development of hip buressita;
  • Infection of other organs;
  • Lymphadenitis;
  • Disability;
  • Female outcome (with rapid sepsis).

The causes of the bursitis are very diverse, but most frequent among them are:

  • Injuries, strong bruises, joints of the joints, especially often repeated;
  • Excessive long-term burden on the joints - during sports, severe physical work, lifting weights, wearing high heels;
  • Excessive weight - extra kilograms increase the load on the joints of the bottom of the body, especially the knees;
  • Inciting infection, which most often contributes frequent infectious diseases -, drive, and others;
  • Hitting the joints through open injuries of infection, most often - and others;
  • Injust in the joint of the pus, due to such diseases and states, as - osteomyelitis, face, abscess, breakdown;
  • Violation of metabolic processes, metabolism;
  • Increased amount of salt in the joints of the joints;
  • , autoimmune diseases;
  • Body poisoning with various toxins - as well as poisoning to toxins produced by pathological infection, and later its livelihoods in the body.

Sometimes the cause of Bursita cannot be revealed.

Classification Bursitis is as follows:

With the flow:

Acute Bursit - Development occurs rapidly, in a couple of days, at the same time there are all the symptoms of this pathological process.

Chronic Bursit - It is characterized by unspeakable symptoms, minimal pains or without them, the lack of motor stiffness of the inflamed joint, as well as periodic exacerbations.

On the localization of the joint involved in the pathological process:

  • Burst shoulder joint (shoulder);
  • Bursith of the elbow joint (ullow);
  • Bursitis hip joint (hip);
  • Burst of the knee joint (knee), which can be:
    - infrautler (poplint);
    - prepatellular (traded);
  • Suprattellular (top area of \u200b\u200bthe knee joint);
  • Heel bursitis (achillobursitis);
  • Burst ankle (useful);
  • Burst leaky joint (rascal).

On the localization of the synovial pocket (bursa):

  • Subcutaneous - located on the convex surface of the joint, in the subcutaneous tissue;
  • Subfascial;
  • Axillary;
  • Docking.

On etiology (causes of occurrence):

  • Septic (infectious bursitis):
    - hematogenic infection;
    - lymphogenic infection.
  • Aseptic (traumatic bursitis).

By the nature of the pathogen:

  • Specific, caused by the following pathogens:
    - brucella;
    - Gonococci;
    - staphylococci;
    - streptococci;
    - pneumococci;
    - intestinal or tuberculosis chopstick;
    - syphilis.
  • Nonspecific.

By the nature of the exudate:

  • Serous;
  • Purulent;
  • Hemorrhagic.

According to the cellular composition of the exudate:

  • Neutrophil with acute states;
  • Lymphocytic in the chronic course of the disease;
  • Eosinophilic in allergic inflammation;
  • Mononuclear with chronic form;
  • Mixed.

Diagnosis of Bursita

The diagnosis of bursitis includes the following examination methods:

  • Visual inspection, palpation of the inflamed area;
  • Anamnesis;
  • Bursepography - radiography with the introduction of a contrast agent;
  • Arthrography - knee endoscopy;
  • Angiography of blood vessels;

Sometimes to diagnose bursita, the doctor reads some simple exercises, for example:

  • Go through a few steps squatting;
  • Take a hand for a head several times as if for combing.

If the patient has pain in these exercises, it may testify in the body of inflamed BURS.

How to treat bursitis? Bursitis treatment is carried out on the basis of thorough diagnosis, and includes the following items:

1. Peace and immobility of the patient.
2. Medical therapy:
2.1. Anti-inflammatory and painkillers;
2.2. Antibacterial therapy;
2.3. Disintellation therapy;
2.4. Strengthening the immune system.
3. Physiotherapeutic treatment and massage.
4. Diet.
5. Therapeutic physical education (LFC).
6. Surgical treatment (optional).

Important! Before applying drugs, be sure to consult with your attending physician!

1. Peace and immobility of the patient

The peace and immobility of the patient, especially the inflamed area, is an archiving point in the treatment of bursita, since additional loads will provoke unnecessary friction at the place of inflammation, irritation of the inflamed joint, and the increase in pathology.

An additional measure to limit motor activity, the joint is winding with an elastic bandage, a bandage, a tire, a gypsum bandage (Longeta) and other "locks".

2. Medicase therapy (Drugs during Bursitis)

2.1. Anti-inflammatory and painkillers

To remove swelling, a compress can be attached to this place, based on the "Vishnevsky" ointment.

Analgesic - "Indomethacin", "Naproxen", "Chlotazol" is used to relieve pain syndrome.

For local anesthesia, ointments, gels, creams are "diclofenac", as well as anesthetics injections.

If the pain in the bursite does not pass, despite the use of drugs from the NSAID group, the reception of hormonal drugs - glucocorticoids is assigned, from which it is possible to separate - "prednisone", "hydrocortisone".

Important! Prolonged use of glucocorticoids leads to the destruction of the articular surfaces.

For removal of muscle spasms that can occur with strong pains in the joints, Mioralaxants are used ("Baclofen", "Sirdalud", "Middokalm").

To remove the body temperature, you can apply: "", "", "".

For the output of the salts pending in the bursh, anti-protoded drugs are used: "Allopurinol", "Almaron", "Miluritan".

2.2. Antibacterial therapy

The choice of antibacterial drug is based on a specific type of pathogen of the inflammatory process, if there is one, because Against each type of bacteria there is its own antibiotic.

The most popular antibacterial drugs are "", "Penicillin", "Ampicillin", "", "" and others.

