How the feudal fragmentation appeared in Russia: causes and consequences. When was the feudal period of fragmentation in Russia

Reservoirs 14.10.2019

The period of fragmentation is the natural process of the development of a medieval state, which has experienced countries such as the Sacred Roman Empire and France. In this article, we consider the prerequisites of feudal fragmentation, the causes and consequences of the separation of the powerful Kievan Russia for dozens of small principalities.

In contact with

The value of feudalization

Disintegration of Kievan Rus - This is a long process of crushing the state that occurred after the death of Yaroslav Wise, and led to the creation of dozens of small state entities on the territory of the previous centralized country.

Decay of an ancient Russian statemany political, social and cultural processes contributed to, which at that time occurred in Eastern Europe.

Regarding the fragmentation period - many consider the word "fragmentation" of an exceptionally negative phenomenon in the life of any state. In fact, during the Middle Ages, feudal fragmentation is the natural process of developing a state, which also has many positive effects.

Causes of the separation of ancient Russian state

Historians converge in the opinion that the fragmentation of the Russian lands Began after the death of Yaroslav wise.The Great Kiev Prince did not leave one heir, but divided the rules of Russia between her sons.

Finally, the fragmentation was fixed in 1097, when the so-called Lubech Congress occurred. Prince Vladimir stated that the crossburses for possession of territories should be completed, and approved that the prince receive only those lands that previously owned their fathers.

Among the many facts historians believe that it is the following causes of feudal fragmentation that became the main:

  • social;
  • economic;
  • political.

Social causes of feudal decay

The disintegration of the ancient Russian state contributed to the oppressed positions of peasants and other sectors of society, like horses and mobiles. Their very presence tramped the development of the economy and society as a whole, and also caused discontent among the dependent layers.

Economic reasons for feudal fragmentation

Each prince wanted to develop his principality as much as possible and show her neighbor that his possessions are at a much higher level.

This competition led to the fact that each territorial unit turned into a full-fledged political and economic education, which did not depend on anyone - all trade could be conducted within one region.

Because of this, also the level of income fell From trade abroad, and earlier Russia received tremendous incomes in the treasury, which made it one of the richest states in Europe.

The high level of development of the natural economy in each principal allowed them to exist as if fully independent state. These were self-sufficient organisms that did not need to be combined into one integer to solve certain economic problems. It was one of the most important factors that led to fragmentation.

Policy reasons

What were there political causes of fragmentation Old Russian territorial education? Once Kiev was the most powerful, rich and prosperous city in Eastern Europe. In the XII century, his role on the political and economic arena has fallen greatly. This prompted many principalities to separate from Kiev. Small treasures and parish completely obeyed the great prince of Kiev. Now they wanted complete independence.

Another political reason is the presence of governing bodies in each parish. Disconnecting Russian lands practically did not affect political life of societyand, since in each prince there was a body that controlled all the processes occurring on its territory.

After the death of the grandson Yaroslav Wise - Mstislava Great, the hard order in Russia was no longer supported from the capital. The princes declared their land free, and the Kiev Vladyka could not do anything, since he simply had no money and strength to stop them.

Such were the main causes of fragmentation Ancient Russian state. Of course, these are far from the only factors and prerequisites of feudal fragmentation, but it is these that they played a key role in this historical process.

Important! Among the causes of the scatter, it is also possible to distinguish the absence during the period of the XI-beginning of the XIII century an external threat. The principalities were not afraid of invasion and have not seen the reasons for creating one powerful army, ready to answer the invasion of the Soup - this was playing with them in the future, the joke.

Pros and cons of feudal fragmentation in Russia

Like any process, the feudal fragmentation of the Russian lands had not only negative, but also Positive consequences.

Disabolishing ancient Russian lands, contrary to many judgments, had a positive effect on the development of society in Eastern Europe.

Among the advantages should be noted the accelerated economic development of Russia during this period. Each princess sought to create a powerful economy, and most of them managed. They have become so independent in the economic sphere that they no longer needed lead foreign trade with others.

Russia's economic development was not the only positive point - the cultural life of society was also a significant impetus. However, the most important thing is that the common territory of Russia has grown somewhat, since the principalities strengthened their power due to the conquest of new lands.

Nevertheless, political disconnection had its negative consequences, which in the future and led to the destruction of Kievan Rus.

Important!The main signs of a fragmented state are the lack of general management, which was very necessary during.

The fragmentation of Russia in the period of the invasion of the Mongols undermined the defense capability of individual territories. Each of the princes did not consider the threat from the nomadic tribes serious, and planned alone to overcome the enemy. The fragmentation of actions led to crushing ajun and fall of Kiev.

In addition to the golden hordes of the principality were under the attack of German Catholic orders. To a lesser degree of the integrity of the state threatened Polovtsky tribes.

Attempts to unification

The fragmentation of Russia during the invasion of the Mongols led to a decline of power Slavs in Eastern Europe. However, it was the threat from the side of the nomadic tribes that has helped to create new powerful centralized education in the territory of the former Kievan Rus.

At the beginning of the XIII century, Prince Vsevolod Yuryevich managed Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. Vsevolod won so powerful authority that he was subordinate to the preferential part of the previously scattered princes.

However, really effective attempts to unification occurred with the arrival on the throne of Galich Roman Mstislavovich. He founded a strong dynasty, which began to rule the Galician-Volyn principality.

Danila Galitsky has reached its greatest flourish during the reign. Danilo Galitsky was named the king of the Pope himself. For 40 years, he tried to preserve the independence of his state, leading the war with the Golden Horde and with the neighbors in the West.

Signs of fragmentation of Kiev Rus

Historians agree that in the case of the disunity of Russia, for her were the following signs and reasons are characteristic.the fragmentation of the ancient Russian state:

  • the loss of the dominant role of Kiev and the Kiev Prince (due to the loss of the prestige of the capital of the principality passed under self-government);
  • fragmentation was legally fixed in 1097 at the congress of the princes;
  • the absence of a defenpal army, which strongly undermined the military power and made the country vulnerable to external threats;
  • personal contradictions between most princes.

Faodal fragmentation in Russia: briefly conclusions

In this article we discussed such a topic as: "feudal fragmentation in Russia," and now it's time to summarize. We learned that fragmentation is a natural process of the development of a classic medieval state.

The process had not only negative, but also positive effects that strengthened the economic structure of the principalities. He led to the rapid development of cities. Previously, only Kiev developed, and the rest were only passive cities. Nevertheless, one single lack of such fragility led to the destruction of Russia. The country has lost its own defense ability. Without a general command, the troops of individual princes were destroyed by a single army of the Mongols.

To disunity brought a whole a number of reasons and factors, including political, military, economic and social. Among the key were the presence of dependent estates, the absence of an external threat, independence in the economic and political plans of some principalities. No less role was played by the personal desire for the princes stand out among the others - they strengthened their territories so much that most of them could exist independently of each other.

The official date of the beginning of the fragmentation period it is considered to be 1091 yearsWhen the Lubash Congress of Princes occurred. On it officially emerged such a system of the existence of Kievan Rus. The beginning of this process was the death and testament of Yaroslav Wise, who did not leave the only heir, and distributed the lands to three sons.

Causes of feudal fragmentation of Kievan Rus

The fragmentation of Kievan Rus, facts, consequences

    The period of weakening the central government in feudal states by virtue of different duration and effect of decentralization due to the strengthening of large feudalists in the conditions of the senorial organization of labor and military service. New ... ... Wikipedia

    History of Russia ... Wikipedia

    Socio-economic development of Russia. Background of education of the Russian centralized state - Growth of productive forces in agriculture. Fodal ownership of the Earth XIV XV century is the time of growth of productive forces in agriculture. The sliding system of agriculture remained mainly in the north of Russia. In the center and in the southern ... ... The World History. Encyclopedia

    In the 1st half of the 1st thousand n. e. The peoples of the Northern Black Sea region, the Caucasus and Central Asia, the slave structure was in a state of decline. He was replaced by a new socially economic formation feudalism. Feudal relationship, ... ...

    - (it. Ecudalismus, Franz. Feodalite, from Latelatinsky Feodum, Feudum - Feed Classovo Antagonistic formation, representing - in world famous historical development - stage, is stadently following slave-ownership (see ... ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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    This term has other meanings, see Siege of Kiev. Taking Kiev Andrei Bogolyubsky feudal fragmentation in Russia ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Siege of Kiev. Taking Kiev Rural Rostislavich feudal fragmentation in Russia Date January 2, 1203 place ... Wikipedia

    Feudal fragmentation period of weakening the central government in feudal states by virtue of different duration and effect of decentralization due to the strengthening of large feudalities in the conditions of the senorial system of organization ... ... Wikipedia

  1. Strengthening individual principalities whose rulers no longer want to obey the Kiev prince. Permanent gravestics.
  1. Unlike medieval Europe, there was no generally accepted political center in Russia (the capital). Kiev throne quickly fell. At the beginning of the XIII century, Vladimir Princes begin the Great.

When the process of combining Russian lands, these features will lead to a tense struggle between the individual principalities for the status of the capital of a single state. In most other European states, the question of choosing the capital was not stood (France - Paris, England - London, etc.).

First of all, it is an ancient land of Crivic and Vyatichich, located in the north-east of Russia. Due to the low fertility of the land, the colonization of these districts began only at the end of the XI - early XII centuries, when the population moves here from the south, escaping from the raids of nomads and oppression of the boyars-victims. Late colonization led to and later hurting (in the middle of the XII century), so in Northeast Russia did not have time to start a fragmentation of a strong boyars opposition. In this region, Vladimir-Suzdal (Rostov-Suzdalski) appeared in this region with a strong princely authority.

1132 – 1157 gg - The Board of the Son Vladimir Monomaha Yuri Dolgoruky. Staying the prince of the old quenching, he continued the struggle for the grand permanent throne, explicitly overestimating his meaning. He managed to conquer Kiev in 1153 and 1155 twice. Poisoned by Kiev boyars. In connection with his name, Tula (1146) and Moscow (1146) are mentioned for the first time. 1147 g.)

1157 – 1174 gg - The Board of the Son of Yury Andrei Bogolyubsky. He refused the struggle for the Kiev throne and led active internecine wars. 1164 - a campaign to Bulgaria. In honor of the victory and in memory of the Son built the Cathedral of the Cathedral of the Nerley ( 1165

1176 – 1212 gg - The Board of Brother Andrei Bogolyubsky Vsevolod Yuryevich is a big nest. The overall ancestor of almost all future princes is hence the nickname. Under it, the state reached the highest heyday, but it was broken shortly after his death. It was under Vsevolod, the Vladimir Prepolya acquires the status of a grand mining (1212), later in Vladimir was postponed the rate of Metropolitan. Known by his huge authority among contemporaries. The author of "Words about the regiment of Igor" ( 1187

In completely different conditions, there was a southwestern, Galico-Volyn Rus. The mild climate and fertile lands have always attracted a lot of agricultural population. At the same time, this blooming edge was constantly subjected to raids of neighbors - Poles, Hungarians, steppes-nomads. In addition, due to early hores, there was a strong boyars opposition sooner.

