How to shake lime: secrets of uniform painting. Blood Wall Lime Wall Teacions

Reservoirs 23.06.2020

The plains of the ceiling and walls are one of the best ways to make these surfaces look clean, carefully and neat. But first it is necessary to prepare a stream and walls to whitewash, and then you have to beat, while choosing the best way.

Preparation of the surface of the ceiling (walls) for whitewash do it yourself

Before the origin, of course, it is necessary to prepare the surface to further work. For example, you wanted to use a lime blotch, and your ceiling or walls are covered with chalk, in which case it will be logical first to remove the old chalk blame and only then apply lime.

How correctly wash the old whitewash from the ceiling? First of all, it is necessary to moisten the entire surface of the ceiling with water, and then with the help of a rubber and spatula, clean and wash off whitening soapy water.

If there is a desire only slightly update the ceiling. those. Make the repair of the whitewashed ceiling, then first carefully view the entire ceiling for cracks, and then with a spatula, you can be sealed with spacure based on cement.

The seams of the ceiling need to be punctured by a special, similar to the grid, ribbon, and then scream. When the ceiling is driving, it must be treated with sandpaper. Next again we apply primer, and after drying it (after 24 hours) you can proceed directly to the whitewash.

What is better to bother the ceiling?

Currently, two main types of environmentally friendly materials for whitewashing ceiling and walls are used - this is chalk and lime.

Operatoes ceiling lime

Lime has an advantage, it has bactericidal properties, and also has the ability to tighten the gap, as if closing them.

Poles the ceiling chalk

At the same time, some people have lime can cause allergic reactions, then in this case, of course, it is better to use a chalk, which gives an excellent white color when parsing (although the lime is no worse).

Please note that if earlier the ceiling whitening was made of lime, it is recommended and subsequently use it so that there are no ugly divorces and stains.

Preparation of a solution for plating a ceiling chalk

The grinding solution is preparing for 5 liters. Water add 30 gr. joinery glue, 15 gr. Sinky (for giving a solo white) and 3 kg of chalk. The cooked solution is enough for 10 sq.m.

You can check the consistency of the solution using a knife. If the solution flows freely on the knife, it means that the solution has insufficient viscosity. Then it is necessary to add a chalk still there, but gradually, in small portions, so that the solution is not turned out too thick.

Preparing a solution for plating ceiling Lime

The solution for limeplains is preparing like this: in one liter of water stir 2-3 kg of lime, add 100 gr. Salt, 200 gr. Aluminum Komasans. Mix thoroughly, and then dilute with warm water (up to 10 liters). If you want to change the shade, you can add 200-500 ml of dye.

When paving leverage surfaces must be moistened, then the lime falls at exactly, not leaving the divorces.

How to determine what the ceiling or walls before the repair

Sometimes we do not know than previously the walls or ceiling were whiten, in this case it can be easily checked. Welcomeing any section with water if the whitewas was lime, then the wet surface will darken and if it is lost this place with your finger, it will not be painted.

How to perform the plain ceiling (walls) with your own hands

Use with whitewash an auxiliary tools: brush, roller or vacuum cleaner. It is easiest to operate with a roller, and the surface is white and smooth (for the brush and the vacuum cleaner you still need experience).

Before starting work, it is necessary to thoroughly stir the solution, and then put the blade with a roller at least two times. The first layer should be given to dry, and then apply a repeated layer.

One of the fastest and efficient ways to whiten is the use of a vacuum cleaner that is almost in every home.

For proper bliss, the vacuum cleaner is needed, which must "be able to" blow air, and not blow (not all models have such a function), and among the nozzles it should have a special polyethylene cover with a set of tubular.

This cover should be put on a liter or one and a half-liter jar, and all this is connected to the blowing hole in the vacuum cleaner.

The air under pressure will go through the hose, fall into the sprayer, tightening the mixture from the can, pulling through the tube and spraying the solution over the surface.

The supply of the solution is regulated using another opening that closes with a finger.

In order for the whirlwinds evenly, you need to make smooth circular movements. The spray nozzle must be about 80-100 cm from the surface. You can repeat the procedure several times to achieve an optimal result.

Observe the elementary safety rules when paving the ceiling (walls) with your own hands

During whitewashing the ceiling or walls, you need to get dressed in protective clothing and use security measures: on the face - bandage, eye - protective glasses, on hand - rubber gloves.

If you want the ceilings for many years to please you with your cleanliness and whiteness, you can safely begin whitening the walls and the ceilings with your own hands, taking into service this instruction!

The whitewashes are the most elementary of all finishing work and the perfect version of the refreshment of the room. However, this type of processing is used infrequent today. When you have decided to refresh your home, it is overgrown with the ceiling, it is important to figure out how to do it right. Today we will tell you what ways to whiten there are and how to repair on their own forces promptly and efficiently.

Preparation of the ceiling to whitewash

Before work, you must prepare the room: Remove excess furniture or cover it with polyethylene, remove the lamps, chandeliers, eaves, prepare tools and accessories.

Removal of old bliss

To apply fresh whitewash, it is necessary to remove the old coating first. The most affordable way is to wash it off with water. For this, wet a small ceiling section using a brush, roller or sprayer. When the former layer is swelling, it is scraped by a spatula, a shovel or scraper. This manipulation is carried out throughout the ceiling area.

Important! To enhance the effect of removing the water, some lemon or acetic acid can be added.

The former layer of Belil can be quickly removed using a grinding machine. However, in this case, the eyes and respiratory organs from dust should be protected.

Elimination of traces of mud

After the painting layer has served, the ceiling carefully examine the presence of rust spots, mold, fat and other contaminants.

Rusty traces and drips can be washed off by a suspension of copper mood. Conventional spots are simply flushed with water, and soot is clean with hydrochloric acid solution (3%).

Fat is cleaned with soda soda dissolved in warm water.

Alignment process

Cleaning from stains and former blots are important in front of the refreshment process itselfBut so that Belil is easily repaired, the repair of the entire ceiling should be repaired, chucking the cracks and other flaws with a putty on the basis of cement.

Ceiling junctions are sampled by a special ribbon and after putty. When the ceiling will dry, the places of putty are treated with sandpaper and apply a primer. Only after it is burned (not earlier than in a day) proceed to work.

Did you know? W. from liva "Repair" - French roots, B Initially, it was related to the equestrian units of the army. "Repair" meant to replace old horses to young people.

Choosing bliss

Coverage can be covered with several options: chalk and lime. Both materials are environmentally friendly, but each of them has their own positive moments and cons.

a piece of chalk

This material is suitable for those who put the goal to reach the maximum ceiling white depth. Grinding construction chalk responds to all sanitary and hygienic standards, it does not cause allergies and is ideal for processing both residential and auxiliary premises and an entrance hall.