Probiotics. If antibiotics are accepted, then it is better to additionally accept probiotics. The fact is that antibacterial drugs, together with the pathogenic microflora, destroy and useful bacteria that live in the intestine of a healthy person contribute to the normal learning and digestion. Probiotics are designed to restore the useful microflora in the digestive organs.

Among probiotics, you can allocate: "Bifiform", "Linex".

2.3. Disinfecting therapy

Finding into the body, the infection is poisoned by its products with its livelihoods - toxins, which, with excessive accumulation, cause symptoms of poisoning -, a sense of weakness, powerlessness.

To bring from the body of poisoning substances, incl. The deceased infection, and the effects of antibacterial drugs, uses disinfecting therapy.

Disinfecting therapy includes:

  • abundant drink - up to 2-3 liters per day, preferably adding vitamin C into drink;
  • reception of detoxification preparations: "Atoxyl", "Albumin".

2.4. Strengthening the immune system

To strengthen the immune system, one of the main functions of which is the fight against pathogenic microorganisms, immunostimulants are applied.

The natural immunostimulator is, the largest number of which is contained in such products, like -, raspberry, currant, cranberries, citrus, etc.

Additional vitamins that are desirable to take vitamins ,.

The immunostimulator of the chemical industry is the following drugs: "Biostim", "Imudon", "IRS-19".

3. Physiotherapeutic treatment and massage

Physiotherapeutic treatment of bursitis is aimed at removing the inflammatory process, swelling, normalization of metabolic processes at the site of pathology, fastest recovery.

Manual therapy (massage) during the bursite is aimed at the normalization of metabolic processes, removal of muscle tension, as well as the development of the joints to prevent adhesions appearance in them.

Among physiotherapeutic procedures, when ferursite can be allocated:

  • Shock-wave therapy;
  • Industorature;
  • Ultraviolet irradiation;
  • Appliques - paraffin, ozokerite and others;
  • Electrophoresis.

4. Diet when ferursite

As we have already noted in the article, the bursitis is very often accompanied by depositing on the walls of the synovial bags of large amounts of salts. To prevent additional burden on the joints, as well as the strengthening of the pathological process, the use of a diet is recommended when ferursite.

Diet at Bursitis suggests primarily a restriction in the use of cook salt.

What you can not eat when weave: Salt, sharp, oily, smoked, food from fast food, margarine, legumes, mushrooms, spices, chocolate, alcoholic beverages, cocoa, strong coffee and tea.

What can be used at Bursitis: Cereals, low-fat varieties of meat and fish, low-fat dairy products, vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits, nuts, seeds, marmalade, jam, mineral water, tea with or green tea.

5. Therapeutic physical education (LFC)

Therapeutic physical culture is aimed at developing the joint, its faster healing and rehabilitation. Exercises pick up the doctor, depending on the localization of the bursitis and its complexity.

The load is applied gradually, and if you adhere to the recommendations, even complicated Bursit will be cured for 3 months, not a complicated form - in 1-2 weeks.

6. Surgical treatment

Operational intervention is aimed primarily for the opening of an ulcer if it is present. This is necessary to prevent the growth of the focus of the suppuration and the spread of purulent exudate throughout the body.

In some cases, a sinovial bag is needed, followed by the removal of exudate from it. After extracting the pathological fluid, antiseptic preparations with an antibiotic are introduced into the inflamed Bursa. This manipulation facilitates the relief of infection and prevent repeated inflammation in this place. This can also introduce solutions of painkillers.

Operational treatment of bursitis is also provided in the case of a large accumulation of salts in a synovial bag that interfere with the normal functioning of the joint. Removing salts is performed using a needle or surgery, sometimes even under anesthesia.

The most extreme method of surgical treatment of bursitis is - bursectomy, which implies a complete removal of inflamed bursa.

Important! Before applying folk remedies for the treatment of Bursita, be sure to consult with the attending physician!

Burning or cabbage. Rinse the cabbage or burdock sheet, slide them a bit, for example, a rolling pin, lubricate the inflamed place with sunflower oil and attach a sheet of cabbage or burdock to it, tapping a warm handkerchief. Before bedtime at night, as well as in the morning, make a change of sheet to fresh. Make such dressings until complete recovery.

Kalanchoe. Take 3 large leaf, rinse them and put on the fridge at night. In the morning, make a clench of them and take it as a compress, to the inflamed place.

Salt. Divide in 500 ml of boiling water 1 tbsp. A spoonful salt, after moisten a piece of tight fabric (flannel, wool), and attach it to the inflamed place, turn top with the food film. It is necessary to make such a compress for 5-8 hours, within 7 days. This remedy literally pumps excess liquid.

Infusion of aloe, bile, chestnut. Mix 1 bottle of pharmacy bile Mix with 2 staps of horse chestnut, 3 large crushed sheets and 2 glasses of alcohol. Close the container and put in a dark cool place for insteading, days at 11. Next, moisten a piece of fabric in the resulting infusion, better from cotton, and attach it as a compress to a place with a bourrsite, tapping a warm handkerchief. The course of treatment is 10 days, after the 10-day break is made and the course is repeated.

Honey with bow and soap. 500 g Mix with 1 large overwhelmed bulb and a piece of grazing household soap. This agent must be used as a compress, before bedtime, within 2-3 weeks. This remedy helps well with chronic roar.

Propolis. Make 1 time per day, daily, to the inflamed place of a mow of the tincture, within a few days.

Prevention Bursita

Bursitis prophylaxis includes compliance with the following recommendations:

  • With cuts, scratches, open wounds, be sure to handle these places with antiseptic means;
  • Keep your weight, do not allow extra kilograms;
  • Avoid excessive physical exertion on the body, try not to raise big weights;

Bursit - video

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