Initially, Galitsky and Volyn principalities existed as independent states. In an effort to stop the boyars, the rulers of these lands, especially Yaroslav Ortsomysl Galitsky, more than once they tried to merge them. This task was to solve only in 1199 Mr. Volyn Prince Roman Mstislavich. After his death in 1205, the power in the principality was captured by the boyars, for a long time turning it into a number of small, whitewashing from each other. Only in 1238, the son and heir to Roman Daniel ( Daniel Galitsky

To the north of the Vladimir-Suzdal land was a huge Novgorod land. The climate and soil here were even less suitable for agriculture than in the northeast. But the ancient center of these lands - Novgorod - was at the beginning of one of the most important trade routes of the time - "from the Varyag in the Greeks" (i.e. from Scandinavia in Byzantium). The ancient trading path passed: from the Baltic - to the Neva, then - in the Lake Lake, then on the Volkhov River (through Novgorod), - in Ilmen Lake, from there - to the river, then - the wolf, in Dnipro, and already from there In the Black Sea. The proximity of the trading route turned Novgorod to one of the most important shopping centers of medieval Europe.

. The date of the beginning of the republican period of its history is considered to be 1136 G. - The uprising of Novgorod against the grandson of Monomah Vsevolod Mstislavich. The main role in this state was played by a layer of Novgorod boyars. Unlike boyars in other lands, Novgorod did not have attractions to the squad, but were descendants of the birthbroken nobility of Ilmensky Slavs.

ployman thousands vladyk archimandrita - chapter of the black clergy. The prince was called in Novgorod. The features of the prince were limited: it was needed by the city as a squad commander and a formal destination Dani from Novgorod lands. Any attempt to intervene the prince in the internal affairs of Novgorod inevitably ended with his exile.

Old Russian culture has become the result of the complex synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic spiritual traditions. With its roots, Slavic culture goes to the ancient pagan era. Paganism - a complex of primitive beliefs and rituals - had its own story. At first, the Slavs, obviously, waved various elements, worshiped the spirits of forests, water sources, the sun, thunderstorms, etc. Gradually great importance was acquired by the agricultural deity, God's fertility and closely related goddesses of fertility - Genznica. As the state relations are becoming at the forefront, the cult of Perun - the Princely-Druzhinny God of the War (originally he was revered as God thunderstorms and rain). I also wore Veles - the god of cattle breeding, and the Svarog is the God of the Sun and Light.

In the X-XI centuries. Arrows epic epos

lettering: In addition to the weather records about the most important events, the chronicles included poetic legends and legends: about the vocation of Varyagov, the campaign of Prince Oleg on the Tsargrad, etc. The most significant monument is the "Tale of Bygone Years" compiled about 1113 by the monk Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nesser. As Russia crushed Russia, the luminous character was lost by community in nature, while fraying Vladimir-Suzdal, Galico-Volynsky, etc.

"The word about the law and grace" (1049) Future Metropolitan Illarion. In 1073, by order of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, the first flavor was drawn up - a collection of texts of religious and secular content designed to read. The lives of saints played a major role in the ancient literature; Especially revered on Rus Princes Boris and Gleb, the sons of Vladimir, who were killed by Holly's sophisticated brother. Their live wrote Nestor - the author of the "Tale of Bygone Years." The brilliant sample of secular literature was the "teaching" of Vladimir Monomakh (the end of the XI - the beginning of the XII century) is a story about his life of the wise statesman, which Boreshya for the unity of Russia. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of strength of Russia to fight with the stepma permeates "The word regiment Igor". (1187 G.). Interesting "Dairy"


plinfa - Break of bricks. From Byzantium as a sample was borrowed cross-dome The type of temple (four codes grouped in the center of the temple, in the plan gave a cruciform structure), but in Russia he received a kind of development. Thus, the most grandiose architectural monument of Kievan Rus - a 13-dome Sophia Cathedral in Kiev (1037) had a pronounced step-pyramidal composition, which, as well as a polyvoy, was unusted by the Byzantine temples. For a somewhat simplified sample of Kiev Sofia, Sofia Cathedrals were built in Novgorod and Polotsk (xi century). Gradually, Russian architecture gets an increasing diversity of forms. In Novgorod in the XII-XIII centuries. A variety of churches are created - Boris and Gleb in the Children, Savior, Nerestysk, Parasites Friday, etc., which, with small sizes and maximum simplicity of decoration, have amazing beauty and majesticity. In the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, a peculiar type of architecture, distinguished by the grace of proportions and elegacity of the decor, in particular, a white-changing thread is: Assumption and Dmitrievsky Cathedrals in Vladimir, Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Virgin on Nerlie.

mosaic and fresco. In the Kiev Sophia, the mosaic covered the dome (Christ Altar) and the Altar (Our Lady of Oranta); The rest of the temple was covered with frescoes - scenes from the life of Christ, saints, images of preachers, as well as secular stories: group portraits of Yaroslav Wise with family, the episodes of court life. Of the later samples of monumental painting, the frescoes of the church of Savior Neavydish and Dmitrievsky Cathedral are the most famous. Original Russian works of iconopisses are known only from the XII century. The Novgorod School acquired great fame (Spassing Independent, Assumption, Angel Golden Vlasus).

to the main

Historic portraits

Rurik - Varangi Konung, Rus's Leader, Novgorod Prince (862-879), supporters of Norman theory call it the founder of state Russia. Perhaps the Rörik is the Danish, referred to in Western chronicles in connection with raids on European cities.

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Period of specific fragmentation in Russia: Causes and consequences.

Following the heyday of Yaroslav Wise, the gradual decline of the ancient Russian state begins. The era of fragmentation in Russia is traditionally dating from the middle of the XII to the middle of the XVI, when the Moscow centralized state has already been formed.

The main cause of fragmentation was the intricate superfloidence ( Districted law - The procedure for the pre-surgery in medieval Russia, when the authorities are transferred to the senior representative of the dynasty). The inconvenience of the staircase system was that the princes constantly accounted for hit the road, Together with your courtyard and a friend. Such a system led to the fact that all the princes began to constantly fight for the grand permanent throne, they wanted to provide themselves at least some stability.

As a result, another system appears in the XII century - Specific - The system of transmission of power, within which the prince still divided his Mr. into several possessions, each of which was delivered to a certain son. The unity of Mr. began to decrease, first it was shared by 9 principalities, then this is the number of increases. Until reached several.

dozens. The process of decaying Kievan Rus began in 1054, when the Grand Duke died Yaroslav Wise. (978 - 1054).In 1132, Kiev Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich Great (1076-1132) died, whose power was recognized.

His receiver Yaropolka had no diplomatic qualities, no certain talents to the Board and therefore the power began to move from hand to hand.

Over a hundred years after the death of Mstislava, more than 30 princes changed in the Kiev throne. 1132g. Officially is considered the date of the beginning of feudal fragmentation. The main problem was that in the preservation of the political unity of Mr. Few people were interested.

Each prince was more profitable to get his goal and build a city there and engage in the development of the economy. In addition, economic development also did not depend on the unity of individual principalities, because They did not trade with each other.

The main reasons for the feudal fragmentation of Russia:

1. Tangled prestoliya system.

2. The existence of a large to large cities, each of whom had their political interests and could influence the princes that this city ruled.

3. Lack of economic unity in Russian lands.

But in the era of the feud.

draw There are as it will be poses. and deny. Parties - feud. Draw significantly influenced Russia in culturally, the TC was able to separate small towns away from Kiev.

There are also many new cities, some of the cat. Subsequently become centers of large principalities (Tver, Moscow). The territories have become much more manageable, the TC specific princes responded to the events that happened much faster, due to the relatively small territory of the principality.

But the lack of political unity affected falling the country's defense capability And already in the XIII century.

Rus faced with numerous Tatar-Mongolian hordes. Resist them in the absence of political. units. Russia successfully failed.


Forms dependence and influence on the development of Russian principalities of the domination of the Golden Horde.

In the XII - XIII centuries, the Unified Old Russian Mr. was broken up into several principalities, which loosened it in the face of external dangers. In the meantime, a new powerful Mr. Mongols was formed in the east in the steppes north of China, He was headed by Han Timuchin (Genghis Khan).

In 1223

on r. Kullet was the battle between the Mongols and the detachments of Russian and Polovtsy, as a result of which the Russian army and 3 prince Mstislav were broken. However, won on Kullet, Mongols did not continue their goal to the north to Kiev, and turned east against the Volga Bulgaria.

Meanwhile, Mongolian Mr. was divided into several uluses, the western ulus got the grandchildren of Genghis Khan - Khan Batyu, it was he who would gather an army for the West hike.

In 1235, this campaign will begin. The first city who took the hit of the Tatar-Mongolian troops becomes the city of Ryazan, the city was burned. Next, the Mongol Tatars begin to move towards the territories of Vladimir-Suzdal Principality's possessions.

March 4, 1237 g per r. City - Yuri Vsevolodovich died. Next Pali Rostov, Suzdal, Moscow, Kolomna.

1238g - a number of raids in the Chernihiv principality. 1239 g - A large army under the leadership of Batya moves south, in 1240 g Baty's troops took and plundered Kiev. Rus was defeated, many cities were destroyed, trade and craft froze. A number of types of crafts simply disappeared, thousands of icons and books were destroyed in fires. Traditional political and trade relations with other countries were violated.

Rasked by Mongols, Russian lands were forced to recognize the vassal dependence on the Golden Horde.

Control over Russian lands carried out governors Baskaki - Heads of the punitive detachments of Mongol-Tatars.

In 1257, Mongol-Tatars took a census of the population to facilitate the collection of Dani. There were 14 types of Dani in favor of Tatars ("Tsareva Dan" \u003d 1300kg of silver per year).

Public positions were distributed in Horde. Russian princes and Metropolitan were approved by special Khan gram-labels.


Formal independence of Russian principalities from the horde

Vassalitet relationship (system of relationships of personal dependence of one feudal from others)

Princess on the Label of the Horde (powers)

Management of terror methods

Participation of Russian princes in Mongol Military Changes

Causes of Rus's defeat:

The fragmentation and gravestics of Russian princes

Numerical superiority of nomads

Mobility of Mongolian troops (cavalry)

Consequences of the defeat of Russia:

Decay of cities

Decay of many crafts and trade (external and internal)

The decline of culture (Russian lands fell under the power of the horde, which strengthened the isolation of Russia from Western Europe)

Changing the social composition of man and their relationship with the prince.

The warriors are no longer comrades, but the princes are → the death of most princes and professional warriors, warriors; Strengthening the princely power

Education of the Russian centralized state.

The role of Ivan III.

The struggle for the overthrow of the Tatar-Mongolian Iga in the XIV - XV centuries. was the main national task of the Russian people. At the same time, the rod of the political life of this period becomes the unifying process of Russian lands and the formation of a centralized state. The main territory of the Russian state established in the XV century, amounted to Vladimiro-Suzdal, Novgorod-Pskov, Smolensk, Muromo-Ryazan land and part of the Chernihiv principality.

Territorial nucleus the formation of Russian nationality and the Russian state becomes Vladimir-Suzdal Earthin which gradually rises Moscow, turning into the center of the political association of Russian lands.

The first mention of Moscow (1147) It is contained in the annals, where it is told about the meeting of Yuri Dolgoruky with Chernigov Prince Svyatoslav.

Causes of the elevation of Moscow:


Profitable geographical position.

According to the expression V.O. Klyuchevsky, Moscow was in the "Russian Mesopotamia" - i.e. In the intercourse Volga and Oka.

Such a geographical position guaranteed her safety: From the north-west of Lithuania, it was covered with the Tver Principality, and from the East and Southeast from the Golden Horde - other Russian lands, which contributed to the influx of residents and increasing population density. Being in the trade route node, Moscow becomes the center of economic relations.