Among the flaws of the chalk solution, it is worth noting that over time, he gradually crept on, leaving indoors of extra dust. In addition, such a whitewash is not waterproof and is absolutely not suitable for finishing works in the bathroom and indoors with high humidity.

Important! If the ceiling was originally covered with lime, it is not recommended to handle it with chalk, because there may be divorces further on the surface, which will seriously ruin the appearance.


This material has high bactericidal quality, Good resistance to moisture and quite well masks minor surface defects.

However, when finishing, the bedrooms and especially the children's room should consider the individual reaction of residents to hated lime. It can cause allergies.

Tool preparation

A qualitative and evenly ceiling can be covered with sprinkler, roller or brush. Beginner masters should not be used as a paintopult, because there is a danger to spat the walls. It is better to give preference to brush mellitz.

It must be made of organic materials with a pile not shorter 15 cm. Before finishing, in a few hours, the brush is soaked in water so that it becomes softer and stronger. Plus such a tool - the whims from it is easily washed off.

The roller is also not bad for beginners. It allows you to qualitatively and quickly conduct a finishing work. By purchasing a roller, you should take care of the pallet in which the whots will be poured.

Did you know? For gluing stones when building a Great Wall, a solution was used, mixed on a pot of rice.

If you already have skills in the applix of the solution or the surface area is quite large, it is better to use the paint, vacuum cleaner or garden sprayer.

Process bliss

So, the material is selected, the ceiling is harvested, you can start the coating process itself.

Preparation of solution

Based on the material selected, the specificity of the preparation of the solution is different.

On the basis of chalk

To prepare the chalk solution, you will need (for 10 square meters. M surface):

  • 5 l warm water;
  • 30 g of glue (joiner or PVA);
  • 2.5-3 kg of chalk;
  • 15-20 g Sinky (used to prevent yellow spots).
The glue dissolves in the water, then the chalk is added and the blue is covered at the end. Everything is mixed and the thickness of the mixture is checked. To do this, you can take a knife or any metal object. It is lowered into the mixture and get. If the liquid flows completely without traces, then the mixture is too liquid and you need to add chalk.

The consistency of the chalk mixture should be so that it does not flow without a trace from the subject.

Important! In order not to rearrange with the number of chalk, it is added with minor portions, reaching the necessary consistency.

Based on lime

For lime billets, you will need:

  • lime - 2.5-3 kg;
  • food salt - 70-100 g;
  • aluminum alums - 150-200 g;
  • water.
Lime, pre-closed salt, alum and stirred in the bulk container. Further add warm water to get 10 liters of the mixture. If you wish, you can add dyes (not more than 450-500 g).

Video: Cooking blots for walls

Methods for applying a ceiling solution

There are three main ways to whiten the ceiling. All of them are easy by the method of execution, but some nuances should be considered.


The easiest and most popular way to impose a pavement for small areas - McList. Foaming brushes into a container with her whites, it makes W-shaped gestures on the surface, putting the layer in this way.

When applied with a solution, the maclove should be remembered that the first level is superimposed from the window, and the second is the opposite so that there are no traces from the brush.


If you paint the painting with this tool, then the whitening will fall smoothly, no divorce and plaques at the same time. To achieve the desired effect, the solution will have to be applied in two layers. The second layer is applied after the first will dry.

Only one roller will not be enough. Additionally, you will need a container for a solution, any object for stirring and a special lalar tray. In addition, you will have to stock brush to cover the ceiling at the joints - the roller make it will not succeed.

The main advantages of the roller:

  • marketing material is saved;
  • the coating comes with a smooth layer, without flushing and divorces;
  • there is no bristle left;
  • if the roller is equipped with a long handle, the stepladder is not needed;
  • high performance on extensive squares.


You can apply bliss and spray (sprinkler) or vacuum cleaner (if there is a special nozzle). If you hold the procedure correctly, it will be a good result.

The device works in this way: Under pressure, the air falls into the paintopult, takes the necessary amount of bleel and splashes them together with air.

To adjust the supply of paint, there is a special hole on the sprayer, when closing and opening which the intensity of the jet is adjusted.

Before starting painting, the solution is thoroughly stirred, overflow into the container and closed.

Important! Capacity must be moisturized. This ensures a better adhesion of the mixture with a surface.

Applying a whitewash on the ceiling, be sure to follow the surface, trying to prevent the appearance of the drops that after lead to the divorce.

To evenly apply the paint, it is sprayed with circular motions. At the same time, the paintopult must be kept at a distance of 70-100 cm from the surface.

For a better performance, you will need to apply 2-4 layers, which will allow to hide small defects.

Technology of applying solution

Whatever way to whiten you choose, there are general rules for the work:

  • During drying, strokes and open sunlight should be avoided. Otherwise, the risk is the risk that the paint will turn.
  • The lime solution is better to apply on a moistened ceiling. Then the whitening will be better and will not leave the divorces.
  • Do not hurry. Layers need to be applied with smooth circles.
  • Despite the chosen method of finishing, at first it is necessary to walk with a brush in the places of joints and in all corners, but only then begin to the main work.
  • Do not make the composition too thick - the consistency should resemble fresh sour cream. Otherwise, the paint will not fall uniformly.
  • For a homogeneous layer, all components are filtering, freeing the solution from excess garbage and lumps.
  • Apply no less than two layers, observing each technological break between each technological break. So you can achieve uniform whitewash.
  • Previous whitewash preferably remove completely. Then the chances of the absence of divorces and stains will increase.
  • Overalls between layers must be 4-5 cm. This will allow you to escape from unpainted areas.

Did you know? The chalk is one of the components of the earth's crust. The percentage of its content in it is 4%. And more than 20% of sedimentary rocks are at all made of chalk and limestone.


Compliance with safety equipment is required with all types of repair work. And the whitewash is no exception. First of all, the body, eyes and respiratory organs should be secure. Therefore, the finish must be performed in protective glasses, the respirator (you can replace moistened in water with gauze bandage), gloves, slaves and overalls (perfect option - overalls).

As you can see, the whots are sought with your own hands, decided to refresh his housing. Observing the above rules, even the newcomer will be able to finish the ceiling is almost perfect.

Pokes - not too common wall decoration in our time, but still used.

The reason is not only in the cheapness of the materials, but also in the ability to put in order room, without using formed power, as it is possible to learn the lime walls from the first time during the work. The main thing is to prepare the surface of the walls under the trim and make a whimpering for a good recipe.