Support church

The Russian Church was the carrier of the Orthodox ideology, which played an important role in the unification of Russia. Moscow in 1326 under Ivan Kalita becomes the place of stay of Metropolitan, i.e. turns into church capital.

3. Active Politics of Moscow Princes

The main rival of the Moscow Principality in the struggle for leadership was Tver Princestrongest in Russia. Therefore, the outcome of the confrontation in many respects depended on the intelligent and flexible policy of representatives of the Moscow dynasty.

The twin priority of this dynasty is the younger son of Alexander Nevsky Daniel (1276 - 1303).

With it, it began the rapid growth of the Moscow Principality. For three years, his principality increased almost twice, became one of the largest and strongest in Northeast Russia.

In 1303, the reign went to the eldest son of Daniel Yuri, who a long time led to the struggle with Tver Prince Mikhail Yaroslavovich.

Prince Yuri Danilovich Thanks to his flexible politics with the Golden Ord, he achieved significant political success: he enlisted the support of Khan Uzbek, married to his sister Konchak (Agafier), received a label to the Grand Diction in 1319. But already in 1325, Yuri was killed by the son of the Tver Prince And the label went into the hands of Tver princes.

In the prince Ivan Danilovich Kalita (1325 - 1340)The Moscow Principality finally strengthened as the largest and strongest in northeastern Russia.

Ivan Danilovich was smart, consistent, albeit a brutal politician. In his relationship with Horde, he continued to be launched by Alexander Nevsky's external observance of the Vassal submission of Khanam, a good payment of Dani, so as not to give them reasons for new invasions on Russia, which in his jurisdiction almost completely stopped.

From the second half of the XIV century The second stage of the unifying process begins, the main content of which was the defeat of Moscow in the 60s - 70s. Our main political rivals and the transition from the approval for Moscow of its political primacy in Russia.

By the time of the reign of Dmitry Ivanovich (1359 - 1389) Golden Horde entered into the period of weakening and protracted gravestics between feudal notice. The relations of the hordes and Russian principalities were becoming more busy.

In the late 70s. Mamai came to power in Horde, who, having suspended the collapse of the Horde, began preparations for the campaign on Russia. The struggle for the overthrow of the IHA and ensuring safety from external aggression became the most important condition for the completion of the state-political association of Russia started in Moscow.

the Kulikovsky battle occurred - one of the largest battles of the Middle Ages, who solved the fate of states and peoples. Thanks to the Kulikovsky battle was reduced Size Dani. In the Horde, the political primacy of Moscow among the other Russian lands was finally recognized.

For personal courage in battle and commander Dmitriy got nickname Don.

In front of the death of Dmitry Donskoy, the great princess Vladimir his son Vasily I (1389 - 1425), no longer asking the rights to label in Horde.

Completion of the union of Russian lands

At the end of the high century.

in the Moscow principality, several specific possessions belonged to the sons of Dmitry Donskoy. After the death of Vasily I in 1425, his son Vasily II and Yuri (the younger son of Dmitry Donskoy) began the struggle for the grand-mon-roof throne (the youngest son of Dmitry Donskoy), and after the death of Yuri - his sons of Vasily Kosy and Dmitry Shemyak. It was a real medieval struggle for the throne, when blinding, poisoning, conspiracies and deceptions were going (blinded by opponents, Vasily II was nusted with dark).

In fact, it was the largest collision of supporters and opponents of the centralization. The completion of the process of combining the Russian lands around Moscow to the centralized state is accounted for during the reign

Ivan III (1462 - 1505) and Vasily III (1505 - 1533).

For 150 years before Ivan III, the gathering of Russian lands and the concentration of power in the hands of Moscow princes was made.

With Ivan III, the Grand Prince towers over the rest of the princes not only by the number of strength and possessions, but also the volume of power. Not by chance the new title "Sovereign" appears. Two-headed eagle becomes a symbol of the stateWhen in 1472 Ivan III marries the niece of the last Byzantine emperor Sophie Paleologist. Ivan III after the joining of Tver received the honorary title "God's mercy of the Soviet of All Russia, Veliky Prince Vladimir and Moscow, Novgorod and Pskov, and Tver, and Yugorsky, and Perm, and Bulgarian, and other lands. "

✔ c 1485

moskovsky Prince became referred to as the State Duke of All Russia.

Before Ivan III, there are new tasks - the design of legal relations in the born Moskovsky Mr. and the return of land engaged in the great principality of Lithuanian and Poland during the Ordan Iga.

The princes in the attached lands became the boyars of the Moscow sovereign.

These principalities were now called the villages, were managed by governors from Moscow. Planterity is the right to occupy a position in the state, depending on the audience and official position of the ancestors, their merit to the Moscow Grand Duke.

Started a centralized control apparatus.

Boyarskaya Duma consisted of 5-12 boyarsand no more than 12 rounded (boyars and okolnichny - two higher ranks in the state). Boyarskaya Duma had advisory functions about "Earth Affairs". To centralize and unify the procedure for judicial and administrative activities in the territory of the whole state, Ivan III in 1497

ordership was drawn up.

Also fixed the right to transition of peasants from one landowner to another one week before and a week after Yurian Day (November 26) with the senory payment.

In 1480 it was finally overthrown by Tatar-Mongolian IHO. This happened after the collision of Moscow and Mongol-Tatar troops on river Ugra.

Education of the Russian centralized state

At the end of the XV - early XVI centuries.

the Russian state entered Chernigovo-Seversk land. In 1510. G. The composition of the state was included and Pskov land. In 1514. G. The Moscow Great Principality entered Russian ancient city Smolensk. And finally, in 1521 ceased to exist and the Ryazan Principality.It was during this period that the association of Russian lands was mainly completed.

A huge power was formed - one of the largest states in Europe. Within the framework of this state, Russian nationality was combined. This is a logical process of historical development.

From the end of the XV century.

Feudal fragmentation

the term "Russia" began to be used.

See also:

  1. IV. The main causes of diseases.
  2. XIV. The main causes of diseases.
  3. Automatic shooting, one of the delays in the Makarov pistol, causes and ways to eliminate.
  4. Agricultural Reform P.

    A. Stolypin and its consequences.

  5. Arterial hypotension - their types, causes, mechanisms of development.
  6. Middle Eastern crisis: causes and main stages
  7. Budget deficit and reasons for its appearance
  8. Budget deficit, its causes, types.

    Funding budget deficit. State debt: causes, types, consequences.

  9. What were the reasons for the exacerbation of the international situation in the Far East at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries?
  10. What are the reasons for suicides in adolescents?
  11. Venous hyperemia. Causes, development mechanisms, external manifestations. Features of micro- and macrosculation, consequences
  12. The views of primitive healers for the causes of diseases.

    The first historically established types of medical care.

The beginning of feudal fragmentation in Russia

Separation of Russian principalities, which began in the second half of the XI century, ended after the death of Mstislav Vladimirovich. From the second third of the twentieth century Rus entered the stage of feudal fragmentation. Its culmination fell on the XII-XIII centuries. In the XIV century, with the strengthening of the Moscow principality, the political decentralization of Russia gradually weakens and for the second half of the 20th century.

The history of homeland. Authors: Yuferova S.V., Trigub G.Ya., Editor: Ilyin A.A.

i finally amazed yourself.

"And the whole Russian land is irrigated," reports the "Tale of Bygone Years" under the record of 1132. "The human events were reduced" and "the life of Dazhbogov grandson died," the author of "Words about the regiment of Igor" exclaims.

"The destruction of the land of Russian" is called the contemporaries "Non-Radiation" of Russian princes.

Feudal fragmentation was not a feudal anarchy.

Statehood in Russia did not stop, it changed its forms. The soreness of this fracture and reflected the literary consciousness of the era. Rus actually turned into a confederation of the principalities, whose political chapter was first the great Kiev, and later - the great Vladimir Princes. The purpose of the internecine struggle has changed. Now she pursued not the seizure of power throughout the country, but the expansion of the borders of his own principality at the expense of neighbors.

Prince-minider striving to grab a piece of someone else's land, and with good luck - to take a communal table - a typical figure of his time. No wonder in the princely environment there was a saying: "There is no place for the head, but the head to the place." And yet the negotiated start in transplantation, although violated, was the basis of the political structure of Russia's era of fragmentation.

The discharge of the principalities in the territory of the Kiev state happened everywhere.

It was a communional process. It cannot be considered as a consequence of the launch of the subnet, which began later and was caused by the action of special conditions. The crushing of Kievan Rus was due to the formation of sustainable local unions of a military service, fed from the income from state filings. It was also caused by the growth of primary ownership: princely, boyars, church and monastic land possessions.

The process of gradual settlement of the squad to the ground forced the prince to be less mobile, he developed his desire to strengthen his possessions, and not to go to new tables. The political decentralization of Russia's political decentralization of cities and the economic lift of individual lands was determined.

In the cities, by that time, a small handicraft production began to work out and local trade arose. Orientation of more or less significant feudal possessions to regional markets made them extremely independent political formations, and the larger they were, the self-sufficient.

Thus, the political reasons for the decentralization of the Kiev state were rooted in conditions of its socio-economic development.

Large independent principalities formed during the political crushing of Kievan Rus, began to be called land.

The principality included in their composition was called vasosty. So at the regional level the structure of the Kiev state was reproduced. In the lands, the processes of economic separation and political crushing were repeated with the same pattern as in a community scale.

Each Earth gradually turned into a system of small semi-independent principalities with its ruling dynasty, her senior and younger lines, with the main capital and secondary residences. The number of principalities was not stable. During the family sections, new ones were formed. Only in rare cases, the neighboring principles were combined. The rule was the minus of the principalities, there was no wonder the saying was: "At seven princes one warrior."

Large land fixed by Ruriki branches was 12: Kievskaya, Pereyaslavskaya, Chernigovo-Severskaya, Galitskaya and Volynskaya (United in Galico-Volynskaya), Smolenskaya, Polotsk, Turovo-Pinskaya, Rostov-Suzdalskaya (later - Vladimir-Suzdal), Muromskaya, Ryazan, Novgorod and distinguished Pskov land.

The most strongest and sustainable formations were the Novgorod land, the Rostov-Suzdal and Galician-Volyn Principality. A communal table up to the invasion of Batya continued to be considered to be considered. But the Kiev prince was not always the oldest not only in childbirth, but even in his branch. The nominal nature of the community rule caused the need for a special title to reinforce political supremacy. So the title was revived grand Prince, stopped applied in Russia from the XI century.

The consistent consumption of title is associated with the name of Vsevolod a large nest.

In the era of fragmentation, Russian lands have become subjects of international relations.

They independently entered the unions with foreign states. The practice of military alliances principalities with foreign people was widespread. In the struggle for the Kiev table (40-70s.

XII century) and Galitsky Principality (the first half of the twentieth century) was attended by Hungarians, Poles and Polovtsy. In the middle of the XII century. Redovsky raids became frequent again, but since the 90s of the XII century. Their intensity began to subsoine in connection with the transition of Polovtsy to settling. However, until their complete defeat of Mongol-Tatars, they continued to participate in the Russian princes of the Russian princes, not committing, however, independent actions. Russian-Byzantine communications developed mainly through the church, as in 1204

The Byzantine Empire temporarily ceased to exist after the capture of Konstantinople with Crusaders.