Why to beat better lime

Blooming inside the houses before either from the chalk, or from the lime. Cretaceous Pokes has visual advantages - the color of the walls is clean - absolutely white or with a shade, if the dye added to the ground. In addition, the chalk packers fall on the walls a sufficiently dense layer - to bother without divorces, properly, traces of the brush is not difficult.

But the whirlwinds lime wins in the fact that it is antibacterial and insecticidal coating. With its help from mold, fungi, insects.

Preparation of surfaces for lime blotch

Walls and ceiling clean from old finishes and contaminants. If the walls were previously whiten, wash off the old layer. We remove the wall defects, chip-cracks close in putty, and then sand.

Breast surface. It is necessary that the liquid whirlwinds will absorb themselves in them, formed a dense, well-holding layer. The usual primer is essentially a glue composition.

Lime we use a hawker - a paste or prepare from the poodion powder

How to cook the primer under the whiteling lime

You can purchase a finished primer composition or prepare it yourself.

We stir the haired lime in warm tap water (water - half of the portion).

Suck in liquid salt (large, stone).


Add the remaining water.

Separately mix-rub the small amount of joinery glue and sifted mela powder. Must get Cashier, similar to cream.

Dissolve the chalk-adhesive mass in liquid with lime.


The primer is ready.

The proportions of ingredients for the preparation of primer:

  1. lime hawed (paste) - 5 kg;
  2. water - 20 l;
  3. salt - 200-250 g;
  4. mel - 400 g
  5. clay joiner - about 200 g (focus, adding in chalk in parts).

Clay carpentry in granules can be prepared with the addition of water in a water bath.

Instead of the joiner's glue into the primer under the limescale, you can add pva carpentry glue. Sometimes a strong soap solution is added to it (rubbed a piece of the household soap on the grater and dissolve the chips in hot water). But the primer with soap is weaker than that in which carbon black is present - the whitening can be stuck and crumble.

Lime whitewings can be made by brushes
If you use a picking roller, the surface will be more accurate, smooth

How to cook lime whitewash

Golded lime put in a bucket, pour warm water, stirring.

To get white color whitewings, add a good blue in the liquid. For this, the powder is pre-bred in water, and then poured into a bucket with lime.

To give a choir strength of the strength (so that the walls do not pack clothes, etc.), add dissolved soap and joiner adhesive to the finished mass.

Ingredient proportions:

  1. lime harated - 4-5 kg;
  2. water - 7 l;
  3. xinka - 15-17 g;
  4. soap economic - 60-70 g.
  5. glue joiner - 50-60 g.

The process of plating walls by lime is simple: arm yourself with a roller or brush and apply on the surface of 2 layers, withstanding the drying time between them.

The process of blissing walls lime

If there is a paintopult, it will significantly speed up the case, and will give a more flattened coating. The correct packers of the lime walls also assumes the regular mixing of the fluid in the container, since its particles are quickly settled.

Functions and scope of lime in repair

Lime is not the easiest to use the material. However, its niche in the market of building materials it takes pretty firmly and very reluctating positions. Given all the advantages and disadvantages, in certain cases, the use of limeplains is appropriate, and sometimes it is more appropriate to choose another way.

Important properties of lime blots

Everyone known since school bench lime in chemistry textbooks is called calcium oxide. For whitewash, it is used to lime hawed, that is, reacted with water. If you say a chemical language, harated lime is a strong base - alkali. It has good disinfectant properties, because the aggressive alkaline environment has a detrimental effect on fungus, pest insects and other unwanted liveliness.

Lime-made whitewashing is not afraid of wet air, does not crack and does not be covered with bubbles. In addition to resistance to high humidity, the walls treated with this substance have resistance to temperature differences.

For whitames it is not necessary to wash off the existing coating, it can be applied to the old finish. Moreover, if a mesh of small cracks was formed on the surface of the wall or ceiling, the treatment with a solution of hazed lime would strengthen the finish and extends its service life.

The cost of lime for blissing in stores does not compare with the price of other finishing materials. This is due to the fact that the production process is very simple - this is an elementary firing of lime rocks in the furnace. The raw material is a penny, therefore the price of the product is low. The thirty-tilogram bag costs about $ 2.

Where and why it is advisable to use lime

The properties of the antiseptic and fungicide make the lime of the leader among the finishing materials for raw and cold premises: cellar, shed, garage, basement and them like. It is used for walls and ceilings. The weather resistance of the substance allows it to be used for plain facades.

Recordsmen on the use of lime for blissing and other tasks - dackets. Here it is applied in full swing. It is accepted to break the walls both from the inside and outside, add a delayed lime into the soil to change its acid-alkaline balance, process the trunks of trees to protect against insects and animals, borders - for beauty.

In those rooms, where practicality comes to the fore, and not aesthetics, and also matters the financial side of the issue, also apply the solution of lime to cover walls and ceilings. It can be observed in the entrances, on the staircases, in common corridors, lobby.

It is quite appropriate to bother the ceiling in any residential room. In schools, hospitals and other institutions still applies a lime solution for wall decoration. After drying, the calcium hydroxide becomes safe, does not emit any harmful substances into the air.

Buying lime - what to take and how much

Before going to the store, you need to find out what lime to buy - hated or smashed, how much it is required and what other components will be needed. It will save from a repeated trip to the Stroymarket, if suddenly the solution will be not enough or its properties will not meet your requirements.

How to cook hated lime with your own hands

As you already understood, harated and smaller lime are absolutely different substances that combine only the consonant name and the presence of calcium. For household repairs, it is used to hated lime. It is sold for a swim in any construction store or an agricultural department.

However, there are often the situation when the farm has a fairly large stock of negoneary lime and it is advisable to use it, and not buy a hawker. In this case, it can be independently repayable, especially this chemical process does not require the skills of conducting such experiments in the laboratory.

So, how to cook lime for whitewashing from a closure of a lump "boiler". First you need to worry about personal protection. As you will deal with a rather aggressive alkali, take care of eye protection (glasses), respiratory organs (respirator), open skin (closed clothes and gloves). Do it you need in the air.

Video: how to make a solution for whitewash

You will need a deep container, such as a bucket and tool for mixing - by tradition - a stick. The list of ingredients is also short:

  • lime commercials Negarent;
  • water.

Water should be cold, this is the only condition. The proportion will remember even the first grader - 1: 1.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. By 1 kg of calcium oxide take 1 l cold water.
  2. All this is connected in the tank and mix. Almost instantly you can observe the beginning of a powerful chemical reaction with the allocation of a large amount of heat. When the mixture, the mixture sometimes heats up to 150 degrees, not in vain the substance in the people was called a boiler - the solution literally boils.
  3. When the reaction stops, heat and gas will stop stand out, the lime can be considered "Pushonka", that is, hawed. However, it is not suitable for blissing.
  4. The solution must be carried out for 2-3 weeks under the lid in a dark cool place.

Solution proportions and square

To proceed to whitening lime with your own hands, you need to prepare at least such a set of materials:

  • pushonka in powder or lime paste;
  • water.

In addition, all sorts of excipients are often added to the whims, which gives it certain properties. The basic solution is prepared in proportion of 1: 3. Each kilogram of fluffs take 3 liters of water. As a result, 4 liters of solutions can be prepared from 1 kg of substance.

The lime consumption of 1 m 2 when parsing directly depends on the type of surface to which it is applied:

  • The biggest flow rate is about 1 l of a ready-made solution to a square, will leave when packed with raw brickwork.
  • A smooth prepared surface involves about 0.5 liters per square meter of the square.

Another criterion that is reflected in the consumption is a paint tool. More often use a conventional flat brush or round - maclove. These tools are uneconomical, the mass is applied with a thick layer, droplets and drops can be formed. The spray gun allows you to significantly reduce the consumption of the material and the time of operation. Often, instead of the collapral, the vacuum cleaner with the reverse blowing and even manual sprayers for trees are adjusted.

How to calculate the amount of puffs and water

Before breeding a delayed lime for whitewash, you need to perform some calculations. The approximate calculation of the flow is as follows.

First you need to calculate the walls of the walls and the ceiling that it is planned to be bold. For example: room 3 at 5 m, the ceiling height is 2.5 m. It was decided to treat the ceiling with a lime pavement and a part of the walls from the middle of the height to the ceiling.

Wall area: (3 * 2.5 + 5 * 2.5 + 3 * 2.5 + 5 * 2.5) / 2 \u003d 20 m 2.

Ceiling area: 3 * 5 \u003d 15 m 2.

Total area: 35 m 2.

Based on the average flow rate of 1 l of a solution of 2 m 2 of the surface, it is easy to calculate the required amount for a whitewash - 17.5 l of a survey solution. You can round up to 18, and better - up to 20, because the average consumption is a flexible concept.

That is, 20 liters of mortar takes, and this is 5 kg of harated lime in powder. It is worth noting that the finished limestone dough that is sold in construction stores is divorced by the same proportion, which means the calculation is true for him.

Additives to increase durability and flaws

Since lime is applied in construction for a very long time, there are a lot of "folk recipes" and methods that improve the properties of this substance. Still, modern water-making paints appeared not so long ago, and the folk craftsmen were forced to engage in chemistry right at their cottage or at home.

The first problem that is solved by adding the secret ingredient to the limestone solution - neaming. The dried surface has a taste of all and everyone who touches it. What to add to lime to not grip? This ingredient is in every home - a cook salt. It has a good fastening effect. 100 g of salts are added per liter of the solution.

Another problem, especially when using spins for outdoor work, is a rapid washout with water. It has long been known that adding to lime in order not to be washed off - the fat component is introduced into it - Olif. Olife pushes water and allows the whitewash to serve longer. Proportion 1:10, 100 ml per liter of solution.

Practice the addition of household soap, grated on a large grater, PVA glue, wallpaper glue, acrylic primer. All this is done in order to ensure the maximum clutch of whitewings with the wall, eliminate its bloating and bubble.

White color is not the only possible

In order for the lime coating is not yellowish, an ordinary sink is added to it - methylene blue. It will take 10-20 g per liter. The whitewashed ceiling will become snow-white. But sometimes there is a need to obtain a lime solution of other colors. You can't call this mass by whitewash, and not every dye is suitable. Using only those pigments that are resistant to alkaline medium - mineral, but in no case are not organic.

Pigments that are used for limestone colors:

  • ocher (yellow shade);
  • umbra (greenish-brown);
  • surik (orange);
  • mummy (red-brown);
  • chromium oxide (green);
  • titanium dioxide (white);
  • lithopon (white);
  • ultramarine (blue).

To prepare any good quality paints, it is not recommended to add a pigment in pure form - powder. It is pre-bred by water until the pasta is obtained. Then pigment paste gives about 24 hours. And only after that, the dye can be added to the solution. This is caused by the fact that pigment grains are often poorly dissolved and can reach for a brush, forming ugly colored stripes.

How to apply the composition to the surface in all the rules

Instructions, how to bother lime walls, look very diverse. The thing is that each master has a limestone recipe, its own tool, which means its own technique. But you can try to combine the fundamental moments into one algorithm. It turns out a universal method that everyone has the right to supplement or correctly correct depending on the situation.

Does the surface preparation need

If the task is to quickly beat the walls and the decorative side of the question you do not care, the stage of preparation can be completely skipped at all. In fact, you can play directly on top of other coatings, not experiencing that the result will not meet expectations. But if the walls are covered with glue paint, then it is necessary to remove it.

If the speed is not your priority, then it is better to prepare the surface to apply a lime solution. So the result will be more neat. They wash off the old whitewash, the swollen places on the plaster are removed, sandwiched, put off. The same concerns cracks if they are.

As a primer uses conventional water. The surface is slightly wetted for better contact. And if there is one or more additives listed above in the mixture, then adhesion will be even better.

It is important to protect all the other surfaces from random limeths. All furniture, if it can not be taken out of the room, the floors and the walls are wrapped with a plastic film. An employee must put on a protective suit, mittens, glasses and a mask for personal protection.

Several secrets of uniform application

The application process does not represent a special complexity. The brush or the maclove is dipping into a container with whitewash, the solution is applied to the walls or ceiling with a thin layer. For the ceiling it is better to use a tool with a long handle. It can be made it with your own hands. This will facilitate the work and relieve from the need to climb on unstable designs from tables and chairs.

They put the blots in several layers - 2-3. Each layer should be applied perpendicular to the previous one. So the coating will be more uniform, there will be no divorces and thickening. In the corners there are often nebened sections. In these places it is better to walk with a brush again.

Between the application of the layers, it is necessary to withstand the time interval. The previous layer must completely dry. This will happen much faster if layers do thin. The thinnest and uniform layer will be used when using an electric pulverizer. The lime mixture is poured into the tank and sprinkles on the surface with tiny drops. This eliminates the appearance of divorces.

Despite the fact that the process of blissing walls and ceilings with lime is not much labor, for the time you encountered this, it may seem an impracticable task. Especially when it comes to a high ceiling or extensive scope of work on large areas. It's never too late to turn to the master - a professional professional. He will easily fulfill this work qualitatively and much faster than the novice.