Russian land also face the aggression of the Crusaders in the first half of the XIII century.

The Baltic States became the extraction of the German Order of the Middle Mares, the expansion of which was accompanied by the distribution of land by German feudals and the violent appeal of the population in Catholicism. Russian colonization of this region was fundamentally different from the actions of the Crusaders. Russian princes were content with obtaining Dani. The unification of the Middle Mares with the Teutonic Order in 1237 puts the task of confrontation between the Oddensky aggression in front of the peoples of this region, which Lithuania, Novgorod and Pskov were most successfully solved.

Military successes of Russian cities - republics were determined by the nature of their political system. They were not deeply woven into the princely interdets, because they had the right to invite princes from Russian lands at their discretion. Appreciated the same talented in militarily: Novgorod - Mstislava Brave, his son Mstislav Delleal, Alexander Nevsky, Pskovwist - Lithuanian Prince Dovmont.

Other Russian lands have become hostages of the political "uneasyness" of their princes, which a new powerful enemy, Mongol-Tatars, broke alone, first on the river Kalka, and later during the Batueva invasion on Rus.

Among the new forms of feudal relations were a local land tenure, the Institute of Stationing and Palace Votes, feudal immunities in the form of praised diplomas. The dominant form of land ownership remained the faithful, who, as well as in the Kiev period, due to the seizure of community lands by the boyars and princes (hovering process), the expropriation of the free agricultural population and its subsequent consolidation.

Despite the fact that the primordars of spiritual and secular feudalists in the XII-XIII centuries.

they became stronger and independent, the first estates appeared. Military service most often invited to themselves princes, boyars and monasteries, i.e. Large markers. This, as a rule, were younger princely or boyars, as well as ruined feudalles. They constituted the courtyard of Prince or Boyarin, so they began to be called nobles, and their sites were estimates (hence the word "landowner" will subsequently).

However, the landowner could not arbitrarily dispose of land, although it acquired the rights of feudal to the population living on this land.

Immunities of the feudalists, issued in Russia as patched diplomas, were closely related to the Institute of Planning. The privileges of Boyar, provided by him by princes, helped to attract rural residents to the worldwide land.

Benefits reflected such feudal farms from the arbitrariness of feeders-feeders, princely tyunov and other administrative persons of the principalities. The nature of the acquisition of Votchina defined their name: Prince, generic, bought, complained.

Palace agriculture, as a faithful, expanded by shopping, capture, transition to will, donation, mena, etc.

The palace economy was carried out in the jurisdiction of the butler, who made the lands and people, and the palace tract: Sokolnichia, stolen, sors, bedrooms, etc.

Section 2. Faodal fragmentation in Russia

Causes of feudal fragmentation in Russia:

  1. The domination of the natural economy and, as a result, weak economic ties between the regions of the state.
  2. Strengthening individual principalities whose rulers no longer want to obey the Kiev prince.

    Permanent gravestics.

  3. Strengthening feudal victuchin and increasing boyars separatism.
  4. Strengthening shopping cities who did not want to pay tribute to the Unified Ruler.
  5. The lack of strong external enemies, to fight which would be required by the combined army led by a single ruler.
  6. The motley ethnic composition of the Kiev Rus.

The value of feudal fragmentation:

  1. Conditions have been created for the original socio-economic and political development of certain areas of the country.
  2. There is a flourishing of cities confirming this Rus in Western Europe name - Gardaria - Country Country.
  3. The formation of the three Great East Slavic peoples - Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian begins. From the XIII century there is an ancient Russian language.
  4. The defense capability of Russian lands was dramatically weakened.
  5. There is a strengthening of princeful gravestics.

Features of feudal fragmentation:

  1. Unlike medieval Europe, there was no generally accepted political center in Russia (the capital).

    Kiev throne quickly fell. At the beginning of the XIII century, Vladimir Princes begin the Great.

  2. The rulers in all lands of Russia belonged to one dynasty.

When the process of combining Russian lands, these features will lead to a tense struggle between the individual principalities for the status of the capital of a single state.

In most other European states, the question of choosing the capital was not stood (France - Paris, England - London, etc.).

In the period of feudal fragmentation, against the background of numerous, constantly smallest diets, several lands have gained a very particular importance.

First of all, it is an ancient land of Crivic and Vyatichich, located in the north-east of Russia. Due to the low fertility of the land, the colonization of these districts began only at the end of the XI - early XII centuries, when the population moves here from the south, escaping from the raids of nomads and oppression of the boyars-victims.

Late colonization led to and later hurting (in the middle of the XII century), so in Northeast Russia did not have time to start a fragmentation of a strong boyars opposition. In this region, Vladimir-Suzdal (Rostov-Suzdalski) appeared in this region with a strong princely authority.

1132 – 1157 gg

- The Board of the Son Vladimir Monomaha Yuri Dolgoruky. Staying the prince of the old quenching, he continued the struggle for the grand permanent throne, explicitly overestimating his meaning. He managed to conquer Kiev in 1153 and 1155 twice. Poisoned by Kiev boyars. In connection with his name, Tula (1146) and Moscow (1146) are mentioned for the first time. 1147 g.)

1157 – 1174 gg

- The Board of the Son of Yury Andrei Bogolyubsky. He refused the struggle for the Kiev throne and led active internecine wars. 1164 - a campaign to Bulgaria. In honor of the victory and in memory of the Son built the Cathedral of the Cathedral of the Nerley ( 1165.). In 1169 he took Kiev, but it did not rule there, but subjected to a demonstrative ruin. Moved the capital from Suzdal to Vladimir. Different suspicion and cruelty, for which he was killed by servants.

From 1174 to 1176 - The Board of Mikhail Yurevich.

1176 – 1212 gg

- The Board of Brother Andrei Bogolyubsky Vsevolod Yuryevich is a big nest.

Feudal fragmentation in Russia - Causes and consequences

The overall ancestor of almost all future princes is hence the nickname. Under it, the state reached the highest heyday, but it was broken shortly after his death. It was under Vsevolod, the Vladimir Prepolya acquires the status of a grand mining (1212), later in Vladimir was postponed the rate of Metropolitan. Known by his huge authority among contemporaries. The author of "Words about the regiment of Igor" ( 1187 G.) wrote about Vsevolod, that his squad can "don shelomes to pull out, and spill a Volga in the orals."

In completely different conditions, there was a southwestern, Galico-Volyn Rus.

The mild climate and fertile lands have always attracted a lot of agricultural population. At the same time, this blooming edge was constantly subjected to raids of neighbors - Poles, Hungarians, steppes-nomads. In addition, due to early hores, there was a strong boyars opposition sooner.

Initially, Galitsky and Volyn principalities existed as independent states.

In an effort to stop the boyars, the rulers of these lands, especially Yaroslav Ortsomysl Galitsky, more than once they tried to merge them. This task was to solve only in 1199 Mr. Volyn Prince Roman Mstislavich. After his death in 1205

the power in the principality captured the boyars, for a long time turning him into a row of small, whitewashing with each other. Only in 1238, the son and heir to Roman Daniel ( Daniel Galitsky) I returned the power and became one of the strongest Russian princes - Daniel became the only one in Russia, who Pope sent the royal crown.

To the north of the Vladimir-Suzdal land was a huge Novgorod land.

The climate and soil here were even less suitable for agriculture than in the northeast. But the ancient center of these lands - Novgorod - was at the beginning of one of the most important trade routes of that time - "from the Varyag in the Greeks" (ie

from Scandinavia in Byzantium). The ancient trading path passed: from the Baltic - to the Neva, then - in the Lake Lake, then on the Volkhov River (through Novgorod), - in Ilmen Lake, from there - to the river, then - the wolf, in Dnipro, and already from there In the Black Sea. The proximity of the trading route turned Novgorod to one of the most important shopping centers of medieval Europe.

Successful trade and lack of strong external enemies (and therefore the lack of necessity in its own princely dynasty) led to the folding in Novgorod a special state system - feudal (aristocratic) republic.

The date of the beginning of the republican period of its history is considered to be 1136 G. - The uprising of Novgorod against the grandson of Monomah Vsevolod Mstislavich.

The main role in this state was played by a layer of Novgorod boyars. Unlike boyars in other lands, Novgorod did not have attractions to the squad, but were descendants of the birthbroken nobility of Ilmensky Slavs.

The highest authority in Novgorod was the eve of the meeting of the richest boyars ("three hundred gold belts"), which solved the most important questions and elected senior officials: ploymanwho twisted the court and serving Novgorod, thousandswho headed the tax system and the militia; vladyku - Bishop (later - Archbishop) - who goded the White clergy, who had eating a treasury and foreign policy, as well as archimandrita - chapter of the black clergy.

The prince was called in Novgorod. The features of the prince were limited: it was needed by the city as a squad commander and a formal destination Dani from Novgorod lands. Any attempt to intervene the prince in the internal affairs of Novgorod inevitably ended with his exile.

The culture of the ancient Russian state (IX - 3Os. XII century)

Old Russian culture has become the result of the complex synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic spiritual traditions. With its roots, Slavic culture goes to the ancient pagan era.

Paganism - a complex of primitive beliefs and rituals - had its own story. At first, the Slavs, obviously, waved various elements, worshiped the spirits of forests, water sources, the sun, thunderstorms, etc. Gradually great importance was acquired by the agricultural deity, God's fertility and closely related goddesses of fertility - Genznica.

As the state relations are becoming at the forefront, the cult of Perun - the Princely-Druzhinny God of the War (originally he was revered as God thunderstorms and rain).

I also wore Veles - the god of cattle breeding, and the Svarog is the God of the Sun and Light.

In the X-XI centuries. Arrows epic eposassociated with the formation of the Kiev state, protecting him from enemies. In x in. A writing is penetrated on Russia - Cyrillic, created by Byzantine missionaries, Kirill and Methodius.

The most important role in Russian literature was played lettering: In addition to weather entries on the most important events, the chronicles included poetic legends and legends: about the vocation of Varyagov, the campaign of Prince Oleg on the Tsargrad, etc.

The most significant monument is the "Tale of Bygone Years" compiled about 1113 by the monk Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nesser.

As Russia crushed Russia, the luminous character was lost by community in nature, while fraying Vladimir-Suzdal, Galico-Volynsky, etc.

The adoption of Christianity gave a powerful impetus to the development of culture. Xi century - the birth time of the ancient Russian literature. The oldest of the works known to us "The word about the law and grace" (1049) Future Metropolitan Illarion. In 1073, by order of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, the first flavor was drawn up - a collection of texts of religious and secular content designed to read.

The lives of saints played a major role in the ancient literature; Especially revered on Rus Princes Boris and Gleb, the sons of Vladimir, who were killed by Holly's sophisticated brother. Their live wrote Nestor - the author of the "Tale of Bygone Years." The brilliant sample of secular literature was the "teaching" of Vladimir Monomakh (the end of the XI - the beginning of the XII century) is a story about his life of the wise statesman, which Boreshya for the unity of Russia.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of strength of Russia to fight with the stepma permeates "The word regiment Igor". (1187 G.). Interesting "Dairy" Daniel Sharpener (beginning of the XII century), impoverished petty feudal, which complains the prince to the boyars arbitrariness and asks him about the grace.

What kind of genre did not apply a literary work his text always supplied colorful miniatures - Illustrations in handwritten books.