Video: Fast repair of the cellar

How to bother the walls

Blood the walls - the easiest and fastest way of cosmetic repairs of an apartment or any other room. So versatility and ease of their performance made whitening the most popular and popular. However, it is not all able to blame correctly and not to push. So, how to bother the walls right.

Preliminary preparation of the surface of the wall to whitewash

Perhaps the most important term of successful bliss will be preparing the surface. The walls must be cleared of dirt, bring off the stains and squeeze, if there is any. Otherwise, the new layer will fall not exactly, and most stains and divorces will be shifted through it, as if thick you did not bred the composition. This problem is solved simply if you are squeaking the walls from the raid. But when it is impossible to do it or a layer is not so thick, then you can use the advice of experienced plasters-painters:

1. Kopot traces are removed with 2% solution of ordinary hydrochloric acid;

2. Fat trails and divorces are cleaned with a clean, light rag, moistened with 2% solid soda. The rags are applied to the spot of pollution and kept, until completely dissolved stains;

3. Spots and rust leaks are easily removed with a copper sulfate solution (70-10 grams per 1 liter of boiling water).

In any case, the wall needs to sand and protect. The walls of the wall is better to carry out manually, emery or sliced \u200b\u200bmachine on low revs. The grain size of the sandpaper must be selected depending on our layer thickness, which must be removed. Often under the scope can hide the flaws of putty and / or plaster. Therefore, if the house is old and has not yet been repaired for a long time, clean the surface should be careful: the situation when the wall holds only on the whitelle is not uncommon. Also at the preparatory stage cracked and small irregularities close. Ideally wall putty It is completely primed by the relevant composition.

If there is an old whiten on the wall, then it must be removed. To do this, you need to moisten the walls well, you can make it a roller. After waiting for 10 minutes and again we go through the second time with water for better penetration. After a conventional spatula, we smash the layer of old whitewash and all weak places of plaster.

Technology whitewash surfaces

Bicycle wall-shaped as directly hated lime and chalk. There is no particular difference between these two materials, it all depends on what you have at hand. However, the compositions are preparing a little differently. And the technology of actually draws a little bit.

How to cheer lime

Lime is sold everywhere, as a rule, ready for further work. However, if it still needs to pay off comob limestone, it can be done in a wooden box or metal barrel, water, in proportion from 40% to 100% of the mass of lime. Comal lime is poured with water and covered with a wooden shield. Leave until the end of chemical processes.

Lime powderwhich is sold in packages need to be breeding in proportions - 7 liters of water for 4 kg. Powder, stir carefully to get a lime milk, ready for further work. When working with lime, it is necessary to take into account that the resulting reaction is quite violent and at the same time a large amount of heat is distinguished, so you are careful.

Before paving, the solution or lime milk must be strain. Further preparation of the solution depends on the desired properties. For more whiteness, you can add a conventional table salt in the proportion of the floor of a glass on a bucket of solution. In order for the layer well to lay well, and the adhesion improved can be added a medium rude lime plaster or putty, at the rate of 200-220 grams per 1m2 surface. In addition, the composition can be composed, which significantly expands the design qualities of such a simple material.

Actually whole technology It is also simple, the main thing is to observe one not a cunning rule: the application of the solution should be started from the window, but the direction must be parallel to the falling light. Works are carried out with a long-sized roller or a painting brush with an average rigid bristle.

Directly whirlwinds in two stages. On the first - liquid solution, without additives and tints, the walls are wetted, as if "ground". Especially this stage is necessary if the wall is dirty, dusty. If necessary, the preparatory whims is repeated again. The brush is immersed in the solution completely and do not spare, they are applied to the surface from top to bottom, flushing all pollution.

Next pure layerapply more neatly, slightly pressing the roller or brush so that the solution does not tech and not a drop. Otherwise, stripes and sublifting can form.

Another many important rules of successful whitewash is to protect your room from drafts and direct sunlight. And in general, to whitewash the wall or ceiling, it is better to choose a cool and rainy day for work. This is the peculiarity of these works - it is necessary to clearly follow the "tightness" of the premises.

How to bother chalk

Tells with chalk not many are excellent. However, if earlier the surface was covered with lime, it is impossible to work with chalk before removing the lime layer it is impossible, as stains and divorces are formed. Therefore, such a surface is necessary to sand up to the plaster, once again to project, then only after you bleve. You can primine as a purchased tool and cooked personally.

The most simple grinding for chalk is done of:

40% of the economic soap (400 grams) and joinery glue (400 grams) with the addition of olifa (200 grams).

The resulting mass is neatly, intensively stirring, add 9 liters of water. The primer we apply a thin layer on the entire surface of the wall, especially carefully processing angles. After its drying, finish staining is performed.

For the preparation of the chalk solutionTypically, a classic recipe is used:

1. at 2.5 kg. The chalk take 100 grams of joinery glue also 20 grams of blue.

2. 70 grams of household soap and 4.5 liters are added to the solution. water.

3. Initially, the water is dissolved in water, then, gradually, add other components. This quantity is enough for color 12 square meters. Surface meters.

You can blast the walls with a grinder from a spray or as well as lime - a roller or a tassel. The coating is applied twice, given the direction of light rays: the first time perpendicularly, the second is in parallel. Each layer must completely dry before applying the following. That's all.

As you can see the whitewashes - the repair is not cunning and efficient. Some hassle are connected except with the provision of strict tightness of the room at the time of work. It is meant in view of drafts and when sunlight hitting a unwinded seminal surface, which will give her will dry faster than it is necessary, which can affect the end result. But the cheapness and simplicity of the method with interest pays for this flaw.

№1. Benefits whitewings

The whots of ceilings and walls are not the most modern way of finishing, and far from the most fashionable. What makes thousands and tens of thousands of people all over the country still have to beat on the old man? Benefits from whitewash it is enough:

  • low price - This is the main argument in favor of this type of finish. When the budget is limited, and in order the room is necessary, the choice falls precisely on whitewash. For this reason, in hospitals, schools and other state institutions still use plaster and chalk for finishing ceilings and walls;
  • simplicity of application. A man will cope with a whitewash without special training - no special skills, skills and tools will be needed;
  • neat appearance. Of course, on intricateness and decorativeness, the whitewashed ceiling is inferior to the tensioning system, and the brown walls are the trimmed venetian plaster, but if we bring the whipping correctly, then in the end you can get a fresh white surface with smooth matte color. If desired, you can add a dye into a solution with a whitelle;
  • ecological cleanliness, the ability to skip moisture and air. The usual whitewash in this regard is strongly ahead of vinyl wallpaper and ceiling tiles made of polystyrene foam, so in some cases it will be even more preferable;
  • lime whitewings possesses bactericidal propertiesSo it will be an additional protection against mold and fungus.

Among minuses low durability (1-3 years), uncomplicated appearance and dirt when applied.

№2. How to blees: lime, chalk or water-emulsion paint?

When they talk about whitewash, most often meant lime blink. Lime (this calcium oxide) is quenched with water to get the material that is used when finished.

The main advantages of lime blots:

  • the bactericidal properties of the material, so such a finish is used in kindergartens, schools, medical institutions, even in wet premises. Antiseptic lime qualities also allow you to actively use it when arranging cellar and smokeshief. For the same reason, the limestone blames treated the bark of trees;
  • if the lime solution was prepared and applied correctly, the coating will last about 3 years and even more;
  • resistance to temperature drops and high humidity. That is why lime can be fermented by bathrooms, if other materials are not affordable;
  • excellent adhesion with almost all materials, including brick, wood, plaster and concrete;
  • the ability to fill fine cracks;
  • low price, which is typical for any whitewash.

With all the advantages of lime different and disadvantages. The main one is the opportunity to get a burn, so all work must be carried out in gloves. Mel in this respect is much safer. In addition, there is a chance to leave stains and divorces. Allergies use such a finish is not recommended.

a piece of chalkjust like lime, cheap and environmental, and among its additional advantages:

  • safety in work;
  • a deeper white color, which like many more than the color obtained with a lime blotch;
  • the ability to use indoors where allergies live.

The chalk, when interacting with water, is able to accumulate it, which leads to the appearance on the surface of the cracks and the rapid exfoliation of the layer of bliss on the surface, so in the bathrooms, in the kitchens and other wet rooms, chalk teas of taboos. If you violate the application technology, you can get not only spots and divorces, but also bubbles. In addition, the chalk glasses dirt.

The people walk such a thing as operators of waterfront paint. There is nothing to do with whitewash such a finish and belongs to painting. To whitewash it began to attribute, apparently, due to the composition of the materials used - this cement and lime paints. Today, coloring with mineral water-mounted paints can be considered the best alternative to the whitewash. Among the main advantages of this option:

  • resistance to abrasion, temperature drops;
  • bactericidal properties;
  • ability to breathe;
  • safety for man;
  • easy to work, high drying speed.

However, the durability of such a coating is also not at the height, but the price is significantly higher than that of the ordinary whitewash.

Number 3. How to determine what was performed by the whims?

Probably, at least once in life, everyone heard that various blots could not be mixed. If the ceiling or the wall has been applied to the limestone whirlpool, then when installing the chalk, it will be possible to obscurely stains. Preparing the room to finish and estimating the condition of the surfaces, it is very important to determine what the whims were performed before.

Conduct the check is very simple. It is enough to wet the water with a small fragment of the finish, and observe the reaction. Wet lime will darken a little, and if you lose your finger surface, then there will be no white traces in the hands.

№4. How to wash off whitewash and prepare the surface?

Before coating the ceiling or wall, it is necessary to prepare the room and the surface to future work. The sequence of action is:

If you have a task only refresh the seminal surface, If there are small defects, they can be sealing with a putty on the basis of cement, and then begin to apply the new layer of bliss.

№5. Preparation of a solution for whitewash

Since the lime is used more often, then from it and start. The process of preparing the material is simple, but still carefully requires. So, how to dilute lime for blissing?

Now consider how dilsert blades based on chalk:

Note that there are also ready-made dry mixes, where lime or chalk have already been mixed in the necessary proportions with other components, "you can only pour the necessary amount of water. Such mixes are more expensive if you take all the ingredients individually, but the difference is small.

№6. How to bother the ceiling and walls: brush, roller or sprayer?

Theoretically, you can put the whitewash with such tools:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • kraspopult;
  • vacuum cleaner with air blowing function.

Immediately, we note that the first two options are more applicable - to use the vacuum cleaner and the paintopult makes sense with a large surface area to be born.

Brush for bliss Take a special, from a natural bristle 15-20 cm wide. After work, the brush can be rinsed and later to use again. For brick wall spins, you can use a brush-maclove with genuine bristles. It is preferably a few hours before the use soak it in water. In this case, the wooden handle swells a little and keeps the bristles well, which will not fall out in the process of bliss.

Before applying the mixture, it is important to mix it once again so that the shade turned out to be uniform. The first layer is applied perpendicular to the window, the second - parallel to Ramam. In this case, the bands from the brush will be minimally noticeable. Specialists recommend slightly moisten the surface of the ceiling and walls before applying the mixture.

Roller for whitewash is better not to use. When there is only one layer, this tool is still aimed, but when applying the second layer, the filth first can fall off. If you act neatly, it may be possible to get a beautiful matte surface.

Sprayer and vacuum cleaner Take only when it is necessary to separate a large surface. The solution consumption increases, it is applied with a thicker layer, but you can disguise small defects. If there is a sprayer, there are no questions.

You can also apply a vacuum cleaner if there is a function of blowing air. Among the numerous nozzles in such models there must be a polyethylene cover with tubes. This cover is a sprayer. It must be put on a jar and connect the hose with a weekend in the vacuum cleaner. It turns out that when the air is blown out with a vacuum cleaner, the air falls into the sprayer, tightens the solution from the jar and splashes it through the nozzle. As a rule, a special hole is present on the sprayer, covering which you can get the desired pressure feed pressure. Apply a solution better with circular movements, spraying at a distance of 70-100 cm.

№7. In conclusion about safety technician

So after the blinks did not have to be treated, it is better to take care of the safety technique in advance. The respiratory tract is protected by a respirator, a wet bandage or a protective mask. Hands must be protected by rubber gloves, and eyes - glasses.

From the author: Hello everyone! Ceiling with lime for many of us seems to be a remnant of the past, and in vain. Old repair methods deserve not only because of the right price-quality ratio, but also because it is an opportunity to quickly and easily put the surface of the ceiling or walls. Why do you invent problems with the expensive decor when you can get the perfect surface during the day?

Today we will tell you about the characteristics of lime and how to properly make a solution to obtain a wear-resistant coating. Let's proceed.

Why lime?

To begin with, we remind that lime is calcium oxide, absolutely natural, ecological material obtained by the method of thermal processing of limestone. During an active reaction with water, it turns out alkali or hawed lime. Don't you say anything? Then we will throw the school curriculum and give the properties of the lime-based solution, which are important for repair work:

  • an excellent disinfectant, destroys the root;
  • makes the surface wear-resistant and durable;
  • not afraid of temperature drops and humidity;
  • not covered with bubbles and does not crack;
  • fill fine cracks perfectly.