In Kievan Rus, jewelry technologies reach their heyday:

  • Skan (Finifty) - Product Finishing with twisted wire, wire lace.
  • The grains - the finest pattern is formed by attacking thousands of smallest balls.
  • Mobile - creating a pattern on jewelry by etching.
  • Enamel (partition enamel) - Preparation of the pattern by applying glass-like mass on the metal.
  • Engraving - carvings on metal.

With the adoption of Christianity, the development of stone, primarily the church, architecture. As the main material for construction was used plinfa - Break of bricks.

From Byzantium as a sample was borrowed cross-dome The type of temple (four codes grouped in the center of the temple, in the plan gave a cruciform structure), but in Russia he received a kind of development. Thus, the most grandiose architectural monument of Kievan Rus - a 13-dome Sophia Cathedral in Kiev (1037) had a pronounced step-pyramidal composition, which, as well as a polyvoy, was unusted by the Byzantine temples. For a somewhat simplified sample of Kiev Sofia, Sofia Cathedrals were built in Novgorod and Polotsk (xi century).

Gradually, Russian architecture gets an increasing diversity of forms. In Novgorod in the XII-XIII centuries. A variety of churches are created - Boris and Gleb in the Children, Savior, Nerestysk, Parasites Friday, etc., which, with small sizes and maximum simplicity of decoration, have amazing beauty and majesticity.

In the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, a peculiar type of architecture, distinguished by the grace of proportions and elegacity of the decor, in particular, a white-changing thread is: Assumption and Dmitrievsky Cathedrals in Vladimir, Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Virgin on Nerlie.

During the heyday of Kievan Rus, the first place belonged to monumental painting - mosaic and fresco.

In the Kiev Sophia, the mosaic covered the dome (Christ Altar) and the Altar (Our Lady of Oranta); The rest of the temple was covered with frescoes - scenes from the life of Christ, saints, images of preachers, as well as secular stories: group portraits of Yaroslav Wise with family, the episodes of court life.

Of the later samples of monumental painting, the frescoes of the church of Savior Neavydish and Dmitrievsky Cathedral are the most famous. Original Russian works of iconopisses are known only from the XII century. The Novgorod School acquired great fame (Spassing Independent, Assumption, Angel Golden Vlasus).

Christianization of Russia gradually led to a decline of sculpture, the works of which were associated with pagan idols.

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Lecture on the topic

"The main stages of the political crushing of the ancient Russian state".

Stage 1054-1097.

- After death Yaroslav WiseWhen the separation of individual principalities began. During this period there is a struggle for the Kiev throne between the sons of Yaroslav - Izyaslav, Svyatoslav, Vsevolod. As a result of this struggle, Vsevolod came to power ( 1078 - 1093) - "House of Vsevolod" Holded the whole rus. Creaved Kiev, Vsevolod gave his son Vladimir Monomahu City of Chernihiv, contrary to the son of Svyatoslav Oleg, What was the reason for the new gravestones between now the grandchildren of Yaroslav Wise.

After the death of Vsevolod in 1093, Kiev Prince became Svyatopolk(Son Masaslav), like elder in the family. However, enjoyed great authority Vladimir Monomakh "Flexible, volitional, resorting to strength, then to negotiations, managed to restore the unity of ancient Russia.

After the death of Svyatopolka in 1113, Kiev residents demanded that it was it for the Kiev throne. Great Kiev Prince Vladimir Monomakh became already in 60 years and years of his rule 1113-112 come on the second stage of feudal fragmentation.

Stage II 1097-1132. - in 1097 in the town Lyubech In the family castle, Monomakh gathered the Congress of Princes.

Main question Association to fight Polovtsy(as a result - hiking in the steppe in 1103, 1109, 1111. - "Crosses"). Hike Rus B. 1111 G.. I reached G. Scharucan near Don, the so-called heart of the Polovkaya Earth. The Lubachest Congress sounded a call for the world and the cessation of intercruise from Vladimir Monomakh's mouth- "Yes, everyone rules his behavior." He turned out to be prophetic, as essentially laid the beginning of a change in the political structure of Russia.

Country divided into 3 princely defendors:

  • Ishimlavich's patrimony - Svyatopolk
  • Nature of Svyatoslavichi - Oleg (Olgovichi, Olegovichi)
  • Vsevolodovich's name - Vladimir Monomakh (Monomashichi)

In this way,List Congress The princes approved the agreement on the consolidation of the princely thrones on the ground for the individual branches of Rurikov's houses, and from that moment the real decay process of Kievan Rus begins.

In 1125, after the death of Vladimir Monomakh, his son came to power Mstislav Great (1125 - 1132gg.),which continued his father's policy and was also loved by the people.

III Stage 1132. - After death Mstislava Great started period when "Irrett the whole Russian land." The period of gods began between the three branches of Rurikovich Rurikovichi - Yaroslavichi, which led to the final crushing of the state into individual lands.

Total in Russia in XIIV. There were 15 lands that continued to go further. Among all the newly educated lands, three were distinguished in this period:

Ø Vladimiro - Suzdal Earth(Strong Princely Power)

Ø Novgorod Republic(Power of Prince, limited eve /

Ø Galitsko - Volyn Earth(Power shared prince and boyars).

In this way,reality has become territorial-political fragmentation, New compared to ancient Russian state, form of a state-political organization, based on the transition of ownership of any territory by inheritance from the Father to the Son.

The legal justification of the new principle of inheritance was consolidated by the Congress of Princes in Lyubech in 1097. The new principle of the organization of the authorities turned Russian land from the ownership of Rurikovich Rurikovich, a set of independent "penalties", the hereditary possessions of the individual branches of the princely house.

The nature of new state formations.

§ Despite the crushing of Russian lands, integrity Rus to a certain extent persisted: firstly united the common faith, the language, the action of general laws (extensive truth), secondly The idea of \u200b\u200bunity did not disappear in the folk consciousness, especially manifested in times of gravestics and other disasters.

§ A dual self-consciousness was formed, in which Russian people considered their deranged and Russian land as a whole, and at the same time, the ship where they lived - Ryazan parish, Polotsk, Smolensk, Pskov, etc.

§ The desire of specific princes to strengthen regional centers and consolidation and descendants of certain volosts were accompanied by the struggle for tables that did not have any branch - so the struggle for the Kiev throne was.

Kiev, as the communional capital, became the object of a kind of collective ownership. Despite the fact that the power of the Kiev Prince was nominal in nature, the possession of Kiev gave certain advantages of political and moral. Therefore, in the XII century. The fierce struggle for the capital of the ancient Russian state unfolded.

1169g. - Kiev was subjected to the terrible defeat of the united shifters, under the leadership of Andrei Bogolyubsky (Son Yuri Dolgoruky).

Before 1199g.duumvirata system In Kiev - the system of compatibility of representatives of 2 different dynasties: Monomakhov and Olegovichi.

FROM 1199g.

1205 in Kiev "Power of the Roman"(Roman - the son of Mstislav the Great). With the novel, the elevation of Kiev was the last, after him, the Kiev earth collapsed.

In this way, The struggle for the Kiev throne led to the devastation of the Kiev land and the loss of the former value.

Feudal fragmentation

After some time, the table of the Grand Duke Kiev lost its attractiveness for local princes, focused on expanding and developing their own posges - Votchin.

In XIVV. The Kiev land was absorbed by the Grand Durability Lithuanian.


v fragmentation was pretty Stage of political development in the Middle Ages, characteristic not only for Russia, but also for other states.

v state-political fragmentation Oslabila Military potential of Russia, butalso contributed to improvingmanagement systems, created favorable conditions for the development of economics and culture in regional centers.

v fragmentation enhanced princely intercussiveWhat led to the weakening of the Russian lands and became one of the factors of the national catastrophe caused by the Ordan invasion.


3..Vladimiro - Suzdal Earth

4..galitsko - Volyn Principality

5..novgorodskaya Earth

6..Kievsky Prince

7. The value of the period of fragmentation in Russian history



The topic of the history of ancient Russia seems to be considered in the work not only interesting, but also very relevant. Recent years passed under the sign of change in many areas of the life of Russians. The lifestyle of many people has changed, the system of life values \u200b\u200bhas changed. Knowledge of the history of Russia, the spiritual traditions of the Russian people, is very important to increase the national self-consciousness of Russians. A sign of the revival of the nation is and increasing interest in the historical past of the Russian people, to its spiritual values.

From the beginning of the XII to the end of the XV century. According to tradition, they call the specific period. And indeed, on the basis of Kievan Rus, approximately 15 principalities and lands for the middle of the XII century, about 50 principalities at the beginning of the XIII century, approximately 250 - XIV century.

The territory of the Kiev state focused around several political centers of once former tribal. In the second half of the XI - early XII century. Within Kiev, Russia began to form quite sustainable principalities. As a result of the merger of East Slavic tribes in the period of Kievan Russia, ancient Russian nationality was gradually formed, for which the well-known common language, territory and mental warehouse was characterized, manifested in community culture.

Ancient Russian state was one of the largest European states. Rusi's struggle with nomad raids was of great importance for the safety of countries as anterior Asia and Europe. Widely trade relations between Russia. Rus supported political, trade and cultural relations with the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria, had diplomatic relations with Byzantium, Germany, Norway and Sweden, also established ties with France and England. On the international meaning of Russia, dynastic marriages concluded by Russian princes. Contracts with Byzantium are stored by valuable certificates of social relations in Kievan Rus and its international meaning.
However, already in the XII century. A number of principalities separated from the ancient Russian state.

The main objective of this work is to consider the causes and factors of the fragmentation of ancient Russia, which entailed the creation of the formation of new state centers, consider the largest of these centers and analyze the significance of this period in the history of Russia.

1. Causes and fragmentation factors

By the middle of the XI century. The ancient Russian state has reached its heyday. Sometimes Kievan Rus is called even an early refortel monarchy. Over the time of the Unified State, the United States of the Kiev Prince, has not yet become.

According to the generally accepted point of view from the middle of the XI - early XII century. The Old Russian State entered into a new stage of its history - the era of political and feudal fragmentation.

Political crushing is a natural stage in the development of statehood and feudal relations. It was not avoided by no early referring state in Europe. Everywhere in this era, the power of the monarch was weak, and the function of the state is insignificant. The trend towards the cohesion and centralization of states began to manifest itself only in the XIII-XV centuries.

The political crushing of the state had many objective reasons. The economic cause of political fragmentation was, according to historians, in the domination of the natural economy. Trade ties in the XI-XII centuries. Were developed enough weakly, and could not provide the economic unity of Russian lands. By this time, the once powerful Byzantine Empire began to decline. Byzantium ceased to be the World Trade Center, and therefore, the main ancient path of "Varyag in Greeks" has lost its importance, which for many centuries allowed the Kiev state to carry out trade connections.

Another reason for the political decay was the remnants of a tribal relationship. After all, Kievan Rus united several dozen major tribal unions. A significant role was played by constant raids of nomads to the Dnieper lands. Saved from the raids, people went to live in small-populated lands located in the North-East of Russia. Continuous migration contributed to the expansion of the territory and weakening the authorities of the Kiev Prince. On the process of continuous crushing, the country could affect the lack of Maitorate's concept in the Russian feudal right. This principle, existed in many Western European states, provided that all land owners of this or that feudal passed only to the eldest of their sons. In Russia, land ownership after the death of the prince could share between all the heirs.

One of the most important factors that generated feudal fragmentation, most modern historians consider the development of large private feudal land tenure. Back in the XI century There is a process of "settlement of mans on Earth", the appearance of large feudal victches - boyars villages. The class of feudalists acquires economic and political power. The presence of a large number of large and medium feudal possessions became incompatible with the early refortel state, which had a huge territory and a weak state apparatus.

Kievan Rus was extensive, but unstable state education. The tribes entered into its composition, for a long time retained their withdrawal. Separate lands in the domination of the natural economy could not form a single economic space. In addition, in the XI-XII centuries. New factors arise, contributing to the fragmentation of this unstable state.

The main force of the disconnecting process was a boyars. Relying on his power, local princes managed to establish their power in each land. However, subsequently between inevitable afraid and local princes arose inevitable contradictions, the struggle for influence and power.

The growth of the population and, accordingly, the military potential of various regions of Russia became the basis for the formation of a number of sovereign principalities. Princessed crossbows arose.

The gradual growth of cities, trade and economic development of individual lands led to the loss of Kiev a historical role in connection with the movement of trade routes and the emergence of new craft centers and trade, increasingly independent of the capital of the Russian state.

There was a complication of the social structure of society, the birth of the nobility.

Finally, the collapse of a single state contributed to the absence of a serious external threat to all Eastern Slavic community. Later, this threat appeared on the part of the Mongols, but the process of separation of the principalities came to that time already too far.

Really, these processes appeared in the middle of the second half of the XI century. Prince Yaroslav Wise shortly before his death (1054) divided the lands between the five sons. But he did it so that the ownership of sons mutually separated each other; They were practically impossible to manage them. Yaroslav tried to solve two problems at once: on the one hand, he sought to avoid the bloody gods between the heirs, usually started after the death of the Kiev Prince: each sons received land that had to ensure its existence as a dominal prince; On the other hand, Yaroslav hoped that his children would be together to defend the community interests related primarily to the defense borders. The Grand Duke was not going to divide the United Russia for independent, independent states; He calculated only that now it, as one whole, will be managed not one person, but the entire princely genus.

It is not quite clear how precisely the subordination of various land Kiev was ensured, as these lands were distributed between princes. Described by still historians of the XIX century. The principle of gradual (alternately) movement of the princes from one throne on the other was rather the ideal scheme than the practically functioning mechanism.

CM. Solovyov, analyzing the political structure of Russia after Yaroslav Wise (1019-1054), came to the conclusion that the submissible princes of the Earth did not crush into individual possessions, but were considered as the common herine of the whole type of Yaroslavich. Princes received in temporary management any part of this general ownership is the better than the "older" one or another prince was considered. The seniority, according to the plan of Yaroslav, was to be determined as follows: all his brothers went for the ownership of Kiev Great Prince; After their death, their elder sons inherited father's places in the Renice of Prince, gradually moving away from the less prestigious thrones to more significant. At the same time, only those princes could apply for the title of the Grand Duke, whose fathers managed to visit the metropolitan prince. If some prince died before it was the turn of his turn to take the throne in Kiev, then his descendants were deprived of the right to this throne and the printed somewhere in the province.

Such a system of "solicing ascent" - "the next order" of inheritance was very far from perfection and gave rise to permanent distribution between the brothers and children of the princes (the eldest son of the Grand Duke could take the father's throne only after the death of all his unlisters). Disputes about seniority between uncle and nephews were frequent phenomenon in Russia and at a later period, while in the XV century. There was not established the procedure for the transfer of power from the Father to the Son.

With each convenient case, Yaroslavichi struggled to break the order - of course, with benefit for themselves or their closest relatives, allies. "Largechair" was not viable; Inherited tangled inheritance procedure was a reason for frequent assholes, and the dissatisfaction with the princes, excluded from the queue for power, led to the fact that they were asked for help to the Hungarians, Poles, Polovtsy.

Thus, from the 50s. XI century It was the process of determining the boundaries of future independent lands. Kiev became the first among the principalities. Soon, the other lands caught up and even ahead of their development. One and a half dozen independent principalities and lands, the boundaries of which were formed within the framework of the Kiev Power as the frontiers of the lots, volosts where local dynasties were ruled.

As a result of crushing, the principality of the names were distinguished as independent cities: Kiev, Chernigovskoye, Pereyaslav, Murmansk, Ryazan, Rostov-Suzdal, Smolensk, Galitsky, Vladimiroskoye, Polotanskoye, Tynovskoye, Tamutarakan, Novgorod and Pskov land. In each of the land, the rule of its dynasty is one of the branches of Rurikovich. The new form of a state-political organization was political fragmentation, replacing the early refortion monarchy.

In 1097, on the initiative of the grandson of Yaroslav Pereyaslavsky Prince Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh, the Congress of Princes was gathered in the city of Lisher. On it was established a new principle of organization of power in Russia - "Everyone keeps his father." Thus, the Russian land has ceased to be a cumulative possession of a whole kind. The possessions of each branch of this kind - heredge - became its hereditary property. This decision fastened feudal fragmentation. Only later, when Vladimir Monomakh (1113-1125) became the Grand Duke of Kiev, as well as with his son Mstislava (1126-1132), the state unity of Russia was restored for a while. Rus kept relative political unity.

The beginning of the fragmentation period (and political, and feudal) should have believed from 1132. However, Russia was ready for decay for a long time (not by chance V.O. Klyuchevsky determines the beginning of the "specific period", i.e. The period of independence of Russian principalities, not from 1132, and from 1054, when Yaroslav Wise Rus was divided between his children). From 1132, the princes ceased to reckon with the Grand Duke of Kiev as the head of All Russia.

The disintegration of the ancient Russian state did not destroy the emerging ancient Russian nation. Art historians and philologists note that the spiritual life of various Russian lands and principalities with all its diversity preserved common features and unity of styles. Cities grew and built centers of newly emerged princesses. Trade developed, which led to the emergence of new communication paths. The most important trading routes were held from OZ. Ilmen and r. Western Dvina to the Dnieper, from the Neva to the Volga, the Dnieper also connected with the Volga-Occarrement.

Thus, the specific period should not be considered as a step back in Russian history. However, the incessant process of political crushing of land, numerous princely gravestics weakened the country's defense capability before the external danger.

2. Education of new state centers

Some modern historians, the term "feudal fragmentation" is not used for the characteristics of the processes that took place in the Russian lands at the end of the beginningXII century. The main cause of Rus fragmentation they see in the formation of cities. SuperSuz, headed by Kiev collapsed into a number of cities - states, which, in turn, became landlocked centers arising in the territories of previous tribal unions. According to these views, Rus entered during the existence of autonomous community unions who took the form of state cities.

The principalities and land of Russia's share were fully established states comparable in the territory with European. Kiev, who suffered from raids of nomads and princely gravity, gradually lost its meaning. And although for almost the whole XII century. In tradition, it was continued to look at him as the main city of Russia, he actually turned into the capital of the small Kiev principality located in the middleprovier. The most important at the turn of the XII - XIII centuries. Provided by Vladimiro - Suzdal and Galician-Volyn Principality, as well as Novgorod land, which have become political centers, respectively, the North-Eastern, Southwestern and North-Western Russia. In each of them there is a kind of political system: the princely monarchy in Vladimir - Suzdal Land, the Prince of Boyarskaya monarchy in the Galician-Volyn and Boyar Republic in Novgorod.

Vladimiro (Rostov) - Sudolskaya Earth

An important role in the political life of Russia was played by Vladimiro - Suzdal Earth. At the turn of the XII - XIII centuries. She covered huge spaces in the Okey and Volga interfluid. This territory is considered to be now the center of Russia, a thousand years ago was completely small. In antiquity, the Finno-Ugric tribes lived here, afterwards almost completely assimilated by the Slavs. The growth of the population of Kievan Rus aroused the need to master new territories. In the XI - XII centuries. The southern frontiers of the states were constantly subjected to nomad raids. At this time, the intensive movement of Slavic immigrants in the North-Eastern region begins. The center of newly developed land becomes Rostov.

The main factors affecting the formation of a rich and powerful principality:

remoteness from steppe nomads in the south;

landscape obstacles to easy penetration of cooks from the north;

the possession of the Werish Arteries (Volga, Oka), through which rich Novgorod merchant caravans went; good opportunities for economic development;

significant emigration from the south (the inflow of the population);

developed since the XI century. Network of cities (Rostov, Suzdal, Murom, Ryazan, Yaroslavl, etc.);

very vigorous and ambitious princes, who headed the principality.

There was a direct relationship between the geographical characteristics of Northeast Russia and the formation of a strong princely power. This region was mastered at the initiative of the princes. The lands were considered as Prince's property, and the population, including boyars, as his servants. Vassal - a friendly relationship, characteristic of the period of Kiev Rus, was changed by princelessly. As a result, in North-Eastern Russia there was a patrimonial system of power. (Scheme 1)

With the formation and development of the Vladimir - Suzdal Principality, the names of Vladimir Monomakh and his son Yuri Dolgoruky (1125-1157), who distinguished his desire to expand its territory and subordinate to Kiev (for it he received a nickname. He captured Kiev and became the Grand Duke of Kiev; Actively influenced the politics of Novgorod the Great. Under the influence of Rostov-Suzdal Princes, Ryazan and Murom fell. Yuri led the widespread construction of fortified cities on the borders of his principality. Under 1147, the chronicles are first mentioned about Moscow, built on the site of the former manor of the boyar bunch confiscated by Yuri Dolgorukov. On April 4, 1147, Yuri's negotiations were held with Chernigov Prince Svyatoslav, who brought Yuri as a gift to the skin of Barça.

Son and successor Yuri - Andrey Bogolyubsky (1157-1174), called so for a significant support for the church, the association of Russian lands and transfer the center of all Russian political life from a rich boyars of Rostov first in a small town, and then built up with an unprecedented speed Vladimir - Claus. Inmploitable white gates were built, an Majestic Assumption Cathedral was erected. In the suburban residence of Bogolyubovo in the dark July night of 1174, Andrei was killed as a result of the Boyar conspiracy, at the head of which was the boyars Kuchkovichi, the former owners of Moscow.

The policy of uniting all Russian lands under the rule of one prince continued the summand of Andrei - Vsevolod is a large nest (1176-1212), called so for his big family. With it, there was a significant strengthening of the Vladimiro-Suzdal Principality, which became the strongest in Russia and one of the largest feudal states in Europe, the core of the future of the Moscow state.

Vsevolod influenced the policy of Novgorod, got a rich shipyard in the Kiev region, almost fully disposed of Ryazan principality, etc. After completing the fight against the boyars, he finally established the monarchy in the principality. By this time, the nobility becomes supporting the princely power. It was served, military, yard people, servants who depended from the prince and received the land for temporary use, a monetary fee or the right to collect princely income.

The economic rise of Vladimiro-Suzdal Principality continued for some time with the sons of Vsevolod. However, at the beginning of the XIII century. There is his disintegration on the dots: Vladimir, Yaroslavsky, Uglich, Pereyaslavsky, Yuryevsky, Muromsky. Principality of North-Eastern Russia in the XIV-XV centuries. became the basis of the formation of the Moscow state.

4. Galitsko - Volga Principality

Galitsky and Volyn Principality were formed in the southwest of Russia. They occupied the northeast slopes of the Carpathians and the territory between the Dniester and Prut. (Scheme 2).