As for the minuses: the causticity of the material and the specific smell scare the newcomers from working with lime, but after applying limestone whitewings with their own hands and its complete drying, the smell of calcium hydroxide is weathering and becomes absolutely safe for others.

Where can I use lime whitewash?

The antiseptic properties of hawed lime allow it to be used in the finishing of raw and cold rooms: garage, cellar, basement, entrance. And also in the premises where practicality and durability is in the first place: these are corridors, staircases and summer kitchens.

Is it possible to use for inland residential premises? Of course, it is perfect for bathrooms, shower and kitchens, balconies.

Step-by-step guide to the ceiling plays with lime and an assessment of the front of work!

It is obvious that in front of any work we check and evaluate the base surface, which then strike the plain. What we need to pay attention to:

  • explore the ceiling for cracks and defects on the old surface, spots and types of pollution;
  • determine the type of previously used whitewashing on the ceiling;
  • learn the features of working with selected finishing materials.

In one of the previous articles, we told that we categorically impossible to apply a whitewash on an old coating without preparatory work. Therefore, we advise not to neglect the advice and recommendations:

  • old whitewas should be removed;
  • fat stains, mold, implications - mandatory liquidated;
  • cracks must be cleaned and covered.

IMPORTANT: The perfect basic base will allow your coverage to last as long as possible!

After the cosmetic reconstruction of the ceiling, you can proceed. It will not only allow the grip between the surface and whitewash, but also will prolong the life of a new layer. If some of the procedures were incomprehensible to you, then you can use the video councils of specialists.

First step: Preparing a solution

Before proceeding with the preparation of the solution, you need to find out what lime you intend to use: hated or smaller. For repair work inside the residential premises, only hated lime is used, it can be purchased in any construction store or do it yourself.

How to do it? Immediately, let's say that this is a fairly light chemical process that does not require special knowledge from you. But you need to take care of protective glasses, respirator, gloves and closed clothes, without them work with lime blottle is contraindicated!

In the deep tank, we embarked the detonate lime and in the ratio of 1: 1 pour cold water. The reaction of "boiling" will almost instantly begin with the release of a large amount of heat, at this moment the temperature inside the container can reach 150 degrees. The reaction will cease after the gas and heat will be released, the mixture obtained is called "Pushonka".

A source:

IMPORTANT: Do not rush to use "Pushonka", since the chemical process of transformation into a haired lime has not yet been completed. It will take 2-3 weeks so that the solution is donated in a dark and cooler place.

Calculation of the proportions of a solution with a membrane:

  • 1 kg of puffers or lime paste;
  • 3 liters of water.

It is possible to add to the solution of additional ingredients to enhance the properties of lime blots, we will say about this in the next mixture recipe. Notice for yourself that 0.5 liters of the mixture obtained you only enough for 1 square meter of the square. Based on this and make the calculation of the desired amount of solution.

IMPORTANT: In construction stores, you can meet the finished "push", the calculation of the proportions to obtain the solution is the same.

We offer you a classic view of a lime whitewash that can be easily made with your own hands.

Calculation of 10 liters of water:

  • 100 g salts;
  • 2.5 kg of hazed lime;
  • 35-40 g of ultramarine blue;
  • 0.2 kg of aluminum-potassium alum.

How to breed all the ingredients right? In 1 liter of warm water wept salt until completely dissolved, then slowly introduce lime and mix thoroughly. In the resulting mixture concentrate, add the remaining water and ultramarine blue, which will give the whiteness to our ceiling. Ready solution must be skipping through a sieve or tissue to obtain a uniform consistency.

Note that the aluminum-potassium alum aluminum-potassium alums can be used as salt replacement and to enhance the film surface. Both salt and alum will not only improve the properties of lime, but also make the surface less dirty when contacting it.

Important: For strength and viscosity, some masters recommend adding olive in proportions 1: 100 per 1 liter of solution. It is usually used for external work.

- Choose what you want, but with all this old good whitewash is not losing popularity. Among the main causes are cheaper, simplicity of application and environmental friendliness. These qualities are sometimes enough to close the eyes to the low durability of the coating. We will figure it out how to whitewash the ceiling and walls with lime and chalk, we will define whether the water-level paint includes to whitewashing, and what material it shows best.

№1. Benefits whitewings

The whots of ceilings and walls are not the most modern way of finishing, and far from the most fashionable. What makes thousands and tens of thousands of people all over the country still have to beat on the old man? Benefits from whitewash it is enough:

  • low price - This is the main argument in favor of this type of finish. When the budget is limited, and in order the room is necessary, the choice falls precisely on whitewash. For this reason, in hospitals, schools and other state institutions still use plaster and chalk for finishing ceilings and walls;
  • simplicity of application. A man will cope with a whitewash without special training - no special skills, skills and tools will be needed;
  • neat appearance. Of course, on intricateness and decorativeness, the whitewashed ceiling is inferior to the tensioning system, and the brown walls are the trimmed venetian plaster, but if we bring the whipping correctly, then in the end you can get a fresh white surface with smooth matte color. If desired, you can add a dye into a solution with a whitelle;
  • ecological cleanliness, the ability to skip moisture and air. The usual whiffs in this regard is strongly ahead of the ceiling tile of expanded polystyrene, so in some cases it will be even more preferable;
  • lime whitewings possesses bactericidal propertiesTherefore, it will be an additional protection from and fungus.

Among minuses low durability (1-3 years), uncomplicated appearance and dirt when applied.

№2. How to blees: lime, chalk or water-emulsion paint?

When they talk about whitewash, most often meant lime blink. Lime (this calcium oxide) is quenched with water to get the material that is used when finished.

The main advantages of lime blots:

  • the bactericidal properties of the material, so such a finish is used in kindergartens, schools, medical institutions, even in wet premises. Antiseptic lime qualities also allow you to actively use it when arranging cellar and smokeshief. For the same reason, the limestone blames treated the bark of trees;
  • if the lime solution was prepared and applied correctly, the coating will last about 3 years and even more;
  • resistance to temperature drops and high humidity. That is why lime can be finished if other materials are not affordable;
  • excellent adhesion almost with all materials, including wood, plaster and;
  • the ability to fill fine cracks;
  • low price, which is typical for any whitewash.

With all the advantages of lime different and disadvantages. The main one is the opportunity to get a burn, so all work must be carried out in gloves. Mel in this respect is much safer. In addition, there is a chance to leave stains and divorces. Allergies use such a finish is not recommended.

a piece of chalkjust like lime, cheap and environmental, and among its additional advantages:

  • safety in work;
  • a deeper white color, which like many more than the color obtained with a lime blotch;
  • the ability to use indoors where allergies live.