Features and conditions of development:

fertile lands for agriculture and extensive forest arrays for commercial activity;

significant deposits of the stone salt, which was taken into neighboring countries;

convenient geographical position (Neighborhood with Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic), which allowed to lead an active foreign trade;

in relative security from the nomads of the land of the principality;

the presence of an influential local boyars that led the struggle for power is not only among themselves, but also with princes.

Galician principality increased significantly to the Board of Yaroslav Osmomysl (1153-1187). His successor to the Volyn Prince Roman Mstislavovich - in 1199, it was possible to unite the Volyn and Galitsky principality. At the beginning of the XIII century, after death in 1205 Roman Mstislavovich, the cross-free war broke out in the principality with the participation of Hungarians and Poles. The son of Roman - Daniel Galitsky (1221-1264) broke a boyars resistance and in 1240, having occupied Kiev, managed to unite the southeast and Kiev land. However, in the same year, Galitsko - the Volyn Principality was ruined by Mongol-Tatars, and after 100 years later, these lands were part of Lithuania (Volyn) and Poland (Galich).

5. Novgorod land

Novgorod land, which occupied the northwestern territory of the former Old Russian state, one of the first began to go out of the power of the Kiev Prince. In the late XI-early XII century. There was a peculiar political education, which in modern historical literature is called the feudal republic. The Novgorod residents themselves called their state beautifully and solemnly - "Mr. Veliky Novgorod". Novgorod possessions stretched from the Gulf of Finland in the West to the Ural Mountains in the East, from the Ice Ocean in the north to the borders of the modern Tver and Moscow region south.

Novgorod land developed on a special way (scheme 3):

was far from nomads and did not feel the horror of their raids;

the wealth was in the presence of a huge land foundation in the hands of a local boyars, which grew up from a local tribal nobility;

of his bread in Novgorod, but commercial classes - hunting, fishing, salt and iron production, Bortnovnia - got significant development and gave a boyars not small income;

the elevation of Novgorod contributed an exceptionally advantageous geographical position: the city was at the intersection of trade routes connecting Western Europe with Rus, and through it - with East and Byzantia;

as in the Novgorod, and later in the Pskov Earth (originally part of Novgorod) there was a socio-political system - a boyars republic;

a favorable factor in the fate of Novgorod: he was not exposed to strong Mongol-Tatar plunder, although I paid tribute. Alexander Nevsky (1220-1263) was especially famous for the independence of Novgorod (1220-1263), who not only beat the Natisk of German - Swedish aggression (Nevskaya Battle, Ice Bottom), but also conducted a flexible policy, making concessions to the Golden Horde and organizing resistance to the onset of Catholicism in the West;

The Novgorod Republic was close to the European Type of Development, similar to the cities of the Republics of the Hanseatic Union, as well as the cities of the Republics of Italy (Venice, Genoa, Florence)

As a rule, Novgorod owned the princes who held the Kiev throne. This allowed the older to control the great path and dominate the prince among Rurikovich.

Using the dissatisfaction of the Novgorod residents (uprising from 1136), the boyars, which possessed a significant economic power, managed to finally defeat the prince in the struggle for power. Novgorod became a boyar republic. In fact, power belonged to a boyars, the highest clergy and the famous merchandise.

All of the highest executive bodies are Posadani (heads of government), the Thousands (heads of the city militia and judge on shopping affairs), the bishop (head of the church, the executive order of the treasury, controlled the foreign policy of the great Novgorod) and others - were replenished from the boyars nobility. At the same time, the highest officials were elected. So, for example, in the second half of the XII century. Novgorod, like no one in the Russian lands, became choosing their spiritual shepherd - Lord (Archbishop of Novgorod).

On this earth earlier than in Europe, reform trends have been manifested in relation to the Church, anticipating European Reformation, and even atheistic moods.

The prince's position was peculiar. He did not have full state power, did not inherit the Novgorod land, but invited only to execute executive and military functions.

Any attempt to intervene in internal affairs inevitably ended with his expulsion (for 200, with a small years, Princes visited 58).

The Rights of the Supreme Authority belonged to the People's Assembly - the eve of extensive powers:

Consideration of the most important issues of internal and foreign policy;

Invitation to Prince and conclusion with him a contract;

Election important for Novgorod trade policy, election of landing, judges on trade affairs, etc.

Along with the citywide evening, Konchansky existed (the city was divided into five districts, and the entire Novgorod land for five regions of Pleas) and the "streets" (uniting residents of the streets) elders. The actual hosts in the evening were 300 "gold belts" - the largest boyars of Novgorod. To the XV century They actually usurp the rights of the people's eve.

6. Kiev Prince

Kiev Principality, who was subjected to danger from nomads, lost its former importance due to the outflow of the population and the fall in the role of the path "from Varyag in the Greeks"; However, still remained a major power. According to the tradition of the princes, they even wondered for Kiev, although his influence on community life was weakened. On the eve of the Mongolian invasion, the authorities of the Galician-Volyn Prince Daniil Romanovich approved in it. In 1299, the Russian Metropolitan transfers his residence in Vladimir-Ok-Klyazma, as if claiming the new ratio of forces within Russia. Mongolian invasion from the East, expansion of the Catholic Church from the West, changes in the world (weakening of Byzantium, etc.) largely determined the nature of the further development of Russian principalities and lands - successors of the Kiev Power.

7. The value of the period of fragmentation in the Russian history

For fragmentation, like any historical phenomenon, there are also positive and negative sides. Let's compare Kievan Rus with the Old Russian principalities in the XII-XIII centuries. Kievskaya Rus is a developed subway and Novgorod, surrounded by slightly populated outskirts. In the XII-XIII centuries. The abyss between the centers and the outskirts disappears. The outskirts turn into independent principalities, which in terms of economic, socio-political and cultural development are superior to Kievan Rus. However, a period of fragmentation has a number of negative phenomena:

1) The crushing process took place. With the exception of the great Novgorod, all the principalities were crushed to the inner diets, the number of which age from the century grew. If by 1132 there existed about 15 of the urgent territories, then at the beginning of the XIII century. The independent principalities and the lotions were already 50, and at the end of the XIII century. - 250.

On the one hand, the resistance of the specific princes and Boyar was constrained by the despotic desire of many senior princes who wanted to submit the lives of entire principalities with their personal ambitious plans. But on the other hand, often the specific princes supported by the specific boyars became defenders of civil workers, they tried to take possession of the older table. Local aristocracy prepared conspiracies, raised methers;

2) endless internecine wars were conducted. Contradictions between senior and younger princes inside one principality, between the princes of independent principalities were often resolved by war. According to calculations, S.M.Solovyev, from 1055 to 1228. In Russia, 93 of the peaceful years had to 80 in which gravestones took place.

Scary were not the battle, but their consequences. The winners burned out and robbed the village and the city, and most importantly - the numerous polons were captured, they turned prisoners to slaves, moved to their lands. So, the grandson of Manaha Izyaslav Kievsky in 1149 led from the Rostov land of his uncle Yuri Dolgoruky 7 thousand.

3) the military potential of the country as a whole weakened. Despite the attempts to convene the princely congresses, which supported a certain order in fragmented Russia and softened civilians, a weakening of the country's military relics took place.

Western Europe relatively painlessly experienced similar due to the lack of strong external aggression. For Russia, on the eve of the Mongolo Tatar invasion, the fall of defense capability turned out to be fatal.


Based on the work done, we analyzed the reasons and factors of fragmentation of ancient Russia, saw that it entailed to create the formation of new state centers, conducted an overview of the largest of these centers and considered the significance of this period in the history of Russia.

This period was an important prerequisite for the formation of a single and holistic state.

Feudal fragmentation in Russia was a natural outcome of the economic and political development of the early refortional society. Folding in the ancient Russian state of large land tenure - Votchin - in the conditions of the domination of the natural economy, inevitably made them quite independent production complexes, the economic ties of which were limited to the nearest county.

The process of occurrence of feudal fragmentation was objectively inevitable. He gave the opportunity to a stronger statement in Russia of the developing system of feudal relations. From this point of view, we can talk about the historical progressiveness of this stage of Russian history, as part of the development of economics and culture.


1. Kirillov V.V. History of Russia: studies. Handbook for universities - M.: Yurait, 2007.

2. Kulikov V.I. History of public administration in Russia: studies. For universities - M.: Mastery, 2001.

3. Derevko A.P., Shabelnikova N.A. History of Russia: studies. Manual - M.: Prospekt, 2007.

4. Orlov A.S., Georgiev V.A., Georgiev N.G., Sivokhina TA History of Russia: Tutorial - M.: Prospekt, 2001.

5. Field P.N. History of Russia - M.: AST Moscow, 2006.

Faodal fragmentation in Russia was a lawthe result of the economic and political development of earlyfeudal society.

Folding in the ancient Russian state of largelessions - Votchin - in the conditions of domination of naturalthe farms inevitably made them quite independent production complexes, economic relations tothings were limited to the nearest county. Existingtrading and handicraft needs could be metin rapidly developing local economic and politicscounty centers. Rise productive forces onthe places caused an increase in the number of cities and the urban population, including those cities that were not played earliereconomic role.

An early refortion society of the times of Kiev Rusinherent inevitable social contradictions between faith hami and Nizami. Forming Class of Feudal Earththe owners sought to establish various forms of economic and legal dependence of the agricultural population. BUT B.XI - XIII explosive The experienced class antagonisms were mainly local in nature for permission quite enough forces of local authorities, and they did not requirenationwide intervention. These Terms of Businesswhether large landowners - a boyars-markers almost gendereconomically independent of centrally. Local boyars did not see the need to share its incomes with the Great Kiev Prince and actively supported the ruler for the economic and political independence of the rulers of individual principalities.

Externally, the collapse of Kievan Rus looked like a section of the territory of Kievan Russia between various members of the resulting princely family. According to the current tradition, local thrones occupied, as a rule, only the descendants of the house of Rüric.

The process of occurrence of feudal fragmentation was objectively inevitable. He gave the opportunity to a stronger statement in Russia of the developing system of feudal relations. From this point of view, we can talk about the historical progressiveness of this stage of Russian history, within which the further development of the economy and culture passed. The disintegration of the former single power also had a number of negative consequences, the main of which was the strengthening of the vulnerability of Russian lands from the external danger, especially in the conditions of the possible appearance of a strong opponent.

Signs of political fragmentation of Kievan Rus appeared, as mentioned above, soon after the death of Yaroslav Wise in 1054. The struggle between the descendants of Yaroslav, who entered the support of local boyars, led to the emergence of a system of academic princely possessions recognized Lubache Congress Princesin 1097 (inheritance according to the rule, "everyone is holding his post").

For some time, with the princes of Vladimir Monomakh and his son Mstislava, Kiev as a community center again raised Great. These princes managed to repel the intensive danger of the invasion of the nomads-Polovtsy. After the death of Mustlava, instead of a single power, about one and a half dozen independent land appeared: Galitskaya, Polotsk, Chernigov, Rostov-Suzdal, Novgorod, Smolenskaya, and others. The process of economic separation and political crushing was repeated inside these lands, almost every of them in turn turned into System of small and semi-dependent feudal principalities. Faodal fragmentation of Russia existed to the endXV in. When most of the territory of the United Kingdom of the Power entered the Moscow state.

2. The largest land of Russia in the era of feudal fragmentation

The largest lands of the era of feudal fragmentation, who played a leading role in the fate of Russia, were Vladimir-Suzdalski (Rostov-Suzdal) and the Galician-Volyn Principality of the Novgorod feudal republic.

Vladimir-Suzdal Earth

Vladimir-Suzdal Land occupied the Okey and Volga interfluid. Ancientthe inhabitants of this wooded edge were the slateshiman and Finno-Ugric tribes, some of which was subsequently assimilated by the Slavs. The favorable effect on the economic growth of this zalessky land was rendered withXI in. The colonization influx of the Slavic population, especially, from the south of Russia, under the influence of a Polovtsian threat. The most important occupation of the population of this part of Russia was agriculture, which was conducted on the blessed exits of the chernozem among forests (so-called oplation). Crafts played a prominent role in the lives of the region and associated with Volzhsky trading. The most ancient cities of the principality were Rostov, Suzdal and Murom, from the middleXII. in. Vladimir-on-Klyazma became the capital of the principality.

The beginning of the establishment of independence of the Rostov-Suzdal Earth occurred on the board of one of the younger sons of Vladimir Monomakh - Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgorukov, who made Suzdal with his capital. Conducting an active policy in the interests of his principality, the prince sought to rely on local boyars, urban and church circles. Under Yuri, the Dolgoruk was founded by a number of new cities, including for the first time under 1147 Moscow is mentioned in the chronicles.

Owning Rostov-Suzdal Earth, Yuri Dolgoruky constantly tried to capture the Kiev throne in his hands. At the end of his life he managed to master Kiev, but he did not use the support of the local population.

The eldest son of Yuriy Dolgoruky Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky (1157-1174) was born and grew up in the north and his main support was considered his native land. Having received from Yuri Dolgoruky Management in Vyshgorod (near Kiev), while the father of Father Andrei Bogolyubsky left him and went to Rostov with his surroundings. According to legend, together with him, an unknown by the Byzantine master came to Rostov-Suzdal EarthXII. in. The icon of Our Lady, subsequently becoming one of the most revered Icons of Russia ("Virgin Vladimir").

After approved after the death of the father on the throne, Andrei Bogolyubsky suffered his capital from Rostov in Vladimir-on-Klyazemma. To strengthen and decorate its capital, he did not regret funds. In an effort to keep Kiev, Andrei Bogolyubsky preferred to be in Vladimir, from where he conducted an energetic policy to strengthen the strong princely power. Brutal and powerful politician, Andrei Bogolyubsky relied on the "younger squad"

(serve people), urban population, especially, the new capital of Vladimir, and in part on church circles. Cool and often the self-abilities of the prince caused discontent in the circle of large landowners-boyars. As a result of a conspiracy, the name and representatives of the nearest environment of the prince there was a conspiracy, and in 1174 Andrei Yuryevich was killed in his residence Bogolyubov (near Vladimir).

After the death of Andrey Bogolyubsky, his younger brother - Vsevolod Yuryevich turned out to be in the throne - Vsevolod Yuryevich, who finally secured the status of the main prince of the capital for Vladimir-on-Klyazma. The rule of Vsevolod is a large nest (1176-1212) was a period of the highest political power of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. Under the control of Vsevolod, Yuryevich was Novgorod the Great, in constant dependence on the Vladimir Prince turned out to be Muromo-Ryazan land. Vsevolod, a large nest significantly influenced the state of affairs in the southern Russian lands and at the endXII - early XIII explosive Was the strongest Russian prince. However, after the death of Vsevolod, a large nest between his many sons broke out the struggle for power, the expression of the development of the process of feudal fragmentation, already within the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality itself.

Galician-Volyn Principality

The territory of the Galico-Volyn land extended from the Carpathians to Polesia, capturing the flow of the Dniester rivers, the rod, the Western and South Bug, Pripyat. The natural conditions of the principality favored the development of agriculture in river valleys, in the foothills of the Carpathians - the extraction of salt and the mining. An important place in the life of the region was played by trading with other countries, which were of great importance in which the cities of Galich, Mozlyl, Vladimir-Volynsky.

A vigorous local boyars played an active role in the life of the principality, in constant struggle with which the princely power tried to establish control over the state of affairs in their lands. The constant impact on the processes occurring in the Galician-Volyn Earth, provided the policies of Poland's neighboring states and Hungary, where for help or in order to find shelters turned both princes and representatives of the Boyar groupings.

The elevation of the Galician principality began in the second halfXII. in. With Prince Yaroslava Orel (1152-1187). After the troubles started with his death, the Volyn Prince Roman Mustlavich, which, in 1199, united the Galic land and most of the Volyn Earth as part of one principality. Leading a fierce fighting with local boyars, Roman Mstislavich tried to subordinate other lands of South Rus.

After death in 1205, the eldest son Daniel (1205-1264), who was then only four years later, became his heir. A long period of civilians began, during which, to divide Galicia and Volyn to Poland and Hungary. Only in 1238, shortly before the invasion of Batya, Daniel Romanovich managed to establish himself in Galich. After the conquest of Russia, Mongol-Tatars, Daniel Romanovich was in vassal dependence on the Golden Horde. However, Galitsky Prince, who had large diplomatic dating, skillfully used the contradiction between the Mongolian state and the Western European countries.

The Golden Horde was interested in preserving the Galician principality as an agonation from the West. In turn, the Vatican hoped with the assistance of Daniel Romanovich to subjugate the Russian church and promised support in the fight against the Golden Horde and even the Royal Title. In 1253 (according to other data in 1255), Daniel Romanovich was crowned, but Catholicism did not accept real support from Rome to fight the Tatars did not receive.

After the death of Daniel Romanovich, his successors could not resist the decay of the Galician-Volyn Principality. To middleXIV in. Volyn was captured by Lithuania, and Galician land - Poland.

Novgorod land

Novgorod land from the very beginning of the history of Russia played a specialrole. The most important feature of this land was that the traditional exercise for the Slavs agriculture, with the exception of the cultivation of flax and cannabis, did not give much income here. The main source of enrichment of the largest land owners of Novgorod - Boyar was a profit from the sale of products of fisheries - Bortfish, hunting on the fur and marine beast.

Along with ancient times, representatives of the Finno-Ugric and Baltic tribes were part of the population of the Novgorod Land here. INXI - XII. explosive Novgorods have mastered the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland and kept entering the Baltic Sea in their hands, from the beginningXIII. in. The Novgorod border in the West went through the lines of the miracle and Pskov lakes. Important for Novgorod had to join the extensive territory of Pomerania from the Kola Peninsula to the Urals. Novgorod sea and forest fishery brought huge wealth.

Novgorod trade connections with neighbors, especially with the Baltic Basin Countries, Stopped MidXII. in. Fur, fasteners, fat, flax, etc. were exported to West from Novgorod, Leng, and Ave., weapons, metals, etc.

But despite the size of the territory of the Novgorod land, it was distinguished by a low level of population density, the number of cities is relatively small compared to other Russian lands. All cities, except for the "younger brother" Pskov (grabily since 1268), was noticeably inferior in the number of residents and their importance to the main city of Russian medieval north - Mr. Great Novgorod.

The economic growth of Novgorod prepared the necessary conditions for its political separation into an independent feudal boyar republic in 1136. Over the princes in Novgorod remained exclusively service functions. The princes performed in Novgorod as military leaders, their actions were under the constant control of the Novgorod authorities. The right of princes on the court was limited, the purchase of land in Novgorod is prohibited, the revenues received by them from certain possessions are strictly fixed. From the middleXII. in. Novgorod prince formally considered the Grand Prince Vladimirsky, but until the middleXV in. He did not have the opportunity to really influence the state of affairs in Novgorod.

The highest authority of Novgorod was vechethe real power focused in the hands of Novgorod boyarism. Three or four dozen Novgorod boyar surnames kept in their hands more than half of the private owners of the Republic and, skillfully using the patriarchacial-democratic traditions of Novgorod Starne in their own interests, did not produce power from their control over the richest land of Russian Middle Ages.

From the environment and under the control of the boyars, elected posts ployman(heads of urban control) and thousands(heads of militia). Under the boyar influence there was a replacement of the post of chapter of the church - archbishop.In the jurisdiction of Archbishop, there was a treasury of the republic, the external relations of Novgorod, the court's right, etc. The city was divided into 3 (later than 5) parts - "ends", traveled representatives of which, along with a boyar, took a noticeable participation in the management of Novgorod Earth.

For the socio-political history of Novgorod, private urban uprisings are characterized (1136, 1207, 1228-29, 1270). However, these movements, as a rule, did not lead to fundamental changes in the system of republic. In most cases, social tension in Novgorod skillfully

used in their struggle for the authorities, representatives of rival boyars groupings, who were argued with their political opponents with their political opponents.

The historically established isolation of Novgorod from other Russian lands had important political consequences. Novgorod reluctantly participated in the community affairs, in particular, the payment of Dani Mongolam. The richest and largest land of the Russian Middle Ages, Novgorod, could not become a potential center for the association of Russian lands. The ruling Boyarskaya to know in the republic was striving for the protection of "antiquities", to prevent any changes in the current ratio of political forces within the Novogorod society.

Strengthening from the beginningXV in. in Novgorod tendency to oligarchythose. The usurpation of power is exclusively by a disaster, played a fateful role in the fate of the republic. In the conditions of a strengthened from the middleXV in. Moscow's offensive in Novgorod independence is a significant part of the Novgorod society, including the agricultural and trading elite that does not belong to the boyars, or transferred to the side of Moscow, or took the position of passive non-interference.

3. Culture

The era of feudal fragmentation was the time for the further development of ancient Russian culture. The general traditions and principles that have developed during the existence of a single state continued to be maintained and developed. Along with this, the process of forming local art schools in literature, architecture and painting was in various lands and principalities.

The most important cultural center of RussiaXII - early XIII explosive I became Vladimir-Suzdal Earth. The rulers of this land did not regret the forces and funds for the construction of religious and secular structures. White Vladimir Temples - Assumption and Dmitrievsky, Church of Pokrov-on-Nerley, the magnificent Cathedrals of Suzdal, Yuryev-Polish became samples for other Russian lands.

In the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, the goal of the creation of majestic, monumental structures, expressing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe power of the Prince of Power. Other tasks stood before masters in Novgorod Earth. The Novgorod elite, the money of which was built churches in this part of Russia, preferred more modest in the appearance of temples and chapels. In contrast to the strict simplicity of the outer walls of Novgorod churches, the inside of the temple was covered with a multicolor fresco painting.

A high level of development during this period of Russian history reaches craft. Magnificent products are widely known in the quality of Russian gunsmiths, colts, glass windows, weales. The outstanding phenomenon of the skill of Russian medieval jewelers was the products made in the style of the famous Kiev cloisonel enamel.

The most famous literary monument of RussiaXII. in. The famous "Word about the regiment of Igor" is rightly considered, whose content is imbued with the consciousness of the need for the unity of the Russian Earth, the cessation of fratricide strip and civil engineering. It should also be mentioned about the "mission of Daniel Sharpening" - an essay on the moral and ethical themes created in the 20-30s.XIII. in. in Suzdal Earth. An important genre of literature continued to remain the lords.

The era of feudal fragmentation was the time of the further economic and cultural development of Russian lands. By topXIII. In., according to historians, we can talk about folding in Eastern Europe as an important ethnocultural whole ancient Russian nation. However, Russian land was not reliably protected from severe intervention from the outside. If Russian principalitys are more or less successfully opposed to Polovtsy nomads in the south and crusaders in the West, they were completely not ready to repulse fucked from the eastXIII. in. The troops of Genghis Khan and his heirs.

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