The chalk, when interacting with water, is able to accumulate it, which leads to the appearance on the surface of the cracks and the rapid exfoliation of the layer of bliss on the surface, so in the bathrooms, in the kitchens and other wet rooms, chalk teas of taboos. If you violate the application technology, you can get not only spots and divorces, but also bubbles. In addition, the chalk glasses dirt.

The people walk such a thing as operators of waterfront paint. There is nothing to do with whitewashing such a finish and belongs to. To whitewash it began to attribute, apparently, due to the composition of the materials used - this paints based on and lime. Today, coloring with mineral water-mounted paints can be considered the best alternative to the whitewash. Among the main advantages of this option:

  • resistance to abrasion, temperature drops;
  • bactericidal properties;
  • ability to breathe;
  • safety for man;
  • easy to work, high drying speed.

However, the durability of such a coating is also not at the height, but the price is significantly higher than that of the ordinary whitewash.

Number 3. How to determine what was performed by the whims?

Probably, at least once in life, everyone heard that various blots could not be mixed. If the ceiling or the wall has been applied to the limestone whirlpool, then when installing the chalk, it will be possible to obscurely stains. Preparing the room to finish and estimating the condition of the surfaces, it is very important to determine what the whims were performed before.

Conduct the check is very simple. It is enough to wet the water with a small fragment of the finish, and observe the reaction. Wet lime will darken a little, and if you lose your finger surface, then there will be no white traces in the hands.

№4. How to wash off whitewash and prepare the surface?

Before coating the ceiling or wall, it is necessary to prepare the room and the surface to future work. The sequence of action is:

  • if possible, all furniture items and decor make out of the room. The fact that it does not work out, you can cover with a polyethylene film and consolidate it with painting tape;
  • It will be easier if you pre-wet it. Grease the surface is better in parts so that the moisture does not have time to dry. Some advise to add a little citric acid or vinegar to warm water, others use a weak soap solution. You can moisturize the surface with a sponge or brush. Mocked bliss simply just remove the spatula. Fragments that disappear are better to try to dump into a separate container, minimizing their contact with the floor. The remains are washed off with a wet sponge. Chalk teas is removed much easier;
  • if there visible spotsThe surface must be put in order. Rusty spots are laundered with water, and then treated with a solution of copper sulfate (the solution is prepared by adding 50-100 g of vitriol in 1 liter of hot water). Fat stains can be removed with a weak solution of calcined soda: the rag is wetted in a 2-percent solution and applied to a contaminated surface until the stain will not completely disappear. Then the processed place is thoroughly washed with water. From the soot can help with a solution of hydrochloric acid with a concentration of 2-3%;
  • applying antifungal composition;
  • if there are noticeable on the surface cracks and dents, it is better to get rid of them. If the depth of irregularities within 1 cm, then for you can take if there are cracks up to 3-5 cm, then it is better to take plaster. The putty can be found finished, it is possible - in a dry form, it will be needed to create the amount of water specified on the package. Apply a mixture with a spatula, they also roll up. If there are large deviations by vertical, you can use the construction rule. Many experts consider it illogical under cheap whitewash to apply expensive shopping putty, so prepare the composition alone. The simplest recipe: mix the gypsum, chalk and a solution of joinery glue in a ratio of 1: 2: 2. The glue solution is prepared by adding 30-50 g of glue to 1 liter;
  • after the putty is dry, it needs to be lost by sandpaper to get a flat smooth surface;
  • application. In principle, you can take any ready-made composition, and you can prepare primer alone. One of the most simple and appropriate recipes: in 3 l hot water to dissolve 50-100 g of olifa and 200 g of household soap, cut by a thin chips, separately in 4 liters of water are breed 3 kg of harated lime, then two solutions are mixed and diluted with water to volume 10 -11 l;
  • after the primer dried, you can go to the whitewash. For drying, about a day is given.

If you have a task only refresh the seminal surface, If there are small defects, they can be sealing with a putty on the basis of cement, and then begin to apply the new layer of bliss.

№5. Preparation of a solution for whitewash

Since the lime is used more often, then from it and start. The process of preparing the material is simple, but still carefully requires. So, how to dilute lime for blissing?

Now consider how dilsert blades based on chalk:

Note that there are also ready-made dry mixes, where lime or chalk have already been mixed in the necessary proportions with other components, "you can only pour the necessary amount of water. Such mixes are more expensive if you take all the ingredients individually, but the difference is small.

№6. How to bother the ceiling and walls: brush, roller or sprayer?

You can put theoretically whitewash:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • kraspopult;
  • vacuum cleaner with air blowing function.

Immediately, we note that the first two options are more applicable - to use the vacuum cleaner and the paintopult makes sense with a large surface area to be born.

Brush for bliss Take a special, from a natural bristle 15-20 cm wide. After work, the brush can be rinsed and later to use again. For brick wall spins, you can use a brush-maclove with genuine bristles. It is preferably a few hours before the use soak it in water. In this case, the wooden handle swells a little and keeps the bristles well, which will not fall out in the process of bliss.

Before applying the mixture, it is important to mix it once again so that the shade turned out to be uniform. The first layer is applied perpendicular to the window, the second - parallel to Ramam. In this case, the bands from the brush will be minimally noticeable. Specialists recommend slightly moisten the surface of the ceiling and walls before applying the mixture.

Roller for whitewash is better not to use. When there is only one layer, this tool is still aimed, but when applying the second layer, the filth first can fall off. If you act neatly, it may be possible to get a beautiful matte surface.

Sprayer and vacuum cleaner Take only when it is necessary to separate a large surface. The solution consumption increases, it is applied with a thicker layer, but you can disguise small defects. If there is a sprayer, there are no questions.

You can also apply a vacuum cleaner if there is a function of blowing air. Among the numerous nozzles in such models there must be a polyethylene cover with tubes. This cover is a sprayer. It must be put on a jar and connect the hose with a weekend in the vacuum cleaner. It turns out that when the air is blown out with a vacuum cleaner, the air falls into the sprayer, tightens the solution from the jar and splashes it through the nozzle. As a rule, a special hole is present on the sprayer, covering which you can get the desired pressure feed pressure. Apply a solution better with circular movements, spraying at a distance of 70-100 cm.

№7. In conclusion about safety technician

So after the blinks did not have to be treated, it is better to take care of the safety technique in advance. The respiratory tract is protected by a respirator, a wet bandage or a protective mask. Hands must be protected by rubber gloves, and eyes - glasses.

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